Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1878, p. 2

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nn . Jj?:>'. "it- - ^s .- -iSt:" 4 ./ . - &' . ._ .-.t. T11F FR mat; T leTO^i.t ri!IL I'lii.KS V it ^estimated that llnssinV W ll'Jl til.' w 100.000 ." ilio Wi-li.ii I ^olan-^^^pPKOBB rni".>i:AV M'oitNlSi:. MAK'nt -1, 1878 : The War"Xows.. 1 Pel- Annum in Advanco "'". Uiniiuatii.Va oO.OOO, SrrviaV JO.OOO, unit Montenegro's l.\O0O. Kefore the war'began, thu Tuikish territory in Euiopi>, exclusive of Seivh, M'.onteiK-gio und Uoiiuialiia, which paid tvihuttr. oovt-iod I'li,- SG.'l. s.iuare iniles, with a, poptila- i ti.Ji of H),-100,000.'. Tho 'leirilory ' ~ which now remains directly under The news received nn-.S;itiH-._ly. Tlllkl,h Ol)lltrol j Kmvpe'contail.s, j-f^l-t-ciiiiij tho F.iioipean ue-otia- j j,,^, ,jm t wo fmiHions of people lions ns to thoCongress md tin-j j,iul dors not covet twtlity thou tlO.ity of pfilce was dt eideillvwar- ' saud tquaie miles. When tho war lileiu tono. Tho deadlock ho- ' broke out Turkey had a population tw-i-m England and 'Ilus-siji'soemod | of Nearly thirty millions', to draw upon- for lighting material. To- .lav she has less than twenty lull ed, this great s1 L'70 foot l.y depth of r wad ! loilg'll Will lid piartois of a IE PKESS, AC116N, HALTON COUNTY, ONTJ, MARCH 21, 1878. i k now in progress d Ciiiiul are complet- iil will have looks i, .with twelve Not i- to ho ultimately t'oiiuty Council. raised to fo irtci'ii. Tho total tit offer liohojv of an :irri5Jomeiitj upon a formal Eniilau'd insistit 5 . - . rng*rement by Ruisia to-sithniit nil tho-clauses of tho treaty to 4lip Connrfs-s, .ir.d.Tutsshi claiming that a foi mflS engagement to that v?fleet wasjirfOeee.'-Kaiy. This unfavorable Attitude' caused greaj commotion on the London inai ket.*, consols were -depreciated and hie.-iil.vtufTs advan ced, and a genond impression p penred to^prevail that an amicable settlement was -furl her otl than ever. Later intelligence, however, state? that. llussia has tyiplded to Iiisn-aik*s rejiii'st'p.ti^iotiS, and con Seii'ted to submit all k!ie p"ae;> con- ::oi: ] ' nid- ii t:.t- oot.-n- diti.'r-s wit! (\'.-.-.-:-.s.-, * li.iri.-.ns ma. dire-c'ion. .Both Disaia: ck :.?u] _A:-- til;issv jeeUire theiMselvoii y:(tistied v\ it.Ii this, and Vit is now regarded us certain tha'^the Con^reiis wil* meet, to bo prec.-eded hv a preliii) '. icury oonft'i't-iice. of the ambassa /"iors'at Berlin to arrange the mode of piocednre. It. is stated, hov,-- pver, tIsn't EnL'luul Las obtained' from theTPortr! perniission to land troftps on the I.-lSnd of.-Ten:;rdos and to send four more, irimcliitls' to the ^ra of M-.rniora. There is also some t:-tlk of t."r:ns hea-otiations fietsveen En^Lmit-'f -and Austria, printing to tlie piohaLle conclusion of a tresty, but this will, doubtless, be moJiri'-'d, in view of Ilussi.-ws lfrttrit concession. : lions; ar)d . if we exclude^ Egypt iVoni our calculations, tho nelual .snhjecl of the Sultan do uot now number more than sixteen million*. Still, there is a e,reat ileal more territory left to the Turk than.l is to' make a yood use The Sultun has iitteen millions of suiijeets in Asia Minor, spread over tho tairest portion of the earth, and competent, under wiso tul ministration, to sustain a jiopula turn of forty or fifty iiiiliioiis. The Asiatic possessions ol theSaltan to d;iv cover about six hundred- then- SiJnd square miles, tho extent i.t which- v. iii l.j lj-iirr ! uii-..'. ;'.-:>;.:...i wiieuwe call tf. Illiiiii ti::u ihe.tls.i P,of England is i.niy a little; i.vir liftv thoiiMiiul j.Ouare' .mi'es.' Ti-erttuieiit-of I itebriates. north to where tho branch line crosses the main line of theCanada Pacific at Selkirk. From this poiiit contracts ate in execution _. . .,. , for the coiibtrucliou of the main Geiii-ral Ho^pitil Lave resolved en ,. , ,- - , , , . r ,, . line eastward to .the Lake of the . & course ivhic.'i promises to be at- teiidt.-d hv in*eut and hem fieial re- Tue_Tru-tees of tlia jjoronto 2UA miles, or three nalo less than the old cai'al. Thb dill'erenco of level ht'twet'ii Luke Unroll is Ill'G rounded by 2-1 a lift cf 11 feel Uiitut'.io ami Lake feet, which t is Hiir- locks, ' each; Laving Tho (imiii n 1ms made an offer to the'Ok i Indians to remove them to jLmiOHiliri Island, n here they will get, free jjnnitSof lands, with $'20,000 i i ca.sli, in settlement of their claims ii^aiiist the Semin ary- The Indians have the matter .iitHler ooi.siileriition. The (jiiiiiioi}*" inet, piii'ijiiniit to a Ijolll niiient, oil Tm.hil.iy, ^lareli lljlh, at'till) Ciolirt House, at on'.- o'elock. p.m. Tho VVaidon in l-ho chair. MetiibeiH prt'Nimt: Moshph. Buck, Foster, Lindsay, Lyon, l\Ie Ivoilie, .MolizteH, MeKelui'.i, Alu- Eliery, Methirvil), Kamsey, Jioliin- sou and* NVi.htio.; ThtM'ti was also present William Olay, Esij, Jleevo of IvipH'sin*, who filed with the Olei'klh.i neeessnry "cerltliciito of election land qualification. Tho iniiuitcH of hist i.iiectiiig weiiM'ead ami oonlirmed. .. Mr. Lvoil n:ovil, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, tl at Uy-law No. id provulo t'or tho appointment of AtnlitoiH for tho cniicxt year be rea.l the fiitit time. ('.irried. Hy-laW read the limt. lime, and tlin Wind Hi'irey .M. S.wilzi-i- as Aiulit.or, in rooiu ol .Duncan D.-war, who was iippoinciil under l!y-hiw N> I>. I. li. KIJVL'. !| AUCTION H\hK VILLAGE . IIOUS/5 A XI) LOT, FAItM AWJJ- KaHlI i.Mt'LKMlOS'TH. UK 19 AIl!tl'STi:i) ON A l.TIAlt'ii: OF ' r.ims.u. assault. |j Tho undersized haa boon in- ~~ . - ' (olni. Xennedy to _ _ As Mr. 1); f. .K; Iijino/ the great:, hell by Public Auctwn, at Kennedy'a IVlilpernncn leeliir'er was f;oiii{* to Brick Block in tho Village of .Acton. lecture in-: Alitehell, on Saturday j "." J bursday, April 4th. tn splendid evenini,' last,cho was arrested 'unit" u.e" ^Oblo brick'house and lot, ... u> .'.". r it r - c, situated on Muin. Hi, Acton, two la Icon to, WLratloril, on a charno oi ,, ,. . -,'.,,,' i. , . . ' fa | doors north ol Agno.w'n Hotel. Tho asmiult upon H young Stratford h.dy, ii-jed. .ibotit l,r>| Jf(t was ni- rai^iu.-d before tho . Police Magis trate, and pleaded " Not Guilty." Ho was remanded until Monday, and hail was lixni at'2,000, him- s-lf in $1,000, and two Minnies ill f}')')l) each, limdMlieu oouhl not he <{ot., .however, ami finally the I.ail was reduced to 1,500, Mr. Fjagg, of Mitchell, g'tilnr sun;(y fur . .From the evidence which was yicon hy the yoi:n^' lady on Mon day, it i!p|ifar.-i that ltino eauio to SM'illl'ord l.n.t We.dnefi.h.y to lee- Messrs. Sl.ehln, M.P.P., Uinfrct, M.P.P., and .\. II. Murphy' have been selected at the V.lit candidates at tho local <,, Centre, i vilv.r ectiolis for Quebec md West, respe?t: I rr IIon.L'wis Wtillbridye has been biomina'ted uS candidate for the Uointiioiis, for AVest lla'tiu.<;s ai next election, f Mr: A. J!:iu11.1., . !,-..,:,.-.,. ' aw XMo. KM, hut WilH' ture in the Town Hall. Dunn- found to he disqualified. \ j l,j;j Htay lm was the iii:hi of Mr. J. iMr. Menzies mored, koci nded | (.'. Jlur.-,!, a piomim-nt mcreliani l.y Air. It imsey, that tlieTie^Suier lie instructed lo pay lo ilio. con tractor fiiriiisliing wood for ja and Coint. House,-such a "sum as- ; Tempera nco L' will- he eipiiil to the am..nut, of wood delivered at fla'e. Curied. Mr. Waldie, (.'hairmiii of the Slaliding (.' lee on Finance, presented its second report nhuli was read. Mr. t'.iav moved, seconded Miy l>r.. I).ii;U, (hat In ' The l.,..ail:.ij resist- :s i,oO- IHO.loS tons h Canada 5th on- nations. r----f----, 11 has now ihijis, meabiirj. lister. This-pi lu'is j?' the list of iif.iriiime Rail to Manitoba. ; Tlie^conBiil at Winnipeg reports mucliL activity in raiiioaij nritters in Manitoba. Canadian and Eng lish parties have purchased the fii>t mortgage bonds of the St. Pan. ivrul Pacilic li lilrotul and propose to construct a northern extension in Minnesota from Red Lake River tothe Mttnitoban frontier during the summer. They also propose to 'foaiplete the Penibioa .Brunch of the Caiiadian, j?ae;Cc Railroad, to connect with the Minnesota exten- < , _ i - ,, , , , ,, - . .. .instituted at Biiicefit'liNtv Messrs. Bioivaud by the ticst of next -\o- t Gibs0I1) P, q. -j alu; ilendensou, vember expect tbat trains will be p (_}, ' " "" running; fro.ii St. Paul to Wiuui-,- -r ,. = i . IMr. Geo. aleeman, of tlie. Silver peg, aild tWCIlty miles from there Creek IJrewery', Guelph, purposes " ..eeollil |'i pill n'i:.:; ;t'-mi .'.K'ee oil ';..:. . \;:.<\ .-..' SM-'liib d.'by , , ii.i: t.':i- i.-p. i t of |.; In. 'or nt ihe County oi i! and rel rred mimitlcii oil Ed'ica'vion: ZA strike is expected in. tl:e_cot- tm mills] at. Fall River, M iss.. over the contemplated re luetiuu of wages byhfteeii per cent. At Barrie, I the other day, A young gentleman had to pay a tine and cost of 5J20 for smoking in the post office after having hern re quested by a constable to deist. i i.K Lille, ] :- "" 1IS i-I'Ml.ll^-M.H.U lor 1 , "fll.ih'in, be lecelV the (.' L'.u lied. Mr. Foster . moved, seconded by Mr. Lyon, that the Council fib now adj'itirii for one half l.oiir, to allow the coiiniiil.ire mi Education to rc- |iort. Carried. Council iiiijuiiriii-il. Council resiiuied. The Warden in the chair. . Mr. R unspy moved, seconded by Mr. Meiizilea, that the Uy-law providing for -.the uppointufent of Auditors for the County of Halton for the veat 1878. be now read the md I'll enthu.sixMic. in the temper nice cam..-. Mr. lluist in also] recording S/cifitary ol rthe Christian1" ii ion. Rnie lectur ed, on Wednesday ni^liL to a crowd edhoiis'.j 'und was iniicli admired for hia ftbitiu'fH us u lempci'iiiice orator. On Thill .s^f .y morning Mr. llurnt left Rine at his house and proceeded to business. Mrs. Hurst w^s aJsu nbsi'iit, and Kino \vas nloiKf in ihe ho.I.-,.) uith a young lady '., named iO.'izi Gihliiig,* agt'ii .ibo'it titteun vims. .- 11 u cu.iio out. "f his room, and n-}{r<\ i,cr fuih'olnc puis. S!io went and got. them i'ur hiui, and when hainliii'g lljem" to llijiii he caught h.-r l>y thu wiial, jiuH.-d her into (ho room' and at-' letnpted ty t.-ikij iinproji.-r lihcrtics with her. The young, lady was subjected to a severe cri"s'ex-uiiin- .ition without inateri.illy alfciting her testimony. , ' Kino was committed for trial. indignation is expressed at hi.s conduct, and the loading tempeianct) men are determined that the cise shall he pushed to its utnipjit limit, and, if guilty, they desire to bee him punished. r^m suit-^. Tiiey pri>jnse to undertake tfi-e .fi eathitriit ro{ iuebriatts. For ' rhe Li'.-t- year.t.he cases of this kind ,'Ti!.:ch P-ve i-ten brought to the Hospital have been treated" with ' so n.i-ch success as to leave" no do:ibt abSut the posiibilitj of the . disease being successfully corn batted "' provided the ptitient has the slight- . est desire for reform. This desire, 5 however, is found to be so much -, an essential that where jt doee not : exist thgre use, the Trustees ' say, in Heading on stiab cases. ... 'Ono great recrrmmendation of the system proposed to be ildoptfid in the Hospital is tb*t the treat- ,r~rneDt is to be private. It will not ;.~ be ]H cclaiiped to all and sundries as if .Is when one goes or is stnt to - an inebriate asylum that he in a drunkard, and has. been treated as if lie were a lunatie Those who wish to be freed froto ,-tbe; terrible malady- (for however thuctrbroilght on by themselves it is a malady) vrill come as otdiuary paying patients, and will be regarded and treated as such. We are convinc ed that, a large number^thp have :ost all control "of themselves,-and :re yet loogingr'and aniious to be -- f: jiu the cruel bondage of in- . .; --rm.ce, will gladly avail tbem- '. - of the opportunity which in - -. ..'.H :v:,y :'a offered to them. .We jfjij'fe the movement will be success- i fill as it certainly deserves to be. Woods, 100 miles, and an equal distance westward of Thunder Bay ou to Lake Superior' is also under contract. The Conaul thinks a mutually pioUtable iutercourso be tween the Dominion and tho West ern Stales would be greatly aided if the United States and Canadian "Government make interna" tional arrangements for aiding the construction of a Eystetn of rail ways from Ottawa tP Sault ^Saifit Mane, thence to Montreal River, v On Thursday the 2Sth ulf, a | second and third times and passed, odge of Oddfellows, to bo known Carried. is BrneeuVld Ll.dge, No. 210, was d sccolld auJ tuilJ times and pussi'd,. The Cleik read two communica tions from Geoigt Bh.iu, Contract-, or, with reference to matters con nected wilh tho erection of the new jail. Mr. Lyun, .chairman of .. the Standing Comiiiittee on Education, (iresenied its report, which was read. Mr. Lyon moved, seconded by- Mr. Foster, that the report of the e model' berwery of I Standing Committee on Education proceeding at once with tho eric tion of a lager beer brewery. It will b? built adjacent to his pre sent premises, 30 by GO feet and eight. Tho fitting in such a manner. two stories in h up will be done us to make it th the country. 'The work' v/ill be pushed on rapidly, and Mr. S'lee- be manufacturing of lager that has in the country by man expects to the best sample yet been made the first of June, to connect with the Northern P.icific, beside completing the latter eastward to Dulutb. Ry porta from "the north state that the Georgian Bay and Lake .Huron are perfectly free from ice. At Owen Sound a steamboat is already fitting* out for the coming season, being announced to leave on April Otih. To ull appearance navigation will everywhere open -sp fully a month earlier than usual, providing there is no un necessary delay in putting the canals in proper order. \\ \ - There is some little disappoint- .ment among the volunteer forces of the Dominion becadse the Govern ment does not intenjd to carry H)Ht the recommendation's of Lieiit General Sir Selby Smyth in his re cent report. The recohimendutions were, briefly, to extend the period -of annual dril to 28 dayB; to establish three model' tiaining schools for cavalry and infantry ; and to raise brigades of garrison artillery at Quebec and KingBton. This determination on the part of the Government is more than likely owing to ibo. fact that it does not wish to incur any greater expense in the matteV of maintain ing a militia than is actually neces sary- It is undeniable tha:t there, is a feeling antong the members of the volunteer force [hat they are not, being .a!'-;d for with by any la-^nrm a prodigal hand. Rut in three days of deficits and depres sions the Government very proha bly feels that its first duty is to economise in .every possible way: At ihe. same limo it nnist be ad milted that there is some ground for the contention of the volunteers that there are plenty of better fields in which to economise than in that of the volunteer Uiilitia. Tobacco Ad^lteratioj.-. -The Pull Mall ^azef/e,, of Loud mi: England, says : j'The popular be lief that had cigars are made of cabbage leaves is not justified by the last officials report on tobacco adulteration. This document con tains a tabulated account of the seizures of spuriDus tobacco made in .the United 1865 ; and in Kingdom : since tho whole paper there is no mention whatever of the muchsiispccl!etl vegetable. lis place-in tho black list is supplied by a variety of ingredients large enough to rejoice the heart of any member of the Anti-tobacco League, The dishonest dealer in things smokenble is shown by the report to make use of three different sorts" of materials besides that which he professes to employ; The-'first sort rs required for the actiml substance of the cigar; the secona for im proving its outparting to it what is supposed to be a better taste. In the lOrmer category the.favorite substances seemed to be the~leaves of the lime tree, I and oats, cotton, cases where the been much more small seeds, co he bosks of wheat yarn, and tonqnin bean. But there are numerous ingredients have curiously selected, be received and adopted. Carried. Mr. Clay moved, .Dr. Buck, that John Waldie, Esq., Reeve of Burlington, be granted leave of absence from the'meetings of this Council for- three months commencing on the first day of' -May next, for the purpose of at tending the Paris Inhibition. CarricJ. Mr. McKenzie moved, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, that^it be an in struction of jfi Pririjung Commit tee to procure five hundred copies of the Minutes, Bylaws, Reports^ and Accounts for the year 1877. Carried. t Mr. L'r.dsay moved, sec aided by Mr. Menzies, that the. Warden be and is hereby instructed to take such stepsas he finds necessary for the removal of the books Und papers of the Surregate ofiico to the new vault, so as to allow tlie contractor to.proceed with tho re liioval of the' old vault, according ^-q />.>, to contract. ^-Carried. ' ! Tim C.'t'i k-reu'd tlie minutes of meetings held, on February Gth and 27th by the commi'.tee on County Buildings. Mr Clay moved, seconded by M-r. Foster, that this Cuuncil ad journ until^ the first Tuesday in J ine. Gamed.. Council: adjourned. Wm. Pantgn. Oouiity Olexk. . arid have included coooumit fibre, .ton, wood, and bread. At one establishment fiOlbs. if." tobacco dust? were found .and analysed, when it was .shown to con tarn Htriug, waod, nails, grind- ji.os, dirt., unrj all Another- h:i./e is' apparently thu lldllL'I'.SlC iigs ol^to'.ace." fit sorts of refuse. class, of luaterii rr'i'-.d lei' t'ci.utiiig -1)11.1 mlliL'i'.siori and coi.t istency of the cigar when made. Amongst -these starch is the most prominent;' but it in cludes gum and amidine, blue, gum arabic, glue, glycerine, and e3sen- tial oils. The colour of the fabri- lUi) ncto farm situated on. Lot lib, flth' Con., Nassf.gaweya, about 75 acres of which is cleared, babnee will timbered with cedar, blnclc'ash and pine. Good log house and barn, never failing spring on the premises, i'oung orc.iard of splen- dt<i trees in good 'condition. The farm is in a good state pl'cultivnlion, is situated within 4; inileH of Acton ami Rocliwood and 11_ miles from (juelph. (jood School ' [houses, churches and post"- ofiico in the vicinity. The following will also be hi lit tho same timo and place. : Buggy, singlo Wagon, set Bob, :.Sleighs single. 2 sei single Harness, -'inutility o| frnmiiig limber, lioors ju.nd Sash. soir.B- Lath, Bricks, some Household Furniture, and other articles-too nuijflrous" to tnen'ion. Tlie above "must l.e sold witl.out re- ^e: Kennedy is about leav. i'.'-g Acton. 'Jernis on-Village and 'Farm Property Half of purchase, money down, the remainder in five years, or in liv,3 instalments at 8 per cent inleies-t. te suit the Purchaser. Terms on Boggy, Wngon," &d, J'5 land under cash, over that amount 7; months;' ere !it oh tpproved joint notes. "Any BtOcU brought in to ihe iMonhly Sale will also be sold at the st.inp place, tin.! on the s.imo terms H was pieviously agreed upon. *.lo to commence at L o'clock "sharp ' 1 WM.IIEMfeTltEET, 37 -lit Auciioneer- AUCTION SALE. The Hop. J ,|,n Creighton, President of'.tht! Nova Scotia L"gin lativo Council, and t!yj oldest 1J. C, in tliePiovirico;, died on tho: lGth inst., at Lumeiihiirg. Six prisons escaped from the H.lifax Penitentiary on the 17jth inst., after beating the keeper. They made for tho woods near the North-West arm, and have, not yet been ctiptured.. James I- Mr.lJolin.SjWsaia. alaving disposed of his farm, has instructed the undersigned to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, Lot 4th,"con. 3rd, Erin, on Wednesday March 2.7 [I'he' property without re serve: ' Va 1 liable span Horses (general purpose), 4 milch Cows'in Calf, 2 Heifers ih calf, 2 Steers 2 years old. 3 yearling Steers, 5 well- bred Sheep, a quantity of Poultry. IMPLEMENTS!. -^- Plow,- set' Harrows, Fanning Mill (good). jLilUibl't' Wagon. Buggy (single or double), L'jng Sleigh, Democrat, Cutter, Wagon and Sleigh Racks, Land Roller, ' set team Harness (new), set tingle II iruess,-set plow ilarness, "Wheelbarrow, CraVlle Scythes, Shrivels,..Pickax ..and Im plements common to a farm. | Also Household Furniture. jA quantity of Hay and Oats for cash (unless previously disposed ol). 1 c-.1.. *~ 1878. SPRING OPENING. :-r- | Has now "in Stock -a large Und well assorted lot of ' DRY GOODS, i GRbGBRIES, " CBOGKBRY, j GLASSWARE, 4c. Which Lo will sell Cheap for Cash. eBDV - A large assortment; of Felt and Straw Hats for * Spring* wear. : . The highest c.ish prieirpaid for Produce of all kinds. CF. "^7". Acfon', Jfnrch J I. I87S B___IXIU9 37-Sm ^.OToir lierts, ei.gino driver, who was severely hurt in the acci dent on the G.-T. R... .,t Breslail, some weeks ago, is entirely re- ! S.llet0 commence ufil p covered from his injuries, and will i, -.'.-' soon be able to letiirn to duty. The lecturo by G'Donovan Rossti, at Toronto, Momiay, night, caiiseil a great; disturbance. A mob marched around the principal streets, fully determined that if' they caught Rossa tliey would lynch him. . The proprietors of tho Phila delphia I'/'e^s discharge all their union compositors on the lG'.h.and employed non-union men. The discharged men will be recroploy- ed if they leave the union. Commodore John Hodges Gra ham, a veteran of 84, who served under Chauncey on Like Ontario it. 1812 and at the midnight attack sharp, i TERMS. Sums of So and under cash, over that amount 12 inonths' credit on approved joint notes, ] WM. HEMSTREET, Auctioneer. \ UCITJOS M.VB.E _\_ ut; iH-urtKi) AND LMl'LEMENTS. TSIOR- Two boys aged jtwelvo and ten years respectively, were abducted on Tuesday evening while on their way homo from school to the rosi- l' of t'jeir l?-gal guidance, tho Rev. A. '.A. I)i iiiiimond, of New- ctstle. The boys are named James oation is the next teflded to, and sandalwood, log thing to he at- for this purpose resort is had" to yellow ochre, red vood, lampblack, The Consgrvativesof "Wentvrorth meet in Hamilton, 23rd inst.$ to se lect candidates for the general el ections. The Russian fleet seems,Eb be The, -Whitehall Review intimates ^_ that the Duke of Manchester will-keeping an eye ortBiitishColumbia. succeed Lord Dnfferin in Aliiiw-'weeks ago a sloop 'of war ^,. , , . . 4 -., l.___ n i u" f i Edinburgh is fondest of treac e and n. bocause the Duchess will put into Esqtnmault harbour for' in t r i .- . . sugar, antl East London lsuddictcd - '. .a .repairs. to liquorice and Venetian red. As for the flavour of the cigar, it is varied to -siiit the most diverso tnstes; 'out the usual object ssems to be to im part to it a pleasing sweetness of tone. Accordingly saccharine inat- ter,^and especiallv treacle, is rery largely pressed nto tho service. For those who HI e a more decided taste, liqiior;ice, snlt, logwood, glycerine, arid ahineed are used. It is in Dublin -where the latter in gredient is most fashionable,^ while leave horns. a IK I .b;!,!.i Keith,-of Toronto. A and v.-^kki:.. v.-hi/-.-.) supposed watching for them during the day, over-took them and induced them to enter a covered bhgfjy on. the pretence of giviim them a i-ido home. They drove off Chickens Tue undersigned has been in sfcructi-d by Mr. Alex. Waldie, to sell by. Public Auction, the Farm ik-in r the N. \V. qu irler of Lot 24. 0'on..2, Township of Esquesing. 'to LJether with the t'hof-ough-br d Farm Stock, and Implements, on Friday, 22-iUarch. I FAR11 STUCK. Hull. "Duke of Keiif 2 years old [2282VJ, ISUfj. bred on the British stronghold opj.osUe yuke of Springwood, :692s Da'mTsul- black Rock, died on the 16th inst. ,' tana7th,Bull -Voung Audley"lyea at Newburg, NVY., aged_ 84. ... A daring bi.nk robbery occurred on Clio lGlh inst., at E ist Gum- bridge, Mass., involving a bass of 100. The President had been called out to attend! a liidy in a . - , . . .-, , , , - , above animals are the offspring of *(ir.ige, at the bank door, and tie prize cow "'Rose/' - old, Cow' Kock Uose 7 yeai s old. ' ItediKose" 5 years old, "Flora'^4 yjears old, '-'Rock Iloso" II 3 yeijrs Old. " Kock Kose"lY 16 months old, ' jliock Kose" V 4 months aid, ' Duchess ol Kent" 5 rconths pld, 'j Lady Mar" 9 months old. All^rhe during an absence of two minutes the theft was committed by threi men in league with t he " ladv." Go to Galloway's for. good weight hi bread. ' HVIlltlKII. In ijcorgctown, on the 20th inst., by Iyev. Mr. Unsworth, Mr. John Denny, to Jessie, daughter f>f Mr. J. B. Ohia- liolin, all of Erin. ' ' M.4UKET8. $^ SO to 3 00 AttTOY J Flour .. .'.. Fall Whoat, '. . , .. 1" 15 to 1 20 SpruigWheat. .. '...0 75tol 05 Sprouted;Spring Wheat 0 75 to 1 00 Barley Oats ..... Peas : . . . .. Butter^rresh rolls) Butter (salted rolls) Lard.(light) ".. ; Lard (dark) I^^8 (new laid) in a.northerly direotion,:nnd jivhen they had travelled a mile and a quarter the lads were, transferred to another buggy dj-iven by u young man, who started onco more northward. Tt is thought that the intention is to secrete them 'tem porarily in'Canada, and then carry them to Qnebuc'or across to the United Stat., in' 6rdur to take tlfem beyond, the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, of -which they are wards. Our. readers may recollect that some years ago there was a great deal of trouble about the'guardianship of some of Mr. Keith's children, his wifp (a Roman Catholic) haTing endeavored to be made their guardian after she and her bus^and had separated. The East Tndian bur'gefc shows n deficit of eleven millioi s sterling Geeso Turkeys Potatoes, per hag 'Apples, .per bag Hay, per ton, 0 50 to 0 GO . 0 30 to 0 34 . 0 GO to 0 G5 . 0 15 tod 15 . 0 12 to 0 14 0 10 to 0 10 .. 0 08 to 0 09 i 0 WtoU 12 0 OS.toO 05 ;; 0 OTWo 0 05 .; 0 0G to 0 0G . 0 ISO to 0 5G . 1' 00 to 1 25 10 00 to 12 30 GIEI.PU M.tKKETS. Special to the Puee Pkess, per Domin ion Line. - ' Guelph, March 2ts.t, ;187'8 Flair, per 100 .., '-,$2 30 to 2 75 \yhi-:e Wheat, per bush 1 15 to 1 20 Ti-eadwell do Spring Wheat.. Oats, ,. Barley," Peas ,. J .. Hay, per ton Egg, per doz. Butter, per lb. Potatoes per bag Hogs, per cwt Chickens per pair Oeeso Turkeys Ducks I 12 to 1 18 '. 95to 1 00 0 34 to 0 36 0 45'to a 53 0 63 to 0 70 10 00 tol2 00 0 13 to 0 15 0 15 to 0 18 0 60 to 0 65 i 75 to 5-12 oo to o^efti*' 80 to 1 00 70 to 1 00 . 40 to 0 GO prize cow " Ksck Itose I Span Horses 4 vears old, Hcrse 1 > years old. Mare rising 12 years in colt, Colt rising 2 year old froin Luke of'Argyle and an imported Mate, i-Jrade.Heifers 2 years old in cuir, 7 Leicester liwes lamt-ed or id limb, 6 -.Leicester Shearlings, Set double Harness, Plow Harness, Fjinuing Mill, Kail 2 shears, 2Btore Tigs, a lot of good Poultry, Horse Pnnver and Cutting- Box ip good running order. Cultivator [Waldie make M'tltonji 'Cutter'.; Lumber Wagon {nearjy newj, pairBob .Sleighs Tarnip'Diill [Tham's make], Iron P owfh'tepiienson mike], Gang Plow, Iron Harrows, Iron Beam Plow, Wheelbarrow, Turnip Slicer, Land Itoller, 2 Sugar Kettles, ' combined H saper and Mower, &c , and other, articles too numerous to mention. Tee farm contains 50 acres of the biUt land in the Township and is in gipOtl condition, i. A young orchard of] 100 treek, good log house, frame bam and never-lailing spring on the.premises. The farm is situated orjlv one milo from the .fljurishinj Village of Acton. There is over 8 n'dres of Wheat/and 4 acres of Rye in the ground. The above farm and ar.icles must be sold as Mr. Waldie in ,ends shortly to remove to Manl- t0). Sale to commence at 12 o'ilock sharp, a Lunch will be provided. TiSRMS of STOCK and IMPLEMENTS. $5 and under cash, ovjsr that amount 9 Months' credit on approved joint notes .will be giien. Terms and conditions, of, faijm made known on day of sale. Conveyances will bo at Campbe Ts Hotel, Acton, at 11 o'clock, to take buyers from a distance to the sale.. Catalogues of Stock sent Tree upon application. WM.-HEMSTREET, Auiicotieer. Ksquesing, March IS, 1878. MERCHANT TAJL0R, Takes this irpportunity of announce ing to the public that his stock consisting of English, .Scotch and .Canadian TWEEDS, CLOTHS, AND V7-Q?u3TED GJ3D3. is new coinpl-ef.e. He is prepare I to :u-:k;i".ip in the ' And good Workmanship. Satisfaction G-uiriatecd. A Call Is Solicited. joiin ^BLS()^v Kockwood, March 20, IJ>77 33-3m BU552L1 WATOaES, . ^"5532.13^.^- WAT32 3S, SWZI5 W&TQE3S, ALL PRICES- ALWAYS PN STOCK. O 11*'-O O S^ Sv Am-rlcaii Sprhuj Wei-jht'. Venj Ch'fap. - i " . Plain and 'Fancy GOLD PINGS. j S3 w k i*ia buy;- A loarga. Stoclc^ cAll and look over ' ir. STOQK g: WATCHMAKER 35-1 y A s Tl# WORE Main Street, ActonJ ' The undeVsighed is prepared to 36 all-kinds of WO^, with peat- ness and despatcb, on 'the *" shortest notice, the ,- most" seasonable price*.. .- lie keeps constantly on". '. r hjnd all kindsof , mrwAEs rf , " of the'latest designs, ! . . Japaa Ware,Ets. All orders for Kepoiring and1 eve- trougbiag strictly aitended to; i . '-".' COAL OIL A SPZCIAU.TV. C .1J, and be ^convinced that Jil? above statements are not balder dash or frothy bibblings. ^ WM. LBiTB, Proprietor. . Acton, Dcc^29, 1S77. - TT. BEATTY'S O5 & JEWELER, Pout Office. Store;. Acton, just Aasiyfifc,. plendidlpt of Spring Bootis &i S^o:s tSm CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. Call! and osamlne thorn before .Tins elss-wlieie.. .. S'PZOZAXJ ATTEST! 6^ Grv"S2T T0;0|lDBRED V0EZ. CBA -Act<n, March 20. 187S. Epps' Oo rdari^-ci. NE & SON 20A.' U it.yr.rrvjjL -. a>*d "-Ooii- ByU.<|uWjf itiowitdjit; M* I'KINTING of allklnds tly tit promptly executed at th FRBR PRESS OFFICE, Jexl the Foil OOlce Hill Ireet. of tile iiatrral saws wSJiT:/givarnAae opuratious jf digestion . Tatrition, and by a careful application of 'thg,iine properties cf well selected cocoa, SrrT iilpps has pr ivided oUr breakfast tables with a de icately. ilavored - beverajje which raay lave us many heavy doctors' hills. Ijt is by the judicious iise of such articles of die* that a constitution may begraduKlly built up until strongeaough to resist e -ery tendency to disease. Hundreds 0: subtle maladies are floating around ; us ready to attack" wherever there is lif w sak point. We may escape many a fata . shaft by keeping ourselves wellfortino' I with pnrehlood'and^cpro- porly nouriihed frame. "U-OjitV iSSrrn'ce Gazette.': Sold only in pac1tot|iabeied "James Errs & Co'.., Iloiicenpfithic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street,! and 170, Piccad 11 y, London." . .! PIANO & PARLOR ORGAN IXSTHfCTOtf'" _.: Conialnlng tbe element*' 122icaJc,vIltt e'iu-y ana progretsivt exerciM.** to jo(ct itfre player in the art ol mafic >llbtr pi^no or oriai.) to which UadniabYer ~lsty Waltres, VotKnt, Ms.rcln- Glor. 1 'l-Oratic Mi-iutll,-^. Dunes, eicfDJ !>- lei K. rseaity. Was'ilnpton. Nrw JtTtfJt one of the b. st works ol He kind ever In- - ,troiItiee(l, ami sxi-.iild be In the hands of '\-.ry phmoundorjsjan.player. Seut|>**i- palJ t"any pari 01 tie Lulled Stale* or Cansdu for only fifty cents the pi. rer h-ivius been reduced to- InArndace U everywhere.. Address DASIEL KEATlT, Washington, >"eTf JerstJ. THE GREAT CAU.iB: OF HUMAN MISERTT it .; -'..."---': vrt liave rocSntiy published nTt'weii- lioi or.Iar.t'ufVrrTfell'a Cclebrale* B- wy9n tiie nejncaf-ancT pcnnamriit euro twitbom m- Uieire)of ^eyvciu^ IWljUltT. Mental and Pliyslc:.] Xiicaracity.Impeal- meats to Marriage, elc, re8iiltinit,n.00 excesseF. .- . . " Price, In a sea-ted envelorfiiOnly 8<*nta or two iKistaseklnnxps. - ^ . The celebrated aulUor. In thja-aijgjj* able Essay clearly demenstralM, pj ' thirty yt-ars^ successful practlCfj ;"# aIriz3lPKcoascqti'1nce6 may be.radica"/- cured wiU.oiiithcdangemosiiMOflSt*r- nal-mrdicine or the piJicaUon.of fa knife; pointing out a mbdalof enre aj once simple, certain and epoc^aali-ar . meant of i^hlch every!*wr what his condJtjon mcy !>% B>** CR*? hlm-elf cheaply,'privately niftfridieaUy. Tills) ecture should be In tbahahdiw e veryyouth nndeyery man In Ihe hiwo- JTEIE 1XLTEBWEC1 MEBirAl ti~ _' , - -11 .vnn St,, JT YM'" Post Office UOX15S6. +.lf! (CrOX MONTULY sai: r. The Acton monthly sale- wiH be hefit Agnew's Hotel, on Fair I}*}*,';' Thursday* "April 4M All kinds of Stock^ Impfenjeois, * will be sold by payingV50 eta^a-pteca. Sale at 12 o'clock.! TEK.M8.-Ten months' credit o, approved ioint nptes . ' - All entries must be made-t^M*. **' Ryder, Sec. :^ 'WM. KEJISTREET, Aaciioater. 25-tf - - "-...: r All Colors- ANALtNE AU Shades, at DRUG 5TQRB- I ' 'V !> -. "H ; .1 ~

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