THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JANUARY 31/ I8t8. ~rr riTUE XCTiiS i'KEK PUKSS I'aUifhed ovrfy rhni'.M-1:\y Morning 61 For .Annum in Advance of Dcssarabiu to Itussiu strange but incredible, rumour in alno mentioned by ft Per,\ cones pnndciit Hint thrr terms include private arrangements with tlio A fclmrguH- uro true. Tlio iiu-niboi H ; ; of, tlio duvcinineiit any they urn r .j.. , . , vi ;v private arrangements wun &V\ tttt.V V068 I Porto lespecti,- the Sm Ca.n-1 Tlio Turkish aeceptAinM of iheso, TlU"l;:=lA\ J^eliMMi. .!.\N. SI, 1S7^ ^ lor u^soiuo of those, conditions linn : produced a lull in tho excitement To Advertisers. Those wi.O.iiitg to-have their ad Yoriitemonts changed would oblige i;s very much by sending in the tvjiy- by T'iomIhv at noon if i>osKibU>, o.luTwiso we CHiiuot insure1 its in sertion in tliut wink's paper. T5-SH SOH90L TRUSTEE ELEQTSSK. ,"p\> S.itnril:iv lust tlio new School Trustee election '.t^ok place in Matthews' II:iU. A 'urge number of r.iti-p.iyers aw re present. Mr. John Ross, Returning Oiiicer. The following persons were no minated for three veal's : - . Samuel Moour. Proposed by Th.-s McLam, sveonded by Ash ll.-ii:. , - ' Jaiik Matthews Proposed by Thos. C. Moore, seeoudc*! by Thos. Ebhage. P. IJtixnnusox Proposed by Pjuc-.ui Kennedy, seconded by M.-ijor C. S. Smith Proposed .by D. M.tlouey, seccr.oVd by Alexander Grunt. For one year :- - Jos.~?ii Feakvl^t Proposed by ecorded by Thoa. Tho-.. MeLini C. Moore. Donald.Camerd'S" Proposed by . Diincia Kennedy, seconded By Major Allan. - . Several of the .candidates ex- -pressed thc;-ii=elves willing to re-' tire1, in order to save i contest, .-aid elect three by "acclamation. \\ i:h the consent of their morer and seconder, the following persons withdrew : Messrs. Jas. Matthews,' C. S. SaiUh and I>jnald C-soieran. The Returning Uiciccr, therefore, -declared Me=3rsr Samuel ifoore and " D. Henderson elated to serve for 17 - i- 7 - i ' - ments Lastc-rn policy, and in the xjne year, in place."of Mr. Horace J. _HidJ; retired. proll which existed-"in' London, Ftiduy, and it is now announced Lluvt tlio iidiiiiriil in. coiiiiumid of tho British licet; in tho "Levant 1ms received orders to -remain in llesika Buy instead iif proceeding to Bulaii'. In the House of Commons, Friday, i^ir-"Stafford Novthcoto- announced that tlio Government had received tlio Russian basis of peace, but that nothing was said of the can- olu.-iion of nil armistie. ' Earl CirnoVaii has resigned, anil ilia re.siguation has been accepted. It is believed ho will besucceeded by the Duho of lWkinglialu. Lord Darby's resignation is atill in . Tho Austrian Power is about to address a note to the other aigna- toriey of the Treaty of Paris draw- inil__iheir attention to the necessilv for a considerable modification ol tho peace terms, more especially t'uostf referring to tho aggrandize uieut of Servia and Montenegro, the retrocession of Bessarabia, and. the war indemnity, tho latter of which the Vienna Cabinet regard as tut-lly inadinisaible, tending as it does to effect a perpetual Prus sian occupation of Bulgaria. In t&e House of Cotnmo'iis, Monday, Sir Stafford Nortlicotv moved tho voto of credit, ar^d in doing so ulluded to the IluEsian terms, which would render neceh sary a European Congress to con sider them ; intimated that Eng land would never agree to a separ ate arrangement with Russia as to the . passagej of tho Dardanelles," and that in the event of a Russian occupation ~of Constantinople she would be prepared to take euro of her.own interests; and t^avo it to be understood that tho Government a_sks for tho credit as a. vote of con fidence. The debate was then ad journed until to-day ^Thursday) -to allow of an expression of public opinion. The Opposition^are about to arraign '.he whole of the Govern- not, And now coiiiou the .Senator to Ray that they are. Tlio duel between tho Senator and his assail ants is evidently becoming serious, and unless lliero soon comes un end to their b,5mliardiiien: of each other with pamphlet, serious results may ensue. - They should at least have hoiuo regard for tho feelings of an affected community.. I'cn and Senior Selects. Hon, John Young i seiiotihly The Toronto Ttlciifam B;\yn u statement recently, liuido in tiho eiilumna of the IstuiCi-t, " that but of every hundred buriud persons one lining person is consigned to tho toinb," is well calculated to. excito a! feelingi of alarm and dis may tlipoughouj the civilized world, Tho ..character :fo-r probity of the journal mentioned is well known, its information being b.ibed on the highest-HiKf most reliable ' medical authority^; therefore wo' liesitate to accept an iiiinouncetiient its "true which, doubtless, has re ceived ample voriScation and c.iro- ful "sciujiny before publication. At tho s.imo timo it is truly hor rbilo to contemplato that in view: oT^.the imtuenso sums i pent on inBtitutionsand colleges to eluvato and udvar.cfj the intercuts, of the medical plofcssion, such - occur rences should not only he possiblet but ;should become so .matter of fact us to be capable" of 6t:Uisticul registration; for wo assume that a majorly of the deaths in civil and couutiies tiro certified to by r'ogu- larity qualttied practitioners. While suelt gigantic strides aio taking ulacein every branchof science, it will not tend to inspiro confidence in" the, doctor's art to learn that theiois no absolute certainty-of a man's having paid tho last debt of nature when the burial services has been performed over his coflin. The War News. Peac^ and war have been in the "balance within the last two or thr -e days,, but the turn has ap parently been toward piace. War has seemingly been abided, and jtq can now fairly- hopa that the crisis is passed, and that a conflict between BriUiin and Russia, if not indeed fch European one, has $een avoided! In place of wars and rumours of wars, we are now given a&urance3 of peace, consequent upon the acceptance by Turkey of the Russian j conditions. The Ptjrte is said to be under a solelrhn obligation not to reveal the terms offered by Russia, but the condi tions .' have cropped out, notwith standing, and are,given as follows : Servia to be independent with out compensation; Montenegro to receive Antivari, Nicsics, and Spur, and the portion of territory border ing on L,ate Scutari ; -Russia to hold Bayazid, Kars, and Ardahan until a war indemnity of twenty million pounds is paid ; Batoum to be ceded to"Rus3ia ; the Darder- elles question to ba left to the Powers ; .Bulgarian autonomy north of the Balkans to be conced ed rather on the ' principle of the Lebanon than on. the plan _of the Constantinople Conference, ' and> Turkey to 7 nominate Christian governors for a long term, subject to the ratification of the -Powers . part of the Russian army to em. bark -at Constantinople for their' return home ; and finally, a treaty . of peacfi to. be signed at Constanti nople by the Grand Duke Nicholas. This arrangement, it is stated, will satisfy Russian military honor without involving' the occupation of Constantinople ; but it will be noticed that it exceeds the Con ference programme, and stipulates both for territorial concessions and a pecuniary indemnity. The: Daily JVsHW'udds to the rest of the conditions already given, Bulgarian acquisition of territory t.ciith of tho Balkans:; assurances of protection, refurms, and a Christian (J..,veninieiit, to Bosnia : u : IIc-rz-'^ovina j security for tlii butter govr-i nnient of'the other .llnniclpal Council or ;Nassa- eaiveya. [' event of the defeat of the Ministry an appeal to the country "will probably be made, i In the House of Lord? E irl Derby entered into an explanation of ihis resignation, and it3 subsequent withdrawal, r . The latest news from/ Constanti nople-contains no coafirm'ition of the statement that the peace pre liminaries' had been signed. On the contrary, it is stated that no Information whatever of the con clusion of an armistic has been receiyed, and the Porte now finds itself inrthe uupleasantipositionf of having bound itself to--unknown terms, which if properly handled will make the Russians the masters of the situation unless the Powers peremptorily decline to endorse them. Ontario Reform Association. Arrangements have been made by the 'secretary of the Ontario Reform Association with the seve ral railway companies for the issue of tickets for the return trip from. Toronto, to all persons attending the annual meeting of the Associa tion in that city, on the 5th Febru ary. Full fare will be paid for tbo trip" there, but on presentation of the Secretary's certificate the Toronto agents of the different railways will issue tickets to all points on their respective lines at one-third fare. These certificates will be honored from tho 5th to the 7th, both days inclusive. Turkish proving the- of Rou- Mr. Jonea, Minister of Militia, defeated Mr. Richey, at Halifax, on Tuesday. We observe from the Beacon that: Stratford has established a Youiig Men's Liberal Club. We have received Senator Mac- phersOn's second pamphlet, which is intended, us a reply to tho attacks made upon him: by mem bers of tho Ministry, during the recess. It is addressed, like the first, to his former constituents, the electors of North Simcoe, Grey and Bruce, in whom the .worthy Senator still takes a fatherly in- tertKtV Tho whole, drift of the /paip.phltit is evidently tho reitera tion of statements formerly" made. i J inm'u and the eesvon of a.portion Sector. Micphtrsou says his .. I ' 5 *..' . L -. I Tho Municipal Council elect for this Township met on tho third Monday in Jan. as per statute. The cleik presented his certificate of their Election,'and tho members being nil present, signed the re quired qualifications and declara tions of office. Mr. Wheelighan moved, Becond ed by.Mr. Watson, that Archibald MuTavish be paid the sum of S3 for repairing a culvert on tho Oth liner, lot 15. Carried. Mr. Watson moved, seconded by- Mr. Wheelighan, that the following sums be paid to the undernamed persons for sheep killed by dog9, said claims having been duly certi fied, viz: S4.CG to David Black, for 1 sheep; $13.34 to William Weir, for .4 do; $l3.34to Samuel McDowell, for 4 do; 3.34 to Richard Sherlock, for 1 do ; and S3 to Hugh McDonald for 13o. Carried. -^-\'i Mr. Hntcbeon moved, seconded by Mr. Wheelighan, that theeuni of 817.50 be paid to T. J. Star'reU for printing, minutes, by-laws and financial accounts, and a further sum of $4 for printing Nomination hills. Carried: Mr. Hutcheon moved, seconded by Mr. Watson, that the following persons be refunded the amount of. one dollar, each, dn account of errors in their Assessment for dogs, viz : Archibald McPhedran,. J. S. Russell and George MpFar- lane, and that Andrew Kerr's dog tax be struck off. Carried. Mr. Watson moved, seconded .by- Mr. Hutcheon, that leave bo granted to introduce a By-law for tho appointment'of certain Town ship Officers, arid that the same be read a first time. Carried. Leave granted and By-law read a first time. ! Mr. Wheelighan moved, second ed by Mr. Watson, that the By law just read ba now read tho second time and the blanks thereon filled up. Carried. By-law read the the second time and the blanks filled up with the names of Alex. McPhee and James Stancombo ns auditors; Maleolin McMillan assessor, and William Logie, collector. The By-law was then read the third time and passed. Mr. Hutcheon moved, seconded by Mr. Menzies, * that Mrs. Ca.ley receive the sum of one,dollar per month in addition to tho former allowance of eight dollars for the keeping of Patrick McGarrigal, and that the extra allowance do com mence from the 25th day of De cember lust. Curried. On motion, the Council adjourn ed to meet again on Saturday, the 23rd day of February, next.' John Easterbrook, Tp. Clerk. Bogus $10 notes of the Ontario Bank ure circulating in London. - ill, --Gold mining is looking up in Madoc. Tho Pope's health is slightly im proved. ., It is piopostd to open tho To ronto City Council by prayer. Sir Edward Creasy, the well- known- English historian, is dead, Twenty villages have been do stroyed by thu Hoods iu tho vicinity of Forth. I^Mr. Richey, Clerk of, Maryboro, has resigned that position, owing to ill health. -Tho Queen has couforiod the Older of tho Garter on King Unla bel t of Ituly. Tho present set-sion of tho Multi loba' Legislature will probably, close in a week. ~ A . conTpl mentiry dinner was given to Mr., Vail on Thursday by his friends at Digby. Forty-,lven Cuban prisoners al- 11hvii!i;i were released on the day of Alfonno'a marriage: Action is about being taken by Wellington Goiiniy to provide n short? hand ri'.'porter for tho County Court. ; . " . ; A Bill to abolish saloon lieeiieoB is to be introduced by tho Mani toba Government in tlio Local Leg islature. The Middle's! x District Temper ance organization reports thirty-two lodges iu the district, with 2,000 odd members. Mr. Rine held a mass meeting at St. Mary's on Saturday, when .100 signed-the' pledge, making in. all siuco hib visit "1,101). Great dissatisfaction is reported as existing umoiig tho Lacl iuo Can al laborers, and another striko is believed to bo impending. The Pope's unfuvprableayniptoDS continue.. He is in a very low con dition, bu, it is not lielicvcd that there is any present danger. Harry Henry, a Toronto drunk, has been convicted for tho 349th time. Out of a life of sixty-three years he hua spent forty in jail. Last Friday, in Napierville.Que., a French-Canadian, named Chaput, buried five children. All died of diptheria within the space of 24 hours. It is proposed " to get authority from the Legislature, at its' present sitting, to pay tho salaries ot officers of the various courts monthly for future. Mr. N. C. Wallace, Warden of York County, will donate 100 to charities, instead of giving the cus tomary dinner to tho members of tho Cauncil. Rev: C. It. Matthew haa resigned the incumbency, of Grace. Church, Toronto, owning to ill health'. Ho intends to spend'a few months in the country. The treasurer of the Hackett Monument Fund has received vari ous sums of money from a great many Orange Lodges in tho Pro vinces of Ontario and Quebec. , Extensive" 'additions, costing about 8120,000, have just been completed at the London lunatic asylum. The buildings are now capable of accommodating 86-t pa tients,- ' ;- ' - -. : "A petition for the repeal of the Dunkin Act in the County of Grey was presented to the County Coun cil on Saturday, and .lost by one vote the figures btanding 18 to 19 A Wingham woman had her husband committed to gaol for threatening her,, and then eloped with another mu, leaving, besides her incarcerated lord, three little children. Mr. James G. Wright has sold to Mr. Thomas Henderson, Paisley Block, through Messrs. Thompson & Jiickson, 140 acres, in 6th and 7tb concession; Division B., Guelph Township, for $10,000. - The Irish ^Canadian has issued blank petitions of tdgnature by tho faithful, praying Her Majesty not to allow Lieutenant-Governors to abuse her royal name .by giving her consent to Orange charters. Hon. Mr. Chapeau has entered an action for libel against tho Montreal tierald Publishing Co., for copying the article about the Lareutides Railway from the Na tional. Damages laid at 25,000. The clothing store of J. Alison, Yonge street, Toronto, was burglar ized one night this week.and 800 woith of clothes and ready-made garments wero carried off, including five bales of cloth, a number of overcoats and some dress coats. Ferdinand Houck, a stenograph er, aged 22, disheartened because he could not obtain permanent em ployment, committed" suicide in New Yoik, Ha left a letter, say ing, "[There is hell enough on earth without manufacturing onefor here, after."' , A woman in Fairfield, Maine, has a growth of natural hair Sight feet and ouo inch long,' and haa re fused two thousand dollars for it. -tier friends claim that she has. the longest hair of any woman in'the Tho workitiguien's Convention at Ban Franciso has adopted u plat form calling for the abolition of Chinesoclieuplabor, the withdrawal of tho pardoning power conferred on thoPiesidont und Stato Gover nors, und its investment in com missions. Mr. Richard McMillan, Gait, carried oil-olio hundred and thirty prizes ot tho Chicago poultry show, winning tho highest prize for tlio largest uni). best collection.f Mr, MiHan received the $100 prize for bcBt collection. Tie had 12G birds otiexh b'.tion. Cabtain Crapo.and his wife, who went to Europe in tho smallest boat, that over crhssed tho Atlantic, have very sensibly returned in a firat- elusa steamer. His idea, ho'dayo, was to beat ovorything thut- had been dono bufore in the way of foolhardy nonsense, and ho certain ly did it. ' ' ' The Rev. Roliei t Liiidlaw, of the JelTeraou Avenue Presbyterian Church, Detroit, hue under alvise- ment a call from St. Paul's (Pies.) church of Hamilton. Salary, 4,- O00.,jind a free manse. Rev. J. C. Smith, of St. Andrew's CLurch, Guolpli, was formerly pan tor.of St.- Paul's. ." A woman giving her -namo ns Mis. Hadiey is going about lectur ing on " Eternal Punishment." Ah j bho failed to pay a bill duo this.: oiHce, we infer that her ideas of I' eternal punishment are very vague. | Anyhow, she will bear a^good deal of watching without being spoilt. London Advertiser. A lynching in B/ikorlieid, Cal.^ had peculiar fuajtfirei,-. Tho mob demanded five robbers of thebheFJfl, but; he fled with tho keys of the jail. Three hours of hard work With sledge and crowbarp, however, delivered' the culprits into the. lynchers' hands. A court-room was opened, and the usual forms 61 a criminal trial was observed. A judge, lawyers for prosecution and defence, and a jury were chosen without trouble, but there wjia a difficulty about witnesses. Tho testimony for the prosecution was meagre, and all hearsay. The jury agreed without delay, however, and the prisoners were sentenced to be hanged immediately, in the yard of the Court House. Palmerston has a corporation .baby-taw: rather an infant has been left in charge of the corporation. On Sunday evening, 13th inst., a young woman enter L-d an old gentle man's residence, hi aring a basket containing a baby, ind walking up to tho master of the ihoitse deposited it on the floor, spying, " There's your Billy's baby " and then left the bouso und tho baby. Negotia tions have since been made where-! by the mother has agreed to take J back her charge. Pome days ago Sarah Cameron, a joung lady of the Township of Lancaster, laid an information hero ;' that on or about the 11th day of October, 1877, Henry E. Mc- Meekan, of t;he Township of l|an- caster, clergyman, did commit^, an indecent assault upon the-peraon of complainant, contrary to the statute in.such case, niade,and pro vided.", A warrant was* at once placed in the hands of Constable Eligh, who proceeded by sleigh to Lancaster, where the defendant re- bides, and made the ariest. Mr. McMeekan is the minister, at Lan caster, of the congregation which refused to join in the late Union, and continued its allegiance to the Presbyterian Church WCanada, in connection with the IChurcb. of Scotland. He is married and has a family of children. ;The prose cutrix in this matter is a pretty, attractive looking young woman. not over eightoen years of age. The case was postponed for a week, the accused, being bailed. Cornwall Despatch. Ab you journey along over life's uneven pathway, do something to sweeten things for yourself and others. Buy a gallon of that eplendidlnew qual ity Sugar Loaf Syrup at Secord's Cash Store ADVERTISE IN THE, AOTOIS' EalfYeaHy iC ' i .- Christie 9 & Co, ; ACTOM- i t. . To avoid carrying over ,ao, ! heavy goods yet in stock on^i- i account of the unprkce l ;: dented rnild winter .,'.- i annnounce a 1 | GRAN D SWEEPING SAIM; ' . ,i -. - " : COMMENCING OX . . - " j*SATOSSAT SAW. 19, mB. All Uines of heavy Woolen,- (roods Dress Goods, Fancy p-oods- In fact, their entire Stock of Dry Goods will be offered at A London reporter- was knocked down the other day by a highway man, wljo demanded his valuables. The poor reporter took out his -scissors to pass them over to the ihighwaymanjbut the latter thought world, but the returns are- not all j it a revolver and immediately re in yet. ,1 I \ treated. J. E3. McGAEVIN'S WORfVi PaWDEBS Are the best in use. -pi Vi | Two cold months\yet" Provided fdr. Heavy Over coats, Tweeds, Blankets, Man tles, Shawls, Shirtings, "Win- ceys, Purs, Socks, Hose^Mi^, &c. &c., will be absolutely required. Don't fail to secw them at the right pl^ce aiid M the right prices r ^ Ais is/ei-^eniuxie'Salbi- 4 AOTON TIN WORKS .... "KTq<T\ Street, Acton. The undersigned is prepared to do -jail kind's of WORK, with neat- ] ness and despatch,-on the ,' ihortest notice, and at the :' most seasonable prices. He keeps constantly on hand all kinds of TINWARE and STOVES of the latest designs, Japan Ware, Etc All orders for Repairing and eVo troughing strictly attended to. COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. Call and be convinced that the above statements are hot balder dash! or ifrotby babblings . WM. LB1TH, Proprietc* Acton, Doc. 29, 1677. ACTON PLANING MILLS D. W. CAMPBELL, Prop. ipdRK' PACKING HOUSE. The Bu.bspribor^haa always on hand all kind? of frAfi' Meat, Snuaagca and Poultry^ cheap. -: . CIIAS. CAMERON. Aoton, Dpc. 12th 1877. 23-3ra Having purchased the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c AB kinds of 1 PLAITING Promptly attended to. D. W. CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, .1877. - '22.3m,' O f~ "- ' - -: No goods charged ex< at regular marked Prices. REHEMSEa T&A.T PAROUS 5Cc TS^- In 5 lb. lots at 4$ cents. '^] ' . OHRtSTIE, HENDERSON *$fc Acton, Deo. 5. 187". ' .: " ": -",:'-!. ' SCHOOLBOY'S A large lot of suitable for Boy's Olotliipf ^ at the EAST END CLOTHING STORE. Cleaning out the Stock to maka room for Spring (Importations: - ^ Special Inducements to uas^ Buyers. | Also a lot of GenW clothing to be sold cheap for cash Remember the Bast End .; thing Store. ACton,Fetruory 1,187 PYPE & ^^m^^^^^SSm