Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1877, p. 2

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.m$$4s'.' :;f : -v fe^^y * i -- \Jf^ , 1 ?! Life : f-'TjSjJ.".! * THE FREE PRESS' ACTO^, HALTOM COUNTY/ ;ONT., 'B1!i>: ,VCTO.\ FRE PUKSS V -.r-lislsr.l I'vory Tliv,rfi!av fronting. .1. II. tl.-U'UIN'i.:, i'r.-priotor. SI For AiHium iu Advnnco Ac1anF<:o6i?t*088 UOS M M\CK1NG COtTOR 1S7T. Tin t^ pay Mossis.i, Skit. Mi-. Robert l.ittlo,our County S^hooljJnspector, was one of t-luvon County'- Inspectors who met. at lvdlev'ille, lu*t wot'k, in conference with-De. Ilodgins, Deputy- Minis- ivr of Education, to, O'tisidtT the educational wxnls of U:o outlying liUtiirts of the Province. We leurp that they had u very successful couferoiiee. Committees wore foi'imvK and" rrsofmionji dmfted itHMmniending certain steps for the consideration of tbo Government. An extra of the Ont<tri (7n- zetfr conirtins a' proclamation ap pointing tho :12nd of November a dav-of tlmnksgiviuc. The Provincial Exhibition open ed at London, Monday. Soino nd "di'.ions; have been made to" the avuihil.le spoee, nnd otlier iniprove- mon'a have been effected, so that matters are in a very satisfactory condition,, ond thero is reason, to believe that this will lie tho largest, as well as tie best, Exhibition held in the Province. . ^ _ Mr. Mackenzie was unfortunate ly unable tobe present at the South JJrnce Jiefortu dt monstmrrbn t Teeswater Monday, having some- what overtaxed his strength dui-iiijj. Hie strain of last'week's attendance at so many-similar meetings. An address <r:is presented to Mr. Bhike on- bshalf of the electors of tKe Riding, and the Iron, gentleman later on made a lengthy and telling speech,, in"which he discussed a numbed of: the subjects . of recent legisjiiiioiv/met tlw chargesjprefer- red against him by the Opposition leaders, and concluded by replying to the unmanly attack made upon Lis personal honour and the lueui- ery o bis futber. Messrs. Cart- right and Huntington also de livered uddresses.' quired your relief. May your har mony continue iuid yotiv piosjii-iHii hoover bright. With roguijd to your pliiihing yoferenco to .myself and tho dtHtincuiidicd honors the Gruud JLodgo have seen (it to bo* sword* dangling liv'tlieir Hides, hi- Btow upon .no for tho Hceond jimo, 111 . Ti - t* i ,.,,.., .,.,',! 11 have only to remark, that. iii itiy M'Uiblcd ut-their Lodg? room, wild . . / .^ ': forming in lino, headed by the K. OF P. DEMONSTRATION. At'seven o'clock lnsb Thursday j averting, some thirty Kinghta of [ Pythias, most of whom wero elad in their attractive unifoilua, with _ The minersof the Lehigh Coal Cocnpany have decided to resume T^otk at a tea per cent, advance. The pro?|)ect3 in the .Madras famine districts-are improving, and it is now believed that the worst is Fresh massacres by Indian? arc reported fron Arizona, in one "case a party o4 thirty-five persons be*?a butchered, and in another all hands at.u runche near 'Silver Cjtv.. Acton lb'trss Hand, marched to tho tJ. X. Station to .meet tho CJiand Chuiievllor of their tfhinv nd n uuinbpr of visiting, liro^nxjiw. On an ival of tho train, Grand Clmn- cellor King, and somo fifteen To ronto Knights under command of Past Chancellor \V. II. Lovell, of Mystic Lodge, alighted on the plat form and wero duly welcomed. Again falling into^ine, tlrt<y forui-. ed a very imposing torch-ligh* proi cession, marching down Mill street to Secoid's comer,- inhere they wheeled uud counter tuarched to tho Lodge room, over the post office. Tbo object pf the visi wbb to for mally de<licato the Pythian Hall with uppropriAto cvremonics1, The public we it) admitted to tho hull, and tho Lodge was shortly after called to order, by Vico Chancellor Isauo Francis. . After the formali ties of introducing the several grand 'ortifcers, the ncting C. C. read jihe following address: - Grand CnASCF.Li.on: -On behalf of my brethren of Cl- anthe Ixxlge, I have the esteemed privilege of tendering you n rea- peetful welcome to our-Ciistle Hall. 'Tis but six short months since you, Sir, first honored our villngo with your riresence for the purpose of instituting a Branch of an Order wldch had then no existence here. I am now pleased at being able to inform you that the number of gootV and true Knights you then initiated to the privilegea of the Pythias Order is more than trebled, and that the standing of Calanthe Lodgr, morally, socially, and firjan- eiiHrie exceedingly gratifying.: Its growth has been steady and con stant; harmony baa prevailed ; and no uutoward event has Srnnspircd to dim its bright prospeats oc the future. We have not been culled upc-n to mourn the death of u bro ther ; and our membership has thns far been singularly free from, sick-, ness or distress. - ( We are ncondy Sir, to know that "eniberakipwho do not ; ^ l. ^i^if ),<.. vr.i, h.rn Supromo Creato* and i'l iiouet eiulottvor to perftu'm the re sponsible uud urdiioiiK duties of office, with ita cares and iitixiqtieR, and the labor and tinio bestowed, I hvo boon nololj ndtuatuil by, tho dogii-o Order pn ii sound b;\sin, and to extend its nreu of. usefulness, nnd if 1117 efforts haVo mot with your approbAtiou, and that of tho Grand: Lodg,j I feel weir repaid. It is CKpoclnlly gratifying to mo to feel thatl the host wiBuo.8, iliio kind cooperation find support of! tho ontiro; brothur- hood is with nip. [Applause.]! In deed, without it, I would necspsar- ily fail, and I hopo thercforo .ififtt while my term of offico continues, this will albo continue, and that' I may n>eiit the coufidenco and imp- port of my brethren, and thai to my successor iu office- will bo ac corded tho saino support, f I cheer fully respond to yo*r r<jtiet,|ond will now procaed- with' the Dedica tion ceremonies, reserving any further remarks until ire nhak) have adjourned to tho other hall. THE DEDU-ATIOX- After asking a few formal jnes- ttons, and receiving utKrnmtivo re sponses, tho several graud officers took their appointed stations, and the Grand" Chancellor made tho oxponitioa of tho origin, .jirog--i!ss, pl'illoiplt'a.llll(l:oli}i)utti oP-tjin Older of Knights ofii'ytliiitK; ii'i tlm liopo nnd helief tfnit instruction therein and juvpmintaiici) therewith would, but ativngthon the i'nvornble opinion iilrciuly foniu'il of tho Order, Mini if that o'lijftct has to boiiki extent benn i1 its repiUatioi), itii jirogreun, in /act iruititution in Acton to your fa- vor, liful lit'lci-yoilf benj^n pitrou- iigc. (Ap)iliitifHi). Our prdor owoh much vi' itn pojniliuily nnd i.ucOccii to t!.(! Imlii'H. " .Society in general owea hIuiohI. all of its' pleiiHUi'CH, itn lmllowiiiL' uiid iclliiinj,' iiilluciici', naMaitSB SEPTEMBER 27, 1877. J^ej^toed's ilo.VTHLV Macazixe, for October ia to hand. Ss; contents sr-vajv.-<t and interesting. The second srrlcTii ** U"p the Thames "isxery hand- K)nS^ illustrated aud entertaining. Th.%;2acazine is evidently a success. "~SicnohAS Mixture," Dr. HoL lands latest etory, which lias been fo)- loir&l with eo much interest by thous ands oji-readfrs- during it3 publication in Br'f'.'riCi ATag<uine, is now published :1T b:H,k fprrnj making a handsome vol ume of over 400 pages. In the volume Dr. Holland has: added a few words to .the title, wjjich he aptly calls "A Study in a Stdry." In this 6tt>ry tile author not only has attempted, to show the-effect npon character, both in up]Nr and the lower clasae3, of a loss of eit- " respect, but be has made, in luldition, a ' Study" c a social problein which may be said to'be,"peculiarly timely. Pabiiilhed by Belford Bros., Toronto. * Price $1.25. Esqnesing Township Connefl. The Council met at Stewarttown on the 14 th inst., all the nvember3 being jiresent. K-)n motion of Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Warren, - "the. Treasurer was uutborized to pay thef following sums: To John Sprowl, $12.93 for repairs to bridge, lot 18, 2d line; to Henry Mulhql- land 915.54 for furnishing material und repairing biidfie on lot 27, townline; to E. \V. Deveraux 89, for repairing road, lots 17 and 18, 7th con. j. On-motion of Mr. War ren, the By-law to assess "the town ship for the reurrent year' waa~read the second and' third times und passed. On inotioa of Mr; Frazer, u iiy-Jaw was introduced to appoint collectors for tho- current year. Said By-law ' was.duly read and pissed. On motion of Mr. Frazer, a By law was introduced to levy n rate for the payment of the bonilB grant ed to tho H. & N. W. Railway. Said~ By-law was duly read and passed "with tho blank filled with 'the .rate of ihree m-ills in the -dollar. , ' The TrenstnierXvns riuthorizod to j>ay Mrt Nixon'a bill of 87.05 for tho funeral expenbes of tho late Peter McDonald,.&c.; also to pay 51 "to Robert,- A. Reid for sheep killed, by dogs; also to pay Jolin Hardy ,?5 fur: sand and teaming, and 75 cents :for removing a nuis- iiuce from the highway. On motion |of Mr. Shortreed, . heconded by Mr. Lindsay, Messrs. Tlios. .Huiuec And James Michie wero appointed eoiumissionera to repair tho road down ';tho mountain o!i lot L3, 2nd con., and S40 was gran'.ol to coyer tha eovt. Tlio Council then adjourned until Friday 10th October. ' since your last, visit here, you have, ngain been chosen by the unanani- u**vcr- mous verdict of the Grand Lodge, to bear tbo highest rank of "our Order in Canada. We feel assured that the honor h'aa been most wor thily bestowed, and that our belov ed Order, under your fostering care and ripo judgment, will continue to prosper und sprend its beneficent influence throughout our land, till every city, towtj_ and hamlet shall know and acknowledge the potency and worth of a Brotherhood found ed on the great principles of Friend ship, Charity and Benevolence. On behalf of tbo Brethren of Ca lanthe Lodge, I ani_instructed, Sir, to approach you with an expres sion of their desire that you would Dedicate, with Knightly ceremo nies, this Castle Halljso that men may know that our ChivaJric Order has horo a home. Through the kind consideration following brief address !: Knights1 and Friends: Wo arc as- semblud hero to perform a duty, which will, I trust, to ail be pleasant and in- instructivoi It ia to dedicate this hall, our Pythian home, to Pythian purposes a home 'which through the bleaniiiKa of a kind Providence,-our Knights have been able to sucaro and around which we feel the retinitis and endearing influ ence of our beautiful ritual will continue -to be shed ; whilo therein are inculcated leasous and admonitions, which teud to mako our Knights better aud more use ful men." * Tho Gaud .Maater-nt-Artna [whose station was filled by Bra. G. llynds] was then instructed to place upon the altar in tho centre of the room, tho large Bible their Book of Law. In response to the question from the chair, " What does the-altar suggest and what its purport?'- Actina Past Grand Chancellor Socord said, " It constantly reminds ns of. covenants formed, and bears upon it tho open Bible our Book of Law and Hole of Faith ; for none can attain to believe in the reserver of the The DiTine blessing was then invoked' by acting Gould- Prelate Wm, Smyth, in a very impressive prayor. . After which the beautiful-Dedication Hymn was sung -in fine stylo with organ ac companiment. Two small swords and a sprig - of xuyrtle were eac& in turn placed npon the altar Grand Vice Chancellor J, Davidson explaining at length^what they wore emblematic of, and their uses ; the swords being a sym bol of defease,and tho myrtle of Friend- hip. Then with due formality tho hall i'uiilizedf-~Hs 1 havii iiHstiraiico that it has, mid us tho present lnrgn gathering testifies,-- I fui'I-griiMlioiT; It is custom with thia Order, na it iuwiUi olhof Hiiniliir OitlciH, and indued with most {Societies, when having n't'curud a pluco whore- in-4o meet, conduct the ceremonies, transact its business, inculcate its lessons nnd instruction*, nnd carry out tho pin-poses of tho Society, that said place should bo especially dedicated to its defined, purposes, in such a mannov as custom and official' decreo sanctions. For the put poses of uiTordiug tbo Acton publics if mill further oppor'.unity of appro-tinting tho character nnd niliiB of tho Order, it was wisely, I tlpuk, decided to open tho doors, that those who uro not inuiiihei's of tlto O.^ier might observo tho Dedi cation ceremonies, and I trust the net has mot tho approbation of all. [Applause.] I muy hero bo ]>r- mitted to express the hopo, .that with tho dedicatioiT of the hall to tho purposes of ;the Order, this evening, the inemners, 0UO ""^ ""> will anew dedicate themselves to its principles and covenants, an<? pi-ac- tically exemplify in their lives ."*nd practices the teachings of tho Order', taking especial Caro that no act of a member shall reflect in any but a' creditable manner upon tho body of which ho forms a component part, Tho ' Lodgo room dedicated tins oTeiiing,' has been dedicated to a noble |mr|K)H0. May tho .gather ings therein of the brotherhood over be gatherings of noblo men ! ' To my brethren I would say, may seeds-of anger ami dissension nevcw take root among you, nor discord 7iiiar tho wonttid harmony thut should always characterize a Lodge Guard well your doors that none but the worthy may be permitted to participate in the pleasures and ad vantages of your fellowship. Let your growth bo slow:, and your quality good, rather than allow your desire for increased numbers to permit the acceptance of any who might in tho futuio reflect discredit. Accept none to membership that yon could not feel free on any nnd 'every occasion to recognize and tako by tho hand as_a brother. Hesitato not for a moment to purge your selves of any who tinder false pro fession gain acceptance,-und then blot the fair repute of your. Lodge and Order. Let it be seen and known of all men that practice accords with' profession in the Or der. [Loud applause.] May tho bright and guiding stars of Friend ship, Charity und Benevolence ever continue to light your pathway through lifo! May your""FlUEN-DSHip ever be that of the friend in need the true and tried, whom stern adversity will not suffice to cast off! Your ts very existence to ..the \ ladies. Ladies, your iiiiHsioTi and iniliuuieo is powerful." May your cil'oils bo concentrated in right directions and Oil propel' plll'pUUl.'ll, ami IIO OpjlOfli- .there ia n weak point. U'e iiiaycacApe lion:can thwart the liccoinpliHh monts of your goo:) designs.'. As tlio Knight of olden timo before enter ing upon bin mission of devotion to Kniglitl'ood, and"gallantry to Immunity, bout the knee in humili ty and received bis spurs, gauntlets und sword from his lady patron and every Knight of Pythias should have a lady patron so may- tho modern Knights of Pythian receive from their lady Kith' (iui'oA. i, and Com" I'd lit llio.... " l!y a thorough Icmiji'Icdgu of thii natural lawn which //ovcrii the ojHi-.'it-iujiH of '<lij.;<!."tinn i'li'V nutrition, and by a o.ii'.-fiil. pp]ie;iti<m of ^lio fine projn-rtie'i of we'll mdeeted eoi'iii, Mr. lCppM h.'ia i)rn\'idt-l our brurthfu^t tables with ;t delicately flavored beveragf: which' m.ny- nave ua in.-niy henvy dofitorH* hills. It i.'i by the jtidicionn use of "Htieh arliclcn of diet that a cojuilitutioii may bi!grudiially built up until Hlroiigcnoiigh to i'.'tti."t.# eAw.-ry teiirlA.'iiey - to dineaae. Jliindii-licof mil,tie inahulien are floating around us ready to att.iek wherever inany a fatal shaft-by keeping ourselves well fortified 'with 'pure, blood pui'ly 'nourished frame," Civil ftrrmce. (hivtlr. Sold only \n packets lahuled filAMKH- Kith & Co., Honia-opatlii^ (Iliemist, 4H, Threadn'eedle .Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Londonl" 2STEA77- GOODS AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST ENB uelph:. :-3- NEW ADVEPiTLSEMENTS. ritRKOTS FOB SALE. The Kuhscriher liaH a freat'quantity patrons, thus early and contiuu- of fiiie table carroU.-oi ii.largo variety, ously, whilo devoted to their ' for ,"lIc ]V tha I'01""1 t,rf1'J' tho ]niHhtl Friendly, Charitable and Benevol- P. 8. AKMHTKONG., was declared to bo , dedicated, first, in Cuaritt pure, und oxercisiul fully the name of Sacred Friendship ; second, towards your fellow-meu, ns well as in the dsjeo of Christian Charity, and towards yoor brethren. Let it bo third, in the name'of True Benevolence, the Charity that thinketh no evil ; The impressive ceremonies being con- that endureth long, that will give eluded tho audience was dismissed, to- you.: courage, to defend tho right of our many friends, I see here this evening, a goodly number of visit ors, to whom I feel that, with your acquiescence, Sir, a few words would not be inappropriately addressed. Brother Knights, Ladies and Gen tlemen ! Tbo Grand Chancellor having motioned his assent to my desire, I would bid you thrice wel come to our Castle Kail, and extend to-" you onr grateful acknowledg ment of the interest yoii evince in our proceedings by your presence here this evening. I trust it may always be so, and that you may learn to know that at times like these our doors are opened wide, and that tho friends of all good Knights are received in friendship here. The great objects of our Order are mutual support, the minister ing to each other's wants, the pro tecting one another in the hour of danger, and, generally, the practic ing of the ennobling virtues of. Friendship and' Brotherly Love. But the pfeasanter services of tLe Dedication are to proceed, and I must not detain you longer leav ing the mora interesting remarks for our esteemed and eloquent Grand Chancellor. I trust you will be entertained and interested with the Dedicatory ceremonies of our Castle Hall. Again thanking yon for your attendance this evening, I yield my placo to the Grand Chan cellor. Tho Acting Chancellor Com mander having concluded, the Granil Chancellor, stepping to the front,' acknowledged the address as follows: i " I thank you, Sir/find through you the member* : of Calanthe Lodge, for the. kindly expressed words of welcome Which have just found utterance, and with ..pleasure accept the tendered an earnest, heartfelt expression of Brother Knights.; I am pleased to learn of the steaffy and rapid pro gress made tho Lodge in numbers, iiiid'ain proud to know that the moral,- social und financial status of the membership is equally satis- factft^,,^j^4,,ao Jess gratifying to tearflgliftmiiiiflLTfc, has not deprived assemble again iu the Drill Shed. . PBOIIEXADE COSCEIIT. - Shortly after 8_ o'clock the large Drill Shod contained a viry fair assemhlaga of ladies and gentlemen, and proceed ings were commenced by tho perform ance of an opening chorus by the Brass Band... Dr. King, of Toronto, occupied the chair, and Mrs. Dockray presided at tho piano. Excellent ~Boags and instrumental solos were finely rendered in repeated succession by tho following ladies and' gentlemen. The Misses Strange, of Eockwood ; Misses Austin, of Georgetown ; Miss Cameron and Mrs. Dockray,_of Acton ; Miss Thorne and Mr. Tape. Hurst, of Toronto ; Mr. C. Carter ond Percy Secord, of Acton. Tho intervals were apparently thorough ly enjoyed in social conversation, promenading, and discussing tho virtues of peaches, melons and other fruit. To all appearance the entertainment was a success, in every rspoct. When the hour of half past nine, was reached, the Grand Chancellor intimat ed that as ho would leave shortly with the train, ho would bo under tho neces sity of asking the audienco to excuse him, and would ask Brother Past Chan cellor Secord to take bin place. He then delivered a yory interesting and oloqueat extempore address, occupying some -fifteen or twentylminutes. OBAXD CHANCELLOR'S ADDBEBS. - He said : It havuig been intima ted to me that any remarks that I might feel disposed to make in con nection with the dedicatory cere- inoniea which were the occasion of my visit to your enterprising, little town, should be reserved until the larger assemblage in this building, I yielded obedience to the desire ', and now "that I 8oe before tno a much larger gathering of both ladies and gentlemen, I feel satisfied that the postponement was judicious, J feel a great degree of pleasure in being permitted a second "opportu nity of addressing the people of .Acton,' That pleasure is . also grealy enhanced by (he presence of so large a number of ladioi, whoso countenance and Bupporfc augur well for the future prosperity of Cal anthe Lodge, affd especially for the spread of thoso principles upon which our Order bases its oxiiitenco. [Applause.] ' On a former visit, I ondeavored to set before the good people jof Acton, as clearly aB I was ablo in nor distress re- tho biricf timo at my disposal,' an under the most trying, circumstan ces ; that will "induce you'to-rebuke the slanderer, and defend-and pro tect the honor und good name of the slandered one absent. "In Faith aud Hope the world will disagree, .: " But nil mankind's concern if Charity; " All must bo falso that thwarts this one great end, " And all of good that blcas mankind or meud. May TronrJ$EKBVOi,ENCEbei unselfish and offered freely from the heart and hand, when the worthy in need shall require responding promptly and cheerfully to the requirements of the needy arid distressed brother, his sorrowing widow or dopendent orphans, as tho genial and refresh ing showers respond to the necessi ties of tho golden grain in tho parching soil. In brief, live well your parts as Knights; be faithful to your Order and its covenants; true to yourselves, endeavoring to imitate the example of our-great prototypes, who ~* " Earned names that win " Happy remembrance from the great and good j " Names that'shall sink not in oblivion's flood, " But with clqar music, Iiko a clllircll- boll's chime, " Sound through tho river's swoop of onward rushing time." [Applauso.]- Asa Knight, I could not be so unmindful t>f fuy position, as not to recognize nnd appreciate the valuable aid and rcountennnce of the ladies in rendering this even ing's proceedings so pleasant and entertaining; nor undervalue the groat benefit that must needs accrue to our Pythian . organization/in. Acton and elsewhere from having the approbation and support of the mothers, wives and sweethearts. I assure you, ladies, wore I convinc ed that the teachings and practices of tho Lodge would to.any extent whatever, detract from those quali ties that tend to make men bettor fathers, husbands, brothers, yes, and better sweothearte too, (laugh ter), I could not and:.would not commend the Order to your favor able consideration, but feeling as I feel, and knowing as I do know that bonufits, nrosont and prospec tive, must accrue to those of you wlio are so fortunate as to havo a father, a. husband, a brothoiS or n sweetheart in the Order, 1 do cor dially and heartily commend tho end mission, tho rich tubsidy of personal eucoumgemout and united iufluenco iu furthering und strength ening their efforts, It has 'truth fully been said that through tho rolling ogea of the' past, womun's iufluenco bus been the tbomo of oratory, tho soul of music, tho fire of poetry, tho inspiration of chiv alry, tho muse of freedom, and a bulwark of religion. That influ enco still -exists to-day in its primi tive power, and the source of that influence is the same now as then. A'd are not our Knights us firm and resoluto Tiegemen to beauty and to virtuous ancient Knights, and as capable of .offering true manly vese.^tuient to every insult offered womanly virtue] Then, ladies, lot your influence be with and for us, your f'miles encourage us, your prayeis nssib't ns, and with the blessing of Hint wh^ rules the universe, our beloved Oi"der will tako advanced position in battling for universal brotherhood anJ Jn the uplifting of iv common human ity. (Applause). My friends, in your midst and of your-own fellow citizens1 whs form- ed Calanthe Lodge. Its members are not strangers and foreigners come amongst you to injure or molest you, or with uukno\vn~ob- jeets in view. They proclaim their mission, assert, tho principles liat guide their action, and you uro witness of their lives und conduct. If they be worthy, honorable men, eiigaged in a noble catuio, give them u helping hand. In conclusion, brother Knights and friends, for I do not -wish to weary you with a long address, nor, ns you will Ji^ye jjbserved, will my severe cold,'froml which 1 am suffering, permit me fkj if inclined, and further. I have left behind, me my own lady patron who exprcts" mo in Toronto to-night, and a duty I owe to her requires that I should return; therefore, on behalf of the brethren who accompany me, as w;ell us on my own behalf, I "thank you. bincerely, for the generous, courteous and chivulric invitation oxtended to participate in the duties and pleasures of tbo double gather ing to-night for tho renewed ex emplification of an increasing pros perity on the part of Calanthe Lodge for tho proof of nu exten sive approval on the part of the ladies, manifested for the Order: and beg to offer you my sincrest wislieB that your future may con tinue prosperous; your--harmony unimpaired ; your Lodge merit in creased and continued support,' and your pleasant gatherings be oft! repeated. [Loud upplause.] season. Cashmeres, in bluck, seal, navy and myrtle," X SAVING'ACTON.' j :. ' .i The Bubecriber earnestly requests all partieu indebted to him by book aceount to call and ucttlc/.-at .their.earliest'con venience, na,he intends moving to Brampton about the 4th of "October.- All.accounts left unpaid after that date will be collected with costs. G. -M. SCOTT." fi cases New .Dress Goods in plairrand fancy'materiais; faehYdnabli fn" n,' and myrtle." ' V ,' : i Pull ran^o of Black Lustres. T'1 . ' I. 1 case Colored Lustres, in a'l tho new shiules, IJJi'Cfnfj'a'Mwf^' 20'dozen new Ulack fitraw lists, latest styfes,-for ipwoaeS^ ; - season. .- *c'nJ -", 60 dozen new Kid Gloves, in black and jCoIpredv Y 3-casea Mantles; fingdish and German, correct tiflit' - 10 boxes Ribbons, in all the desirable"and scgrc* swL-.-^ Cirr-stack is well up in every department, and ladies who-want cboicennj* .- '"_ goods cheap should come to the Fashionable VTeitEncL ?, We- arc- already selling a-large quantity of early fall gc-pds,- 1 , . XpAtt.1I FOB SALE. Splendid grain-raising Farm, wtat lialfl.ot 4, 3d con. Krin ; 100 acres ; 80 acres Under cultivation; balance good hardwood bush,- Will he Bold cheap. Apply'on the place, or address JOHN S1BBALD, Acton, Ont, Erin, Sept. 17, 1677. ' 12-41 SIGN PAINTERS wanted in ,_______,_____.. _ every eec- f tr>c IT:*Ub(t rtLate and Pro-vinecs tonniwcr thiM iiffv#rt.fc"pni'nt. Atltlrcn OAMtr F- IMIATTT. \Vu*htn&toTi,_icxr Jersey. ' XNSOLVENT ACT OF 18T5. And Axaenduag Acts- JA- O. BUCHAM. Pashlonnbre West End Dressv Millinery and llajnleKs^Sifiajntaf" Gnelph,'Sept..19, 1877. . '".-.- Grand, Square & TJprijikt^ Agents wauled everywhere. Address _ DANIEL. F. BEATTY; 'i ' Washington, New Jersey IN THE MATTEPc OF ; OF ATyOJi, INSOLVHNTS. FIRE! FIRE L FIRE I A fire broke out shortly after noon Monday in the model room of the Patent-office at Washington, and before it could be brought under control destroyed a number bJF valuable models and ' records. The fire is supposed to have boen originated by the spontaneous com bustion of nonpatented chemical compounds. The loss on the build ing is estimated at from -390,000 to $500,000, while that on models, etc., is almost incalculable. An end[ezs amount of litigation is ex pected to arise out of the disaster. A later despatch says, tho total value of tho property destroyed, by the firo nt tho United States Patent Office is said, to bo a million and a half of dollars, but eight or nine thousand dollars, will bo sufficient to cover tho expense of repairs. Ten thousand models. were (de stroyed. ' ' '. i There havo been six deaths from yellow fever at the Now York quarantine -within the lest three days. At Fernandina three deaths and twenty now cases were report-, ed yesterday, The Montreal Grand Jury have brought in-"no-biU" in the case of ;Sheean, charged with shooting Hackett. niAieitti:i>. Fvfe In' Acton, at tho . rosidohce of tho bride's father, on the 20th inst., by tho Rev. D. B. Cameron, Air." Joseph Fyfo, (of the firm of Fyfo & MoNab) to Sarah JailO,, Second daughter of Thomas MoMacken, Esq., all of Actoirr" All persons indebted to this e^ ^ ^ are notified to call at once at tho la. ,J store of the Insolvents and-settle their accounts with ..utlr a^ent, Mr: Charles 11. Murdoch. , ' -'. 1 i All aecoui.ts unpaid on the 33th iadl. will.he pl.'vcod in.i-'tiit. '.MUUDOf'II, kCO. ,, Toronto, 10th Sept. 1ST? ^ . ^_ ^_ By rcsding nnd practicin, the infflitnaWe truths corr taincd in the bc<t" niedica book ever S??ucd,.Cntitlcc VlltfAPB sSELF-i'i'.ESEnVATIO> | HyV|a| lPricconlr$l..Scntbyiiiai| B 11 B vaiBil on receipt of price - I' treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline Nervous and Physical Debility, and the cndlcfi concomitant ills and uiitold .miseries that resub therefrom, and contains more tlmn 50 oriffiual pro mcriptions, any one of which is worth the price pi the book. This book was written by the most e tensive and probably the most Btilfol practitionci in America, to whom was awarded a {roldaxi(|jeTC cllcrt racdnl by the National Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated wit the. very fines Steel Engravintrs a mar- *"" ' " vcl of art and" beautj- sent rnEE to all. Send for it. at orjec. Address PEABODy JtEDICALi INSTITUTE, No. -1 Bui finch St., Uosioa, ila*. Ties To. secure the ' .1 ; rtENTBAL EXHIBITION, 1877, WILL BE HELD IJT THE TO'WST OP :'^XJBli'PH OX THE 2d, 3d, 4thg.5tL\ Oct. OPEN TO AI.Ii.- lELF-Pi^EjrvKTio,,Crowds of Pertple co^ie irom pr ffte Couofr^ Eouud to Take Acivaiitp^e of th fSreatrj A ".. "^T: ChfiRce. FVERY OTHER STQRE IS U0ERTEB We still have heaps and heaps of (Juods S'.rilfeJ and Damaged during the Firef which >*e are bound to Clear Out at;Any PrieQ, r $' " V . ,COTTOKS,i :. . BliAiNKETS, . ;DE|lSS,GOODS,:..J K ...-. CLOTHXXCf, m All at.such Reductions as have, never before befi. ..- . "-,.-..-.' offered. - I NOW'S THE' TIME FOR CHEAP GOOD Prize. Lists and Entry Papers can bo had at the Secretary*s office, -(iuelph, and also from the Secretaries of other Societies'throughout the Province.^ Parties not receiving their entry tick ets prior to the Show, will find them at itho Secretary's offico. The Beveral Rail-ways will carry freigh't and passengers to and from the Exhibition at single fare. TH0S. McCHA'E, Pres. G. MTJRTON, Soo. Guelph, Sept. 1, 1877. 10-4t CONSUMPTION CURED. ,iAI\.i" Fjri'BK;'**. relirril from netire nroc TCXlhlIA,lne "It hy uEul India Ml,iir>,^ry tht- formula r a Vcjretahla KenicayXor Iho gpetdy. luid permanent euro of Consumption, Ami,ia, lifonthitil, t'tttnrrh, ond all Throat anrll.n'nir ArTeetibna: alto rpiltlTc Mid.HiLillcal Cu.cfl.r Ncrvnua De- hlUtynni] all hcnciu ComplaXn. oOfr fin- Tne Uinrouchl]. iriled Ha wnndrrlul curalirc | po\er In thouiartl, ol cn,c. Ici-li It hl duty-to IVi k".ikn""" !" !>'" ,0frii.E fcllnf. Aetti- ii J* I ua ni,,i|rc "'! n cc>nicirmioiM'u>ilrc"lD ffli'J&.'lW.1! "'I"'"?. I't will e>l ruj.'.K iJ.*;, 91?,Aif(U-llo "" ,v" 1<-Iit It, tills -trclue. wlUlluU diroclli.m lur prcpnrlnfaiiv ,unTutfd% lly Ulliur. tpcl hy ronini> addrttiliil I wita itamp, uainuiR tlili paprr. i.E. C. STKVEXSS ' I303; tic, BaooitviLi.E, Ost. Flour. ACTON MAltKLTS. .. iJS'OO tct3 00 Fall Wheat, now Spring "Wheat, now Sproiitod Spring "Wheat Harley ... ' .. Oats ....... Peas ... Butter ... .. Eggs. -,. i ,.' ., Potatoes, per ling Apples, early, per bag . . 1 24 to 1 00 1 24 to 1.00 0 70 to 1 00 - 0 ho to 0 G5 0 30 to 0 35 0 GO to 0 G5 0 1(> to 0 18 0 lOtoO 00 0 75 toO do 0 50 to 0 75 9aUHHHBBiQE&nBa9>2B; AND " THE--LION" iis the :', !i i, D. WILLIAMSON &; 0O.1 Guelpb, Sept. 10, 1S77.' ATTvYyS ?.Sbloy; 1,1 ^granU.'rquare DBA Mif^G and "PrJgi't, ore Br I A4 iW *J O pronounced by the <=. t ma m press and the people AND as the most fcoauttful nndsweet- Maest toned Piano's ever mariutactur- ORGANS, fed & and niFHwa---------------------- ryiAILORING. J0HN.: McARTHUIc, taijor, has roturnod from Now York city whoro ho _,,----------------=-- ----.--.-, .------ has attended the School of lustructio? S^raSeffd'.'lK^' e^'ui'sltely in the act of cutting.garments, and is heauflAiHy-snloeflcctiiland the only stop jniii,r.aiaB pronoivnced'tnc WASHINGTON, best In tho world. NEW JERSEY. Baalty's celebrated cjoldon Toncuod Pnrjor Orgnn, -- Any manutaotnrer Qhallengod toetiunl them. now hotter prepared than ever, to- give tho best of satintaotiou'tohis custotnors. Ho is now in a position to warrant a perfect fit, and to mako up garments iii tho very latest American styles.. . Tho continued patronage of tho community resj>octfully solicited. - . JOHN McARTHUR. Acton, Aug.8.1677. ., ' 0-3oa ncttoii ever Invented that cannot be dis lirrunt't'dby use. l'hn bellows capocliy Is so jtrent that but Utile rttort Isrequlr-, ed with tbo fee-, to supply all the nlr nebofsnry BeBt mndo and most elegant" enses In tho market, Ail solid wopd ornnmonts. Kvery instrument fully war ranted for six yours as strictly flrnt chiss, and Ronton from.5 to iii ilnyk'tri-t lilal. Address ItAMFX F.BEATTT, Washing ton New Jersey. XXUKRA.II t HUHKAH1 On and after the 1st of SeptMn*j BULK.,-iill bo said at the fouowiag rates : " ' ..;- - * i' Per Quart, 4 CentBif Per Pint, 2 G&i', suit 1*** tirneo^ '25 Quart ticket* for' Qn DoHar-: 25 Pin t Tickets for Fifty- Cent* In advance, P. S. ABMSTB0I?&.. ; - .Aoton, Aug. 23, 18T7. -^ . -'_ Xew Imperial Measure, to * ! . SI

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