Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1877, p. 4

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<**j as &;&& isfls'jse Wi ritCJ^-ik && ic THE FREJE PRESS, ACTOff, HALTON COUNTY, ONT.,' jSEPTEMBER20, 1877. ri POT m.' KKTTLK.- X COMMON liltlTlOK KKTrlXTED.. By Oie. Lout Fdrinrr.': Tho drum, ecclesiaslio resounds in our midst, And the parsons arc nt it with t<x>th, null, and list; There's janglings and jars, nudnmighty "liig'.row," Aud each, for liis own, give a lusty i bow-wow. y And'though the event lias Lot'little of cash on, Ti conducted in truly an orthodox fashion ; Tho epithet* used save iu clerical fcuj .Would surely bo thought moat exoood- ingly rude. For ourselves, we've no care (or-their =P If the 4 1 v insular capers. 5>"'d ;' of tho" papers': .'iSt-l- ^1 -.pfis 11,%-- &.: Ii> m.-+fs I please us by "keeping tlioiubut 10 papers'; They-va pulpits from which they may , fulminate well, And boartra, who'll deem all their oddi ties Compel Of the causes of the row, and its merits if any, We know not, and care not, U tho tuno oi a fenny ; They raVe about ord'naneos whatever that means'?-*- Andouturb1 us while eating our bacon . and beans. A far ai vo know 'tis "a talo of a tub." . . .Against which a basin has happened to tub. The basin aud tub that are making the clatter, "Are both, as vo thine, an indifferent .-matter., v- ( Iwmerse iir th one, from, the othor, ', And see it you're wiser or better a wrinkle. My boouic bold Gordon, do throw up the sponge, Such a spoctre-liko question is not worth a lunge ; CoIKmou, turn a deaf Oar to the fray, And reform it, my good Wend, reform it away. We say to' the liunter, you'ro chasing a myth . . That has neither reason, consistence, nor pith ; To tho " Cameron men," keep' your own sidethobordcr We langh at tbeae quibbles with Ivowiu fid Lauder.. A TMIIUNG_8NAKE 8T0BY. T*M tar rtBHlnUm Tu; Xax tk Krfannra TUer, "Beware of pickpockets !'*- re- ' peated a benerolent old gentleman us ho glanced at a placard posted ? in the car in which he waa riding. j " Da me, hoar &ad that such a warning should bo necessary in a Christian land 1" " Yea, sir," s*id a. young man next to him ; " but it's best to be - careful, for there may be pickpock ets in this very car. I know all fcbout that, air. 'I've been rescued from the lowest depth. . I was & pickpocket .onoe, Br.'S "* " Dear me," said the old gentlo- _ mart, starting. " Fno a respectable person" now. Yes, air, I'm ,very. respectable. Aak anybody about Jim Tilks, and they'll "tell you thatj but I was brought^ up & thief. I was born among thieves, and \ took to the trade naturally, and I used to pick pockets when X was ten years old. - You needn't look at yours. If you pteoaev bt, I've been converted jfflrd, and go to meeting Tegular. You could trust me with untold gold now. "But.aa I said, I was a thief, and I might have been one yet if -It hadn't been for ^wbac- happened at Rickaday station, where I was Bitting waiting for an old lady's retieole, t>r any forgetful person's parcel, or even an umbrella or a pocket handkerchief that might haro dropped by ehauoe. For - folks tbafs anxious about getting J- on tho right trains at the right time, and nobody t& do anything rbnt suub 'em, winch A3 what the officials are apparently, paid to do, aia't a carefgl of their portable property aa they would be other- wise. When I was a wicked sinner I used to take advantage of that, yoo!lcnow. Ypa couldn't bribe me to do it now-r-oh no. ". """But, as I Baid,M" traa lounging .about there, and in came a gentle,- with a long basket. It was -the curiousest basket I ever Baw. Had two handles and a padlock. Never saw such a basket.-- There was a cord about it two. He pdt it down in the corner as he looked for his pocket-book, and - he- spoke to ajgentbjtnan who wsia standing near, and seemed to know hini," - " Got it," he Bald, " anS it cost n-%ie enough, I aia tell yoi. But I wanted it for the collection could Kiunerthon ' what docs tliiy inoani" An empty bnskct'1- A^Jid what did ho niiMii by tidking'.of :iL being vtduiibli'i' And'lhuo I was iiui. iiin^ a risk for nothing. " A risk. I was done for, for nothing ; for -hVro wero tho policy uftov'me, nt least iv big arm wont, round my waist, all ot ;\ sudden, nnd whi:u 1 jerked, it only hehl mo closer, and what was that another arm 9 "Well, Kir, I thought I should give up lost that minute, for then and thorO I knew that what was ,' twisting nbo'.it mo was something worse than even u policcnian's arm to such as I was then. " It was u snnko a great snake the kind thoy have in menager ies, l?oa constrictors yes, sir, that wub tho'kind a boa constric tor ; and now I remember the fuco of the gentleman who had the bas- kot bo was tho menagcrio man. I'tl stolen a basket with a snake in it, and it hud slipped out when I opened I ho1' cover, and now- it had mo. "Tight, sir, was tho word for it. It was twisted around me until I hnd very iittlo breath -left, but with what I did have I set up a yell, Would'you believe it, sir, tho per son that heard it |wns that menag erie man. Ho was looking for his snake, I .suppose." " ' Bleas my heartj says ho, when he" saw mo, ' bless my heart. Well, the biter's bit,'if it ever happohed. Vou stole tho basket, my friend, and outof it came the thief-catcher. Keep still; don't move for your life. There's just one ehanco for you." '*' " Says I, hurry please, for I'm chokin'. " Ho did hurry." ne took a bottle put of his pocket, and out of another ho took a kind of folding cup and opened it. Then ho pour-: ed something from the bottle into the cup. " ' Milk,' *aya ho, ' if. may tempt him away ; if not say your prayers, friend;' and I tell you that was an anxious moment .for me. 4 At first I thought ho had dope for me, for the snake only seemed to twjst tighter; but in a minute the head-poked put toward the cup, and I. felt, him7: drop off, and saw bim coil around tho milk cup. I didn't want to see him fed. I went.' * . _ ' But it was a lesson for me. It put an end to my cohrse of wicked^ ness. This is my station, Bir; good afternoon. There- ia "not a more resj>ecbtblo or more honest young man than I am .living now j good afternoon." " A very curiona^tory," said the old gentleman " very. But he's evidently a very conscientious young man now." . He-.put his hand in his pocket for bis handkerchief. It was gone { so was his purso I They had gone with the conscientious y,oung man; Hints On the Care of tbe ;.Eyes. There are, pechaps, more imli; viduals vho ascribe their weakness of sight to a uso of their eyes under an insufficient artificial illumina tion than; to any other one causei In a great many instances this may not be strictly true, but. there can. be no doubt that faulty artificial light is one of the most productive causes' of a certain class of injuries, to which theuyo can bo exposed. The two Epjirces of .trouble with the ordinary artificial lights are r- first, that they are not pure whitej and secondly, that they are un- i-steady. The first defect is found in all aitiGcial lights except thp. Iimo, electric and magnesium lights;; the second especially in candles and gas. The yellowness is, in" a meas ure, counteracted "by using, in the case of lamps and-gas, chimneys of a violet or blue tint, and the. flicker ing of- the gas >pay bo . obviated largely by employing van Argand I burner.T AIT things considered, a tjermari student-lamp furnishes tho most satisfactory light. The next best is gas with an Argand burner. Tbe chimneys of both may, as above suggested, be advantageously of a light blue"tint, . The position of the light in rela tion to the body of great import anco. If a sbftde is used on tbe lamp or burner (it should, by pre ference, be of ground or " milk" glass, never of. colored glass), tho tho \\".^i reading under jia'nto cir- cumsc.w.M>ces ' exceedingly trying to tho eves, nu shou..'.' uovW-l)U per- his'tod in for ai',;' eo:Vlerublo length of time. Duringco'nvalcBOonoo from bo vera illness tho eyes itro generally tlfo Inst ;to regain Abeir lost power. Kspcoiully is thirt tho eivse with woman aftor child-birth, and too much euro cannot bo taken to put as little strain upon tho oyos as possible at this timo, . tt.^M. tiiirnctt, in Scrib/itr/of iSej't. now People Get Stckt Eating joo much'o fast; Bwullowing imporfectly masticated food ; by taking too much fluid at meals ; drinking poisonous whisky and Other intoxicating drinks; | keeping late hours iu tho night, and sleeping too Into in the morning ; wearing clothing too tight so as to relax tho circulation ; wearing thin shoes ; neglecting to tako sufficient oxerciso to keep tho hands, and feet warm ; nogleqtihg to wash tho body sufficiently to keep the-pores open ; exchanging the warm clothes worn in a warm room during tho day for costume^ and exposure so inoidont U> evening partiea; starving tho stomach to gratify a vuin and fool ish passion for dress; keeping up constant excitement; fretting tho mind with borrowed swallowing quack nostrums for overy imaginary ill ; taking monls at irregular intervals. -. A Fronch Btntiscian has takon the trouble to go into elaborate de tails in reference to the waste of human life by war duringthe pres ent century. The record ia a very (terrible ono. With all the talk about the enlightenment, and pro gress, and civilization of this some what boastful century, war has known Iittlo or nb interruption dur ing all thoso seventy-fivo years. It is needless to partioularito. All down the years tho same Bad record holds good, from the great wars of the Frenoh :Empiro to the present deadly conflict between the Rustuan and tho Turk. And what :may bo~ the calculated loss of life caused by this method of settling national dis putes, to say nothing of the loss of property? Wo aro assured, on tho best official data, that the sum of human life tlius sacrificed has in ono way and another hot been short of two. hundred millions. This must include those who have died from^ wounds, disease and starva tion, as wo can soaroely gee how such a number can be made up of thoso who have died on tho field of battle: In any cise the record is a hideous ono, and to all appearance the number of thoso thus slaughter ed will have been wonderfully in creased before tbo century is ' done. Rabe Chicks. The St Jrohn, N. B., Telac/raffi- has the follow ing : A chicken belonging to Mr. Henrj Rudge, of St Stephen, was hatched in the middle of April, and when only four months old laid four eggs and- has continued to lay an egg every day since. Wonder ful preeoo ity in a chicken 1 IMMENSE OFrNEW Fall and Winter DRY GOOD^ '*H n't do^rithontit, So proud that 1 brought it. along myself. Whew ! five minutes only, and I haven't anytiokefr,41 sad lie pushed toward the oflica. " The other man looked at the basket a minute, and then-walked away, and that^ was my time. I juld-i s'"* . of it/ light-may ,5tand directly in front of % the body and the work be allowed. to lie in the light the shade, which will project the *yes from the glare of the-flume. If no shade is used the back .should" be turned to the source of light, which ought to fall over tho left shoulder. Tho op and walked away in anothSr di- peotioh, Nobody noticed .me. I didn't run of course. I jast went out of the station and down under the trees, and what J. meant to do was to take tho valuables out of it and,Ieave it there. . MJ.'d made up my mutd-tbat it tra something very valuable, but what: it pould be I coijld not guess. .1 tookthe key that hung besitle the padlock and unlocked thac and' liffc- nd up the cover a little, JubV then there was a noise and i tijrned my | head." " When I found it was. nothing to be afraid of I turned ba^k. I opened the eover .wider and peeped in, but there was nothing \ there ; the.basket was empty not a thing jn ifcf only pot in them WP.rds I was a Biggest Retail Stock in Canada BOUGHT THE GOODS CHEAP, CHEAT BARCAIMS 1 Will Ts Given. ItEMEMBEU OUR ORDERED CLOTHfNG- AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS, Superior to anything in the County. THE MAMMOTH HOUSE Noted for/Cheap Go<j>ds.j MoLEOD, ANDERSOH fc Co., W.STEWART SCO . . JJaro comm*nced;ojp#ning ihtir * New : Iopaportations And in a fa days will show the finest stook of-t FIRST CUSS GOODS . / suomitted for inipeotlon in Guelpb. Special efforts hare been made to show the newest Dr& Goodtj . Spring Jacket*. Mantlet, CostumeSfT ; Kid Glouet,. Iloticnj, Laces, Lace Curt(iim, 8f\4eting$( and . Mourning Qoodt, -OUR COTTONS wer* alt contracted' for before tba recent advance. Customers will hare the benefit, ^0^8* .Department. : In Cloths and Tweexts, Dress Shirts, - Ties, Collars, eta., Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles' and price. . .. WM". STBWART 4 CQ, Gclpn,#arch0, }STI, SUE SCRIBE FOB TUB | -^-QTOIiT crept up to the basket and took it I same rule applies, in tbe mannge- ' "' "" menD. of daylight. Jn this case the light Blioulu conie from behind nnd slightly above, and fall directly on the work, whence it is reflected to the eye. It should Movef fall di rectly in the face. The light in the room during sleep is a!a,b"no,t vit'hp.ut its influ ence.; Ae.a ruje, the room during sleeping hours should bo dark; FREE PRESS, I took off the cord firsthand then! ] aud^ in particulaj-j .care should be taken to avoid sleeping opposite aj windpjy where .Qff. opening tjie eyes in the njorhiog a good $ strong light will fall on them. EJyen the strongest eyes are, after the repose of the night, more or less sensitive to the. impression of light, "the'eyes must have time .to accus tom themselves to the stimulus. - Attention 8bon)d be callod tp thfl injuriouB,, effeots that sometimes "Why, gracious ine !'says I; j follow-'-reading on railroad cars. On account ;of the unsteadiAess. .of Only $1 a Tear In Advance, Aug. 28. 1877. JIAMMOTfl HOUSE. GKOBGETOWN. " I Ml SIOfiE rjplfE ONTARIO SADDLEB.'tv .1 -A.CTo:sr,V la the place to get the best HaraM. (or the least money. ^ Owillfir to Hard ^ime, py^:- have been Reduced, j AtlOrdirt left with Pie'ieiUneHv, r careful attention* ' COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers know thh\lioH cannot work with sore necksT^Z off the old collars and get .^S^ that will giro entue gatbfkcrimT The place to get them is .at, thT/ ' ONTARIO SATJDLEir Another lot of .those faiaoii ' American "Whips Just received and will be sold cheap . for cash, . " Impairing Done JPriUy, ChapU. tlj on t&e Shortut Notice.: . "Aetoa, Aqg.21, IS77. ;\J| L rp KE NOTICE. AT THE AC7TON PLANINCf; M$LS Will b found.a^juntirjbaf , . SEASONED^UMER AOTOIT. Tba subscriber having again gone into, the grocery business, would .in- timate (hat ho has always a full line of goods usually kept in fh-st class grocery hoases, fresh, and of the best quality, such as TJ3AS. . Blacks Fine^ English Breakfast Conguo, 6V>uohong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoo. GftEEKg Moyune Gunpowders, Silver Leaf Hunpowders, Moyune Young ITysonB Uncoloredjrapina, Imperials, Twankays Oiv.teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases ov.ei 5 1 hs. COFFEES. (Our stock best grades " of /)ld Government Java, LagUayr% Maracaibo, and Rio. '.'{ Boasted and ground, daily,:.on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aronm and flaver of the berry. OOOOAS A^TD OHOOOLA'TES. laylor'a .Cocoa and .Chocolate, JSpp's Homcoouathio Coooa, .xUenjIer'a .CAQcol.a.(e's. Refined, in Loaj?,es, Cot Loaf, Dry Crushodj <3raaulatcd, Extra Ground, JBxtrft (2,s EngliBh ftoGned all grades-, Demerara^ Porto Kicc> - Ambor, Chewins, Honoy aa4 SyTtips. Staalard ' OAiWED GOODS. .. California Salmon, Portland Lobsters, Froucli Hjirdlne*, Covo Oystex*, Fresh Msckorei. Carol Sams and Bacon. Choose and But tor. Bnniott's" Extracts & Eisoncoa. , Ttid" Finest Goods Manufactured. soaps of all MalD. . PicMos and Cacos. Crosse & Blaekwell's, "Mixed Plekles;" Chowclioff, 1'iccallll, Musliroom Catsup, Join Ball Snnee, Lea it I'errln'g a'drebsstorshlre Sauce, Tomato <-atsnp, Favorite do Yorkshlro BelUb, French Mustard, PABHTAOSOTO .MOSS. uK>Un(v Hlco. Arracan Rico, Fa/I Ssro, Jtlo Taploca- Fearl Barley, Corn Meal, Oatmeal. DESSERT FBETTS Currants, Valenwa OijinBCB, Messina Lemon*. Plneapptei, , Tunln Dates, Bordeaux Wal.nuts, Filbert*, Almonds. BIS0UIX3 Ss COI^EOTIOITBET. Arrowroot, W4no, Roda, Atoernethy, Creanj, Lemon, Butter, Boston. tiraiiam, OyBter crg^Ker, Wew York Ginger nuts.- Ulnger Snaps, Candlr^ and Sweet men ts of all klndsi filxaasfij Butter, Eg^, Hop*, T0BAC00E3- Smoking," Cigars. . OROOSERY. . Chjn* Sets, White stone Stti, ' . Figured Stone SetB, Cm'mber Sels. Tua Plates, Bowls, jellies. Platters, Bakers, And a full line of other kinds. MJllPans, CrenmCrooks, Bulter Croekf, Jap.-, Flower Pols, Ao SelUng at tbe manufacturers'prlceB. ' FRUITS DB12D. . Valencia Haieins, Layer llaisins, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless, *Voatiz2a Currants, Black Patrasdo. in cases selected Tui Or^ASS-WARB, abler**, Goblets, Lumpc, Loiap Giogteg. Glass Plates, Olaes Bets, Fruit Jars, <4o, 4c. Vail Papers and, "Window SUnds Ingreatvorloty cheap. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Tubf, Palls, BroomB. washboanls. Brushes, Ac. Ropes, Wire and Wooden Baskots, Patent Medlelnes, Dye Stufls. Stationery,'HchoolBooUs,. PurseB,.\ValletB.School Bags, BpectacleB, Viollap, Violin strings. Briar Pipes/ Fansy Goods, Cotabs.^te. Frenoh Prunes', Tunis Date's These goods are. the finest ex ported. OANiTED PRTJITS AND -v-EGE- TABIi!,3. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, . Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Peas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. Besides many other articles in season, not. here mentioned,": | JBSTCheap for Cash or Trade. JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, June, 1877. Conveyancer/Com. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses. .Insurance" Agent, ,&c. Boneless CodSsb, Herrings, Oysters in can and bulk -in season. THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE *! To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, aSj well as throughout the County, the Free Press is an ':. r, InvaluaWe Advertisingr . -7,.. Medium. Comprising inch, IJ and 2 >&*&> ; dressed and_undresed. All . gariiLslock. -' -' [' Sash, j y1 . ; . "-. " Doors, % . '- Mouldings Battens, &c^f Manufactured as- usual. -- THOS. BBBAGB, ftap_L Aeton, Ane.21r'l87T. ,... o, t; hi cl, MUI Street, ACTUS. ^.' :_ DEiLEBIli > " " ' ' ffrueerlefl. V . ." QroelteiT. - soots gaoei, -"i^:v". XraUP4BBr ' : ,' ? " i :-*:" Window Bllnda, ...".. - ;" < Nails, Glass, Patty; ; ' Linseed Oil, Paints, TarpantifiS CoalOU, Salt,***, /111 of which t'iil be sold low for Taaftt ' j. ,r.' BOOTS and SHOESSelling off at: cost^ " - -;- Also agent for the i -."." BTJBBEB PAINT CQMPA^t J3f Cleveland, Oiiol !J" Cash tor Hides. Vv ^eton, Jply^S, 1876.. j v"'" .. 1.IST OF ^ - T Sold wholesale and retail by rOdrj^nriyalled JFa^ilities forErechting aI4-kindso! - ^FoUn An<iersoi= -:: -^ "--f: *-r.-~rI Bookseller^ Qnelpn;;. tj- ; ! Burrowes' Pianoforte Eriaaflr. ji -+' Jeusse's ilusical Catecnikni. 1 "T- ' -.-':': 'j.-,'i. - .i-.i::-'!--: f--j- Bertuv> NewrMethod foe ipfi &**? Clarke's New ttethgi for tii^PW^ Huntotfs Piano FbrW&hof^ ,til, ! Howe's Piaso withoufcaiiaeter.-.^ Richardson'8 New Modern Schoioj"^ Gitse'e Parlor Orgte. : /; . Silver Wreath^Vocal). : _" ' . ^J"rf lOftdifferent Music ilooks. V /. A BigDiacoant bnalL . A. MUSIC B$OK AHD JOB PRINTING .Enable us to turn out work equal to onytbi^g done in th* cities. ,it( ANDERS On the .East side of \vjrdkamStrt# :' :- M GUELPH. aZ^g&iV&imiM

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