Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1877, p. 3

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s ENfl; i A i. I THE FREE PRESS, ACT eron T*tL>h "** -T.tfafcr f ra,'rtf l<ravc Act.vj is fWk->w: Jfj|M F.Tprv*s -Toronto mail Kpre* *" (Jilt mixed COINS K-\T. able for th jjflr " MMs**!.^ Dy Kx press Xv>tprn mad London mixed 9.10 .vm. r~l.?; *.'.V|i.m,' 7:07 p. m '!>:l(V.vm. H :34 a.m. i*: 10 p.m. iSCAL MATTCRSv fnll Shows. Provincial at-London. Sept, 2-1-28. UuclpU 1-civUM......ivt tfuolph, Oct: 'J. f 4, 5. Hamilton Central -.irflamiltoi), Oct, "J, 3. 4. ,%. _lbitVcrin-t Orangvvillo, Sept, .20, 27, 2S. , Haljon -at Milton, <K"t. 11, 12, V Void--at Hraipptont Oct. S, 0, 10> Ks.(uu.sing at Uoorgotowji, Oct, Urookvillo, Sop. 2S. Kranmsj- at Dopkwowl, Oct. 9. Krin. at Krin Village, Oct, IS. There is and always lias been a class of people who float around the country, and nm \Vo tender on r tlmnka to fXhose of our patrons who rcspxhided to our request a few vcoki ago to pur tip their accounts duo this; otik\\ Tliero aro yet, howoier, ' largo number -who hvo'~aoti paid for this jrtxir'a Free Press, " debt thiuking their position warrants it ' ad sotuo whoso indebtedness extends over last rear %Ve would be very much ple!aaed to \ sco or tre&r from tbe.m soon. ottlc themselves in a town iu debt in* every store they possibly can without ever expecting to pay-for their purchases. There isjan- other class who are considered respect able not from personal irfoirit,but from birth or surroundings who also run in and it is no detriment to them. Such courses tnay do for a time, but thoy cacnotflast. They bring their owa-tv ward. ' t 'Christie, Hondersbh ifc Co. nro daily receiving piles of now goodts of nil kinds. Reeling assured this full will witnosB u groat revival of trade, their puivliHbes have been largvr tluui over mid consequently moro varied. Instead of rushing into tho market enrly before prices CAiue to u level, they lmvo wuited until stocks were full, and bottom prices established, theroby cnublilig them to offer inducements fur ^/ ',.-,,-|*^l^: Ws^M^m^n^^ki^Mm "IK*: ON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., -SEPTEMBER 20, 1877. MMMjl superior to any house in tho county. Oush und sintdl profits will still bo thoir motto. Uivo them a cull, 'erspy. 6fi ted J. Country reat mm we Be social this evening. -Trees hold their Euraruor drc*s .very welt \>'J' er* -JnR '"'"I don their . fall attire, Aa abundance of luscious: peachs ked cma at the Drill "?hed - Tho couDtry-is lotoking as fresh RBd^reen ai in Juuo, thanlts to tho fre quent jraicj. -t All Pye StnrTs bought at tho - 11*11 ,o;f Ph&rm %ry are wArraui H McGarriii. -Mr: L. Crewson will offer hiar- fares and Jt>ek for sale at public 'kuci "ikm, on Tuesday, 2<f oi "October. ^ Married loan, don't Fall to take your wife and children to tho social sttrtainnstnt ia the t>rill Shod this" fT.T,;r,i? , Gire theia all a treat The leaves of our national trea are- begitaing to assume their".tall huo a reminder that, cold weather :i5-x:ear- isg as fast. The tint frost has put iu ftn appearance, . " ' The Knights desire us to ex- pres* their thanks to Major Allan and Captain Shaw for permitting tiiKSa ihts use of the llrill Shed lor th<-ir cnt^-r- tai^aent tt:a-tvecing. ; " __ Young cieii, burs-arid etistoma alloK you te> marry but one laay ; but" tie-h-ui^ci!^ c^ Pytniaa -will j>rnjit you, to escort 33 Many to tho -concert this evening as your .parse will allow. Don't : Ubaaiial. If you want to see liow thu principles of communism are sproadin^, Walker Lotlt*, A. K. * A. M. Au Emergency Meeting of^tho abovo" . I.odjfc will ha beld next Monday even- >ug, 24th inst. ' ' ~ Uenrtl rrom. Some of our local friends will no doubt- rc:neml>er tho Vaukeo atranger who was hanging around this oihco everal days, a fow weeks ago, and who suddenly left without saying good-bye to any body, or settling for a week's l>oard. Vie mean the fellow who told a number of petiplo around town that "he was alniut liuyiii^ tliel-'Kfcfe l'iLfcs'i otHcc, Well, hcrejia a paragraph we find in an. exchange in which his name appears as the editor of a paper in Stayner. Wo cannot conscientiously ongratulato the people-of that village;.".' .'. ' I A '."t-iVELTi " Sitxirr. Stayner has paper Our Itrntlntry. 'S. I* rccr", DontiBt, will visit "Acton on the first Thursday of each moujl. Ollico at Agncw'a Hotel. ^y'ou^en goods of all kinds. Splendid lot of now Tweeds. Shawls cheap and choice, at Christie, Homier,. eon df Co.'e. i - 100 pieces of extra value in Winceys,, just what is wanted in every family. Call early, and get choico of colors-^-estra value. Chriotiu, Hender son it Co, Hats and Oupst in groat yario- ty at Fyfo i L\IcN'ah'3. _.^-Qet your postora, circuhirs, billheads, letter heads, etc., at the Fkek 1*kes-s ollico. You will be satis- tied with their cheapness-and quality. A splendid Cheeked English Tweed Suit made to onlcr for $12 at Kjtoi McNabV A suit of the heaviest Cana dian Checked Pulled Cloth in tho mar ket for $11, at Fyfo & McKnb'o. Better value than ever in Boots and Shoes at Craino & Son's. It is always bettor to buy your Boots and Shoes from a regular dealer, where you can have a choice of a largo and carefully'- selected variety. Tho best place in town is at C'rauic & Son'd. ptiil out a paper of tobacco lri small crowd oa the corner.- If that tobacco ia cot heM ."in common," tinges are. now a,, home sheet- oi tweuty columns. o mnch to its. credit, but "the editor being a livo Yankee has introduced tho "smart" Western stylo of journalism, which, being somewhat new in Canada, may pos^it-ly bo appreciated, though we are inclined to think not. Here for exam ple is a specimen paragraph frum a column ot similar style : "A clergyman st Owen Sound . stopped his prayer "to lead an unruly man out by the ear, and' went on 'as I wassayirig, O Lord.1-** j Of coarse no such incident occurred in ; Owen Sound, nor probably anywliere ! elstf. Tho editor, whose name by, the i way is Harcourt, tells who is In this j fashion : " If you are anxious to'Ieurn J from wi:ence we came, we answer .that- ! we came from the city of Destruction ; frx'in the heme of double-distilled. roW- | bery. seven-sided liars and educated political pirates." Ilatber a bad intro duction thar. As to politics he tells his experience and.explains his positiim thus : " The publisher of this paper has, previous to this time, been proprie tor of a party paper. Ill conducting a party journal it was found necessary to resort to the most low-lived villainy iu order to compete with the villains of "tho opposition. Hej_ has tired- heartily tired of the deception prac fall stock of Hoots and Shoes-comprises full lines of tho best . mihen. Craiue i Sou. The- township of Culedon has lost one of its earliest pioneers in the removal of Mr. George Bell, who for 57 years occupied the farm on which he died, at the ripe ago of 81, n fow weeks ngot Mr. .Bell came to Culedon in the year 1820, when tho whole country around was a wilderiietiS. In 1S24 he married Cuthurine, tho second daughter of the luto Mr. Alex. Robertson, of -Esquesing. With, ber ho lived for tho long iieriod of 63 years, und survived her only some ten days/ Mr. Bell was a man of no ordinary energy and shrewdness. 'tjo hud read a good deal and was n keen and intelligent observer. ; NEW A13 V ERTIS EM ENtfS. BEATTYgtS ORGAN Thero is no manufacturer of Pianos and Oignns in this or. any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as bus Mr. Bontty. From every Stuto and Ter ritory comes the same verdict. " They',ore the best in the world," Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANIEL bBEATTY, Washington, Now Jersey. TH^T WONDERFUL MAN. IMtlCK. DWI1LLINCS FOll .I.^> A1,E. The two dwellings, built of brick, situatedj on Main street, near the Do- minion Hotel, are offered for sale, on reasonable terms. - Tho lot consists of thnic-tifths of an acre, with gooirgnr- Ueli. .-lhu'building. as'!, now, jaxid: well flniuhedj, adapted for two families, A good stable and driving shed on the premises, Apply to the owner. JOHN KENNEDY. AUE. 15, 1877. 7.3m A.CIOD, "OHoiyjUBAPHKltcl should for- J- ward tne their address if tliey wish to'obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange Tor Photographing. Ad dress DANiEU. F. ^KA'ITY, WaBh>. ington, New Jersey. GRACE'S QELEBRATED SALVE, A Mare Relief for the SutTerrr, i PKKI'AICF.IJ 1IY SgTH W. FOWLE & SONS, StJ nAItniSOX AVKd-'E, ., JIOSTON, JJAFC. tiRAris'S CEhKBRATKD HALVE,' Is n Vegetable Preparation, lnvent<>tl In the 17th cpjumy by Dr. WI1- Ham Or.iceJ 8ilrxcon In 'Kins James' nrmy. Through Its iiKeiicy ho cured thousands of the most serious Mores and wounds that bullied tho .skill i.riho most pmlnpnt phj'slclariH of nts d,iy, ujitl was oy all w' - -- - rogrtrdetl i lie benefitctor. rho knew him bs a pub- PRICE 1!> CENfS a hox.: iDprbvipg. ' I heartily tired of the -.4-" ___ j '___ ii Used by the publishers of tiartv organs, , iuu*s an^ u... *o. , aud now, au wealth., oj pmilion could... t hare aS eioelltat opportunity to enjoy induce hi in to part with his iudepen- 1. thein*eives and talk soft nonsense at I .deuce, both politically and religiously." the Promenade' concert this evening., --------- tr- ,-',; v ..' *"" ' i. ' Par as Yon Ho, 'We tksll eioect to see a large number; . Mr. J. W. Mann wishes to announce to his customers that on pad after the rst'of I t of them there. ' : !~ Good \Yoek. The Mann Bros.. of Actot, threshed 1050 bushels, of wheat, oats and barley last Friday at j in Richard Crrjiam's farm, AshgrOTe. The wheel "w^ws. driven by Peter * Wcrde?, They have good horses down there. Mr. R. Little, County School Ic3t.^ctor, returned home a few days ago from hia professional-visit to the . District of ' Algoma. He was absent . sonje_w"hat longer than he anticipated, . haviirg been disqualified froui active work, several days, by illness. ^-Yiying la4ie,-quite a number '.jrf good-Icokiag ynUEg Knights from Toronto will :bo at the concert this Krcnlng. Their handsome uniforms will no doubt attract your attention, 'hat we wjtrn yoa against falling in love | with Gibl. At a recent end of the county, T0 ft be*tf ;ooos Tj s L.-&' BeptemW. foilpwi* hits; -.CeaUi ,H Bard tr: i any-of them. A Clszeb. n^cniciii-the lower one of the girk, told a fellow that she' would give him a kias if he would catch ' her. She ran natil she gafout of sigbt of the' -oid folks, and then gave up. This shows what girls will do when they are Jaard pressed. Young people should be care ful not to engage -in: long" debates~at front gates, arid indulge in chirping sounds eimilar to the noise made by ^di^i'wheD ctrawin^j-their-fioota" out of nnnj especially when a pirite4 team f earriajre bases' is Eandfng by iiitWe to be frightened" by the peculiar sounds. ; The Knights of Pythias would M fileue4 to Welcome to tbeii JSodge $?>onv as'.many ladies and gentlemen,; this" evening -aa -would wish to""witneis' - the Dedicatory ceremonies. Seats will be provided lot ma {usay-ss ther room Will accommodated ladies are espeei- : ally invited. Trhe Lodge will be opened at half past sii ^ and vJjonrn in ^vois' \fcr_the Promenade Concert. .._-. : General business appears, to be 1 BHdually reviving in our village. Par- taeri"f>bta 6very side drive in atrd are Vita p to leave considerable money n tips place. Oar shops and stores are capable oi doing a raach -more -extensive business than is dono at present, and when the proprietor* get their Fall ad-" vertisements'lnto the JFrbb Pntiw.'titeTe will doubtless soon,"be.a healthy revival '_ : rMr. Obaa. Carter, whose tuttne Appears "on the programme for th'e JSjh- , ^nd ^-ho arrived a llTi *fekB "ao k^111 London, Enfrlknd, ^56 r* ^"* ^^ ,iea completing his n^iti- 1 education, is a,sen 'of "Mr. fekmuel Cuit-*(.thia village. lja ia.^aid to _bea4igbjy accomplished'p:auist, and dl no doubt -delight the audience with" lastrufnentai thaxacfir. October,' he intends --to adhere strictly to the ready-pay system of do- busuuess. He also earnestly re quests all those who are indebted to him to call and settle up their accounts immediately. ' ***: Mr. John Hawkins has pur chased a stock of-goods and intends opening out a variety store in the premises directly opposite Ryder's car riage works. Will be open iu few daya, . - .-.;-. .- <t Cp. noyr annonnce"-to tlieir many frienda that their Millinery Show Itoom this week "will )jc fully stocked with all the latest shades, colors and designs of the season- ' They charj^o no fancy prices for millinery. Ladies, remember this. .Pay the Barber. Mr- George Livens wishes to state to those of his customers who have not paid for' their shaves for the past several months that if they don't ante-up immediately he will find a way. to make them do it. Hereafter he will trust no one except his.regular monthly customers. ' , The Hon. Alex. Mackenzie in his speech at Brampton, yesterday, de clared what every honest elector in the three counties of Peel, Halton and Wel lington kniows;^j4>at Chris-: tie, Ulenderson k. Co. sell Dry Goods, Boot's aiid Shoes,,Teas and General Gro ceries as , cheap -as any^house ,-in the trade,-.cuuiK>t' now Sei-^xhtpiiteiL. - Their' fall stock now^eoroplete. Call.. "> No man engaged in business in this country-mates mprb- fair and generous offers to those unac'jnainted with hini than does Daniel P. Beatty. ' Eeq., of Washington) NV' J.-, and cer- - tainly no maii keeps them "better. Ever)' instrument he Bells, piano or Millers Association asd C'lawsos Wheat. Tho regular meeting of the Waterloo Millers* Association took place ut Waterloo, on .tho 1 lth .Sept.,in. the town hall, and was largely attended. Tho matter of organizing a Millers' Xu-t Buranco Co., wua left over. A loaf of bread niude of Clawson wheat was produced by Mr. D. Goldie, and -all present partook of it. After Vurioila opinions had been expressed it.was moved by Mr. Peter Sherk, seconded by Mr. Ratz, and carried unanimously, that the Clawson wheat is acceptablo to millers, and can bo recommended to farmers as one giving a good yield of flour and making excellent bread. J - , The- Christian Guardian ad vocates an amendment of the Dun- kin .Act. There must l>e: -more polling places than one. iPIueea where liquor ia sold should he clos ed during tto voting. Protection must be had against bribery and corruption. The fjve-ghllon clause should be removed. .Tho Act should clearly provide for its own enforcement. These are important alterations, and no doubt they will be made by Parliament ut an early datf>. " -^Mr.'Gough and Mr. Murphy say we must not drink malt and spirituous liquors ; Dio Dewia say3 corTeo and tea are poisonous; bhtr> Herald of Health cautions us against drinking ice. water. What dan 'we drink- -anyhow ^ Phila delphia Bulletin. Dpink milk, then, of course. The: yellow fever"is spreading rapidly at Fernandina, Flu., thirty-, " caBea. having occurred: within Vwdlre hours. "' Whole fam ilies are down, and ,tho citirens are leaving ,the city_^ in hot baste.' Since tho ' 20th of August there havo been twenty deaths from CB.ICE'S CELEBIE ITKD SaLYK CUR KM ri-Kijir wounds, j-ho2buv i^uiiis. s>aW, t'tllLIlhAt.^. KollK 11UKAST, suite i.iV.s. EKV.sirEi.As, >tis<;- WOItMS.CALI.f.SK-SSC'AI.U IIEaII C'lIAITKI) HANDS, ni'RNfi,' c?<0ki:.s, fki-'-ns, SCAI.U<, ftlBKS, : Vl,CKItS, . WOCNnS, I . I STINUS, filll.N'ClLES', I-EtiXEIta, | W.WISS, STUCK, TILES AIlCKKS, HlKCKLCri, BlINIOSS, , M'ttAlNS, HolJ., 'tiirr.', rrTs whitlows WAKTS, : m.ISTEUS, TAN MsfPLEs,! ! ennxs, scrn\-v, ITPII, INOnoWl>0 XA1LS, SETTI.K HASH. JIUSqUITO ASO. rl.EA IltTB!>, HPIDEB STINOH, And all cutaneous diseases and (ruplloni generally, For sale by all drtigslfts grocers, and at all couutTr stores tn rousnout ihe Unl- teei States and 13rlUstl Provlncce. rrlce by mall 30 cent". - ~ V TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN, GREAT ATTRACTION. silk DUpARTMBiN'it Especial aUcntiori is requcHted to,our Silk Department. Weoflet Us All TVT n T-i *< ' nnestasssortrnent or Black. Bilfca to. lie found in the Dominion. &11 JNGW, FreSh and Fashl6nabl6 Staple and We unhesitatingly .wy that we offer a saving of 20 percent to our batrons in Colored.and Fancy Diess Silks. - : Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls,, Dress Goods, etc. ']"' " v . - k,. ' ... ', " i . DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. V' ::'" -:>' ' s:r 11 Bales^of ffhioh are Bed-Blankets of the beBt kind, ironderfully cheap flntl good. :',',. ".!'"'. Fancy : Also in Eyening_and Wedding Silks we have very attractive' styles and colors.-' v. - ;..v " '.'": -- Our stock of Ladies'Jnckot Cloths, Ulster Cloths ADd'Trimmihga for fiarne. is well worthy of attention, indeed our stock of all classes of goods this season js remarkaMe for,excellence of quality and', ' - .. -* cheapness of price. ' . We^ take- the lead this season, ns usual, havingthe the finest assbrtraent- rJfS^'i f ?.P- in lown' als0 of Ladies Qu'JtcrJ Lustre faTcjrte, Filled lelt Skirts, and (he Princess Walking .skirts Sespectfully nDnounCe to the public that the greatest care has been/ oxer* creed in the selection of their immpriee and varied stock. Every article is warranted as represented. j'Ttegqcds are oil ftol/ and direct from the manufacturers. ! . . , "i iwmh- h*;---!ii^-i '- -i<ii Carpets of tho newest designs, and colors. Tapestry. Carpets. Beautiful Brussels and Sept. 9,1877. JOHN HOGG & SON, "j , Alma Block,- Upper Wyndham-Street, Guelp.h m u can buy first-clnss Pianos and Ouqas-3 cheaper of-DiAN- IEL F. BE.AT-1% Washing __ lo;ij New Jersey, than any other manufacturer in the United States. Why ? Because he sells only for cash, takes no risks and hag no book accounts; Every instru ment hi fully warranted for eii years as strictly first class, and'aro sent on from 5 to 15 days' test trial, money reluudf-d and freight paid both ways by him if lh<-y nro usatis- factbry. .. Send for .illustrated Aii- vHKTisKa. (Catalogue Edition) and r&ad testimonials from his patrons, sfme of whom you may know. Ad dFess DANiEL P. BEATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. ' -' .- : i &reat| Inducements at tke; ' EAST END/ ; CLOTHING STORE. The proprietors or tho EAST END CLOTHING STOKE would again tender their sincere thanks to theirjiumerous patrons in and around the Village of Acton for their past-liberal support, and g^j,^, in connection would beg leave to inform them that by buying early and for cash,>hey ure better;prepnred than ever '" ' . toexhihit ' A Stock Varied and Complete in all its BrancHes. OTJBICLOTECS Are of thc.newest designs in the market, and at prices to suit hard, times, AU we ask is a thorough inspection_and. comporison'^of our'goods with those of any house west ot Toronto. FYFE & McNAB. Acton,Bept. 4, 1877. OUR FALL STOCK OF '. organ, is fully warranted for six' Vcats,'- -lev^r. and, while he sells for cash, and 'tiros" gives the advantage of the lowest pricesj yet no stranger is afcked to advance one dollar ont of his own control, until he has seen^ and tested the instrument. See his advertisement in this paper, and if you intend buying an instrument write to him and examine his method of doing business. During a thunder storm on Thursday morning Gideon B. Hitchens, with four sons arid two daughters, took refuge under 'a. tree near; Georgetown^. The light* ning struck tho-tree, and thiee children two sons" and n da lighter .were killed. Tho fnthej; and re maining children were seriously hurt. - ' -----A. meeting was held lately in Berlin to examine into the pros Tiflerto .that fown,'and-.after = con- 5j wo xav-*. siderable discussion, a branch of the Great Western from Paris to Berlin was the most favored. .As b'gh as - 5100,000 of bonus on the part of Id Mr. John Tait, 'formerly of Georgetown, has closed hie Com mercial and Teackefu. College in Oweu Sound, and. accepted the position of first English teucher in tho High School at Collingwood at "arsalary of $1,000. --------------------------- Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day rlgnt in their own localities.- Have no room to explain nore. Business pleasant and honorable. Wo men.ond Tioys ami elr'* do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. Tho business ppys Detter tnan anything else. Wo will boar ex- rense oI-^tartlne you. rartlcu nrsfreo. Write at.d see. Karmerw and mechnliiCR. their fions nnd daughters, and all .classes llinei d or puy Inp work at home. Kbould write t-> us and lnarn about the work at once. Now-Is the time. Don't .Way. Adiress.TnUEACo , AUKUsIn, Maine.. $999 WAGGONS. irow is the .time to" leave your order At J. Ryder's Factory '; for a Stylish Baggy or Serricenblc WajlKon. I am making up a large stock, for the present season, from the; best material. Call and Sec our Handsome Bvg'gieti Now is a good tinio to secure bargains. Strict attention given to Sprae-shopine 85 General Blaok- : amithinff. - . . i"-..-." .TAMES RYDER. Acton, Feb. QG. 1877. Is now Arrivriiig, . And .will soon be. complete for % & &. -f Hats ii ! f'!- yvb mmw ia^l^ " lit: :,'-7 *'f : mm . k"l. the :iFJ^LXi TIi^-3DE. CALL AND BEE OUR NEW STYLES. peoia'il AUentioa Given to Ordered Work. Kepairiug Promptly Attended to. j ORAINB i 80N. Acton, August 7; "877; perfowiaiices of a superior the town, wus spojwn. of if; it would secure the building of the branch. eatly i 1 l prom? tip executed at the KREE PRESS OFFICE, Xcit inc I'ok't O01cc,'.iHH Srcet. SCHOOL TEACHERS: You ;can - easily inorease your; salary by devoting a very email portion of your leisure, timeto my interest; I do1 .hot expect you: to canvass for nay celebrated Bentty'a Pianos and Organs unless-yotr-see' fit to;, but the serviced require bf-you is bothr pleasant ' ' Fu11 paj. ticulars free. , AddresB DANIBL F. BEATTY, Wnshingtoii,' New Jersey/ .. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for offices opening in th<;-Dominion. Sfcaliip-for answer. Address '"MasjaokIk, Box 955, Toronto MANHOOD MOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. We hav'.e recerit'y paM'ls'hort n'ric-w e<U-i lion of Dr. t'uivcrwclI'R <;ejel>rntcd |Es- say on tno radical and permanent cure (without nv itteln'ejof NerVotm PebHltv, Mental ami Physic il Incarnolty.lmpccll- monts'to ilarrlagp, olc., resultlUK fiom excesses^- - - .- .-, - -. rTlceVlwainaleil enveloreronIy Oc*ots or two postage (iiampsc , Tlio celebrnteij nutlior. In tills admlr-j able Essay clearly de'monslrHtec, from thirty year^-aacoefiafuX practice, thai* alarmlEiicooBijquoHOesma* bq radically eure^l without the OangefoUR uBooMnter-i ual inedlclne or-the-upi Ileal Ion or the; knife; porrtQffcmt r^mrjlo-pf .cure at; ones slnfple; 'erlalfi abtl'-'eHbct.ual. hy means of whlolf every roatier what his condtlon my ,De, inny euro himself olieaply, 1 rlvatefy mid mdlcally. . This I cctbre snould-be'ln the huuus or every youth and every .man In the.Lhnd. IHE.Ci;iTIUtWBtE.J|I.Kl>ai.Jb,'|!l., 41 Ann St New York. "*-Iy f IIAILOBINCI; { JOHN ^McAETHU'R, tailori has returned from i^w^Yprk oity'whcroTie has attended tlio School of Instruction in tho act of cijtting gnrmohta,' and is now better prepared than ever, to: give tho best of stttisfaetibri toihis^ustomers. He is noW-'in^a jiositioii to warrant a perfect fit, and to mako up garments, in the very latest A'mcrican style's. The continued patronagoof, tho coniniunity respectfully solicited. - ( J JOHN" McARTIiUE. Acton, Aug. 8. IS77.- 1 ., : .,fr-3cn.. SEND 'ir,c. to U; I>. HOWFLi;* CO. Now York,forraniphletoriUOpaKe, [containing lists of 30(10newspaperman , . estlmatesahowlngcnstofadvertlslnB. THE ROYAL 1IUTEL, j EXCHANGE AOTON. h This well-known .ho[use.has recently; uffi'firgdne^j'thtfrriiigh rohoyatjng and; repiiirjng; jsfnbw Jiirnished' "with flew khd-i&metH ruHiitnro| of the besk' des cription, and is prepared to provide first-class accommodation to the public, j The present proprietor has received a: license, and he will keep the bar well supplied with the.very-beat of liquors and-cigars. The stabling is largo and; well-fitted up ; also ample shed-r6om. The patronage of .the public is respect, ully solicited. JOHN MANEY. Acton, June 2C, 1877. In -.all .ffie lafe^ icait ai?.d Ganadian stylesj the eaitijr Fall .-- -%- , ; -a, .; ." ::r:'-i. . . "'. A supemor Felt in styliei ^xii^iai-- ty ai^d finish, fp^^ mm m urn ill! Jhey stto^r the very laste^t a^ :<fjl'6ge,/cu^ i,/' i.-^> TDUSINESS PJSpPERTY The undorsigned offers for sale that desirable property situated on- Main street, ' now occupied by Mr. Chas. Camcrcn as a store and dwelling. The property is in first diss condition and with a good; cellar Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to^ . MESSES. W.-P-kltLIXG & CO. :' . ' Montreal. Or, WJI. STOREY, Acton. Acton, Aug/ 22d, 1877. ; '. A ne^ Gpn^nment;^f r j^ist tp hand/ / -; / W LBS SUGAtf f OR ONB ROLlM Acton, Aug. 15, 1^*77. ,.'v. I'll *! ^T J&*3mIS' :~t

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