Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1877, p. 4

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' ^U^u-" f-fi--,.i-}'- ;;. Mm rmgryfe Sf"'*-i'-' i ! - THE FREE TRE^SS,'ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, Q"NT., SfrETEMIffiR 13,.; ^77. ftllB- 1 Mil: yolixt. Slio wouldn't have on her'naughty blh, Mir wouldn't tot int.) lu-r nai'ijjTity i-rih; She wouldn't So tln^.-uul slit wouldn't, - And she tvi'iiM put hci- foot ln'tocr Sun day hat-. And.'she wouldn't .1 Kvk; . 'Sho wonkin't nnr >k ovvr lior pivturo mt ami help tho petted or coaxed or lo exactly, whatever She w ouMn'f I* - tc.ise.l, -. Alhl sill' Would slie pleased. Sho wouldn't .have naughty rice to cat ; >!ir-w.:iMn't be gentte and gtod an-1 sw tvt; """" ,hc wouldn't *ve mo one. single k;.-s Vruv what ooulil wo do with a girl like this? wi'oiv.m: tears of pleasure. L'i> cl.^er to his heart. Tin: OMO.V Dr\w- otT his;sHtiu.-waistcoat Tear Ids >Uli skirt apart. And, win Creei "Wrapped iu this modem uuumuy, IiJ'ye.u^cIes^ fold ou fold ; Yet what a wondrous power Those endle&j wrappings hold. I j Of all the veg-.taMes Krom ^irdc-n's length to length. He ii t!ie one most might J' Kpitome of strength. Wlietv'er his.pewoii.cnters, All noses sniff the air;' And epicurean stomachs For gastric treats prepare, "A" subtle spirit rfsga" ""' i" ": Oi dinner in full bloom . An uppeti^in;; <nlor lVtvading all the room. When at tiio well laid tabic, How is the: poiaiv West f -.: He hetu-ra other dishes, ; - Vet i.s himself thu beafe^ But then call on a lady ;" ' Why i her smile so grim ! Before a Word is spoken She know-3 vou'vo been with him. (iruy Sunday RrnMjfaQ ~* -fj f bv. mthfortuW scinifa to tin iu'diKpcnaihlo to tho development of intelligence, energy niul virtue. Envy, among otlj'er ingredients, has h mixture of justice Wo are inoio aiiigry at undeserved than deserved good fortune. Iitit grnco nnd goodness bo .tho principle loadstone of thy affections, tor love which; has etuis will have an; etui,j whorosa Stliiit which is founded on true viituo will always continue. . Affections Citu withstand very .se vere storms of rigor, but not u polar ~""' r '......--" iuditlVroucbJ 'ondei fully gethuipvith- n amuif of frost L of downright ost ol UownngliX iu< ovo will aiihsist. oii Wi ttlo hope, but not ultoge A <tUcK ^nror, A judge tells in ftmusing story of the way n-juror ' went for a con- victron.' He says he was trying u nionder case :i few years ago in one of the Western States, and exiieri- enced great dimculty in gelling a jury. 11 jiiroi-s liad been s^'orn in, and in, tho next j^anelfwas brought iu a small, lean, lauk, cadteerous- Jooking fellow j who had Silly one shoe on, Lis p:iiits being nent-ly above his ku'ees, his shirt open both front and 'back, and the aforesaid jiants Iteld uj) by a single brace. The solicitor proceeded to ask the usual questions in such cases, as follows: . Hare you, from having soen the crime committed, or Laving heard any of the testimony delivered, formed or expressed any opinion as to the guilt or innocence;of the -prisoner at the bur ? The Eiiigle-brnced fellow, iu a clear and distinct voioe, answered : ' Xot any.' 'Have you any prejudice or bias resting On your mind-for or v&gaaiiist the prisoner at the bar 1* ' I haint.' r -' Is your mind, perfectly impar tial betvreca the state and "the mcr' cusej f ' Hit air.* 'Are you conscientiously oppos ed to cai>ital punishment ?> ' r isn't.' The judsje did not like the jvfror much, bat-it being-fate, and jurors little out it. - Even thohiEh dome nnd tho ex. pensive,iuttfVior of a-catliedml have k sensible etl'ect upon the maunors.; 1 hiLVti heai-d tlmt stiff j>eojde. losu somo of their-awkwardness under, high ceilings. Every other sin hath somd pleas-' urounuexed to it, or will uduiit ot bomo excuse; biit't'nvy wants both ; we should strive ugniubt it, for it indulged ill it will bo u foi-e- tiute of hell upon earth. Never bo argued out of your soul,; nover be argued out of ydfif honor, and nev'ci bo argued into bc lieving that bouI and honor do not run a tearful risk if you limp into life with tho load of u debt dn your shoulder, ' Bo spore prudent for ybpr chil dren than perhaps you have been for yourself. When they, too, are parents, they will imitate you, and each, of yoit will have prepared happy geneif lions, >yho will trahB- nut, together with your memory, the worship of your wisdom. The wisp man has hia follies no less than the fool ; -but it has been said that herein lies the difference Ibe follies of the fool are known to the world, but aro hidden from hinse^f ; the follies of the wise man! are himself, but hidden from the w^'orld. Thev Did >"ot Fit. AttLe Division b'ourt held iu lngersoll last Saturday, one case was decided in rather a novel manner. A firm in town sued a man for tha. value of a suit of clothes, which defend ant would not lake on tte ground that they did not fit him. He ap peared before the judge with the clothes on and asked his opinion as to whether they -were a St or not. The judge agreed with tho defend ant, and plaintiffs lost the case. herff-afejufo two aiau/of ^thfi liquor-selling buuinexH mid no more By your luita you either favor the sulo Hiid use of intoxicating liquorH or you oppose it. : ' i You aro either a . prohibitionist or a liquor swller, cither directly or by prcxy. l)on't got mad now. - ljisttm a moment nnd wo, will 3onvinoo ,jr<jiij of.^hov,truthfiof tbo stiiUijnonl -~l)ravidudj /dujj-'^uvu serisb enough "fo'cdmpiehi'nd an idea ou this subject. Licunsua to Bull liquoi-B and jopeu grogdeiioa'ara yrantod b'y the JJov- ernmuut, aix) they not 1: "Year j You aro part of the Government a voter. You vote for nnd [elect tho mon who lieeiiBO the drunkard makers, do. you not J; :' .. Y"ouvote to license tho Rsloonists for monoy for tho money I that goes into tho public treasury, do you not ? i " Yea 1" - By thus accepting a portion of tho money taken from the haiida of tho drinking men, and drunkards and their families, you and every other man who votes to liconsu tho tmtKa becornio partners' "with the saloon .keepers in., tho business.. Is this not true f .Tire caji side issues, pro perly speaking, in this contest. Eithor you favor the liquor tralhc (perhaps unwittingly) or yon aro a prohibilionist, A -. uian nmy bo very te^jpurato ivnd "exouiplaryi in his babits und yet bo indirectly en gaged in the saloon business as a citizen voter.. ? * . If a man hr.s a groat nmny debts, are they yery much to his credit ? "Sister, ar* you happy?" Yes, Deacon, 1 feel as thought I was in Belzebub's T>oeom." "Not Belze- bub's!" '.'Well; some of the pa. triarchs, I don't care which." A^Buflalo belle, just from Vnsse*- Co'lege, when told by a waiter in a restaurant that they had" no goose berries, e^tclaimod: ' What :hus hajipeuett to tha gooso ?" i A farmer waB Rsked why-hej did not tako^tha paper. "Because,". -said ho, "my .father, when he died. left me a good many newspapers nul I have not read them through yet'.-' vA Heaet Bbokes ,Goose. /Yesterday' morning seTeral geese were in fi-ont of Wells's livery Btable. Among them were two that, were particularly intimate. They, wer constantly together and apparently the. .closest, cronies. While they wets near the middle of the road a waggon came along and ran over one of the chuni.,. It fell, unabje to rise, writhing with pain. The other instantly ran to it, dressed its plumage uitb iu bill, and finally stood a nioment loolt- . ing a't itB dying mate, and then, as scarce, he was ' put upon the-.pris-( jjr satisfied that it was injured be- oner itt^tbe usuaj manner, the^.pror. secuting attorney saying : prisoner, look:'upon the jnror.' The juror^ was quiteriiear. the prisoner, and when tbis-comriaiand- Wiis given.he bent bvfir him, scan ning liim from head to foot intent ly- for some minutes, he then turn- ed to the judge, and said, in a firm, solemn voice :' .' ,'^ . ' t ' Yes, judge, I think he's guilty.' Coxfidexce Game. If people would only read , the papers more carefully, and not have.-such--n overweening confidence in their own immunity from" the practices of sharpers,, we probibly would not be in a position/to' clip the follow- from -. the Detroit Newv^-^r, ing item Seth McDonald/ a Canadian far mer, arrived in town fiom Exeter this morning, and while "at the Ceatrai tlepot made the, acquaint-" ancs of' "a -welhdressed individual, who wore a^' silver badge, and re presented himself toL;be a railroad official. Seth-""wiilingly accepted his invitation to-take-a drink with him, anil tbp two went arm in arm to. a saloon on Woodbridge street, where Jliey sat dowo-and, -as Hetbr says, " talked aborrt the bean ties of Detroit." During the conversation the " official" pulled a $20 note from his waliet, and asked Setb to change it for him, as he desired to" innke some purchases. Seth re sponded, " With the grea'test of and counted out the yond^rccalh lay' down by its side and died. The goose that had been run ot-er died. few moments later. Des Maine* Register. Beauties of Hobse Trading. The adventures of an Exeter horse trader are thus depicted by the Time* : " One of our town merch ants; known 'as an -extreme - lover of horse flesh, and who never takes a "stump," met with a company of travelling gipsies a few days since, and managed to trade to them a imraber of bones piled the shape "of a norse,: the Vertebra" be- J ing exceedingly ,wellL- defined, out of- which - animation' had scarcely yet fled, for an equally noble speci men, of grayish hue. His ^pockets SUBSCRIBE FOR THE the stranger received the [money when ho suddenly remembeijed that u western-bound train was Just going out, and that he had to be at the depot. Seth asked him to take, ona more drink; whioh invita tion wai accepted, after whioh they - parted,' " to see each other later." Seth afterwards came np town and made a few purchasesj [fi. ajWoP*!- ward avenue dry goods store, and tendered the iJt^O note iu payment. The clerk examined it arid pro- ~hoanoed it counterfeit, Poor Seth almost ^iied when he discovered his loss, and immediately notified th&; police. a, boob agent the other day, talk ed half a i hour to induce a lady io buy -a book. She handed him a slip of piper on wliion was written: t- iuae dele and dura.V w'ere depletod to tho amount of S2.- 50 by the transaction. That samo evening the beast, a solitaire life not being preferable to the one he had left, broke jail "and soon was in the possession of' the pound- keopor. Seventy-five cents re leased him, and then $1 buried him the next day. The heaves are_ io-j baeV thing- to cure, especially wiien'the applied by gijisies." All men are not homeless, but some are home less than others, A Chinaman iu California, whose life was insured for a large amount, was seriously hurt by falling /Void a waggon. There waB some doubt of his never getting" better, and at ACTOK ! I pleasure, ----- -------r . _. .. necessary change. 1*,to the insurance company. "Charley hajf dead, likee half money." The good old proverb, " Owe no. man nnything," and the line of conduct which it implies, would seomifo be well-nigh forgotten, savs a Windsor paper, describing, as an illustration of the moral standpoint from wkjplj many people have come toi^ viow^- insolvency, a person in tlmt vicinity who some time'ago offered to compromise with his creditors by paying thirty cents on the dollar of his indebtedness. Jte ing assured thaHbe-Creditors wo'tfld demand sixty cents, he manifested considerable indignation and e* tlaimed^r'isijety;aitsj si^ty cents!! Cood^hwiia, a man tnight as well not go into insolvency as he re quired tp pay sixty beat's, .pn fcjje dollar," ' "J FREE PRESS, Only $1 ai Yeata In Advance. ENSE PILES OF NEW Fall and Winter DRY &OOD8. Biggest Retail Stock in Canada BOUGHT THE GOODS CHEAP, ORE AT BARGAINS Will-"be Given. REMEMBElt OUH ORDERED CriOTHIN0 AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS, j' ' Superior lo anything in the County. THE MAMMOTH HOUSE .- " - '" s- Noted for Cheap Goods. McLEOD, AUDEHSON & Co., Aug. 28. 1877. ; '" MAMMOTH HOUSE. Gh'OItOETOWN. W.StiWARfCO Have'c6mmf)'ced opening theit New \ Importations > And in a few daysi ^ill-show the finest- gt^'c^of ' .- FIRST CLA^Sj C00D3 submitted for intpeotion in Guelph; Special effortB havo been made to show the newest Di-csi Good*, spring Juclcrfi. 1 Mantlet, . . Costume*, Kid 'Glovej, Iloxicr.y, ' . Laces, __:. Luce Curtains, Blteetiiirjs, and __ .. i ' Mmirniwj Goods. OUR COTTONS were all' contracted for before the recent advance, Customer*, '"ill bare the benefit, , - (Je2lts, Department. In Cloths and Tweeda, Dress Shirts, Ties, Collars,, etc., "-..-.._ Stock oi Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting fn styles'-' and price. ' ' WM. STB WART & CO. Guelph, March 6, 1577, - | rjUKK-NOTICE- at the acton-",]. r PLANINfi H^i TOnbefoundao^nt^l .i1, j SEASONED ^rJMBii^ Comprising inch, ]#aitf'2 - ' 'dresefed and'uifdnrjtsmi;. Ag^' -"- -go&a^tpei^QJv _ Sash,' , -^u/ Doors, -'- .^--...' . Mouldifln-s .%-. 1 -. ' f Baiieus,".gfc;[-' Jlanuractured as nioal.. -- .TfIUS. EBBAGE,"-Pp, Acton, .An?. 21,'is;". - '. .....""^ / . i; O. T. post office mm The subseriber having again gone into the grocery business, would in., timate that he haB always a full line of goods usually kept in first class grocery houses, fresh, and of the best quality, such as j CA1TNED O00D3. 7SA3. BLACKSt- Finest English Breakfast Conguo, : Souchong, Oolong, Howery Orange Pekoe. Qrekk . Moyuno uunpowders. Silver Jjenf (iunpowderS, Moyune Young Hysons Uncolored Japins, Imperials, Twankays Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs, COFFEES. Our stock comprises the beBt grades at Old Government Javay ' - Lagunyra, Maracaibo, and Hio,- " Roasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aroma and Haver of the berry. )-. COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, , JSpp's Homoeopathic Cocoa, Menier's Chocolates. sirsAjt?.' Hefined, in Ix>aves; Cut Loo/, Dry Crushed, Granulated, ' Extra Ground, .Extra C, English Hefined all grades, Demerara, P;brto Kico. Amljor, Honor aal Standard Syraps. X0BA0C0ES- Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. PRTriTS-DRIBD. Valencia Haisins, Layer Raisins, Loose, Muscatel, \ Sultanas, Seedless,: lllack Patras Jo. in cases selected Do. rlo/inbbla., Elerae Figs, French Prunes, Tunis'Dates, .'These goods are the,finest ex ported. OANiTSD FRUITS A.N35 VB'&B- ; ' TABLBS. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Peas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. Besides many other articles in season, not here mentioned Bffi*Cheap for Cash or Trade. . , Cnitrornla Salmon, Portland lobsters, French Sardines, Cove Oj sterf, Fresh Mackerel., Cured Sams and Bacon, Chooso aalButter. " Bumotfs Extracts s; EsBoncea. The Finest Goods Munufactured. soajia cf aal kinds. Pickles and 'Zancos. t . Cmsso * nincltwell's, mixed Pieties, ciiowchow, 1'iccalulj " i Mllbhroom c?stKUj>. Jolin Bull Sance, ljea& Perrln's iv'orcljesttrslilreSauce, Tomato ('ntsiip, Favorite do., do, \ orkshlre RolUIi, French JIustard, PARISAOBOITS; GOODS. Carolina nice Arracan R^cp, 1'enrl Kn^o, RfoTaploOH" Ptmrl liiirley. Corn MtaJ, Oatmeal.., Currants, Valencia (irarjea Mi Kslna Lemons, Pineapples, Tuni Uates, Bordeaux WaluuU,- ,. Filbert?,"AUaontlf. BISfltTITS & OOlJrEOIIOlTSST. Arrowrco*. Wlnc.Woda, Abernethy. Cream,-Ji*mon, Butter, Boston, Uraham, OMler cracker, New YorkGlnsernuts. Glnper Snaps. - <k Candles and Sweeiments offllt kinds. Clit-osoj liutter, Eg^B, Hops,^ ^. orqoIebt. China Sets. WhiteStoneHirtii, Figure<l Stone Sets, Chamber Sols, T,a Plates, i^wls. Jellies, Platters, Bafcore, . And a lull Hue of other kinds. Mill Pans, Cream Crocfes. . . Butler CrockF, Jng, Flowerl*oI8, &c, SelUng at the manufacturers' JirlCefi, aLASSWARE. . Turn blew, Goblets, Lamp?, Lamp UlaaFes. QlaBs Plates, OlsssSAts, Fruit Jars, <tc , dc. "Wall Papers and 'Window Blinds In creat variety aheap. , MisoEiiAJsTBotrs," " T&bP, PallB, Brooms.' ^ washboarrtg,-Brushes, Ac, Bopps, Wire and Wooden Bankets, Patent Medicines, J Dye:stu<ft. Statfoneryj Hohool Bocks,' purses, Wallets-. School Bass, ,' Spectoclee, VIoIIub, , "Violin strides. Briar Pipes. - Fancy Qoods, CombB;<tn, BonelesB Codfish, Herrings, Oysters In can and balk in season. Mill Street, ttE.tifc'itlX Sroeecies, Crsekcrr, Boet3 & Siecs,.... 'Wall Piser, ' !Wis.4o-w. ; trails, eiags^PBfey,^"' ' ? r :-;s-i.; THE FUBB PRESS S3iatS.."JlurpsEB4e.L" " Coaioa,g8i^stc.v ' .-ill of-svhich fill be sold low for csBh, '.."' . BOOTS and' SS6eS ' '<' : " hI -i ' Selling off a? cost. '. ' '. RUBBER PAnfT COMPANY Of < 'IcveL-mOV Ohiti. - . ' ' \ ' '.'.'.- Cash.for IlideL^ . ~; ^Icton, July IS, 1S7&' '-' -.; - n LIST"OEJ^^l:-Vi PRINTING HOUS Sold-nb le=aj^and;rftailby.'. Jokn iAjiddrscapt ,- : EbofcsellGr, Guelph.^- -"- ' Burrowes1 Pianoforte Primer... ' ^ - _ Jousse's ilusical Catechism..j.. .. ,. Bertini's Xe-sv Meiiodfor thePiiaiK Clarkjj>"S-ew Method for""tJtie-Pi^ft Hun ton's Piano' fwte'-Sehool^ *' Hmve's Pia'ao without "a -S5as\er7.. ...'i hichardjon's New/Modern, SSwS.V" .f.v:t.:;- . Gitia's Parlor OrganiJ; ,Silver WreathjTocal). j-109 tliffereDt Mjusic Books.: i'"-L-^ : A BigIhicoant onsifyi^jr ' Ik To Merchants and other 'Business Men in Acton, as well as throughout the County, the Free Press is an / invaluable Advei-tising Medium, At. E mmw '..'"" ."- N.-" -. CHEAP BOOKSTORE V<-: On the East side of .' y": S Our "Unrivalled Facilities for Executing "air'kinds of Acton, June, 1877. JAMES MATTHEWS. Conveyancer, Q. B., Issuer of Marriagre Iiicertses, Insurance Agent, &c, '! 1B&QK AND j JOB M? IN TING -plnttf; "'.> J:- Now'is the time 'to ^^-^5^^. - - . j JSnobie us to turn oui work eijual to anything done in the cities. Stylish iSiissj- or Sept '.-' ;..v"; .,:;yyassioVL^. r:f;:-^ :. 1 ani making up a ^S*S ' present season, from tke ^-^jj^j-f . . Catltind See our Handsome &&& ' JKow is p. : goqi me .'.-io,-..^?"-' bargains. ,'. -if--- " Strict attention givento^V-^ BoMe-sio'oiWf * Oenexa>f :j ." . smithin?.. ... , . -j '"... ">. . ^-jajteS jj Acton, Feb. 26.T877. \^ it. .*~:.^r / tk ~. C7,-'rTTT*' ^J"fH tJ-.-*7^-^a-^'*,,-!"^-' iaxsjfi I" -A v".

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