Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1877, p. 3

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.** *7. 73^2 4 t&* ^^ S. *-*-$ ;I7 **-- ?- : ? * i._- r<3P -^i.- ENT3 >*y- :ii THE Trail* !**ve AoUm folKwi!- UV1M' WKMSight Express Toioat^ tn.vl BJyKapr.- t)01N(i RAM. yieht Express Gait mixed - '. rny KipreM n-rtttn maU I^tBdon mixeil l:04,vm. 9.10a. in. l.A7p-ttt. 3:38 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 11.^4 .vm. 6:20 p. in. 10:10p.m. 3 NEW 'AJby^BTISaMENTS. -V Catral Exhibitions 1S77.} - Barber Shop Geo. Invert*. -^ Propnenadc Concert in Acton. ftjn>.!W-fyf? *> }cNb, jmpjtntMiotic* to t* Vubjic '. Sbsep Strayrd or Stolen^?. Bennett. Carriagea. *C, at Auotk>l-rJ;'.Rydor. LOCAL MATtEM. Bair Ball. tuv>lutuals of. Actoa ^aj-ciTMURlcli hero on Friday with flic" Juniors of; Milton, ami on Saturday with the Unions of Georgetown. In' both cases the scores show that the visitors were disastrously defeated, lly the way, what has become of tlio Acton Pas. times* Thoy don't .appear to be-making 'themselves conspicuous this year. -' MUTt'AI-S or ACTON. D. aicMackou J. Kelly A. Ramshaw ' ,, , W, Rutfhes . ... \\\ Uydcr - .. ... >t T. Watson .. ,, - .*, T< McMackon .. '-;,- A. Matthews t. Speight .. ...,_., , 3SJ3SSl!'S!^! halton Bounty, ont7 sbptbmbbr ; 6~ .Fatal Accident. A MAN INSTANTLY KILLKI) THAIN. IIV A ioiiqJETofSp .BT r.W&?"-. ' ' 'V'"" ^-m a few oorcT"'ifly gli4ing weeks, and you'll be kicking youreolF for haviifg' folmd : tuilt with boX irtsthw. } Hata and ChV>8 in great rivrie- -,tytFjfe* McXaVa. It is not always tho men who, '. hT* front Jcit^^tr~oirr' clinTcnes VKo . -6*fi~li depended upon to settle. & Tery (ardl Kuiine account. ^-Mr. Jas. Rjder announcoa a gTeat auction aale o{ Carriages and nu- bwtv^us bOW IrtStlaOpn .tho 18th inst. j. Si^ hiiadvertivmont for particulars. Get your postera, circulars, WUhoads, letter icacls. etc. at tho - -Tkxk Piyts^s office, " Vou \rill bo satia-; Sd.7^it!iv tiixr claapncat and-^aalit^.v. i-^It ts S.D admitted fact that you can get ihe cheapest and best - Dye SraSs in tho conntj-at Morrow's Medi cal HaD,-Acton. - . A splendid Chocked English Tweed Suit made to order tor $li at Fjfe * MeXab's. V . Persons requiring Tar abonld i buy their winter sU>ck. aow^- lb gave 'atcoe-v1. A lar^e snpplv ai: J. . ^Ic- Gria' -HaU'of-Ehirmacy. ^-A _ Eit--of the lieaflest-CLiiia.- diaii CBecked Foiled-Cloth in the mir- kti for $11, atTyfc.* HcSab'g. .- '\~ entered iFarr^h's Bill, Rockwood, Tuesday of last week, wken the employees were .all absent, ": asJ stole - $00'from the otfice. The ,\ puliea'nay b* a bis'track. i; ' ' -Another old resident of Oils rieinity-rMr. John Stalker breathed his lxst, a few days ago, at the ripe age ofSS^ears. Ilia funeral yebtcnlay was atten.niel Vy a Tory hr^c concourse of EVMirnert and friends. T-!Arrn!i;jeri|e.iit.i for a Promen ade O-Dcert an>l Peach >Vstiral_are l>e- in; niaile by committee of the a^iyhts "of:'Pjthiaa," to <* held on .-' Tiarday erenin;; itrth iust. We Mill h* able tt giTC fuller particulars next - week." ' '- iUisrTonn's Sermoss. TVe have re- aived from Messrs. Belford Bros,, a eupy of 4he publishedsermona.deliTered rtceflUy bj tha celebrated evaigclist. : Her. Mr. 'Kainsford, at Sfc ?.Janres, tithearat Toronto, The \jdbk "alisor cuotaiai a brief biographical sketch and photograph of th preacher. Messra. McLeod, Anderson, / 4 Go.,- of GeorRetosTn, announce the .arrivalj of immense piles c-T dry Jtoods fur the fall and winter trade, : which ihar say have been bought -at such cnusually low prices as to enable them to giro unheard-of bargains to their customers. " ^ .-.--- r. . A . distreasicjj case of seduc- tiocr-and hsartleaa abandojsraent c of- ra. Jntmg girl hag created; ome sensation hereabouts during the pat wck. She h reported to have been, found early one morning a short distanoo from this Tulags lying in a. fence . corner after atyinx giren birth to a child dnring . Um night, The seducer "is said to be a young man residing in Georgetown. . , Mr. Charles Da&. of this. Tillage, and of Ha iaiheTj are both chronicled ia our obituary corner this week. The old gentleman, hn was for many years an esteemed , resident of Acton and richrity, died- at ihe IreaiSenceT""of ofi'oi" of his_sT7ns m Catedotiia, 'S'few days ago." Mr. Chas. J^s"n, who Ucn employed as irarclling agaa'. for Meatra. Sfl tt Stowy i-Co., .' riaexlfrobainaM trip tome two I Kk > WrfottJiry ia_wii-%iifid; A fisrer to wiich he mdambei -earjy J^erdAvSbreing. He^was thus-"out -.*rkiie priic."*? *?go*o6i ;$&&?[>$, leTa% AeiaiA.ittta^^/^tfl!?. two ne<s^iiSie^ea.'6"{^i ^,. I9.onrn the. loat^fo4 war^nkeariod Spjb^Xtd^ "\ - ' (reason at the liqaar *~-^_ .and^'the; \ ortlrjWotiee.' .?fa~imM&J?&to> ' Jaierredin tto' Aetoa ^yiBltii'j'tii or- 1 t;<Fridayfc it goVlagfc, " '"..1 ^^ **lw^s*rr-:. ! ::t* .'>:'-. ", '" ' ' Ke otiee that ibs name jsf. this b^ahhpTs^ow"ipeSlea V KtBe diffieW wtiy from w&afc w bad boeaaccnitotn- *l to,^. letter " i" tariay: been':-jio.htfi' xniedior aa."^" aa a4r- iVe-!:pre- saiae the efaa-g tn spetGisg'arip^jfed With Jie tost Office^ ^epartnieBfc1; In- *te*<x f Saeeagairaya, as f dixairly,: tfie - tevaatus, deck, and postmaater' n^w- Pllit ". Naaugiweya:'" ' ' ' " .-. Mea4erj-bf Aeton DiVwlOn-8<m i>f Temperanee are hereby notified that; a J^cial meeting -iriU behdd at their i^tejl, thij (Thursday) evening, at- eight OAUoek^ for the purpose of Oiaiung. air- Wigenient* -to attead ^Ke foneral -of \ ^r;late' Brother Ciiarle, ,t)n'; ,;A _fall ttndance is requested. ^ ' : - JUSIOHS OF MILTOX. P. Morley .. .. . R. Hawthorn ... .---. J. Turner ..- "'-'. J. McDolo ...... J. Dristlo .. ..... . J, I^indsay A.Du)T Totals Milton, 8. H. o. 4 -3 i H 4 2 2 6 .,-*. .3 3,6 ;3;?8 o o 30 -J7 K. O. 2 1 0 5 1 3 a A 0 4 MCTf.VLS or ACTUS. J. KelU- W. Cirant W.. Hughes .. T. Watson \V. Ryder A, Kamshaw .. ,, T. McMnckun ., -. A. Matthews .. .. C C Si>eit;h .. .. UNIONS OF OEOnr.KTOWN. \V. istatham...... J. Leu ...... C Koe .. . . ., \V. Galbrath .. .. ,i e$. Statham '. . . . ' - . J J. time / . . \V. Wilson I .. -...". ... A. Galbtath .. P. Smith " *. ..i a-.o. ti 3 1 _i4 44 "7 II. 'o. 4 3 2' 4 4 2 2 5 ..>"4 3 0 -l.'ii 2 4 8s, ^ Tho Georgotown Herald of, lust woek says : An old man nnmed John Munn, 58 j-eara, of nge, mot his death very suddenly, on Satur day forenoon, nour tlrojth lino of Esquoaing. Tho deceased, was on old resident of Georgotown,and was well known throughout tho neigh borhood for his eccontrio ways. On.lVidav lagf he went toStowart- town^o'fco^Tono of liis sons and there ' rdtnaihetT over night. On Sntnrdny morning lio started for ffdmeptakTrig1 tho: H, cc N. W, K, R.'tnick, ns was his usual custom. A ti-a^rt-^corhfjttg from tho south saw tb"o*"olci man ahead on the track aniUibistled loudly, to which '^ jP-fiCX^0. attention, he being a littlo hard of hearing, until they .wore, just up to. him, when he look ed ^rpiind'niV'J 'was caught by the cow-'c'atchor and tossed Bevcral font \infcx th^-jir,j;^\ssistanco was im- ^eVfiatery^pTWcSi-cd but it was of no avail ^rjd.^eath rcloived his ^su^fTeriugs-^a *boiit fifteen niinntes. ,Ou^faminntio"niit'was found that his back and ifight thigh wore broken- ahd-ntf doubt ho was iiijur- od int^njalV/. - Ho leaves a wifo nnd grown up family to mourn bis: untihiely^nd. His remains were take.n^Ja the '"cemetery' on Sunday afternoon, followed by a largo con- icohrs*" Of friends and relations. Ark^ inquest. was hold on Jlcnday evening at Spcirs'",Hotel, by Dr. Kceeman, Coroner, and retumell a verdict of " accidental death." Totals- 23 27 -Acton, 44; Georgetown, 2t. Mri ^George Levens, bavlier, has removed into his new premises ad joining Messrs. Sccord Jir^^B^gJi^JE J announces thrvt he is now better pre pared than ever to give satisfaction,-itp-' his customers. ' ; . Bnttrr. ,' From the C/i,i-'i weekly review of the market -w-e clip-llie'Tollowing re-; marks aKmt butter! rTho. recaipta, have been fair, nnd prices, have been pretty well maintained, but. with a weaker feeling, especially.'on medioDl or poor qualities ; (.'rocks and pails ct{ choice lring 18 to 20c, and tubs of dairy packeil 17 -to ISc; store-packed neglected and at 14 to lo*c. There is tip enriuiry for shipment, and holders of butter in the country are be- >rinnin to*.j-calize that prices mu^t go lower. - , Five Koliarx Buranl. j ... I. . The al>ove reward is offered fr such i.iforniation as Will lead to,tlie-cunvic- tion of the party or parties who iitole a- cjtiantity of melons from my garden lngt Monday" night. J. P. S ECO It P. " v^^^ >*SH-FoB^Bi."rrjt.-==-Obria4iof. Henderson, fc Co. will pay regular market price in cash for any quantity of r;oo<l Dairy Butter, delivered at their store in. Acton, New lines of Winceys, nnd^ general Dry Goods, also n fresh stock of: groceries juBt arrived at tho Glasgow llotise CJjr,itae, Henderson J: Co. '"-' RiwJ ooot'g, new. shoes, now cheaper than ever, at the l^e~ - - - - rubbers, . _ <WAgow HtnififuChristie, Hendcrson"& <3^'*i"--jA*tom-' Tflr quality, workman-: Mhip'jinil <5hanpJuss, the goods- excel anything in the market.! Five per cent ~;U-panhaflta-of'tivti., pairs. Make; -_ T_i_TJmotliy Seed, Cheap Choice Timothy -for fair Bowing at Christie, Henderson & Co.'s; Acton, where you get that famous 50c Tea, sold'in 5 lb. lots at 4," ,rTb\KE NOTICE. AT THE ACl'UN PLANINtt MILLS Will bo found a quantity of SEASONED LUMBER i JsT'OaP*. JS^a,XaJEl Comprising ,inoh> 1 Jr and 2 inch, THAT /WONDERFUL dressed and undressed. good stock. All Sasli, Mou|din Batt< tens, ifec, llnnuTactured as usual. ; THUS. EBBAGE, Prop. Acton, Aag. SI, 187?.. - . _r rjliU|*ORIKG. JOHN McAllTHUJ?, tailor,- ^ia returned frmu New York city where he lias"atttnded;the School of Instruction in tllcrfet'of cutting garments, and. is now better prepared thail over, to givo the best of satisfaction to his customcra, die -is now in a position tcTwarrant' a perfect fit, and to mako up garments in the j.^ery latest American styles. .The .efintanucrrpjflaxiiiHge of the.'oommnnity Vespeclfully solicited,..... JOHjr,McAKTHUR. Acton. Auk- S. 1S77;' " ' G-3m J-- .^* -a. . f 4o cts. |>fi,t,irr,;;.. ,ift ^ ( S. .)L. lee*r# Poi^tist', will visit A"bton on the first Thursday of each month. 6lfic"e at Agnew's Hotel. '.' " M .. ' i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS'. ri eok<;k lei'exs. Barber and. Hairdresser, adjoining Securil ; Bros." Store,- .Mill .Street, Acton./ x Hair - switches and combings prepared to order. Grain Bags pet Warps, cheap. Cotton and Car- Hitr*,-b*xgain.3 ' Towels 6~o cts. .^p&Tl.qwJi v-'-4 "fresfi ^^ of that famoiis-oU ctl Tea to""hand yes*" terilay, sold in f> pound lots at 45 cents. Sugar, nice,, 9, 10, and'lljlbs for $1.Q0. All at Chriatip, Henderson, & Co'a., Acton. ... Nassasijnreya Con-acil.. This Council' met at the call of the Reeve on Monday, 27th Aug. The members were all present the Reeve in the chair. The minutes; of ia^ra^etiag -rem.reatf^tud con firmed, f,""-;".. i. / ' '~:r' Mrv-Joon rfSrbttnaiid-^SjF. .Peters Little made application for damages done to sheep by dogs, and their claims having been -tfiily cortified, it was moved by Mr. Hutcheon, seconded by Mr. Menries, and or dered that the .sum of $5.33 be paid to John Elliott for three sheep, and $13.66 to Peter Littlo for ovn - sheep. On motion duly seconded, It was ordered that $2 be paid to J. H. Hacking for printing the Bylaw appointing Overseers of High way b, <fcc.; $2.50 to Peter Little for con veying Patrick McGarrigal j to Michael Kelly's place, and the fur ther mvxa:M SgM&r^^ngl^JSf: nished to the said party; 3.20 to Thomas Wilson for 40 loads' of gravely -$1.50; to,.tjgbn^AHieep,-- fo$. ro8d wbit; 62* to^Jtmea TucTJon-"' noil for the same purpose,' and ?3 for witnesses a; 814U, Laipg^-*,, the Miinioirialrty. -' ' - .Moved by Mr. Merizies, second ed by Mr. Norrisb. t^p> ^.La ^unjLjof-: $9 be paid to Mr^'Ric^dson', of Rockwood, being part of %\f> for making a coffin for the late Mrs.. Crawford, and that in fiiture^-tfre1. amount to be paid for coffins fur- .nished by this municipality shall noi exceed the sum of 4. Car.. '" On motion duly seconded, a By law- for levying the necessary aoiount.-' 'or municipal purposes., was ioiroa'nce'l and read the requir ed number pf times, and passed, whieii autiiorize.? ^-ie levying of a rate of four mills a^d pne half of a mill in the dollar for aK purposes Actoii, Sspt. GKO. GIBBS, Auctioneer. t. 5, 1877. 10-2t. tain School Sections,was introc and passed, the trustees 01 ^w School Seetiona having notified .,]e Cleik of the auiOHnU required to ba collected by the colloctot-, viz: for School Section No. -1, $520; for No, 2, 8400; for No. 3, $270 ; for MM m>.Si iji %' *-' M ^iL4en]lemen4yn On motion the Council adjourn- *^" b - ed to meet on Monday, the 25 th of Nov, next, J, Easteebuook, Clork. G1 R.1X DEMONSTRATION I1Y THE IN ACTON. In connection with tho Dedicatory Ceremonies of their Hall, the menders. pfUaJafrthe IjP}S*x^Bi8'jt3 of Pythias, .^^^oi^jiaij^eJKayiBg a Promenade Concert PEACH FESTIVAL IK TpE DRILL SUED, OH FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 20. Further particulars will be girou noxt week,' : -n- IX A*1 THIS! JAS. RYDER'S Great Credit Sale ......_-i s; of Buggies, Cutters, Wagons, Sleighs, Plows, Harrows, Horses, Cows, Tuesday, Sept. 18th, VILLAGE OF AOTON.' '" TEe TolfowirigValnable property : 15 Democrat Waggons, new; 10 Bungles,,new ; 6 Lumber}-Wagons new; ^'#Rs of Bob-Sleighs, new ; 10 Cut ters, new ; 10 Ploughs, new ; 5 sets of OJananoque Harrows, new j 4 Sets of Wooden Harrows; new; . 1 Light Wagon, nearly new j 1 Buggy, nearly new; 5 Second-hand Buggies ; C Second-hand Democrats ; 4 Sets of Second-hand Bobsleighs ; 2 nets -of Single Harness j 5 Good Young Horses ; 2 Cows in calf; 8 Skips of Pure Itallian Bees. I The public will consult their own interest by attending this sale, for the Auctioneer has received instructions to TOfllCIi. IWELLI?;S FOE I The two dwellings, briih; of brick, situated on Main street, near tho Do minion Hotel, are offered for" sale, on reasonable ti is.-:. The lot consists of three-tifths oi an acre, with good gar den." The building is now, and well finished, adapted for two families. A good stable and driving shed on tho premises. Apply,to the-owncr.. : . it//". L;t ' '-TOHNKEXXKDY. .\eton, A hi. IS 1S77. 7-3m TRADE MARK^-THE GOLDEN MAN. OUR SPECIALTY SALE lias ltruvod to be lire !*c:itest Success of the Sensoil, And wo may add that it has stimulated us to renewed eflorts to place be fore the public " Special Lines of Goods ,each week During the Remainder of the Season At prices that must command the attention of every intending purchaser The greater portion of tha goods that we have been offering this weak have been sold, only a few of , the higher pricesin Costumes, Dusters and Skirts remaining, these will bo cleared out at a ' STILL, GREATER REDUCTION. &E,Jk.lSrT3 Enormous Bedutstion in Prices. 1877. At nearly one half the White" Lace Stripe White.Lace Stripe White Check atrip MAri LATJIESI "Don't fail to secure at NEAT aStTMMEB abTTtSTaR original price. We will offer next week fashionable; and seasonable goods. Muslins at 12 cents, formerly 20 cents. Muslins at 15 cents, formerly 50 cents, a Muslins nt all prices. " White Marseilles X2^ centSj-wonderful value. Black Plain Grenadine. > Black Check Grenadine. .:'--. '- . Black isatfn Stripe Grenadine. Black Check Silk and WooLGrenadine, beautiful good*. Patronize the most enterpisinpf store in Qnelpb. JOHN HOGC & SON, duly 24, 1877. Alma-Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Guelpn. Tho Graad Cheap Clearing Sale of the Season , NOW GOING ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END QRACE'3 CELEBRATED SALVE, A Sure Keller for Ilic Sufferer. pni.pAitED nr SETH W. FOVVUE & SONS, so itAnmaoTT AYE2rr"E," ^ * - - rtosypx, srass. v >, 6Si^ CELEBRATED HALVE, Ik a Vegetable Preparation, Invented In.the l"tn contuiy by Dr.WlI- ilum (JrrtC--, Snr^eon In KlnK Jame^' nrmy. TIironKh i-.s nrency he *ure-i IhouKnnils-of the most serious uor^s'and wounds tlmt baffled the flklll nfthemost *mth,-Yit physicians of hit dnyvatid was rcKarded by all who knew him us a pub lic benefactor. rani! aVcmrrs a box. Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, etc., reduced to 30 per Cent.' Entire stock of Kancy Dress Gbodsreduced 50 per cent. . Entire stock of Costumes reduced SO per cent. Entiro stock of Shirts and Shirtings reducad 30 per cent. Entire stock of Shawls and Mantles-isduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Lace Shawls and Jackets half price. Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery reduced to half price.: Entire, stock of,Untrimmed Goods reduced 25c each. Entire stock of. blowers, Feathers and Wings half price. . Entire stock of Small Wares regardless of cost. Entire Btock of Cotton Goods at mill prices. Entire stock of Shirtings, Tickings, ete., cost price. Entire stock of Tweeds at cost price. Entire stock pi Coatings at cost price. . Entire stock of English and American Prints, cost price. ; Entire stock of Table Linens, cost price. i Entire stock of Flannels, cost price. Entire stock of Underclolhiiig, cost price. I t&" Our eniire stock has been reduced and will-be sold. ' " ^ - We aro determined to clear out ev ;ry piece of goods if prices will do it). Intending purchasers will pleas ) remember The Grand Clearing - Sale i f the Season. au-These Goods must be Sold. "5 A. . BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle Kstabllshment , Guelpll, Juiy 4, 1577, 1 . . - ' GBICE'S CELF.BS1TED HALVE CURES er.Esn wotytDs-, ynojens. llvhs. salt ltnrtrx, rmi-ni/Alss, sojik juieaht, SOUK r.ll'*/ ERYSIPKI.AS, lltNG- WOIlMS.CAI.LUrtESlM'AI.D IIBAD CIIAITEI) HANDS, fftitw,' * CAxrann, velonk, SCAI.I>.% -S-HIK-S, : UI^7BRS, WOUNDS, ST1JJ.GS,.. " filll'Ndl.ES, PESTKllS, . WEN-S STIES, PILES '" XUKCKLE.S, ItirxIONS," SI'UAINR, BOIL", ' * IlITK", . , .PUTS." .-WillTI^lWS WA-KT.H,......TTT.-ISTBRH,: TAX PIMPI.KS, CRN'S, SCI'HVY, ITCH, INOUOWI-O KAII>S,.jETTI.E RASH, MUtMiOlTO AM> Kl-r-A jilTaS, SPlDEIt STI.SGS, . ; And nil cutaneous dlsonics and eruptions generally, : ForR--\lo by nil-trmiffli'tK. grocers, and nt all*baii3ti'y}itnrertnroa(;nont tno Uni ted sutos and British Provinces." Pxloo by m!\H30cenn. c. L, ...______________ _ _ knock down all of the above articles to ir, SrJmol Sefitionfi.waa introduced DON'I FORGET ' THE DAY. TERMS. 12 months' credit by fur nishing approved security. Terms on Bees, 3 months. Ai'* to commence at 12 o'clock sharp. Mill Street, ACTON, ': ' DEALER IN- .1 Groceries, ... , ' . Crockery,^ -........... - Boots .JfcSlioeOr' ' Wall Pa^pr... _ "vTindow -Bliada/'., .,!.; - 'iTailB>.'J51a.S3," P>tt7, ' .'- Paints, -Tarpentiae. ' --". 1 All of which will-lie-aolJ low for ^jash, BOOTS,' "and SHjOES \ Selling oJTht post, .ids.t>.!ageilt-fbr.ibe ,.i:'d : I .i "";.' ':.. ' ^TjB^^ttfT>^N^'poJ^^f,ir _____ learnT1ele- graph Operating for offices opening, in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. j . ' Addrpss Majtaof.r, Jiox 055, Toronto. OUR-/ FALL STOCK OF M.V /.; /"'. .' Henderson mil X Co. i.-^. .SB Is now Arriving', I Aiul will,;soo;n be complete ft>r tl le CALL AND SEE OITR JSTEW STYLES Speoial Attention Given tto^3Qi^edX^W[prk. .Repairing Pvoinytly Attended to. GRAIN E & SON". Acton, August 7, i877. <vE^A:ZrsrZE3:0 ODD = i muE koyal exciiang$ HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. | UOTKLj We have rccent'y. published n.n<5WcflT- i ACTON i.lpi of Dr. Ciilvrrwcjli'H <:e)lc.lirale.*|Kn- snT 0>i tlie riidiciC! nnd .^e'l'rnan'eut cure (without nirdlulne) of Nervous Debility, MeJitalandPlisslcHlinpapaoHivImpc'dt- ments to Marriage, etc., result! nedtpm exccSseF. " - _ ' i'rlce, in a sealed envolore, onlyjO;Cnt6 -^^e^lbrnie11'^^or;-,n ^ffliT*u,ki b. '-TUtrcelebrntetl' , . able Essay clearlyj- demonstriilcs, from; thirty years'^SUccp.ssrnr practice, Mmi alarming cohse(i',aceBmay'.Tia.raiJI<nMIJ' cured witlip.ut.tueijaogemus-useofinV;r- nnl medlc!jiO:Or the application bf tho' ltnife: polntriis out a'mode oi~enre nt, once simple,^certain.and .punctual, by f Cleveland, Ohio.: Acton} July 18, 1876. a every south ajid"ev^ry man In the linnd - *p^ .- . -K>nnSt New Voik. Irostoflijoiiosiosfi;. My : This -well-iinown house has "recentl t- jindrcone<ia thorough; reuoyatipc ^nv I rbp^Hu>g,jis now ;{oritiehe\y with.'lie*' and modem furniture of the: best des cription, and j is prepnred to provid first-class accommodation to the public The present proprietor has received license, and lie will, keep tho' bar "well supplied with (the very best oi liquori and cigars. The stabling'is larfio ^nd ; also ample slied-room. of the public! is respect- well-fitted up The patronage ully solicited JOHN MANEV A.cton/v^nd ?6, 1877. j ti f.oi: rjciid'.xas c" Ui'vo ar-iv j: /flOA'.Cal^/ New Felt Bats In all the latest English, Amer ican and: Canadian styles; > iabla for thV^arly Fall^Trade. 0v 50 Stylos to select from. A.-supertor-F^^ ty and finish for only $1. shqw^the ve^ia^e^^at c^ose1 out prides. - A n^w ponsignmeht" of ifea^ just to haiid. ;; :i-':r:jf:]. ;. J;;: '^:'^ lo-lbs siiGiR tpe (mE:^<yM^ ;;;:.: & 0.' ActonrAng>.15, 1ST?, .!- _'. Kit 1 j; "t1 i .*r-f {-' ' ?J ^JA" Tjr^ffi

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