Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1877, p. 4

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i HHB BS-B THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 30, 1877, .BILL .WASOV.H l|(tl: {Scfn* .'*u!<* A'.ll7ir\(V Thoughts vca, and a dark For MUht Akhiii'iuico nml intrepidity, under 'tlto-xvliit banner of -sroiniug mod Snturday file Conquers Who Thinks he Cttllt to merit that , 1 tin-Si on all Hi; r left the last station ail light, She'll come round the curve a jumping liU " Pon't know Pill ! -why he's engineer ! lx>cii on I ho nvul all his lilir I I'll never forget the morning lie took his chunk of a wify, 'T>vaslthe summer the thill-hands struck thc-y wen- ol'wo'ik every one. They out up a row in tlio village- and "killed t>W l>oiu>vau'siiiiu. :, " Bill --hadn't been married ail hour, when down cannv^a message- from Rrosi", . Ordering him to po up there and bring down the night e.\p'ress _JH'e left his g-.rf in a hurry .nml went up on numlKjr >.e, / " t'; l>I.irv arid the vHlf-pa.t ten o'clock To^v'tlke'riook at the switch lights-- j l'st.v. f1""' ,"". wnv ,. Iring a stick when you aw Umnnjh | would Otliwwitw h& UlSCOtiVAgOU -by Onjtirmv?.-Well, yos, 1 c,uts3 Ri>- she i dilHcullU'S. No company is far profornblo to bud, becuuso.^-vvo are umch wore apt to catch itho vices of others than their virtues, us diseaBO ia fill" moitscantngiouu than health. For the honest pooplo, relations incrt'tiHO with the years. For tlio vicious inconveniences, increase. In- coiistu'iicy in the defect; of vice ; the iutlueneu of habit, is olio of the qualities of virtue. ' . - No'man is defeated without some resentment., which .will bo continii-' i'd With obstinacy \vhilt> ho believes himself in the tight, nnd Asserted with bitterness if even to his own conscience he is detected in tlio wrong. It appears to"be among the laws of nature thnfiho mighty of intel lect should bo .pursued und cooped by the little, un the solitary flight, of one little bird is fallowed, by the twittering petulance of; iuuuy smaller. There is nothing more to bo es teemed than a. miiuly firmness und decision of character. I- likq a person who knows his mind and sticks to it; who sees at once whivt is to be done in givcu circumstances utiddocs it. If this life IB unhappy, it~is a us, which is difficult to bear; if it is in every respect happy it is dreadful to bo deprived of it; so thut in either case Hbe result is the same, for we must ex ist in anxiety and apprehoiiBion. Thinking of nothing I - train he hail to* run. " And Mary s.;t by the window to look- outTfor the nit;ht express, - Aiul, sir. if she hadn't a'doiie so, she'd ._" a'heen a widow I'guess, For it must have been nigh on \- p'elock 1 when the mill hanils left the' ridgu. And cimo do-nii, the druuken devils and tore up a rail from the bridge. " Well, ilarv, she heard them working, and she knew there was something wrong. So she just snatched up a lantern and Went e!T to the bridge nhuic tShe couldn't a'comc here to tell ns . ' niare'iLa mile it wouldn't a'done For in. less than twenty minutes BUI'* train would be coining alouc, " Then down came thtrnijjht express ' and Bill \*s making her 'climb 1' swiiii;ui.i; it all the time And, by Jove! Bill seen the signal j-And stepped tlie night cxprvsa. Arid there found his Mary r.\ryiug all ^ in her wedding dress Laughing and crying for joy, sir; and- cohling on to the light /-"' Hullo : why there's the train, sir Bill Mason's on time-to-night:"' Expression Anions Poultry. No inhabitants of a yard Beetu possessed of such a variety of ex pression and so copious a language as coanuon poultry. Take a chic ken of fbnr or five days old and hold it op to a window where there are_ flies and it will immediately seize its prey with 'little twitter ings of complacency; but if you tender it a wasp-or a beo at once its note ljecomes batch and expres sive of disapprobation and a sense of danger. When a pullet is ready tojhiy she intimates the event by a joyous and easy soft note. 01 all the-occurrences of their life that of laying seems to be the most im portant, for no sooner has a hen disburdened herself than she rushes forth with a clamorous kind of joy. which the cock and tlie rest of hi* -znistrelnses immediately adopt. The .tumult is not confined to the family -concerned, but cafches from yard to .yard and Bpfceads to every home stead within hearing till at but the whole village is in an uproar. As soon as a hen becomes a .mother her aew relation demands a new language. She then runs clucking ;*nd scudding about and seems agi tata? .as- if possessed^ TJje father of the flock has also a consuL-raLlo vocabulary. If he finds food he colls a favorite hen to partake, and if a bird of prey passes over with a warning voice he bids his family beware. The gallant chanticleer has at -command his am orous phrases and his terms of defiance. Sat the sound by which ho is best known is his crowing. By this he has been distinguished in all ages as the farmer's clock or alarm ras the watchman that ^proclaims the divisions of night. "A Darned Fool." , This is Jby.^no means ihe. worst story we have .read of the brave old Admiral * Najiier. VThen Sir Charles Napier was in command of the channel squadron before the .Russian war be one .day anchored with the fleet off Queenstown. He, with his^officers, were iiivi'ed during theititay to be the constant guests of .the Earl of P., and the castle was lively for a while with blue "and gold irnifonns. One 'night the family assembled in the castle for family prayers before re tiring, aft was ths custom of the household;-one of the ladies read a chapter in the Bible, and then the Earl prayed. On the special evening in question th chapter chanced to be the account of St. Paul's shipwreck^and i^a-dy J", was reading it. Th% admiral hearing something about nautical affaire, iisiened with- rapt attention until Lady Flora read, " They cast four anchors out of the stern, and wish ed for the day." " Darned fool," exclaimed the admiral^ who had completely forgotten everything .except the fact that ff-great"-error : in seamanship bad been committed. . WWn he again realized hU sur roundings he said, "1 reajly beg your Lordship's pardon, and crave that .of the ladies, but,the man-Was a fool, and it's a. -wonder' he didn't tear the whole stern out of her," The-ap61ogy) amid much suppress Bed mirth, was accepted. The jpost-ofBce officials at New York city are down on postal cards, and Postmaster James declares they are nuisances, and says that they decrease the sale of postage statnpsiat least $1,000 a day. The uveraget daily sale of postal cards was 50ju\00, although 100,000 have been sold in one "day. There was a gradual but steady -increase in their sale and a corresponding de crease in that of "postage stamps. He wished 'the cards would be abolished. Hints for married People. it has been well said that mar. ried couples should study each other's weak pointH lor the same reason rUat skaters look: out lor boles in the ice in oider to keep clear of them. Wnfertunately, how- ever, they often use their knowledge of such tender spots for a very uiC ferent'rfarpose, sparing no pains to give in em a jub on every possible occasion. Hence " domeslio ditli culties" innumerable. Wuineu have immense power ever the men- creatures, and they know it; but, alas ! they not always pxei'cise their influence wisely. The Wife and mother should" be the primary orb oT the domestic system, the centre of attractioo to all the members of the family grdup ; for when wives are "repellent bodies," away go husband and father and Bons, flying ofl at a tangent into space. Men should remember that many of our highest privileges are found ed on compromlses'and concessions It is so in the world political, and the policy thai makes a stale pros, perous and happy is not bad as a home policy. Therefore, oh, hus band! if thou woulds t acquire the light to ask a friend home to dinner notice,' neglect not to rc- rpqnd favorably when the partner of tby joys and sorrows hints at a new bODjet, or a new. silk dress. It is a faithful sayibg; that the wife's want is the- husband's op-, portnnity," knd the-converse of the proverb is equally true. It is one of the misfortunes of unreg ulated families that both wile and husband insist upon having the last word. Nothing- can be more im* proper. The last word is an "in Ternal machine," and married folks should no more struggle'for it than for a hundred-pound shell with the fuse lighted, . --M-----' What Ailed Him- One of our dry goods clerks cal led round to see his girl the other evening. She observed that he ap peared very restless, and as he had been pitying her pretty' sharp atr tention she sniOed a proposal. She determined to assist the young man, "t i'George, dear," she said, in a sweet voice, " what's the matter with you this evening V "There ain't nothing :the mat ter," replied ,George, twisting un easily in his chair. n I think there, is," she said, =syith great interest. " Oh, no, there ain't," returned George , " What makes you think 80," " You^appear so restless," she explained ; " You act as if there was something on your mind." "It ain'c on my mind," observed George ; " It's" and then he sud denly caught himself, and stopped. " What is it where is it, dear.1" entreated the young miss ; " won't yon tell yoiir darling V "" It's on my back," blurted George, with an effort. " On your back 1" repeated the young miss, in astonishment. . " Yea," said George, desperitely; " it's a porous plaster, and' it itches so I can't keep still." The young lady fainted. Cream and peaches once a week, Riss your girl on the right-hand cheek; Apples green and apples dried, K.VfB her on Che other side. ', Ashland Review. That evmees wretched taste- Take youi* girl about tho waist, Lift her to her pink toe-tips, And plant it squarely on her lips. Frankfort Xeoman. That's good enough if the girl will let you} If she don't, don't let it fret you ; But wait till she kisses some other fellerf Then with a brtek CAreaa hia smeller. r-Jjondon Adverliter. The last advice is shockingly rude,. And shows the writer jn a jilted mood. You bet he has ao girl to kiss On lips or cheeks, to give him bliss. 1 "Where"there's ft will there's a wiiyi" 'Hint is n.tiuixm whioh is but half understood. It is'said itmt n contest ooco arose' hi'lwocn the ugliest un<l the hiuidsomoHt man ii.i England for the Imiul of it ludy a I' woith and beauty. The homoly than won tho pi'lzo. When Disraeli made his maiden speech in the .Eng lish parliament, he wns lnuglied down, but not discoumged.' Know ing what was in hint, leajizlng wall the- power of tho will ho deolnred, "Tho lime will come when you will listen to mo." limt day camo, ns all tho world knows. Ubmaclo<i whioh would alarm oixitnni-y iiiincl" he brushed as cobwebs, und puilied to the I'oreuiOHt poMi.oii in Knglish politics, proving that ho conquer* wiio believes he can, "Kuini Heart novoi won luir lady,"-or anything clho worth winning. Young man, aim nifih t.ikecoun sol ofwisdom, and you are almost sure to win samething worln baviug. How many young moil nro Micro whoso waicbwordb nro * press on and pukh thiouj;h." Too many there are wlto believe that success comes moi e from luck and favorit ism than pluek. Many an able and uoilhy man has lieen disablod in tho battle of lifo by trusting 10 out side support, leaning upoo Irie.VdH or waiting for a government up. pointment, and ' neglecting the power within. It would be int'oretllng'to know, if the number could be discovered, how many there are who use, mote than a tenth of tho brain and heart power thoy really' possess'! ITero ami there wo.find one who moves tho world, but they are few and far between. Livingstone achieved dis tinction in Africa. Wo hope Stan ley has taken up his predecessor's mantle and knows now what ho did not know eighteen months ago that the lliblo is a bettor civilizer and protector than the rifle. Who ever enters upon an enterprise in doubt is already a failure. "Only bo thou strpng and of good courage" is an injunction which was not given to Joshua alone. - "-------- Ive Premier Pa. -Adam. Of Every Other Store by CCLDEN LION Why arp Sweedish gloves like naked babies ^ Becauso thoy are undressed kids. " Are those soaps all one scent?" inquired a| lady of'h; juvenile sales man. r" N,o, ma'am, they aro all ten cent*," replied the innocent youngster.!' A lawyer at the bar was held to bo in contempt for Bimply making a motion iiji court. It was ascer tained, however, that he made a' motion to throw an inkstand at the head of tho court.. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ACTQlTi The latest State of the PolL Baldness. - FREE PRESS, Onljr $1 a, Year In Advance. OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Has from its very beginning been a complete buccpss, but we will now, for a few days only, ntnko a special effort which will completely place in the Bhade all inducements ever before offered. Every ono acknowledges that our stock if three times ns large hs any Other in l^uelpli. It must be reduced, for our senior partner is now in the Old Country buyingnew goods. How ia this to be done ? We intend to do it not by offering a few linos piooe meal, but by selling - OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT COST, And nil Summer Goods at Halt Cost; Price. This will, only Last for Two,Weeks. We shall then bo receiving our new goods from England and tho sale will I Now, then, for a few particulars. Road thorn'and don't forget them. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS, SILKS AT 50 CENTS A YARD. Over one hundred patterns, pure Silks, choice designs, most fashionable colors, at fifty cents a yard. Thore is nothing in (iuolph of the same quality, at anything near the prico. Grenadines, Muslins, and French Lawns, The nicest materials ever worn in summer, - JUST 5 CENTS -^ -^T^IRID. These goods astonish everyone, and aro being bought up a hundred yards " . at a time. Come in before they all go, ' 3" The Choicest Kid Cloves, 50 cents a pair. Magnificent Sash Ribbons, 25 conts, a yard, only a few left. Parasols, great bargains. The great Slaughter of all, however, is being made OUR MILLINERY BRANCH. HERE NO OFFER IS REFTJSBD. And hundred and hundreds of Flats, trimmed and untrimtned, scores of 4 Summer Suits, Mantles arid Jackets are going just for any- 1 . thing they will bring. This is p prreat chancei Don't let it pass by. : so- "Jthc Lion " cannot be touched for Cheap Goods."a , ' J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelph, July 16. 1677. i " ^,CT03ST_ STORE - 0AZT2TBS GOODS. : Cnllfornla Salmon, Portland lxibslers, * reuch Surdlnes, Cove:Oyster?, Fresh Mackerel. Tho subscriber having again gono into the grocery business, would in- timato that ho has always a full line of goods usually kept in first class grocery houses, freBh, and of-tbe best quality, such as I TEAS. Blacks-: Finest English Breakfast Conguo, Souchong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoe. Greeks : Moyune uunpowders, Silver Leaf Gunpowders, Moyune Young HyBons Uncolored Jap-ins, Imperials, Twankays Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities. Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. COFFEES.. Our stock comprises the best grades of {)ld Government Java, . ' ': Laguayra, v Haracaibo, and Rio,, Boasted and ground, daily, on the preniises, trxus b-etaininf: all the natural aroma and flavor of thA berry. cocoas and chocolates; Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate,' iSpp's Honxoopathic Cocoa,. Menier's Chocolates, siraAa?. Refined, in Loaves, Cut Loaf, Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, Extra C Epglish Refined all grades, . 1 Demerara, Porto Rico. Cnrod. Sams and Bacon, Choose a&d. Batter. Sarnott's Extracts St Essoneos. Tlitj Finest Goods Manufactured. Soaps of oil Mads. ?ie&103 and Caueos. Crosse i.Blnckwell'a, Mixed Pieties, Chowehow, I'lccalltl, - Miiphroom Catsup. John Ball Sauce; Lea dc Porrln's ii/orclieBtershlroSauce, Tomato f 'atfiup. Favorite tlo., do., Yorkahlre Relish, Krencli Mustard, Amher, Honor, and. Syrups. Standard TOBAOOOES. Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. PRITITS-DRIBD. Valencia Raisins, Layer Baisins, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless,- Voatizza Currants, Blaok PatraB do. in cases selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, Frehoh Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are the finest ex. ported. CANNED FBUITS AITS V2GE- TABLES. - Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Sucootash, Green Peas,. Corn, Beans, TomatoeB. Besides many other articles in season, not here mentioned. J-Cheap for Cash Or Trade, E'AatNACBO'ffs aooos. Carolina Kice. Arracan Rice, I'earl Sago, Rio Tapioca .Fearl llarley, Corn Meal, Oatmeal. DESSERT FRtriTS Currants, Valencia tiranges, Messina Lemons, Plueapnles. ?nini Uates, Bordeaux 'Walnuts, Frtberts, Almonds, BIS0UIT3 ft;00ZT7S0TX01TEB7. ArrowToot, Wine, Soda, Abernethy. Cream, Lemon, Batter, Boston, Qranam, Oyster craoker, ijew York Olujor nuts. Ulnsrer Snaps, Candles and Sweetmeats of all kinds. Cheese, Bjjtter, Eggs, Hops, . C&OOSERT. China Sets, White Stone SttB, Figured Stone Sets, cnambcr Sols, T6a Plates, Bowls, Jellies. Platters, Bakers. - And a tall line of other kinds. Mill Pans, Cream CrooKs, Butter CrocKc, Jugs, Flower Pots, &o. Selling at the manufacturers' prices, GLAS3VTAHE, Tumblers, Goblets, Lampp, Lamp Ulasses. Glasfi Plates, Glass Sets, Fruit Jars, <to , dc. Vail Papors and 'Window- Blinds In great variety cheap, MISCELLANEOUS. 1" Tubs, Halls, Brooms. washboards, BrushcB, ac., Ropos, Wire and wooden Baskets, 1 Patent Medicines, Oye Slufls. Stationery, Sohool Bocks, Purses, Wau*ots. School Boas. '. . Spectaoles, Violins, Violin Strirgrs, Briar Pipes, Fanoy Goods, Combs, Ac. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, - (JysterB in can and bulk in season. JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, June, 1877. Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Lieeneos, Insurance Agent, &o. - W. STEWART td ilavei commenced opening their New- Importations LIST OP MUSIC BOOKS And in a few days finest will show the stook of FIRST CLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Guelph. Bpecial efforts bare been noado to show the newest Dress Goods, Spring JuclceU. Mantlm, Costumes, Kid Olovctf Hosier!/, Laces Lace Curtains, i Sheetings, and Mourning Goods. OUR COTTONS Sold wholesale and retail^ John AndBrsoii BookseUer, Oueljih,? Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer.- 1; Jousse's Musical Catechiain. ." * Bertlni'a New Methodfo* Wp^ Clarke's New Method T6t ?!, Huntbn's Piano Forte Schook^ - Howe's Piaao withodt * Muter. Richardson's New Modern School Gitze's Parlor Organ. ' -, ' Silver Wreath (Vocaj), - 10d different Musio Books. M j A B'g Discbant on u r MUSIC BOOKS I a, "" -" - ' "* Vj were all contracted recent advance, have the benefit. for before the Customers will Goats' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, - Press Shirts, Ties. Collars, eta., Btocbc of Felt Hata, Are particularly inviting in styles and price, '- | " ' I WM. STEWART k CO;- Oaelpb, March 6, JP77, :: CHEAP B00K3T0BE On the East side Of Wvadaiia gtrfet GUELPH. I *' CONSUMPTION CU8EB. ?f.>^?*.1M'1 PiOTtf in hi- ktS Irtii In<li MjHij,iir/*?hf tonukU,i^ B-l^l/ fc,yi. ^, ,,* Ef ContuniptUm, A*lhma, UrmdtUU. Catarrh, : aad ^1 Throat ard X^tn^ AflteUiw- ^. Jar .tbomitfhl/ ttrf It, wtmiaM^S^ *> kok, ii, loflnSnrfelliS iii! 1i I, Ija. motlre d . cavSJSSSiiJSt rtllrve fauxsui fsS>rinc. h. will jni *u? Willi tuU diircliuc, to p^p^nj StmSSD 1J..W- Sent bj rewriTMui Srllto vui rtunp, cimlnrtha tagg. - " p* : BJtr. ..-._ Box.i,BMuZ&nu.On. * 1: mTo the WorVtBS Cla*.-.Wa ns ocv prepared to iurnisti all elawes Witb eofj. slattern ploy ment at home, the wkojle of ' the time, or lor iheir spure rai-m-n:!. HualnpBs new, ligtitasd profltnbl.; f. KonsJc.f elih. r s.jf easifr earn nm a cents to $5 tier - vf-rHne,Hndai>rop6rtion-. H.i sum by devoting t telr whole tuns to the\b--isiDe*ei B.-ysiand.firls earn nearly as much hs men. That kit vbo ire urn t-otlc" may. gi-nil iheir addre^s-Md tert.. \i>e business we mukathls naiaraHfled . ft- r: T such as are not vellsnttsacdva . will send one dollar to pay forthel>Me or Trriting-j Full pari^eularj, >nplM. uorih several doilan to'coxnnxeoti* vork in, and a cjpy of H<>mea4drir-siqr,nii .f the larsfistHtid b< t Il'ntn;'ed|Putj}l- atlon, all cent free by ptall. rfesdfr, it \-iiu want rerman'nt, ;pro0t*l<!"wark, _ iddrpsG.-X)UGE Stinsos4Co,PotUhI. Mutne, - THE FEBB PRINTING 55a PRESS i, I .1 j HOUSE. To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, as well as bHroughout th County, the Free Press is an I invaluable Advertising Medium, -r AUP WAGG Now is the time to leave yonr:oite. At J. Ryder's to*7 . ~ - f or a Stylish Buggry or SerTieeaM- Wajron. I am making up a large stock fqr tta {iresent season, from the bestmafcn* Zand See our Handsome BW" ifir'ia a good time to , bargains. Strict attention given to __ 35Wai>i3Ji.oettigr & imaeral5i^" switliiasr. < JAMES BTP^ Acton. Feb, 26, 1877. I 't Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Exacutin/r all kinds ot BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Enable us to turn out work equal to injrthing done in the cities. j UNABRIDGED DICTIOMlT For tHe School Roomf MM EaraTlnK4 8 rfta I A NEW FEATORe^l I To the S009 JUnstrations w"%S Webster* Unabridged we tost f"" ifonrpajfesor _ I COL9KEO UJLESTlUSjMalr! I ngjve expressly**!**<*'* *1Ka^? every Btat* SjP^SS'SSo? PubUo instruction m responding oftleer, w^nSSeSS* - I exists, basrecoma^dedWeiienig5 tlonary In ihe stroneest te&^fr5Z them are those of. K"2> JwE** Middle. Sonthern and Western wp Twenty-elgheihaU. j' The State of. Kw. Sorfc b* I 10,OW copies in-as many of Her. "InS^te of WlscoisiB, .boot mr "^sllta^^Jerpey. V*~f 6VTebllSteof MbI4Mla p,*tUtt* Sehools. - KmimtdtVrt' The State of ConneeUent M vision tor her Sehools M4 ^p. Over 8000 ScbooUJn^J^JOT^ pUed dnrlnc the year lS^aM >^* ^rn'omel'Btat.s tfT &2$m purobasea tor snpplylng.Schaoll tm <m-~ ootinties and towns."-- t*at&* What better Investment can pe*^* loraohoolst . as ou^ More than twenty ifnl6LrtS*l*/ soldof-Websler's DicUonarles.""1"^' eUierserleelnthlscoitntry- s^gei ,i0JSSr7 <*! Books publtshed in this f^rftaer8' W?Wters thelrstanearf, *g&&T- malnder. few aaknowledgfl an""" PubUsned toy - c MKWU?.^ vi . F fe"1

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