Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1877, p. 3

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jZSl m ,vjaiais.t^is^jiaa^s^^ij^gisigfe^ii-.= MM .' -Ari Canada Ag ents Qtjr.. Mia iKDRGEtilWJL / ; *^. the >L I* ' TYLES.} Work. :z u **>*- ! bt fiM* J; aone-y. ! k-r'witf *** : niton. - ! . 7 -tbairfc?**--* . iaat'tb* j e*t>D TKTMi TIWF. TABLK. Trains l??vc Aaton as follows ; CHIXS WKS.T. Toronto mv.l l*v Express - K*fw* ," - Glt mixed' UOINiI Sicht Express , 0*1t mixed Par Kxp-rcss - " YCcstcni mail - -I,oo<ion mixed - 1:04 a.m. 9. 10 a.m. l.i">7 p.m. ~' A. -0 p. Ill; 7:07 p.m. SJ:3S a.m. 9:J0 tvtn. 11:34 a.m. .ViOp.m. .10:10|>.m. NEW!. ADVERTISEMENTS. jv,T iip Robert Gallowsy. Ctoap MilU-r. SI Armstrong, V<JW" I^st, Village of Act-til}. . Pry l5oods Mol.ood, Anderson Jfc Co. Trichcr Wanted for Section No. 7 Ns- sa-^weya. * _ ' - f. i ' r ; LOCAL MATTERS. . -jgr Those of.our patrons who are indebted to this office will greatly obli(s'J ns,. by" paying" np as early as con- -ranient,' as wo are. very hiuch.iu need of the money. ITigh firing isn't killing many people now-a-days. ... Mr. Armstrong lift" reduced tfce price- of milk to four cents a quart. Base ball niitcb hero to mor row, between tho Juniors of Milton and the Mutuals cf Acton. Philosophy is a good thing, 'It give^a man cheek enough to lay ho cin't spire two cents a week for his local papor, -while lo -spends ten titnes- ' tho amount in poor cigars. New linos of Winceys, and general Dry Goods, also a fresh stock of groceries jut arrived at -the. Glasgow House Christie, Henderson i Co. Bread" at 15 cents a loaf is tiought by consumers to bo a little too high, now that tlour is comparatively low in price. The* bakers, however, think otherwise. Best MedicM Wines and Brandy at J. E. McGarvin's Hall of Pharmacy. . / - - . ^ 1 **> Kent for Messrs. \V. H. Storey & Co., came home "quite ill '.'-some 'days ago. "Wc are s^r'ry t.>. learn that hiseytnp- touta arc of a joiaeiyhat altruiiiiij nstnre. ' .-..-. There art? several, boy.-, in this ; village who seem to Iv t rep.-.rinj them selves for a l..>.i:rir:;; in the county jaiL The depredations they make on fruit frees are apt to lead t< trouble. It would W Airii for :i.c:u to tike warning iu time. . TiiiiijT** li:ive -bt'i-ri lively the L">p -vs.r.U t:U? iveck. On ^^onl diy, there were U0 {dehor3 at voik in I'M >: Mr. M-'tiiit.ufd' yards SO in .the other. Yesterday, piching was in Mj. ; Sydney ' Saiit!,'s -y^ri], and it eceae: f a busy thrnUj.' u! people of various r.^es. ^S" Suh.scnlk.'rs to the Fiiee Pkes.i wfco have not yet thi ye-ir-!- mhscrrjjtion are respectfully reminded that it is necessary to*do bo witiinut tlj?- hj, if they wish to take advanta^o of ibe idvauce price. "If delayed miicli longer, we shall 1* reluctantly compell ed to--cUarjre the credit rates. Please remember, it is one dollar" only when piid strictly in advance. ^NewvlicoU, new fchoPB, n'pwr robbers, cheaper tbsli ever, at) the Glasgow House Christie, Henderspu & Cv', Acton. For quality, Fhip IMPRISON CO, LrArcr .. A. T.lltlllli-rmnu. the Olb- tonsned Slinrprr, henlrllceil to Ouc Year's Ini|trtsouuieut. workman- d cheapness, the". goo,l-t.^eicel anything in the market. Five per cent on all purchases of five pairs. Make yoar seloctions early. OF 21 candidates for Second. class Teachers Certificates, in this coun ty, only two have been successful, in. 'paai'iy^ the examination. One of tneee is Mr. -iVilliam EL Madonald, teacher in the School Section on the 4th line Esquesing, adjoining Acton, and the other is Miss Crooks, of the township of "Velson. "\To.aro pleased, at beinf*; able to congratulate Mr. Macdonald. oa his success. ~ > Tho ' ladies of St. Ailban's Churclj have realised by their Straw berry Festival end Bazaar, held some Greeks ftsro, and receipts since the tnter- takrmenUthe sum of S^o.30 over and above expenses, and have thereby been enabled to make a further payment of '100^-dpon their parsonage - property. By the energetic and successful efforts of the Ladies' Aid Society,) since its foundation ome six months ago, the .debt has been reduced $150, a result highly creditable to the ladies, and satisfactory to the members of the church. Those who want oil colors "in tubes can get them at tho TT11 of Phar- macy, _ - , Pkiktisg- OmcE- Rules. As soon as you enter a printing .office, if you are in arrears pay np. If you are not a subscriber, subscribe immediately and pay in axlvance. ~ "" Don't touch thfe type.- Keep six feet from the devil. Hands off manuscript. Don't talk to the compositors. Dou'i carry off the exchanges, ^ ever be^ a paper. . Gentlemen observing these rules when entering a printing office will greatly oblige the editor and need have no fearj of the devil. St. Alban-i Church. s The service in this church on Sunday next. Sept 2d, will be in the morning, commencing at a quarter to eleven o'- - clock, SlUeide In Erin. y VVe learn that a man natried .John McMillan, was . found yesterday /ijuifce dead,hanginp; to a tjee, in the neighbor hood of Osprin*jei5T:t is' snpposed that . he committed '-shieide. He is said to hate been a well-to&o farmer, about -W years of age, with a. large family. Our readers will remember tho swin dling case, mentioned in the Frkk l-uass a few weeks ago, wherein Mr. James Gibbons, near Acton, was made tho vie-' tint of an oily-tongued stranger, by bo- ing induced to sign his name to a couple ot documents which afterwards turned out to be promissory notes for'tJtHO each; Zimmerman was arrested two or three weeks aj--o in .Oc8rf*etown, and arraign ed lx-for a bench of Magistrates who committed him to Milton jail to stand his trial for obtaining the notes under false pretences. The prisoner having elected to bo tried before the County" Judge without a jury, tho trial took place at Milton last Saturday, before His Honor Judge Scott, of Brampton, who officiated during tho 'ahsenco of Judge Millar. .- J. V. MacMillan, of Guelph.conduet- ctl the ea^o for. tbo Crown a3 privato prosecutor iwul the Hon.M.C.Cainjigron,* Q.,C, -appeared for tho defeuco. James Gibbons, sr., tho prosecutor, testified that kbout ^o'clock, p.m., ou the 9th of July last, tho prisoner with hisjservant arrived at his (tho prosecu tor's) houiiu iu Esouesiug. Perceiving that the prisoners wero peddlers, ho sent out his son, a young man of 2i Vesrfsof age, to inform them that he wanted nothing at all from them. The prisoner, however, prevailed upon the .young man to become. an agent for " The Dominion Mowing Machine Knife Grinders," representing that no payment was required in order to be an agent'_ and that a fortune could speedily bo realized by selling tho grinders at J3 and remitting S2 to thi proprietors, thus clearing $1 for each grinder. It was agreed that the grind* era not disposed of by a certain time wt-re to bo .returned to 'the prisoned.' Tho latter, however, on finding that tlie son had no property, induced the father to become security for tho son. He then drew up a writing, which Mr. Gibbons was told contained the terms of tho said agreement between Gibbon?, junior, and 'tlia prisoner, and which Gibbons. -jciiR'r; signed without read ing. This writing, however, vouched that CO drzen cWmlcfs had been de livered, which, at *2 each, amounted ii) value to $-!S0. -"While the son was engaged iu helping the prisoner's ser- unlo.-ul said grinders," the pfis- ondr' intimated to Gild oris, sti, tihat " two reecipis would be rei-uired, ono for.lthe company and one fi>r himself. _^r. tiiblnus willingly acceded and Signed two btamptd |i.i*:>t.-rs without reading them, the prisoner assuring 1 is victim that rece;]its were always staled" oY stamped. .It is tcarcely necessary to say that the papers were not receipts but promissory notes. The prisoner then tt>ok his "depr.rturtr l.:-.t returned i-.ext day with J. H. lVpo, the: man who Jias been getting. up the County Atlas, during tl:e pa.-t yer.r, and who i3 pretty well kmvn in this vicinity as an exceedingly plausible aud ra[id- talking iiidivSttual. Together tl:ey ob tained the coincnt of GiLLons, sr., that he should assign the so called receipts to Mr. Pope and they also obtained an acknowledgement, iicip Gibbons that hia signature ofTtl.e to :called receipts Iras genuine. A few days afterwards, beginniiig to'bmell a rat,'tlie Gibbous' father" and son, proceeded to George town, and ou feeing Pope were inform ed by him that the pretended receipts were iu reality two promissory-notes for s*J40 each. They immediately proceed ed to Guelph^ud procured the profes sional service^ of Air. J. P. MacMillan, Barrister.' The aforesaid trial was at tended by large numbers of ^people, some of whom came from long distan ces having themselves been cheated at different timeis by'tho prisoner. Tho counsel for the prosecution clearly proved the above facts and obtained the conviction of Ziirnieruiau who ;'wan sentenced to one year in the Central Prison. [ I An " Vnliuportaut Subject. 7'o (hv'fcttior of (ht Fire Prm. Sir, In reply to a commu' nicntion in your issue of tho 10th iust, purporting to bo written by " lSsquebiigl)," of Bnnnockburn'S.F., Aug. l^th. 1877, entillo<l ' Warm Times on the 4th Lino,.....' to stnto it THB^F-REB PREgS, AGTOST, HALTON COUNTY^ ONT,, AUGUST 80,; 1877, ' : -In "" Unliiinct-rtmit Riil>l<w: imiirE>iAiiii '." ;--------------r------; '-------: ' : ' _~nr^ THAT WONDERFUL MAN rpAKE NOTICE. 1 bog loavf falso in almost ov'or*K, particular. 1 think ho must havbT"T)T A "NTTIVTYl "R/TTT T O been possessoct of other '< spirits " JTJ-lillN UN\JT IVllJ-jLllO limn his own wlion componing his little "c<mmunioiUion" for tho press. In tho first piece, what is thej meaning of " Ksquebogh 1" It is taken from the most nnciont of lan' gunces, that which was spoken bj Adam and Eto in tbo garden of Eden, (it least tho writer or that ar ticle cl.uma for his mother tongue, (tho Gaelic), and signifies WhiBkey probably the most appropriate name he could sssuzne as he imbibes pret ty freely of it on-n convenient op-, portuuity. Wus it from you, M*. Kditor, that he begged tho oopy com taining his spurious " production?1' Arriving home, ho hastens to the harvest-field to his hired men,' and .askexi ;dne of them to ft read this," jhis spicy little production, expect ing 16 receive their approbation and applause for the way ho can "sling ink." He says: *'He is making him self somewhat officious in the style of his communications." What are the " Communications " which an noy him so very seriously? I chal lenge him to prove one communica tion that 1 have written in which he or any other could see their name directly or indirectly connected with it. My articles have been very few, but are all correct, find, sir, the pa pers l take are all paid for. Is this " Whiskey " the man who had taken a paper,, and who had not paid his subscription for more than six years, although notified time and again to pay tip his arrears j finally the paper was stopped and a lawyer's'letter Is sent--and must be honcred. Ho is now without a paper. Some time agfrho was dunned for back postage oij his paper by tho Postmaster;- he denied having any money, but ou go ing to the door he said to.ji certain ninn, *-1 have notli'mj: leas tlntu a 310 bill, but 1 would not "trust htm, (the P. M.) to changi it.": Again, he says His last self-righteoiis pro duction * * * ivas eminently expressive of thankfulness that ho is not ns other men are," is also fa.'so. 1 challenge him to show that I over wrote anything of such a nature. -'_-. Lot us pais ou. " disappointment;" my shevt is clean er in that respect th:in " Whisky's." I think his ' logical brain" must have been sutlering from nintrirao. nial disappointments or delirium tremens probably the last mention* ed causo, as his harvest field was pretty well supplied with;whiskey, and 1ic could inibibe as copiously m any one ot his men. In almost every mean trick thatjis perpetrated in the neighborhood r- \V-----------" can be found out to have hndnn-nctivo part if not the pi*:neip:il acto"*r txnti ring leader. If he is under the influence of other i-p'iils, he is .nefl (jualiiied to do sinything low and meaii on his neighbors I w->ubl humbly suggest to thisself lighieoiis individual, who is not as other men are, would apply his logical brain to discover tlie hon est nieihcxl of paying Lis creditors their honest;dues, and not to wait AT THE ACTON Will be found a quantity of SEASONED LUMBER Comprising inoh, li and 2: inch, dressed and undressed. All good stock. Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Battens, '&<;., Manufactured as usual, THUS. EBBAGE, Prop. Acton, Aug 21, 1S/7. T TAILORING. JOHN McARTHUR, tailor, baa returned from N^iw York city where he has attended tho School of instruction in the act of cutting garments, and is now* better prepared than ever, to give the best of satisfaction to his customers. He is .now in a position to warrant a perfect fit, and to mako up garments in the very latest American styles. The continued patronage of tlie community respectfully solicited. JOHN* McAHTHUR, Acton, Aug. S, 1877, <V3m QRACE'S QELEBRATED $ALVE, A Sore Belief for the Sufferer. TRADE MAEK--THE GOLDEN MAN1, OUR SPECIALTY SALE Has proved to bo tlie Greatest Snccess of the Season, And we may add that it has stimulated us to renewed efforts to place be- . fore the.publio i ' - ! Special Lines of Goods each week During the Remainder -of the Seaion At prices that must command the attention of every intending The, greater portion of the goods that we have been offer: . .. -------- een offering this Week have been sold, only a few of the higher prices ' Costumes, Dusters and-Skirta remaining, these will be cleared out ut a STILL GREATER REDUCTION purchaser. Xi-A-IDXlED S I - . J . ; : Don't fail to seenrek NEAT jS XTM 3EB -BITSTEB At nearlyone half tr/edn'gi'nah price, ; We vrM offer next Wtftjk fMblonablff -_ "" . " ': ' . ' ! White Uacer Srtrip Mtrslins at 1ZJ centsj- formerly io cento. White Lace Stripe Muslins at 15 cents, formerly SO cental White Check Stripe Moslms at all-prices.' White*Marseilles 12^ cents, wonderful value. Black Plain Grenadine. , M ' . Black Check Grenadine. \j f Black isatln Stripe Grenadine. / Black; Check Silk and Wool Grenadine, beautiful goodf. Patronize the most nterpiflirw store in Quelph. JOHN HOGG & SOW, - Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street. GnelphJ. .fuly24, 1877. ! . , ' " \ , 1 GKR-^kJEsTir) Enormous Reduction in Prices. The Grand Cheap Clearing Sale of tlie Season NOW GOING ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST * L, END 9T ( : J-RKrAnED EY SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, SO ItARRISO-S aVESIK, nosTON-, MASS, (iR\CE'.-i CELliBRATRD 8ALV Is a Vegetable "Preparation, Invented In tli-? 17th cnnttiiy by pr. W'll- Choice Timothy for fall sowing at Christie, Henderson & Co.'s, Acton, where you get that famous 50c Tea, sold in 0 lb.- Iot3'at 45 eta.. . ._ Deoilstrj. S. h. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton "on "the "first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnew's Hoteh rGo to the Pp9t Office Store for the be3t'value in Tea, at 50c and 60c per pound. Gocd" Currants for 5c per pound'; good Raisins for 7c per pound. Sugars, 8, 8J, 9 and 10 pounds for a 1. Other goods cheap. A meeting of the representa tive men of the munisiipalities in terested in. the Toronto, Grey, and Bcuce Railway will be held in the Town Hall,. Orangeyille, on the 7th September, at 1.30 o'clock, to consider the advantages that will accrue fronT'tbe widening of the gauge of the road to the national, or 4 feet 8 inch gauga*, -^ The poor demented woman, Mrs. Cousins, who trjed to poison herself at Stratford itAd-a'fturwardft in London, watt shipped' from tbo latter placo.back, to Stratford, but did not arrive" their- promptly. The Beacon of Friday says she will no doubt be sent" to her friends iu Georgetown as the handiest method pf getting rid of her. The export of grain from Manitoba this season will form no inconsiderable item.. Last year the Province^exported from 158,000 to 200,600 bushels, and besides it is estimated that there is at least 50,- 000 bushels *ei old wheat still in the country. Thia ; year the amount of grain to be exported will amount to about" 500,000, and it may even exceed this estimate. ll-ini iUr.tC-, riun;ctni in King James' nriiiy.^ Through Its agency he nurutl tho':SnnilK of the most serious soref. anil ,. , .., j , .. ( womuls tlmt liafTled tlie skill of the most for a bailitt to come and serve him Umiii<'iu physicians of his fU>,ai.d was rc^.r.leil l>y all who know him i.s a pub lic b- ne.rn,-tor. TRICE'J'i CKNTS A BOX. GH.UX'S (F.Lr.DKVTED 8ALTE ; CL'ttEH FI.R.1H lrorsus, ritoXKn i.twnn, fai-t nlltUM,, SOICK BUEAST, : y-iuK r.ips. KKYsii'r.r.AK, msa- WoitJis,rAi.i.vsES, ecAI.u hbaD" CMAM'El) 11ANDW. iur.NS, CiNCT.its, ysi^iNs, HC.VI.n*,. H IKKS, ULCEUS, woiMis, si ino-*,, KKTKltS, WENS,, BTIKs, i'ii.KS aii -K-.-l, tri:r.<Ki,,KS, HUXIB.VS, SI*K-il.VS, JIOII.-,"' IltTK', CUTH .' WHITLOWS WAKTS, ni.ISTEIIIS, TAS* * 1'IMPLKM, CiiltNS, Sl'lItW, ITCH, I.NG*tOWI-*G NAII^, NETTI.B HASH, MU.--q.UlTO AND KI/KA niTfiS, Sl-IDICK STIi-tOS, AnJ illl cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. For snlo by all drufc*-.l>*tM, (-*roeerB, and at all c<umt-y Rt*res tlirotli:tiout tho Uni ted Hiatus and British I'rovlnt-es. Price by tnall 30 cent-*. with a summons to appear before the court* or law to onnivef lor neglect ot duty. Agj'in ho hays " it is pro bably with uJ view to impr.ove their minds that Ids visits to'his neigh- hors are exierided 13 ;the small hours." Where jdid.l ever extend, my visits to the 'small hours ?" ex cept at liia own fireside, craving him for the money be owed me. Only a few evenings before he wrote that article he went to a certain house in the neighborhood to borroty a har vest implement, and remained much later than is my custom. 1 think he would see the gray of morning belore he got homo, la this iho mnn that borrowed 2o cents from me and could not pay it back for six months? A dny or two alter paying it back he was down again to borrow 12, think ing, I suppose, becaube he .was bo pnyipg tho 25 cents I ought to It nd hiin 12. Is this the man who tot drunk in Acton some time ago, hiving $100 in bills in his pocket, and being so high" the landlord put him to bed, but when 1 heard pf his| situation, I went and took him home. He gave the money to me for Bafe keeping; such bless ings and thanks I got that "night for the kind turn I had done him; he was never to forget me lor my kind. :icbb to him on that occasion, saying if it was not^for me ho might have lost every cent. But it seems the case is otherwise. The reason he wrote that article was because of a certain conversation between us in which I told him that our money dealings were end. [do not know anyon-i who has hotter times on the 4th line than this same indi- vidual, receiving so many visits from halliffs, arid letters fromiawyers, &c. By giviufi the above an ineeHion in the columns bl your valuable paper, your will much oblige A Cbhtain Youxo Man. Esquesmg, Aug. 28, 1877. MollIE Maouibes. The name of Mollie Maguires comes from Ire land. Some fifty years ago or more a poor old woman in- Ireland had her house pulled down over her head by a landlord. Her name was.Mollie Maguire, and Bhe died of grief and exposure. Thereupon her sons and neighboring lads form ed themselves into a societyr and vowed and took fierce revenge on Irish landlords in general. - Tho band spread rapidly, and they cal led themselves Mollie Muguii-es, and Irish coal miners brought the name to America. ' -----------m t m ' -------- A chilfl about five years of age was burned to death on Thursday on lot 5, concession 6 Mitchell-road, Fullerto'n. It appears that Mr. George Poster," the father of the child, arose early i& the morning and went to the harvest field. Mrp. Foster .lit a fire and went out to milk the cows, and returning fonnd the bedroom on. fire. She extinguished it, and sought her child, which she found in the barn yard burnt to a crisp. Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, etc., reduced to 30 per centi Entire stock of. Fancy Dress Goods reduced 50 per cent Entire stock of Plain Dress Goods reduced 30 per cent. Entiro stock of Costumts reduced 50'per cent. Entire, stock of Shirts and Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. Entire stock of Shawte and Mantles reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Lace Shawls and Jackets half price. Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery reduced to half price. | Entire stock of Untrimmed Goods reduced 25c each. Entire stock of b'lowers, F,athers and Wings half price. Entira stock of Small Wares regardless of cost. Entire stock of Cotton Goods at mill prices. Entire stock of Shirtings," Tickings, etc., cost price. Kntire stock of Tweeds at cost price. Entire stock of Coatings at cost price. Entirejitock of English and American PnntSjCost price. Entire'stock of Table Linens, cost price. Entire stoek of Flannels, cost price. . Entiro itock of Underclothing, cost price. gSf" Our eintire stock hag been reduced and will be sold. We are determined to clear out every Diece of goods if prices will'do it. Intending purchasers prill please,remember The Grand Clearing Sale fef the Season.,- L :% V** These Goods must be Sold. *ffa j A. O. BUCHAM. Fufihiomiblo Went EnU DreBsf Millinery ana Mamie ftstabUHhineoti -* - Christie, Henderson & Co; 71 FRESH ARRIVALS. Eats Ouelpli, July 4, 1877. BS O. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, .DEALER IN. Groeorlss, .Oroekerir, Soots Ss Sioos, "Wall P&por, / . tTindo-s* Blinds, ITails, Glass, Putty. Linssel Oil, Foists, Turpontlno. Coal Oil, Salt, eto-, 41.1 of which will bi sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES Soiling off at cost. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio, Cash for Hides. -dctbn, July 16, 187C. _____________1 ! I I . Can't be made by cvory agent every month In the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn dozen.dollars a day right In their own localities, Have no room toesrlnlnhore. Business pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boys anil girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. The business pi-ys Better than anytlilns else. Wo win bear ex. ponso ol startlnc you. FarticuarsTree, Write and see. Pnrmprs and mechanics. their sonB and daughters, and nil classes In net d of paying work nt home, should write t,-> as and lnnrn about the work at once. 'Now Is the time. Don't delay. Address TaUK <t Oo , Auausfa, Maine. EAST END CLOTHlgyC STORE. The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their numerous patrons for the liberal support with which they have been favored in the past as members of tho late firm of Dickson & McNab, would beg leave to call attention-to their - S^PIRinSTG- STOCK, Which this ye-fr is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a large - assortment of *' TWEEDS ScotcK, .English Manufacture. andi Domestic The patterns are the choicest in the market. Our stock in HATS AND GE2TT3' PtJRNISSINGS Is well assorted^and at low prices. Cottons, Prints, and Staple Dry Goods At prices that cannot fail to satisfy everybody. We respectfully invite an inspection of our goada. Acton, April* I-!, '87 FYFE & MoNAB, VT^ZN-KOOI) = I rpnE royal K0W LOST, HOW RESTORED. V EXCHANGE $999 We have recently publisuod a new edi tion of Or. *UaIverwcll' *t'cle*brnte l Es- uy on the rndlcu! and permanent oure (without m'dielne) or Nervous l>ebillt-.-, Mentul and Physical Incapacity. Impedl-' moots to Marrln-je, etc., resultluK ftom excesses. ,'* , Frlee, Inn sealed envelore, only 0 cents or two postage stamps .' 'J'he celebrated author; in this admlr- nb! Essay clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, th*i alarml*-1*** consequences may bo radically cured rtlthout tho dangerous use of Inter nal medicine or the application of the kulfei polntlnii out a mode of cure nt once simple, certain and effectual, by means ofwhlch every sufferer, no matter what hlB condition my oe, may'cure hlmnelMieaply, privately mid radically. Tnls I eoture should be In the hands of every youth and every niau In tho hand. THE CVVfEUVfV.VL lilF.DWAI, VO., 41 Ann St., New York. rostOfflid.BoxJ6S6, My * i ACTON. This well-known houso has recently undergone a thorough' renovating and repairing, is now. furnished with new and modern furniture of the best' des cription, and is prepared: to provide first-class accommodation to the public, Tho present proprietor has received; a license, and he wdl- keep the bar well supplied with the very best of liquors and cigars. The stabling is large- and woll-fitted up ; also amnio -shed-room. The patronage of the public is respect- Tilly solicited. JOHN MANEY. Acton, Junu 26, 1877. In all the latest English, Amer- icajn ancT Canadian styles, suitable for the early Fall Trade. :' ",". ' i i i..-:r Ovor 50 Styles to select fraoa. - J-" A superior Felt in style, quali ty and finish for only $1. r 1 ri ;| ^-4 They show the ^ >ry lasted at close cut prices. A new'consignment of that ; :./ 50 just to 10 LBS qUGA^t FQIl ONE DOLLAKi CHRISTIE, HENDEHS0N Sc CO, TEA \".-.; ii' Acton, Aug. 15,1977.1

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