Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1877, p. 2

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I:^'*^ IS'/h I' "' V ^' ;Jil. :-_ j* '"3 - eta '/" "S| w./0B & "8 s 3*1 "Kl^l i ^ If 1 ^fe-' S "-jS .'Si *-" . i -'% r. -.'i:-S? **r.flf '6:V <f-'-- --" II kl 11 *"> ^ -. 3fc :1:I '.-si lea THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 30, 1877. VCTO.%" FKEK I*KKSS V,i' l.V.'.cd Kxcry Thuf-.sihy Miuninu.. J Ii HACKING. .Wopriotor. SI Per Annum in Advanco JOS rt HXCKINQ tDITCn ._ I Thi- ns \\Y m- ^liNlN.U. Am. 30/ Is77. i j Hon'Mr. Mackenzie litis enter ed ' iut-o corre-spondenco with the IVmiev's of.tho several Provinces with the object of securing, if pos sible, the observance of one anil the same day throughout the Dominicm as a d-iy of thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest. Tho Premier has engaged with Mr. O.irtwrigh't, Mr. Huntington, am! -possibly, Mfr. . Bhvke, to be present, at tho Reform demonstra tiou at Orangevillo oh the ISth prox ; at Brampton on' the 19th; _, at Gait on the iOHh-i' at Simcoe on the -1st ; jit Ayluior on ^ths 22nd, ami a'c Tees water on tho 24th. pic-nfes for tho fall seus-jn aro .'arranged as follows : Essex, September &; Xapanety September il ;. Lindsay. September 15; Newuiai-ketj Sep tember 11 ; lx;rrie, September 10. la addition to these political meet ings lion;-Mr. B'akehas arranged tj deliver three addresses in the coming month, tlio ijrst in his own county'of Bruce, the, second before the L;.!ie:a! Association, of-London, 0:i*., and a third in tlio Countv cf Essex. : There is no foundation, for the /statement that- the Canadian Gov ernment will scud Commissioners to the Sii>=ix.:iow qu British Terri tory. Tho Government has onlv -Tir.dvrtaken to provide "the United '.t'es-'Commissioners with a strong es.-irt'ot" Mounted Police from the f::r.tic-r to t!io Indian camp. The United States Commissioners- will leave for tho-'frontier on Mond:iv. The American Wheat Crop- Carefully prepared" statements in regard to the wheat crop ot 1877 in the United States are being pub lished liy tho American press. The lowest estimate placed oil itiis oSO,- 000,000 bushels, and tho highest Ualu>U- Tho demand from the United Kingdom ia 12,- 000,000 0,11:1 iters or iumiW 100,- IH>0,000 bushels, of which our cou- RiiiB hope to supply at least' thtee- fontths. For lioiue consumption they allow 160,000,000 hushed, or four-busliels por head of their popu lation, and for seeding. purposes 40,000,000 bushela. :Tho uiRdiuui estimate then stands lis follows ; Crop of 1877 . Homo use ____1(50,000,000 ' Steed.......... 40.000,000/' 'Kxwrta ....... 7">,IKX\000 ----------27o,000,(KK> Balanc<r~to cirry- over to 1878, 125,00lt,000. In determining the Tolfon's I*ea Harvester. A pkUo trial of this implement took plfioo as advertised on Alon- duy- of last week o'l Mr. ,D. 1>. Eljy'H farm near Waterloo, and was attended by ju largo ininiber of fai'moiH;frotn this vicinity ijnd othor paita of tho country. Tho 'machine consists of mi attachment ndjiiBt- ablo to any ordinary mowing nni- chiuo, by which tho pea straw is raised sufficiently to bo caught by tho knives, nhd is thnn thrown baek on the platform which forms part Of tho attachiiient. Tho modn of operation is eiuiihir to that of a ruupor o* uiuwu', a driver panning . round nnd rouiid tho. pun iiold in 400,000,000 'ho way and ut -tho buujc sj>eod aa with grass or graiu. At the trial |the machino proved^ itself a jH)ifi;ot!succL>ss and all pres ent wore fully j convinced bv their own eyesight (if tho met. Tho ma chine will harvest from eight to the rulinj; i>rico of wheat this balance j .. , ^ ', . . r t , ten acres i>er any accorttine to on hand is a very important factor, I ^ , - ,,' i , ., . r ^,. i.- i - statu ot the crop and tho uaturo ot The pouito crop, whicli bids lair to . i , .,' , x - ' .it'- the ground. Its cost is only be the best ever raised in the Uni ted States, is another important factor as affecting "tho'consumption of breadstutls. Taking theso into consideration, and bearing in mind also thht a vast nmomlt of labor is idle, and that tho consumption of provisions will on that .account he greatly lessened, tho experts arrive at tho conclusion that tho nversgo cash price of this year's crop will not. -exceed eighty-five cents ii bushel,"and that the farmer who nuukots hisjwjieat tit itbo prices now ruling .will be vn^.tho safe sidu. - '-, The Chri-i^.n Gwu-'tvin gives ' tha'fo'iowing -reasons for the defeat ' oi the Dunkin Act i:i Toronto : (I) TLer? v,-as only one polling place, which-.-'necessitated.- nioro jostling and Crowding than the more ro- Fpectaijio class of temperance voters werp.-'w^Hing to undertake. "The arKuDuc'Eniites had obstructionists r.boul the poll, who incommoded te-ihperance men .as they niade their "way forward to vote.1 The result "wcuij have been different wich ma.ay polls open. (*2) Money was frce.y sient by -the whiskey men. A large subscription list' had-been opened, BBd everything that money- could da was done. (3) Xo labor ' vrao spared ta bring a.hti-Duukin -voters to the poll, carriages and iacks being fre-'Iy used., (i) The influence of Archbishoji Lynch be ing understood to be against ,the jneasure greatly encouraged Irish Eoman Ca4:hofic3 to vote against it. ' Selflahi interests and .,evil habits were sMTaj^ed on one side, and dis interested; . benevolenco oa the ot-her ^ tbo former has gained a temporary trlujph. The temper- anco Jmeh can console themselves with a. &iorul Tictory, however. Tbe State, of Trade. Tho Montreal Witntfs .says : From all appearances the stagna tion iii trado is about to give way for a more healthy 6ta.ti> of busi ness. It must bo. -i reuiembered, however, that to a gj'eat extent the situation is controlled by the far mer. Ho has had! on the whole very good crops tLi&_|eason, and if ho realizes/on th'eso" at a fair figure instead of storingwtliem in his barns and' waiting for still higher prices, tho beneficial ^result will bo very quickly felt - throughout the coun try. The weaiher has not been the most satisfacteffy in some sections of Western Canada for harvesting during the past ten or Urelvo days. From several districts of .country come discouraging .reports to the'ef- feet that repeated rains have de stroyed largo quantities of grain, whole tields having been ruined in this way. This fact will not, how ever,- change the general result al ready anticipated, that this season's crop will be a good average one. For several years; back the Forl- aijhtly Review has . bein the .ac knowledged organ of so:ca.iled lib eral thought ia England. The nudoubted ability of the magazine {published only once a month, by th'e--way,-acd not every fortnight, arf its" name indicates), induced Messrs. Bedford Bros., Toronto, to enter into arrangements- with its English publishers for .its publica tion in America. To secure.accu- racjr, this is done erery month from _, a. duplicate set of Btereotypt' plates. There ia reason for Baying that tlio degree of public favor ex tended to the venture fully justifies the Canadian publishers in their faith of finding a maiket on this Bide the Atlantic. The firet'article in the August nuuber on the ' 'Secret-Societies of Russia," by that great authority of Pkiissian questions, Mr. D. Mae kenzie Wallace, is, an admirable r&sumj} of Russian history, and a lucid exposition of the causes which have made Russia a hot-bed of Se cret Societies nay, of tho canw which have led to the present war. In this ixview, we have historical material nt_ ones -instructive and! amusfri'g, the d'-'ssrip'tion of the vari ous secret' societies'^ with their gen-- -..eroit.y,; pedantry/ wilduexs and utcpian dreatuB, being tspociully -Interesting. Mr. Grant -Duff's Pie\ for a li itional E luoition " is ad lress"d mtiuly to those who can irive their boys all the clmncr-s, and is a strong indictment against what is called a classical education. "Sea or .Mountain'(" is a discussion,of t'uj relative--advantages of scir-air -siu 1 rnoHulain air as restoratives to health. Their points of similarity are dwelt on, arAl how "numerous their u0 ia surprising -and their diii'-jreuces. Tho next article, '-C ivpur," is a iiainting of the great' " statt^smafi with the history of Mud- - em- Italy for background. l ,rTho Iu-iiab Civil Service," will well re- p;>y perusal. -But the most inter- jjSling paper in tho whole number ;" is." Tliree Books of tho Eighteent li |.CVtttury," by the Editor. The three books'are by Holback, and Tho Stratford rBeacon having obtained crop reports from all the townships in Perth is led to re- m irk : The prophecies -.have been fulfilled, in this section of Ontario tit least, and harvest operations be, ing now nearly orer, all concur that the yield of almost all the cereals is much larger than, for many years past. The yioldoffall -wheat is'excellent, the sample is unusually bright, clear, and plump, and spring" .wheat, although possi bly damaged to a slight extent by tbo rain3 of last week, will on the wholo yield largely. Barley, where cultivated at all, appears to have done well, thef berry being bright and the averaga per acre good. Oats, tboiigh short in the straw from tho drought in the summer, headed out well, and some of the new varieties will give enormouB yields. Roots of all kinds show up much more favorably than was ex1 pected a fortnight ago. The heavy rains, although injurious to tho cut igrain, were just what was wanted for roots, which have grown with amazing rapidity since. Grumbling is the proverbial privilege of the tiller of the soil, but from all ap pearances ho will this year be de prived of the faintest shadow of ex cuse for finding fault. Providence be thanked^tbo harvest has been indeed a bountiful one all over the Province, we believe, but in the county of Perth especially. groiim twenty-fivo dollars, and at this rate considering the useful mid labor- saving c;ln/racte,r of the implement we my jlsafely - predict for it- heavy sale, and for the enterprising inventory and manufacturers a liberal recompense tor their skill and ingenuity. Experience shows that the farming ^community have enterprise eno^igli to invest in a really useful aricle when its merits are clearly-shown ami proved, ami the sales of the Pea Htfrveater next year will he no exception to this rule. Tolton Bros., of Guelph, are the inventors and manufacturers.: Waterloo Chronicle. Pcsfriirlivc Fire in Phris. I r.ui'is, Aug. -2i- A fire broke out this morning about two o'clock, totally consum ing the following buildings :-. II. Fjnhiyjion it Co's tannery ; loss ."515,000. Insured in tho Gore Mutual for $2,000 ; Hartford, $2,- 000; Waterloo Mutual, $1,000. Ballard & Best's furniture store, loss $6,000 ; iiiHured in the West- erii.for $2,000 j laiije part of tho stock, saveil! E. Meggs, butcher shop, loss $50 ;; no insurance. T. P. Gray's liuttd, stables and con tents, valued at $5i500 ; insured in tho Waterlo'o Mfutuul for $1,. C00. The old] plaster mills and olEce, valued at $1,500^; nothing iB known as to insurance 11 Sul li van's, blacksmith shop,, loss $100; uninsured. The old Paris flour mills, owned byjC. Wjiitelaw, not running, valued ut $-1,000 ; insured in the Phcenix, pf London, for $2,- 000. The total| loss will foot up to 30,000. The fire originated in the warehouse of the tannery, it ia supposed by some individuals in the habit of stealing leather, and who had left a. burning match en the floor. to rShmrriarizing a report of the viewer of business men' in New York in various branches of trade, the New York Time* says that the oullouk is encouragingf. There is no general elation, and no expec: lotion of the sudden return of_large Jmsiness and great profits, biuf there 'is analmost universal anticipation that a healthy business 'will be done; that reasonable gains will be possible, "and that the improve ment will be steady and enduring. This view is based on a .compari son of trade actually tho principal lines with that which was done a year ago, and there is no room for doubt that substantial .progress bus been made. A gentleman who has been in the northern-part of Wellington, and also in the county;.,of Grey, informs the \Guelph Mercury that the "crops there are not damaged to any extent by the late rains. The farmers were fortunately about, a week later -in harvest than we were, and had very little cut when the wet weather . crmmenced. 'What tljoy had out standing is al most spoiled, but if the weather keeps fine the prospect of a good crop will bo fully realized'.. The crops generally are looking Well in Grey, although light in places. Mr. ^Vennor has discovered a Lord Dufferiu's Address the iHcmionltcs. WiXNirEG, Man., August 24. Lord Dufferin made an eloquent reply to the address presented by the Monnonites. lie said they would not be called upon to stain their hands with human blood, but he wanted them 'to join the Cana dians against tho brute force of nature, not in war of anihilation, but jn advancing -the standard of civilization westward. In the name of the Queen he welcomed them to Manitoba, adding : " You are welcome to our affec tions as well as pur lands, our liberties and our, freedom.'? Tbe address was listened to with the greatest interest, the entire crowd of about 1,000 removing their hats every now._-.and then in token of approbation, many men as well as women being affected to tears. Tlio entire Mennonite population of the Province is now estimated at about' G.500. The Licensed Victuallars of Toronto are in a highly jubilant state over the defeat of the Dunkin Bill, Their triumph is not likely to be permanent. Tho Act is sure to bo carried sooner or later, and sooner than later. At the rioxt session of tho Dominion Parliament the Act should be made more workable, and moro easily voted upon, with one day's polling, numerous polling places, and all the modern improvements. The agitation in Toronto has done good already, and is but a prelude to a campaign on . a large sculo for a general-prohibitory liquor hw for the Province, if not for the Domin ion., it is as well that those who have invested-or propose to invest in the manufacture or Rale of liquor should look tho situation straight in the face. Prohibition- in On tario; within a few years wo regard as a certainty. London Advertiser. -----_.-------_ - is again being made to pass into circulation the ten-dollar bills of'jtho Consolidated Bankl When theso wore stolen at the formation of the Bank, notice was given that in this denomination the writer has in.addition much to. coral ii.ef.on the Upper Gatineau, Bay.of Volt-iine, Rousseau., D'AUyu-1 tho second known to exist in this b'-Tt, Frederick.the Great, dsc.-- (country. future no bills of would be issued, and there is now no such legal tender ns a ten-dbllar bill of the Consolidated Bank. In tho Court'iof Queen's Bench Mr. Bethune obtained a rule nisi calling on the pi oprietors of the Sarnia Canadian to show cause why leave should not be granted to ex hibit a criminal information against theur for a libel upon tbe Premier in relation to' the Kaministiquia land purchased In grafting the rule Mr. Justice Oalt characterized the libel as a most scandalous'one. I'cn antl Scissor Selects. Four hundred cases of typhoid fovor in-Quebec at present. Brighnui Young is reported to bo seriously ill and not expected to live, i Tho American shopdifteis havtv been' patronizing Quebeo ex tensively. Tho closing exercises at the Grimsby Catiip Ground were held on Monday. . Tho Canadian yacht Countoss of Dnfl'erin has arrived at Halifax from New York, Hamilton holds its Central , Fair Oct. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Oth. Guelph'Exhibition also at thosanio' time. Thcro are 50,000 inhabitants in the County of Perth, and at pres ent there are only six inmates in jail. Those who bonght stock li the Philadelphia Centennial show will get buck only $1.75 an each share costing $10. The dredge, at work in To- ronta harbor, brought up a huge tooth, supposed to la. tho remains of a giant niastadon. Fresh deposits of phosphate of lime were discovered on four con cessions in Tompletoii township, north of Ottawa city. Tho 'annual matches of the Outuiio Rifle Association wire commenced on th" Garrison Com mon, Toronto, on Tuesday. Orango-Young Briton Lodges will shortly bo opened at Hornby, Zimmerman, Aetun, Oukville, Bul lock's Corners, and Waterdbwn. Tho order recently issued by the British. Government,- prohibit ing the importation of cuttle, does not apply to Canadian 'live stock., Over one thousand persons .signed the pledge ut tho Gospel temperance meetings'In Id on Mon day on the Grimsby-Camp Ground. - Tho crop of wheat on the Gatineau this year" is tho largest ever known in that'section. The average is thirty bushels to the acre.. Ottawa district the potato bugs are making havoc not only of the potato vines, but of ther tubers themselves; ns well as of tbe tomatoes. ' Edward Raw lings [is spending tho sweet sen'enco of fifty-four weeks in the gaol nt Woodstock, for stealing preserves fronv the .Roy- al Hotel. * '. | ' Two freight (rains collided, en the Grand Trunk, near Brantford on Friday,. wrecking tho enyines and four cars. The trainmen saved themselves by jumping. . Mr. John Ridley, of ihe 3rd con., Grey; shot a large ly nx that had been making havoc among his sheep. This is the second .animal of tho kind-killed by Mr. Ridley. The strike .-among the miners in the Lehigh region is at an end, the employers having acceded to the "Wife SliootliiK nt London.. A DUU'NKKN A WOMAN H1I0T IJV ilUHI.AND. London-,'Aug. 25.--On tho east ern eonlines of tho city, between eight and nine o'clock last night, an attempt was mado by a man to murder his wifo, and it now looks as if tho uffuir will end in death. As in the great majority of crimes, alcohol was the inciting cause. Tlio facts of tho occurrence-, are as fol lows : A little to tho west of the toll-gate, on . tho southern sido of Dundas .street, in tho vicinity of the Asylum,lived Alexander Drum- rfiond and his wife, keeping, a boaiding-hoiiso. Diunimond is an elderly man, not short of fifty, if ho has not'already passed hit half century. Uis wife, Elizabeth, is some ten years or moro younger, and the couple have been married af.nno four years. They are child less, Diunimond held a situation in tlio Asylum as attendant, but losing that, ho took to drinking very heavily, and has not doao much work since. Lust evening, it seems, ho caino home the worse of-; liquor, His wife was in the kitchen, between eight and nine o'clock, put ting up dinner for tho boarders to carry to their work, to-day.(_ Drum- mond entered, and began abusing IAb wife about money matters, he having been-overhauling her pock et-book. One word brbight on an other, till tho -man drew a seven chamber revolver, and, presenting it at Mm-woman,-fired, Tho ball entered tho breast, but what course it took is as yet unknown. Tho effect, however, it is snpposed, will provo fatal. This morning Mrs. Drumniond seemed in great an guish,.giving vent to lieatt-rending groans, end frequently ejaculating that sbo could not survive.. Drs. Niven and Brown attended her, and did all in their- power- to allay her sufi'eiings. After committing '.he deed Diun.mond walked out of doors and threw the pistol away in tho grass, where it was found this morning. Squire Peters to-day took tho deposition of the woman, set- tiny forfh the facts of the shooting, after whicli Prummond ' was taken into cus'.ody and conveyed to the county gaol, where he now lies. When sol er, the prisoner is said to have been a quiet man, but when under the influence of liquor he and Mrs. Driiminond frequently quay relied, although not to such an ex tent as to lead anyone-, to suppose, that he would be ltd to the coinmis sion of tho crime which has caused bis arrest. Mrs. Driiniuioiul is re: presented aft', a hard-working -wo man, and held in esteem by all who knew her, the neighbors speaking very highly of heir- LAYER. LoMioN, Aug. 27J About two o'clock this afternoon word reached this city of the of El;zJ>elh Drumniond, the Woman who was shot by her husband on Fiiday night. It w,is u doub'ful matter whero tho bullet lodged, but ,it seems, to havs been in. a vital part. An 'inquest'will be held, Dnim- mond, the murderer, maintains an 'unconcerned demeanor, and, when Murder In Osnabruck. A WOMAN HIIOT IN. If Hit HKIJ. . MoNTHEAi-jAug, 20. On Thurs day morning about threo o'clock Mrs. Smith, wife of a houso car penter residingat Wales, Out., was shot by some unknown person while sleeping in a bed in the lower part of tho house. Ifor husband and a child about ten months old were in bod with her ufc the time, but received no injuries. Tho bul let, took effect in tho abdomen. Her husband says tho window must have been raised and tlio shot fired from the oatsido, dipt. Adams, J.P.r proceeded to tho houso shortly after the aflair took place and questioned the victim in order to ascertain whether she ha'd any idea who committed the dfeed, but she did not appear to have any, and had no deposition to make.- She lingered till about tive o'clock last night, when death pat an end to her sufferings. A pant mortem examination is now being hold. No arrests havo been made. IJVSmEySE PILES OF NEW Fall and Winter my goods; - The London "Times" on onr ' Indian Policy. London, Aug. 24. . Tho Timet, in an editorial oh the British Columbian Indians, says that tho Local Government and the white population of British Colum bia ought to oppose no "Further ob stacles in tho way of the settlement of existing grievances. The Indian policy of tho Canadian Government has been eminently prudent, pacific nnd humane, and has been eminent ly justified with tlie results. {.Cana da has hitherto been justly'proud of the jieaco maintained with the aboriginal tribes. Her triumphs have been won by equity and kind liness. Any delay in settling the difficulties in British - Columbia would bo supremely dangerous to the credit and tranquility of the Dominion. - , , , .i j arrested by County Constable Strkers. demands, on the grounds, TJ , ] i i -.i .1 ii J , ..: ,,: -.- ,. . br . Hodge, declared with an oath that that the advance in tho price of . , i i u i -.. i .-, he was glad be had committed the deed. A still later dispatch states that Mrs. Drumniond was not dead, aa reported, but that she is doing aa well as could be expected. coal wan-ants &uch a step. .* jA. receiver has been appointed for the Beaver and Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company, which is being wound up as speedily as pos sible. The banks of Ontario and Toronto-are two of its principle creditors. Alliston has passed a by-law to exempt from" taxation,, for ten years, tho proposed woolen factory of Dehil 6i Walker. The building is to be commenced on the 10th of October and completed by the 1st of June, 1878: Sheriff Leblanc, of Montreal* who died last week, was one of the Papineau men in the rebellion of Murder In Bromptou. P.Q. A 1IAN SHOT. BY AN. INJURED HUS BAND. Montreal, Aug. 20. Robert Colby, wood surveyor and explorer, employed by Mr. Stark, of Bromp- ton Falls, on last Tuesday after noon went to the house; of Wm, H. Jackman, about a mile and a half from Windsor Mills, P. Q., ^ , . and remained all night, drinking 18o7 ; and, as a consequence, had heavily with Jackrai(h. He re- free quarters furnished him by the Government in Montreal jail for some Cve months. A Pest Office employee has been r'rrosted at St. John, N. B., for appropriating - money letters. His predecessor in the position he held was young ltatikin, who was sentenced to fire years in the Peni tentiary for a similar offence. On Fiiday, as Mr. Shiers and a gang of men were blasting a. rock at Washngo, ill order to lower a mill race, about nine feet from the surface of tho ground,! they came across what is supposed to bo gold." It appears to bo plentiful in the rock. A thirteen-year old foii of Mr. Passmore, living a mile from Drunibo, Oxford county, frighten ed a burglarizing tramp off by pluckily seizing a gun-and. making tho scoundrel lay down a custard turned to ihe house again about nine in tlio morning, 4nd, after de manding aud being \given some dinner by Mr3. Jackmin, attempt ed a criminal assault upon her while hor husband, who is said to be,in feeble health, was lying down in another room. Jacktuiui, being called to his wife's assistanje, took down a loaded'gun and ordered Colby out of tUe.houae, threatening' to shoot him. . The latter rushed at Jackman, who then deliberately shot him through the neck, killing him instantlyi Coroner Wood ward held an inquest the same afternoon, the result of. which was a verdict of death by a shot from a gun wilfully .fired by Winl.H Jack- man. Colby's wifo is said- to be residing in New Hampshire. A bluo pigeon with red legs lighted on a steam tug on tho 27th tilt., about eight tnileB from Seahaui Harbor, England. Attached to pie aud other articles ho was carry- itH iog wa8'a pioce 0fpapor, " Wm. ing off. '. - . Stoker, Quebec. Sent lip at 12:15 The Now. York .Daily Witness, after a six year fight for existence, has been obliged to suspend. It published its own obituary on Tuesday. The piopriotor has spoilt all his private fortune on the 'paper, and has repeatedly "passed round the hat." Extensive preparations are being made at Gait for the Reform demonstration to be' held at that place on" thej 20th of September. The Premier and Hon. Messrs. Huntington,: Mowat, Wood, and Rymul aro expected to be present, o'clock." The "bird appeared to be very tired and hungry, and the Yorkshire Chronicle thiuks it may have crossed the Atlantic/ . On Friday night last a man named McGarr, living in Allun- dale, committed a violent assault on his wife by kicking hor on the head, left cheek, and wounded her in the breast. Ho Was arrested by. Chief Constable Rogers and brought before tho Mayor, who remanded him till Wednesday, pending' the medical report, as the injured woman is in a very low condition. Arrest and Escape of a flnrcdar. Maxwell,.. Aug. 25. A man who had broken into and robbed A. Taylor's store in Shelburne was arrested yesterdiw in a bush near this place. Part of alio stolen goods were-found near the spot where he was captured. Wliilo stopping a short time at tho hotel here he managed to escape from bis cantors and has not siuc'j been found. V laqies Some Guelph young hu|ies are agitating for the form.-itiou of :. club, tho members of which are not; to countenance, in any way, young .in en who drink, moderattly or btlierwis-.e. ACTON' MAltliETS. ,, Flotir __ . ;. : . . S3 00 to 3 00 Fall Wheat, new.. . 1 05 to 1 1C Spring \Yin2at, new . 0 00 to 0 00 Barley..... . 0 50 to 0 55 Oats - O SO to 0 .35 Tens ...... . 0 R-, to 0 6S Kuttcr ... . 0 16 to 0 18 Ks'Ks- - -- . 0 10 toO 00 Apples, earljvper hag . . 1 01 to 1 25 Biggest Retail Stock in Canada BOUGHT THE GOODS mm AT BARGAINS ill fee Given. KEMEMBER OXJR ORDERED CLOTHING h AND millinery: departments Superior to anyjiiing in the County. Qr^uu ^Yi^i^iYiw^H HOUSE Nofc^difor Cliea|> Goods, Aug. 2S TS'77 OP Errs' Cocoa. (Ji'.ATKrci. AND ,t'o)l- t'OilTlSi;. " Hy a-thorough of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of Well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' hlllfl. k It ia hy the jadicious use of such articles of diet that a- constitution may begradually built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ns ready to attack whererer there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "James Evrs & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 4S, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." Is now Arriving^ i JLntl will soon be complete fur the ' : l I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: pAY UP. Parties indebted to tho undersigned, are requested to settle up their accounts by the 1st of September, to save trouble of collection, and greatly oblige. EOBli T. GALLpWAY. T EACHER WANTED. The Trustees of School Section No. 7 Nassagaweya, wish to engage a Teacher for the present term or longer. JOS. McGLATJGHLIN, Trustee," AaSBngaweya P. 0. Aug. 25, 1877. l>-2t Notice is hereby given that a Court will ho held pursuant to tho Voters' List Act of 1.876, by His Honor the Judge of tho County Court of tho County of Halton, atMatthews Hall Village of Acton, on the 21st day of Sept. 1877, at 2 o'clock p. m., to hear and determine tho several complaints of errors and amissions in tho Voters' List of tho municipality of Acton for }877. All: persons having business at tho Court arc requested to attend at tho samo tiuio'ax.d place. J. ROSS, Clerk of said Municipality. Acton, Aug. 30, 1877. 9-lt CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES. Special Attention Given to Ordered Work. ""!' " :"-'"-".'-' i . ' \: Repairing Promptly Attended t*.. Acton, August 7, 187T. KRAINE * WX., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X>USINESS PROPERTY ; The undersigned offers for sale that desirable- property,, situated jon Main" Btreet, now occupied by Mr. Cliasi1 Camercn as a store and dwelling'. The property is in first class condition and with a good cellar, . Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to' MESSRS. Wj-PARLING k CO. Montreal. Or, .!W.H: STOREY, Acton. Actou, Aug. 22d,1877. r_ '; ' j U1CR1II ! IIUIIRA1I I H On and after tho lBt of September, .MlUt will be sold; at the following rates : ' . .' i- Per Quart, 4 Cents; Per Pint, 2 Cents; New! Imperial Jtleaenre, to suit hard .- timet'. 35 Quart Tickets for One Dollar. 25 Pint . Tickets for Fifty Cents. In advance. P. S. ARMSTRONG. Aoton, Aug, 28, 1877. BRICK DWELLINGS FOR ..SALE..' Tho-_,two dwellings, built of brick, situated on - Main .'street^ near the Do minion Hotel, aro offered for sale, on reasonable tonus. Tho lot consists of throc-iifthB of au acre, with good gar den. Tho building is now, and well finished, adapted for two families. A good stable and driving shod on tho premises. Apply to the owner. JOHN KENNEDY. \clon, A VS. 15, J$77.' 7-3m -rrr ANTED. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for offices opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address Manaoer, - -Box 955, Toronto. QEND 25'C. to 0. T. ROWEIiL" <t GO. p MowYork,r(irEjiiiiphlctonoOpnp!c, containlue-USts of SOOOnewspapers,an flstlraatcsshOwlugcoslofadTeril&lDB. rriUE ONTARIO SADDIjEIti|> \A_qroisrv i Is the place to/get the best Har , Owinff to 5ard"Times, Prioei have tipen Reduced. i v .- V- ; r All Ordsrt lef%withme icfflMea* careful attention. I' 'V " I COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers knQir their h&** cannot work with sore neck^ t*10? off the old collars and get* P**f*f that will giro entire ti*feiM|. The place-to get them i AtM ONTARIO SADPLiBBT' Atiother lot of thow flusoin American: Just reoelred and mil beW"* ? forcaih. f r \ - ' Repairing Done Niaily, Cheaply*,W on theiShortttt Notice. . : < R, CBlSCS.1 Acton, Aug. 21, 1877. ;' " i\ : Nr 1 I.-'--

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