Ki. **a. t W e j' k*.1" tf-iS'^lif .^ I'M !>ip si Tiffl B TH& FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT 2, 187 ii ^I?>? i'\hfU'M mm m I H8UB>T-fl(lD Yl." . When a lady is seed ai_a party or balL licr eyes vainly turned m her litsof cuiu-eit', ; A> she pevrs at the jjcntteiiven, fancy ing all Are enchaili'd by her charms, and would fclieel at her (ret, With such partner coquet ling--to no body true-1- : ' I wouldn't give much for her cnaiicrs .' . When an upstart is seen ori the lla^s strutting out, "With his hat eoeVd nilant^Mid a |;.>H in his eye ; . And thick clouds ot loul sfiloke he stands putting' about. As ho iuwardly says, * What a xoMe Mil 1." . - WhileTmi twists his'moustache (or the ladies to view X wonldu't give much for Ui tii.<r.." would you ? When a wife runs al>out at her noigh- jiors tovpry, - I-o.if uij{ children at homo, unprotect ed to piny-; Till she starts l*ck iu haste at the sound of their cry, And finds they've been fighting while mother's avrny, Suijar *Atun the wind Mowing through; ' , w onui you - : When a husbsdid is iSHo, negl*cting;"ei*r -, work, '-" In the public*}rou*c, anarling with- quarrvlaonio/knaves ;' W,ben hp gapibles with simpletons, drinks like a Turk, While the pood: wife at liome for fho poor children slaves. And tha| home is quite ilesjituto, pain ful t<? vie*- ; -. * ' . J I wouldn't -give; much for his moral* /-- would ybu.V ' - ' When boy at his school, lounging over hU seat, Sits "lhbimj his head,; and neglecting bis book,, While He iuiuui^s hi*, pockets for some thing to cat Yet pretendet-h to read when bis maa. ter may look, Though he boasts to'his parsnts how mnch li paji do j I wouldn't give muph fcr hi* jirogntsi : would you! 'I v- nan his ttrms will itecry, And keeps putfuiu his go^Js t a won derful rate j E'en at prices at which no fair trader, can buy i . ~ ' 1 bough enstonaera flock to him'-early aid bite : When * f>w. month" have fled, and Urge bilk beeoou due, I wouluu - Ottds uu<r,uK, ;. ItolWlio witli.liojdV fiia jnfliionp* front', tho right gives it to tln> wrong, Hunmn nnturo jhwrossos n pos8i: bio tendency to sin, not a nocusuury ono. There in inoru nutiiiuoiit in n loaf pf bread thuti in n bktrivl of whiskey. Tiioro is ft biblo in tin* lihmry of CiCSHihgbv'i'g written on 2,470 piiliu leaves. .'. , The !llat'wrso'of tho "th chap ter of l"'?.ni contaiim till the lot tent of tho nlpliubci, 1 nd J being con sidored n one. There t\re-l 30,000 licensed phtces :ero funi in sold- in States Hud Territories whero funi is sold-in tlio.Tjnitod 1 pliu Unit Tlie ckwt of tho public schools of tho city of New York and the police, is $8,000,000 per year. Politeness costs;but a trifle, yet it niar BCCurw .to-; us a life-long, ftieudaliip. . . He thafnecpunta a porion mi entuuy with a single fuU, -rill Lava but^ few friends... ], Citd"bMulieltfo^lit rend with sitb- dued joy. tho following epitnph. on one of their order, written by him self; At thrcosooro winters' *nd I dind, A cheerless being,, sole and sad ; Th nuptial knot 1 never tied. And wished my fa|her.nover hail. Koctpe for makiug a Russiiin name: tako three alphabets and shake them up in rt hut, thou throw on a table, like aide^ pick out those thtit all right side up, stick theiii. in a line; and add either the "itch" or the " koff," and you have a geuuino.-fujl flodgod Huasian gene ral's naws. ;C iiPSS Of Every Other Store, by THE GOLDEN LION OUR CLEARING SALE Has from its very beginning been n complete success, but we will now, for n few days only, umko a special ellort which will coinpletuly plaou in tha'sltado nil inducements ever beforo oftorod. Every one acknowl jilgos that our stock i threo times as large as any other OUR E^ in Guelph. It must bo roducod, lor our senior plirlner in now in tho OKI Country Uuying new goods. Unw is this \o bo done ? Wo intend to do it not by offjtlng'iv few linos pioaj moat, but by selling TIRE STOCK ATrCOST, And nll^uiiitner Cioods at Halt Vost I'rlce. This will Laist for Weeks m ^H. ^:IM m Tub Test. The catorpillara Live only disappeared for & sowon, and will soon be saen iu the shape of t whito.;jnothC; _j,ust JB|w thy ma^.ba fwiwl rjn:t^ft'treeiJ in the cornere of llouaeB, and sooh pUnes, where thoy bavu made for them selves a. temporary dwelling. of a oouple of learro, and encased the-ni- selves in n cocoon much like that i.r _ _:n______i-~-~'K~^?r________ ,i___ Ml I. i FsN ? 1 Sifl* ? - " "-'{ ' :*;,' VVhss in mo axe embrueil, " . -Tho' revenge "is hu plea, and the crime is conceal'A, The sprere stings of conscience will q,nj<5kly intmrtfl. And; the jjnind, seifcaiauiiag, can '"! '.j-j>eriii?%e ljealo4;i. TTlutt thBjttong &nn oi justice sett out topufsup, . ' I wouldn^ give much for his/rifom .- would you ! When a husband and wife keep their secret* apart, { . Not a word to my spouse about this, or on that j When a trifle may banish the pledge of their heart, And be nsggles }>oth contradict fiat; Tho* nneqnaled their lore when its ,' first blossom blew ;: ; I' wouldn't give much for their iju'ul : would ypu ? ' " Wfcea a tuo who has lived tare for nooo but hjnuelf, : |"egli Jsjd on his strong frame tho cold htikA of*death, . ' .-,-; When all fade .away -wife, home, plia- snres antl'pelfT-" And he yields back to God both his soul.and his breath ; As up to the judgment that naked sovl -flew J wouldn't give much fot^his Ileaifn '.. would yon ? ~ ^ -.-re fo1r3C _ went cff^Bpisngii! luedical jourriAl funjishes tbe fol lowing recipe a3 4 pew cre for consumption : put a -dozen whole lemons in pojd va*cnd U>U BntU soft (not too soft), roll and squeeze untij tb,e jutoe ia; all extracted, sweeteu tfte j-jipo' enough to be -paJatible;: *ben sbiak. UVaa1 sisj poany as a dozen a day. Should they C3H56 P47P or looseness, of tlie bowels, lussen the quantity apt) use fire or six a day until better, then begin and use a dozen again. ~By the time'you ))avo used.five or six dozed yaj: wiUrtiPsikr.iii. &*H strength and baye an appetite. Of course as yoi) get better you need hot nse so many. Polloi*-- fhage directions and- we know that you jjeed nerer r&grot t Jf there i any help for you. Only keep it up faithfully. We know of two cases where both of tho' patients were -given up by tho physicians, and tyere i$ the last stages of consump tion, yet both were cured by nsing lemons according to the directions' we ha ye stated, One Ja.4y in par ticular was bedridden an4 very Jow; Jiad tried everything that money poqldprooure, But a)l it) vain, when, to please^a friend, she was fjnally nerauifded fo yse the (eiflons, jhe negui) tft use them jn Pebrnary, and in- April she weighed T40 pounds. Jihe is a well woman to- , day.andjikel^.tp liye ^a.j.png. aa . \,J_ \i \J, '^j:- :/ T'b^ Gbasdpa- The grandpa is an in-^ricjua), aged somewhere be- , ty-eon. Trp^red, yeai-a,' and is a cou)mon. occuri'Bnce in liswt we)l:5Bg(%^(iupiIya, r ; . ^; ; Next to a h'eajtby mot.ber-in-iaw, ihey hai-0 more business on band . than any other party in the house- . _bojd. ! .T. .'" -HEr^s^sw-^^OQ-p^j^^brin^- ing up phildceft; they +& full of preoept ;jiJ4*:'id]iti8ijfrrbirth* young ones all spam to understand that grandpa minds them a heap more, thai) they wind grandpa. ------:-------:----- s 1 -' The 119th psalm contains the JJtbrow alphabet, bracelets round the limbs of trees, and each ot which will develop into! about a couple of hundred crawlers nsxt year, -----------' ------asi . " Can't yor give a feller a liftt" remarked a red riAaed train p, pok ing bis bead in tha door of a coun try store. " Well, I reckon I can," answered the proprietor, as he lifted him about tei> feet, wjth tho end of his boot. * . s- Wo shall tbendtp i*ceiyiijfi pur now goods from, linjjlnnJ and tho sale will J- j ' ' Host, than, for at few particular*. Kead ibeoa. and don't forget thorn. SILKS. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS AT 50 f ESTS A YARD. Over one hundred patterns, jiureMlks, choice designs, most fa<hionablo colors, at fifty cents a yard. Thore is nothing in (iuelph ot tho same quality, at nnything near the price. Grenadines, Muslins, ahdi French Lawns, Tbie niceat insiteriala;.eyer lYora in sutnmor. J'TJS'r |5 CEHSTTS ^ -^tj^tiid. These goods astonuh everyone, and are heing bought up a hundred yards at a tinio. O'oxce in before ihey nil go, I ' . ' Tha Choicest Kid Gloves," 50 cents a pair. - __ . Magnificent Sash Ribbone, 25 cents a yfcrd, only a fo* left. I Farasolsj great bargains, - ' The gtvat Slaughter or nil, however, is being made OUR ! MILLINERY BRANCH. "s^EUBNO OFFER IS REFUSED, And hundred and hundreds of Hats, trimmod and un trimmed, scores of Summer Spits, Maittles and Jackets aro going jut for any> thing they will bring. Thia is a preat chance. Don't let it paas by. i Mi- 'The Lion" cannot be toucUctl for (ifenp <Jooilt'o* 1 J. D. WILLIAMSON '& CO, Guelpb.July ISJ. 1S77. ".'" ' W.STEWART* CO ilava oommenoed opening their New Spring Importations And in m few days will show the finest stools of FIRST CLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Gualpb, Hpeeial 5brts have been ma-Jo to show tb newest Prett Goods, Spring Vacfattf ifantlci, Qvitumet, ' Kid Oloeet, Hosiery, Laett, j Imc Ourtalm, Sheeting*, find fifourning Goodt, OUR COTTONS were all ooatractad for t>efore the recent advance. Customers Will txarA tbsv beOB&t. Geots' IDepartmeat, In Cloths and Tweeds, : Pre* Shirts, TI, Collars, U., Stook ol Felt HaU, Are particularly inviting in style* *nd price, WM. sTFEWART & CO/ OHtlpb, March 6, J877,1 E C O RD BROS., ^lCTOSFT i&l . w' :-'&%mm JUST RECEIVER .- * ,.{ :.;\j-/ FOR THE szpzRiztro- Tie^. SUBSCBIBE FOR THE T POST OFFICE STORE J>ON. The subscriber laving again gone into the grocery business, would in- timate that heihaajalwayB a full line Of goods usually kept in firet class grocery houses, fresh,.and of tha best (jutillty, such as 7 TEAS. Blacks ' ' L I . Finest English;Breakfast Conguo, Souchong,' Oojong, -.-".-"", ' t'|owejry Orange.Pekoe. QttEES'S--- ' ! ' Moyune Uunpbwders, Silver Leaf (-iuSopowdors, Moyune Young Uysons Uncolored Japins, .1 ;'..' ' Imporialsj Twankays : Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs jg^OToasr FREE COFE^EBS. Our stock comprises thfl host'grades f Old (loverriment Java, _. tflguayra, | "i Jlaracaibo, and Rio, , HoasUd and ground, daily, on thi premises, thus retaining all tho natural, kroma *ad'} darer;";of.- the berry/vG* * '^^.^rf.vd.;-.^ "boboAs' jixro choooi.ate^. - -TayttO'S'Ooeoa and-OhooiJttte,- - JEpp's HomoDO^athic Cocoa, s Menier's Cboaolates. ;- J STTUAasl llefined, in Loavesl ,C.ut Loaf, ^l>ry Crushed,'Qronulited, ~' :>. , 7i: Ex% Gro|und, fx'<ra C, Yl English Kefined all-grades, Demerara, Porto Kico. CANNED GOODS. Cnjlfbrnia Salmon, Portland l.obBlors, Fronrb Sardluex, Cove Uysler', Fresh Mackcrel.- curei Haiaa and, Bacoa. O&oeso Sornott's Extracts & Essoneofl. The Flhett QoodB Manufactured. Boaps ef all kinds. Plcfclos and Saucos. CrnweliBlacmroll'K, Mixed Pickles, Chowcliow, I'lecnllil, MiiKhroom Cntsup, Jobn Bull Snnce, Leaitl'errlu's tVorohestersblre^aucB, TomatoCotsnp, FaYorlte do,.' do, Yorkshire Rollsli, Kronoli Mustard, . Amoer, Hcnoy X $1' & Yeay In Advaiie. and. Standard ' TOBAOb'OES. '"' Chawing, Smoking, Cigars. Valenola iCafain b;"" LayBrllalsrag, Loose Muscatel, i" v- -Sultanas,. Seedless,. 'Vostlzza Currants,! ; Black Pairaado. In cases. selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, l^^^gMi^Pr^saTu^^.^ These good* ate ths nnesl'Bx. Ported. | ^.t/.^ CANNED ITBUIT3 AND* V'EGE'- Bi l-.n!fl'JsjaJgjJj0.T,/..fn r-rf; ,.; ir Snccotasn, Gireen Teas, Corn, BeanstTbmatOfis.! Besides many oi.JiBfttot/icb2g40 seABop. not Jiero mentioned 4*Oheap for1 Cash or Trade."1 ' "" t T 1R17 JAMES Acton, ^une, 1877, Conveyancer,, Insurance Agent, &p. PARnTA0E0U3 OOOSS. Carolina Hlco. Arraoan.Rlce, J'jourl Saco, BloTaptoea l*earl Barley, Corn Meal, oatmeal.- Currants, Valencia oranges, atPsslsutXemooe, .pineapples, .. 1TnilaJat<,"Bo>Ueau WalnulK, 1 Fllbeiji/Almohd*. biscuits ft ooSrBdTiowaaT. -Arn>wroo*,W4u0raodaT>4beCBtftX> . ; Groam, Vernon, Butter, ftoston, Graham, Oyster cracker, '," X<aW yprkUlnger nuts, ' 1 jS!ngei*Snopn Canflfrt and-Sweclmonts of nil kinds. - CbceBO, Butter, Es<s, Hops, O^tifc-%hlt6toe Sets, IgUriul Stone^ol^.Onmbr Sl, Tea Plates, Bowls, Jellies, . Plaltors, Baiters. And a full line of otber kinds. Mill Pans, Cream Crooks, Butter crocus, Jogs, Flower Pols, 4c, SelUog at tiie nia'nufuolurers' prices.. GLASSWARE, . Tumblerc, Ooblols, . Liimpc, Lamp Ulasses. . - i.GlaaaiElsOes^aiass SeSfl, - I : ,-fKrult'Jar*,4 ,sfe.: ; " '?. "Wall Papers axil 'Window Blinds oheap. i ' . 2SIS0SX.Z.A1TS09S. Tub!>, Palls, Brooms. ion^'yOrt^^^eg^ai's^Btii,^ T ; . Patent MedlalneBT^ WKRS v"~ I - -b ' j ^tUlbfafe-y, ftchool Bocks, , Purses, Wallols. School Bags, J ^f^fl'ih'b&iril^feflar 1'lpes. i Fancy Goods, Combs, 4e. f ** : Uyatersiu can and bulk--in Beason'. Bought Low, end will be - - -. 'r ' / - J,': Sold at never Heard ol?^^ av. Of-.White and RefiiuMl Swears, Syriips, ses,'Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, NeWrCilt rnuts, Prunes, Coal Oil, Boiled Oil, Baw OH. Spirits of Tiii pentine, "V ariiish, Jajmiis; etc; THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE ^. TbLMGrchants and Attier;, Busin^gs l$ep. in iitO. Acton, as well as th!|Q\ighout the ,.: County, the Free Press is an invaluable Adverjising Medium. \ i Kegs y Of Prunes, Soda, Red Lend, WMt^l'.XejM!, Colors of all kinds, etc. -^l <Ji Oases, Boxesr Caddies h aiil ; Sacks.'-.. -.' _/ ',.:'.J::w Of Biscuits, Confectionery,: Spices, ,. Sltfft*, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc.-,-.-.Tobaccos, Gf^i Ealstns, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, ^asking Crystals, Pickles, Jams, Jellies,.M.iftt^iejs.^tc ' .'..' ""."-'.-' '. '. .1--: -:i .>iv:i'i 2 Chests, Ca&dies and Sg^Mi'.}- - '. ' . -:~4^ .i^-i'^ ft " \-.Of\l.X0iiri|i:'.vBCyspBiJ. .GruripoWderf?'^ap^mdflBu- BlacJc '.Teas:;'rrih.giiigt' mr pwee ftarttlO-e ' upwards. The best value itbeeotity;^:d5. Acton, If arch 14, i 8 7 7 . smsm ^ itsVi lit !o3i5 ix&: for tb?e- iDry ^W* mm f.-i*>gi o}.S ' itfi - :{?> >! If-'iS. lr.f. ;M--<3' HEWS. Comr in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ,,c^,r,:Z:::,::i:;ill..............,. Oar Unrivalled Facilitias for Exeou og all kinds ol \r' BOOK AMt>, JOB POINTING ?U1 f.-H' , tj Enable us to turn out work equal to anytlfag Son* in ike eitie*. /oop, corY Hare now in stock a.jpl^n^jd,uwr^tnlof^ :aHrn. '\:v Suitable for^e:Su^er:^^i^. ^:^"li^-Z'~'r;/\r'.^"Z"*~' " \": '_ '):-l'-^.J \;:: w-tt^- : s-^Tj- 4Jid *,: . ill; iSiies knit Styles irorn t'h'vew'^NS***' -' * ' : . Mk^^W^&.. as thmW^1 ^.^i^^^AV^t^ ^divii' to ^^&*^ : *""" rj~ iTj-j-Al T+tl Mi -. -,.> Bepairing-I*roinptly Attene^t^rt, ^ ?i . Aoton, March 13, V<77.i; '.,. < .' ' . ' t ' ' - ' "Ti?