Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1877, p. 1

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,**W P3 "*% * r'<- l j :D. / f^Before. Is,'-Mola-.- . XetrCHir [.Raw Oil. fans, etc. hitc ;Leadr r - '.. - and is, Starch. >s, Clears, TV ashing itches, -etc. :es l i a pan ..and In 10 cents I *' runty. BEOS. lather! ION =/' .- 1 st makers . 3 . . [OWES?. Work- tie rsotf. / ! ' * ' Ji. f#Wc .fI*v>'o.3 -Whole No 110 } AGTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, s1877. Jj/^i-V-^^ CAIiDS. ' w H LftW'RV, M* B..-M. r. S. Gr.iuuate of Trinity HURRAH! HURRAH! - Vor ttuk - lit!-. .M>mfe>rt Coll *ali=<a rraJrtilii *",li *.<-ton.s1i\ the t?ly K?npiJ by It.>, Ksq. ZST'iJL&Sl&SZ BEST PHOTOGRAPHS sin the *l>vlso j in thdtJonnty.-at. <?> t jp nice pio j i>y -it. Limo, .*.}. | U I'MORJSftW.. JPhysi.' s*urCT>> ^K",nf itrttevue Col- Jorfc.'atsjUradilaleol Victoria _ ,, , , _. . ,*'?. C.u>alrv._ Consultation ilivyv- ?or acjuty oj f tnixh ami I>rtl/ui>i- T)^&M$M&^:**0 Ontario Shot0raj>a Gallery l<>r*.N'.'vr Vori:,ijUrailuicol Victoria CJ.ft1**. Ctna la. Consultation Uayv- Tam"^^^o?^Vei?>Tlowcrns'tr!<et| *"* in: 7W~' ' ** "'< 6e rp<.Mr AONS- 1 . ~ DILEXDERSOX, oBvey- * am-or. *e,-also Agent Canada L,lf- AssilTAMCO ;l\\ Dodi. Mortst-, *s-, protxiroJ nojilji promptlyeorreelly taj on rdawn tble: terras. Monev to Uo*ii on M irt^ijij .seauxU}'. - Omcc : UlASgow lloase.j Ac'tbn. ^' JD. MVTnEfsWK Attorney- at-t.'vvr, Solicitor In-Chancery, *. o.Tlo* T>f,^ln tua Church Streets. Q^orijetawa.. T, w. eobPER, Provincial laand Surveyor and Ciwil BnginesrpGuelph. Orders by malLpromy-tly attended to. Witt. L1IDLAW, Barrister. Attoruey-al-Law Sollcilor In Cht&cerv, -Ac. Itfl?-.F:. Hamilton. 10 K n? stfeM ; Mi!tn, M-iln street. riu> Miito-n Ofnoo wlil 1> nrijor the mann^t.-- X*at of L. W. and_Mr I.hkI- law will attvh.l.ju! tw "Milton Office" ob FrlJ,v o.'ea.-.U uVefc. H EXRY L..BXA1LE, ixnni\iEacext, r.;rirn, Axr.i for the M vciiiliiiViiU ^VatcrlcK). All b'.isl!ies< :::r.:j.:...J *;o nl> oaro wl'l no fiUhfuIly .i;:.-r..:. -.'. :o. ^rTI.-e at Day's bojXs'.ore; 'tr.o'.:^T. ~ i-nler^ by ni-iil ii.!re*liO UJ-'PVW IV! '3 l'o-t L'.llse will MceiTc rroniin aiunt! ui. . H.L.MAKE. PVTEXT^for IXVEXTIOXS i,v I'.tl^OjlJ.' a;'.J nro.MjjJy 50iMirtd In Cu>l\ trt"tT*>t>J'Hti*e'*sl Europe. P*ta-. gtiw*n:<i ! or no enanje. Wend f3-rrini? 1 i:i-.:ruetton. Ap"ticy in oper- ,ii.a: - HES'kf GKI-iT. _r : ^ u:t .w:i. Canada, Ue^*nt>"i. K-iRincpr, so iclior'^f Pi COPYING &- ENLARGING In all its branches, in the best stylo of the art, done on the shortest notice and ait reasonable rates, --Uso a splendid stock of Mouldings and Pictur* frames kept on hand and made to order. A call is solicited and you will lw convinced that this is the "jdace to get photographs. Yours respectfully. C.-i"V. HILL, . ieton, Pec. 5, 1S76. mitAVELERS life and Accident INSURANCE COMPANY Or Hartford, Conn. Pxiul'Ujh. Cash Capital...... fCW.OOO l'a-h Af3'!~................ 4,0^4,"'>O .<.trph:.< far jim.Vrtiw 0/ rvUcy-h-'h'ers...........I,17Q,S5o Dep-uiC icith Dominion Got> trnment ..........,,- .. 14,W0 thbeK tronns. Quo mom I knelt (it n low whito rail, At n honutiful rail of kivo, And I broatlrod a prayer that angols .:! Iwro To the irqlden shores above, And heard the words thoy seomod to weave : " You've asked, loved child, o 1 ow ro- ceivo." One ove I knelt at a portal swoot, In the huBh of twilight gray, . | My lips moved not, and prayers alone Ascended tho heavonly way. ] ' And a gentle voice of wondrous kind Then whispered : " You've sought and now shall tind." I I've spun the years of Ufa's long span, , I've followed the thorny rtjntl, I I've felt mj- burden heavy, too, J And my cross a weighty-load ; ' Bnt now I see a silver star, I And 1 know that the golden gatefs ajar. Tis eve, and stars so brightly ahme. As 1 rap nt a mighty door. | An angel guide stands closely by,, My friendly help onco more ; j Then comes a voice that bids me! hope : " My child, you've knocked and now I'll ope !" . I OUR SUFFRENS WITH AGENTS pro- 1 > sowua w itiim WATKl*Sv :*' iuvr *rrtae I.r*a4r U. CrrtincaljM iHy Koyfil Ap: olntiTienl.) "Bulnesi.p-lViite a:;d c.-'f.fidentlnl li.TIsskt'liJ I'iisi.'Oulire, lilonwllllain', ' cu-ty ai.i.i. M 2S S. I'IZIxX. V Xrkeier raa*:e, Brairlnr aadTrfuca, ^ih'ir^h *lre^', Art >n. t ^IIVKU LttZIKK, Plasterer, \/ :.;. out. Evffir rle.fnii'l.ra of f^v.-rt" t:-.r. jara:i: A I'TOX FtIB MILLS. B.4E. SICKXS.'X, Proprietor*. The Travelers ii a STOCK COM PAQ* V and. writes Life Policies upon the Low Kate all-cash plan. No un certain promises of.inipossible -MiTi. dends," but a reduction of the pre mium at the outset; equivalent to a .')dividend" in advance. Tho Truv- j?lers writes Life and Accident Poli cies combined aa clienp as rhost c"mpanies tTrite life policies., It is tie largest Accident [nsiirance Com- pany in the world,, having written 436.000 policies and paid in actual cvsii- benefits to accident " policy holders alone over^'2.565,00ft- An accident pbTiev costs hut a irifle. N'o rnerlicnl exuminntiou required. Get "a policy and share in the general beiieJit. I C,-F. EUSSELL, v- District Agen*, 33 Adeaidc. Street East, Toronto. WILSON IRWIS, Special Agent. Tliur aa 1 Feed alays on band, whole- ; 0i:It. Cmu :x all tin l*a{ Hr-la- . | P5SS1X HOrsn, Acton. ; Clo^r to th- Q-X. litl-B'oy ~;union. Cio*'.l?nt <eouircoJjHli.n \r thr tniff-<il- U. :t psMtaL IHU-i. C-AMj'BELU.ftopr. D 0SIXIO5 HOTEL; Aften B-'jeri Aeaew, " ;'riij?rietor.TliU Hm-'l 1 cwe>i up rh firsi-clasi trle -artth ne> . fBrolture.. Commercial Travelers Tl 1 flni! to--m- fipwmmo'tatlon aal cnnmollou. Sample ftoomK, Special '-t*ctton pal i tott-winw o' tbe travel- ln5pajll, Bar j.appll^-* wltiitne best ilijuors and Chfars. Uool S-jib!lD and itleatlre Hostlers. Wtf. lftMSTEBirr, ' Licensed Auctioneer K/-UuBCoiiaMsfAV.eiUn2t4n,*na HbI- ^*--iAA.#.t- CTOJf Oittce. Acto-n RtKfcvroTl, will Terms reasons OL al jnjf r.*-i.lence", la |-t)?^rt):ifj>;l.y i^'.^o'< ^iei, 10. jp TROlL'OiPE CflAPMAX, Practical Bookbinder. A' UVEBY&SAtESTABLI In anAouucinA^ so XaKe"= piasura In anouiiciaa^. so .tho puhllc gfeiierAiry that/tie Ha rr^parsd to . , JurMh . * .. Tirst-slSBS Horses and Carriages "At Reasonable llates. Hie RlgKand liorses.'ire tho best that ... _. _i_*- _^ ~r ti-..,i:..~ cnfD be had,and heiR detennlned not 10 All Description Ot BllliJjIie beinrpnssed by anv Ctty Stable. .-:. .- Jjeally. Exeented........ Aeto Juivui.r?76. We done pretty well this1 year; the crops come in first-rato, and then Joaiah had four 01- five head of cAttle to turn off, and he posed I should- Lave a machine. Though wo don't coo at each other as much as some, my pardner, Josiah, is attached j to nie -with ft tirra and' almost cast-iron devotedness. ! . But says I to him : | " Josiah, I would rather JTirzah Ann would have a organ, bec-.rtlse if j she's ever goin* to learn to play noir is the time. . And I have "got a couple of sewing machines Unit have ran pretty well:,for ujpwards of-------well, it haint no matter h.^w many yrut-s, but unite a number unyhow." ' [ But Josiah hunfr on to that niticliine ; and Tjrrali Ami Iseemud . "I sot unto htjr Organ, and [finally Josiah tips and says lie',. "1 will yet both on 'em." And Tirzali Ann and me;thought we wquld let hiin head in tho matter. So it got out that wo was goin' to'.buy" a sewing machine and a orgu.11. Wall, We - inade up. our minds Friday, pretty iate in the afternoon, and on Monday forenoon I was a washih', when 1; heard a knock at the front' dour, and I wrung my hands out|of th<3iwutr and went and ojiened it. A slick lookiii' fllow stood tLeie, and I invited him in and Bet him a chair. * " I hear, yoii are talkin'of buyin' >\ musicul instrument for your daughter," says he. ' _j . " No," says I, " we are goin* td buy a organ." I " Wall," BayB he, " I want to odv-lse you, not that I "have any interest in it at all, only .1 don't want to see you imposed on. It fairly makes mo mad to Bee a Methodist imposed on. I lean to wards . that purauasion myself. Organs are liable to fall to pieces at any minute. There hain't no tlependt-jice-on 'em a.t all"j the in ide& of 'em are liable to break out any minute. If you have] any. re- ;gard for" your own weltare, and safety, buy' a. piano. Not that I have - any interest in advising yony only my'stern devotion to thei cause of riglit, Piuitos Hejr'er wear out".' ;' , ,'~ [\ j " What is the matter with 'etnl'.' and I added, in a more cheerful tone, "We hain't bought it." He-looked more cheerful, too, as I said it,.and says he, " You may he thankful enough that you lmin't. There haiu't no music in 'em at all. Hear that, says ho, goin' up and strikin' the top note. It did sound flat enough. Sa-ys I, ." There '.must bo more music iu it than thai, though I haiu't no judge ut ull." "jWul), hear that, then," and ho werit and struck tho very bottom I note... " You 800 how it is from top to bottom. But it hain't its total lack of music that makes nie despise pianos so, it is because they are so dangerous." *' Dangeroils 1" -says I. - " Y"es, in thunderstorms, you see," says he, liftin' up tlie cover. " Here it is, all wire, enough for fifty lightnin1 rods draw the light- nin' right into the room. Awful dangerotis. Ivo money would tempt nio to have one in my house, with my wife and daughter. I shouldn't sleep a wink thinkin' I bad expos ed them to sucti danger." *.' Good Heavens !" says I, " I never thought on it before."- " Wall, now you have thought o^ it. You see plainly that on organ is just what you need. They are full of music,, safe,, healthy, and don't coat lmlf so much." Says I, " An organ was what we had set our minds on at first." " Wall, I hive got one out here and I will bring it in.". " What is the price ' Bays I " Two hundred dollars," says he. " There won't be no need of bringing it in ut that prioe,"gays I, " for I havo heard Josiuh say he wouldn't give a cent over one hun dred and fifty dollars-for-one." . Wnll/i says the feller, " I'll tell yon what I'll do. Your counten ance looks kinder natural to mo, .and.I liko the look of the country here so well that if your mind is made up on tbe price you want to pay I won't let a trifle of fifty dol lars part us. You can have it,for one hundred and fifty dollars." Well, the end of it Was, he lining it in an' sot it up in the other end of the parlor, and. drove off. An J when Josiah eaiue in from his'work and the children came home from school they liked it. first-rate. Btit the very next day a new agent came in, and he looked skairt when he ketched Hu;ht of that organ, and awful mad und iudig- nant too. " "That villian hain't been tryin' to get'off one of them organs unto you 1" says he. 'em, but after a while he got- tired' It's a ruanin! yon doWn, and l'ii| -'- . Words f out, and nyjien he would see one spilin' my clothes a orawlin'i under No man should comin' he would .start on the run to | the barn so uutfb, to say nothing own cnuue. the barn and hide, and I .would (of filling my mouth and hair witjb stand the brunt of it alone. One I dirt, straw- and feathers." Ho tefri""' Bqoka_ of: ail Kindt Hade to~ -Order. -'.'... Euiing 'Promptiy Attendee?-t6. DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST 'STOCK OF . rVi>K4ii-9t. de^g*s^(jR<-Suepi'i Office ttU receive prompt attention- Wfll. feller seed Josiah a runnin' for the barn, and he followed him in, and Josiuh dovo under the barn, asr I found out afterwards. I happened to see him a crawlin' out after the fellow drove off. Josiah came in a. shukin' himself, for he was all cov ered with straw and feathers, and says he : " I will buy a gun the first hard work I do." 8ay8 I, " I woulJ be ashamed of myself, Josiah Allen. I guess it ain't no harder for you than it is for me." "-.Well, I was a calculatin' to make it easier for you.' What do you suppose I. was a goin* to shoot- in' 'em for? It'would help you bb it would mo to thin 'em off a little." _ 1 Says 'I, " Josiah, to say nothing of tho wickedness of it, it wouldn't do no good. Don't you remember the fox in the brambles 1 Let the old Bwarm remain,, for if yoti drive 'em off a hungrier set would come, and then I should be utterly de voured." Wall, this took place about noon. I had an awful headache, and I told Josiah, says, 1^ " How mil I goin' to tussel with them agents this afternoon, idon't know, enjoying such poor Health as I do to-day." When I felt well I could get along witli' 'em better, but it didn't seem to me' as if I could argue with jem all the afternoon, feelin' as I did, and Josiuh had got to go in the woods to work. Says Josiah, " I'll fix 'em. "I'll set u tin]) just outtide the gate and catch 'em in it." Says J, " That wouldn't do so good/ J osiah, for if you would dis able 'era I should only have 'em to take; care of, and if you should ketch one in it the rest could got over' the feuce." . Says Josiah,' " Can't I fix the" clothes line so it would th'p them up?" " Not in the day time," says I, depressed ly. , "Take that old; popgun of Thomas Jefferson's and load it with beet juice and Bhojit 'era with it, and make them think you have drawn blood." "There ain't no beet juice," says I, in. a gloomy tone. ".And if there wiib hw could I take aim with my head as it is to-day 1" "Wall," Bays JosiaTi, "I have got to go anyway. You lock up the house and go to bed, and mebbj "What is the trouble with'em r'you can keep 'em out." I let * -'--- ' '-- down the curtains and locked the doors, and laid down. T heard knockin' to the door a good many says I, in a awe-stricken tpno, for he looked bad. ' , " What," says he " there is a heavy mortgage on every one of. his organs. If you bought one of him and paid him for it it would be lia ble to be took away from you any minute, when you was right in the middle of a tune, leavin' yoii ait- tin' on the stool, and you would be liable to lose every cent of your money." '* Good gracious'." says I, for it skairt me to think what a narrow chance I had rim; Well, finally, he brung in one of his'n and- sot if, up in the kitchon, the parlor being full of 'em.' Wall, he driv off, and he hddn't 1 mor'n got out of sight when the first "Where- should wo go to get j ^an *ni. j trea(ed hihl ft-F'-ooTO. I Fiw- 1 . - ritfln #: -\vartt ....... ,m av , The uno^nrqri'^tf'SbejEB leave to inform ihe people of Aeton and sur; .QdjlDg.nejgbhpjQftd- tljat &e has And is prepared to attend anti oo'ri- <lnct Funerals on the shortest notice - -and,; alijsinds of F.uneral Furnish-' .;'JflPrj*^liS stock, and supplied "on the'shortest notice. > i SStBands andJdve3jurJpli'eil ytijn; .r,-3 s'^Vfred.^ ^T.. . . " > ^B^er.,shown inj Gnelph, all . if"""-!:";"* -^r-'-'vV' ' ' Vtt-Vff and C? Ixoice th~;.^ - -.- " ,' . - ' '-.'/..'. L.-- .'.. .-..j. and prices lower than ever. Cliildrett's: Carriages . \ -To be sold off cheap, at iifeskriy opp<>sits the old stand. one ?"' - says I, for I ( didn't -want Josiah to throw 'away-' his pro perty. '...., ! ! ' .. V Wall," t.say^i' b'er '."..I, guess I Imve got one. put the'wagon. I believe,! threw onotnto! the Dot- toni of'the. wagon'this mornin' as I Ba a comin' down here on busi ness. I'm. glad noar- that I did, for it-always"-niake's "nie feel ugly to see a Methodist imposed on." i, / . :* ' ' i ' :- ', . Josiah came into the house in a few minutes, and I told him abottt. it ; and says I, " How lucky it is, Josialr; that we found out about orgaijs before it was too late." pretty cool, thinkin' in my own mind how he had tried to cheat us. He seed my frighteduess,andusked me . to .tell .him what was the mat-. ter, and finally I tip and told him. And then, oh, how that man swore. Ue said, " the fellow that just left here was the biggest liar in North Aineiica.. Ho had been turned out of church after church just for ly- in' ;' and then he offtired to bring down to prove it was a lie, and sayu he, " I'll swear to it." . " You have sworn enough about it now," says I, coolly, and almost frigidly, "for I was gettiu' out of But Josiah aBked the price and {)lltience with the whole caboodle said be wuzzent goin, tolpay out I 0f 'ein TOBFIlINtiNti f all kinds ,200 (dollars, .for--'lie .wtuau't able. But. tho man asked if he was . wil- liu' to have it. brought into the hoTTsg-fl- spell^ as"WB had a; mind-to;about buyin' it; and, of : course, we couldn't jiefnse. so Josiah'} almost .brpjcp :hi;,liapk ' #. liftin' it in. And thby .-'sOt, itvu^> in the parlor, and after-dinner the inanTwent away." . :.' . ,. J .ha^jU8t"got .baeje i^ ;wasli- in' spin .(l had put itaway to gee dinhBrV when' I";heard -ei Ikrtookin'- ajM.ia'.to1 the frouV'tiopr',"aAd T:piil5 led. d^>vn niv^dress^llpeves, and wei-/an(t'\oi>fnea.L;it,..^nd there stood a"tall.fellevpiid,..the-kitchen being chattered" tfo.'-I -opened tlie parlor door and afiked him in there. AtfcTtrje /filinufe 'he Sketched"; stgli t of "that ptanp^: he Justlifted up boih <jatlyand promptty^x^cnted <it-;*he flandH,,ftijd.6ayfi he:: " Ybu ein'tr got one FREE PBESS OXFICE. " ' ""............. Veil Hit Post Ofltee. tliil timet. of them Jieref'. , , ........., He looked .so.-hofrified t,hat lie scart me. and eavs-J, in. almost trembling'tones./' " Wall, the next, day Hunt one camft He asked 200 and 25 dol lars for his'n in the-first place, and when' Josiah; itoltT him he had one offered to birn for 150 dollars, he said hemlght hav;e his for 140, and he -would throw ih'a stool anil tune book and it-spread' for it. " Gan't you throw in a nice litH tie melodednP'vmye Josiah, for it sickened that -man to ee 'em'go on. TO ee a man fttll- down;. 85 dollars itf'one falL '.;i- '-', ' ' - -That'fellew in'g*ouni the-btg- geet-pajpt oft tbe day;/a8'there to dinrier-and -supper.; uut Joiah didn't give'him'any-decided answer, and finally -k& wenti oft; : .Bu: ni> eooteer would: one swacm go than another atne; and before; the week was oatthehotise wasfult^ybu'oqald not turn round .lyithput hitting a sewing machine,'or a pik'tioi oivslirn,- tnm';:i " "'" "' '"'" '"": :: times, and a considerable movin' and stampin' round the house,: "ahd I never-stirred until it vnB 'tHrie for Josiab to come^honie, and then I roused up to hang on the tea kettle. Wall, I just, histed rup; a little corner of the window curtain, and I could just see a pair.of shin- in' boots in front,of tjie parlor door: I went to the other, wiudow and-there I'could., see the Ihull of him it was the everlas'tfri! piano, man. I went into, the'kitch'eu just' as. still as I c'ould'and* heard a tAlkin on' the' piazza. Peepin' through a hole' in the cartain' I saw two of Vjiii i one.a sewin' ma chine man and the other a orgtn; so they were friendly to each other, and sot together.- As I stood there the organ man: spoke up: - "They must be to home pretty soon and I guess that piano feller will find that I can stick it out as long rs he can," says be. "Yes," says the other fellow, " and I guess that other fellow will find that he can't tucker me out if he should stay, here all night." Thinks 1, mebby I can Blip qu^ the back way the .teakettle, but I he hanged if one didn't set- there on the back .stoop, lopking down the road that'led to'.' ville, as close*'as a cat wbifld' watclr a rat hole. ' "/'""' '. :. "T went baefe to'm'y room again/ worn oiit and depressed, and I'Wisb'r that Josiah would come'.^ 'I peeked' oat of. the, .w^n^o\v towards the barn, to<seo iflcqul.d aee }iinj,and. happening,,to .(jast.jn'yj eye's ,,dowfi towards'the g'ro;und.'tiseed.>oixe.. of, his boots' stjekjrig pt^t a ,little ,'ya^r from.un(h3riv^a.,bacp,!.];h,e'p/ I., see, that lie had gbt.'as i ar as" the 'barn beforeJie. -.seed; I '^h-^^} tJrPf1- ^e had'hidi J:icnew the;^1,,wp,uid..-he: no; gettingTh.&, Jr^tl^ h,^4WsH^lfe the; enenjy^di^disaflpeai^^Uiit yeif it,was sQ,tpj(a<ition,to knojw,.that my. ^. p*T^n^.y*Svspiji^a.e(,mp,voi., '.Wall, they never went awjjiy.,jBq. Josiah could cobe out of His hid- irfg'place and Fcdu^ld g^au'ppertill ^hndoyln; and I had'Wfeet stfpjler and-.J'osiaB: h'ad'fo'milK Sfter datk- AndVsays Jb'siah,;1 as*>'w'6' ;were'* eat* ;nrrt.oiirSfirilr;.Ttff,aV",Kf*flfcinft ' -'"-;' -'-'r.'- helped himself again to the cherry pie, and rays, with a gloomy ex preasion onto his face : " There has got to be a change." " How is there goin' to be change 1" saVs J. "I'll tell* you," says he in whisper, for fear some one of them Was prowling round the house yet. " We'll get up before light to mor row morning, and go to Jonesvillo and buy an' organ right out." j I full in with the idea and we started for Jonesrille tbe next morning. We got there just after the break of day, and bought it of the rn*n at the breakfast table. Says Josiah to nie afterwards, as we were going down into the vil lage j: _, ,. "Let's keep dark about buyin' one,; and see how many of tbe creeters will be a besettin' on us to-day." I Says I, " You must love to be a, haunted by 'em better than I do." , - Says he, " I lore to fool W"i Says I, "It's just about such foolin' as the little boy that lot his father whip him through mistake, jest to;fool his father." But seeing that uy companion looked, disap - pointed, I told him it wasn't my way to tell everything I knew; T shouldn't say nothin' about bavin' bought one. So we kept still, and there was half a^doien fellers follerm' us. round: all the time a most, into stores and groceries and the ruanty- niakers. And they would stop on she sidewalk and argue with us about ' their organs and pianos. One fellow, a tall, slim chap, lie naver let Josiah but of sight a min ute, and he followed him. after'he went after the parses, and walked by the side of the wagon clear down to -the store where I was, a arguin' all the way. about his piano. Josiah/had bought a riuni- ber of things, and left' 'em to the srore, and when we goji there,"there, stood ahother one,' the organ man' by the side of the things just like a watch-dig. He ' knew Josiah would bare to come' to get 'enf, arid lie 'could get the last word with* him/' "j ..- .., A mongst other things J osiah had1 boiight a barrel'of salt, and the piano iellisr ibat^had "stuck so tignt- to Josiah' all day offered to help Josiah on with it. ' And the organ man, riot; going :toTbe outdone by- the other, he -offered,-too. -Joldab kinder winked to me, and then';he Held the old mare arid let them lift. They wasn't much used "toJ soch*. kind of work, and it felt back' on them ' once' or twice, ' and' mosti squashed 'em; but they' hipped. ,tb, and lifted again and finally got it on; bnt they were completely tuck ered out. . .,.- ... 1 ,.] '. i And -then . Josiah, got.: in land; thanked 'em for the liftin', and,the f91O0 per annam in Advaece. Wis4otn. be * judge it Lis questions, ujake To a man full of no answer. What men are defieient in Rea son, they usually make up in rage. Life is n duty, a!nd one ought to desire its preseryltion. Wilfully to let it decay would." be a sin. Solon being asked why, among bis laws, there was not one against personal affronts, answered that he could not believe the world so fan tastical as to regard them. Whoever sincerely endeavors to do all the good he'- can, will prob ably do much more tbnn he imag ines, or will ever know to the day of judgment, when the secrets of all hearts shall be made manifest. " - Honor and justice, reason and "T'i'/i'gO a great way in procur ing prosperity to! those who use them ; and, in,case of failure, tlrey secure the best retreat and the.most honorable oonsolation. Let those who are ap]>ointed to judge of tpe character of others bear in n^ind their own iroperfectioiis> and rather strive "by sympathy to often the pang arising, from a con viction, of guilt, than by misrepre sentation to increase it. Tho skill sbould be, so to ordur the time of recreation that it may relax, and refresh tbe part that has been, exercised and is tired, - and yet do something.-.which, besides the present delight and ease, may produce what will afterwards be profitable: A passionate temper renderiua man unfit for-dvice,' depri-vies him of hia reason, robs him of all that is great and noble- in Jiis ,nature, makes him unfit for conversation, destroys friendship, changes*justice into cruelty," and turns *H' order into confusion. "' The fountain of content must spring up in the mind ; und he who .baJSj- so little ..knowledge^ of human nature as to see happiness, by changing anything but Iris wn disposition, will :waste hi* life:' in' fruitless efforts; abir multiply the griefs' which he purposes to re- Htovev'.-^"-- ""'" ' '".' ' The governor may be deceived; he beareth .the sword, and may strike with it improperly.',-. But If, to remedy an occasional Inconveni ence of .this sprt, you dissolve government,.what' will be the "con sequence.?: More."mischief will bo done by the people, thus let loose,. TluU Barrel oT Salt. - One of tbe firm who ruii com mission house on Wppdbridgo street is a man", of muscle. He can lift a bairel of flour o easily as a com- lubn man lifts a bag of.oats, and it scarcely makes his ears grow redr as lie heaves 11 barrel of salt into a farmer's wagon; For weeks past he has been boasting of his strength of muscle, and wanting to see some thing he couldn't lift, and the boys around the store got their heads together the other* .dkyj They took a salt barrel and with, broken pig-iron, old weights and other things," put. two inches of salt a.t each end, and Tolled it to the curbstone; and at a favorable hour ' a dray backed up in the moat inpo- cent manner ana an order from .. grocer for a barrel of salt was hand-' ed out. ' The drayman arid two of the boys fooled around so long that - the strong man got out of bis chair in disgust, threw off his .coat and said : porous plosters for yonr backs.. Get out of the way and give me a chance!' -" He seized tbe barrel by.-~tb chimes and lifted away. It didn't move. He gritted his teeth and laid" out to pull the hoops right off. The hoops staid right there. So did the barrel. " It.takes"funr good men to lift one of them barrels,' said the dray- ; man": ; Nonsense! I|ve lifted a score of them, and I'll pick this up or break' my back. ! I guess the Bait must be wet.' ' j -. j. He got in position, drew a long breath, and thenllifted till.his eyes looked like two towels left outj. on, ths clothes line in a dark night The barrel didn't lift. Pig-iron. was too mush for muscle, and tha lifter sat down on the walk. "His back uBed to be plump up and down, but it hasn't been since that lift. His eyes are getting' ba'cfc to their- original positions, and the . rgd is leaving the back of hia neck, and he sees men, handle a bag of dried apples or a bushel of leana without ' a word of comment. Detroit[Free Pretf. '"' SecoHectlons of the St. John _ '[ Almost every jindividnal; in. .St John.has bis own. experience to re-, late, and some of them are of a. very thrilling' and painful" character. One tinih~ who hias lost'alt that 1*6 poisessed in'thai world by te .fire, is "bappy in the fact^that "lie buc- iceeded in saying hit daughter; who in a month, thaur would be. done by the'gorernmeiit in .half a cen-. .'cff"j'-. ... , j ^ a- "- -*i: t"j__ " . "\stood in such great danger of being Why. Some People Fall In Some People c': Life organ man, a wipin*. theawrab^fferv; his face that had H^axted1 out in -his. bard labor,- -s^id " be .should;' be down 'jto-morrow morning;",. an,di thfr rpiano,, man.M,* ^isntin'. for. breath,- .told- Josiah/cot to make, up his mind till(he came. He.should': bedown that night if, he got rested, well enonghy:: ... j...;.- . ' ;Jtnd Alien Josiah told 'em .'f that, he should be glad. to see 'em dowp; a visitin' any time ; hut he had just bought a organ. .' I don't knpw.ib.ut what they; would, have laid holt of Joaiah if they hadn't been so tuckered out; but as it was they was too beat, out to look any thin' but sneakin'. And, so w'e drove,off. . Most men suffer, much fewer and less damagingA injuries from, the actual, false "tejps they take tlian from, that tiniorous ,or. incanable teniper>(wbiclj. ib^kes. tbem shajni- b|e.. alipshod|,,., tlM'OUgh; .life,. .npt; knowwg^cle^riy^^ither.thJey. want tp.go> PTibpw,,they ar^ever., to .get anjwhere:at all; contented, or dis contented i with little, bntin, either case equally uco.tnriet.ent 1 to,. make the little greater. It* is. the slovenliness 'of nren..,and. women which for the; ^ost .part make!their lives, sp. unsatisfactory.. They .do not ait at the loom with /keen- eye and delft finger, but. tbey work listieisiyV and without a sedulous, care to piece together as tbey best maj- the brokenT, threads. ,We are apt to give, too soon -to' suppose that, a. single breakage has niined.the ciotb.1: The men whp get on in the world are not daunted by one nor u thousand breakages, ...1 1 .1 > '4 burned to death thtrttlfe^hair-'waB fairly burned drriier-head'.' :;Alto- 'thor. "pan/ who' bad toiled-liKo:-' hero tp; save -ihe 'furniture^-atid". hdnsehold'effects' of btbe'rs^ sTndatt- missed the team!whic1r beeli, nsing, went dowii:foi Rik" r69!jtte":^b i fand it orf^flrS'^rflfcaifciria booka IP !i^i 4- Abead of Time. Tom Howard, kept a gun shop. Tom was a first-lass workman; bat distressingly dilatory ;in the dispatch of business. "He1 would' rdeet ;ljia patrbilB 'with a" pbsitfvo: 'plfoiilisef Wbicb h'e'wo'uld renew ta'onth"after" niitn*;'until at leh'gtbbis-Bhcip' b*^- carrie W ttrmriry^ df' unfurnished rifles a'ndfdsvlirig pieces: :i0nkday'i 'his' neighbor 'Smith', 'who bsM^iSttf-;' fered rer^tedly'byTrfm^' habif.of pr6crii8'tmRtion}kriteres?1 Wis BlAfff. ;'; ',lTom,":oaid4ie^'"Pa^yoTf<tt>- makfe-a grm fdr" my little boy-^ small, unfinished piece, an'd tt'H'light* rn' the bairel'^s1 ivilY' bbcoriSiKtbnt! with Sftfe^ty'.'^ ..'/; : "OA yes,"-said"Tom^1 will mife6-Ut -inirhediaftoly-^^yOn -shall' hkve it: at'once; iBrtty liy'the'Vway/ ;Wrwf6Td'H the'boy i"^ "- *-f' a -^T^li^BsW'tlrat^ rejiliedSniHhi "the 1k>v is not born'fijLbuiJ thoiig'b't'JI 'hsfll'better.get'tSe gun under wky':"!"5;'^ " ... '.__* ^^.^. _J:___ __ '"'"" And fellers ft' comin' and'agoirt' ,ing,'sup^erfter'b'eatirrie at all hours; . For a Bp'ell at;;'first1 [ "fiArhantha; as'for':s JiBhJa.would comein Jmcl talk .with ; much longer,"-'iE .can't a iraib- e.tjij .the.,'! ^^^'^iieen.*1 ' 'A'ttan who' would ndt-jbin in"a strike" of !-factory. 'operatives t ;Pkt*i*Sn,W-. '1 h&d'<&d ppppef! :thr6Wh'into'Jiis'faVje,'by!';aiiwe4rfan wn^ws!am"c%g"t'h'e .Strljcifa. ^^he1 w'as^etehwned '"tO"m&kfe 'ifr -hot iorhimi"1 : h.I ; l V-.i ii<M->il<>iri Charcoal fob; HssSif There iia one thing which nature does not supply; and which civilization, the Germantowu. Telegraph says, "sen ders quite necessary, to fowlit It is charcoal. ; But cbarooat.made of wood doea not answer tb purpose. It has no fcsAt^ofcfoody is not afc- Uactive totb;fo#l*nd; is seldonv eten> j, BvV. if Any. ^oei will: put an ear oi ripe corn into.^theJfire, till !th^gJ?iiir**le iwell.-charred, aftd tbeitiahell-off the^^'cota fcnd.tbroa*it jtb(his floek,'h> -will. :see; an eager ness .deveki>ediand.a ih'ealthy con dition;, brought; about which , will jraake a decided.inipi'pyement. ..All [pale [oiubs. 1 will become a -bright !red^JwiyOitg:.w,hioli precedes, lay- ingi.w:iU be:$*rd,-ahd the average yield sdf regfesjW'iH be greatly in- Ol'Basii'fi.:! V \.i : ami ]>apers destcb^ecL' 1' One-. w4&- cul,man left;hisihoua widbt'e with.Strict:injunctions to "hiakwife" ' hot,tojeava It.untils beiretnrnfldUl When, after,Ulrng KikhibB. fbunes; he. Bgniri oarje ^(eij^t of: lua .dwellings itij waat-tQ:Se^t-,'e--; yeloped in it circle- of fire and-to listen to Ltbe : thuaderiagT pfiksh': S.-: its falling WallsJf He didriRpt j}lr , cover his wifee hsoebo<8efcej Beverul hows, aladiin tUp ;ew*ui*ej-s be^uffertid All.scitta of, raental tor?; turea. Fortunajteljisfie wagcBolsflr, pbedientas Ca4jkbiaiu,iand.;5pnt fed*;.-. A' thousand stories ar^'WW-ofa the singular freaks which, enter fen, to people' thft? articles - they should,i /save. A :8to^* captain was bailed by jt: lady . *o4..:. frantically asked her wha> he,;wovild < gave first- She p/)in^ the. :'iwaH with". 6^| pf,- home" on - it. In some jns^a^cca. viluable books , and aianuscripts,, were left to^be burnt wliei thel,! wer aaes aa4:Aul^jaccesjiiblnt/:|n whiob:thoyvi>C^i.|^s.beeW^o^i. r." uj .... >.'... f ..." -1-1.7.. :->--"f .'-';! - Afiorjtr tHE.'Moov. Tradittou says it iflr.fc.^ia^i'rf: iftur weather 'when'-fhe iiew dnpQB *Wnes -in the middle of thex^eek.,: Jk. Jjuoon ite thei woreto^ *11-- JMoord jr^.jUMthelotiJndiHftaegehd, i;w}ien jthe ifiipsf ^f|ithe;.3ender<o|^scont;ar i so1 iiic^iiied'8; toilet tbe waiter fa I, rain may ihe <e^peoted; bti;wheii. tSe.,;golden .-boat, is, so: symmetrica lit poised? ill' !tbe o ilosf i-, cal ethar^-tOiholithe w*ter wit^- pnfe i Jetting It ijdriip : overflow, a , A Wabxujg VotcK^-r^An. Change says it is r astonishing: what an effect ris'-prodweest-tiy- young iadirBt ffrtiowiuffv <pbe, *t<wir of Wduig,,thfl -di-fiSSj_ with the tfight hand when (^ajking. They, ire; alt becoming lopsided, and if this out rageous . custom, Js continued,. ia less than ..five jeara every. wom*u in the lanf will^ha^eva^crpoked spine.. / It is nohin^,4e. thau jah^ uugraaeful cuatoiu,: to .say tlie Wal,,, knd its;eyil;eflErtttf ;.ai t^eiK-rsous of our yqiipf ',-:i\.^: rjeveloBHietit has uot.yet; raised V lea .m .t\u\ j the dog to a ,^tp w;iw"re he!,^wiU " 'i^lf nvt{sna;R at 38, ,wiisps theia)ihieaaJs ' " n" ~ Juliie-bottie fly.,,. Ybiuj:ia the'rea'sfin. why tjie dg who ^aa gobbled a wasp is so t^uiMy'dqWn onseiehce; Saa.irdrlle{ (Cono,). -woman who ha8 lost: iive Uuftbunds jp pgw- " der-mill :exnlosiona ia*bouJ.^| nyav.- syji sktli, who is a|) a |>pwdta;-u|iil opevatiue. JMc^hitts^wotill^ipduc^o f'dry " moJn may^ bi;a8&ly; antici-|her,.*robubly, 4o uiarty a.piaii iu pateiL \\i;-.t.\>.. .-.\ jiriy.HOthtsr business j.,1 .>.,.:i; if:.:..ri -\U , 1 . 'J' *MT Jf {\ - &&' V,4A.<ci w&f*-* -jseSSn

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