Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1877, p. 2

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m vii-. ,<~ M\l 'fc* THE pilE It TON FREE PKEt Ci'iUs' cil K\ tirj 1huriih\ Mvi imi-g * U. UACKINO, Proprietor. 81 Per Annum in Advance" $ u1 a n F c e o f r ess J01 H H*OKINO -tDITOR 1 1 Tax b^iuv Mo*m>g. Jolt 26, 1877. ~~y ;------------------------------------------------------------ i i . i 'From all parts of the country ft'io Stratford ISeoctm hear* moat favorable re|Krta of the growing crops. Sir* "John Li'pge, of Bluns- hard, sajs ho has not, during hu thirty jears of resideuce in On tario, si en the crops generally in a ~uioro tnuwng eouihtiou. Vrom neaely ill sections of tho eountiy i heard the cheering re port that the crops art) very good, fir above what they were last year, and above a good average. These rsports aro not only satisfactory, but they aro stimulating an in creased income of the farmer, and therefore ability to expand more, the volume of their business will be greatly increased. 4 The Osbawa Reformer say*: From all aectiona of the country the news of the crops is most en con raging. To1begin at home, we were.informed by a prominent far- Pier m Etst Whitby that the bailey crop,3s as good as it has been for ten years, and he declared that if rain carae in three or four d\s the other cereals would be placed beyond doubt of a good aver age yield. That night a nice hower fell, and since then the weather hus been delightfully cool and faYor&blf, so that now all that ia wanted is gooi harvest weather. Parties who bar* been in Western Ontario giro glowing report* of the crops, and the same news comet from the east. * So far Veunor ba* been as fir astray in bis forecast of July as he was with February, and t u to be- hoped that the month will continue to disappoint that clerk of the weather to the end. The Boston Pilot is singularly candid in its remarks on the dis turbance in ifontreal on the 12th. ' Although the orgs.a of the (Jatho- .- lies in the S cites, it counsels its CanadiarTrcaders a"nd friends not to place themselves in antagonism 'to the law, and-declar&s that it mast be admitted, and proved with bayoaets, if necessary, that the Orangemen and all others whp par ade, in peace have a right so to parade, with full protection of the law. Coming from a joumsl whose proclivities are "well known, this expression of opinion ought to carry weight with, the people to witoca it isadlressed. , A witners is said to hare turned up in Montreal who is in a position to identify Elnckett's mur derer-. The-, city Council of Mon treal have offered a reward of $500, and two. Orangemen of the same city a further reward of $200 for information, that will convict the Murderer. Elliott, the victim nf the Point St Ciufrles. riot, baa>-co ia.r recovered as to be able to re turn to his homo at Lennoxvillo. A Rome despatch states that tho- Pope, wishing to place the _ Houian Catholic Charch in Amer ica on an equality with the Church in Europe, has taken steps to place ilia former directly tinder tho Pon tiff, instead of its being governed through the intermediary of the Cardinal Perfect of the Propaganda. A striking illustration of the bird jtimes among Uuited States politicians as well as among other folks is afforded in the fact that among the specud police sworn in ' at the Capitol the other day were two ex Governors, one ex-Judge and one ex-Congressman and seve ral prominent State politicians who have been hanging about Washing ton for months waiting for some thing to turn up. = Hon Mr. Mill*, minister of the Inferior, will vim-, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories next month. He wilt be accompanied by his secretary, Mr. A. M. Burgess. Hon. Mr. -Fraser, Ontario Minister, of Public Works, is visit ing England for the benefit of his Lealth. Hon. Mr. Hardy looks after the Public Works during Air. FraBer'u abBeoco, . It is understood that tho Premier will go to the Maritime Provinces about the first week in August. * He will probably visit Pi nice EJwf rd Island in the first instance, and proceed from thence to Halifax and the St. John's 4k* trict. It is snid that the Council of the Dominion Rifle Association Iiuve determined to abandon their annual piizo meetings at Ottawa, inconsequence of tb want of funds, and it is supposed the Wimbledon Team will ultimately share the same fate. i J Tbe railroad strike on the otber side of the line is Still spread ing west and east, and the stoppage of freight traffic baa all but become general in tbe State affected. Oiaer has been restored at Pitts burg, owing to the efforts of the vigilenoe committee, aided by the local militia, bnt excesses by the nO', with whom the strikers do ri"t seem to desire to be identified, are reported, from Chicago, Cinc'lIV ni', nd several minor points. terrible Itnilway strike. 7*3,000 TROOPS'TO MS. CALMED OUT. Tliu etiifce on the Poiuisylvnriia Kiiilna>M li is culiilm itoil in ii tum ble not at Pit tilling. Pa. A pel ftct roign of tower ox.sls ... that, _^ th)lt (, u)n8kinonge mj und ui.y hvesand hundred. WM C|l , , ,;C|lvl,gft bruk luAn of tl,oHHnd of dollar. orth ^I w,lh h6ok lUltl line. Canada has already bespoken furty thousand foot of space ut the FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JUL^ 2G, Pen and Scissor Select*. Wntetford is to bo incorporat ed us u vitiligo next Jiiiiuury, SS.OoO "ill bo offered in prim ut (lie Hamilton Cuntrul Fuir this [UUHOI1, L propcut-y have been "saci ificed to tho passions of the mob The troops ent from Philadelphia seem to have beon< worse than useless, as their foroe was not lui ge enough to pre serve order, and their resistance oitly inflamed tbe rioters nud diovo them to fresh outrages. A fui.oiis attack was made upon tho troops by tho strikers, whose numbers were swolled by thousands of citl- zeus, and the soldiers wero compell eil to take refugo in a round house, where narrowly escaped being burned to death. Ou issuing front thtir retreat they wore pursued and driven out of tho city, which was tbeu completely given up to law lessness. Tho mob' ptlt^gtxr' the freight depots^and finally~set fire to the property of tho different rail way companies, which wan com pletelj doitroyed, including 125 locomotives. At one time tbe flames extended for a distance of three miles. Thirty lives are said to have boon lost, and it is impossi ble to give any idea of the numlwr of wounded. Similar outrages havo also occurred at Baltimore, railway property having been fired and ev- eral live! lost. The following is a list of tbo roadj so far affected by the strike: Baltimore and Ohio; Erie; Pennsylvania; Pittsburg, Foit Wayno and Chicago; Ohio and Mississippi; New York Cen tral , Hudson River, Cleveland and Pittsburg; Luke Shore, Pitts burg and Eric; Pittsburg, St. Louis and Cincinnati; and strikes are ex pec ted on tho Lebigh Valley, Dela waroand Hudson, Delaware, Lncka- wanna and Western, and Union Pacific Roads. Harrland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia are proclaimed to be in a state of msuiTwstion ; and the Government have called oat 75,000 troops to pat down tbo strikers. Accidest. The friends in this vicinity of Mr. Tom Taylor. Guelph, will be sorry to learn that he met with a severe accideut on Wednes day lasts It appears that he was driving from Wroxeter to Brussels on the evening of the day mention ed when tbe axle of the waggon broke precipitating him to the road. A number of heavy commercial trunks that were in the waggon fell on Mr. Taylor, severely bruis ing him, and spiaining his left leg badly. He was carried into a farm house near by, where he remained while a carnage was sent for to con vey bim to Brussels At last ac counts Mr. Taylor was recovering as rapidly as coald be expected. Obaxgeville, July 24. Dr Riddle, of -this town, hf Id an in quest \esttrday on the body of Mi^s Sarah^Fleming, aged 24 jeare, who, m a at of desp.iration, de Iiberately drowned herself at the falls of the Nottawa River, in the township of Mono, on Saturday I night lust. Tbe water where the body was found was only forty inches deep She was the daughter of a respectable farmer near here. No reasons are assigned as the cause of the rash act, save that u short time previous to ber leaving the house she appeared offended at) some trivial family quarrel. The jury returned a verdict of " Suicide while laboring under a fit of tern poraiy insanity." Pal is Exposition TboJ County Council of Huron has grunted $2,000'in uid of tho St 'John sufferers. Stintford now boasts of n popu lation of 8,422 Tim average in crease js about 400 pot year. The Londbn Time* recently informed its readers that the Prov- inco of Ontario is a town in Canada. Typhoid |fover ia prevalent in the vicinity oC Strutford, and do fectiTe sewerage is tho supposed cause. I Fsrmers in- tbo neighborhood of Kingston say they never remem ber seeing the crops in tho country loos: betters One of tho victims of the Twelfth of July riots, at Montreal was again brutally assaulted on Saturday. Tho first day's polling on the Duukin By-law in tbe county of Kont gives almajority of 1,018 in favor of the By law, It is now admitted that over 7,500 people took part in Mackett's funeral procession, over 4,000 of whom were Orangemen. A number of Huron county emigrants have returned from Manitoba ana give discouraging accounts of the country. Mary Ann Tracey, aged eloven years, of Hunter's Point, was burn ed to death by pouring coal oil in a stove to hasten the fire. The Montreal Star -wonders why a reward has not been offered for the discovery for the murderer of Hackett on the 12th of July. At Port Burwell the roads are full of men looking for a job, which but few find. Wages are low, 75c per day being the general price. | It is said the Toronto Licens ed Vituallers have a fund amount ing to over $20,000, to defray tbe expenses of the Dunkin Act cam paign. [ Two hundred and twenty oun ce* of gold were brought to Halifax on Friday from Olham, the result of tbe work of seventeen men for twenty days. | It ia stated that almost as much drinking ia done in Brantford as before the passage of tbe Dunkin Act. Tbe Inspector, however, de nies this statement. Lobo baa a fifty acre borry patch The owner charges 25c per day for the pinilege of picking berries therein, and he is making lots of money at it. Nineteen times within tbo last hundred years the Russian forces have crossed tbo Danube with hostile intent, without includ ing the present crossing, A man named Buckberrough, of Woodstock, while under the in fluefice of liquor, cut his throat last Monday evening Running out of tho house into the garden he fell down dead. ' Notwithstanding the many un favorable accounts that have been recorded against the United States, as a place preferable to Canada, says the Clinton Netc Era, there are still those whd look upon it as a " place to be desired," only to rue their change after an expansive ex perience. Some time since a well- to-do farmer in a neighboring town ship became dissatisfied, and bo lieving the glowing accounts he had heard of tho wonder of North Caro lina, determined to move thither. He sold bis farm, a good one, and moved into tbo n land of promise." But the hopes be had entertained were not to be realized, and last week his family were sent back to Canada, be soon to follow. Tbe report given ii that schools, churches and society are decidedly infenor to those of Canada, tbe people of a lower social status, and the country not to bo compared to this delightful one. Mr. Cunning hams, who followed Horace Gree ley's advice and went West some timn since, has returned to Clinton. His account of affairs in the States is anything but flattering1, there be ing thousands out of employment. The Canadian demands for space at tbo Paris Exposition al ready reach nearly forty thousand feet. A large display of maps of the country and plans and models of the public buildings of the Dominion wilt be exhibited. Sere ral honorary commissioners, of whom Sir John Rose will be one, will it is'Snid, represent tbe Govern ment at the Exposition, Sheehan, the notorious rough who levelled a pistol at young Pat- ton in Montreal on the 12th, has been nned $40 under Mr. Blake's Act, and sentenced to one month mprixonmeDt (or assaulting a policeman. The fourteenth Provincial Sab bath School [Convention will be held in tho town of Guelph on Tuesday and the three following days, the 9th, 10th, and llth j October next. Mr. Thos. Robinson, the Grand Marshal of tho Kingston Orangemen who attended Hackett'B funeral at Montreal on the 16th, baa received an anonymous letter threatening his jife. Montreal is reported to bo in fested with escaped Mollis Maguires from the Pennsylvania coal region, whose presence in the city is behev ed to have been largely responsible 'for the riots on the Twelfth. An official appeal to the mem bers of tho various Methodist Con "foresees of Canada has been made- to help in tbo work of rebuilding the Methodist Churches and par sonages burned in the St. John fir% A Wallaceburg tavern-keeper named Joseph' Alber, was tbe other day fined 9.50 and ordored to lock ifp his bar for ten days, for allott ing three men to quarrel and use nbisive language about his bar room] I Ay Ikfant Left on the Chuech Steps. As Mr. James A. Davidson, the Murphy Evangelist, was holding ft meeting in the Presbyterian Ghurcb, Caledonia, last Sunday evening, whn the audience began to retire from the church, a male infant, apparently about ten days old, was found in a basket on the steps, where, while meeting, was in progress, it bad been left by some unknown person. The babe was neatly dressed,-'and was wrapped tip in a brown woolen sbawl. The incident occasioned not a little excitement and curios ity. Up to the time of writing no cine has1 been obtained as to the parentage of the child. It was taken in charge by one of the citi zens of the village. A Woiuun iu Flainea- Ou Sunday aftoruoon a tsrrihlu accident happeuud to a uotod fe male in Guelph, whereby her cloth ing caught fire and before tho flumes could bo extinguished her body was binnt and chaired in a dreadful milliner. Tbo name under which the womnn goes ia Luna Rosug aliat Von Slinks. She along with one Minnie Cluikaon, on Sunday iiftoinoou went out for a dine in a phaeton with a young man named Jacob Mai tin. Tho destination ol the pmty whs Little Germany, and when thoy hud leached Lehman's Hotel, on tho Elmiiii Road about eight milcH fr-JUi Guelph, they Htop ped for u thort time. Mm tin was duviug aiui they had got only about hulfj a n.ihi fiom tho hotel wlion ho and " Lonu" commenced smoking cigars. Shortly nfter- wards flames buret out of tbo buck of her dtfRs. Ml. Martin tiled hth best to extinguish the (1 nines with bis hands, but could not, on no count of the veiy combustible, nature of tho inateiiul. As soon as tho flumes bmst out, tho gill, Minnie Claikson, screamed and jumped out of the phituton. Mar tin, seeing a pool of mud and watut a short dlbtuuto-uhead,drove lapid ly to it, and tho woman jumped out aud rolled iu it, her mule com panion, taking mud, und as he, thought, completely extinguishing tho flames. No Boonor, however, had- the woman regained hor feet, than- ber clothing again blazed up, and the suuie operation had to be repeated, until the flames were ex tiuguisbedy er rather, until her clothing hud all burned off her body. During all this time it is said the screama of the wretched woman wen heartrending, aud amidst all hor agony ber children appeared to bo uppermost in her mind. The flumes burned off her dress and underclothing, leaving only bur corsets und boots intact After tbo flames had been extin guished, the hulf dead woman was assisted into the phaeton, and driven tfi Lehmon's Hotel. It be ing deemed advisable: to remove her to the Guelph General Hos pital, later in the evening a bed was placed on a waggon and Bbe was conveyed there, where she now lies in a condition that almost pre eludes all hope of hor recoveiy. Her burns extend over the entire body, her back being most severely injured, and her legs ure complete ly scorched. It is more than pos aible that they will cause her deatb One of Martin's hands is badly burned and it will be some time before he will be able to resume his work. Mcrcvsy. Tho preparations fur the Pro vincial Fair to bs held at I/Oiidon progresses steadily, and~the grounds are already in a very forward state The additions mode give about two acres more of land, and a large building is to be used as a machin ery hall On Monday forenoon MalcolffT Dyde of Brampton, a lad about twelve years old, while attempting to jump from tho platform of the freight bouse on to a flat car in motion, fell betwoen two cars, and was inBtanlly crushed to death. No inquest was held, it boing con sidered unneoessaiy. Tbe Waterloo Chronicle says that tho beautiful estate wuich has been the residence of Mr. Jacob He^peler in former days, has re- cently changed hands. An English man, uncle of Dr. T. Swan, has bought tho BHino for SI0,000, and will, it ib said, soon unive from' England aud settle on the same. A son of Mr. Aldaiman Part ridge, Junr. of Londou, aged seven teen years, while playing Titb a toy pistol in his bedioom Sunday morning accidentally shot himself. The ball ontered Im mouth and lodged in the head, wheie U cannot be found by probing. The boy lies in a critical state, being unconsci ous. The other day a lady near St. Mary's went out into her garden and picked some beans for dinner, eating one or two of the pods at the same time. Immediately after she became deadly pale, and had a severe attack of vomiting and pain. She attributes it to the Paris green which had been sprinkled upon the potatoes and blow off upon the beans. Death op Colouel Wells. A Canadian, distinguished as a brave soldier, aud one who fought on more than one occasion when the English army distinguished itself, died on the 4th inst., at Learning ton Priors, Warwickshire,England. The gallant deceased was a Toron- tonian by birth, and son of the late Hon. Mr. Wells, of Canada West, and brother of Mr. Arthur Wells, ex deputy Postmaster of Guelph, and was owner of Day's Block in Guolpb. Deceased was Colonel of tl o First Royal Scots at the timo of his death. His gallantry dur ing the Crimea was most conspicu ous, and to it were due his promo tion to the rank of brevet-major, and his decorations as a Knight of tbe Legion of Honor, and as mem ber of the 5th class of the Medji die, besides which he also bore tho Turkish and the Crimean medals, the latter with clasps for Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol. Sin gularly enough the present Lieu tenant Colonel of the first Royal Scots, Colonel Edward Andrew Stuart is alBo a Canadian, being a son ol tha late Chief Justice Sir James Stuart, of Quebec. 1877. best possible use of our money, we should patiouizo ably conductor! and lesponsible nowBpiiperR. The miwspaper is immeasurably the best medium open to our trade; the most libfral and expoit advoitisers testify to its vulue, nnd in tho em* ploymeiit of its columns wo would lind a means of escape from waste ful trudiguifiod and liioffictivo methods." LARK Good Advice to ISiibinetiS Men. | HEW ADVERTISEMENTS At the mooting of the stove trade in Detroit, Mioh., last week, tho Piesident in his add less de nounces expensive advertising by means ofj tawdry lithographs, etc , and said I " If wo would uuke tho A DlBHONEBT IltSUBANCE AOEST. Tho following uppeats in the Alliston afar A day or two bo foio Mr. Beurd, of Tecuiiiheh, lost Ins outbuildings by file, an insur ance ugent took a risk of $1,000 on the piopcity, and on hearing of tho accident, tho ugunt t etui nod to Mr Beaid's a ml dctdrid to see the ect ipt hu had given him, and upon getting it, contrived to mix it iimungHt some other ppcrs ho hud placed on thn tliblo, with a view of dt-fraudmg lnin, and after a conver sation of some length on the subject gave Mr Beurd u receipt similai in appourance, but failed out for $300 matt ad of $1,000. Mr. vei, has proof of tho fraud. Not being able to rend himself, he bad shown the onginnl receipt to seve ral of his friends who bad reud it before tub agent hud filched it fiom him. ^ Manitoba. The Gait Reporter savs . Mr. John Hunter, who with his family left South Dumfries for Manitoba about tho beginning Juno lust, fiaja of that country : The quality of tho land is all one can desire, and the crops here (ut the Portage) look very well at present except on some farms that ate much flooded with tbe unusual hoavy rains with which the coun try is visited. It has rained al most every day since I came here, and the roads are very bad and travelling very fatiguing. He arJcfe - " If I had come through in Ontarrio- what I have come through hero, I would .not have been writing yot* tins letter," which speaks well for the healthiness of the climat<" Ho says be likes the country exceeding/y wellr and it pleases him beyond measure. He und the McLarens, Brydons, and others have taken up land on they PUms about twenty miles from Palestine, forming the nucleus of what may be called " the Dumfries Pluius Settlement of Manitoba." To Kfep Stoves Fnoii Rust- ino. Coal oil applied with a cloth to Btoves will keep tberu from tnst ing during the summer. It is, also, an excellent material to apply to all iron utensils used about a farm. TTiLEUUVe MEADOW X: AiiAiM VICMKIOIIS. Grand Mowing Match held iJndiir tho auspices of the East Huron Farmers' and Mocbamcs' Association at Brussels, Out., on the 10th July, 1877', 14 ma- cliiaes wero in competition, ancjl FLEURY'8 MEADOW LARK was awarded the highest number of points of merit. It sbowod inly 159 pounds draft; tbe lightest of any ma- clime tested. ' Tho pnzos wore a* follows ; 1 Fleury's Mesdow Lark; 2d, Mondow Lark ; 3d, Coleman Paragon. Judges Meisrs, James Strachsn, James Johnston, and D. McLaughlin, of Gray Township. Aurora Agricultural Works, July 14tb, 1877. J. KLKURY, Proprietor. \Vm. Hemstkeet, Agent, Rocl^wood, ROt'LAMATIOJi. st prize, Elliott's & Co.'s CIVIC HOLIDAY. To His Wobsiiip, the Hekvb ov the VlUAaK O^OTOH: Respected Sib,- We, the inhabi tunts of the Village Of Actor, reing desirous oi netting apart a lay for public enjoyment, do respectfully request you to Appoint Friday, the 3d of August, a Cino Holiday, Cramc 4. Son, J. W. Mann, Fyfo A McNab, Christie, Henderson 4 Co , O. E Morrow, G. M. Scott, Jsn.cs Mat thews, J. E McGarvin, Wilson & John- Bon, Jaa. Kyder, W. E. Greenwood, W 11. Kcnney./Galloway Bros., Henry P. Moore, David MoMackon, Sccord Bros., It Creech, B & E. hickhil J. H Hacking, W. H. Storey & Co. George Hynds. Geituhcx It is irith pleasure I receive your petition, asking for the ap- potnnnent of a Civic Holiday. X -will therefore appoint and set spars Friday, 3d day of August next as a Civic Holiday for the Village of Acton. 1 I am, respectfully yonrsi N. McGAKVLNl Retve Acton July 25th, 1877. f pit>Nid Arrangements haver been made bv the Actou Division Sons of Tcmperantet to have an excuruon on the vfte nanied day, over the Grand TrtlnW^Pm Hamilton & Northwestern Railways to Burlington Beach, whore a P|C-XIC mil be held. The fare Jur the round trip will be about 75 cents. A general Invitation is extended to the plubhc to participate. B7 order of the |SV. P DIED. Lu:*>0 In Nassagawejn, on tho 2*2d mat , Mnr> Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. Walter Laina', aj;ed 44 j ears. piIAXGE IX Rl'SIXEHS. Important Notjce. All parties indebted to us are earnest ly requested to settle their accounts in full on or beforo the 25th of July. Q ing to a chsngn in the tmsiuess it is (necessary to hive all Jicconrts paid promptly by that dite, otherw :se they will bV hinded to Division Cot^rt Clerk for collection with coits. AtTOV MaBkCTS. Flour .. $3 75 to 4 50 Kail Wheat 1 45 tal 65 Spring Wheat, Glasgow , 1 40 to 1 50 Bed Chaff Wheat . 1 25tol 35 Barley ... 0 60 to 0 00 Oats 0 47 to O 50 Fcaa . . ,, , 0 75 to 0 80 Butter . 0 15 to O 16 Eggs. 0 12 to 0 00 Cherries, per pil 0 35 to 0 00 Raspberries, per lb 0 05 to 0 00 Ef?s' Cocoa. Gbateful avd Com forting "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral laws uhich govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and bv a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has prov ided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladios are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forj^cd With pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame " Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "James Errs ft Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Thresdneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." For tbe Old aud Yonng. all use it. Let 'Wood's Improved Hair Restorative It urilltte any other, and has no equal. The improved has new vegetable tonic properties; rptoreserey hair toanlosnT natural color; r"*tore* faded, dry, ba-an undftlUne hair; restore", dresses, gives vigor to tht nilr; resiores hair to prema- Iturely bald heads; removes d mdrun*, hu. 'mors, foaly eruption*; removes lrrtta tlon, Itching and scaly dryness. No article produces rnoh wonderful effects Try It, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with j any other article. Hold by a 1 druggists In this place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers' pries by C. A. C00K 4 Co , Chicago, Sele Agents for the United Slates and Canadas, and by LtYXAir Bros, a Co.,Toronto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ]S OTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against negotiating or dealing with two Promissory Notes, dated July 0th, 1877, for the sum of $240 each, signed by James Gibbons, and made payable to Geo. A. Zimmerman, the same hav ing bean obtained bT false pretences and without value. I JAMES GIBBON8. Acton, July 16, 1877. I 3-2t w ANTED. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for offices opening in the Dominion, Stamp for answer. Address Manager, Boa 93$, Toronto. Of Every Other Store by THE GOLDEN LION OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Has from its'v.ryW.nning been a complete success, but *^ifi^_ ' a few day. only, ruafte a special effort Which will compUt^&r* , id the shade all inducements ever before oftEsH1 * P"* > E 1 m ever before oSe'rad. Every one acknowledges that our stock U three times as large a inyotw in Guelpb. It must be reduced, for our senior partner is now fa ts Old Country buying new goods. How i this to be dont7 W^ intend to do it not by offdring a few lines pieoe meat, bat by ' selling - ^ ^ 1- OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT COST , And air Summer Goods at Half Cost Price, This will only Last for Two Week We shall then be receiving our new good's from England and UmmI^vqi Now,, then, for a few particulars.' Bead then* and.don't btgtt thug, SILKS, SILKS, SILKS; SILKS AT 50 CENTS A YJSDl Over one hundred patterns, pure Silks, choice design*, most fnfiWMlilt 1 colors, at fifty cents a yard. There is nothing in Guelph ol tb same quality, at anything Dear the price. Grenadines, Muslins, and French Xjawns, The nicest materials ever worn in summer. CTTTST 5 OIEZNTTS .A. "ST-AJRD.. These goods astonish everyone, and are being boogbt op a hundredysrds at a time. Come in before they all go. 1 be Choicest Kid Gloves, 50 cents a pair. Magnificent Sash Bibbon<t 25 cam* 4 yrd, only a few left. Parasols, great bargains, , The great Slaughter of all, however, -is being made OUR MILLINERY BRANCH. HERB NO OFFER IS REFUSED. And hundred and hundreds of JIats, trimmed nn 1 untrimmed, icons of Summer Suits, Mantles and Jackets aro going just for anj- thing they will bring. , This i* a crre&t chance. Don't let it pass by. *3~"The Lion" cannot be tonohed^for Cheap &"** ,j. D. WILLIAMSON & CO, Guelph,'July 18 1S77 Acton, JnJy 11, 1S77 OALLOWAll BROS t>2t VOTERS' LIST, Municipality of the ViII jgre of Acton, County of HaJ ton Notice ia hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the second section of "The Voters' List Act; of 1876,"" tbe copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all per sons appearing by the last revised as sessment roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to tote in tbo said Muni cipality at Elections for members of tbe Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list Was first posted up in my office, at the ViH&ge-of of Acton, on the Eleventh dsy of July, 1877, and remains there for insJ>ectioa. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, jto talce immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected According to law. Dated at Affton, this llth day of July, A.D. 1877. I I JOHN ROSS, Clerk of the said Municipality. 1 1 I ' QRACE'8 CELEBRATED ^ALVE, A Bare atelier for thn Sufferer. PBSlPi SETH *V- FOI 84 HABRte BOBTOl ED BT LB & SON8, AVsinrnB, ' HA 88. GRaCE'd Is a Vegetablj Invented In tihe 17jh Unm Oraie, Burgeon armv Through Up CELKBRAtF'D HALVE, b Preparation, wntijiiy by pr. WIU thousands of nTe_ most ierlolii saVss and wounds that j baffled eminent physicians _ __ __ regarded by all who ^cnew him si a pub- lbs skill nf the most of hli d*y, aod was Ho benefortof. PRICE 25 CBJMTS A BOX. GRACE**, CEKFjUtTEl* SAITE CURBS IXESII WOUNDS, FROZEN LIMBS, SALT RHEUM, CHILBLAINS, 80RE BRJEA8T, SOBE I.IVS. EBVSIPELAS, BING- WOKMS.JCALLUSES, SCALD mkD CUAfPEO IJAI<Df CNCE^S, FELONS, | gene In acenoy X V James' nured BURNS, SCALD4, 8 IRES, OI.CEHJS, WOUNDS, 8TINQS, SHINGLES, TESTERS, WENS, STIEwJ PILIS ABOESC, TRICKLES, BUNIONS, SPBAI1 8, SOILHJ BITE*, CUTS WHIT^/OWS VASTS, BLISTI BS, TAN PIMPLES, CORNS, SCITRVlT, ITCH, INOROWI- G N MLS, NKMll RASff, MU8QUITO AND Kl EA BITES, SPIDER 8TI; OS, And all outaieous dli eases and crjaptions HUly, For sale ny all druJKli-t* rroctJTB, and , nt all oooat1? stores tibrooifboat iDe Unl- 1 ted States and Brltlsa Froviaiesj Pries ] by malt 80 cents. - THE ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTLC ACTON. This well-known hmjgc has recently undergone a thorough renovating olid repainnsr, .is now furnished n ith new and modern fnnntore of the best des cnption, and is prepared to yro\nlo rirst-class accommodation to the puldic. tbe present proprietor Jias received a license, and he will keep the bar ell supplied with the verjr wst ef hp.'SOT* and cigars. The stabling is largo and well-fitted np ; also ample shed-room. ,Yh pchtrotiafre of the -public is resp*ct- nlly solicited. . JOSS 11A>~EY. 1 Aton, June 2^ 185X AUD C. T. HILL, Mill Streef, A T0ff, DEALER IN ffrocoxles, Owekary. r. Boots Ss Sbooff, Wall Paper, ^ri&&0TO.lia.&ff, Nails, glass, Putty, Linseed Oil. Paints, Turpentine. Coal 0U, Salt, etc, i All of which will ba sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash tor Hides. 4oton, July 18,~I876. Xow is the time to leave yow <*i0 At J. By dor's Factory for a [styKs& Bmeej r Snrtc*U I am nnttoug ny sj Ssrge stokfs Ji present ekson,Jfrom the bsstasJsntL ! Cat) and See our HandtemiJbif'* Now is a good time to ****- bargains. Strict attention given, to Horie-sneeintr ft General fc*" Baltftlng., JAMES BYMB. Acton, Feb. 26, 1877. %_ o 4S* ^% 4% ffs> Can't b mode by ewry U fj II agent evry- month In Ik *fl w the business wo furnish, J3fl tJ fJ but those willing to work can easily earn-a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have Do room to ezrlsln bere. Business pleasant ami honorable. Wo rnvnftand bo.\s and gins do as well as men. We Will furnish J*i n a complete Out at free. The hi sines* pi-ys Dc tier than anything else. We will boar z-v inilKe ol i-tartlne you Partlcu arsfree. WritM and see. FHrmergandmeci acl , their eons and daughters, and all ctasees- ln need of paying work nt home shout i write t > as and li-arn about the work at once. Now 1 t*>e time. Don't lelay. Address Tbde* Co , Aueusta, Maine. -r------------------------------------------------------------------ QBND 25p. to O. P, ROWFLf, 4 CO. G> Mew York, ror Paxil jshlet-ofloo paire, containing lists of 3000newspapers, and Mti^nateEijhowtnf'CestofadtertlElnf. WAGGONS. i ~l FiTABia SADDIiBBt, The subscriber takes this CT**|*21 of thanking bis numerotUcastusMiW^ for the very liberal patWMM^PJMrr the past year, and would tat his motto to do a Square and Honaa* as heretofore, and hopes "t * . {J? same liberal appreciation ttm public All orders entrusted to mj e# ^ W ^ ATTEITDED T9 W1TB fsea**' As neni but Good Werkmm ** Employed, Parties can rely on getting JP^-'ts' ole and as pheap as good wor* " done for. Repairing Donejrltlt Hse 00I.T.Anfl ^pxoxaxit. Actoo, Feb, 14,1^77. BsE'M mmmmmmM

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