Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1877, p. 2

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> f &fe^:~il^i^ i if r **.**, seek5* 8 '- *> .r._r ^>,j^t$^&AaK2l <fc o M ^ h??*-** rflh mmm Mmm IaS*tt? S^^ij^^^^ffft^^ WH gsiiSsss THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT, J lilt 10 j .turn h .i-'fcStH'l-: Wit :3s. '=*!.: rr ^ j>; 'I..:'.?. v; ^w I vM: . =--iV llv -IP :y-^ .;?5v iji^a :iM h - .-, ' JOS, M MACK1NQ f.OVTOR Tuamishay Moiis'iM;. July H>, IS77. The Tragedy lu, Montreal. .Ihu melancholy oeenrrencea at Mouti-o.il_i.n the 1~*th will \h! de plored throughput the wholu LXuu- inion. That men, should bo shot down in cold blood on the public t.tiect of a Canadian city, in-'broad davlighr, for the offence of protect ing- a woman fvom ibli}rxv,, is -fact which, must stir'thi,' imliytta- tion of ivory right-thinking liw- nbiding citixen. If the ghastly fact . -wore not staring us-jii tho fac*.; H would'ho diH'mwi ihcrediblu ilxat riich an outrage cOlild have buelt penetrated in our imdst. It is dp- plgwblu indeed that religions nnd sectional uuimosities should be car ried to such terrible extremes, mid those who are the", means of incit ing tho prejudices and inflaming ' the iNirJcs will pnws on to Tiflis aud Afexaudropol 6n\ l\ui*ian terri tory. The capture 'of Bayazid by tho Tnrki) is now beyond a doubt- Tike Kih iu niontrcnl. MON'TRCAL, July 13. Xhcro is u atwng feuling aguiiiHt the Msiyor bocuuau bu Iiuh not H'k- i rd. tbv" iis-Histiiiicn of thu niilitnry, liut'coiiti'iiu liimsulf. will) tho ordin ary policy forcu. 'Mr. Stephen. J. Meany stat8 Kutlioritivflv, on l>elihtf of tbo Irish Cnhorio Uuionj that ii ia-kiH)wlei<Kratbat tho Orongoraun Imvt' kept their' compact" in good faith, aniiUiliscUiinui all connuction with the idlrrs and rowdina who pi-ovokinl tho act, and that -it docs not hold itself U-ibU foe the acts of uit-n outside of their body- It >u st.itetl Ivy itttuuJjer of St. i^-orge'a Society, that a> propoiiition has. : been uiuU-r . consideration aiuong soum) of the inomiiera of tho tuttional Societies,,at whose re ]ttcat l\itf proccssiou was withheld, to show roapct to that act and tboir protest against tho outrage which fqrwardr;if "party, prowwmen uro to l>-Iongitr tol;n<tied, it will not t>e for good citizen* to-turn- Orange- Hum I'roni: their design ol putadtiij;, tuH to annisL them, anil tench thoau who aoek to oppQHO thtntv tliu stuiii- OSt Of ICSKOIIB. | Tho mob that held tho utroots yesterday, must novor bo jwrmittud to ro|H!at tho outrage, \x> the cost what it mm*. . the (Millions of othois to u .-stunt ikgu, Uisgracl the city by attending which lemi 'thnti to urcnk dowa' tiio barriers of-tw and ouier, have pon>thoin n gmve rrpohibility. Tiie crv of innocent blood l iars -from the ground'againsl them, and it" they are not lejpilly culjiublft,. they cinnot survey tbj corjrae of ilio unfortunate man Hackett With- out an tlie Luit'lal of tlu> youutl uiau who was tuiirtkrecL Tho Orangemen met on Thurs day oveniug, and passed resolutions to the effect, that iu consequence of what has occurred they can no 1 loDtfer rJuco tbo slightest relianca { ujivn atiy "profession of - peace and UJieomlui lable senKP of aJK00.l w;n that may tit auy future fharem- the responsibility for his | periotl be adinessed to them, and murder. The conduct of the Mayor | lh,a t|lt,y S\M\\ U^Q sllci, nie_iSUres us I uud officers of tlie such as j A!i wiiL effcctnally pvotect thftn to c-all for the severest censitru. It i rrom _|10 a.Csaults of cowardly and is a disgi-ac-ud fact that, the Mayor j l.Uwd-tbiraXy rullLins^udhei'ceforlh aJid.Magi^tnicT ot Montreal, on an | ,liev s|,..u n\a olvlv claim,but exer- occa^iou "which ci^arty ijavo fore- : _.;.-,, i},,. i..}|f rn t_ai->ttlft thn hu*<>i>1ij i . ^ ' i... .1 ... Ti 1 1 i - ' '_ "- i" iMiauo uifimuiK Wltnt to ^,,,,,3 in let them Bay ho wan.uji.s ut violiiceaua_bh)oiUhea 1 tlf: Montreal in too same maimer as | ntl() wo will c Rhsiiid have deliberately withdrawn oli also that, they hold from the public.4 that protection.. ti,a .Mayor to be in tuu b'inhest Aiux'Xutiou Talk. The Boston Glohe, discnising Mr. Blaine's sp^eechl at Woodstock, wherein k& touched upon Mexican atinexaiibn, says : " Mr. Blaine threw out certain hints regarding the desirability of annexation in an 0|>|>aiite quarter, and this Iiuh led to Homo serious discussion of the bene fits Which might coino from adding the Canadian Provinces to our do main. The .writers, with wonder ful considerateiiess, urge that it would be a s|xx'iully good thing for Oanadar They aay that thp p<;oplo of the Provincesl nn for tho most part of our blood and spottk our language, nml are sober ai)d indns trions. There wpuld be 110 objec tion to thetu if they wished to-come,- and tho probability is tba% they -would be glad tu avail themselves 'of the advantage, but are not dis posed to make overtures. Now we have never seen I the slightest inti mation that the people of Canada desire to join our United Stater, or would trcnt any! overtures in that direction with anything but resent ment. The mention of it neurly alwayR arouses their British loyal ty and is regarded almost with dis dain. If there is really any senti ment there iu favor of annexation, let it work, and when the people I*eu and Scissor Selects South AuK'i'iott lniB bail ano- tlTor volcanic 01 uptiou'. Whetvt mostly harvested in , Kasex. Splondid crop. Tb tempe'ruuee refotramore- munt hut reached Halifax. Colorado beetles have be<n found in largo quantities on the Dublin docks. Tho Governor General will not leavo Ottawa for' Manitoba flntil the 30th inst. Upwards of 309 persons have tukan the pledge under tb Murphy movement in Whitby, The Russian Govrrwnent is purchasing large quantities- of cot ton in thu United Svatea. ; Not muny j>eoj>lo Tjmling Niagara Falls tliis sent-on, but the lower St. I>rwienee it crowded. -r-Frqni all quarters of Ontario come tidingH of a plentiful harvest. Look out for good times iu the fall! It is asserted that n Mrs. Cox, of Holderneiu, N. II., agd. 101 years, bus whoopiirgcough for the tir.1t tiiuo. Two "or three fresh revolutions in South America. Thnso South Amiricin republics aro never hup which the. "lnachinery of,,; the j a,.j,,-ee Jnlpable of all the evils that law placed-ioiely in their hands,, have occurivd, aud 'morally guilty aw an.l that such protection^ was 0f tl oulv afforded by the'interposition ; mj jg^ of the Dominion government. Wr should be very sorry indeed, and very uiijnst, to attribute the tragedy to the instiijiuioii of tho Catholic body. Both the Bishop and the lead- , iu-Catholics of the city of Mou- .rrt-al did their j utmost to restrain "tho passions ofjtheir people, and to prevent any in'erferenca with the^ . proposed Orange 'procession.' The bloody deeds^vero jierpetrated by ru^i.ius over whom no church can imjpose a contrplling influence. They are only to. Ve l^ept in order by the strong arm of the law, and that arm was paralyzed by the criminal inaction of Mayor BeanJ dry. So far as the Orangemen were concerned their forbearance is deserving of every credit. 'J'hpy . waiveJ entirely their right to walk in procession at all, and attended church few in numbers and singly, or in small groujw. They afforded no- provocation for the outrage yet prtnvk-d, and have uiet wlth^a poor reward indeed for the moral connive and self faci-itice which they displayed in the interests'L of j>eace"and oncord. ie iiiunlcr perjsetrated in our save when in a row. War -Notes. The position of affairs in and . around the Balkans is assumiuga critical aspect for the-Turks, and in the region of the Qiuidrilatei-al the latter also appear to' be sorely pressed. Twenty-two thousand liussiaus have"crossed tho Balkaim, and their forces dot th country for wiles on- either side of this tuoontaiuouo barrier. From pres ent indications the Russians appear to have three points'-of attack on Ruiutrlia- A great Imttle is report ed to hare been fought tweUe miles from Yeui Raghra, in which -the Russians were defeated and driven back into the Balkan fast- nessei In Bulgaria, between the Balkans and the Danube, the Rus sians occupy the road from Bela to Tersterii-k, and are gradually 'clos- TIIE TWELFTH IN SlOXTRE-\L. (From the JJontrtal Star, July llift. U[>on the calmest consideration of the events of yesterday, and in view of tho enormity ot the dis grace east upon the fair name of Montreal, it is hard, indeed, to coolly review the shameful disorders perforated under the Very eye of authority, wfe cannot too strongly condemn the. inaction nhieh was observed from the first, by those in whose haiids was reposed the care of the public safety.'- Ample warning was given of tbo probabili ties of the day, but no preparatory action, calculated to keep the streets cleiirnnu obviate tho chattcm of a collision/- were taken; The Police force, as a fact, was held back until innrder had beon com mitted, ahd- the mob held posses sion of thfe streets, aDd even then, when representative citizens waited upon the Mayor, and asked bitn if ho had made*any further! arrange nients for preserving the peace of the city, they were told : " We are doing all we can to have good order [ireserved by the duly appointed' civic force, tho Police," and: when the Chief of Police, an officer whose hands appear to have been tied all day, stated positively that he need ed military force to,assist his limit ed organization, he wna told by the Mayor that be was not inclined to cull out the military. Tho deputa tion wits. treated cavalierly, the Police "" Superintendent snubbed, und- all that was done was to rend out a detective to see if the crowd were still in the streets. The Mayor could not pretend that the elements of disorder had not been apparent from an early hour in the day. It was made plain that the gangs or roughs Who congregated in the streets were bunt iippn mischief, and waited only the first pretence of a cause to commence trouble; and upon the slightest demonstration of a ous-ter it. We have d'mUts about eveh that acquisition, nnd would not favor any movement towards it from this side. Coming from the stronger party it would be misconstrued and excite opjx\sition. '1'he chief gain would be Canada's, and when sho sacs the matter in that light, and really knocks for ad mission, as she probably never will, it will be time enough to consider the question." I. The ForeicniCrop Report. London, July] 12. The Murk L'ini: Eje[ireKS weekly review says tho yield of hay is good ; wheat does not promise so well, and there is not likely to be more than half a crop of barley premise the best Beans and 'peas of all. The itn The- Grand Encampment o1 Odd Fellows will meet at Bel villa on the 31st inst., and the Grand Lodgo of Ontario on the following day. The Perth Krponifor learns that a parasite has attacked the grasshtippors nhon't Lomlmrdy. It bores a hole under the wing and kills them. It is disheartening to bear that the complete autobiography and confession of John D. Loe, tbo exe cuted Mormon Bishop, will be pro-. fu3ely illustrated:' So many guests were at a Lon don wedding recently that the cere mony was repeated for the diversion of those who had not witnessed the first performance. . The Pickering, Reach, Schu- i{og, and Port Perry byOaw, grant ing $90,000 to the Toronto and Ottawa Railway, was carried, last week by a majority of 273. ^Tho Hamilton papers record the death of Mr. Field, an old and respected citizen, und for many Eiimnoipation Day Will bo oolubniled i*i Gruolpb in grand style, The Dunlun campaign Jn Tor onto is beicg oarrietr on with great vigor. s Tho sensible law against carry ing fire arras is being generally en forced. "; James Massie it Co., of Gnelph, have oalled a meeting of their creditors, It looks as if Vennor forgot himself, when he predicted a dump, cold midsummer. A> Cuban lady who wears f}\0- 000 diamond ear-rings is the sensa tion at Clifton. - A ladies' lioat race .List week on tho. harbor At Oodericb civilised considerable attention. Four Indies entered, nnd the struggle was close throughout. The Great Western Railway Company of Canada have issued a report of the crops in the districts traversed by that railway, which confirm* previous report* of the ex- cetleii* conditions of the crops. There nrd itro hew Crmlit Valley Locomotives en tho Grand Trunk rails in Toronto, one label led for BiiimjKon. These will be used on the Credit Valley main and brunch linvs as soon as steel rails arrive. A cusp of hoTHtcide hnsfocenr- red in London Township, the vic tim being one Bodfield, who died two hours after be'ing had)y benten by a comrade named Willis, Tb* coroner's jury returned a verdict iucnljmting the latter, who has bwn arrested and committed, for trial. -The Milton Cliampion ':B.vy& Deutlt In a Well. Aj day or two sinoe, something having gone wrong with a well on the premises of Mr. Levi Jtogers, near Drayton, one of nil sons de scended to clean it out. The well is over forty feet deep. The! young f man not returning in a reasonable time, nnother son descended to see what was the matter, and he, in turn, remaining too. long in the well, Mr. Roger also went d>wn to ascertain the cause of delay. All .three were suffocated by the foul air. Intelligence . of the disaster getting abroad, a number o( neigh bors, including Dr. Fames, hurried to the scene and recovered the bodies, to find that old ifr. Itoger'a was quite dead, while bis two sons were still alive. One of thu ltter is not exacted to live: AsPAkAOUS AS a Medicin e. A medical correspondent jf an English journal says that the advantages of asparagus are not sufficiently ap preciated. Those who suffer with rheumatism are cored in a few da>'s hy feeding on' this delicious rSClllont; and mora ehionie eases are much relieved, especially if the patients avoid all uctdn, wbejher in (food or beverage. The Jerusalem artichoke has n similar eSect in .relieving rheumatism. -It may be well to remark- that most plants which grow near the sea-coast con tain more-or less iodine, and in all rheumatic complaints iodine has long been a favorite remedy;| - One who has.been in the drug business told the Writer some years ago that many of the popular paten; nos trums which son*) disinterested people " for ' the . good t their feliow-croatures" sold "At two dol lars a bottle, consisted^simply of a solu tion/ Iodine is dangerous, how- e-ser, i overdoses, affecting mpeci- nlJy. the eye. Beirntijie AinricB. NEW ADVEKTI8K3IENTS. ports of foreign wheat into London yeara. ' me;,;,)^ of. *" w.ell-kuuwii continued larj/'.*, arrivals froru No theru Russia are less, the action of Gormany and In dia has prevented the weekly re turn from indicating any decrease of importation.! The estimated J grand gathering on the occasion, stock of wheat, in London on the and although the finm-of-Field, Davidson it Co. The Whitby and Port Perry and Li ml Buy Ex tent ion Railway will be formally opened on Tues day, 31st inst. There will ba a ing up around Rnstchnk. The capture of Nikojioli, which is nowH color, not borne by Orangemen, in ashes, has proved a most im port ant advantage to them, as they ,ure_'now able to secure their base of supplies, arid tb hasten the trans portation of troops, as well us sup plies, by unimpeded crossings of the Danube over new bridges to be constiucted in that yic'mity. In the west the Russians are also inarching upon Wiliin, and their advance guard, when last heard r from, was at Loin Palnnka,- thirty miles by road from that place. In f the east the Turks have abandoned I the- Tchernavoda and Kustendji line of deieiice; Afedjidie and Moii- yoHit have fallen into the hands' of the I'ojSBiiiiii).; and the latter are now Kuuth of Silistria, which will !>e blockaded by. cutting the Qjmd- riJateial in-tWo and protect nig-com munications with the Danube. The dit>a_itrotiK news from: the B;tlkans has had such an effect upon the Sultan that he is now re- j>orfed to incline favorably towards peace, and even to have given W-tmyk Pasha,.atSlrumla, instruc tions looking to negotiations for a -termination of hostilities.: The ". " Mjftas-are clamorous for" the. prdula-, mation of a holy war, but this .thsj! P.jrte has defei}red until the Rils-f ( sians threaten Adrianople, an event! which, from present ajipearauces, is by no means distant. ~- From Asia conies the important . intelligence that afi thp tribes, of the Caucasus have risen in revolt against Russia, and have captured all the important outposts. Meli- koff, the Russian General in coih- \jinand near Kara, is entrenching himself at Barukdar'a and awaiting. MB attack. <Shou!d he be defeated but by unprotected women, they broke out, and the result was the murder of poor Hackett, and the thrashing of Mf. Henshaw within an inch of his life. 2o precautions appear to.have'been taken to avoid K'collision such as there was reason to expect, even, with the Orange-, men giving up their intention of walking; on the -contrary, every latitude was given the dhsoiderly, and despite the volume of force actually at band to repress disturb ance, it may be said that tho mob was wantonly allowed to tako pos session of "the city .,fuid u-urk its nefarious will unop]>Oiied. Tht- citizens of Aloutreal v.-ill nut, u-e aro sure, allow such trifling .with an immense res]>ousibility to pass unregarded, but will; C?ll to a pr^vper account whoever is charge able witl period of disorder. TI19 Orangemen fulfilled their obligations to the letter. They e r lined from any act which might be by any 'stretch of fancy con strued into a demonstration. . They attended divine service, but not in procession as a body, and when it was over they witlulvovr in the same way. Their path to and from the clftiroh wan surrounded ' by roughs hungrily- watching an op portunity of strife; . while in the church hostile crowds were around the edifice, but tho Orangemen offered offence by word, look, ges ture or deed to none, and they must bo held blameless. The con duct of those who sought occasion of molesting them, and devoted a day and a night to finding it cur ricb its own condemnation. Hence 30th Juno was, !300,000 quarters nguinst about 180,000 quarters on the 31at of Mm-li, andlorthoHuuio periotl the stocks of flour and onts show afeo a slight increase, while barley has decreased some 20,000 quarters. Thu estimated stock of wheat in the principal jKirts shows a diminution of over half a million quarters on the j stocks in June, 1876. At the close of last week less favorable reports were irregular respecting the' French crop. A sharp advance in values has taken' place both in Paris and Marseille*. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------.^^----------------------------------------------------------- A Double Mukdeb. List week the people of Owen Sound were shocked to bear that Mr. George Amer and his son were in custody on the Manitonlin Island, on a charge of shooting ; a neighbor named Bryant and his son, and thereby causing their death. The cause of the sad; occurence was s quarrel between the parties of .long standing. Their properties adjoin and are separated by a fence. This fence was either; blown down by the wind or thrown down by the Bryants, who then complained of Mr. Aiuer's horses trespassing on their land and doing damage to their crops. It is said, on the one hand that they complained to Mr. Amer of the damage done, and threatened to impound his horses if he did not pay for the damage done by them. This notice Mr. Amer paid no attention to,' and accordingly they (the Bryants) car ried out their threats, and tied" theux up. Upon Amer going for them, he was refused, when both he and his son .fired, killing the father and mortally wounding the son. At the Coroner's inq'iest the jury brought in a verdict of " Wil ful murder" against George A. Amer ami Irabad Airier, arid they have been committed for triat. A school caso of considerable importance Was tried at the Huron County Court recently. It was an the prolongation of a -appeal from a conviction by two magistrates, in which a parent was fined 1 and costs for not sending his children, between seven and twelve years of.age, tb school for at least four months in the year, or otherwise providing for their edu cation. IThe conviction was affirm ed,, but no costs were given, as the law wuB new, anij the present cale was the Qrst which bad come be fore the Judge. jTheipoint decided is important: That [children be tween seven and twelveare entitled as of right to be educated either at school or else'wbere" for at least (he year; that if the teaching must an hour how and but continuous ital to what would' The .Grand Lodge of British Ttunplara in Kession at Halifax, has resolved to unialgamato with the United Temperance Association, and become a Provincial Lodgo of that Association. Burlington 1ms shipped ' this year by express, 1,650 cases, 90,- 100 quarts of strawberries, most of which went to Toronto and Mon treal. About as much again was sent to the Hamilton market; Two defeats ore said to have been sustained by tbe Spanish troops in the Cinco Nillas district of Cuba. At Havana great dis content exists Among the people, and business failures are numerous. An Englishman who is clever at anagrams baa amused himself by transposing the names of "Disraeli." and " Gladstone," which somewhat appositely resolve themselves into " I lead. Sir," and " G leads not." Messrs. Gowdy, Mills and Dun bar, three of the town councillors of Guelph, have resigned in con so quence of the state of public feel ing following their acceptance of an invitation to the dinner in honor of the Papal Delegate. The store of A. 4 F. T. Mea ner, at Formosa, iras broken into on Tuesday night, and tbe safe rob bed of about $300 in money and 950 in postage stamps. There is no clue to the robbers. The same establishment was robbed not very long ago.. Last week Messrs. A. Milloy, Miller Lawson, and Strachan were attacked by a sudden illness after pai taking of some fresh mutton in a'frrinerVhouse, on the 10th con cession, Colborne. It is supposed the meat had been poisoned by flies lighting on it after partaking of flv poison. The Joseph Hajl' works, Osh- awa. Out., report having sold 1,- 471 mowers and reapers in.,the. Dominion during tho present year. This looks at least as if with due business enterprise and ability, that branch of our Canadian manufac turers does not require additional protection. A strange death ^ in Natchez, on Sunday last. A negro woman became very happy white at church and, after,Buouting herself boarae, got into what the colored popul atipn call a " trance," and in this apparently happy .condition passed from earth. | , tbo Credit Valley Company has few-cents'werth of iodine iii purchased right of way through several forms recently, und ure about commencing operations. Gangs of men have already been put to work cntting thistles. It is tbe intention, of tbe Company to have n large portion of the road in running order before winter. The Dur.kin Act will be sub mitted to tbo ratepayers of tbeCity of Toronto on the 6tu of August. The voting is expected to last for about six weeks. Tbe opponents of tho Act have obtained GOO signa tures against the bil;, but the tem perance people aro confident of success. Tho funeral of Hackett nt Mon treal on Monday passed off without any serious disturbance, notwith standing the sensational reports to the contrary that were circulated during tho afternoon. In the even ing, however, a number of rowdies attacked a body of Oraugomen who were'returning from J ho funeral, und freely' used their revolvers, shooting, it vis believed fatally, a boy named Elliott, who bad cctu.e into town for tho day from Lennox- ville. One or two panics arose dur ing tbe march of tbe funeral cor tege, but tho rowdy element was kept in check by tho presence of the police and the troops, the former of whom accompanied the proces sion, while the latter kept the line, of march clear. A sensational ru mor wan current to the effect that the drinking fountain at the' ceme tery had been poisoned, but the ru mor was traced to an anonymous letter received by the District Mas ter, ana no word has been received in corroboration of the horrible story, Suicidk. An exebansp records the fact that Groeme Wilson, sec-" ( 1BANCE IN BIJ8IKE88. Important Notice. All parties indebted to us areesmest- ly requested to settle their icnmnU is> full on or before the 25th of July. . Ow-: ing 'to a change in thu business it is hocesury to hvo all accounts paid .pi <>nipKly by that date. Otherwise vbey will bVihnnded to Division Court Clerk far eollfection with costa. | ' GALLOWAY BROS. I Acton,; July 11, 1B77. -2-at XTOTERS'.LiST, I .' Municipality of ttie Vill&ere .ot Acton* bounty of Hilton: Notice is hereby given, that' I~Eave trinsmittcd or dohvured to the jjenroirs mentioned in the; second section of The Voters' List Act of 187G," the ies reqnired by ssid section to be so. transmitted or delivered oi tbo lies! made, pursuant to said Act, of all per- seka appearing by --the last revie<V,as- sessment roll of the said Municipality,. to be-entitled to vote in tbe said Mani- cipslrty si lestious for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that said list was first parte"! op i my office, at the Village of. of I Actsn, on the Herenfh day trf July, 18j77, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called npon to examine the sa d .Cst, awi if any omisaiona or any ot ler errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said n -ors corrected according to law. Dated at Acton, this 11th" day of Ju7y, A.D. 1677. l JOHJf ROSS, CTerk oCthe asrid Mil|ficipality. DEDstOa^TION HON CHURCH, AOTOl^,.': ^'.; This'wen-fcmrp>sF^otss-;j|L .Juj,'..; undergone a thMMgfc (m^JJ** repairing^ is new fontUad wit?** and modem furtritnre of the bist icT criptmn, and is jrspared te^Sf* iB^(d^mtw6tUtio4o, aJ^S* The present proprietor bM-SHff" license, and he will keep.U^ b-V*^f supplied with the very best of tu?* and oigsrs. The stsbliaiji u,^* well-fitted npr^so-a^fleVXSRiSf r Outsiders do' not tbiiik much of the munici[>aF nntl>orities of Montreal, whose helplessness, "or worse, at the prospect of a rpt on the 12th has been so notrcable. The New York Mm*s says that Mayor Besndry " apj^aled tb the Orangemen to please to be so good- as to be so Irirwi as not /to- jiirad<>, nnd begged tho Roman Catholics hot to hurt, any body if they could Consistently forego that phnieure. The only answer made to bis .pile-' ous api>els by both pnrtiea was the purchase of a few more' pistols. Thus it became tbe general- convic tion thut on the Twelfth of July Montreal would be'.n Woody Isintle- lield, itml it was only at the kt moment that.tho Oratigemen took pity on the Mayor and renoWed to prevent tbe further effusion (f b jb tears by abandoning their tbn-sten- ed parade." j W^GrG0N^ >"ow is the tine ta leaf* jpn jgfa - - At J. Ryder's Factir|' l - ' ,j . _ ! SCyAab Boggy or 8ery\e0U "":i"w ^ "., - ' - . ' - ~^~ V I am making up' largr ftMcfortkr '. present season,-front the is siatstia], *"'--^n1 Call anil'See our KwitUrmetwrfct Now is- a "good- tne~-t;'seqtf* bargains. ". . . .i.: Strict stteotin ftrtesvte ' aonc-sioilfl? ft itomiHtt*- ; .-' - - '; JAMJtfl6r _ Acton, Teb. 26, 1877; ' . _ f\\TJLR10 SADDLBB% ' - ACTOX MARKETS, Hoar . ...' ... .. $3 flail Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow Ked Chaff Wheat" Barley ... Date' ... .. . Peas' Potatoes, per bag Dried apples per lb Butter ... Egg. .. 5 tp 4 50 1 45 11 1 55 I 401> 1 50 I 25t>l 35 0 60 t>0 00 0 47 t>0 SO 0 75t>0 80 1 OOtjO 00 0 06 t'0 07 0 15 too 1C 0 12fr>^ 00 jErrs' Cocoa. (iiaTErui. and Com roitTlNo. "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral laws vrhich govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa' Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' ,___ bjlls. It is by the judicious use of such ond son of the late Judge Wilson,' articles of diet that a constitution may of Simcoe, suicided at Bay City, Mich., las'; - week, by cutting his throat with a razor.' ,- For some time past, he bud been' in low spirits, consequent on his ill success as a counsellor at law. j For some time he. held tbe position of city ( attorney of Bay City, and was a young man of great ability. four months in educated at home not be desultory, a half hour again and otherwise "eq - be obtained in the common school -1 of the Beetion. An Anrterican exchange makes the following caustic remarks : Peo ple who are neither subscribers to nor patrons of a paper "are, we find, the ones to complain because of something which did or did not ap pear in its columns.. In s'.ich cases their griefs go in one ear, with usj only to pass immediately put of tbe other. There Is, also, another class of people who are content and anxi ous to have, their effoits most ex travagantly lauded, though never even think of saying "Thank yon," for it j but let there, appear.the first Word of even friendly criticism and tbe parties ere immediately beard from in indignant terms. They are as little regarded as are the. flies which buzz around one's bead. begradually built up until strongeoough to' resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack .Trbirever. there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our lelves well fortified with pure blood and; pro perly nonrished frame." C5t' S er\-iet OatetU. Sold only in packets labe led 'Uames Eprt & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street), and 170, Piccadilly, London." Let The CongregartJonaJista of Acton iptend oriejiing their newly erected Church on Saturday and Sunday, ft 1st ssod. Z'Zd. 6-t July, REV. DR. IVES,OF AUBURN, M.Y. will preach on 8atnrday nj(prniugr t . 10 e-'dock. a-m., aftvr which- will be served fn tho-Bageiueat.of thy] . eburcn. Tackets. 59 r*nt each. 'j -- _ wnrbetrfLlftatbeCT-croa VU* *<=' fr,tbe rer> liberal patw^gt gyajas. erf the coDgreption, Ifter whjf fr . ^ "* ? ' ""* 1^*kt^ ** ADDBESSES wfV iWrresttJ W %h* arrant mrSa- ten-present. Aiaffaion 25 cents. Sevcntl ncssusters are iivitcil, viz z. Itc-r. t*r. Ives, of Anburn. N. Y.r Kevs. VT. Mbmebce, of Uoelpb, C, DufT, of Sptedsi.Se, J*t Caawortb, t4 Uerajjetrwn, C'merf^ fci KnM, vi Act,>rty a-vV Llario, t4 Cakrtloo. "^ " ' Oo Sabbat & MV>wing, DfriDe- Serrfce wiD be held at Kfe3Gia>mv-r \y Ker. Dr ives, of Auburn ; at H'ttyt.lm-, by Brr. Jos. UnswoTtb, of Georgetown > aad at- 6 o'clock h> tie errsiag by, Xrr, F. ITizff, csJ.Specdsfoe. . . ColIrcri wiB 6* ts& ujt tlr close of eaeit service. " T. S, AB5J3TKS f, Tbb. JAMES KYDEB, Sjr; , Acton, July 10, isfr. 2- QRACFS QEUBRATEIF *&, A fare Belief far the Sa^Terer. PBfcPAEKD BY SETH^VV. FOWL.E & SONS, 84- 1IABRIBON AVtfl'E, , BOSTON, MASS. ' For the Old and Ybane. kll'nse tt.-! " Weed's Imvrerett Balr KesMijatlve Is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable properties; re^ores grey hair toaglosity natural color;: restores faded, liry/harsti and falling hair; restore*, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pi tai-' turely bald heads; removes dandruT, hu mors, fcaly eruptions; removes, rrlla Mod, Itching land scaly dryness. No article producespuch wonderful -ieneots Try It, call nor Wood's Improved Hair Kestoratlve, and don't be put oti with any otherartlile.' tiold by a'l drnitgista in this place and dealers/ everywhere. Trade supplied at maB-Kooturers'pric-ii by C. A, Cook a Co., Chlcoeo, Sole Akents tor the United States and CanadniT, and by L.VMAM Bros,* Co., Toronto andHdDKr BtsmM same liberal apysAiUsi i --twa-ts* puhlie. ' L - .:.: .-,- , Alf (XtSns acxakterr W asy. eawlviS Imt ATICUtEat Vf> rSKBfsr. J KtaVllltl A* jsswr" Ifa? G94 Wpirimfi: X ' Einployat, :-'.^'-i:' .' Bajt5=.ea>i*r>- rgeaj^a*s>isik-. deaodas efaeayio gDe;:**lf'eaM* donefor: i .., * ;Iw wftstXeadSfasit '-' f-: :. \: jytTsTrAfgr A " . ' . '- - IL'Ctilpj&L. O; Ti BSI Strrx*. ACttSb SALI. The Gait Reporter says: The wheat harvest in this part of the country will be on immediately - in fact, some cutting has already been done where the. grain ripened unevenly. The crop prospects, so far as wheat is concerned,.are now pretty well assured, and will be the best gathered for some years. The late Storm in Flauboro and BEVEBhY. The Dundas Ban ner says: The storm did very considerable damage to! orchards and crops, and at Westover it ap pears to have been very violent, part of the roof of Mr, M. West- over's shed having been blown; off, as also the half of the roof of Mr.' Thomas Jemieson's, bairn; and a two story unoccupied frame build ing in the village of ^jVestoyer, known as the.'! Toronto .House" and owned' by" Mr. Jemieson was totally demolished. In some parts of Beverly the rain and !wind ao- companied with bail, whiobfell to the depth of three' inches in a Tery few minutes, but fortunately the hail stones were not very large. The injury to growing crops,'however, was great, and many fanners will long bare camo to remeiuber the | storm, . . j !NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IS OTIiCE. All personk': are1 Hereby" caut ioned against negotiating or dealing witl two' Promissory Notes, dated. July-. 9th, lS77,^for the sum of .240 .bach", s igned by James Gibbons, atid made; payable t> Geo. A. Zimmerman, the same hav ing been obtained bj false pretence s aud without valued ..,.;' ,v- JAMES GIBBONS. Acton, July 16, 1877. . 3-2t GBACEy CELKBRHffKD HALVE, IS a Vegetable rfflftparatloo, invented In tho 17th ctutttujr by Dr. Wil liam "tfritce; Surgeon Vu' Klns James' array. Through lis agency he rured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds that baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians of his d.v, aod was regarded by all who knew him &s a pub lic benefactor. ' PBICK 2S CENTS A BOX. CRACET8 CELEBRATED 8AXTE CURBS VI.KSII WOPNDS,- FROZEN LIMBS, SALT RHKUM, CHILBLAINS, SOB BREAST, I SORE LIPS, ERYSIPELAS, RLVQ- ' OEMS,CALLUSES, SCALD IIIaO ' CUAWED HA1CB9, BUBN8,' CANCERS, rBLOXS, SCALD'S SIRES, PLCKftS, WOUNDS, STINGS, SHISGLSS. - I-ESTKBS, WSSS, STIKS,.' WUSS ABCKSS, , JTKECKLIS. "StJ2ri2ffS, - SPRAISS, .BOl!.^ - filTKI, CUTS ( WHITLOWS WARTS,. BLISTERS, TAX PIMPLES, fOENS, - SCURVY, ITCH, :jAILS, NETTLK RAID, MCSQUITO AND- VLKA B1TSS, SPIDIE 8TISQ9, And Oil cutaneous diseases and eruptions" generally, For sale by all drag^Uts^ grocers, an* nt all couufy stores throughout the Uni ted States and British Provinces. Price by malisacenu. .'.',. '] Srowrtas^! - - I soot & sbctic- ^;: "7Ta2l raw, ' . Winded Sliad*." ; . iTaiij, aia*ti xhitir?'; raMata,'rohfceitv ooii pa'a*^ 411 of which will !> 6I3 lowTa? *, WALKEK LODGE No. ;t2I, " A.F. * A.M. ' The Regular Meeting of the above Lodge will be; held iii the MasonioHall, Acton, on Monday, JtJy 23rd, at 7.30 pl m. | JOHN BOSS, Sic, ^TANTED. .Ladies and - gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for offices opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address ManaoKB, v Box &55, Toronto. ----------------- ------T^-------- I -VT-OTICE to TRESPASSERS. AH parties are hereby warned against -picking berries or "otherwise -trespassing on the south-east quarter cf lot 28, 1st con. Enqueuing, or they -will hold them- eelves liable to prosecutfon according to law. J)AN. LIVINGSTONE. .; Esquesing, July 4, 1877. ^ l-2t BOOTJ3 a4 SelHag off at cert. Also agent for the RUBBER PAljrtC^ Of CleTelandi"'tSKW.,?y t. * Cash lor iWes*^ ^ictonj July 18, lOT.^-f lis r srefT JOB PRINTING of allklBds neatly and promptly executed at tb PJREE PRESS OFFICE, Next the Post' Offlee, Still Street. dozen dollars ad Ay rig* localities. Have no room Business Pleasant and 0 men. and boys and gl^V*** men. We will mrnishy**"" men. We -T--- i^ outfit free..--Tbe bosln^ than anythinf else. wS5ieo!iII. _ frt*.- loaat** Write and <^ .^J^2Sd^s**!!S their sodb and danghters, aao*gi.aW ^Te^WdW^SlS, Address! OKND 25c. to li-J". ^TiSsflWP*^ S *lew York.forP^Prifcgfi* containing t^^^irfaa?erM>r*' "-' Vtlsaates3how*cosI*fi^ -J*-* ^n mt^I^^^^^^^M4j}m^^%^^^Mn <v t^MBkA'M^il pMMiSi

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