Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1877, p. 2

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^ THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HAtTcfllf^COUNTY, ONT.,Ap]inJ| 19^1877. Iff* 1 iWnl ~:' PI S -I"1- if-a K;;;r=f;, "*"'* lH Be-;1 & Rf - % ~% - i m%$f Kr-UH* f-j'*' - eS Bp-'fliS fit! t'-'.El M si? Kgft 4:: M -iiii 'rlME At'TON IRLK TRESS Pjblibhcd Ktcry TlVai?dy->I.irnin;. .1. H. HArKlN^, Proprietor. $1 Per Annuiti in Advance* JO* M Hfcfcljja. EDITOR +T Ten and Scissor Select*. List<twuVa..'.popuVi(t*cm is 2807j Tho populittiou of liomlon, uc- cmling to -the census of 1877, is 18,808. EASTERN WAR NOTES. btfng uninerease oVci-Uni yair-of tforwiu'd Movement of the URntnit Army. \v.\n not yet i>i:cir>i:i> upon. Turiisii'.vv >lor.M>i:,iAviuL If, 1877. It was thought' ery probable a fo!w day* ago fl\3t a formal declur-' atiou of war..woHUd haTo-Jjeeii rii- Tiouncod before ith is tim. illut the latost report*; give nothing mora definite than that tho outbreak is Hourly expected. Russia (6* Raid to l>e in .secret alliance with Persia, and 40,Q0Q Persian troof*vrc con- centratedi on flic Russian border, while superior oflirrB of th Rus sian Southern liriny have ;bevn suratnone<i to S>,t. Petersburg to at tend the Grand Council of wary and consult respecting preparations fur' marching,'-; A latgp army jis-re|idrt- to have crowed the Prot-hV*tH.' atv stationed along the frontier. -Turk ey finds fault with the Servians for disregarding their treaty stipuja- tions, threatens should war break put to occupy any portion of their i territory." considered necessary for' military operations, and has finally rejected Montenegro's demands. Greece thiuks she should have- lier finger in the pie, and -so is getting up an agitation, Athens being par 'J ticularly excited. The Government and Opposition, however, are not disposed to give -w.'ay ito {K>pular opinion,"and so Udve agreed upon "not complicating- matters by the introduction of the Grjset element. The outlook is very dark, and un less circumstances arise of an ex ceedingly: exceptional nuture, the gravest consequences must be ap prehended. ' -1 ! :! The "most un-English of Eng lishmen." is how the London Stun- (lanjL describes Goidwin Smith, or Mr. G. Smith as it calls him. A new departure is proposed ,l>y ; the Grand Trunk Railroad in the shape of a steel oar to carrv grain. This is to be shorter than the pres ent- carr-aud as much stronger as stel is than wcod, whieb. will per mit the grain Iteing loaded highej- ' than at present. The new cars arie to-weigh six tons instead of ten tons. In other words, the "prercht"loads ten tons and weigh* ten tons, and the new one will load eighteen tons and weighs six tons. Cars of the new model are being -experimented with. to mitnlxir lit and is constantly in creasing. Brampton will celebrato Queen's Birthday 'by gnniCTj etc.-, >> the drtvjlig park. Goderich has a curiosity, in the shiipe of an old horse. It is nearly fifty years of ago. The Ayr ngricultttrul works of John Watson employ 70 hands, and |>ay S?*J.r>,00t) yearly in wagos. A new comet lms been discovered moving slowly {towards tho north star by Prof. Swift, of Rochester, if. v.. 'Y.: . i . The Own (7etn, loaded with Ca nadian gooils for the Australian Exhibition, arrived at Molbourne ou March 6tb, J. O'Connor Power, tho Liberal member for Mayo, Ireland, will re sign his seatln ParlLitnent and set tle in America. Close season for Pickierel and Maskinonge is from 1,5th I of April to 15th of May. Trout fishirig- legitis'lst of M"ay. Many a man who complains that he cannot keep his head above water, would find it easier if he .did not so often keep it-above spirits. The close season for bass is from the 15th of this month till tho of June, and for trout from tho 15th ofjgeptember till th 1st of Janu- I' April 26th wili be obserred as a special day of prayer throughout the Stato of M.innesoLa tor. the an hibilationof-the grasshopper scourge this seasou. On Nrondny t^B Ibifly Globe was { rintrd 'front'aj-new" font of typ^ manufactured . at the Dominion Foundry at Montreal. On that day, alsp it* pages were stereotyped for the'first time. : i ; : ' I The tobacco factory of W. M. MacDonald in Montreal employs eleven 'hundred hands- The total area of its several floors is five and three-eights acres. I ' Mr. Grorge Sandilnnda, who gave up the position of/ Manager of the Bank of Commerce at Guulph to bo- come its local Director, had been CoNHTANTiNOri.K, April . 17. Tho Chinoaeipopulatioiiof Xocoii-.. Huiioiraof.thprobablo overthrow "of- Kd'hetiv Pasha, Grand Via;r, art) Gnelph's Annirer> FITtEeth ,sary, Extensive prejjarations are being rnnde for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Guelpls'a birthday, 'tsjhich is on Monday,- the 23rd inst. The" day has bten !proclaiuied a_ general holiday. Invitations have l>een 'extended to Sir A. X. and Hon. 3jr. Justice Gnlt to be pres-' eut, as their father founded the .town. Anfajfiiticent procession-is ;i>eing annhged, in-'wiiich all the first years' now living in the nei^h"borhood will take p;ir't. Kxcni-sion trains are to be run on the Great Wtsstjern .and Grand Trunk R^iilways. The-town will be illuminated in'tlie evening. Base Ball Xotes.- The Diindaa/Aj;/;/<rr says : From the Guelph inpers'we |learn thaL there are no less than twwnty-nine hirse ball clubs in Gueljih this season and.yet the people up there find time' to *flive and oiore and have their bein"." Tlie Georgetown Young Canadian club has been reorganized under the name of the Red Stockings. The following, are to be the ofheersfor t'-e ensuing year R. Bennett, Pre- ) sidettt; S. Huston, Vice-President; <Jt.r .Roe; Secretary ; W: Morgan, Treasurer; W. Godfrey, Captain; A. Grieve, John Gain and Henry Thompson, field committee." The Hotel-keeper* and Daukin Act. the Xafa.vee, April 1C. The hotel- - keepers in Lennox and Addington have held several meetings-since :+he vote was-taken on the Dnnkin Act as'to the course theyr would prirsue when the Act comesin force on the 1st of May. A final tm>e.t- r ing wwb hfld to-day at the Tichborne Houae, when the following resolu tion was .adopted : "That all the hotels an|d yartls; be closed on the l*t of May-, and also that all the ^mrdere be dismissed, ofunibusaeft to Ite discontinued attending boat? <>r trains, and that no accouinio<la- tions whatever be granted at any of the hotels." - """ Terrible Calamity. Early .Wednesday morning of hist.week, tb& Southern Hotel at St, L litis, -Mrjwoiyi, wi -burned, causing the loss-of i from forty to fifty lives. 'The fire broke- oiit in n upper-story, and jf> a few mo menm the building'was entirely - wrapjied in flames. It was "six ttories high. The loss on the build- ing is alwut 8750,000. Thejnr>ar =-' for escape from the 'upper floors aeem to have b'ejpn.:.entirely inad-;- qnate^-and terrible scenef occurred 'iu the frantic efforts oP 'the people to escape. Mny weru injured be siiles those killed outright or burn- ! ed tor death. ,' curront. The 'Sultan's brother-in- law is named ns his successor. t A St. Potorsburg daspatoh says" tho Cfatr leavuH for tho army.alinoat iminHli*iitly. Ho will inspifcet tho ti-oopa, but not take |utrt iu tho campaign. Iu official eirclei;it is reprevonted that tho present situa tion compels Russia to act single- banded in a certaiu dpgreo. She is aloiiu ' tunong , tho Great Powors, having uiobiliiod. Tho abrupt manner in which the Porte, rejected; the protocol would tnako the do- mobilization of Russia appear liko a retreat. Turkey, it is ]>o}nted out, desires a : conflict and forces war. Russia hrm durihg thft last fivo rrontbd given n rate example of peaceful intentions and concilia tory endeavors. Turkey urges a decision by arms, and Russia? can not retreat. T A. despatch says it has been', de cided that the Turkish Cabinot shall meet daily-to deliberate over tho situation. It is reported that on the outbreak of war Russian sulijecU will be expclleil front Tur key. A Buch4rest dospatoh reports that the movement of the Russian army from Kiohonev towards Un- ghenui has mado oousiderablo pro gress. The troops at the points of concentration nour the Roumanian frontier are being continually rein forced, and the troops.from tho interior a|ro filling the positions vacated by those going to tho front. A Vienna special reports that a Turkish Envoy is -expected at Bucharest to warn Rounmnia that resistance to Turkish ! operations will be fallowed by the lo6S of her privileges. . ' Information has been received from Italy of growing discontent ment among the commeicial popu lation with the policy of the Government, and > movement is on foot against too close intimacy with Russia, whose competition in the Mediterranean is feared. A Berlin despatch saya the state- raent that war baa betm dutiniU'ly decided upon/iB not yet confirmeil. A fresh circular from Prince Gort- schakoff to the Powers has been presented with a Silver service and^ desjwtched fijom St. Petersburg. and S100 by the citizeni. Tho St. Catlharines by-law, to lend'- the Wellanjl Vale Company .? 1 Q.fjiOO, has been carried by a voto-^f 402 yeas to 452 nay* Grey'County Council, by a vof-e of D3 to 0, decided to: defend the Dnnkin Act by-law should its,vali dity be attacked by the licensed victBalera. A London cable dispatch to the Glofre says, it is; rnmonred that a joint purse arrangement between the Grand Trunk and Great West ern is certain. A bv-law granting a bonus of ?lo,00(> for the encouragement of local manufactures"-was. carried at Mitchell yesterday, by'36 to 158. A large fonndry is contemplated. The bonttsof 10,1)00 in aid. of the Strathroy, Port Stauley k Port Franks Railway; was carried in Cariloc on Thursday by seventeen -tsjijorityj- The vote was very largeyand the contest-keen. Mr. Wm. Dunn,^representative dairyman in Oxford County, has received seven medals .'from ., the .Contennial Com uiission one gold ; medal, three silver, medals, two small bronze medals and one large bronze meant which have been awarded him on his exhibits of butter and cheese. He has several more medals yet to como. ' "Mr.- George Biggar, who once kept a store in Milton, attempted to commit suicide in Toronto on Tuesday. He swallowed, a ,two ounce phial of laudanum, but a doctor waa quickly summoned who extracted the poison with a stomach pnmp. "Biggar who is over sixty years, has lately become reduced in circumstances, and is thought to be partially insane. A. fast youth of Blansbard ran away with a woman forty years of age luBt week, taking his father's team with him, which he sold for a. trifle over a hundred dollar*, though it was said to be worth $300. He vas captured at Petrolia, and the father brought him back. The boy Vaa'about, nineteen yeais of age, and was considered quite steady until he got Acquainted 'with this disreputable woman. - pri" Wednesday evening a.farmer named Peter Milne, of the township of Markham, while unhitching bis horse, was suddenly seized by three masked men, who gagged him and l>ound him hand and foot. They then carried him into his residence, stole 8220 in cash from bis pockets, rifled the house and jumped into his buggy and drove off. There is a vigilence committee in the town ship, of which-Milne is a member, aind.' after lying helpless in the house all night he managed in the early 'morning' to free his hands and to give warn ing to some of the memliers of the committee, who started in lrot pursuit, but up to the present without success. Mr. Milne is one of. the wealthiest farm ! era in the.township, and a lead in A St. Petersburg special states that the Koto has been confided to a special messenger for the difierent capitals, and will probably be pre sented on Monday. i A Vienna;/special reports thiit Count Andrnsey entertains no filriher hope of; peace, but trusts that tb.e~cunipaign may be short, so thai tho neutral Powers may force Turkey and Russia to stop in time to prevent the Btruggle becoming general. ' , Berlin, April 17. Two hundred thousand German colonists iu Sonthern Russia intend to emigrate to Brazil and other parts of Ameri ca to avoids the draft into the ai my. The emigration has already begun. Kacjusa, April 17. Skirmishing continues between the Miridites and Turks. A rising of neighbor ing tribes is thought.imminent.'.' Belgrade, April 17. Several collisions are reported around the Montenegrin frontiers between Turkish troops and tril>es of moun taineers who lately .assumed an insurrectionary character, and-were moving to join the Montenegrins. man. Brntalr :. A young man named Henry Macdonald, waa the other' day brought to the Ottawa Hospital ifor treatment, both his eyes having been goughed out by a brute named Morgan, away up the Opengo coun try, about two weeks rince. When brought to Ottawa both his eyes were out. on bis cheek*, and one was at i nee removed, The other was re placed, but. will have to be removed also, and the poor fellow will thus be left blind for life. The Frb Pre** details tho shocking occurr ence, from which it appears that Macdonald had been sent for by his aged father for protection against the assaults of Morgan and another brutal scoundrel, and fell into tho company of these monsters while all were on a spree and a fight ensued, in which Macdonald vanquished his antagonist and was then set upon by Morgan, who whipped him and then gonpedt out both his eyes. Morgan is now in Pembroke jaiL ... Ft be at St. Geoboe. A fire occurred at St. George on Friday morning about four o'clock, com pletely destroying, the foundry, machine shop, officeand storerooms of Messrs, Bell it Soil. Loss be tween 830,000 and 835,000. In sured in the, Manufacturers' and Merchants'Mutual of Canada for 2,000. Cause of fire unknown. ThCampbell divorce otto has at length been- decided 'tlio bill for nljliony for Mis, Ganipbgll hav ing b#n caitiml|on Thursday in %l*-Sanat-by ititt caBting3rpt of tho Speaker trfter two ties. A man named! Linton* living in Hamilton, was found dead iu hits bod on Friday, iHo is supposed to have committed suicide. The tongue--was cut out of a val- imblo piilob cow belonginu to Mr. -Kirktand,'of Piiblinch, by Bohib diabolical villain. - ArrJI JtAKKKTfl Kloiir ... ... ".. 8 Ol<l Fall Whoat.. Now Fall What Spring Wheat; Glaagow , ltt Chaff Wheat Karlojr ... . j' Oatl ... ,;/ Peaa ; ......... I'otatocii, per bag Dritd applet per lb Butter ..-..- . .," .. Kg>{. ,;. .. 60-to3'7A 44 to 1 r.o 40 to 1 4o 2^-toi 35 20 to 1 30 00 toO 00 47 to 0 00 C8 to 0 72 00 toO Oft 06 tort 07 20 toO 28 10 to 0 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T)lMOlutlon or Pnrtiicrililp. j Tho parthomhip horetoforo wtiHtinK lMftwcou^tho iiudVuignbd,. doing bujii: nosii nit clothiers, under tho Bfylo of Dickson i McNnb, has. been climiolvod by mutual convent, Adam Diclixoirro- tirinR on account of foiling liunlth. I -AI>AM B1CKSON. PKTKH McTfAR Jn conncctictn with tho almvc, tl uii(hiriti({ned would utinouivci* that tluiy finvo on.torcil'into pnrtnorahip to, carfy on tlio bnsinoiui of tlio Into linn under tho atyld of Fifo & McNnb. _ /111 liabiji- tius of tlio late firm will be diiclmrgdri by n, and we will collect ail ontaUiul- iiic account*. . ' -- . J !. '. I'BTEn McNA'p. Aotori, April 10, Jt>T7. PARC3AINS ! '"-* -: BAST ^END Em' COTOA. OltATinU, AKD't'flH* fortjko. '"By * thorough knowledge o( tho natural law* whicli govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a carcfal application of tho fine properties of well telected cocoa, Mr. Eppa has irovided our breakfast tables with a^dolicately flavored beverage which may mv many hoavy doctors' hills. It is by tho judicious uieof such articles of diet that a constitution may bo gradually built upuntil stmngenough to resist every tcniloncy to disease. Hundreds of subtle maUdics are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fata! shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure hlooti and a pro. pcrly nourished frame." Civil Srrvicr Gautie. Sold only in packets labeled "James Kvn. * Co., Hom<eopathie Chemist, 48, Thrcadneedle Street, ana! 170, Piccadilly, London." Don't Spend a Dollar nntll Yon have tried this. Wssd'i Ifaprvrrd Balr BrsUratlvr Is unlike any other, and hninorqual. The Improved tuiww. vrsetabl* too'o properUea; ffflorei per htr loftfloei./ natural color; r'store^ faded, dry, bnrsb lre TlKr to the hair; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; removes dindrun", hu. nvorv, soalv eruptions; removes Irrlla tlon, Itching nnd fenly rtrynrss. No article produces nch wonderful afreets Try It, rail for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and donn be put on* with an7ouierarticle. Hold by a l drugg.its n this place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied nt mnn"fncturer" prices byC. A.Cmx * Co.Chlcairo.Pote Agents forthe United Stntex nnd Canada*,and by L.VMAX Bso, * Co_ Toroato. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Q.IBL WANTED, For^cnersJ house work, this office. Apply nT B OY WANTED. A good, reliable boy, about 16 years of age, wanted to attend the livery stable and, drive team. , JOS. ALLAN. Actpn, April 11, 1877. WALKER LODGE No. 321, A. V. at A. n. Tho Eegular Meeting of tho shove Lod^o-will be held in the Mosonie Halt, Acton, on Monday, April 23(^1, at 7-30 p. m. JOHN ROSS, Sec. TNSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. RE MRS. MARY ^McNAIR. Notice to Debtors. ' The account books belonging to the alwye named estate, having been ob tained by the ; assignee, all parties in debted to the estate are hereby notified to make ;payment forthwith, otherwise the accounts will bo put in court for -collection, W. ALLrAV, Assignee, Acton, April IS, 1ST7. -tS-tt. H OUSE AND LOT In the Thrivine Villa*re of Acton, TO BK SOU* BY FtTBXir ACCTSO*!. Muedehee Skktesced. At the Sandwich Assizes on Friday Austin Humphrey, tried for the murder of Frederick Apple,;was sentenced to be hanged on the 22nd of May next. James Bethune, Q. C, for the defence, strongly urged the plea of insanity. I Griggs, tried on a charge of manslaughter, for kil ling his father in a drunken quarrej, was acquitted, death .being proved to be caused by a fall. I The Executors of the estate of tho late Mrs. Ami Clark will offer at Pub lic Auction, On Friday, April 87th, That desirable property on the corner of Church and John streets, consisting of one Village Lot and good Frame Dwelling. House, beautifully situated near, the business part of the village. Such a property will but rarely be offered to the public. For terms and particulars apply to Christie & Hender son, or to the Executor*. KOBT. KENNEDY, ) L, . JOHN WARREN, j j^ecutora. Wm. Hemstbbkt, Auctioneer. Acton, April 17, 1877. !' 40-2t , _________.__" JJKESS1HAK1NC MRS. BARBER takes pleasure in announcing to the public generally that she has started dressmaking in the house of Mr. John Kennedy, on Main street, and would respectfully solioit the patronage of the ladies of ^4cton and vicinity. I , Acton, Apj 11-10,1877. u.lm F ABM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers to sell his farm, being lot No. 26, 4th con. of Esquosing, comprising 100 acres,'about 90 acres cleared and under cultivation. Good frame barn and shed on the premises. For particulars apply to the owner, on lot 13, 8th con., Esquesing "Post Office. I PETER MILLER. Esqnesing, April 6th 1877. - 41-m /-1A8II FOR WHEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the the Acton steam mills, for which the highest- market price will be paid nt cash. . . / I B. k E. NICKLIN. >lctbn,.Feb. 7, 1877. 32-tf O YEARLING SHORTHORN BUL.L FOR SALE. "Roval BeAuronn" got. by imported Royal Oxford (Jwynno.2i70f> (35396), dam imported I^ady Barnes, j " Belli Dckk " got by j 3rd Dnke of SpringwcxKl [3087], dam Maggie Bellu, by CouatanccDuke [1144] 77W. "Acton Phincb" got by Zephyr '. [42(>0], dam Princesii Louise, by John A. [1687]. ' _ For price and particulars apply to C. 8. SMITH, Acton Acton, April 3. 1877. : 40-lm G LENLAWMON MILL S. Having thoroughly repaired our! L Mill, and put in a new ' I Middlings Purifier. | we are now prepared to give a bet-1 ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite aa good. I ' ORISTTNG AND CHOPPING promptly attended to..-' The patronage of the public re spectfully solicited. i The highest price always paid for any quantity of wfteat.' A quantity of aooft barley for aaljs. . 0. & E.T>3LTON. Acton, April 10, 1877. 4l-3! HORSE BILLS Parties requiring Route Bills this sea. son should send their ( Free Press rders to the Office!, Where tlioy can have them executed iu a worfcmnnfike manner and at s reasoniible rates. A number of tplnidhl Cult toyrtrctfroiA. Bills printed while yon wait. AHEAD OfTOVE DEPOT. WILSOfN & JOjHNSON Beg to think tbeip numerous friends and customers for the kind patron age hitherto extended to them, and Wish to inform them, that they' have now on hand a large stock of . Plain, Pressed nnd Japanned 'Ware, which they are selling cheaper than ever. KATKTBOIjGBISU a specialty., . ' I . i Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere, as our prices cannot be beat in the county. ' Being practical workmen, most of our stock of Tinware is made up by ourselves, and we feel satisfied that we cannot be undersold. ' SJierptkinHf Col ton Rage, Old ; Coji- per ami Writes .titktit in exchange for Goods. ' Repairing and Jobbing promptly attended to. WILSON A JOHNSON. Acton, April 3,1817. - 4t)-3m J^XECtTORS' NOTICE. The undersigned Executors of: the estate of the late Mrs. Ann Clark here by give public notice to all parties hay. ing claims against the estate to hand in the same, pno]>erly vouched, by Hie fourth day of May net. The Execu tors will not he responsible for" afly claims against the estate after that date. i JOHN WARREN, ! - ROUT. KENNEDY, Executors of tbo estate of the late .Mrs. Ann Chvrkv Acton, A'pril.3. 1877. 40-4t T Mi FARMERS. HURRAH! HURRAH! TOR Till BEST FepTOGRAFnS in the County, at Tht Oatorlo rhotogT&sfc Gallery For Beauty nj'Finish -Hiitl Urillinn ey in Tun', th"j caiuivl lir aurixittfil. I Now is the time to improvo your stock. 'ITie tlret prize bull.Sili Wil- ,'it.*M Train-p. thk Timin, (83), got by ' fcir Willinm Temple [223fi], aam Diana by Red Prince [t)02], will serve ct>W on the premises of the umlersigiicd during ^he season. Terms. Tlionrngh-breU cowe ^4.00 f covrs &I.cK>. > ' iJOEL LESLIE. Ixrt;>"o. 5, 1st con. Erin. April i, 1877. 40-3iu - COPYING & ENLARGING fn all it* branches, in the best style of the art, dono on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 41so a splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on baud ami made to order. _ A call is solicited and yon will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs. ' j Yours respectfully, C. \V.~ HILL, -4cton, Dec. ">. 187fi. SPETSIDE Shingle, Stave HEADING- MILLS. Any parties wanting Shingles would do well to give us a call. We will al ways have on hand a good supply of No.' 1 and No. 2 Shingles, No. tl *-l-;- sqnare. I P. A H. SAVERS. Speyside, Dec. 13, 187SV 24-6m Best quality No. tl bhingles $1.60 per No. 2, 70 cants per square. NOW THEN! ATTFNTION! CLOTHING STORE undersigned in tendering; their sincere thanks far tfcme- ' ^ " ie liberal support with which they^ftave been fkvo-S^0*- bers of tho late firm of Dickson & McJfab, woulcfb^*^ ion to their - - .' "* " laart^ The patrons for. post as.menfa to call ntten ion lie HATS At prioe& tha Inspection of ;DJ Exl Gal S^iRiasTG- Which this year is larger and better, assorted than ver, comDrisfft.1 . assortment of . r ^Ff * TWEBpS-Scotcli/ English, ana Doin^; Manufacture. \ - The tfttterns are the choicest in lie market. Oar atockiu AND OE^TaS' P^^ISazSte' Ja wel^assorted and at low prices, Cvttons, Prints, and Staple Dry Good* ; cannot fail to satisfy everybody. We respctfally' hirh. J-] our goofls. ' w^4*.:i. Acton, April 17. 1877. FYFE & McNA^ attj ty- 'eta'1 &00DS3 Boots and Slroes li- ! '-' AT F COST Rox One Month boos; on foan indej the) coin AAAII Can't be made by every II I1IH1 arent every month In Tk^fwasaa the business we furiiUli, JJljU but those wlllluu- to work can eaxlly earn a dozen dollars a day rlht In their own localities. Huve 116 room toexi hdnhere. Business plrasunt nnd honorable. Wo men, and boys and gins do ns ell us men. We will furnish yi>u a complete Robert Fisher Has everything that you want in j Tinware, .Stoves, and Kitchen Furnishings, - i - ! all to be sold Cheaper than ever. , OutOt free. The bi.alness than anythlns eli e. We nonse ol .tnrtlne you. Partlcu ors free, wrlti. and see. Fn rmerg and meci.anlrs, their sons and daughters, nnd all cIoki-cs work nt home, should ksrn about the work nt In neid of paying write t"> as nnd li once. Now Is .tho time. Don't delay, Address Tuns .* C< -. Auwusfa, Maine ppys better ill boar ex The Actoi Plow Go. Ato manufactu: ing the celebrated STEPHENS )N PLOWS, The 'Boss' Gang Plow They keep a full stock on hand,'and are prepared to do all kinds of Repairing on Plows, and also alio kind* of Lathe Work and .Jtrot} Planing on the shortest notice. Please eaUL and examine our plows before purchasing 1 ilsewbere, A01KT8 JOB Sharp's Self-Dumpinff Hay and Stubble Rake. Aoton, Feb. 13, 1876. i The S :m *?tiii- Bying;bought]the McNalir B^lTEETJlf St^ ."-.'".,-:. . ' I -. : ' ' ; . i' -" .'- --j.v ... V'111 run off the whole lot at Half Cost Prioe, atT '"..TT."^Z\'- ' '. j e*.1- McHakr s New jStore, 'Aotefe" This Grm&t Chance of: Buying yptir GoodS^ for orje-third the Usual Price will last W?-: for One Month Only. HURKT- IN t AT ONCE. : '"Ai!- audi aije epe] nd -audi -P" ceatl -doeij resM Thel "repf| . the .licftij kopi _ nerj Mi. Tl brail tyrif We. welD werq ifr. UUiD nasfl the amo| dre on fj Acton,] April An immense stock just arrived Brass Kettles, Porcelain Lined Kettles, -'> Lanterns, Smoothing1 Irons, - Milk Pails', Japanned Ware, . Pressed Tinware, COOKING BOX AND PARLOR STOVES, STbVE PIPES, &c., &c. BAV1ETROTJGHINQ, Jo^lneand Repalwuf; Promptly "." j . ' -. i ROBERT FISHER. 1 Acton, April 3,1877, 40-3m , aught^r will commence tkHpbfev Thursday, 12th Aprils L . 7\ , f- j. d; wiLLi.A.ittso?r & 11, 1877. UNDERTAKING. Theum the people of will furnish all dersigi ed begs le-iive to inform " Aqton ami vicinity that he Requisites on short notice Ifearee jiSta/jpfi V - Also in Undertaking ; md reasonable terms as be,had ted Hclteii - Desired. that he will-J : Fit up Snores & Offioes j in th j best style. ' ' :' Shoiv Cases, Book Cases and Desks made to order. . - . .1 FURNlTmiE BEPAWED, j Shop on "Willow street, nearMain at! P. M, McGANN. ' I ja'cton, March] 20, 1876,. _39-6m '-x- 'To ttoe-Tforkilla; Class. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole of the time, priori their spare moments. Business riew;,' light arid profitable. Per- eoiis cf either box eaator earn from po cents to 5 per evening, anoTa proportloD- al sum by devoting their.whole time to the business. Uoys and girls earn nearly aa much as men.| That all wtso see tbfs notice may Bcnct their address, and test the business -we tnake.tuis unparalleled oftT: To such sis ire not Well satisfied we will send'one doll ar to pky.forthe trouble of writing^'-Fal; pnriloulars, samples h orth beverall dol lars to commence work on, and a cdpy of Home nnVKlreslde, one of the largest and' best Illustrated Public cations, alt Rent free by mall. Reader, If you-wnnt-yermrnenti profitable work* address GEORGE Stixsox iCo., Portland, Maine. PA 1 NT IHU AXD - . . .,.:-, sj .;:...; Paper Hanging The undersigned is prepared to do &; ' kinds of - :;;'. i1 Hotise Pamtinfc'galgorni>Ja*tk and Paper HaninT - ;|... in the-very best manner, and^oa iMataj.:; : ablb terma. ; .:-!. : Residence corner of John sadia*!_.p; streets, Acton, i L^Z&^*a>h' ^cton, |Feb. li, 1877. . ;.--^:i..; nnO BREEDERS.' :." ' i r.$p.y. The thoroughbred Dnrhaia -*2 " Zephyr]" will serve cow* on ta8^"? j . of the subscriber, near the CnfljKr station, AcTon. Term*-rDar6WW<;. Grades, &. Pedigree- Z^J*WT1 bred by F. W. Stone, OnefpKjP^ ' Imported Sheriff (29964), aajaSaBafa... nefioth. :c.s.otna_ Aoton, Teh. 14, 1877. < - &* M& < '), who I -rvRESSHAKlMC MISSES -MANN, nounce ~to the ladies of fl**^1 i ity that they-have commencea i as Dresamakers in^the loosa* buUt by Mr>Edward Ma" " NickKn5* bakeryj Thap the public is respectfolly Dressmaking in the -best wans** most fashionable style*.' ' MISSES M.:'* M. S . Acton, March 21, 1877. favd ship m?< Jtt^ Crockery and Glass*srswf.' mgoff.tco.t.tthePo^^g^ Co at! 'rtc.1

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