Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1877, p. 4

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m fci II! -!yi- m THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY; ONT., MARCH 22, 1877, j H! that's lass- nno is thim baik.mi; r Oh, who is tin's baimie that svb> on my _ knee i Oh, I wonder whose baimie this kiirhic ' can be? / _, ' This lK>nni_wre tuousir,.! Thi\vm chaotic pupsiiy Oh, it's-hiy aiu.wcc Kiiniio ' ing at "inc. , r Oh, who is this'hairnre tliat sits on my kneel Oh, 1 frontier whose hhirtiic thia baitnie an.-ho? , ' -1 Wi' checjkVlike the elictry, An' lips like the U'rry. :"" i ' OhV-itV my in weo-hairnio that'" kiss- . -ing at mo. ~. ,,Oh, who is this k-urnie that'sits on my kuee! ; Oh, I wonder whose Ivxirnie this kiirnic :c.n bo ? Wi"' Ixmnio wot' bosoy, Saowami and sao ooty. Oh,.it's my ain wee k-urnio that's kiss ing at rue. - :SC?HE Rotmncd to -ilic Office of the Clerk of the P CTXiE OIF1 QOZKIl^ euoe for the County of Halton, for the Quarter ending the Thirteenth day of Marjch, jLD. 1877. Name of I'rosecSto -T my Oh, who is this hairnio that sit* on knee! Oh, I Vender whose bairnlc this lvairnio can be t -, - Wi' bbnuie brown' lireuty, . An' wee moutliy dainty, Oh, it's my aih weo bairnieL that's kiss ing at me. ' '[) Oh; who is this bairiiie Uait sits on my ,:- knee? Oh, I wonder whose bainiiethis baimie can be?.. Thia bonnio wee Iambic, Sac found o' its innmmic, Oh, Its Just my aw Kiirnic that's fond, toad o* me Thomas AVilliarus.. M. Conway Jam 8 AJ'Krnsor - Daniel Miwiley .. John O. Ilnrloy .. Jolin O. Hnrloy .. .lolin (i. lluidov .. Mol.n G. llnr.oy . . violin U. Hurley .. Abraham"Net!nn: . John .. Hurley .. !olvn O. Hurley . . tiluhit Kev. Inspector nlaiui Kev. liifjioetoi Oun 0, Harley ___ 1 Sarah Munn .... .lumes At IVaser.'.'. . . James A. Froaor .... James A. Krnaor .... Joseph II. Jneksou .. Ueorge itydcr .... William Vyse. -___ James A. Kraxcr .... Jane Scribor .... John Cooto liobort-Coutes .... Mama of Defendant. Charles MoCurty .". L. Hurlburt W. Scott John 0. IInrler .'.. 0. Kenton John Morgan .... John Urundon ... 'olin li^aiulon William Dundas . ..; John Marin .. . Charles Williams... Thpmlis Kdgar ' ... Neil .-'Keith ; - . . . John IMokej* ... |Jplm F. Greenwood. John Jfti"iin * John tdnlliday Joini Cooto William Par (low . .. Win. John Robinson lames lictiuire ___ David Mnnpy ... Thomas II; Oampboll James r'ofbes Stephen i*nlshow Jnrues Bowman .. Nature of Charge. > December 27, :1870. Dpoembur 27, J876 December 27. !1876. Dotbbor 14, 1870 '.. (leUiber.'JO. 1870 .. November 18, 187.1 November 18,; J87fi| Drunk Rtid diorder)y Assault > .... AftfAUlt Assault Drunk Ansault ...,". Aa^aiilt Iiiileccnt lungunpo Indecent language larceny i .... Drunk ___ ^runk .... Violating Mat. 31 Via-, enp. 8 Violating-! Stat. 31 Vic,, cuip "-' Drunk and disorderly ..... Assault and threatotiitur- ... Selling liquor without license Selling lii|Uor without license Selling liquor without licetise Tereatening to'thopt ...... Breach of the peace ...... Hicach ol iho peace' .....<. Selling liquor nftor 7 O'clock Saturday uight .....i February 20. Arnault ..., ......ijFobruaiy 7, Vgnint \ , , . Ujstnrbing worship Date of ('onviction. Nau.10.of 'duivioting .Justice. November November December 7 1870 Docember 12, 1870 Decembor 12, 1870 December 15, 1870 Deoembi r 15. 1870 Augusts:), 1870 .. July 31. 1870 January '), 1877 .. January 22, 1877 .. .Fanuary 22. 1S77 .. February 17 1877.. February 14. 1<*77 ^. October 20, 187 ." D. Hobortsoi. ....... . . D. ltobeitson ...... ..... D. Kobortson ...... ..... Thomas Huston and II. McKay ..... Thomas Huston ..... .:... T. Huston, W. McLeod nnd'H: McKny T. Huston, W. McLeod and II.-McKay Fiuo, necember 22 January 23, IS' 18,' IS7fl;T. Kitstonj W. Method and H. McKay,. 18 -1870fl'. Huston, W. Mol.eod nnd H. McKay. 'll,, MoXivy nod Thomas Huston .....' l'boinns HuHlon...... - ..... Thomas Huston" i.....,...... ThotiitiH Huston and 11. McKay, ..... Thomas Huston and H. MoKiiy .___ W. Wi Hoo and II. McKay ..... 11. McKay mid-J. H. Barbor .,.,. D. Hobertson and K. Dickson. ..... S Center,"li Dickson. F Hurclay, G Smith Uo do do do George Smith and E.Dixon ..... N. MoUarvin...... ... N. McGaivin " ...... .... (i. Smith, Fv Marclay anil S. Center. . S, R. ^ tpr iind J. Menzios .... Joseph' Keatlierstone and F, Calling Joseph Featiierstono ..: .... 1877. 1877 1870 The Meanest Man. It turns out, after all, that iho meanest man is "rtkjt tho uuui we re- ffurred to the otheft1 day, who split up bis wife'6 tombatone. Burrows is even meanerthan him, . Burrows was an inveterate tobacco5 chewer, tut as bis wife dettwts the-habit, so ho always chewed when away dar- ing U?e day, and" declared to his wife that he luid stopi>cd perma nently. iBut one evening, upon .entering ihe front door, and draw ing out his huidkerchief,'bo acci- \ deitly pulled out bis pnper*~of i tpbaceo, and -without noticing it, felt it lying on the floor. When Burrows Bat-clown to tea, bin wife waited in with the toliaccp in ber bund,'and looking Burrows firmly '"'in' the eyo, said : " Do you know wbo that belongs to ?'.' With great _ presence of mind Burrows turned scowling to >ki8 eldest boy, and "said, with a seyere voice, " Immortal - Mars : Is it possible,that you have begun to cbew tolwcco, you 'young reprobate. Commere to me, sir, or Fll tear the jacket olT you." And, as be spoke, the stern rturent made a grab at the boy and draggecj him into the entry where he chas> ' tised bim with a cane. Then Bur' rows threw the' tobacco over the " fence, where he went and got it tj next morning, and enjoyed it d ing the day. " Merciful Moses !" be explained, when be told us afxHit it, "what would I have done if my children had been all girls t It makes an ' old man's heart glad -when he feels that ho has a. boy he - can depend on in sneb emergen cies." Oifiee'of the Clerk of tho Peace, Milton, ;14tb March, 1871 Timo Given, i 1 m>: 1 1)0 ; .]j 00 . .2 00 1 00 10 00 10rU0 1 00 .: 1 00 "i'(k) 1 00 100 00 100 00; 1 00 10 00 20 00 120 00 !2o 00! Ti'ooi Time given 1 ime given. J20 00! fl OOj :G*66| To whom poid byjJuBtice, If not p'aid, why not^-ijnd General Observations. Town of Milton, I Town of Milton. Town of Milton. } Treasurer of, Georgetowti, Treasurer ol Georgetown. Treasurer ol GeorgetoWn. Troasuier of (ieorgetovVji. Treasuter Of; Georgetown. Treasurer of Georgetown. Inspector Inland Revenue! Inspector Inland Revenue] Treasurer of Georgefowu .... . '.. fLictnao Inspector. Treasurer of Acton. License inspector. |TreHHurer of NoBaaaaweya. County Treasurec. Not paid. l Bent ,to j'iiit for80 day^, i Not paid. Sent to jail 2 mociliB ' ,'1 indefault of payment Bound over to Keep the peace. Bound over to keep Che peace. Sent to jail lor one Hiontb. rpo BKEltDEEg The young lington Chief,'! Guelph,has btjen pure! Berkshire Soar'*., - l^v T_l.", *!' bred ^.QMOhiS1 will U kept Mr a^iletolJ* "" ' ooypining this -;" ' froin importcc pedigroe. Terns |l.0O,'to time ofservic4 " I certify that thu foregoing ia a cono|t Schedule of tjoiirviclions returned to myiofljco for tho Quurtor above mentioned. JOHN DEWAR, Clerk of the Peace, Comity Halton ,_L_________ /flASH FOR WHEAT. Ady quantity of go{<d tuorohaiitnblo whcat'Wanted at U10 the Aetna steam nulls, for which the. Iiighcst .markot price will bo paid in cash. H, & E. NICK.UN. Acton;\Feb. 7, lS77.f 32-tf - the IiiK- " Good morning Donnelly ! I bear your daughter has a baby; isr vit a boy or a girl f "Sure, miss, and its ineself as doesn't" yet know for the life of me if I-rm a gnind- fatber or a grandmother." : -' A. gentleman had occasion to correct bis danghter, aged four,- re- ..ce^lj. AftCT it was over and she sat a while, she. went to her mother and enqnired.1" Dont you think it ; wou'.d do papa good togo out doors?' A feUow at a cattle show, where bo made himself conspicuous by his bluster, cried "out, " Call-these prize tsattlej Why, they ain't notbin' to what our folks reared. My father raised the biggest calf of any ,man round our parts." " No doubt of: it," 8nid a bystander ; " and the , nobfleaL" ' An amiable citizen of Burlington ; railed - to see . another wbo was : dangerously ilLj Attracted by u f festive pair of boots, in the room of the invalid, tho visitor tried them on, then turning to the sick man with much sympathy, he remarked, 'faapposing the worst-shoald hap- pen I'll take these boots." At a sale of hc4jseljo)d furniture '_ belonging to the late Mr. Stein of Kilbogie, amongst other intending - purcbaseis was the wife of one of his ploughmen. , When she arrived -the kale was going on in the draw ing room, on entering which she advanced among the crowd till she - came opposite a large mirror, in which she beheld herself reflected from head to foot. To the intense amusement of the spectators, she bfild out her band to her second self, with the exclamation, "Oh, istbis'you? How are ye the day? I -jthink Yva seen your-face in Culrosa before; but I canna mind your name." -} -. .A New York editor Bays he heard recently how a man cured a neighboE newspaper borrower. It is told jthos ;..*' Mr. Jones, failier wants to - borrow- your paper j he only, wants tp read it." ' Wellj go back and ask your father to aeud me his stipper. Tell him I onljnwant to eat it" The next eyening the' bay did qot come. 'Why is fashidnsbU society like a warming pan) Because it is highly polished but very hollow. . "What -is the plural of 'i| penny F inviHired a schoohnaHter, " Twopieo J" shouted the sharpest boy in the olass. A person who had been listenihg to. a Tery- dull address remarked that everything went off well__ ippecially the audience. HUHRAH! HURRAH! >' roit the BEST FHOTOGRAI'HS iii tie County, at Tie Ontario Pnotosrraph ballorr For Equity af FiiiUh dud Brillian cy in Tone, they cannot be. xurjxisscd. COPYING & ENI*ARQING In all its branches, in the, best stylo o the" art, dono on the shortest notice and-i at reasonable rates. . Also a splendid stock of Moujdings and Picture franies kcjit oh haml and inade to-order. 1' A call is solicited and you will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs.. J .Yours respectfully, C. W. HILL, Acton, Doe. 5, 1S76. rpo BREEDERS, -TEio young- thoroughbred Durham Bull] "Duke of Kent," bred by Mr, Stone, of Guelph, out of the imported cow "Sultana the 7th ""; by " 3d Duke of S^>ringwood,'.' (see 3<l .vol. Canadian Herd Book) will serva icows on, the premises of the undersignod,Uot 21, 1st con- Esquesirig. Terms For Durhams $5 j Grades tj2. ALEX. WALDIE. Esquesing, Feb. 1, 1877. 31-3m UNDERTAKING. Tho undersigned begs leave" to inform the people of Acton and \icinity that he will furnish all Requisites in Undertaking on short-notice and reasonable terms as can bo had Hearse Supplied when Desired. Also that he will Pit .up Stores & Offices "in' the best stylo. Show Cases, Book Coses nnd Desfcft - made to order. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Shop on Willow street, near Main st. QNTARIO SADDLERY, r ACTOIT. Thcsulscril>cr takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the very literal patronage given him the past year, and would state thai it is his rootto to do a . # - . 1 i ' Square and Honest - Business as heretofore, and hopes to rotaiu the same; liberal appreciation from -the p'ublic. All orders entrusted to my care will be ATTENDED TO WITH PBOMPT.NC8S. As none but Goad Workmen are ; Employed, Parties can rely on gotting a pood arti cle and as cheap as good work can be done: for. [ Repairing Done with Neatness ; C0X.&ASS A SPECIALTY. R. CREECH. Acton,Feb. 14, 1877. G.J HILL, Mill Street; ACT1!*, r ; ; CEALEiR IN STARTLING BARGAINS. GREAT SEMI-AMNUAL CLEtefflG OUT SlALE Now going on at WcLEOD, ANDERSON & COS GREAT in On account of certain anticipnted: changes reduce their stock pieparatory to uch change, , have decided to offer! bustneBa, and in order to the undei signed ' Orocorieo, -. Ordefeery,' Boots'fis. Shoos, - i ' I Vail Paper, TTinlCw* Slinds, 1 iTailff, -alasa, "Sutty, Linseed Oil, Paints,' Turponti&e, '; Coail OIL Salt, etc, TSow OE OK.G-^3 TO"^7v7-3Sr". is 'the time for Bargains. The public fairly startled'and antonished at- the startling cheap '..' being sold at the MAMMOTH [ HOUSE, 1 Special Inducements to Oasjh Buyers. DRY G tJ 0 U S, "$m IiM El|, Winceys abd 6ther St'apl^ Qoodk - To be disposed of at cost price and A large and varied assortment of- underi" T Acton, February 7. 1K76. DICK30W & McNAB. DECIDED BARGAINS IN Farmers, Mechanics, LiTborerSj Housekeepers, young and .oldi rich and poor, if ysUjWant to buy cheap goods, at the very Ijpwest Hard Ijime Prides. All of which will be tiold i lowfor cash. BOOTS and Selling off at cost, SHOES Also agent for the M. McCANN. j-"'.- v<cton, March 20. 1876. - ; 39-6m j BUBBE3R PAINT COMPANY ' Of Cleveland, Ohio. -r SPBYSIDE phingle, Stave Ai'D Cash for Now is your opportunity. Wo have marked tensive stock, and are determined to clear it I down the balance of our ex- nlK.uut before, spring. ; VVe are bound to make this the most extensive Clearing Sale we hiive _ever at tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of getting the largest lot o: goods for the least money, you ever saw in your lifetime. | I 1 l- REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. We must have the Don't forget the Bpot. money, therefore^,-you can buy g9ods very cheaj Bides. .Ian. 8. 1877. McL!0I?, ANPEHSON & Co., MAMMOTH HODSE^ OKOBGETrtW> Acton, July IS, 187JG. HEADING MILLS. Any parties .wanting Shingles would do well to give ns a calL' We will al ways have en hand a good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. Best quality 'No. 1 Shingles $1.70 per square. No. 2, 70 cunts per square. F. <t- H. SAYERS. Sp^aide, Dee. 13, 187C. ' 24-m w 4R IS THE EAST. QREAT SLAUGHTER IN LEATHER. As immense quantities of leathor is be ing manufactured into harness for tho Artillery Horses, the prices have consequently gone up. Nevertheless :e_, iKii cook: Is prepared to furnish all articles in the line of Harness, Saddles, Trunks,' Etc., at as reasonable rates ar ever. He is a practical workman, and ready to fill all orderu-'au quick, oaj good,-and as 'cheap an anywhere else hi the Dominion. Wi" All work guaranteed, "it* . Repairing promptly attended to. A good Btock of Harness, Whips, Brushes, Combs, etc., always on haud. E. K. COOK. - Acton, Feb. 20, 1877. A TON PLANING j MILLS AND ramp, Sasli, Door and Blicd .; Factory. ' THOMAS EBB AGE, Manufacturer of i ' ; ' - r " I Window Sash,; Doors, Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Requisites : Also Majter of IlffPE-OTBD SUCTION PUMPfi Lumber Planed nnd Dressed toorde in the best manner. All work guaranteed. Acton, Jan.,1878. THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. To Merchants and other Business Men iL :, '-,' :"" Acton, as well ^as throughout] "the County, the Free Press is an f .invaluable Ativertising ' - ' 4 Mediuni. BOOK Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds of AND JOB PRI4TIISFG / -? - v^^k^SssiiB. Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. /n are aricl JF^.3ST0-?t fe^Ci)OX>fe Post Office TH Store, The Subscriber, GEORGE YEMcN Is now prepared to o^er a choice selection of Grocteries, Grpckery, Glassware, Pjiper Wi,id<yvy Blinds^ %c. At prices that "cannot fail to please pyen those, who rail NO SPECIAL PRICES ABE Wall Paper4 As a trial of his goods, he is convinced, will be found to be the . advertisement. .-"' ' at the Bard Tiitaes QUOTED, A call is solicited. February 7, 1876, CEb. YEMEN Post Office Store; A^ton s: h ". ..The undersign House Pairjtingj - and in the very hcs| ih 'Residence streeta, Acton. Actons Feb. roti manner, andoaLlf' 'le terms. nV"--- of Jbhn/^jj^; earner H I877. - rr^f-: And all. buihfci Hand or.ifli notice. Beat qnalitjt 1.70 ; best 01 Any of; the when requiredJ Any quantit change foi; any the mill betwe^: , Lot No. 8j 2nd by mail addi-esi VHJred on uality - .R.;0. Esquesing, J|mi.,3, IS&. TH^'HS ^irZDr d_A.!ES ' It the latest styles to be rushed of at reduced rates. Also ' " 'GENTa' ; UNDERCLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS, Purlies desirous of supplying themselves with . cheap suit will find that now is the time to buy. --. ng requisites iW .-4.. ",-" thorte^ poaJig: No 1 Sbiajfa ^ No. 2only.70't'" above wfll WtWh^ r . of oats taken b";Ai of the borevielrf^td,* n Aoton nd M^ho^ w con. Eiqawioj to Acton"or" leg*. Ooile Taes Zgto J. ; lAte ' 'tit* OlaSI M Jtc. ' Sirs &, FpR THE %:4[-"l r.- -A^O best Only $1 ii TTiCK'SlFll '., ETABKE Is thp roosi bteautiftU theworkl. -Itecntalns hun'dre4s of On 1 ehn mo. plates" c, drawn and colort d cent* In paper co Printed in Germ Vlck's^loral- ayear. I Vlcfe's 2 cents. Address JAKJEf 1 paper co-ten;*! 1 in Ueirni^iv Sntf 1 Cataloetie JkJO yicitsr_ -ETABUE _ Are planved t>y leu. Vlck's Catalogue ..- cents. Vlcfe-B Floral year. Vlclc's Floral cents, With All my ttabUcal mm and EngllBhl. Address, 3i tfiiein \TICK'S .. CATALOCt Fifty pages-** scrlptlons of Umt and vegetable*' way to grow tt" poslnge slam pi Bnglh-h.- . ".. . evict's FkiRjITL 23. oenta a ye*i+ VfCK'sPLOWSB den, 50ceulslnJ- covers, $1,00, AddreKs,' ~ Jamk^ Vice. T O 3ST I . .Ml tenil --1\. -r v S - I - i&?' a VYemv tlni In 4-dvi^nce-j.., .- r FIJOWEB bUilo^peoplela 800 UldrtraUBOS, Qu^e. qnarterl7s35 _ "Vegetable i Ie3egant cloth ( ions are (urntea arid fiQWEK ami illastntlons, " of floweis, tx " from nature. . . Li Ana BuBAij jrT- ,ftoartly.*(i 111 jviex, Boettsstrfj ' Vier, Boeiestf^^pi nitrated FriW#^ ustratto-t.jMJ^^ _dsoftaB the verd ^.t^vII f<T tainted la ' X3UID*j <iVi ASDV*arr pair; rn e A beauUful Qoatt Tly t rated, and ooptal -* Flower Plate -wi Price only SH ee+t" Oral No. for 1877 ~ and KnglUb. ., L Vlck'o Mower act 1 taper 50 cents, wl h tSo ..--..- Vice's Oat&lagni i, ScenU. Addrws _^ . _ Joaraa.. ran *1S th tbe' lint Its fwr tft* J 0nst Issued 1 yegetaWs _ elegant elotfe rtrU*s**^Hf 1 " t f'^kVitia,-

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