Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1877, p. 2

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m !-<( Bbh THE FREE PRESS, ACTO^, IliVLTON COUNTY, ONT., MARCH ; 22, 18??- -.'.|V" AfTOX FUKE rKKSS : IV.-li.'.-.rd iivi-ry Thursday MumiiiK. ;' J. 11. UAi'KlNG, Proprietor. g-t Poi" Annum in Advance JOS M HACKING EDITOR I ThVrhhay/Mokninu, Maiuii 2i, 1ST". IVh nnl Scissor NelcetK. Tho Mnnitohaiis expwt ft viHit from Lord Dufferin nextaniniiier. liintowi'l merchants are discus sing tlu- advisability of Hbolioliiug tho credit system. -Tho immediate puv- f.U'..?.'!"!".L.0,ll:lj"A haln-st1' XVlKM mont of outstanding debts would relievo hard times!' The Grangers' To Oiro Iltird Times. : Several elements of iho commun ity uifo working for u common t)iji'ct.,' and their cIlbrtN fake Mich u direction that they should bring success. It. is ilgre.ed that tho our- Denth at the Brldul AWur. At Thoinuaville,~N. C\, tin tho evening of l<,uhruiiiy.22nd, a iiuni- bor of gui'sU Imd assembled at llio ivuidenooSif Mra. Forney, widow of tho lato Thonnm Forney, formerly N KW AH.y HRTlSEMKNm A <'han$re hits lieen "effected iu: tl.e Ontario Cabinet, owing to the creation of the new otliee of Minis-' ter of Education, and tl\e impoa-i trioilily of Uniting the"I duties of Unit otlice with those of-ujny other de- pa! tment. Mr. Treasurer Crooksf who, some time ngo became also Minister of Education, iris resigned the jKirtfolio of Treasurer, and will devote his whole attention to tlio affairs of tho Very important office ot administering the educational atiairij-of the Province. Mr. Wood, who has lx*ui Provincial St:cretry siuce Ju^y :167\r>. jlias assumed the portfolio of the Treasury, and Mr. Hardy, the member for Sout i Brant,ris culled into the Cahino , taking office aa Provincial Secre tary. '" ; . From present apjKjaraneesRiissia, England, and Turkey would appear _to be playing an elalorute gamt* at " cross purposes, - .Russia'declines td demobilize until Turkey has first takm her" turn, and until the siijiiu- t-are of the'[Porte, has been ufhxed to the protocol and peace concluded with Alontent-i^ra- .'mlmid op poses rhe. .protocol unless Russii ..pledges' lieoelf jfb demobilization. i.T'irkey, An the meantime, if we 'ui.-ty bcli'eVe an English forre.spond ent," caps-t,h* climax by declining to ', havo anything whatever to do with tLe protocol. ~- J The LoiAlon D-iihj AWr* pub lisher anfexliaordinary-letter from Rjine uunouncing a general move ment aiuoiiLj the 171 tramontanes, lookiug- to the. re-establishment of the temporal power. - Fighting h'rtj* reennmenced on the Tin k'j-BoSniaii frontier. On Saturday an obstinate engagement, lasting six hours, took place, in which both. sidefl suffered severely. ' I>r.' Simltz has determined ' to oi-t.-iiri the sense ofi the House for ~-'c r .igaiust a. liqnor law. Ha movJetl, o.i. Monday, " Timt it' is the op-.Uion iA' this House that the -inmufacture aud^sale of intoxicat- . J:i:lkjuore sliould be prohibited in fCiaada." i - ' ,- is settled, there. Winghani is juvjiartsl to nccotu- bi-eaking stoiio in tho now ceiiie- torv. ." . ' - v 8toney'Creek young girls nipli pledges not. to keep company with young men who indulge in the iluwing bowl. A team of English gentlemen cricketers of whom Grace will Iff oiip, will visit this continent hi June. ' Fifteen ladies obtjiinrxl the <lo- g'.tni of 'Doctor of Medicine from the Women's Medical College, Philadelphia, last Thju&duy. An anti sntokingnnal-chowing-U)- liacco society has been formed in Leamington: by a number, of pur most contirmetV lOjVora i of the noxious- weed. Justice Galt-Tuta given judgment in tho Queen's Hencli making tb<' rule ivlisolute with costs to quash "the Dunkiii by-law in tho county of Oxfonb' * i. " Captain Elior "Ward, the well- known steamboat owner of Detroit, lists made an assignment. His firilijjejwus caused by.endorsing for Caleb Jyes.^v 5tr. fCitrt'wrighfc lias introduced u bill mHho'House of Coimnvms to amend tho law tis|K;cung the in- corpofiition of joint s*.ock companies by letters fmtent, Mr. Wood's amendment in favor of putting a "20 per cent duty on a certain class oi Canadian manufac turers was defeauil in the House'on Friday. 78 voting for, and 109 against it. .'- * -: Hon. Mr. Mackenzie discovers a violation of the eternal fitness of things in two doctors,. Tupper nnn Orton, presuming to s]H*ak as rep- resentaUves of thefarinei-s. ; The mother of the James, toys is authority for the statement that Jesse and Frank James Rre now in Camilla. They are among the most noted and desperate burglars and express robbers on the continent. Mr. John Mackenzie, the Pre mier's brother, d.ied at Sarnia on Sittimitiv morning of ervBipelus iri itif head. The Premier left Ot tawa for Sarnia the samo morning, but was too lute to see his brother alive. imi organized with tho loading ideas " pay as you go," and " buy " chtmi> for caRh." The commer cial journals, njieakiiig^ for the merchants, aiiviso the refusal- of long citiditM. Souio farmers aro yet foolish enough to imagine that they gain by paying high prices ," on time" instead of low rates for cash down. Some merchant*!, too, cirltivuto credit customer)*, becauso they know that they can palm off on it debtor more good* than aro required, and ohargo more for them than n customer with cash in hand would pay. Thoy like an account on their bookH as a guiiran tee that tho debtor will-hover enter a rival store. Rut a 'merchant who does business in that way need not taijnieiit of erodit would prevent | of Montgoihery county, North Carolina, to celebrate her marriiigo with William R. .Thomas, son of tho luto J, W. ThomiiH. The jp- pointod; ho.ur hud come, joyous tones of litughtor had ceased while the ntiniurotiH fiionja and relutives took tlr.'ir jiIuciiH nround to -uwuit with eager interest, tho'npproach of the two who were soon to take tho solemn vows that would bind their hearts together " for weal or woe." A uiomeiit'd pausu and tlie.y made their appearance. Tho oilieiiitihg minister. Rev. J.-W. Lewis, of tho North Ctroliua . Conferehco took his stand, and opened tho discipline Hiid began to read: " Dearly bo- loved, wo arel" When ho reached 'the secon,d paragraph, which be gins thus " Into which holy estate these two pei-sons presentcoiiie now to b'e joined," find the word " into" fell from his lips, tho figure of the 1)0 surprised if ho uover gtit-a any | hridt> suddotily began to drop, vi l>ay for part of his goods, or if lie | first upon her knees, then silently finds himself shoit just when his obligations 'mature. Tho farmer who is fond of credit is suro to find. to his cost that ho has been paying high interest. TmuiIoH Atlct-rtitur. Win. McCIure, of Ingersoll, a dealer in horses, has lately varuoos- The Pai-.icoiTespoudent of the ed frm that;town .for S;m Fran- t j >t~ J j -.', J (cisco, by way of Buffalo, with about .Ljndon Tlmex draws v terrible pic- >-r ' : . , ,i ..:". , ?o()0 borrowed money und sixteen tare of the condition-of the interior ^nes he had lnux.hased and gave. of Turkey. ."-He. says that stories of Ctlubsiilnirin violence and ntpiiie ai-"'still frequent, especiallv in Bulgaria, Albania, and Macedonia : thai tere is up_ security for life or. property outside of thf cities, anr: that the Government continues to: -<li=o|ay x. spirit of the utmost in difference wiiich-gives little hope for its future, fidelity ,to it3 solemn promises of reform. The Tariff Question. ; The first vbtoi of the Session ^rhich really tried .the strength of the opposing political parties, was that on Mr. Wood's timendment to Mr. Cartwrigfi'.'s turiff resolutions. TLe amendment was in favor of putting a 20 per cent duty on a certain class of Canadian manirfac- tures. After haying enjagiil the:; House in discussion at intervals for five days, and having attracted the Kupporti.of a number of protec tionists on the Reform side of the House,-it was brought to a vote at 2 o'cl< pk- on F^riday"' morning, re^, suiting in its defeat by a majority of 31 78. The majority consisted.of: Ministerll- ists, 108; Opposition (Pope, (of Queen's), 1; total, 109. The min ority consisted, of : Opposition, 70; Ministerial, 8 : total, 78l V Dr. Octon tlien moved arijother ; amendment " that it be resolved that this House expresses regret that, the Government \tan not..seen fit to-8o arrange, the customs of 'Canada as to rielieye the farmfjrs of Canada from tih'e nnjust, one sided 'tariff'-irrangeinRnt existing between .- the Unjted States and Canada, etci" Ho proceeded .to speak to his motion, but was greeted with |erfecfc uproar; still Iip. continued to speak for iipwinds of an llonr. Afi adjournment of thsdebate wak liioved und voted down: Dr. Tiip per and Hon. Mr. MoKeiizie had u lively (ILsCHSsion, the former cha'igr - in^ iiie latt r witlj having causeil' the. death of seyeiiil memltcrs last . session in consequence of continuing thc-de'iates at such lae hours of thp niirht. . Mr. McKVnzie retorted w 11 a Btingirig rebukehy referring; to tlie-fiict that the Doctor had oh one occasion Kj>olfen for. three ho'ira a<|ainst titnej thus compelling that very fitting of six hours" of- which Iih had complained^ - [n consequence of the absenceiof, t'ui Pren'iier, atte.hdinf. the funeral iofiiis ijrother, the further 'diRchft-j si^u, jf the tariff i:esolutions has b; ^ii,postponed. his notes" for. A.. T. McCord, broker, Toronto, has made an assignment. . His to-' tal liabilities are '.$240,000. The are attributed to- obligations incurred _ in connection with the Cinada Organ Co., and to. specul ations in real .estate; and stock operations. Messrs. Ri.A^Hoskiu oi Co., auctioneers, and commisaion merchants, Toronto,- are: reported to be in financial difficulties. ; A girl in Quebec, sned a yoiing man for breach Of promise and got a verdict in her favor. The sum awarded w:j 40, but as it was not a'4arge enoiigh balm for her wound ed affections^she therefore got the case set down for review. _ The Court; held that all breacli of prom ise of.marriago cases were ridicul ous and vexatious, and would nol award jiigher damages. The jilted get put little sympathy down there. Divorce. From thie Detroit Free Press, it appears that since June. 1873, no fewer than 652 divorce cases have been entered in Wayne County, Michigan,-of which .37 have been entered since the begin ning of the present year a clear proof that Special facilities for di vorce arc a-standing temptation to silly heads of households to termin ate some sudden dispute- perhaps over a trilling matter by rushing into tUe courts to bt? legally jjepar- flted.'.'"": Grasshoppers. The residents of tho Northwest ern States 'are- working in earnest to destroy the eggs' of the grass hoppers-. Deep ploughing is strong ly recommended, and roadways are being harrowed and overturned with a view to eiv.dicato thuui in the State of Nebraska. The Min nesota Senate has psssed A hill appropriating 3100,000 for the destruction of grasshopper eggs, and the raising of more turkeys and chickens/ than heretofore Jto extirpate them is'.strongly urged upon the farmers, many of whom cannot retain possession of their farms if their .crops aro AKa'n eaten, up by the locusts. Intemperance lit Loudon. Mr. Jennings, "the former editor of tho New York Times, and now the London correspondent of the World, in a ' recent letter to .Unit journal writes of the alarming ex tent to which drunkenness prevails in England. He says. "J never saw so tiiuch in any country during all my wanderings, and they have been many. I know- verv well that .strong drink is -consumed pretty freely in the United States, but'in ten years I did not see so many, drunken men and women about the streets, as I have seen in three months here. In some towns every other shop seems to .be o public house. In London, the gin palaces would afford a brilliant light at night without the street lamps.- The poorer tho neighbor, hood the more numerous thev are." falling backward on the door in lifeless swoon. So great was the consternation of all present that ihey siii'iiuil rooted spell bound to tho-floor, and for a moment no one was able to render assistance. Then there was a rusli she was borne away from tho room To storatives administered, everything tliat kiidness or human heait could suggest was done to bring her back to life and consciousness, but.all in vnin. The tidict liiul gone forth, and in a few minutes she who was -o have been a happy joyous bride; exulting in the fcongratubitions of friends, and participating in ihe .festivities of the occ-tsion, was the bride of death.. WAiiKisit mih;e X6. :ii, a. i. a a.:n. - | i Tho Itegular Meeting of the ^nbovc Iiinlgu will-ho liuld in thu Mnuimic-ilnM, Acton, -on Mumlny, Maruli 2(ith, rtt7:30 p.m. JOHN ROSS, Kuc. |^d:!:ssmaki\<;. . MISSK8 MANN respectfully nn- niiiiuuo to tho ladioB.of Acton and; vicin ity that thoy linvo coinnicncud biiH.inoaB nn DroHKiilivKcrM in tho houou recently built by Ulr, Kdwnrd Mnttliown^ nenr Nicklin'B bnkcry. "Tho imtroriii^o of the public ib rortpectfiilly Hollcited. llreHiimnlcinf; in .thu buHt nianjicr and most fashionable stylcn. M1SSICS M. ,t M..S. MANN. . Acton, March til, 1877. ' 38-8m - NIOW ADVERTISEMENTS. . /^JKAFS'ING. ' , | Any poruoii wishing choice frin't graft ed on upplua, phniiH, pears/'niul other fruit trens, please let mo know by. card ftdilromcd to Acton P. O., and 1 will scleot the grafts that yon prefer. An 1 do not -hire ln>yB to gather my cioiis from any fence corner, I can- warrant work and fruit. For tho last two years I have cut off a great many limbs that was grafted on by strangers to this part of tho. country, and that do not care what fruit thoy uivo ytm.* -^ JOHN ClWSWfiON; Erin, Crewsnn'a Conicre, March liZ, 1877. "^. s 4'IIOOL EXAMI-NATION. Cliicaeo Epithets. The following are epithets which the Chicago Tilling^ (Dem) tbrowa jX tho Bemocra^ici Wdel'8 iii a single-numlier : Mr..Hewitt is "a stale oyster," Mr. Hayard is a ." rock-rooted demagogue," and " paleozoic lizard," Mr.rThurmun is a " wabbler upon, a pre-Adamite political swivel," Mr^jL;Moyne is "a lanib," Carter Jliirrirton is "a bjg of wind," Ben: Hill is "a blatant- BoAirbon mountebank," .John rYoung Brown is " a blovlant liuiuMig," Lamar is "a backbone- less jialtfoon." and Mr. Kernan is "t political invertebrate." " Rkmcioisi.yMai)." The Ot^ tawa Fr&' I'n-j.-f says that just at the close of the lecture on Monday evening some of.theaudience began to go out before the meeting" whs dismis.-ed, when the Rev. Mr. Hunter arose, und remarked : "If there is one . thing more than another tlutt inaki-s a minuter fe<-l religiously mad, it is to. have per sons get- up-and go out of a'meeting in a church before it is dismi<sed in i becoming and proper manner. Of course it is excusable for ladies having babies at home, but for others- it is not." It is needless to remark that, there was-no further movements doorwnrds amongst .any of those in-the audiende. Tho. Public Examination of tho pupils' of tho , I ACTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Will' bo held on Thursday ancTFriday, tho 22d : and. 23d inst. j Examination to commence on 'Thurs day in tho 2d and 3d Departments, re- 8j)cotively, at 9 olclock n.m. and 1 p.m., ami in the 1st Department on Friday at 10 a.m. jircri*i-ly. Parents and fricMids of Kducnti >n aro ruspectfully invited to be prosont, 'Ac.toirT March 14; 1877- 3 T-2t TO TAVERN KEEPERS, i Shop Keepers. BREWERS ANP OTHERS appli- tiale of Notice is hereby nive'n that nil ennta for I^icoOHo f)r th'o tl Spiiittioits and Furiitcntcil Liquors in the County (tf Hatum for tho year 1877-78, must be made to the under signed at hi.s ollice, Mill street, Vilt'ou, bt-forr the tirst day of April next Applicants ninat conic preparml with thu names of su'rutios they propose to oli'er. ' Oiiice Days Tuesday, L'Oth .Saturday, '" \. Tuosilay, 27th -" '- Saturday, 3list " JAMES A. FHAZKR, ' .". Liccilee lus^rctor. Mliltoli,-March 9, 1S77. 37-3t rr IMVELKUS Life and Accident v.: Craine & Son have just re ceived a^'e O-'iSortiiHlit" of Hoots and Shoes suitable for this weather. Leaky boots should be cast ofi nnr,-, and a new pair be purchased at O.'diie A Son's. . Dansers of oal Oil. One -Friday afternoon a widow woman named Stewayt, who lives on Front-street, Strathroy, was severely binned while -lighting a fire with coal oiL She. was "in the act of potiriiif* the oil into the stove when the flames communi cated with the contents of the can, -setting fire to her clothing, and ilso to the furniture and carpet in her Iroom. Her. little girl, aged nine years, who camo to her assiut- jincc^was also injured 80 sev6relj that fears of her recovery are en tertained. "' ' " CDeath of Alxikn;. Alden, whd sliot Jefferson at Hamilton, nnd whoso sentence1 of death was, com- uniteil to imprisonment for life a short time since,' died on Tuesdny,. tho 6th inst, at.tho"Kingston Perri- tentiary. He had " been ill for sdme; time, and was unconscious for soijae days past. "Neith.r his mdtlver or his brother were present at Jiis deathbed. On the day after his death his 'brother arrived at Kingston and took the remains -away for burial. To the last; he maintained j that he was robbed before he fired on hiv^ victim. - It is stated on good luthorit}' that it would require a duty of at least two dollars a ton to enable Nova' Scotia- coal to command tho market jik far west as Toronto, and the imposition iof such a duty aa that would be hiinous to the On tario manufacturers. A tighwa^man boarded the ex press cur between Mobilo and New Oileanaon Saturday, shot the mes senger through the head, grabbed a S500 package, leaped from tho car and escaped. ; Grip is a non-political ibird, biit he "iff a great advocate of protection. .The latest cartoon exhibits nurse Mackenzie holding oh ber lap the baby Native Industry. Dr. Cart- wright administers Tariff Gruel (I7i) and homoeopathic pills. Tho wicktoom is lighted by the;, white glass window Free Trade. Sir John Macdoimld and Dr. Tuppot enter with the bluo glass Protection which they offer to substitute. The Niagara F<ills Gazolte gives the particulars oi a recent suicide at the Falls : A bout noon on Monday a stranger, apparently some tfventy-five years of age, dres sed in dark clothes,-with a bliick slouch hat, and a snuff-colored over coat/his face smooth, with the ex ception of an auburn moustache, npplied nt the upper gate to Pros pect Park for admittance, and after paying his fee entered/and walked along the bank to a" point just >below the tale race that empties in the riv-er, wading oitt. into the rapids. Just below - where he -entered was a small cascade, .over which ; he was carried, .and under the water out of sight. As the stranger reached the brink, and as he went over, he doubled himself up,;clasped his hands over his head, and went down to his death. Of course.thef body of the Suicide has not! been recovered, and the chances aro against its ever being /found. There is no clue to tho identity of ( tho stranger. ACTO.Y 31.1BKF.T.1, Flour ...... .. $3 25 to 3 .r,0 Uld Fall Wheat .. .. 1 40 to 1 4o New Fail Wheat .-. 1 3.1 to 1 ,!() Spring Wheat. Glasgow-.. 1 2."> to 1 3"i nno THE FARMING COMMUNITY I hare added to my Mill a Thirty Horse Power Engine ' s Also another. ! ' ' RUN OP STONE. 1 with other Machinery, and am prcpareil fc" to do Gristinc: an'dtChbppinir Vine or coaree, to'suit all :particB,-on the shortest notice. Thanking you for past favors, I re main, . -.-, ' : j Yours respcctfidly, L. 3!OSE. Georgetown, Feb. 21, T877. ! 34-4t^ The Acton Plo^ Co. Arc- mainifacturing the celebrated " PLOWS, Prepare for the Wet;Weatb.eri % PAIR OF NEW BOOTS- NE & Haro now In Jslpck a aplondid agaorltBient, of Siiitable -for thp Spring All Sizes PRICED pecial S? and Styles fr^m" the; vejry best maier* t] AS LOW AS THE ^LOWEgJLV^ Attoatioa Given to Oj'dered "W'qrt Repairing Proiriptly/ Attend jd ti. N1 H Fir Dt F^ { Season. We have greajt pleasure in informing Qnr nnmercpB lady^rieod*iJ"ni connection wi S^HA^CE COKIPA^Y'iSTEPHEHSQN Of Hartford, Conn. 1 ANU Tae/Boss'Gang ij4,oud', ...Repairing on .Plows, and als6 also kinds of ,Vithc Work nnd Iron Plcinimi on the shortest notice. U A**ct-1. ......!,... rjilns for pr^trrdon liry.h Mr... ... i,i?o,p Plow They keep a full stock on hanil, and are prepared to do all kiiidsj of. >' .ill trith Dominion Gov- l.{0,0(tO. Please' call; and examine our plows lied Wheat U.irley %>at9 ... Peas ... ':. i'utatoes, per bag Dried ajijiles per 11) Butter ......- Eggs. .. .. 1 -2i> to 1 3(1 0 0.) to 0 (SO O 47 to 0 oO 0 11$ to 0 712 0 80 to 0 00 0 0( 0 07 0 i-1 to 0 -.'5 0 12 toO 0J Kl'PS' CorOA.^GRATF.Kl'I, AND CoM- fortixis.: " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation's of digestion and nutrition, ami by a' careful application of .the fine properties of well selected eocon, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tallies with a delicately tlavored beverage which may save lis many heavy doctors' hills. It is by the judicious use of such artielcs of .liet that a constitution m:.y be gradually built .hji until strongenougl/ to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack "wherever there is a we.-ik point. Wc may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping lourselvcs well fortified with.pure blood And a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Sirvice Oazette. Sold only in packets ilabelcd -"Jamks Errs & Go., Hnniicopathic Chefmist, 48. Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." j riiemistry has Discovered at Last wliat Everybody |>yants, Wowl'pi improved Hnir Itesiorative Is uultko any other, and li.isrio equal. The Improved has'.new vegetiible ton'c propertle; relores grey hnlr t''Inssy naturaj color; T-storeHfaded, dry, harsh ahdf.illlnK hair; restores,Tdresses, gives vigor to ththnlr; restores hnlr to pren?nr turely biild heads; removes d ijidriifr,,hu- mor, Fcaly eruptions; removes lrritn tlon, Itching and *caly jrtryness. ,Ko article produr-es ruch wonderftil efleets Try It, call for Wood's-Improved- Hair Uestoratlve, nnd don't be putJ ofTwlth anyotherartlcle. Hold, by a 1 druggists n this plaoe and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers' pries by G. a.Cook & Co., Chicago, Sole Agents ,forthe United States and Can'oUaf,and. by LrMAS BHns.A.Co., Toronto. 'pie- Travelers ji a STOr-KCOM- P^ .NY and writes Life Policies upon t-he Low Hate all-cash plan No nn? certain i romises of impossible'-'divi de ids," but a reduction of the pre- j before pnruhasjng elsewhere, mitim at the outset; equivalent to a "diviilend " in advance. The Trav elers writes Life and Accident Poli cies combined as cheap as most companies write life .'policies. It. 13 'tiip largest Accident Insurance Com pany in the world,' having written 436.000'pnlicicj nnd: paid iu actual cujsli benetits to accident policy hojlilers alone over S2 565.000 Ah accident policy costs but a trifle. No medical examination required. Opt a |policy imd share in. the general ibenefit. W 33 "NS0LVENT ACT OF 1875. IN; THE MATT|R OF Mrs. Mary ifcNair, J AN INSOLVENT. I, tho undersigned, Wm. Allan, 6f Acton West, have -been appointed As signee in thia matter. . ' j Creditors aro requested to file their claims lMjfore mo within one month ; and by resolution of creditors, dated 16th March, a meeting of creditors will bo hold at Amidw's Hotel, Acton, on Wednesday, tl\o 28th, at 11 0.111., for the ordering and disposing of the Es tate arid floods generally. ' XV. ALLAN, Assignee. O. F. EUSSEL.L, District Agen*, Adelaide Street East, Toronto. IL-SO^s' 1HWIN, Special Agent. list'of" Sold wh lesalo and retail by JoHn Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowes'Pianoforte Primer. Joisse's Musical Catechism. Be -tini"8 New Slethod for the Piano. Clr.rke's New Method, for the.Piano. Htnfon's PianO' Forte School. He we'e Tia^o without a Master. Richardson's New'Modern School, itie's Parlor Organ. 5ilver~Wreatb (Vocal). lOvdifferent Music Books. A Big Discbunt on all MUSIC BOOKS j AGENTS FOB. i iSharp's Self-Dumplnff and Stubble Rake- Acton, Feb. 13, 1876. . I " Hay. tb; other, branches of oiir business we purpose Commercial * Dre ssmaking Department . Wc have de^cidetl on this in compliancef with trie repeated solicitetiow' of ouf regulat customers, who have agairl and again told us hmr^ifScoH they have found it to get, mst-ciass dressmaking oil anything liko. reason able terms. " ' . "-':- i ' To maintain the highest possible standarid o^ ' >.[ Design and Executjion, at the most ". j I Moderate Prices. ';'. -^ \i Jpar, acq : m tufl MKS. THOMPSON, 'I v^ - i . ; .?-i'. .; i'" '"' - '. Who comes tb ns'with the' reputation of -'feeing olne.Aif the;aot talttfol- Dressmakers on-this Continent t>he ]ins~ hithe: to; heen carrTB:g.i)nlsB. establishment of her own in one of thel largest especially {anied for .a great variety of-;dlesi<;nr - a! rs. Thompson wiJljhecJ ' fiisted by Mi^ a large ajndielHcient staff. i Suiitb, already well and favorably i I! CHEAP BOOKSTORE i - ' On the East side of Wyndham Street, GTJELPH. O Yearling DURHAM BULLS <L* for sale. a sJsmith. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877,2,. 33-tf \^Tiich will b< found superior to anything ever yei also a very ex mplete assortment of suitable trimn ings HEMOYAL. iJay's Bookstore, has been removed across the street to r -i the store recently occupied- by Mr. Geo. Jeffrey, nearly op-." posite the old stand. Greater Bargains ihaii ever,. at Day'by ' . | ' Guelph, J/arch, 1877. will be founa riro BREEDERS The Department will be pnder the nown in Guelph, asd-ir Weparpose keeping a very cli'oiiee DD3E1SS No effort will he spared to giro "every possible sa our charges will be kept to the. lowest possible figirejf. We have sf t apart a snite of rooms specially for replete with every convenience. W On Monday^<the| 19th. Maxrehj^ " "When we shall be fully prepared to undertake orders.-.i j. D; TOLLI^lMSON &^0. GuelphV Mirch 14, 1877. UJ The thoroughbred Durham Bull " Zephyr;",\will serve cows on| the farm of the subscriber, near the Grand Trunk station, Acton. Terms Grades, 2. - Pedigree Zephyr [4260] bred by F. W. Stone, Guelph, Imported Sheriff (29964), dam. Sanspa- riel 10th. .-' | C. S. SMITH. ! Aeton, Fob. 14', 1877. To tUe TV'orkliig Clnss. We are now Biropared to furnlsu all otasBes 33-tf with con- $999 Can't be made by every agent every ioonth In the business -we furnlsb, but those willing, to work can easily1 earn a dozen dollara a day rlgnt in their own localities. Have no room to oxplalnhere. Business plonsnnt. and honorablp. Wo men. nnd boys and gii-'s do as well as men. Wo will furnish you a complete Outfit fno. Tho h'slness peysi better than anything else. VTo will bear ex. onse ot>tartlne you. Particulars free. Write anjl seo. Farmr-m and meoi.anleB, their sfinft and daughters, an(l alt olasses In neid of paying work at home.jshould write t"> ns and lesm about tbe work; at onre.-Now Is the time. Don't; delay. Acton WcBt, March 17, 1877. 38-11. " AdJrcsBTuuE&Co , aukiihIo, Maine. of writing.. Full particulars)- samples w orth'ROveral dollars to commence, work on, and a copy of Home and Klr< side, one of-the largest and best Illustrated Publi cations, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work. addrosgtJBORpE Stinson ACo., Portland, Maine. ' r^- ' SEND 2flcTto G. P. ROWBLL dc^ CO. New Vork, for Pamphlet of 100 page, containing lists of 8000 nowspapertc, n'nu stlmatessho^TtngcoBVof advertising. i The'undersigned ;begs leave to inform tlje jieople Of Acton and sur- poundinJE n< igbborhdod that he has procured a magnificent SEA B$E.: And fa prep red to attend and oori- dtict Futien Is on the shortest notice and most moderate terras. < Caskets, Coffins, Burial Jtobts^ And allkii.ds. of Funeral. Furnish^ urepiireu w imuibu un uiosses mm cou.- staet employment at home, thp whole of the time, or lor their spare, (moments. Business now, light and profltable. Per- shiiB of either sex easily earn irom 50 cents to$5 per evening, and a proportion al sum by devoting their .whole tlma to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly oa"men. That all wljo see this notice may send' their address, and test the business <we maKo ttils unparalleled offer: To such r aro .not well satisfied we will sorid on'ta'dollar to pay'forthe trouble .TAlt PR llViPTTtfC (i'f nil kin'dc nf nrilll Willi noT-tTniilnrol. cmnluo I WD riS m 11X1 ll Ol ill! klUaS irigB .kept ^Disiock, and supplied on tbeihortest: notice.' Hat Bands a id loves supplied when . required. '.i -.. - Acton, Fel. 10, 1877.! ! - ' FKEI control of American .cities, and i range of brought to Guelp] \,V&~ tisfaetion, and- sbOrtiHr this iDepartoent, rti<* purpose, opening ; j 1. ! . wJ: teij :Ttl ^1 is 1 hil tlif C-.i jtal '.tu| .V. i.: ml in) lxf uij .ail - ml U3 ma WAGGON - j r time to.leJfffl yQiirpi^ U neatly and promptly-executed at the PRESS OFFICE. Next (lie I'osf Offlce. MUI Street. I ar i making pre Ml BtjtGrGIB^ AND HwiUbe .-Nbw is bargains. . Strict -iA.cton>,Fel.26, 1877, AND Now is the At J. B^r4er^Pi "for a j "' Stylish Biggy or,fe fFasffon.., .- ,- y. ______ up a Ur^e stock" te^>. ent seasot, from-tM ^Ifeft W*"^ . ' _ ' ' " "3 Catf and Sei bur Banfc&e Ci#**: presenffst< ci" of. WAOOf sold off vew dw^P- ^T. ' time Jta-eeBW;. good attention j ^vi Bosae-sJioe lasr & 0* ac*^: amlthlni, ven-to JA1IES H^?V

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