Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1877, p. 4

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v-jS3] *li t vfT. : LOCAL MATTERS. NEW" -ADVERTISEMENTS. Graftings-John Orewson. New GroecriM Secord Bros. NtwSprittf Goods A. O. Bneharo. ' paMksiJMiriinUonof Acton SchooL lioMttoKfnr 1877-78 Jae. A. Fruer. fo thjs I.*dies-J. 1>. Williamson & Co. Travelleri Insurance Co C.r\ Russell. ' Prepare Uor Wet Weather Cranio 5: ;-. Son. i or st maker*. pre* afar.. iy triandh ^| ^ LBUfe t*d aolicitationa " ixs Jk>w diScaH, 3g Ufa imns- ---' ' 1 ^. SE Itandardof most ':/',.. 'r-4 :-:' or' Ihe mo<t talejffd ' la carTTi"on M' cities, and is Impsooi^will'heM-. j. Gaaipfc, awl hr ;" lof it to Ooelph, i ad abOresfl pparta*nkv e opesinj order*. 0N& W OF, LdBrscwi |te PriioWft jjodlor *!$:***;< [rteSchool.; ;. '<_5p 1). -. :o6ks. < lantoBJin --i^:,f'y / t '.! ^_d,;"ibr tho balmy" days' of r'Spring ! 'jThis-isimuch better than ow- &* for your paper. i Tho best days of a man's life are those in which kit accomplishes the. xeoft gopd. . s Read iSecbrd Bros.' new ftdrer- .- tisemcot announcing the arrival of fresh goods for the spring traile. '* . . - :___ : 'i l ; Avoidf colds arid coughs by ~ getting a pair of new Boots at Craine I Every Person Read I ' Another Grand Promenade Concert v*a under -the management of the Aetou Social Clnb, will be held iu the Drill Shed, JAoton, on Tkmnd4&: Kvtningl i)u> B+A May. * success of pur last summer enter- .inmentaand the. satisfaction we gave tho large crowds/which attended them it a good advertisement -for this future one. Further notice will be gi\jeh through th It columns of this -Pape^ '-.'- j- ^ Respectfully, Y .If ..- ^Acton Social Club, at Sons. notice that Mr:. /John ,J5yder, of Erin who slipped froroja.hay- mow two or three weeks ago, and sprained his ankle, is again ? able to be about.- . . : The commodious premises on Main street, recently owned and' occu pied by. Messrs. Kennedy Bros, has been purchased by Messrs. .John Kenny ^ Son, boot and shoe dealers, into which . they" will shortly remove. - - Coal.Oil down again. Only SO cents per gallon at Secord Bros.- ':' Spring is here. vNow is the tame to plant your advertis<ineuts. People are getting* ready to purchase their spring goods. - Don't wait till the enterprising merchant has secured all the trade before you begin. i' !%. Public School Examina tion will ;be held on Thursday and Fridv of Z3e3ct weekv s stated, in &xx adtertiscmen't elsewhere. No other notice will be given by ^circular. Parents a^d friends of education should ^make it a point to be present. - - " -! Cramo i Son have just re ceived a large assortment of Boots and Sioes suitable for this weather: We learn that at* meeting of the creditors of Mrs. McXair, held at MHton on Monday, Major W. Allan, of Acton, was appointed assignee to witd .'"up..the. affair of-the Insolvent estate. Messrs J." D. Williamson & Co., of "Guelph, are amongst the heaviest of the: creditore their -claim amounting, to- " nearlv $2000. To parties thinking of getting their life insured, or of taking out an accident policy j we have pleasure in reccmujen'ding the Travelers Insurance - -cojnpany, whose advertisement may be seeij in'another column. Mr. Wilson Irtriu, weH-knom in Acton, is travel ling" agent for the company. Ho took- r -' hi^-enamlcr of ri^lLa:izi this Tricinity -" ,-lreceiitly. * s , 'No Easter holidays for the palAic icluxila in villages and rural *tections are allowed under the n^w regulatioiis fr>m the Education depart ment, with tne-eiception of Good Friday ouly. Caildreii and-teachers who were calculating upon a week's holidays, will, be somewhat" <iisapp<piite"d. The Act - farther says *";he summer vacation shall .-J"!* from tbe Sth day of julj' to the 17th d^y of Augtist inclusive; the winter ^vacab'oa from tlie 24th day of December - to thc.2nd day of January inclusive.? '~A JTMng man from the. coun try who attended an entertainment in Acton a* few nights since, got into rather n%awkward fix before he reached home. ' He had taken the young lady who ac- jsompanied him to her1, residence, and had left his horse standing by the road . tide while he went into the 'house to wsrm himself and talk " politics"; with 'her. He remained rather longer than suited the animal's ideas of the fitness " of things at such a late ionr of a cold i night, and when "he returned to the } roadside, lo t.'the rig was invisible; The horse had-either broken loose,, or had been unfastened by some mischievouB ' individual, and travelled off homewards. -TI____^_______. -* JT: .,_________L---1I-.3 i_ BtaUa* a<ir^**. l'ThcH following is"* copy of the Ad- rtress read on the occasio^ of the pre- sfentation to Mr. Rpcord^at Crewson'i related uv last week's Fass FRSS3.' To Joax P. SipOKD, Esq., . Deputy Otand Wortiti/ Patriarch. ' -Wo, tho members^of this Division, have for a long time felt a desire to show our appreciation to. you for the valuable services which you have ren dered to our Society since its organiza tion, and also for- the, services which yon have rendered to the tomperance cause in this vicinity. Tjhfi -fceople in this district had long felt that a great want existed, owina to there being no society which had for its object the su "iqu< reclaiming of our fellow-men, who were Co mmencin AGTON, fi^LTCK COtJNftr pMM Wmm, g to Anive AT TBB PASHIONABLB "WEST END THAT! #ONl>BiEi^L ]*ANj A. O. BUCHAM. society wuicn naa tor its object the sup pression of the liquor traffic, and the reclaiming of our fellow-men, in the broad way to ruin and poverty ; and in order to remedy this defect, and that this want should no longer exist, you came speedily to our aid and organ ized our Society! which has now aasum. ed such large proportions, and up to the present tiir-e bav always lent a helping hand towards the temperanco cause. And <ne have now the satisfac tion of seeing'our. Hall perfected, which stands as a lasting monument to bear testimony of the result of 'your labors' in this vicinity. But it would be un grateful on our part were we not to show our appreciation to you' in some tangible form, and in order to do so w e now present you with this medal (not on account of its intrinsic value, which is stnall when compared nrith titer good which has. been accomplished by your mission &mozig us) but as a token of our Affection towards you, for the aid which you have reideml to us. And we trust that " He who knows the secrets and intents of alt men," may grant unto yon strength and vigor to go forth boldly and fearlessly advocating the cause you have so long'espoused, and at last gai% the glorious reward whieh awaits all who labor faithfully and diligently in their Master's cause. Signed^ ua behalf of the Division. : D. W. Sfeedie. W.-P. D. D.Mann, R.S. -To prevent any misunderstanding in the matter, Mr. J. P. Secord wishes us to -say that it was Mr. John Speight who performed the ceremonies at the in stitution of Crewson'8 Corners Division; Fashlenable West Knd Dress.ilHllnerj' and atahtleEstablishment. Ouelph, March. 13. 1S77. | CORD BROS f Bcist'q.uality of Seasonable &oode loss tlianManufa This jreat Sale continues each Feb. 8, 1877 -^OXOJSF. mum1 <b%M& I JUSf RECEIVED, ( Bible Roelely. A meeting of the committee qf the Acton Branch of the ,Upper Canada Bilile'Society was held in the "Methodist ' Church on the evening of Tuesday,- the 13th inst. In the absence of the Presi- dant, Mr. F. S. Armstrong acted as chairman. The committee decided to adopt the precedent established but year in inviting the resident- ministers to address the annual public meeting, instead, of, procuring the services of a paid agent. The. following collectors were appointed to ^ake up subscriptions in aid of the society, viz; .1st and 2nd lines Erin Messrs Alex. Kennedy and Alex Lasby. 3rd and 4th lines Erin and 3rd line Esquesiug above the cross road Messrs. P. S. Armstrong-and Christopher .Swackhammer. ' ' . oth and 6th lines Erin, and Ctri line Esquesing above cross road-^D. Hender- eon and l^eter Mann, Senr. 1st line Esquesing and town line below "Acton cross road Messrs.. John Secord and SanineT Moore. 1st and lin<l lines Esquesing and town line above Acton Messrs A. Campbell and Duncan Kennedy. 2nd and "3rd\ lines Esquesing below / .&-. r\ Tk /vl.M-f^A -^^.^ TAk \TT.. . FOR THE TjB^l.3DE MARCH 15, 1877, hW^A i~ I m ntj.iimmttmtmi 8 COST PRK3B SALE. The largest amount of Goods sold yesterday Ever Sold in obe day ill Guelph. GREAT 3- &; BARQADrS! day. purry in arid partake c>ftl great advanteges offered. 9B 1 W.STEWART* Hare oommencod'optoing their New Spring i SO JOHIM HOGG tfc SON, ^,ma Bloct, Upper Wyndham Str*t, Owripli. FOR ONE And a Bought Lotr, and wilL ba Sold, at Prices never Eoard of Before. Acton D. D. Christie ajid John War ren,. > . 4th line 'Esquesing above cross road and 4th: and 5th lines below Wm. Gor don and John "Mann Jr. ,' Nassagaweya Jas Matthews and R. CampbeD. rActon ndrth of Mill St Misses J. Steel and J. Cameron. \ Acton, south of Mill street Misses Siicklib and Speight. \\ . The committee request the collectors ____________________ ,to visit their respective divisions, and The yonng -"m was tbns compelled to j-mte their returns to the Treasurer at budge four or fisre mile* through the least two days before, the annual meet- snow and alpahy ' injr, which is fixed for Tuesday, the 27tjh. inst. The collectors vrill also give due publicity to the time of holding the annual meeting, and extend a cordial invitation to afl to attend. Tha Secre tary, D. Henderson, will oe happy to supply collectors with books, on appli cation; <ff will transmit same through the post'office. ~ receipts of the: Branch for last, year as paid over to the Depositor in Toronto, amounted to $91.65, and the committee are hopeful this "year's efforts" will be equally as satisfactory. Karthtsorrriauu. A Lodge of tnis; Order is to be organ ized in MattheWHall, this (^hursday) -evening, by^Dr. J-..8. King, of Toronto, . Grand (Chancellor of Ontario. It is er- . pected" that he will beracebmpanied from Toronto by some twenty or thirty Knights of Pythias in full uniform. They will be met at the station here by the Acton brass band and a number of the friends of the Order. We understand that there wiH probably be about twenty candidates for initiation. ^-J . I*k out forourboofc and shoe advertisement 1 next week. 1000 pairs to handr balance in a few days, "fie- .member iheU5 per cent off our low cash prices for five pair and upwards.- OllRlSTiE, HkSDEBSOS' k. Co. -" Leaky boots abould be cast off _ now, and a new pair ije purchased at Craine i Son's.: : ; A well-made boot is the'cheap* "'?*' evea -^'" <^oes cost a little jnora at ; first. >It 4asts lorfger and gives better satisfaction. Try Craine & Son's well- pideboots; '" .-7h^ display of Felt Hate thin ; season at,Christie, Henderson ACo.'s u far in advance of any former effort. : . ~A very nice style ofiadies an4 Children's Boots and-Shoes just receiv ed Craine t gon'. :- j - .J ' Koticil Parties receiving pictures"" with Monthly Moga- jwet or weekly -papers, should call at toe Ontario Photo Galary, and have -Irainea up in the best styfe. C. W. HII/L, '; ' T^e. kre open ing this day ,our first stock of Heady-made Clothing, . eompnsilig the .newest Entaish- and . Sf*"*"- Style, in Men's, Youths and i S^'-Jweedapd Pattam Goods: See I. ?5 Men^ttitt a* Christie,.Hei- I? neraon & Co.!s. I ' ____Tarn the Feee Press side ways, and read this carefnllyJiand"criti cally. :'....' "...!;.....;. H" to - E o- p,8V 3 s. s & & I 8 8 S S8 5 o - s . iiss's-s 5. 03 , o o m 0. a I g, -3 t :g-0"3 " I = J Si l r *3 Ct 9 S o S i I? - Q " !^,-S' E " "J g * H, SB-9 J3 a e $ i s O i Barrels Of White di^dj Refined Sugars, Syrups, Molas- ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Heal, New Cr- rantg, Pi-unes,|C6al Oil, Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Yarnisn, Japans, etc- Of Prunes, [Soda, Red Lead, White Lead, Colors of all! kinds, ete. . few days will show the finest stock of FIRST! CLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Guelph Special efforts hare been made to show the newest Dreti^OoixU, i Spring JacJul*. Manila*, : j ( Cottwnet, , Kid.Qlovet, Mimery, --.;.' Lacu, m , Lace Curtain*, Sheeting*, and Mourning Goai^. OUR COTTONS were all. contracted for before r*he recent advance. Customers tnll hare the benefit. - j Gouts' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds. " ,. j;; Dress Shirts, . . Ties, Collars, ete., " Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles and price. - ." 3 WM. STEWART & Guelph^ March , 1877. CO, rro THE Cases, Boxes, Caddies Saokti and 4* 9- - k% s a 3 .3-s * SCfS-a : 1 , " ^ &2 Of Biscuits, Cojbfectionerjr, Spices^ Siarch, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, Cigars, Raisins, Chees^ Soaps^ Candles, Washing Crystals.JPiekles, Jams, Jellies, IVlatches, etc. FARMING COMMUNITY 1 have added to my Mill a Thirty Chests, Caddies and Boxes ; > 8ee the new styles of Felt] Hats at Christie^Senderson'4, Co's. ' Of Young Hysbn, Black Teas ranging upwards. The best Acton, March 14, 1877, Gunpowder, Japan and in pnee from lOJcents value in the county, SECORD SE0S. Horse Power Engljae Also a other RUN OFJsTOim: with other Machinery, and am prepared ':'; ! ' tOJdo <- Gristinc: and Chopping Fine or coarse, to suit all the shortest notioe. parties, on t notice. - Thanking you for past favors, I re- Yonn respectfully, QKTAfilO The subscribor takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year, and would state that it is his motto to dp a' !:,i'- Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain the same liberal appreciation from the public," . All orders entrusted to my care will be attenbed wixM rKesornvEss, A* none i~-y-i but Gkod Workman ' :I!mpi>it4di.~ *':} [ are i rmn V Co 'This Week xdll pfr>p e|ara ^eial ValitieWiii the [following' Goods to reduce pre^: p^ar^feory to Stqck-taking: " --' .1 / '. ". - ' 2 dozen Cardigin Jackets, $1,60, worth $2.00 2 dozsn CariUgan Jaokets, $2.00, wopth $2.50 22 pairs Biurets, $2.50; worth $4.00 17 pairs Blankets, $3.50, worth $5.00 20 pieces PuH^oth, at SBo per yd, worth ^Oo 16 pieces Ptill Cloth, at 60o per yd, worth ^5o CLOUiDS, W0OLJJN aoobs, At Gi^ Away tiynes. I* ROSE* Gedrgstown, Pib; 21,187|. 8i I Parties can rely on getting a good arti cle and as cheap as ood work can be Repairing Done with Neatness j Cash paid :.-":'f '. . Tub Butter. Any otie id niied of Full Cloth for Men or Boys' Qlothing, will find our stork well suited to the Positively free from lemeniber that Eiapotis S50e Tea, V -;9- ?!' shoddy. ^-l! for a^y.'; quuntity^iof really good . it CHR18TIE, SE1TDEB201T ft CO. Ao|oh,Jail. 2ij 18tt _ t

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