Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1877, p. 4

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teas-. HI tin 5^ffi3fw*M(Bar^wBBsf,v, THE FREE / 'J Watches, :^ -'new ^ ffl r|E n*5?f 1 iislH ||| : ^. m p J J^ N kce Phr. h of I>et read * daily paper. She begins at the nam* and rends to the; last lino on the fourth; i>age, skipping nplUf ing. irt fcoaa't ^rst-yla rdnoaWMiuCitCTaehlote ; thing printed in the papers is too ruuuh for her. She got "stack" the other d*y, however, and this" is how it happened-: Tkero was-a pert of a horse-race, and she bet to read it. She got down to where r""K^"<rin^n)33fc nanie8-*Sir. Wi&f aJhrfhje bm*d : *-3 .' " He nameji g. g., does he 1 Now -what in the world is g.*g<-i ,T ..", - Been to races several * times, ad I never; saw a g.- g. around there."; She puzzled over it until old Atr. ?m, ad s^aaked'ttm what it could moan. ' I "John Jay^ ttftnies g. g.,"- he and the name of that gray goat ia Dick.' "p Q S* x?i nfS fffc . ^\\hw is_> goat doing aV.ajT io^se-ra<je1*^'aSkel'"Mfrsj Cr-octer. sn..jj Jsfefjfii*'* 'Jtjm>j h*t .John had one there as sure's your born." She took the paper and read that James Thomas named b: .m. "Trou badour," and jhe wanted to know .- -what on earth that niSaut "That means, that-r means,"- he replied, ecratchjUMr hW ^JfA Ji^hat Jam Thomapfe&Tti S^'ftei*h*re thaCt&^&w' #a Obd ' Ti badour.*": i " I never heard of a .mule trot ting ata horsa-race," she protested: ^r "But it seems that this was , big mule, and so they let him in," ' he ajCplained.; ","". "Tfce nekt thing' ah* fouhd "was ~ that Peter Black named1 bis>b. e. " Nancy" for the 2:40 dash. ; " You know what that.meahs,do ., you f as she handed the old man -the paper. la," .was the prompt fKJlmoy my bufigAs^tt? for I owpwteeaeti horses,/and eleven- sulkies in my that means that Peter Black named his black calf fur that dash." /'x:u Oh', pshaw !" ,> "Vers will Mrs. J3rpcker.\lt did you ask me \' : . z _ ' " Do you suppose that I' am lieol enough to beliere that a ' black > "calf is named to trot in a horse- r face! You am getting to be" a fool, - Air. Thompson,!'*. S , . "I guessnot,I guess I know my . business." .' . : " You get put of this, sir !" .he' yelled. " I don't pretend to know much, but I know more in a min ute than you do in fourteen days 1" " Very well, Mrs. Crocktr,' very walL I wa* JfSfffi: * borrow some of yon^l4l|^li."1 S won't} no hang me if I do !'*; ; She ran for the hoe and he for , the gate, and if anybody has ever wondered seeing a Crawford Street " srornin rushing a baldheaded man ' along, the sidewalk, this article can be t&ken as an explanation. The nian doesn't livtf who can make Mrs. Crocker believe a black calf has anything to, do with- a race track. . \ -;- - " - Kemedies A^arfitstWorms and Insects. rK'.rJTBJBiinneiH qnestkn'Ja^yeryimT portant one j they will destroy us ". ^.iwe don't destroy them". , The fol- 1 lowing modes I use as occasion- de mands and never fail : .. Melon and cucumber bugB like -j radiah leaves bett^jtfcan-aayj'dther kind. 1,80w a few radish seeds &>atl& Titter )lose a plant. Earth worms,-; cut-worms, white grubs, -and, in 'fact, all soft-bodied tcorms, -are driven out by salt 803BTO'btba& cast .You can do no harm with - ;'ten bushels of salt to tha<a'c?@, 'bnt f % balf-bushal iaatuple. - Dry slacks ai e^riimfe"V also eaectual. Potator bugs find their "anti" in Parts green one tablespoonful, flour ten spoonsful; water, one bucket; mix and keep mixed, as the -Paris, green settles mK apply with a'watentjgjp6t. ^,.,^0/jteabbag^worms, apply :_dry; ' -salt"if the plants are wet, or strong brine if they are dry. Turnip flies are destroyed by fine slackpd lime', dusted over the field. But, the whole tribe of depreda- ____ tors a^wondarfullyLkenjudniva hy. . .^--^ - fnakirij^^mU^ wWi Jfel ^"C^ They" are the natural; enemies of all insects, worms, grubs, <tc. In, fighting vermin, iwe must not try to oppose Nature, but rather to follow her plans, and assist her if she fails. HJifeftijTOrljEj i'.i rlDiiVclcs and JcweJ^m The uhdoraiKnod hi'ga loavo to Inform ^thapaopli) of^lotou and yioiuitjy that ho w-a^fttniisli^jdj " Requisites In IJitdertaklnK ou aliurt notjoeaitd roptoniililo turins as ',' can ho hud tfNDERTAKINC. ^r- Alsajint hjd will. - ^ Pit up Stores & okoeV . . '.'-' ' Mhow t'luri. Book dine* and Dokit mado to orilor. ^TJVBMpiTIlE MP AIMED.:, I3hop on Willow street ntlar Main at. -" McCANNj: 39-6m P. M. ^cton, March 20. \6l{> .* / \ t i !--------* QTEA'M-;- Carriage & WOR] 3LS> Mala Stroot, BJackgmith; '-""Wagon-inak Best Horsa-Shocrf in Perfect satisfaction c prico charg $*P " TA-'lfi^is'ifer'i Mflstaie." Some clerical ^ bl unders' are at am |so busy with .Watches to renair that I haVe . concluded 1 to have no morcAuctiona for a few weeks. All s. gcrods will Btill" Flrst^lau riown and ollard'* Patent Iroii JIarrvws mlniv a kaad. . A Rood tock of CarrisK ' and AVagons. Referring promptly w id properly at I tended to. ' Acton, July 18, 1876. ! . V..i .-:;- iff i -. 2 ~^ V^ % At a Special Discount -of 25 per cent, j , >,%'-}~x'r; . ' Lota of Watches to select from. This is a bona-JUle cheap aale. No Reasonable OflFervReftisedl G. JD. Gnelph, Jan. 12, 1877. PRINGLE. iPkE.SS4. ACTON, HAt'?0N |:O0lTOT^..|ON;TM:^TEBM^^r I5 ^77. ?= SLBIQHS. ! Now i the timo to loavo your- ordoP At J; Rjder'ftPaotory for a. Stylish Cutter or Servlccnbl Sleltfbi 7 STARTLING BARGAINS: GREAT SEMI-AMiTffAL Wagon Aoton. Carri.igo ah4 cr." ' the County. irantecd or no d. C. T. HILL Mill Street, ACTON, ~- i)EALER|lN. Qrocorlos, ' Orocfcery, Soots isc Shoos, - i . Valijftkpoxj I am making up & .largo stock for tho preBeut BC.iBOii, from tho beat niRt<irial. Oalt and See our Handsome OuUtrs. ily present stock of ], BlPOQfBS, -&N.D;;: WAQON^ will he sold off very cheap. Now is a good timo* to secure bargains. i- '. ' .Strict attention given to Sorso-Sfcoeln? ft (JenflrtlBlMlt- h ' smithlasr. .'- . '-" ' - " JAMES RYDKK. Aeton, Sept. 27, 187& . Now going on at WH AT PAYS? MdEOD, ANDERSON & COS C3-JB OI?,G-33^0"W"JKF- iKvw is the timo for Bargains. ViadoV k llZL&B, n* AND & Selling ofT at' Auction Prices. ; ;btir>arl8.of,,po*ilJuKrrnl]on 5 Sbntmp filaloa.Qt Qo#ara,; drawn and colored from natui CHEAP B0OKS X* ANDERSONS CHEAP B0OKTORE On the"rJastlnde or :Wyidham Street^ :': -. GUELPH. ,T" JD-ATST'S All of which BOOTS Kails/Glass, Futty, Lixtssed Oil, , ' 1: Painro, ^urpoaUao, * ; 1 Coal1 OIL Salt, ote^r be sold low for cash. and SHOES IT 1'AVB every Slannfaetarer, Mef* rhaul. Stechnnlr, Inventor, Farmer, or I'rorrMlonnl Jlnu. to Keep Informed on all the lmprovciiicnla and discoveries of' llieaiie. IT PAYS toe head or everjr family to Introduce lnio bin liuuBt'hold (i nou'RjuijKjr that U lnstrueQve, one thuttoatera a tamo for Investigation, nod protuotes thoagbt and* ncourajtsdlbbmsion. THE CIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been publUUrd weekly roriho lost 31 years, doi-s this, to an extent be yond that of any outer publication; in fact ltisihe only weokly paper publUhed In the United" StatcR, devoted to Ma.niI- 1 VACTUREJl, ME' IIANICS, iNVENTIOMSOIld , Nkw Hihcovkries In Arts ami SclenrcK. Every number Is prolusely Illustraud ! and Iih contents em brnco the latest and most Interesting Information pertaining to the Industrial. Mechanical, nud Bclon- tmc Jifcogtoss of ine world. ' THE SCTCSrtrtl'4ittMCA.V hnjs been the' ft*em'oi of ail IBdns-"-" Monsrfcrtlio'pastfll years CUEAP AT THE ;y The publio fairly startled and astonished at the startling cheap, goods now being sold at the !, . MAMMOTH! HOUSE, Farmers, Mechanics, laborers, Hounckelepprs. young and old, rich and . -f , poor, if you want to buy cheai) goods, at the very n industrial pnbllra- "-" It1s the Old est, Largest, Ch-apost and Best Weekly- IlluKtrauxl vapcrdevotedloKnclnierlng, .Mechanics, Clieintsiry, Now Iuvenilon*, Science and Industrial Projrress,pilbllsb- odln the world. Hie practical Recipes are well worth ten times the subscription price and for the shop and house: will save many times the oohL . H stroulu- have a place in every Family, Idbrnry, Ktady, office, Itcadlug'itoom,' PoIJ^ge and-Hehool..._ A new volume commences January 1st 1877. A year's numbers contain 830 pages and Several Hundred Kngrnvlngs. Lowest Hard Time Prices. Terms,$3.2041 year by mail. Including pofitajre. Discount to clubs. Special Cir culars; KlvInKclub rates, sent free. 8Ijj- Sching off at cost. '. - . i . - Also agent for tho JIUBBBB ]?AINT COMPANY Of 'Cleveland, Ohio, (Cash for Hides, Acton, July 18, 1878. VICE'S FLOWEK and VEC- V CTABLF. GARDEV Jg the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contalusnearly 150 page*, ' ~~ "'aRttn|ao'nsi-::nn(lcalx- " iew,< heau4fuUj!. nature. Price 50 cents in paper covers.Sl.Odin elegant clotb Printed in German and Eiiellth. nviek*s Fioial Qaidt, HXtSHtTlf, 25 oents ,- rick's Catalogue 800 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Addrss*-, ^MraVicc, Rooh_ter,^tY. *"L6WttL and VEG- ETABLE 8EEDH, Are pluntodjbya-uilillae people in Amr-. Vtck's Catalogue. wrffttilratMs, Wlft ceatR. i ' ' Vtck's Floral Guide, quarterly, 25 cents a ^ r^.! year. - -_ . : Yiek's.noKU AndJTeketabTe Uanleji, cents, with elegaflt clotr -------- "' ele copies mailed ou receipt of 10 cents. 5lay b bad ofall neirsdcalers. DATCUTC In cnnBcotlon wltb rH I BI1 I 0a tho Hclrnunr Amert- ean, Mesjrs..Munn <*Co.areSnllcltors ol AmerlcanaaU Forelam Patebts^nnd'hav-- too largest establishment In tho world More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their apenry. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches .examined, and advice free. %A pamphlet containing full directions lor obtaining Patents, sent free. The Selenitic Aorrl- ean Reference Book, a volume bound In cloth and gilt, containing the Patent Laws. Census of the t7. 8., and H3 En gravings of mechanical ^ movement*. Price 25 cents. address for-the Paper, or concerning Patent p.SIUNN * CO., S7 Park Row, New ifork. , Now is your opportunity. We have, marked down the balance of our ex tensive stock, and are determined to clear it all out before spiring.;- Wei are bound to make'this, the moat extensive Clearing bale' we have, ever at templed. Don't, neglect the opportunity of getting the largest lot of goods for the least money, you ever saw in your lifetime. REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASH, - ! f i ' '...--- - . t * . Wo most have the money, therefore you can buy goods very cheap. Don't forget the spot. .. ! -- i Jan. 8, esssa 1877. McL0D3 ANDERSON & Co,, JlAMMOTH HOUSE, GIJOBGJBTPWN V. -V/5 : :- '::^.'.^^- C5 Pieces Brooaded Lustres, 10 cents a yard. :..'-' ' 20 Pieces Brocaded Beversible,12| cents. : 'J ."1; ' 30 Pieces FasIiionabJe Serges, new BhaJeg, lSetob,. U 123 Pieces Wool Serges, 25 cente, regular pries-40a-wi Special .line Black Silks, 90 cento a jar&i; , 55 Pieces Dress Silks,. hajidsome gooikfit. ,' cleared putat 50 centsa. yard.-, . '.: W.':\-:-M'S."jJ.'\.-'r" For Cheap Dress Goods, ladies should visit the FasMoosjde^^g^i A- O. BUCHA*|, - ; Fashionable Wait End Breaa, Hlllinry and IfantU Guelph,l>ecembor 1,1870. roi WM. SIEI "Would respectfully call friends and the general public that ther R the attention JE-QScTHE: legant cloth cavers $1. All my publications are pi lb ted In Uer- " English- ;J*jwjs yiay, R^caestf ,y .y: man and **d9t BOOESTOnE, cb-tjex.i'h:: ; once pardonable and, amusing, but others & times are hard to endure. T^>]parihoieri' who' ajaver;' wiiit "j. through' a. summer wijthont corn- plaihing bitterly of the heat, much to the annoyance of his friends, at . last took sick an4 4ied, His pas- - ' Wr^^iiseh't a%?th* tithe afld'-did not hear of the sad event; Oft'. b|e return he met the son of the de- ceased^ and unwittingly' inquired, saying^ " Well, niy: friend, iowxloes yonr father stand the heat now?" - Imaging his surprise at being told that the father-had been dead' t?wo' _ -tftpatibSi an$J.ii l^wLklerrueotjwiien the. hope was ^expressed "that the place to whjh ie had gone was not noted for the height of its tempera ture. Dt3^^gtSf 'The frequent practice, basjresulted [til the ruin of health, and in many ,asea has resulted fatally. A large stock of . ' :\:-'K TOYS, &c. AT vhlClt'S l'llwsti'atedi Priced V tATALOKCE. Fifty pages 309 innstratlons, with de scriptions of thousands of the best flowers and vegetables In the world, and the way to grow them all'for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Vioa's FLottax otnn<, .(inxB*w.Y, !J5 oents a year* , . ' .1 > J i Vice's Fiowbb Ajrn Veo-ctable Gar den, 50 cents In pa) er; in elegant cloth covers, $1,00. . ' Addjres*!,' JAMBfe Vick.'Bochester, N. y. -\tiCkl9, ' pLofeAL GUIDE A beautiful Quarterly Journal finely Illus trated, and oontalnlng an elegant colored Flower - Plata With-the first number. Price oatyiflS *nl*-fo-tho ye>ar^ Tae first No. for 1877 Just Issued in Merman and Kngllsh.,^. Vlok's Flowei; and Vegetable Garden, In paper SO centa. with elegant clotn cover, $1.00 Vita's OatttloEUC 900 illociratlons only .Scenti. ',ii AdareU i;:i I i / : JAMBaVlCK, Rochester, N. Y. PLANING MILLS, AND sUcjmc>T<j- PRESS Only One Dollail (A, Year, in AdYwepj .Pay's Bookstore. SPEYSiPEf .. Shinglej Stiavei HEADING MILLS. Pump. Sash. Door and Blind Factory. Manufacturer of Wiado^Sash, Doors, | ' Idoulding's, And other Bnlldlng Requisites Also Maker of ! Any parties wanting Shingles would do w,ell to give ns a calL ' We will al ways have on hand .good supply of! Ko. 1 and Ko. 2 Shingles. Best d.aality-!!fo. 1 Sbipgjes<1J70. per equare. No. 2,-70 cents 'per sefuare. J p. <tH. Layers, Speytide, Dsc. Z3, 1876, 24-mi TJ4KBQ5TE .BUOTIO^ . BUMPS Lumbar Planed and Dressed to orde . in the best manner. tST_ All work guaran teed. Acton, Jan.,18T8. ;V 1 liverv&sj,^&4vtbM J. P. ALLA^T Takes pleasure. In. announcing to the publio generally that he U -prepared to ?.-.j-^J,.,^f^yaifnish ; firtfe-cSwig-aoiWs and Oarrlagoa At Reasonable Rates. His Rigs and korses are the beBt that can be ha-d, and he Is determined not to' be surpassed by any Olty Stable. Aotoh July 1st, 1875. It is -worth any person's .while when in Guelph to call and see the Immense Stock of O "V E5 I?. GO ^k, T S For Men and Boys, all colors and prices, at ; ' ' """ ji Rutherford's Gkything Establishment, OF THE; ELEPHANPT, No. 31 Lower Wyndham S'ireet, QuelplL. Noted for having the best assortment west of Toronto,' and at prices that dofy competition. Come and see. '~ : WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. Guelph, Not. 20, 1876. EW P Uppeif W'yidham Street, C3-107E!XJ3DH: 0*ae* , p,mJ ACIO1 tod Se Katnl CM . *t-ngl Skeaq law Axenl Xnbf falthfl . soUell Ued senisl ~ Ca*.u UNDERTA INC. The, nhdersfgned begs leave: to inform the people of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that he has proot rod a magnificent H -EG _A_ IE? >3 IB, And: is prepared to attend and oonduct Funen.Is on the shortest hoticei and most moderate term i. Caskets, Gofflns, Bui ial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral FurniBhings kept iD stosk, and supplied on the ; M " , i shortest aptice. -. j ! Hat Sands and Gloves supplied-vr-hen required. Aoton, Aug. 8,1876. BOOK AND JOB PRINtlNGi .V.' JOHN SPEIGHT. \r PROMPTLY EXEQOTED A1 THE FREE PRESJ3 U^M-ii-at:-^ i /*o o a ca /y SPEOIAt ; LI Nisi, t At Low Figrufes. ' Many Special JLines of Goods have been fecttt^l .-." ) at extraordinary low.'!figured/ ' Will Be-Given. ,; ,) ? GALL EAELY. , - :'" >. T ' An early call is necessary, as many Lines can igrf ' ! ..-'.- .i - 1 * be repeated at the low figures. Guelphj^eo. 18, 1870. ini STBWAE^ W6* OUR WiNTBB! STOCK If^ll IS NOW ViA. good assortment in all the leading fines of Pelt Q-oods, Overshoes, .; " . ' ^ -_- ' " -". '. : . .-.-- ' '1 *' l " " '"-'"" * i., ' . _'-.-.' s jKiHdre|B.,s ioptaaai PRICES OUT VERY LOW POP i ..A ' : .' ft*?. -: i> yj-V-^: 'I? Bepairing Promptly Attended to, as ua. Acton, Deo. 5,1876. CEAINE:^ &*.w l r .rHMtj tbe-E lion . JTloal &ale Us *<ot tl tan- I "Cere -PI dstsl -* Pl*l . -41 . . Or m -- V f .. -~' *-f^-fm

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