Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1877, p. 4

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w &m fir >!% ' ':S <.r3 IS ->*. -f^-i. '.^J*-^1- -^+"' "?T*^*Ur' - ".*.' ' "* \ tf Q -eta*", Jfc-.U fc 'e 'Do you; think I'm/afriiJ of djiu' Bocoe I wouM-ruther live. And hang on to my niis'ahle chances. And wiatjUiov ara.likely.ta.siv.o_ In thi*iy <rsAiVin' aud.^riakinV .-'. >VftS"tKo pS>y-lr1\oninlhl*"WB'*st>> ' And liavin' to den J> in winter, '*~ Like a bear, with the surliest snow ! * J<o,' ir, I tell yon that dy in' . L la leaving the;things that W? know, AndHoatin ,ontjinto strange water*, All dark, above an' below ! "IkigTnotJtmLfor fi*y, Jerus'lum ; , '.. M'l^nowMwj^ldjrt'ftecm like h\Tiiy > Vos where^Vacf hnvbthiujja so aplciilttit They dou't egpect poo* folks to conic. But oh, if the aiiijjinjr iii^heaTen/-" - -1' - " Was theMium of thtSwind in the nines, Or the noise ot thb brtx>k ami the river, AVhere tho biook and tho river jmes ; If th*oir_r5ero-*o sing hallrluyar, ,' l- - <f *N Jm^'tte^lMo "ttrxrtrir" cJKppiss 'should -, chatter^ An' the locusaes chirrup away. f Mai**** tore. Frost kills vegetation, butrit <'n- iyi>iw httinvh beings.^ tt Bttra tho blood. It mukoa tho olu'oka rosy. SouioJtoW;it>eeT)^;t^.\\ui'iniip our wlrole imVure" . Now is tho season for courtship, and propoaHlFaiid eiij^iu'eiiilniUir-^as Xf jwu werebound to suito'ohl nature bj^.tije ytutmini of tho affections in pro'poi'tion as slio grows colccr. WelljthiS'is natural,. The;gui3 look prettier", in their whiter' cos-: tunics, with their uheoks nnintot} by thfcoklnorth *&id. ; Tlioiivinah- tiers . grow"'mote winning' and cordial. Contraries rtilo throughout; the Itthe-Myto w_^kwrM#i$ Mo&ias " Aria^aaded VitB trews oYeYaVsad,' 'Witk ieai'*s dropuiii' down in a shower. 'if ^'OT^^-^' tt^S'^*^** C*8^01^lhftt bv: " J.ooul J no^Uia]iuu0 to float, In and out among the' ljllies, AlS'D ! SXjBIQ-HS. JSqyr is tho tuuo to .leavp.your ordttr ._..<_ '. . " At Ji Ryder's Ffiotdry - Nfr a . Stylish C'utter or Scrviccnblo Sleluh. workt '"VVe.tpbijff tS;BoU of*fin -ja'wwakhig up. Urgu (took for tho tor-bv the glow or the affections. '"* '" Tliere i\ro Riiid to l>e stoves .which wive half the fuel ( but ;3ovo does .ihwAIi!M ihtit> it yi vus,. a,tun^old "ValuVto ><vrrtfirng, and ch'eei-s'.-fla well as warms : AH h.iiP, then to ^.,-AVith only ja<|. Mw in inyJbte^. , II I couldhear Majs before me, A. harkin* alone the trail,- ji 1 should' know thero was soiuvthiu' to ~ foUer, f\r . ." That wouldn't l>e likely to fail ^-i / -And I'd lay dowii my head eonteuvled To let the mots over tue prow, ' -' As it do^in -- Aadj! M* to"iirith me, "'^ " And held me fast by the haud, W'en the fog kiirered up the valleys, tiud I'd lost the lay o' tho land, . And 'twjaa safe to trust Him so fur, \ I'll trodt Hitu the very last mile; {{e kaow* where to look* when he wants me! ...:,- Without hiuift' Him all of the while, Wn^es corcespomtiiigty strong, -JBKfiiiiBg Amnsf mrntw... Tho company should all be sauted- The leader should lead the first line, then nil in tho room should repeat it in turn. The r leader should then read the first line again. Tho company should then repeat it-as ^^^V^^^^^^iog^ne lini r)^h:i tiuw .uftfii' you. repeat the Laiuniace of Flnscr Kings. of u-, gentleman wishing ! to marry literally- in tho market' . of his heurt bt> wears a plain or Ahaaed-ryi^ upoo-Uie first tinkerr,o jibe^l^r'hekiij^ind. ^ ' Whejj" succes^-a'ttende lhr"6nitj . and he is actually engaged, the" ruig : passes ti the second finger. AfU^.- marriage it passes to" the ; third finger. .,~; J'f howover, the g^nt desires to tell the fair ones that he-UOt- uulv - is not-"iii* the^mncket," hut ha^loei not desigirto marry at all, be wears the siguet upon his littlft finger, and all ladies may: understand' that he is out %f th^ir reach. ' ; . With tha.fair_sex, the "Jaws of the ring" are:' i A plain or chased ring on the . little finger of the, right hand im.- plies "not engaged," or, in plain words, il 'xeady for proposals; sealed or othprwiic" -^ When" cngagid,-tfae ring, pisses -^ to the " fii-st linger of the-left hand." . When l^aiiidd the third finger . receives "fc pv ^ ;.' , if the fjir one proposes to defy 'all siege to her heart," she places the rings on her first and fourth finger one onj eaeh^ like two .charms to keep' away the tempter. It ia somewhat singular that this ' disposition of rings is rare. Marryina In llaste. /' Is 8be' I handsome ? Is she Bty^ lisb f asks the young man of the day, when about to take a wifa. One-old ox|opening oj-terat . 'I'wo toaila, totally tired, trying to trotte Troy.; Tlireo taw*y tipers tickling trout. " Four fat friars tanning a fainting fly. live fair tiirta tlyiii^to France-for thi fashions,.' . Six Scotch aalujnn selling six sacks of sourkrout. ;- Seven small sohliers supcessfully shooting suipea, . ydnd'that of liny oilier publlei.iloi.; In -. -.JJight eluinmt elephants embarkinc fact llislheonly weekly uaporpuurjMiril For Kuropo. \ -- Nine uiiublo noblemen nibbling noh- pariels. ' r ,Kn-?ti(Wy" tiiRre tMeOsig? 'n<W*e- ~ j lilevcii"ert- earwigs eagerly eating eggs. .' .*' Twelve twittering tomtits on tho top of a tall, tottering tree. pwsmit ueaaon/fwin tliu boxt waiiriftl. Call and See our Handtome Cutttrn. >! -A?y present stock of BUGGIES Al^D WAGONS will bo Bofd off very cheap. Now is a 'good tuno to secure bargains. ' ' Strict attention given to aorso-Sbopiagr * CrenfralBlacfc- 'v 'iiattW^V' V Acton, Sept. i JAMES KYDER, n, 187C. w UATt PAY: a? IT PAYS ercry Jfanafactarfr, M*r- ebant, Mechaalr, Inventor, t'ariurr. or Proreulonnl Man, to keep Informed on ull tliu lmprovementa and dtscoverits or UieakC.r - r. - - J -; \ r. -.- IT PAVrS tut, heado* erm.tanUly to lntrtxluciiniahlull )njeho]dunowsi)iier that 1*1 ii rud >Xe, thuklosiani a UiMe for luXTttUKubioa, unit (iromol^s tliougnt and encourages discussion. . . THE CIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published weekly lorihe hi*t 31 yearn, doe* this, to an t-XU^t-bc* Slaughtei- AND Tumbling Down PRlGESi OJT NKW m DRY GO DOS i - i AND - '..M . MILLINERY Terrible Saoriflco. Y PRICE. GOOD 80LD AT iyiust be Cleared Out ?Wfl ilou't want to carry any of on ttock inW -the ney'"--atdre," v/hich i nearly completed. ~^r- . . DiiESS GOODS, ' MILLINERY, . ; ' , WOOLEN GOODS,. STAPLE G00D3, In tii United states devoted to Mamt- ' Must all bo sold at astonishintelt Low Prices. FACTURE*, ME11ANICS, I.NVKSTIONSanU Nbw onicovKiiiBs In Arts mill Scleures. Eyerj- number Is pnilusply IllustrateU and Its contents ouibrace me una most interesting Inroriuatloii perai(.Jji|f l i>.A nr A"T1C<a EVVR- VnTT tolheXndustrial, Mt'Cl)iUiU-al,.uud Sclou- :.JJAKVxAlria iTCMS lUU, Fliktatios. " In a certain seirse," Rays a modern'. writerj ." all :it^ruetive femal.ea are more Or less, flirts.',- luia-trna tu^i-e -are aonie women ibohtjis ceptl'-kSoking as the rough s\de of a : horseradish' grator, who read with glasses 'add eat with proeehiin te^th, and yet flirt. It lis. business with ; therti. Tht-y are iobligf^Lto snap at the first cbnn'ee : like hungry wolves. Ru girls who don't have to jump at chances flirt because it's pretty business. A man always approach^ es a girl dressed in' society polite ness, and it is the girl's duty ofco pierce this thin coating of sugar and plum, and learn what is be neath. She cannot accomplish this"; " I don't believe in fashionable ehurches," said a lady, recently ; " but after all, considering that we are all to go tin the same heaven, perhaps it's die.tT to keep. up;the social diRtipctipn as long as We can." tide progress of tho world.. TBE SerF.VTII'IC IHERirA\ ban been lilt, f.iremoiil of all tudublrlal publlra- tlnnafor (lie past 31 years It Is the Old est, Largest, Cheapost and Bem'W'edKly Illnslrate'l-------- ..... .Mechanics npost and BesiWedltly Illnslrate'l poperdevoled lo Knglneehng, i, Cuerolsiry, Now Xuvenrlous, BARGAINS FOR &OU,i BARGAINS FOR YOU Bargains for Everybody Science ami Industrial frogretF, ptibilHtl. ed la me world. Th> practl'-al Rcc [tea- are wall worth U>M tlnw.s the nuii^crlpllon price, nnd for tne bop ivnd tiouso will save many times tee co-it. . Il should hhre-a place lii everyFarr Ily, Library, study, office, Beading Ituum, I College and school. "A new volume commences January 1st 1877. A year"* numberscouiilu Raopuges and Several Hundred EngrnvnTgs, Terms, S3.3) a year by inai). tnclujlns posliufe.- ilscoiinttoc)ub. SieclallCir- eulara,cfvlnselub rnlesi sent-free. Sin- Bla coirtes mailed on receipt ofiucaots. Slay be hd of all newsdealers. DATCklTO In'conneetlon w!tb rH I Cfl I the SrlentlOr Anierl. can, Messrs. Munn * Co.hre Snllciiori> ol American and Forelen iauu-nki,and Huv, the largest establishment In t-heiwolrld-. More than flftr thousand nppltcailons havrt been niadefor patents through their asrency. j Patents are obtained on tha.bosl terms. Models of New Inventions anj Sketches examined, and advlee froe. ,A pamphlet containing full directions (or obtHlijing Patents, sent free. The Scienter Ameri can Reference Book, a volume bound In cloth and ellt. containing the Pa ent '. Laws. .Census or the U. 8. and 1-ti En. gravlnsrs of mechanlc.ll movements. Price SS cents. Address rnr the .Pnperi or coneerrilng Paten", MUSS <fc CO.,S7 Part'.&nr, New Yorfc. ^ YK^li'S FLOW KH and VEG- ETABLE ARMEX Is the most beaut I nil. work of ih kind In the world. It contains nearly 130 page', hundreds 6f>flne-lllnsur:itions, and six chr< ma plates , of flowets, t>eamllully I .----------^ -. ,-_l . .-------------- Price aff Yick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a yp-jtr. ~ Vlck's Catalogue 300 illnstratlons, only Scents i Address J a Mrs Vick, Rochester, X.Y. Are plan'eu by a million people in Amer- lea. See Vick's Catalogue. 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Vlck's Floral-Guide, quarterly, 25 cents a year.- s Flurs cents," with elegant cloth ce-yers $r. All ny' otibHcations are piipted' ma.ianJ Enetl^h- I Address,' JAJtesVicK^ Rochester, N.Y. " Can hesupportlme in Stvle 1" asks 'rawn and oilored rrom na-ure. Priceaff -i- rL -h t-.* , cents in papercovers.Sl.uOm'el'gantclolb the yoong wonian. ^How much Printed In Herman anil Ei-el^ii. better would it be to ask, "Has* the woman a heart capable of pnre affection ( Will she be willing to - share with me adversity as well as prosperity? Will: she forsake' all J V^t<TliS. SLOWER aud VEG- othere,!a.nd cleav(^ unto hie through! .' ^.ET.AI?y* s?Wr**_____;,_ _ .-^.._ r weal and woe}" , And woman, yes, i woman, she wl ose very nature '.ought Yio etimirlate her to higher and holier motive i.for taking upon - Vlck's "f1utI and Vegetable OardeD, 50 herself the' mar-iage relation is * - too t^fdeo-only az lions aa to the Jength of her husband's |>urse, and the amount of his bank stock. -The beirt, the mind,- lie intellect, yes, /everything really worth marrying for being nqnesst ntialsj- iJnt oh ! i"ibe missry-tnat t often follows ' each marriages! The husband,- when it is too lite, laments, his blindnes3 and- folly. .-'Tue - Wife1 is , pi* le to realize that riches take io themselves winga'and fly away, and then comes-the consciousness of a want of Byrnpathy and congeniality of feelings. They *re alone in the world~witkout one thought or taste jn oofpm^n^i-Xlsliiks y^u.n^.bewa.rjg flow 4hV erfter the 'marriagel state , Irom.Snch ISofiyeSTTeal^:EBey 'wife ' too h> ia from the delinjipn, Our Millinery is first claps. ! All new and fashionable Our Dress tioods are just whnt ii wanted lor the season. Thelites: patterns and colors. A large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods cheap. Gontlcmon'3 EJurnisliire Gooi^ Rood itid cheap. Jswelery, Jewelery. RinRE Brooches,] Qhains, &c. ilso a good stock of GROCERIEii AT McNAIRS, ACTON Call and Sec-onr Coods anc! Prices. SUBSCPwIBE FOR THE Kpitaph for a broker --" Waiting for a. rise." f j ' Fou|ad^-A.?tew of the tears drop ped by a.,; crying evil." - Shbuld a14 aetjnairjtaTUJB be fur- g^ti-^-Upt if they What is :' book-keeping 1- Forr ' " getting to return bowowed jrolttines, A. standing engagements-Pop ping tfee question oyer the front \ ^STiy <sciatd nofc Gaptaib; Ware* ;~ fimjl the.JjToi-th Pole 1 -Elecansa the, / |uea in the Discovery; were not on the Alert, ! " ' i. To cure ja'flt of the blues; if lingle, get married :' if married, get " m diyoree-^ieUbir. wiH joocupy' fye j -mini for oretim<, "There is: nothing more truly in- ; jiuiuating and deferential than the - i waggle of a little dog's tail in the : presenee ot ft big dog with * bone. U blushed a fiery red, her heart *bea3^rj!d^jlo^.ea^ow'"at the hiat. 'J He tifembled in his speech, he rose /ron wbire he sat, and shsnfced ritt~T eteech;.' You're sittiijg ie# - mx:bm ' TTICK'S FLORAL GUIDE A beautiful Quarterly Journal fln<jlylllii*. traled, and containing: an etegantlcolotftd Plower Plato -with the first nnmber. Price only 35 cents fcr the year. The first No. for 1877 Just issued In German and English. iVtcVji Klbwur ma-VegetaWe.f3nrdon,ln uojx^ai cen^s,Wtttt elejfaat (loth coyer, viek's Catelofine. 300 Illustrations only iceuta. Address JiJdf-^l VICK, Bocbeister, JS. Y. . WCK'S Illustrated t Priced CATAEOCilE. Fifty psges-^viUB ltinstratlonp, with de scriptions of thousands of the best flowers Bnd vegetables - In tbe. -world, and-, ttoft was to ^row thein all f' r a Two <?EKT postage stamp. Prlnteella Gerzni^j aiid EnglhJl,,^ t r ' " 1 ' Vick's -PtoHAix Gt/idb, <J,nAitTijBt.Y, 25 cents a year " ' Vick's Pxoweb aim Veoetable Oab- PR?r, 60 e'ents in pajer; in elegant cloth covers, $1,00. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N;Y. u&. C T 013ST A CTON PLANING MILLS'] Pump. Sasli, Door aud Blind , . Factory. T20MAS EBB AGE, .., j \ < \ J^annfacturer of . ,vv *" Win&bw Sash, Doore, Venetian BliacHe Mouldings, And other Building Requisites AlaoMalLsr of IWPB0TSD MOTION PUMPS 'Lumbar Planed and Dressed'to orde - -in the best manner. >"-, All work guaranteed, Afften, Jan.{1870, Only One. Dollar A Year in- Advance A Good Assortmettt of Studa, ; N Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Chain*, Fanoy Gold Rings, Gold Drops, Brooches, Sots, BlackSeta, ; Separate Brooches1, i ; -' r Drops, Black Lockets, Pearl Suite, i Necklaces of all kinds, !_'" Toy Watches,-' Etc], etc., etc. |- JUST OPEN2D. JUST OPENED. :: Call and See Them. t GEOKGE^H^NDa I ;. i "VVatchmaker,. |-' Post Oflice Store, Acton. December 10, 3876. /.-'- ,'- ITIOITiLBLE "WEST Tj 65 (Pieces Brocaded-Lustres, 10 cents a yard. , 20 Pieces Bi^caded ^Re cersible, 12$ -cent!s. 30 Pieces Fashibruible Serges, newnhades, 15 eentt BE SURE'TO CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE L " -. -...' - . [ . 'j ~i Centennial Check SuitingSj ; "1" AT THE . ' !'..-- .,'.- i i '; ' ' ! " Bast End Clothing Store. ALSO GEKTS' UNDERCLOTHiNG In great variety front Sgl to $S.50 per Suit. Acton, October SI. 1876. DICK30N & IvIcNAB. 123 Pieces-Wool^Serges, 25 cehts, regular^priey-|j^M5" Special Iline Black ilka, 90 cents'a yardT - V ?;?-'^ cleared out at 50 cents s, yard. For Cheap Dress Goods, ladies should 4isit the Fashionable -.' - .) v A. O. BUCHAM, FaihlonableiWest l:nd Dress, il Illneiy and Mantle ' Gdelph, December 1,1876. WM.STE Would -'.respectfully friends !.an<l the call th general HIS attest ion of. ffiefa:;: public that : i'U- EW Toitheif PRE JLcrox LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN 'Takes p^esstireV tn'nnounoinr-to the phhlie gemeraU>r*ua*,/iiis prepared I to famish * [ Fixst-olass Horses aal "Oarriagjop At Reasonable Bates. O: T. HILL, Hill Street. ACTON. .DEALER IX Groceries; plocSor7xv '; Boots & Sioos, Wail Paper, Viado'w Blinds, f ; iTsila, aiass, -Puttr. /LinsMd Oil. ! P&ints, Turpeatlae, i Coal 0%galt^ etc.. All of which will be sold low for cash. BOOTS an^' SECOES Selling off at cost. 1 i . '-.. i '. - ' Also agsstJor-tho. >' RUBBBB PAINT COMPANY Of Clereland, Ohio. Cash for Bides. Aeton, Jniy 1, 1&78.J., REMOVED! R CREECH SADDLER & HARNE88-MAKER. Has removed one door west of his old stand, and 'is now prepared to turn tint work, which for ~ ^j/xii '-:v'U.:.;a.'..',^ NEATNESS, OSEAPNEBS AND DT7SABHJTT It is wofth any person's wliile : :' M : '. when in Guelph to call and see the , Immense Stock of i ' " -,!.-! ot ii::iBt'o c> ^"rts For Men and Boys, all colors; and prices, at < Rutherford's Clothing Establishment^ SIGN OF 'iKE ELEPHANT, - No. 31 Lower Wyndliam Street, GnelpL. I . :_ , i. Noted for having th4 best assortment west of Toronto, and at priciis that defy competition. .; Come and see. ' .1 ._. - .| ,... ...... ... i .. ; . WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. Gueiph, Nov. 20,1876. UNDERTAKING. h: His Rigs and Horses are tbe best that this is the right place, can ba bad, and be is determined not to " b surpassed by any City btable Acton July 1st, 1875. ' -Jf-*,-:: cannot be snrpassed by any house, in the county. Harness of all Kinds supplied on the' shortest possible notice, and warranted to give perfect satisfac tion. ;| - ': Ajjhe is4pinghn.siness principally on idle Osih-System, he is prepared to. sell cheaper than ever, ";'-:".' Give him'a call and Tie eon vinced that And is prepared .to-|attend and conduct Funerals on the shortest and most moderate terms. Cof; Caskets, , .MM..MM Robes, And all kinds of Fumral Fiirnishings kept in' stock, and'.supplied on the shortest motice. -^ ' ai^d Gloves supplied when required.! ," : jHat BAndi Acton, Aug. 8, 1876 BOOK The undersigned befcs, letive to inform the people of Acton and pur- roundini; neighbor ijood tliit he has procurod a magnificent Jj r\ JEvl S JBj^ r'.--:J notice JOHN SPEIGHT. JOB PRINTING P10UPTLY EXECUTED AT JuneS, 187, E. CREECH, Aeton. THE FREE ft SPECIAiL T*ll -Colt B-S3| *tre G-TEET^EHj^^: l_ At IjOW Figures. Manjy SpeciarjCiiii'es at extraoidinary \o . onKrl HI ifibe raHhfj -- oUc 'tafCa '-Paten ,-rforpn : saObai Urn ttnul :KU LIN in p[ iGofyds hare been">eci^| n: ures. BAEGAI 'Gl-iven. 'i \ ' ; ; ': " ': '.: ' EARLY. An early call is nieccssar^y,, as laany Lines can be repeated^at -%f^'t "Mi' -V^tlV;:-;-..' CAIAu A. good ascortn eot ia lalj the le&dipg linaf Folt &oo4s? C1vg:^1io.os3 Cliillrea's : toofe and t- :l-j. ic'.i*St,-g^V . -S>-.i!.:*?' m S^palrinJE Frbniptly Attead** ! '< Acton, Peei 5, 1*W> -'.!t L\' LOW Slioes/ -" :W:--J,.'^|ft^K'i dflast he "i ala matt *. .E^.^3 All ;oaJji^ * 4 >j- -' -tSi--

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