Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1877, p. 2

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m H - 1i :% VlSi FEEEJ PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT.r JANtTAItY 25, 1877. HUE. At'TOX, FREE PRESS Kvory TymrrdflV Morning. J. H. HACKING, Proprietor. . $1 Per Annum in Advance If 0?S 1UC.KIKO tolTOft S-me wo< ks" ago, a petition wns . RtaYUal by :i f>\v di-iltlVv!ed ilidiv^d-, mils in tbk'.k>'-c nskng -ilic Co;tiuy I'ouoo^ t<i vwt-, The Trade Prospects of \11*. Tlitjre s is no reason, *> * tho Moiit.tiirjj Times, why 1S77 shotrld a ;pro)ipJri>us year. Jjoney is abundant uiul iio4imn need . be hampered for the'want' of it who ^VlilllJl.V l.L'U.l-1 J-Uob Menders, mid.-cbief .itiions them the whole Imuk'iig fntUTuity,Will;|>rob- ial'ly be somewhat particular about ..,., ,..^..x, ......v..,.^.. ...v.x. ^,, .,>-,,. ?'rity\ ' << to <i"'lity Mid 1 quantity. Aiid.itis well for -their customers j they .should tai so! Nothing is move iiijurous than credit dispensed injmlwiously. ' It is as. bad in t3io commercial world us iiidisoViUiiciiitv luMievolfiii'o m ill the social Mm* re. " If bunkers curry steadily out the rhUw-iuul melhodsj which aw tho frtiitof lojig expevi j mice, their customers aro! Mire ta Iks' lienetite<l in tlie long ruui- Many it man, to-day, with;a load of debt upon his shoulders, and which may b* chain arqiiud Ihia neck for a lifiVtiihP, has jto bl'i'me, first of all, his t\wni imprhdonco in borrowing, but next, ani) almost as much, tho imprudence of u banker in lending.! And many a banker, today, can l(j>ok- sorrowfully over lock-ups and debts of n permanent character in his bookb, Tor which it may bo lands, mill*, factories or ships, are held as security, and reproach him self that, in the keen "strife and I Board op Anrsj ani Aorioul-I Mr. D. T. Pairbairn is tho now tuiih. tiiiiw for which -Mr.-*ccijlor of the Luoknow Sentinel. 'u-t of this county? itst. miss Jlr, Little fi-om tho ofliw oi ""School [nspector.for "tyranny" and " arbitrary eoridnrl." The petition' was presented to the j Council on Tues&lay, kind after .-a ' care-- ,-fnl investigation, it was agreed "that the chafes wore not sus tained" bv facts. We fancy the Council hare too high an opinion of Mr. Litt'e's qualifications for the otlicev to take any; action towards his dismis'^l without htiving . well founded proof of his ilirelectioiv or overstepping of duties. one we doa't often meet with ; and yet our friend of the Georgetown- IlrMtti tries to console himself with the belief that Mr. Warren, the recently elected Deputy Reeve, is ' unhappy.". Mr. Warren was yiciously opposed by the Herald. He was elected by u Overwhelm ing niajority. of the ratepayers of the towhshtj), and now, according to Heraldlogic, is very "unhappy." Queer logic; ain't it"? Common f^lk* incline tt> the belief tliat the reverse is" the true state of the case, and tha* tbe-vuibappiness exist* in the HrniLl office, if anv where. Tlyjiims-iiuick, of \Vuterilo\yn, wb t'lectiufTto Aitt as a 'member of tho Board of Arts and Agriculture, representing tho .seventh diatriut, i comprising tho counties of Welling^ ton, Waterloo, Halton, Wentworth and the city of ilfamiltoit, recently expired. tu tlio election of tbu representative ohch electoral divis ion in tlio district has one vote. The three'ridings of Wellington nominated -Mr,. Johu Hobaon, of ( North und South Waterloo and Hultoii sup- portejl, Mr. Alex. Barrio, of North Diuivfi ies ; and North- nnd Sauth .Wentworth and Hamilton voted for Air. 'JJhos. Stock;: Each candi date- IbiiH having a tie, it rested with ilio Minister of Agriculture, Il^n.|S.. C. \\*ood, to give the caat^ ing- vote. Mr. \\rood decided to elect Mr. Stock. "If thei-e be anyone " unhappy " by reusan of having his wishes and anibitions fully gratified, lie must Ik- a queej sort of an individual,and J competitive eageriipss for; business of in year or two ago, li'j allowed himself to bo beguiled into parting witlrbis resomees ou security of a non mercantile character, or on no nil. " The. Georgtwu H*rtil(Ir >* a cfumsy sort of ishion, insinuates that a couphj of jobs of printing dene by ns for ^he Township of next Pope, Esqut sing were sent elsewhere to be executed; The superior maimer 'in-which thy were dune, we pre sume, leads him to this conclusion. We beg most distinctly to assure biiki that they were printed entirely in our own office, and under our "own personal smpvrvision. It vt-rvr ill becomes the Elitor of the (ierahl W fl.itter himself that he *' has not "yet St?t foot uu'jn tlio tjhivshuld " oC thd first-stage of hy'j>ociisv." A Very pretty sentiment, that, so . uujjfiousiv tlung out, but how about _-having had one ^i.'.e of the Hcrabl jirinted rfor^ s-v.-'ral months in l-idiiBikon,. while it was prot'e.^seoly- being done in Georgetown. Perhajis Rumor has it tha) ' the D'ako Decazes, Frt-ncTi Ministero;f Foreign Aflairs, will resign' in cojist-quenco of u disagreement with Lis leader, M. Simon." Tlie Toronto papers \mite. to oppose the franchise for farmer's sons, btit the whole of them are wiHmg to-have, farmers pa\' taxes for t4ie Toronto municipal treasury. It is reported that the Pope is about to s.ibinit to the College of UiirdimiLslhe question of the ex pediency of securing the liberty of the conclave which, will" elect tbs' January. This nionth.takes its name, from Jan im, ono of tho gods of-Pngan mythology. Ho was usu ally liainted with two faces, with ono of which ho was thought to lookback upon the old year, and forward with tho other to the now. Tlie Roman year originally com menced in -March.- At first it had but ten months. Nuiha Poiu'pilin?,- who died G72 B. C, addckl January and February. It is usually tho coldest-mouth of thu twelve, lionco tho adage. " As the day lengtlicus ' - iSo tlio cold strengthens." Mr. Adam Brown, of Hamilton, has boon elected President of the Dominion Board of .Trjulo. * Tlio Granger says : "That o. ma jorrty of OransferH and farmora To Canada iro in favor of u fruit tntilo polioy.'" . - I Grunt itifrecnrrty provails in fiuan cial circles and ruinwH of faiiuros aro \tiiy pruviilcnt on the streets in Toronto. i Mr. Fleming, M.PP. for South Waterloo, who was recently seized with paralysis, died ut Gait Sunday afternoon. ' , It is stated thni tho Wcllnnd Valovwqrk(!, irecently destroyed by tiro at St. Catherines will bo trans forred to Montreal. A Peterboro'schoolboy threw n [pen nf. u coniiiule liamell Hilliiird and, tho point striking him in tho ^ye, destroyed the sight. There aro lots who can bent Vennor. They writo for iiowh- papers, and after a smell of wcuthet tht>y remark " l'tqld you so." Shortrqoko has voted a bonus of $15,000 to tho Cansdian Meat d Produce Uo, if they will re-com inciicu. The young man who wrote nm. nsked his girl to accept u ' bucket of dowel's became a little pale when she said she woodend ware it, " My brother," said a clergyman, " do you feel charitably inclined this winter!" "Yis," said -the brother, " If it doesn't cost any THE EASTERN MUDDLE A. RiMRian War ConnclLj SBRVIA'ASKS FOS BNQ- LISHcMBDIATjON. Frrparnllonii tbr Trannport of Troopa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, M r. Thos. WLite; of the Montreal Gazette, lectured on Protection in London before the Boartl of Trade, on the 12lh iust. A large audience was present. If Toronto shoiila fax the Parlia ment Buildings because it protects them from tire, why should it no* also levy on tlie Sj.OOO.OOO suppos ed to be in the Treasury,'because it guilds it from thieves? And why should not the back counties tax A' Delusc iu England. Some idoi of the extent of the fair freshets in England-may be gathered trom the iollowing -facts culled, from late English papers: In, , . - . .. r -.' . . 'rivers , fi was n-cently fined 20 and costs l>y >w , ;, j the East Middlesex License Coni- Mr. James Legg, of London East London the b!reels weie mud. The Thames ovl-rllo banks near Windsor |ind Staines, and the lands are Hooded for miles. The Ibis has so enlarged ite- bound tiries that the 'Versity nien aro boating over the hedges and trees in tho classic-fields of Oxford. The Derv.eht, in Derbyshiriv has swnl- lowed up sheep and oxen by the score. The Trent, in Nottingham shire, has destroyed hundreds of HCies of wheat. The[ Onse,. in Huntingshire, has halfrsubmerged . . , ,. , . the town of Godmanchister. The j ls P'^lwheil Avon has flooded several factories j There is much less of obtaining at Bath and Bristol, land taken- money under false, pretence thali bre^d out of the mouths of hun-,'formerly, probably owing to the dif- dreds of mechanics, who have to | ficulty of obtaining money under stay at home and mop out thoir nny pretence. eelhy-8. In the mining districts of missionersjor selling liqiiorcont-rar.' tb -law, /The DemocratRjclaim that accord ing "to the Rjs"piiblicari count Tilden lias 130 majority in Florida, and on the Democratic count a majority of 1,259. OtKcial.assignees are required ts make a. return of .the expenses' insolvent estates td the Minister Agriculture, nnd'a form of return ,-, ., , i ,- ,-i The Jloiietnry Time* is plad to Cornwall the pumping-machmes of observc that 80 omnK leadinH - mer. many of the mtnes have_ leen laid cLunt3 tLl.ollgllollt tho province a,v c j "P. "1 the lower part of the town , ad )ting the 8J.Btem of 8trictly cash , , . , , ,. ,, oi Ktidruth is under water. Such: - - the .unsold Crown Lauds ? If there (a general deluge has ECldom been I are to be no exemptions, some queer OoKBTAiNTiNOPM':, Jan. 22. The European; Ambassadors' visited Midhat Paslui, Grand Vizior, nnd Sufvet Piishii, MinisttT of Foreign Atlaijrs, to-day, to i>resent their charges d'affaires. " .- Tho Marquis :of Salisbury" left ,to-;lay. - f London, Jan.: 22,-^-A despatch from 8t. Petersburg saysla grand War Council is to bo convjenod lit Kiehenov. Tho Czar and General Igrintief will attend.. . Tho an- nouncoiEont must, liowevor, bo re ceived with riiucli caution, awaiting confinnutioti. Thus far eonisols and American securities aro uninfluenc ed thereby. . i ! Viknna, Jan. 22. It is reported that tho officers of the Russian rail- w) s have been ordered to hold their roads in readiness from tlio end of the present week for a largo increase of military transportation. The announcement that the Am bassadors of the three Northern Powers would .embark pimultano- ously today is regarded as u proof) of the permanency of the alliance of the three EuijierOrs. It is stated that a new Russian internal loan of itwp hundredf' mil lion roublerf aro impending. It is reportedr that the Servian Government hasIasked the niedia- tion of England for peace' with Turkey./ London, Jan. 23. The Tele graph's Peru correspondent says: The Porto has sent telegraphic des patches to its Ambassadors at the vdjfioiis Conits, -.informing them that, while rejecting the proposals of the Conference; it undertakes to faithfully extend the new constitu tional .liberties to all its subjects. The Turkish Ministers have given their word not to attack Servia be-, fore tlie expiration of the armistice. The iTimcii despatch from Sem- lin mentions a repoit that a Rus sian legion is being formed near Gralmva, on the Danube,"and that tbe'jRussian .volunteers who quitted SerViu are joining it. ^' A 'Lucky Year. "There is l'n'ck QTKAYEB UOR8E. Cnma on the promises of tho siibscri- bor, in Acton, oirthe 13th int., Sor rel Ilbrnc. Tlio bwnor is rotiucst^d to prove property, pay ohargos and'take him"away ; otliorwiao he will be sojd to pay oxponsos. . ' - . ; nOBKRT ANEW. Acton, Jnn. 17. 1S77. 29-3t . T O BREEDERS. Tho young liorkshiro Boar "Wel lington Ohiof," brod by Oco.'Rudd-, of Ouolphj has Iwen'purchased ba mo and will be kept for scrvico premises adjoining this, village. This nnimid i$ from imported stock with first-class pbdigrco. Terms $1.00, to be paid at time of service, C.S, SMITH. Acton, Dpc 18, 1870. 2C-tf Q.D;PRINGliB Watches, I - Clocks and ; : Jewelbry bargAin^i -ahStfal McLEDD, fil* N6\M gcing^k>n at O-IE O jB 3t ETO"W"ITf Now1 is the l- No niore Auctions I things will be titxed | It is rumoured|that some changes recorded, and the amount of dam-. sles. The Toronto Car Wheel Corn- age lesulting from it is proportion-"-"any have called a meeting of their thats crisr the second st<; -not thtr fir.-t. of 1 i\ po- '* Hard Times." ' ' There has been oi jMt<?a wide ei tended cry of "Lard -riin^s." Never tiirfess, pruplt- are .dre.s.-ir-.J as.well ax e*er, and ,we notice that the lux uries of life are still used with givat -freedom. We have not met a single i*ift&iice of a iriiin gating up the u&e of tobacco, because.of the scarcity of tnoney. <Jur liquor dealers are still largely patronized, although they do not deitl in the necessaries of life, and seem to be doing a thriv- I iiig business. Tbey drrive faster horses and spend more jnoney than either the butchers or tjhe bakers. In (he matter of dre)ss, tobacco, liquors, and other "luxuries," times api>ear to lieas lively is usual. Ikit when we look into the books of business ineii and find that people who are. constantly using ; these things make little effortto jiay their grocers' bills, or: their tailors, or shoemakers, or butchers, or bakers, we discover many sad re sults of the hard times. Ouc coun try merchants, who have been do ing a thriving business, scarce know iow to make both ends meet, simply because they cannot make .collections. -.'.-^ ' , -Many people who go about cry ing " hard times'?' and denouncing It he governmentMfbr the_ge'nera.l dis- ^.tress, are themselves robbing credi- "it/jrs^if thiiir.just dues, and spending (what ' little^-nioney ahey have in ivT-astefiil indulgences. A general return' to .common honesty would, it seems tb Ha, quickly, bring about a. revival' k>f trade [and a complete banish merit of " Lard times." -T will -shortly be uiade in the Ontario Cabinet. It is impossible for one man to do the work devolving on the Treasurer and Minister of Edu cation. Mr. Crooks,-it is under stood, will retain the portfolio of Education,.and resigD the control of the treasury to Mr. Wood. Two Dimes are mentioned'in connection with the provincial those of Mr. Hod LLirdV. atelv largo. Slarryinu for Money. Manyirig fo,r -money j-is now-a- days done so often thati the unfoi-, tuiiate victims of their own short-- tongue of a young man named Les- i ighttdness in this respect are very ; lio was performed, in order to get creditors for the twenty-fifth inst, when it is expected the.'affairs of the Company will show a deficiency. Inthe general hospital, Montreal, the operation of cutting out the numerous. As;& rule, the enjoy- ! rid oftQ ment of the ijioney does not the pa^fi , . j compensate i becrctarvsnip-'i , . -. ' higher eitmeii rins and Mr. ., The Lous Credit Evil. : If the commercial men of Cana da resolve to celebrate ^the begin ning of a New Year by "an a,bandon- ment of the Jong credit system they -will do the-' whole country con siderable service. Every honest man wlio has experienced the sys- - tern will admit that it isannnmiti gated evil, ou the "one hand locking up capital, aqd, on the other, en- C*iuragin"g the reckless incurrence of debt. The opportunity is a splendid one for our Boards of Trade nnd Ghiuihors of Commerce to show , their worth. Let a declaration be drawn up to the effect that the sub scribers pledge tliPipiHelves to adhere --to a-sbort credit system say sixty days. Let circulated by I every Board of Trade and Chamtter of .Commerce in the-Doniinion. We believe there would be an almost i unanimous rush to endoise "the ac- " tiao, as ot men- rushing to liberty. Such a declaration would'worthilv rank with famed Declaration of In- depandenct* Jismtreql Witnett, Newl"Dominion Montuly. We have received the New -Do ninion Monilily for January.' It gives a portrait of Go v. Letellier, of Quebec, and a variety of useful, instructive and entertaining matter. : A Goor Hit. The meanest anl greediest man after'a.newspaper] is the man who is too mean to sub scribe. He is always- waiting for the jjilent piper, and it is not two minutes on the owner's premises till tie pounces upon it and never lets up until every line is--read. Then he will perhaps cist it-aside with the remark that he could make a better one himself. Exchange. 1 Halton Reform Association". It is announced by posters that a public meeting of Reformers of the County of Halton will be held in the town hall, Milton, on Friday, January 2Gth, at one o'clock p. m., at which addresses will be,delivered by G. R."Pattiillo, Esq., Secretary ot the Ontario Reform Association, Wm. -McCraney, .M. P., W. D- Lyon, M.-P. P.,'and otheis. Arms fob Tuekey. The steim- er Lo^us sailed from New Haven-on Tuesday for Constantinople with a cargo of arms and am'unitibn for tho Turkish Government. | Poultry'Faiii. A very an.ccess- ful and extensive: Poultry; Show was held .in Gait last,week. It began on Tuesday and ^continued till Friday. Gait is rapidly becom ing the centre of the Ontario Poul try inteLesN a monthly magazine being published there, devoted to that business, and having a circul ation of about 1,000 copies. The intf^-est taken in the show may be judged from the fact that over 1,- 000 entries-were made for competi tion and visitors attended from distant), parts of j Canada and the United States. - ."" . The Dunkin Act in Brant and xford. Bradford, Jan. 19. The fourth and last day's voting Las rosulte'riri favor of the Bill, -with the following majorities : Yeas, 510; navs 210. Majority for the bill, 270.' -". - Woodstock, Jan. 19. At the close of the polls to night the fol- for"^ the!-, loss of the ts ojf_happiness which cancer t's life. which threatened It is stated that five wellknowii confidence and monte men make are popularly supposed to be found' tueir headqimrters at Detroit, and iu the matriuionial st^itef.and when )no reguiarly engaged in \vorking the fortune is not available'or never " existed, then indeed the deluded worshipper of mammon jfinds" him self or herself doubly'"sold." This appears to .'be the caso with a young New York woman, Uyerity-threo years of age, whoniarried a widow er somewhat advanced in life nimed against the inarriage, and in order to pacify.them he deeded his prop erty to them, comprising real estate valued at some 20,000, Haying thus made his peace with his daugh ters,' he married the object of his second choice. It turns out, how- ever.-that his mode of pacification was,nDt all relished by. his young bride. She married, as she after wards frankly stated, fpr his money, but when she found t'hiit he had, unknown to her, made away with the bulk ofj his property, a change came OTer the spirit of h ^r dream She brought suitaga'nstMr. Young to set asidejthe conveyan ;e, on the ground that he had no riijht to dis pose of her inchoate right of dower At the trial of the casp judgment; was given in" Young's husband has, appeaied'tothe. Supreme in the meantime the life assorted couple.nie leading must 6e a peculiarly.painfully one. The freight business 6r the Inter colonial so far exceeds all expecta _tion that the rolling stopk, which was'thought more than has proved entirely insufficient, and an that part, (if the staff which jmanages tho freigl t business was found necessary also. in-coming trams' over the Grand Trunk, Great Western, and Canada Southern Railways. At Brampton station on Fri.da afternoon, Mury Houstrasser,'a girl about 14 years old, in attemptin, to pass through ft parted freiigl Daniel Youngs. His iXTgrown" f tra^n' *"-'M,Sht Vetween ti,e caf up daughters stoutly |- protested ! and k,lled uInl0sfc "^antly. her fayor. Mrs. however, Court, and. this ill- bills. It ifl by the judicioui use of such articles of'iliet that a cdnst tutioiLiuay be gradually built up'iuitil at ohgenough to resist qvery tendency to disgasc/ Hundreds of pubtle maladies are floating around tis ready to atta'cl: wherever there is a we ik point: We' may escape many a fatal shaft by keepii g ourselves well fortified vntti pure bloo land a pro perly nouris] led frame." C ivil Service i [owing were the^majorittes.r Yeas, | jAJIES Ep^ &' Cc H(imceopathie 715; nays, 444, '.Majority for the j chemist, 48, I bill, 275 Threadneedle 1170, Piccadilly, London,;' Once more the father of little Charlie Ross has been called from his home on a false report that his boy had beon found, i The hearts of sympathizing parents must glo out to this sorely afflicted father and the griefatrieken family. The writ for the plecuon rendered necessary by the.death of Mr. Gra ham, late member for Frontenac in tho Local Legislature, has been re ceived at Kingston. The nomi nation wjill take place 'on the 5th of February, and the polling; on tie 12th. "" : The Stratford Beacon chronicles ap instance of extreme longevity, which appears to be well authenti cated. Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie died on the 11 th inBt.,! in the town ship of Mornington, . at tho great age of 10J4 years. She was born in tlie county of Down,; Ireland, ,iii. 1773. She left her native lantl with her son, John Gillespie, in 1846, and fpnnd a new home in the townahir of Mornington, then al most a wilderness. On Friday evening as Mr. Mann ing, ofTiorold, a contractor on the new canal, one of his foremen and his 'bookkeeper- were leaving the office fori home, the latter, who was a short d attacked ed him : Epps' Cocoa. Grateful and Com forting. "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral laws^'which govern the operations of digestSonanc nutrition, and by a careful applicatioi o.the fine properties of-well selected cocoa, Mr-' pe. iTheir victim lies in n very Epps hag provided our breauasttables - ' . ^ wfA a Jelicately flavorel beverage (precanot,8 condition. No clue to which may save tis many heiyy doctors' the robbers has been obtained. istance behind the rest, was by three roughs, who fell with a blow with some heavy instrument'and robbed him of h fine gold watch and chain and of 132. They then made their Street, and While, W. Dy mond, a storekeeper of London EaBt, Ont., ytjxs Sitting in his house Friday night, some one suddenly entered the room and knocked ihim-'down with a f|bnd*r- ous bludgeon, leaving him on the Ifloor, then went to work to ransack the drawers in a cool and deliberate manner, securing about $60 in bills, and then taking bis departure, i ,No clue. in odd numbers." ^We hope it may bo! so. This year iB '77. Guelph town printing cost 830 last year. j Ked Chaff Wheat Barley ... Oats ... .; Peas , ...- -.. Potatoesti per bag Apples per bag '.. Onions Batter ... ;. Eggs. ... .. Dressed Hogs Turkeys Geese. ..; Ducks .." . .. ACTON JIAUKET8. Flour ... ... | .. $3 25 to 3 50 Fall WTicat .. j ..' 1 28 to 1 40 Spring Wheat, Glasgow .. 1 25 to 1 28 ' .'. 1 15 to I 22 .. 0 50 to 0 G0! .. .' 0 43 to 0 45 .. - 0 66 to 0 70 .. 0 70 to 0 80 ... 6 7Oto0 80 .'.' 1 00 to 0 00 . 0 18 to 0 20 .. 0 15 to0 18 ... 7 00 to 7 25 .. 0 07 toO 09. .. 0 05 to 0 0C .. 0 0G to 0 07 AT PRESENT. I am so busy with Watches -So - repair that I have concluded - .to have no more Auctions for a few weeks. All - T goods will still i - be sold At. a Special Discount of 25 per cent. lieine time for The public fairly startled and ^stonished at the startling cheap goodi'new eol 1 atithe \- Farmers, MAMMGffi: HOUSE, Mechanics, laborers, [tousekee.pers. yobng and ol<J, riobf , poor, if you. want jio bay cheap goods, it the very ' liOw^est Hkrd Time Pricea .Nowis your opportunity; W*qtj'v tenHive Block; and are determined Lots of .Wtitches to select from. TIiib is abona-Jide cheap sale.' REMEMBER THIS McL!0E>, j.t _-. i- e- m-irfced'rtown the balance:-of oai"%: W etear tV all out before spring. "Wli are: bound to'make this the moirt extensive Clearing iiile ytojanrp ieTerijiw ;,_' tempted. -Dbn't negject the! opportunity, of getting tie largest k*of v, goods for the'least money, you evei saw in your lifetime. .,'-\ i -1 " " .; ; J -- : ' ;- V ,". - ",'. - I:' SALE IS FOR CASH We must iave the moneys 11 ere fore "^you can Boy goods Terj'dWqft^ Don't forget the spot. . r Jan. 81 1ST7. A Splendid Ilair Dressing and : , Restorer' Combined Wood's IcpproTCitt Unlr ElcvCoraflTe Is unlike any nth>r, nnd h.m no equal. 'Phe Ira proved lias tie w veeetnlile tonic propertlee; reiore'erey itnlr ton^losKy natural color; r^storei f tdeil(ilr.v, hn:*n ami f vlilni; hair; restore^-, dn-Bsei!, elve1! vigor to tht Imlr; wiorci hair to prran: turely bald bend?; resinves d ,ndrtifT, tm- morp, Fcaly eruptions;- removes Irrlia tlon, Itching and fcaly. tfryncts. TTo article produces such wonderful onects I Try It, call for WOotl'a Improved Hnir j Kestoratlvp, nnd don't bo put ofTwIih i any otiier article. Bold by a 1 drugg.sls In this plnee Jind dealers everywhere. Trnde supplied at man^facturerfc' prlcvs by C. a.Cook A Co .Chicago,Sole Agents for the United States and Canada*, and by Lyman Bkos, a Co., Toronto.-) >J /' Sork "^fanteflli 5C00 Dressed Hoga wahte/1 jreelcy-, for which the JUgbest Cash Price w ill be paid. Frbnt^2,000 to S5,000-in ca sh to be paid out to fannersjor Pork ere iy week dufing December, at". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. No Reasonable Offer Rofased- ^ G. D; 'PRINGLE. Gnelpb, Jan. 12, 1877. T O ^Z" S AND Paa.07 Q-oo4s i WALKER LODGE No. 321. A. V. A A.M. The Regular Meeting of the "above Lodge will be held in the Masonic Hall, Acton, On Monday, Jan. 29th, at 7:30 p.m. JOHN.ROSS, Sec. H ORSE FOR SALE. The undersigned has an excellent young Horse rising 5 years, old, which he offers for sale, i Warranted to work well in any kind of harness single or double, and is perfectly sound. P. S, ARMSTRONG. Acton, Jan. 24, |1877- . 30-tf ri LENLAWSON MILLS, 1 ' ACTON. . G. & "E. JTOLT03ST Propose hereafter doint; a strictly cash business. All flour and feed must be paid for on delivery, or at least within one month. All i accounts; now due must be paid before the 18th of Febru ary next. . . j ' G. &E.TOLTON. Acton, Jan. 24, 1877- 30-^t TNSOLVENT,ACT OF 1869, And Aia6ndnient8 Thereto. IN THE MATTER O. & J. Symons, INSOLVENTS, A fourth and final dividend sheet has been prepared, open to objection till the 5th day of -February, 1877, after which such final dividend will beipay- able. ' . j ".'.' WM. [ALLAN, Assignee, Acton, January, J1877, 30-5t Selling off at Auction Prices. CHEAP BOOKS ANDERSON'S CHEAP B00KT0RE On the East side of, Wyndham Street, guelph:.. SECORD BROS;' StoU l^L? deli^-d^;P^; ' Best qnalrty Noi'Jl Saa^a'iafif: 8I,70j best qoality Ho. '2only T&iatoy" Any of - the, above >rfll- be: tft&JJBcdrj when required^ k1 _' Any quantity ofi/f*ts-taken,in *t change for any of tJreiJboved^rese^ife ; the mill between ^ctoB'nd JSltoOffar.. Lot No; 8, 2nd con:- E^nesnjg^'" 'OWfert,: by mail address to Acton or Sfifto^lRft; j ! R. O. MILtHl-..- Esqucsing, Jan. 3, 18f77-. . /? ' LumToor, Lath. ; and Shingles The unylersigned liav'e for sale at tU ;ir mills iu Aetoa a large! quantity oi UindB ot iT '-1 "~ dl PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER, Pino- SUnglos dad Lath Shingles c>f the best qiiality for oi'. $-US6i per so3arer GUMMING MACHINiS ~ye have just ' introduced Gumming Machine, and are. ptepaJed to gum Drag or Cross-cut Saws," BROWN 4 HALL, Acton, Dec. 12, 1876J 24-3ra BOOK STORE, A large stock of FANGT GOODS, .1. ' "),. r TOTSy &c, HURBfH! HURRAH I. ' , TOB 'THBi'. 1 BEST PHOTjOGEAPHIS i- ' .j ' ' in the .County, at' f _ Tie. Ontario Photograph. Gallety For Beauty of FiriipK and Brittle cy in Tone, they cannot be surpassed COPYING & ENLARGING styl In all its "branches, in the best the,art, done on the shortest flotjice alnd at reasonable rates. k Also a splendid stock' of Motilidings and Picture frames kept on hand s nd .made to order; (ha ;Bt A call is: solicited and /yon" convinced-that this is.thepJ: photographs.'- Yours respectfnlly, ' :g; w,-|hii),l,- ' ' i" ; Acton, Dec' 5, 187ifi. AT Day's Bookstore. ANDERSON Ss Co. MAMMOTH HOUSEJ GKOBG. s INdlLE Lath, Lunibe|; And all building requisites kept iy PORK! PORK!! .. - Charles Gamer^Q ~' -is prepared to pay the Highest Mufc*" Prict; lor 50 tons"of J Good Pork. - C& ami see him at the- Old Stand. MJ*> street. .. '**'v """v"": Actoir, Ni>v. 30tB,' 187B. - i SPEY^IDE j Shingle, Sta^fe i"1 '. AKD HEADINa MILLS. Any parties' wanting Shingles do well to givjj us o> call, we irill ways have en hand 'a; good: sir >plv of No. 1 and No; 2 Shingles. Best quality: No. 1 Shingles $1. 'square. No, 2, 79 pents per s< uai^ -JR * H. SATEEtS. Spdywde, Dec, 13/1876. .;2+-6i)n nld al- per JAS. MATTHE CLERK 4TH DNflSIOIf . CotlKxrloE Hatrbii* "3- Ooavoyaacar, _ . ^ Commissioner a<3.5^ - Tire |tasaraoft Agw^,- liif a Insnrwe* issuer of Marriage Lk*' .UtrS. i' _-;;"4i rJAgeat Iloady to i*8*?*:~rM 1 : Jforviagl psyBP Expfass I -Mixed I Nights Night El J/ixed ' f Dy E*l - Jfixei "< Horic iJlasonicJ Gfenl*' Jnsolveij On Str ' mo!ft,' edibleal -:"; /dose ^ Ab L-Uvf WyAc- 1 , AJeat Mop.tro4l DehtB OoUcetod oa '} '! - Aad &Mxal Parties intristihg thr me -will be Batiafactotilr " ' Office.*) toejpcigt^Offi^A^^ S' TRATEIK--.: -:^-^l^!|::;-W ' Came on the premises of ***?*& jfc bers in October Vt.a BefH^g&SI-^l one-year old. J?he bwher p/^rf^J Vft^ to prove' property pay df&^AjJ^fi take her iway, ^Etf.^_ "; '- ' . . Lot 2i; 84 MB. ^Sp; .Jan. 1, 1877J -I ' -,:*?':^:*.^. I:-^ ;"-C^-'--.i. :>:' ' - '!-:-

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