Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1877, p. 1

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ifi M s ?^ Nts. ,"-. :- kleWe M^ * - r ie II, Xo.SO-Wholc Xo, 88 AOTONr , ONT., THURSDAY, BUSINESS C.-UW& W. H. lOWRY, -M.'B., M. C. P..S. Oraduaie. of Trinity tfollrt*. MombKr oi Co.U*ge otPhysicfani % D A CTON-BAKERY. Ch ertp |AM. F-staiabiii sett. \r- the? v.; : / >et. R. R. MORROW. Ph> sl. elan. Surgeon,. .*c ,QI Hollovu.' Col- ! . New Yorfe.HisoUrrtdiiftto ol Ytetorla- oJl**> -Canada-. Consultation days Tneia*}***nvl Friday*, from 9 a. m.iUl-l Zti. ttasldene* \V*t Hower sireet, Jcvox. T\ HENDERSON, Convey- JLrm pcer, *c. als^.Asont Cannaa to, prepirtd newly, promvUy t correctly' - 4 ok re*oatble t-errn*. Atontv to Uiu on Mort^are security. Office "GfacfOY House, A.otoiu JD. MATHESON. Attorney* <t-uw, Solicitor In e.'hsneory, *c. OfHe* Corner of Main and Church ttiU. ejeorKown. APPLEBE & SIMPSON. Barristers. Aitornevjs-Ht-l.ivw, So- UeuatA m Chancer)', Oonveyaiiqers, Ac. -Mala Stceci, E0EOt2roUrs. Bread. GALLOWAY B&OS. ARE STILL AHEAD, ,- i AnJ :W- M. LAIDLAW, Barrister. _ _ ;Altorneynt--IJaw s. lienor In Ckmncerj-, &cL~ OIH?-*: Ha:ui!ton, 10 -TECnij sItmi; Mllt'os Mxi'>^r>.fu I'l-.t' iSlllton Office wi I h imdvr the m aripge- -jCaeat nf i. W. C irnp>> 11. an: "Mr T.u!- Haw vli!__a:t.>:M art:.-? 'Mliu:i' olU."e" 'on Frt;ty of<-acli week. ' j' ;EIE.\K1 LMilitv j iSSratlXCE'-iCILVr. crEtru. Ayini for the :mu v\ ator^oo. Ail buiiueis ontruc.ed to "Is core ;wl.l ! faithfully, a'livcded to. Orders _hy mail intend to koo'p so with our Superior Bread, Buns, and Cakes, i i Delivered fresh around the village and j vicinity every day. A good stock oi , B^EAD, BUNS AND CAKES Always on hand at our bakery, good, fresh and cheap tor cash, So Credit Given, | Except to prompt-paying monthly cus- .! . toniers. '~ All kinds of-Produce taken in cx- . change tor j^xuls. ' FANCY CAKES the shortest possible . -non iiuarante'ed. i WEDDING & M^de to order in notii-e. atv 1 sr.'isfa X.B. -All goo.U .-ire'warranted pure| as il.ithing tier 'the K^t of material is f used. ' The i>f_ the public' is ' rosnecti'ullv solicited. , a erKT.iiN vorN WIOOw, Sho is modoat, but-not bashful, Frooand.easy, but not bi^d, Like an apple, ripo and ipcllnw, Not too youiij;, nor yet too old Half inviting,, half repulsivo, Now advancing, and now shy, There is misohief-iu her dimple, - Thoro is danger in hor eye. She has stndled human'nature,'" She is schooled iti altits .f'rta ; Shu has taken her diphjma As the mistress of al^ hearts. She can tell the very moment When to sigh and when to smile, O, a maid is ti mothnes charming. Dut a.widow all.the while. Are yoa sad ? How very serious . AYill her handsome face become, Are you angry ! Sho is wretched, Lonely, friendless, tearful, dumb. Are you mirthful? How h*\rlaughter, Silver-souuding. 'will ring out, Shu can lure, and catchy and play you, As ati angler does a trout. , - ' '-" j \ e old bachelors of forty, Who hive fiago and wise; Young Triiluviaus of lyreuty, ji- With the love-look in your eyes ; You may practice all'the" lessons ;,Taught by Cupid since the fall. ' .But 1 kitow a little widow ' Who can win and foolyoti all: you can; boar ;to think she looks upon J I' know hor c)ioic<) woald bo thixt you should cprao to mo. My | heart bleeds for you, my poor littloi I louoly-rgit'l, und I can feol how pho would rjojoico to see -you hero! ut areenltttxd with iib. | Who so proper to bo a|triother t(j you, Nottio,; its your mother's only sister 1 Come and ho'i daughter to me, and a bis ter to Graham, iho only cousin you have ill,' thq world ; and in coming yon will do the only good that is in your power to the- mm I am ashamed to call your father. Re- rnbmber that anyscrtiples you may urj:o I jtlmll look upon as insnlts to your mother'a memory, and I only expect jto hero. liowj soon Crahum may urn, dear child, yonr own VUnt, " ElT.EJS LYTTliKTON." ci was a long; silence in thb I WILL CO TO MY FATHER. solieit.<l. H. L. DRAKti" PATENTS*>r INVENTIONS ; nUou>ly,a:^d pro erly 'ecun d lu Cinad.i. th? t'uitel States ;in,l Europe. p*I*nl c ^ar^m^r-d or no ev'araej- Send for prinled instructions.' Apiticj- In oper- sAiun tea years. UESkV Ci^t-T, Ottawa. (Tanad.-r, Uec'iuilcai Eh!r;eer, So'.leltozf of Paj ' tantxand BrauvXkrnarj. TV TILLIAX TVATIilNS, liiiw Hrrisf Llceasct A rcrtl)acalcm "' jSy'Koyal Ap;olnim>nt.) Balne*? pi ivate *-td-confldei tial oUnat lh> Post Offlw. (ilcnwIUiam, Coo^ty Hitoa. ~ S. CARTEK. tuktr minirr, Drawljas and rrrncn, z: ' Chnrc'a ftreei, Ac "^^ Acton. Aiiij. r.ALLOWAY 9. lSTti.: mtos. CHAPTElil. ' "% A little old -fashioned chamber, and a little old fashioned occupant. A prim, tiny room full -of quaint tri.'asujresaiiXl fanciful unfashionable devieeS^' a jirini tiny head at the window, full of quaint treasures, too, and fanciful unfashionable ideas. A . head which the May moonlight touched la'.her sadly, as Nettie '-O'Neill raised the blind slowly and looked up: layond the unmoved, white blinds opposite; Beg to announce that they have secured Imp firvofid the tihis on which tl; /^UEIP BKEAD - ;_ ipOR THE MILLION B. '5s E* NIC2LS1T lu--- secured INS c&n not ck: -' -:r.":- I ".' OUVEE LO^IEB. Plasterer, |Aci->n,- oai._ E.-er:-1 ilest-rii>:lon o:. PLu^eri"{ and Rough^casiicg d|one on " tht mot; rea.-!Onsbie terms, *nd satisfac tion kuaranteed. A trrON FLOrR MILL!. t & E. NICKLIX, PirTrieUrs. . Flour and Feed always on rand, whole sale aad retalL Ct'Opplng -Uallr. Cjiitr-toraJlkinOsof (Jr.ifa. _^ _____________:________________________________________________I - TJOSSIX HOrSfc, Acton. - X\j Close tolht-G. T.-Bat-way fcialioi-.. Stl!eniaccomnle-JaiKn (iw tut travel- UnipobUc. THus. cAM.i'BELLl. Protr. the" sei%"ices of a First-Class Baker, and that their Baking business is now in full operation, in the premises ou ned by .Vrs, IJaijna: Bread will- l<e .b-l:.vcrel .iaily at the houses in tie yillaye -and vicinft-y. "Weddimr Cakes, Tea Cakes, : : Pastry, Buns", &s.t ' made in the vejy bet manner, a:ul kept always on hand, good and fresh. Also all kinds 'of Confectionery/ Biscuits, Checsij, &.O. '-. ' The jpatronage of thie public is res pectfully (solicited. ; ." -' ' '- , . B.-& E. XICKLIX. -4cton. FeK-29, iST-fT.. I B n OMIXION HOTEL, Actonr: pvOMIN'ION HARNESS SHOP. , niw- Hotel is style irtlh be Ut'te-I up . tn Orsl-e!us ; faruituxe. CqmjmeYc-lal ' Tnvrellers wj-lflr-d ijooj acconiiiioi&ilou ait(fo(7ia'moi|uu^ -Sample RooruK.ISpecoU.; a'.Ucilon paM toth- wiints oi'tne travel- j Uotpnolie. Ba_r*uppiii~; with the best ; Liquorsiud Glgars. Oooi Sibling litid': 'i \ I E. K. COOK w M; HEMSTREET, Licensed Auct'ioneea? Tot tne CountJes of Wellington and 'list- ton^- orders lrt at the Vrei^ Phbsh Office, Aetoo, or at my residence, in Boek*rod. will b promptly atte ideitlo. Irm reasonable. 'ood maonilght'glistened white and wet; up-beyond thepute pale inonn itself, si arching * the-strip of d^'P nil- fathomajjje liluo which huiig above the narrtow quiet street. - P.-rhaps the wistful, childlike eves could read no answer there to 'the out1 great question which- trou bh-d them, for.,when Nettie drew the blind down n^.tin, as lingeiingly as she had. raised it, there was a real s.Tionsnes'.s on her st'nall face. She moved her dressing table back iuto-'its-placi.h'-fore the win dow, lighted In r candle again uiid, stanilhrgi in light at her narrow chest'of drawers, opened her desk. E:ich thing had to be taken out Separately that it mighty be put in properly afterwards, " old maidish ly," as Nettie used to say. First the little square embroider ed case . with " postage stamps" woiked elaboiatelv oni'ono side,- and containing the one .stamp still, which hail been put into it , ut its manufacture. Tjen__* the headed, penwiper, the iiik-staiiis on which were soj-scrupuluously confined to jyriivrox PLANlHa MlilS. 1 J. R. MITCHELL, . V, Manufacturer of j Sath, .Doors,_^Hid5j Wonld- iBES, Door and'Window >, , Frames ^-Pickets, etc. j Having purchased the stock "and will of the business lately carried onj the black cloth, leaving the scarlet "byMr.J.-F. Dempsey, beg* t-i announce i dazzliti" and UHspotted. Then.- a totheird^bUajitsotActoaandvtcm.ty | j ^ , of thin white silk, that he will continue the Banless lru=i- . .* ness in the same premises, ': Old Post Office Building, Mill Street. Acton, 1 where he is~prepared to turn out work aeliond to none in the Dominion, being a practical workman- of considerable ex- ' perience. All work done promptly and as cheap a3 the cheape3f. On hand a large and'weil selected stock of Harness. Horse Blanket*. Tronki, Wtaips, Braihcl, Corahs, Ac. Repairing promptly* attended to. ' fi . E. K.COOK. Acton; Sept. 20, 1876. *ftoning,-" Stroll W.orh -and Matcliing . D'one to Order. . * IB" Blinds 30 cents per foot. t AM. w<irk delivered in ^4ctou iree. Orders .left *t Secprd Bros.I-will be ftoaiiftif j^tandefl to. Jtfilton, Jnne 6,' I87C. SOfl.y -------:------ii-------'.__ jp TBOLLOFE-CHA-PHAN, Practical BookTsinasr. All Descriptions of Binding ! - . J^foumi Book* ofaUSied* Made to Bulinu Promptly: Aiti&fied to. Bwdeet St. (Jeerge'sl UNDERTAKING. witlij,' answend" worked in black letter's across 'it.: and that was set aside too, for ill it there lay only four letters, arid though the.y were, neither yellowr not crumpled nor" wom; they were \Vithin six years as old as the gill who handled them so tenderly.- Then came a sec ond little bag, of. blue; silk ' and labeled . 'iitnaiimcered" in white letters, not. very, bulky..- in appear ance," for theie lay but one unans wered letter in it. This Netthj drew out and slowly d. It wis but ono sheet of openec "I loving Thw room after Nettie had read -these words aloud to herself, then tho candle was snuffed with a quick, resolnts littlo hand ; and Nettie, still standing' against- the , high drawers, began to write the lifth answer she had ^composed to this letter, which hud only reached her two da ;s before.' " This one should be jested ; this should be tho real-one; but -----. How it whs to know exactly what tj sa\ ! Site wrote, slowly and carefully, that sho could not 20 ; Unit her first duty lay with her father, asking who was to ljve with him, or caro for him, if his own.daughter wonflr not? Whose dnty or \ pleasure, (jmt in with, rather a giilpJ7 ought it to be, if not hers? i . I* = Sho sign'ed.lea- name with many words of Jove and;-gratitude, Vend the. letter over twice, folded, sealed and ttddrejssed it, put on tho one stamp Out of the perfrirate<l case, and tried to thiiHc of infinite vacui ty, and so .fell usleept But trying to think of nothing is the very'way to think of everything.; and the puzzled little head upon its pillow was so' far: from I sleep as the thoughts were from vacancy. The lov<dy-;e}'es would1 keep so wide and wakeful ip the moonlight. Their lids might have been bad fitting ones for their perfect incapacity for keeping closed, while the quick ears were open to every sound. They need not to have: been very quick (hough to catch the. sound that broke the silence at i last; a peal "that clashed, through the honse with peremptory impatience. Nettie sprang'Otit of bed and slipped |On her dress with nervous,-hurried pu- gei-s. then ran noiselessly down stairs and ^unfastened tho door as the bell startled the silence once more. I \ " Have you kept me waiting long enough'yet?" was the sneering greeting she received, as iier father passed her, steadying- his~steps with difficulty. _ :. Such a slouching, pitiable.fitjiire, despite its h'eight'an'd good propor tions. - Such a niean, unmanly face, despite its regular features and soft, gray hair, that it did well to hasten out of the shamed moonlight into1 Uio gloom of the' little passage, where the girl stood with bare feet on the worn floorcloth. .' " You told me never again to sit tin for you', father. You said you should have your key." ^ ' J>id iV be drawled, fumbling in one. iioeket. " Tbuu why "didn't yon give it inn 1". - x -------------------- 1-----------------------------:------------------- back into her little bedroom dark now, |for tho moon had glided away to lopk on fither sights and tho two Ijeavy strokes vibrated thrpugh her like two heavy beatH of her dwn henrt, us sho stood hesitating a min ute, on her cold bure f6et, the hard, wicked words sho had been listen ing to ringing "round her in the darkiless. ' - Sti|iking a light, sho opened hei neat ittle desk once moro, and be gan tj write. Neither slowly nor carefully this time, and putting in no -word that -was unnecessary, no love, no word of'thanks. She only said: ..-'[ ! . . " I Will como -I will follow! this let- tor at.once, i No need to tremble any ono to .fetch inc. I have thought, and thought, and perhaps it is best. - Your grateful NE-rTiKJO'NKlL." Nbptie did not read this over. Sho folded it.hastily, moistened tho gum, j and fastened the envelope with S riruch: unnecessary pressing. Then jshe found she had no stamji, her only one having been put on the .long letter' sho had i written throe-ihoursi before. Never mind, she could take it off in the steam of the kettle in the morning, only -suppose she should be tempted' to -post the filst.! It would bo safer, perhaps to destroy, that one, preserving only the stamp ; so she tore the elaborate, carefully, written letter into fifty fragments, and burnt them all. Then once more the.jsmnll face luy "upon its pillow ; and the dawn, creeping in with its cold, sweet 8inile,.fpund the wide, desolate eyes, searching searcl ing still 1 Tw dye ! St. Martin's bell tolled each stroke languidly, while the sunsh no danced aound tho gray old tower and even made a few slight; tickle attempts to "reach the low windows of the formal houses ba- TUE LIQJJJOR TRAFFIC. JBestriotion vs. Prohibition. EXPEKIENCE IN MlCIIIQAN UUODE ISLAND. ANP About- tho sumo time thut the Michigan Liquor Tax Law went into effect, n license law wont into operation jn Rhode. Island says the Detroit Free Press. In tlielatter State, as in the former, it succeeded a strict prohibitory law. -The intent of the law was to regulate and, res train the sale of intoxicating -lir (juprs, so as to ^reduce the traffic to tho smallest amount.' - In Bpeakiiig of: its. workings, th& Governor of Rhode Island, in his annual mes sage, 8ay6 : "'For the previous year the so-called ' prohibitory law ' had been in force; : Many of the pro visions of this law were harsh, ty- ranical, and unpopular, and the at tempt to execute it by a body of paid-officers, the State constabulary, proved an utter failure. Many- of the proceedings" were unwise, and resulted, in one instance at least, in neatly bringing- our StatP authori ties into viole_nt conflict with those of the United Sfates. This pro ceeding, by a recent decision of the Supremo Court, was declared to have been illegal, and a verdict for damages was given against the offi cers.': The attempt to enforce the- law filled our courts with hundreds of what wero called ' liquor cases,' and to such an extent as '^a practi cally exclude for ia time the pther business interests of the State from obtaining a hearing." It was at this time, that the I Board of. License Commissioners, j under the License law, wereappoint- i ed in the City ot Providence. The Conimissionei-s, on entering upon ' their duties, found over 700 -places - j) ve o'clock, and Nettie sat at 'in ttie city where intoxicating Jiqu, e waiting breakfast, her i 0,s were;sold opouly.and in defiance aHd her dress neat and nrim as ', oi law, ',' thus proving," the Gover- her work in-one idle hand, as "or ^yW " by a year of active and ned over tho^rettily arrung- | energetic.trial, what is now gener- rkfasttablb and softly moved ally conceded, that a strictly, pro he, other a sprw of fading hibitory law cannot beenforced in rn, rather brown at the large and compact towns and cities."' kvhich stood in a glass near .During the first year the Coinmis- Jher'sseat; looking at it and 1 doners issued 664 licenses of all ig it very thoughtfully. . classes, thus slightly reducing the ho sound of the opening dj>or j mimber of places where liquor w&s- rted up,.reading her father's sold. , Since'then'the Commissioners ther intentlv as she greeLnl have been able to further reduce Poor fhild i there was littre '.the Inumber, so that not mbrtj than to TStiA savfr utter moodiness -and ; ^5Q licenses are now issued. discontent. ' l j | There is now barely three-fifths j this all you liaye for break-.' of the (number of ealoons m the he asked, situng do^vn before city that ^here was when a stringent ..tie dish of hum. I | prohibitory law was upon the Yob, father, that is all to dor.' statutebooksand a determined effort ', dropped his. knife lind .fork ';innde to enforce it. Another gratify- (, ....... of the new law is that the, number of "I fast?" tho li *e% ^ r" . m GTdelpi. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people-.of Acton and vicinity that he will f m-nisli all . Requisites in jTftder.taking -i- ' }-"' " - on short- notice and reasonable terms as <jan be had ^ Hearse Sujkrfied icJian Desired. Also th'at he will Fit up Stores 5c Offices in the best style. 8kow Caaes, Book Cnlek and eik /' made to ordeh -- 'FURNITURE REPAIRED. . Shop on Willow streeti.near Main st. ' ." : P. VL MeCANN. ' . ^4cton. March 20. 1876. 39-6ai note paper and ttirely filled,1 yet i^ " I did. You took it with you," took her a long time to read. Per-jp said Nettle, quietly; as she stoopeel" { haps "she was not used to skimming; to bolt the door again. | over delicate, ladylike epistles,' "MTOraef* kft_tKffie-S,ft*k PiBSB i-<>ffic-willreceiveprpmpt;ttention 08SD c. too. P. BOWBliL 4 CO. *-***"* Tork, for Pampblet of 100 page, onuinlng lJutB of 4000 newsppers,-and <*KUMtesanowirJseoitofaderiislng. , $10 a day st borne ____ p2*l!.**aOutdt and term* free 1 -l90^ Aiagu.ta, Maine. ;rtii Agenti wanted tp $20 gfmpitr[wort\ODsf r#t. gTuaog a Co., PortUtn^, Maine, JOB PRINTING of all kind* *H7 and procaptly executed at the .' -' -' . :'~-l 1/ i I' l^EE *BESS OFFICE, xt^ae TjhX Ul 8treeli gTEAM. X CarriageL& Wpgpn Mala Stteat, Actoa. MICHAEL SPEIGHT. General tBlacltsmith, Carriage and Wagon-maker., Best Hotse-Sfiders in the County. Perfect satisfaction truaranteed or no . ": price charged^ " , rtnt-CUmt Plfw* and CoUard'a Patent Iron Harrow! alwsj-a on hand. A Rood stock of Carriages and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly .at i tended to. Acton, Jnly 18/lffiTfi. Perhaps tho tender afiectionate terms were new and delicious, to. her who lived on those four, letters which her dead mother had written to her fifteen'years before. Per haps she was trying to read in the Straight black lines (as she had tried itoread'in the glimpses of moonlit heaven)'an answer to that , doubt which-pizzled her. Almost, unconsciously she turned back when she had finished, and read the:.last leaf aloud to herself " As.I Bayj dear, I should, have urged all. this before, hut I waited until you should be ofige, that no one might have any right to iriter- ferei with your decision. /We are waiting to welcome you,. child, and Iongingto do so. Write and tell me when to send for you, for I should not like you to come alone.1- "Sour consin Graham, who Where's " Don't argue with me my supper 1" j " Its just one o'clock,11 tile girl said, very low, without- raising her hcail; surely you have supped I" il That's no business- of yours. Get me some hot water." ' " Not to-night, father," .whisper ed Nettie,- coming nearer to him. ".Tlie fire, is out^and it is so late fiir'fiie tonight another." ' ' yor an instant, a silly softened look stole over his face at her touch. In the next it was gone, and some thing be little guessed, of was gone witb it. He gave her an impatient push. i " Get the girl up to light it, then, and you go to bed. I never can see what use you ju-e in the house. Call the girl up, I say, anjd let me have some hot water. You seem to me to forget who is roaster here." " Would you rather I remember- father, little go avt: Said, with eyet). nd loik in cheeringly. : Cash vs. Credit, We. received a circular from He and p ished his chair a little back, tappiijg his;foot impatiently. Net tie to j>k him his cup of tea, : hardly wond iJiing \yhy he bad no relish for h s food.- ' 1 f yon want some of" this, help yours-If," he said, " I suppose you won't| cry" a"bout that, ' though. arrests for drunkenness in the city is steadily on thb decline. There were about 900 Ie-ss arrests/or 1876 tliau in ,1875. Tn 1876-the City of Providence paid into the State Treasury for licenses tho sum of grocef, a few days; ago, whithjread as follows : " If you want to save from 15 to 30 cents on the dollar, and not pay for what othern do not pay for, (as you do now if iyou trade", where credit is given,), tii^ade with us. We keep the best quality of goodR, and buy and-sell I or. cash only^' .. ; .Perhaps the percentage of saying named in th<4 above is rathtr 1 igh, bukthe whole theory of thin differ ence between the Cosh-and d edit systems is plainly Set fortb.". By j the. ono, you pay i the dealer a: fair i profit. pn the goods -you buy,; and nothing" more; by the other -you. pay a price sufficient!to- cover not only that, but to make up your pro portions' of - all losses incurred by trusting those who fail t) pny, whether from want of mean i or in? clination. Besides this, theris the^ expense of extra help, as the'salary of one man as book-keeper a id col lector must be added to the uncol- lectable debts,, and the value of the use of-money' during the time that good aiid collectable accounts are left unpaid. . Askuny one of-thp numerous tradesmen with whom you deal, what is the amount of his losses. during the year, attd if you have not given the matter a thought be fore, we will j venture to say Iyou will - be surprised at the fVpi-es. We have se'eii bills made cut, by some of the largest wholesale houses in New York, "Terms. .30 lays- one percent discount if paid within ten days." That is the samnasone per cent, for the use of the money twenty days,' or at the rate of eight-, een per cent, a year. Thtreiarie many houses who sell on sixty days' time, who make a ritle to deduct five per- cent for cash,; wbich. is paying atrthe rate of thirty j er cent a year interest. But they only get the money fr.ani their besttustoni- ers, and it- is plain that those [who will give sixty-day notes rather than have the deduction foi-Jjtsh, must be Workington limited lafpital,' and there is nt'leoBt a pcssibility, tliat at the end if sixty dajs'they will take sixty more before jmyintji We are inclined to say i word relative to the want of strict hdn-- estj and:the failure toieep prom ises to pay in tliB commercial world, but perhaps it would be con:id(^red out of place. Our thought when comn>ening this was to induce our readers to look at the effect of the credits-system on themselves, in their individual transaction a, that they might, see,'first, how they can save money by faying cash for their purchases, and secondly, hq'vthsy can save more by dealing onl y with these'who, like our friend tbe gro cery "buy and sell for .cash only." Rural New Yarker- V:-4 You can go .to bed wlen you like j5l.66a 06,-and ttie total amount to-night." ou are i^way a "'--great 'deal, ," suid Nettie, with ~iin odd catch in her voice. "<" I never. ;ty nt all." ou are welcome to' go," he carelessly, "if anybody- likes .to hiive ypu." fa\' Shouldn't yotf)cre1"she asked, a. "pleading wistjfulness iri he"r th'ua |iaid in dining the year was $60,736 39. With such a showing as this it is not likely that llhode Island will abandon her liceneselaw. Drinking Places in our Large Cities. New York, with a population approximating i;000,000, has 5,7j00 saloons, or one "to every 175 of its inhabitants. Chicago, with nearly 500,000 population,' has about:2.000 listle is assurance of the impossibility |(hlioon8| 01. one fa every 250 inhub- of the truth.of hi* words being test-; | ituntgi Boston,-with 300,000 papu- ed. "What would it matter to j latj011) i)US only 1,200 saloon's,: .or me? Now, then, is my hat nrush-1 one tQ every 291 inhabitants. .Cin- ifot a bit,1', he rep-libel, in list- has notinach-to-ao at home, here^ 'eel tlnit, tban llM you'were my will be very ,glad of the excuse for [father?' asked Nettie, slowly, a journey, to you. po not send me any .^scruples, for11 cannot listen to them. "Nettie, love, -do you think your Mather would have counten anced theilife you lead? I do not care to mince the matter. If he is your father, he hiis'lost all claim to your ;gratitude pr love by his- own conduct I do not care even to remember that he is your father. I merely remember that you are living in- a wretched' way, -alone . witb a man wbitv is very rarely, at home with you7 and who, when he (is, is very rarely sober. Is this I " I would have iyou remember I am both," he ilnswered, trying to strike a light, but) failing in the atr teriipt, and, as ho, did so, muttered words which made Nettie shudder, as the chill night air had no power to do. " Well, what are you staring at?" "1 was trying," JSaid' the 'girl, turning hec-eyes slowly away ;. " I was trying to do as you say-i^to re member .that you I are both. I will light the 'fire, if yfpu really mean it to be lighted." I "Am I a-fool tosay jt if I do not ? .Make haste about it.7; The. great clocjk of St. JBIartin's v: edT, . -, . Wlien Nettie brought it to him, she aid ono nervous little hand upon his"'trrm, Home; Life MO Years Afco* Ore hundred years ago, not a pounl of coal nor a cubic foot of illucc inating gas b|id been burned in th a country. jNo iron atoves were iised,iHnd np contrivances for econtmizing heatj were employed Until Dr. Fianklinj invented the > iron framed Jtuejjlaice which still bears ihis name. All the! cooking end yarniing, in iown asj wejl as country, were done by theiaid of a fire kindled on tbe brick hearth orr in bjjck *"ovens, j Pine knots or- tallow candles furpisbed tlie lightt for tne. long winter nights, and sandei. floors supplied the place of rugs und. carpets. The water used forliousehold puruoSfes. was. drawn from leep wells>cy the^creaking "sweiip." *'NjcT forpi oVpump was used, in this conntjry, so far as we can leirn, until after.the commence ment of the present century. -.. ThlTe were no friction matches in these parly days, by the aid of whish a firecot^d bte easily kindled, and li the fire ' went out * upon the" heart!i over night and the'tinder - was d jnip so Uiat tb* 'spark c<iuld_, the alterhative remained of iwaiingthrongh the snow'-a mile or so to borrow a bhind of a neigh bor. Only one-room in any house .. "was *rarm: unless -spTajerinetuber of/ the fKniily was ill^1 in air tBe rest... the -fHmperatirte was at zero durine'^ ..------ nights in the: winter." Tb<^ men- and -wofnen of; ono hundred years ago undressed and went to t'eiroedsin a temperature colder an that of oar modern barns and wood nbeda, and they never com* plain id. .'-) ! ' ".. 1" i. t'--'ta "' - V .? L"- i cinnati, .with about, 325#00 popu lation, and its large German beer- drinking element, comes . pretty , , close to Baltimore, -With 1,100 ja.- " Come, open the door,' he began, loon8_ or one to every. 155 inhab'i-' impstiently. . i-. . , -bants, and Philadelphia shows, with "Jutsaytrood-byp, father; ypu ltt p^.)Uiation 0f about 800,000, are doing away, you know." _ | 2,700 saloons, or one to every 206 Seven Wonders of the World. Tne seven wonders of the-worltl are jamong the traditions a- child hood, and yet not one perse iri ui a hundred can name th,em. Tliey;are the pyramids of Egypt, the tem ple ; the walls, and. .the" hanging gardens of Babylon 5 thejChrysele- phantine statute of JuplteJ- Olym pus, the- .most renowned tfeork of Phidias'j the temple ofiDinah^at Ephesii.s, .'wbich was 220 years in building, tind. 4,25'feet in length, by 220 feet in breadth, and supported by 117 marble columns of t' ie Ion'c order, 60 feet in height ; tle: niau- soleum at HiihcarnasBui,-erected to tbe memory-of Matisolas, tie king of Curia, by his wife Attemt?siu, 354 b. c.; tb'e Pfiarohs1 at Alexan dria,^ a light-house ereeted by Ptolemy Soter, at the entrance of the-harbor of Alexandria, 150'feet high, and seeij. at a "distance of 100 miles -and lastly the -Colossns at of its inhabitants. aiigh ! what i ti-agics. How, man' kisBes do youj wand 1" - | n"ie' * u, ui 1 How the Deaf may Hear* Take it, then."! . . , "Father," said Nettie, looking! Aboutl728 a merchant of Cleves, into his eyes with an odd, old look named Jonssen, who had become onlnr small face, "I believe if we almost totally deaf, sitting one day wow parting forever you would not near a.harpsichord^ while some one kiss me of your Wo free will; was playing-^and having a tobacco- Shot ldvou ? should you 5"_ : pipe in.his mouth, the bowl of Take your arms away, yon \ which rested accidentally against bub}. When you are going away The Effect of Oil ii! Calming .-. A very interestiog accotmt -of the application of {oil. to. mitigate' the r*ging of the "sea, and so relieve " a yeiael in a storm, has been receiv ed by the "Bombay mail, in relation,- . to tbi King Cenric^-vessel of'1490 tons, which left Liverpool in Jun* last "or . Boinhay. ; When off- the Cape of-G'ootl Hope! she encounter ed a heavy gle from the'nortb- ,we3t, which continued. fp: sotn-e time. Tremendous seaa bi^ke over the thip,! blunting iu- the' main- hatch, washing away the watch houses and boats, smashing in.the front of ,the cabin, and destroyiiig the -captain's and officers' stores nhd clothing.' Ayouhg Tad, one of,the crew, *as carried overboard, arfd it was .impossible to lesciie .liirn. The gale lasted;for. nearly ^yedays.ipid "," though the*~vessel stoodiit very trofT, it w* s impossible to repair any of ' the; damage;; as the waves-were coa- tinudHy sweeping' her deck.- At lengt j- tho chief- officer, Mr. Bqw- ". yer, t ujgested tbe trial of throwing ' oil ti son the water, |Two canvas cloth 8-bags,were obtained, and into ach two gallo-ns of oil were poured, , the bags, bewbg puiiptiired slightly,- i)3r:~ Rliodes, a brazen; image of, 105"'Gt'"eoian feet in height Apollo, what your mother would have ...... , , ^ . iahed/mj "dear ills tbia the life-J was atriking^twoj wlien Netie.atole M fore'er you can judge fof- yourself. Tba ia not.likely ito hiippen yet awh le. -Open that dooE_when I tell mi.". ' j S anrJiug back almost shrinkihgly in the little passagej'Nettie watched the call figure hesitate a moment on the stoop, looking pl the street and down,.then turn off slowly' out of sight, with never the backward glar ce jwbieh little Nettie; would havn griisped at in this, nioment -of dou it afed depisioni ^ (.To^he continued.) ' Ji.. tie vnte-f-When both parties vote 1 yes,> and the preacher ties the kna|t. '/; '"'. . ! ,-'-.- I Ijf ama^'a self-respeclt will not gav 1 him'fro'm habitualintoxication, all -he female influence in the world woi Id not avail. J . the'body of the instrument was surprised to hear all the notes dis tinctly. By a little reflection and. practice,.he, again attained the use of this valiiRble sense; for,he soon learne'dT -by means of a piece of hard wood, one' eh-d of which . he placed ajjainst his teeth, 'while another ^person plaeed Ithe other .end on up a conversatiun, and to be ;ahle to understand tlie'least whisper. The effect th(is described is the 1 same if the person who speaks, vests his -stick against his throat lor his breast; br when one rests the stick which he holds in his teeth against some vessel into " which j the other speaks. and flung one'-oyer tow pf th5B vessel' tnagi over ibnt l everal yards a'vaj; where, the oil- Lad -spread itself over the sur face, and around the poop in the wako of tbe vessel, cuit of -ealin water, thus ablelx) repair greater -ease, and the ship waa re lieved from tbe tremendous shocks whic h_Bhe had pi-e the 'hjavy ;al; the waves no longer broke the poop and fides of the ship, was a large <ar- Thecrew were the damage with. ftorr, bags the worst fury of exp hdel itself,, -.mpjjiore i oil used jiWhat this eoantry needs ju4t at present is -a siitfe *ad sgejedy !proass of killing the inao wbohever thinks of sbutting tbe door behind Ihim.' Learn to Creep Before^ If ou: " - -! Warn. ;;T". One of-thej evils,of this age. is tbe haste with which' young faien rush into business' on their own account. Formerly, young" men wouked their way, up slowly froni post to pyst,: and Beldom.attempted to carry ont business for themselves fun til, they had heebmej acquainted.! with it. There were great^dvantjigesin-this course. They learned- business thoroughly ; \ acquired habits of economy 4' wefe aatistiea with Mnall' giiins j. R8t aigreat value oh safety distrusted srjeR\ilations J And 6o,;a, a, rule, wentj ori prosperons to a.n old age of cojiiTpettnce." | Of late] yearsvi this Iprocjesii" has been too 'ofjteti Veversiid. Young' ' men dash }ntb business oiFcredit; launch oiit-iptb. all "manners ' of Ex pense ; speculate rashly, and eiid iir ^bankruptcy. .'_ . ']' - ?,. The^old adage,. 1" Learn to*reep Before you Walk,"' is -one to winch, everybody s^>uld. pay jfee.ed. ' It is es'pRcially apjilicable \A tlvese times; ; tp see:yont|g men enter prising; but they sho'uld-"combine caution with their energy. iach quarter. in_ -. Tbe effect Iwas ' iausly repeiveii iieisj The? two lasted two di ya^ after which, A Cood 5try* ountiy gentle man living hear .Oxfeird ha|d occasion recently to engage a new .butler.- Atnong" the appljjsants was ojie with the very highast testimonials, and .strongly recommended !by an acquaintance of tl e gentleman te.rv A ship it man is decked for ornaments decked for use, a wo- I ".iV .:'i" the gale having waa A peraanal in- ; ew was arrange d, but somehow,! notvithstanding.'.' I he: ~-nndeftia: proola of respectal ility and:vnnimJ peacbable, -w.itneB"8 is"',to obaracte: "-tendered'O-ivy Ui applicant, the gent leman". *<pk aj.v ieSJatt ififilike the new-butler's npj arance; Ther was sometbirg in the raaa's face and marifter wii . strong feeline;. of a tferstoR in Im'oj, but ie could not t dl Itim this,-and he as at his wit'i end te - knot how to fra-me an eii^e for-dioli|i-' ing ViiH-seryices. , A; last a .hrilliunt idea strtick hiui. After * BCTieriof: enijiiir|e8 ba$l"i dicited ia tfRriett t rpoet. s^tiMr- faetc ry rtipliejs, ana tberJeriiiea to. be a woltitely no fla*: inAthe ibai's |ai- *et<>r, tii mas1 wjasked ^rave ly, . V 3iin yon swin i' " Well, no[ sir, I ckn't," was ihe repl;(.of tlie nnsiif pec tingj liutier' -" Ali 1 then,"^ Bkk tha master, flhal ing his head, ^ I m[sfraid ,;',ou won t,do for.<ue. In this neighbor hpoeltbe floods are out for. menths out of rtw ii.t*elve, and Jniy WU sr, as a. rtlie, haa to dive. i nto the Seller, for.fevery ._k tittle of yjina link. -' A majn wjfic?. cpuld X d. . .. awiin would lis 60c d marningV' nteleai w not t: m

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