V, - r wmmm 0k I 7>' * -! *JI A* we Bit together. Swat and still as rosea blow; Uv* sue, love, But breathe it low". T& Woatly %1ti> yoar*y\ r . W4a-ar-eb**p tkWMt.- :".. . .._ li?rt kPre his, looks and aujhs Tail fiy iaoth.r"i daughter.._ Mom than all the world may know- -Lot ma, love, but' breath* it low. - V(orda for others, atom and snow, Wind and changeful weather - . Lit the shallow water* flow p Fqairiig-oSrtbJether; - . j Bat lovaria st^Tf apd deep, and On? ioveme, lore, but breathe it low. f^*#w Sajj wnflBeFlrf ft > Thy handa v Thy face town ,,aTti I to Tax oLo.8 ^ Thy handa upon tl hy face toward thai Fast fading in the west; RO">Y * broast, nlikht 3*131*9. rAV*5/ii. SLEIGHS Undismayed end undistressed. To the hut uut that'* left me To the* last, maybe the bast 1 To the region* of oblivion, .. To>thalaiUM.f thsJbha) Where t^jwioWedceaa^from And the Wieary are at reat!" God havethee in Hu keeping I " Tie HU not our bcheat; ^^^SpO>,. d yiV. ;: -After our toil and quest! I* nothing we aspiro.to, O'crburdcncd and oppressed, E'er to lecompenso us " ""' ' P A Bunch of Aphorism's. Here are nme of the aphorisms of Pestalosai: The powerful stimulus of .inquisitive- *^5rcpt4.tO:'ftR>aa whffch} eoy *t*a^>.y-othe^ wiUfead-ab^habTt of thought. - - . - ' At soon as the infant has reached a certain age every object,that surrounds hiaof aaight berorad* laatruaaental-to aha axcJtemrut of thought ' Ifducat.on is not the work of a oer- rom.inco nmde his appearance on the .Now is the time to leave your order At J. Ryders Faotory . I^IBZO Stylish Cutter or Serviceable ^ttSnybu^iaaeejMd rjss ^ , !S Lost by. Christian Charity. - Kothlng ,' . fOpcM>f thoae^toil-hardp^ed; 'tru*^ i.Jt Kenrted chaps-we often Tea3 'of hi atated;diea, ;' volant superintendence. [ Education should not only decide 'rW directed to thjs physical education' of -children.___ i. The 'early and continued practice of exercises on the gymnastic system es- bj?wpalChles VSfe^ic once aroused by the isight of th'i-ee or four olcUmen touiiiwg Binrtii^gUkubk^buoie saws and wuitiiig for workj ; .. !& b*^^ii-.i^q|^gh> ed. and ell his energies/called intopW' !he oplie*h*n ^hey tspld, ha|?they the*rly ttentioh of mothers mutibj -ImtrnHr Had"atty wort tot a^tuonth. 7 , ' How would you like aomti ova lersT . ;;* They smacked their lips by way cheerful aH >W#hy>r; *Pto l^gig a.Taongthat|stpW>io -*- ~.m-^ fi?r >* of re|)l^r $Jt3|JK gathered up>j a. 'af^iflbt, inarched them to a sentially contribatea to render childVt& ' leerful . " , . _' ^.. i*#> is* spirit of unijnTudJbro- v*rh Ai&ct ittdustry, o|Senneas* and 'frankness of character, personal for *ach-one, courage, and manly conduct in suffering "It just does my bISiI good to ?"2!^:"-^_-* . ,^~-^ ' see them eat!" he said to tbe owber ^i^^u^orwi^Tc^ * W taach,eerfalness. Without which all ~ork. w tHese exercises woujd become dull, pe- ' " Yes ; it's a beautiful Bight, T BO*! l ' ^m I Kl - v.-Jl Iri $ 9 II BJ. SB^ f~.m aK[" 3'.-.'.:! daptk and ridicnloug. It seems not to be sufficiently under stood that good taste and good feelings are kindred to and reciprocally confirm, each other. <.-.... ^_ ,:',[. \. There is a marked and most bene ficial influence of music oh the feeling* - which I have' always observed to be. taoet afScien't m-{B-eporing or atoning ^the mind for the best of impressions. "Those schools or familisa in which music has retained the' cheerful and chaste character which it is so impor- ' tantthat it should preserve,', have in variably displayed scenes of"moral'fael ing. and, consequently, of happinessl . Among the first manifestations of ih faculties<rf .child, is a desire and^ss- attempfr of imitation. v It is well to furnish children " with playthings, whmh. will-facilitate their first essays, and; "occasionally,, te assist tiiea. . lib iBssiniiTy to analyse for them the parta and eleraehts of which a whole ; consists. - it-.. ChBdi^en shonld not he oxmfiaadta opytng- from another drawing, hut I am making up a largo stock for tha present season, from tha best material. ity present stock of BUCr&IBS""iAND WAGONS - Now is a good time to secure bargains. Strict attention given to Sorse-Sliooixiff 8S Senoral Black' "' 'UjUfhlfiK f JAMES RYDEiR. Acton, Sept. $7,187C. inesao^* 1TPAW IHe ead or every ffemllv Introduce Inio hin household u ue wspiiper tnut Is lunj-ucily-t-.i-nothm lusters h tuMe for luvestUanoH, mhJ promotes though I and encourages <ll'-ou>sloii. THE CIEHTIFIC AMERICAN . Every number) Is prolusply lllu*trut<U ; icd iuiontentseiribrace Uie latent njnu j *> lea.!'" ... r !',- " You are) a good than, and heav- eopy fr^n, natura. " -repUed the Jferfct* tie exsreue of-drawing come, proprietor; as .he filled the diahes was tlio reply. " It makes me feel good in here," continued the stranger, laying Ilia omul-en his teaFt. i . i "A good dtx^d brings it* o*n - ----- -----of "in" m. ' rwward," was the soft answer of c -..l?.^..^,.... i **- * tiie^resUnVateur.jmT.fp calqaiated ^^I'JIlSoS^f.'ail his profits.^ -r- /r5ri "I can't rest herf. I must do further good," said the big-hearted stranger,.. aid} hfi' it\^hf<l out aind brought in three negroes, a chinraey sweep, two boys and an old woman, and' ordered, more' oysters. - The fifteen people went for oyster soup in a manner ta amazes, smd their guardian" nridged: tha restaur ateur in the ribs and said : ' Sto thegeritlaliurbs ! Oh, that I could fbed the poor of all Amer- ;jfn lied - inSr' i fuotlt^Bthe only weekly paper iibll la ttit- United Mantes, dev..t^il to M*HD- raCTDRKS MtSAKICii, iNVE-VTIONHuild New PzscovxRije* in Arts au.i Bclen es. mmm ji!i^^]ia^^ cqomy, i^^cjAapro o Slaughter AND Xujrabling^ r ~DbWn PR) or KKW ., . .':. AND Mm At LVEeilAIR'Sl Tenitle Saoriflce. COOD SOLD AT ANY PRICE. Must be Cleared Out >/, We^oaffJwAnttojcarry'any of our stock into tlib new store, which ii nearly completed. DRESS <30OPS, MILJLINERY, OOLEN GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, :' Must all be sold at asioniBbingly Low Prices most luteresUngInformation perutii jn , f> -pp a txt "EVTR VATT t-.tnelodustriail Mechanical,aifilSclqu-: fiAKUAli^a I'XJK XUV, --------------------..-------,^ BARGAINS FOR YOU, those' of modelling, in- which .materials maybe moat, opnyaniently .employed. This is 'frequently, prodirotive of evW |zboz amusement.. lover like . tailor 1 his aolt.- - - >- i Wbenis rWhen.h*4( When aro ladies like loaf-sugar 1 -^-When they are refined, _ "... The way to make a real fir* hot is to keep it thoroughly coaled. ' -, Jf cnare ant in a driving storm, 3odl"atCtmpt tia hpld4hie raini rWbj is" whisper forbidden in polite society f Because it isn't . sioud. . - Why is a poker like an angry word.1. 6ooaase|it stirs up a smoul- - Blsrjny timj'y' J"; ;"-..'.: r~.j ;,;. _v/ "'- Who ill invent a hilelTpbet for Time, the greatest nmaway of alT tbs ages. Why is yonr shadow like false fries^4-r-B^eatn it follows ^yyrTQ o^ly iSJHQsh>mL- L_l1l . , -J -- ~^ Tho most laconic will on record , is that of a man^whq wrote; '"bare nothing j I owe a great deal the-rest i giro to tiie poor." " up again, .. The .stnuigat .said: he; wanted to bnnj-in JUut lire more, so as to Say that he hud fed an even score, and be rush out^. after tAeai, while the retu tgnr "senksAer more oysters and crackers. ' The stranger didn't return. He was last seen climbing into a farmer's sleigh on State Street and guiding his 'team to the west. The fifteen .in the restaur' ant licked ^^bSb?'plates clef n, and ^ parted^iii-:jiyfi! procession, and the.last one Lad passed out before the man who fomtsbwl the roup bad got through waiting for the return of the big-hearted stranger. There were oaths and slang phrases and watchwords _and expressions, oWrwertd ~in "l*e. purest^ JEtigLish, fiut""*^*! mattered it to the fif teenth soup devourers who drew up in line opposite and "Kesohed, Tbaft them, "oysters just touched jbe | spot." Detroit J J ? ' .,,V'- .. , Josh Blilings* Aphorisms. ibien ABOblt _ - - Iiia4jleyh|- est,liarsest,Cheapest and BMiWeekfly Illosirated paper devoted to Kngineenoi;. Mechanics, Cuemlsiry, Nw li-veoiloj.s. Science and Industrial Pr6gres, piibilsh- ed lo Uie world.: Iho pracll'nl Rt-clifes are well worth tf n tlm-s the subscription price and fur thel shop and houso will sive mnn; Umei tne co.u " I It should havu a place In every Family, Ldbraor, -^tndy, effioe, Ke&dlac ~'f^ Collesp^sid ^t<5nK>ofc. --. -vik- ,-. -U! A.ne^.'v^urafrcoininerieelJanusjyliai ISTT. a yror*^ numbers cont-Un ($30pages and Several Hundred EneravliigB. Terms, $S.a>ayear by rami, including po^utare. Discount to clobs. Speolal Cir culars, giving el ah rutes, sent free. Sin. Sle copies mailed on-receipt c -- Tay. be had of all newsdealers. naTCUTO fu connection with rA I Ed I Oa th selcBUDc Ameri cas, Messra. Mann A Cp.ar^.s<>ltci(orA kit American and Foreign Pau>Dts,nnd hajv- tho larsest estabUsbment lii vhe world More than fifty thousand applications the largest establishment iti vhe orl havo bien madefrr patents thrdush thtilr aeency. i - Patents are obtained on the best terms Models ofNew Inventions anj Skotclif6 exdmlbftd. and advice free. ^A pamphlet eontalnlng full alrfe'.lon lor obtaining fatants, sent free The Belentflc Ameri* eaa\ B^Tei eat.' Boost, k vb*ume boand^n cloth and Kill, containing .tha Patent Laws. CeOSftS^tha-tT. b- itnu A<3rEa>- gravinsV ef 'stteclaanlcal a mos-aments. Prtoe 3 cents. - Address for tha- Paper, or concerning Patent*, MUNN a CO., S7 Parfc Row, New fork. palteiDJ t: $S ?r7- 17C just ijfeii^ti, v .just ARRiv:^* ^A; Good Assortment of. fttuds),' Cuff Buttoni, : Lockets, m ' '- Cbains, Furicy Gold Rings, i * " ' Gold Drops, 1 Brooches, K Black Sots,. ','.'.., Separate Brooches, : Drops, . ' :;. - v . i Black Lockets, Peuil Suits, I 5 "Necklaces of all.kinds," Toy Watches, >. Etc., etc., etc. JUST pPEJSf 2D. JUST OPENED. I Call and See Them. :.j; GEORGE HOTDS, " Watchmaker,' '. Post Office Store, .Acton. December 19 4876; Barg^iiii^or^EvefyiJody, Our BIilliriery|is first c'api'. All new and fashionable Our Dress Goods are just wbnt is waotei if itUbe -BeasOdr>.Tlie latest nil^oloriu A large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods , Qoatlcmin's FurniehirjGr Qooda good *nd cheap: . j Jeweler 7, Jewelery. Rinsrs Brooches, Chains, dsc. I Also a go xl stock of OKOdERIE^l AT U HAIR'S, ACTON. /^Call/a sal *ee snr Goods and Price*/ *"=- * SUBSCEIBE The xreat fight is fast for bread,,then butter on the bread, and then sugar on the batter. Be m^rsifnll to all the dnm animals; t_i. t-ii- _ -*. ti xr- 'no man can git to Heaven on asdre- Josh Billings says:," If yoa-ar* backedhor8e.B !.., FOR THE " Bll- t i- going to give a man anything, give it to him cheerfully and quick, don't :T^ak^h'rmgee4ovaoii:bii knees in front of you and listen rjto the tea commiudmeiitB and then-give him five cents." l\*mj " jAfi"* ixclaiined '-the' hero- of a melodrama, as he concealed bimsplf in a closet on the stage. "Should yoa' be discorersd, you will b^ found," waa the amendment of a wag in the gallery. '*-'-'_ ^jTfg ^r^ ^wjailrj^djgtatioii, theowerfliornidg, and finding t??B best car full, said in a -loud tons; " Wbjr, this car isn't .going." ' It' cauaad a general stampede, arid then ": tAe wag secured, the bast seat. goon the train started, and in the indignation of' the passengers, he ^as ask'H): j" Why did yon say this cjaf wasn'|t going.!". ".It Wasnlt <v then,T he replied, *^ butL it: iav now/*- - " I ' " " . , l.^JLry^,iooKopT *oa Jqhes. Jones' knock! I knew he . has come-ta ask me jto be his wjfe J" "' WelL my. dear, you mast accept bim." " But I thought youhatedihim w*V ".s3*| lfjnif.Woir^mtjBh' that I mean to he his mother-in- law f" (Beyenge is sweet, espeoi... *lly to women.") War It it Dow. Why do peo- ic^riSBemanti | ,Xo a^e enterpKsing, 's.tid' to. know -what is going on. To alee if there is * ifty^hiagbsw, hythm|;^they; Wast To see if the season's .styles have - .come land who has themv - To know |f say one isMtiag^B^s^fa4aod: " rates or to watch the dRance t>*ay ^notion. Fur amuaement. ; To sa- fy the enrioait The grate mistake that'most people make iz, they think more, of their-con- m^ than they^doxnr-theijftonealyi : The grate aekret of popularity is to: make every one satisfied with himself first, and after wards satisfied with yS. The uhhappineas of- this life seems #o>t>i^tS>i>>aJMng^e^amg we hauj^ got. ; . j I. nay finally com to tbe: konklus^on that tho best epitaff eany man can bav, for all praktikal purposes ix a good bank" ackount. ' "'..'! . Pauper* staffer less than mizers da the man who don't kno wher he iz go ing ^ to gi^ ^iSfOejct dinaer#nfJeTB,lesB thah'the oojj Vho/iz anzijtas: to3krsoiiow inutch it iz a going to kost him. - , o. T.'HILL) LA.OTO.35T PLANING MILLli AD Pamp, Sash, Door and Bllrid " ~"i /J' sTactory. : -! __-' "j ':.li THOMAS EBB AGE, v-.-I't' ^ Doors, i Vonetiaa Blinds .:i'.,l[ Aad other BtrlldUiiitteqirlsiieB Also Maker, of i ^. >s,loosls,s^aooidenta. ay. All wofk^osrfite*d. (roantbelp.t; J ^u. Jn..U7a; ^^ FREE PRESS, Only. Oae. Dollar ;S! i s " ' '. A Year in Advance. ';') Xi- K. i <<r.ajta. ^iCTON LIVERY &SAIE STABLE Z .t:hd .c;-;li:,1 WMljPfi .y.-u.-Uiu' *{-j<i J. P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In. announcing to tb< publlo aenerally that ne Is prepared U fornlah : nnt-elM* SerHi *a4 DanUgref At Reasonable Bates. Hiljl Street. ACTON. - CEALEB in Oroooriei Oroeieir. . '-'.. i j Beats Ss SJioos, ' "Wall Paper, Wi.a&ow Slindt, ^Tails, Glass, Putty, Lias*ei Chi, Paints, Turpentine, Coal OU, Salt, etc, All of. which will be sold low for ; cash! BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. . Also agent for the , BUB^BEli PAll^T COMPANY Of "Cleveland, Ohio. , Cash for Hides. )Aetoin, July 18j 1876. ' 0 ' v \.*J r-<: - tv iJ .It- :r"C_^ ' " R. 8ADDUR 4fc HABNE38-MAKER, ' Has removed one door west of his old stand, sad is nojv..prepared to turn out work, which for 1TSATNESS, 0HBAPN35S AND DTJUABILIT? . 3E S.URfi TO GALt AND EXAMINE THOSE- _ ' ': " M - Contonnial CLock Suit i n g s, '" "-' L . .. :. AT.TBJ3 Bast! iJiM Clothingj Btore. ;:::'"-.;-:;1v:\il-:: - ALSO &ERTS' UNDEROlOTHIXG In great variety from Slto 9^.50 Acton, October S), 1B76. per Suit. 123 Pieces ~- j. Special 5 Pieces Brocaded Lustres, 10 ce"nts a "yard. -'.[ 26 Pieoes Brocaded Ileversible, Hi, rsitts. . 30 pieces Fusliidniilde Serges, riew shades, 15 cents.^ WooljSerges, 25,cents; regularllprioe^ffip^^* LiqeiBluck Sillw, 96,7ent8 a yJBrd3^^I^S3 Pieces Dress Silks, Lahdsoi cleared out at 50 cents a ya v;-.j For CLeap Dress Goods; K.dios should visit the PasljipaaWe We'iiV .V A. O. BUCHAM * - .'t'Z . *.!. -. Fashionable Wes t Isnd Press, Millinery and Mantle R Ouelph, December 1,1876. ^ "'Y.'^i^S-iSf? #c V friends and tl ould re^pecifull|y calJ lhe^ atteniicn of tbtftr e general public^tliatj thef ^f M EW !*? ..' CttHe aladf leg*.. :.Cp<le p-. Tger fto ife | ISA. ;: Mill men^ .-'- taw- "r ohr To their ,i-\- Upper ^^hdham Str^e^ >g DICS30N Sc MclTAB oei XT It is wprth any person's whilp : when in Guelpb to call and see the ' ! ....... I" .-"..'--;; ' Immense'Stock of ': CD "V" IE 1R O O iA- 'i:. s For Men and Boys, alf colors and prices, at ' Rutherford's Olothiiig EstabUshment, SIGN OF THE',-' ELEPHANT, ..' .: No. 31 Lower "Wyndham Street, Guelph. Noted for having tha best assortment west i?{ Toronto, and at prices that defy competition. Co uie and see. .-:.-.. r WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. euelph, Nov. 20, 187ft. , SPEC! At \r Mapy S] ecial Lines of Goods have -been se^al at extraordinary low figures^ ".' ' >is;^ WO w AwX v\T: cannot be Bnrpassed by any house in "" r tne;county. ! - " -j Harness of all Kinds 'I ':-* is^lled^ntJiesbbrr>^l'i><)^Mbnoti4.,- aji^wspanted to give perfect satisfac- 'tidhi' I " | As he iB doing business principally on the Cash System, he is prepared to sail cheaper than ever. ; Give him a call and be convinced that this is the right place. ~ j I Junes, 1STS. The imdersigred-feegs leave-to ihttorm thi-jpebple-|of Aoton nnd. Bi:r- rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent ......^:v.^.;t*fc -:. And is prepared; to.attend;^a^dVpondnct Puneralaon the shorl.est notice "'.! ~ I and most moderate terms..'..'..';. ". ^'. !."; .i Gaskets, j Coffins, Burial Robes, And^U kinds of Funeral Fnrnishinps kept in stock, arid supplied on the ,L;I /i :_ {.; .CO'*.'- -" '-'."I',-) !.- Hat Bands and Gloves supplied when1 required. ! " . - - - J. - . j . ". i , : ! , JQpBDN^EIGHT. " ^AietohrAagL 8, 18T6. JJLLXL ] " ' ! J^ BOOK AN D JOB PJE^I^TlNG .FBOIIPTLT EXECUTED AT THE FREE PRESS Will -?^: y-A AL ^INESi Fatel ' for p -aUon ' '-liCe .- tent w .<i Lot? Fig-tires. ":?S Ji U.- . '"jB-Ar-K-Q- Be CAJLt - mfE^iY. ^t An early --.call is necessary, as many Liiie caliifl^ $m guelpb,' Deo. IB, 1876 BBS* oxib mrmvMm be repeated at the Ibtr figures "Hi aissfi,^.:-. :-"^V"j',Hfi#i|^ 'i'M:-1-'iwl " t-.": MM! COlViPLETE. li't' A Rood aEBortmientTa'all the kading lines "of f. ^"IPi^^^ffl Felt Goods. C verstoeLllT Ch^drDiv's Boots aad Shoes, etc. i.""'-f; -I . ! ." i^">>'^" PBIGES GUT- 1T:SE LOW F^ Acton, Dec. 5,18' 6 imm- ?00R /*y m.-. .& :' -.d v.t;-.*r . f" -.- " 'i\t--: -y .-'" ""