Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1877, p. 3

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:. y-^-Tg--:.. i?0m 3 ;/r <H -' ' " > |:<^P>odViw sfi, 1/ |T0*7 ~-/: - ;'j #^ 'I t-,: > of cares* tor* apriag. I ]RV I we h*T ever. at*. "" UrgeaVtot of |R CASH good* *#jj cbeajt.. & Co. sk8Geinw IgiS 'W I 1 ^jl SfSaJJX^' . Cash Price witt M*$&j0O0in.cad * for Pork atery * er, it : : : } : P4*BEOS.'Store- ries- iwtlorsaleai.. geijaaiiitjtoi Hock quality i* ". sqparci. .-T i-ri'.'i MACHINE [introduced tad ace lfc-Ss?r. r76.: "T. HEWS r * . TmrsK tims T.tBLK. ^toleave ActonM.follow*: '- . uofsa west. . ITorning.JfoU a is a. j. )>v Kxpress - - 1.51 p.m. Express .-. * 5.20 p.m. JITtf*d '- * 7>S6 p.m. Sight Kxpress - - - 1:04 a.m. - 001X1! KAST. Kijht Express. - - . - 3:3Sa.m. Jfixtd - *- 9:r5a,m. nv Express 11:34 a.m. .Vail - " c * 5:*)p.m. Jfixed - . . . 9:20 p.m. 1Q6AI' MATTERS. new advertisements: WaSchcs G. T>. Fringle. - Concert Jeanie Watson. i_ - . Strayed Hor?c Robert. Agi lew, _ " County ,'Oouucil next Tuesday. YT. G. 'Rawbono will preach in1 the Disciple Church on -Sabbath, the Jlst'inst.j-at 11 o'clock a.m. and 6, i Kbvolvprs.."I"r.iee stock, Rood and cheap. A five dollar Revolver for $3.50, at Sccdrd Bros. At the riieetinjfof-the'. Equcs- ' ins Council on Monday, Mr. James Mealies, was. appointed assessor, aijd .Messrs. D. Crpssand John Brain, audi tors. " " ^. ; \ ... The anniversary services and the tea meeting at the Ebenezer Metho dist Church, Xassagaweya, take place next Sunday and Monday evening, re spectively.' Next-Thursday evening there will be a free entertainment in the Bap. tist Chapel, comprising singing, rccita- tions, dialogues, it, by the children connected with the Sabbath School. , . A tea meeting and Kterarvien- , tertainmeat will be held in the Presby. terian Ciurch, Acton, next Wednesday ereniug. The-affair is under the super intendence of a commiUee of young ladies connectetl - with -^thc church, and we feel sure they will spare no effort in having every thing jusS as it should be.' < The renowned Scottish singers, Mii*.Jeaaie Watson and Mr. J. F. , Hardy, axe announced to give one of their inimitable ^entertainments in ' Matthews* Hall/'next Tuesday evening. We bespeak for them a cardial recep tion, with a Thoy are to be fa Eockwood on Wednesday evening following. We are told by their agent that they iutend_g >img to Xew Zealand shortly, and tiat thisi* positively their last't-jar thro2"gli Canada^-! Hints dus to Secord Broe.|.-inn5i beipaid or'sued ;by "the end of this month.. Attend to it. Council for tho sppointtrisnt of assessor, Thrco or tour imall touonnts >vcro r- ferred to tlw Firtanw e^mmi'ttoo, and the customary two dollars a. month granted t^-John McPheo, On therfcecond reading of tho by-law for the appointment of a constable, Mr. Henderson raised tho objection that it was irregular, inasmuch as it was not heiug doiio iia^oramittoo of tho whole Ho insisted \hat parliamentary prece dents should to followed in all the pro ceeding of tko Council. Tho Reovo considered thjtfebjoctioh frivolous, and said it VN'as neither customary nor requi site to. go into committco on theso, minor by-hCws that it Was not done in the county;Counci*t nor in the townships except in cases where alterations or amendments wcro.-likoly to be made. H'o contended he \vas perfectly in orilcr. Mr. Henderson thought it best to stick to the strict letter of the law, and he offered a motion -that tli Council go into committee on the by-law. Messrs. Henderson and Christie voted yea, and Messrs.. Kicklin and SmithJ nay t the Reovo gave his casting vote against it. Tho by-law was then duly read, the blank filled with tho name of Mr. Edw. I Matthews, as constable, and passed.' Mr, Christie moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, that $10 be placed at the dispo sal of tho Reevo forcharitablc purposes. The. Reeve stated1 that as lie belifcvcd some fault had beei* fonnd with tho way ia which he had previously dispensed these small charities to tramps, ho would prefer that some other member of the Council should be made the cus todian of the charity fund. He hoped the members of the Council would see tit'.td appoint one of themselves. Mr. Henderson and"bfhers disclaimed any knowledge of fauU-tinding or reason to think that tho Reeve had done any. thing but what was1 perfectly justifiable. It was cuaniniously^ agreed that tho "honor" justly belonged to him, and the motion passed. On motion the Collector was instruct ed to return his roll to the Clerk on or before the 29th instr, that being the ut most limjit allowed by the law. The Council adjourned till Monday, 29th inst, at 7i o'clock. ! SFEOIA TO THJij OUSI-OMBRS OF f .During thel past yaar, wo have done by a Dry Goods House aFREl>-p;EGBS^, ,ACT(j)N,> L. BEMEPtf ionoja larger business than Has evur been In Guelph, and in return for this large ijn u ury uoous nouse in uueipn, ana in return tor mis putronago'iye havp deoldod to ftffer our oustomers a SPgQIAIj B^BJSrElFI-Ji Our stoclf is the heaviest ever held in Guelph, amounting to ove^r $100,000, the whole of j j which we jwill offer at cost. ;! If this will not do, we shall have to give the goods away, for we are de terminfed tojreduce our imnienie atook to 5t>,000 by the 1st or March as our neW Spring goods will thn be comiDg to hand, and we must make. roora.J Our buynr, Mr. \V\ :MoLachlin, of Montreal, has been in the BrhlsM Markets for tWo months post, (we do not rush off there, pick up the Qrat goods thaV^ffer, and back again)', carefully inspecting the Block, and n^phall have, the best seleptsd an'l ch>up&stBtook over offered. Prices at homeiare low, and we securdgroat bargains by paylpg cash. This will be found to be the greatest chanoe for, buvintr Cheap Dry Goods ever known in the annals of Guelph. The Lion; l|as already the greatest jreput;ition for sellinft cheap of all} the stores in UielProvince, but this time we will surpass all previous efforts, and heat the; world. r " | The-enormous -Bankrupt Stock wo bought in the summer enables as to. put every other storo ia the shudo. The bulk of it is gone, but it inoludes a big lot of winter goods, such as Blankets, Flannels, and Woolen goods generally, wliich -we Will also offer at'eost; or at 50 cents on the dollar, of the wholesale cost. We guarantee them all perfect, and! the prices cannot be touched, j We count it a pleasure to show our goods to the general public.;. lids! impossible for us to.mention all tho bargains we are offering. We should-need every columnl of Ths Frbb Press to do so, but we will only name a few leading lines. Oiit oustomers mmt remember, howeveir, that Tho Reduction is general throughout our Stook. Everything w bo rushed offt cost. No one should lose fcnis big chance; JD':M E S |s G- O O > S. ^5 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to 20 cents. . THAT i iWONDBBiPtTli: MAHTS t2QST I PRICE, SAiiS. mas: &st ^aJitypf Seas^ Tho great Sale conjbimiea each day; 1 Hurry ihaaidp^i^^ Fan. 8,1877 Hugh Bell, Uving o-tt-ried by Mr Alex. Hldnlskt rFMItf OJ. A weaver nasiel OT2 & rented lann ' Wright.^near this village, suddenly left /'ftT parts unknown one" night last week,^. leariEg behind hiiabut very iew chatties, aadia large naml*r of anxious mourners. He 'was indebted -tfi Mr Wc-Rht nearly J200 far rent -and borrowed fmaney; aboot $50 to M. Slight for blacksrnith- ' ing, a considerable sum to Messrs^ick- ' lin for flour, a grocery bill at Secord's, be >idss a number of small sifms here and there,- He ai^o took away alargcquan- tity o: yarn and other articles belonging to neighboring farmers." Hugh Bell is nnanimoulyvoted a bad egg. AttejL Onncll. j. .The lastrmeeting of the oil Council rwas held shortly- before noon on .Mon- - <l3sr ; all the members present except Mih Hamilton. The minutes of previ- ' bis'meeting were read and signed. Mri . Secord moved, seconded by Mr. Chris tie, that this Council be-and is hereby ^dissolved, .which was jjcairied. Mj*. Secord before retiring made a few re marks, expressive of his gratification at tie harmony and good feeling that Bad prevailed in the Council during the ' past year.L. ' ' ,'r The Councillors elect tllen toot their seats^and respectively subscribed, to the qualificatian and declaration 'of'of- ce, viz: Dr. McGarvin, Reeve j D. D.' Christie, C. S., Smith, D. Henderson,' and-Edward Nicklin, Councillors. The Rieve spoke of the"large number of " tramps " fSat had infested the vil lage lately, stating that the money that had been placed in his -hand for the purpose "of giving tliem temporary re- " lief, was'exhausted, and suggested that :. another sum be granted and placed- in '; the bands of some other member of the Conneil. No action was taken.. Mr. Christie moved^seconded by Mr. Smith, thatjHessrs. Smith, Xicklin and the mover "be ; a committee, to select . standing committees for the year. Xassasjaweya Conneil. : . The Municipal Council elect.met on Monday, the 15th inst., as per statute. The members were all present and signed tho required qnaliticatiqiis and declarations of office. Moved by Mr. Hutcheon, second ed by Mr. JLenzies, tlntt the sum of S5 be p-.iid to J.AV. Eisterbrook for cleaning the Il.dl'for Municipal purposes, aiid"Division Court ic;- C.trried. Moved by Mr.. ile'nzieM, seconded by Mr. McPhuil. that Alex McPhee be appointed Auditor on behalf of tins' Council, to audit* the Township Accounts for -the year -1876. . Cnrried. The E-eeve then appointed James Siaricembe to be tbo other Auditor-? Moved by J\Ir. Hiitcheon; second ed by Mr. McPhail, that; the follow ing sums be paid to the parties named below, for sheep killed and damaged by dogs, said claims having been duly certified, viz: 4 to John McKinnon for one sheep; 2,60 to Jamesr Gordon for three do., 6.33 to Edward Darby for two do., and 7.26 to Lambert JJar- berree for three do. -Carried.-1 : Oii motion, a By Liw was injtro. duced and read a first an-d second ti:r.e fjr the appoin-fment of certain Township officers, and partly filled up with Alexander ^McPhci and James Stancoiiibe as Auditors, and 'Malcolm' McMillan as Asssasor. A. tnotion was also given for the passing of a By-Lnv at the .next meeting of the Council, for defining the number' of- houses of public entertainment required for the Municipality. .; "Moved by Mr. Xorrish seconded by Mr. McPhail, that the sum of $4.75 be.paid to Patrick Cusick for making a Culvert on.- the Town line.-r Carried. Moved -by Mr. Menzies secoiided by Mr..Norrish, that the sum 6f 18 be paid " to the Township Clerk, being expenses for the Returning officers and Poll Clarks, atthe late Municipal Elections; also $7.97; for election blanks, &c. Carried.., On motion, the Bum of $3.50 was granted in. favor of Patrick Mc- GarrigpJ, and $12 in favor of Peter .Black,-poor and indigent persons. , Mr. Menzies seconded 30 " ' 25 " 15 " 24 " " '. " 12 ' " 80 These are tho very latest styles and colors, and no one should bay a dress without first making an inspection of these goods. Fancy and Plaiu Silks at Extraordinary Figures. Special drive.3 in Clouds,'.Furs) .-Shawls, Wool Shirt? nnd Drawers, Flannfcls , Blankets, Qiilta, Horse Blankets, and Winter Shirts. , WINCEYS! AT1NCETS! A7INCEYS ! j 420 Pieces put down from 124 to 10 cents.-"' '.."'- 235 ' j " 17 124 ." 140 j " i 20 18 " Loiyer priced Lines put down to 7 cents j; a yard great [value. - SPECIAL ^.TTBlWIOia"; Our; -Ready-made Clothing and Millinery and Mantle Branches, deserve special noticje. These goods w> w'd run Out at any price, and any one heeding these.igoods -should pome to _us at once for they will never have a tetter chance to secure a bargain. FIFTY JBUFFALO ROBES STILL LEFT: The season lis advanced and we will refuse no decent'Offer for them. . ' ' - ! ' ' - A fine assortment pfrTweeds all marked down to cost. Full 1 " Cloth 30 Cehjs. I ~\Xf \~k-+j- 70' -J4- 0 The question often a3kod is, Why is it i "'V iXjr ' J-C> X U j I that in a few years wp have been able to increase the, Eniall i business formerly done at The Lion, to its pres&nt enormous size, !(.the largest outside of Toronto)? The true answer is-that we do the bestjwe possibly cin for orr customers.- We buy at the lowest figures;: we sell atthe! same and we treat pur friends, so that they always come backjo'us. Honesty is the best policy, and honesty and courtesy are the ruling.principles at The Lioo." - t D, WILI+IAMSON & OO. 'i ".' .*' G Guelph. Jan. 8, 1877. epraw, fm^^&3smi^^ istt; 11. - r: RUSH! LLLi ;>/ J The lar^e^t &p^ pf G<o6cia \f$W. yesterday: j.- . ;Ever;Sold in pile day in Guelph. TBARGAINB^r sit d &c &:-:S':asT- '.<M dsles&tlia; Have laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Ricb, Rare, Uaeful and and Beautiful, in RQCm#S, OM1NA, Glassware, E^ardware, &c. J-. "T- S HOCC & ^SOlip ^maBlockJTJppdrWyndbam Street, Gttelphi. N>i 11 j 1 I'll mmmLmammimmm t -A- ' * 'IS- j^arnoN, THE PHlLANTHROPiST f Vrtio is th. true Philaatropist ? cheapest The mercliant wlio provides f he best Igoods at the value for his customers. OEbROE YEMEN Begs .leave to inform the public generally that he is prepared during DTHE HOLIDAYS : ed by Mr. JTicklin, leave'- was granted to introduce a by-law for the appoint ment of two auditors, and said by-law was read a first time. j. On motion the ConnciTadjouTned nn- 'til evening. EVEKISO SESSIOK. ' Mr. Christie, chainauufof committee to select standing committees, reported as follows : That Messrs.' Henderson, - Smith and McGarvin be a committee on '; Finance; that Messrs. Christie,^fiek- lin and McGarvin be a committee on Btreets and Sidewalks. s On motion of.Mr. Smith, seconded by - Mr. Christie, leave was granted to in troduce a by-law for a village constable, and said^bydaw was read.a first time. The byJaw forappointanent e> andi- ton was read in cdminifcteef of tig whole' . the blanks filled with the hamejs -of Samuel barter and W. H, Storey, aiid duly .passed. . _ - Mr. Christie moved, seconded by Mr.- 8mith, that Messrs. Henderson, Smith j *4 Christie be a committee to confer *itk. tie Trustees of the Temperance Hall, with a view' of securing their co operation ia the construction of a lock up in connection with their' hallj'ahd \ -that said committee report to this - Cetmcil 1* soob as possible. _Xfr. Christie moved for leav to in- iroduco. a by-law at next meeting of Oh motion^Mr. Henderson.-second-|by Mr.-Non^h, that the Sum of ^ be paid tcr-Mr. Hacking for printing Minutes, By-Laws and Financial accounts <fcc. Carried. ' Moved by STf. Norriab, seconded by Mr. McPhail, that a deputation be appointed,, to meet a deputation from the Puslinch Council, to con sult with tbem as -to the propriety ) of Belling the timber on the Town Line- between Puslinch, and Nassa- gaweya, opposite lots M^& 16, with power to sell said timber, if so agreed, and that the mover and Mr. Hutchison be appointed as saidi de putation on behalf Tof this Council. The Council adjourned till Mon day the 19th of February. 1 J. Eastebbbook, Clerk. It is the mission of the local press to use i,ts influence to protect the Interests of the place in which it ia published; and it is equally the duty of the merchant and the citii^n; to encourage its efforts by. contributing liberally to its sirppoi t bv advertising and snbscriptions. The enterprising newspaper-/pub lisher generally spends most of the earnings bf-fais parjei\-in improving it. So that its value and interest to the reader depends in a great meaaure upon thejiberality of its patrons. " . . i to "make great sacrifices on all kinds of goods.-. My stock is now complete ln\toy,s; for the .little folks, and also a beautiful assortment of goods, useful as. well as ornamentul, suitable for ' r^ CHRISTMAS PRESENTS For both old and y<>ung, but their,is their cheapness. (; . - , -<' . j - -X.-. In this line iny customers may rely on getting their goods fresh and good, as 1 have purchased thern all ftilhin the past:two'weeks,:and am selling them at prices that would havd 'to be' 'paid for goods that have been ini stock for several months. ;5 CROCKJERY ANB GLASSWARE. During the Holidays I will sell goods In this line at prices^tfaaf defy competition, as my present large stock must be cleared out by the begin* faing-of the New^Year to make room for a new stock. . .^ :'!. , ::i ' - ; - Fresh Oysters, Finnan.Haddies, Porli and Bologna' Sausage, Yarmouth Bloaters, &o , always on hand. i ' ' ! Call and examine the goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Gents' Mottoed Mustache Cups and Saucers, -Ladies' Mottoed Caps and Saucers, CHINA DEPARTMENT ^is W^kpfier Decided iar^ains%t3ea?pn- " :(foods: ^ M Ja> OVei^bat^ trovL $5M up.) ., Men's Stoga Boot* frbm^2Qt> up/ %*&M Fur Sets frcji $3:00 up. - Ladies' Bress Goods-from 12e x\o Blankets, white, per pair from jUJ.OOui^ BIanketS| ffre^iper ^iaif ii^m tljpiup Children's Mottoed Cups'and Saucers, Glass and China Mugs, Flower .Vases, Glass Pitchers, Preserve Dhjkes, Goblets, Tumblers, mottoed,' all colors tickle Jars, Wine Glasses, " Glass Sets, Celery Glasses, Sick Gups and Feeders Stone and China, fea Sets, Lamps, Lanterns, Everything In, Granite Ware, . Everything beautiful in endless rarietjr, Gr "BOO tM'MXtt Bl , s; ALL WOOL ' ^a-tlra heavy. FAfitoi^ m|||Li A new lot cheaper than- ever. '- iiadaes' Clouds in great 'srariety at&v&cy \fancy prices for Millinery r Ladies, remembrtbis. tSadies' Mantles iii Stock ati& Mate to i-^i *. -:i: ^mn^j^M^trm, M it^j^tB vm^ti^MaXl the leading stylos and cbfort^iheap/1: So ,|.<. cum ahb mm mmmwiem At J!>ecided Sargatnsi Please note the address. i i)eoemi*er 1 Vl87i CEO. YEMEN i'ost Cfffice Store. Acton : '.'." "" ^ * 1. Canned Peaetes, ^Pliinii, dooeeberries, Blackberries, Cherries, Fears, : " i Preserves, Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon, . Sardinet, Clatti,; Oystert, Frilita, JUWna, CHrrtiits, .1 I Kgs, Nuts, Bisoulte, Confeerionery and. Honey- The Largest and Cheapest-iA^:':^^m;e^/y^g^ '..;-..-.. -.. . ..... ' ' .'* .' -^: TobiacorIlio^^&rleiri^r^^^^ \:. Hardware, Cuttlery, Spoons; Paint*, Oils, SOs. Acfcoaj^w.ifi, iSJ .. |-..:i'> -3-as. 't tbwt/ifasAd I CA^SFoi mm ANI> SCARLET aLAXKE&S? V"fc i lh/great' Variety. t -, n( -- i- , ; : - i.U <.:&L3$t$rT. that Ijtim^tis 7@$. * ' ii-l'"^'.^-.^ >^V.'i k^' .-*'", :^i ~ 1 y..?>-i-- Oirdter. r, ferHs; You-oats-fety dttSivihg M^iey br bttyirig your Wintir Sc^i'ftbW' : '.":. W^l- km "'i'-'jf >.iT: i*- J.J v-S r*itT? tj'rto ol -r.:5-K>v.I,.-ij& ,-!S-.1.:Dt-Jfl 4- r,,.^'l *-*'* #ii to '^t 5i - ' .* j: .ti^&J _-ti ctf^ti ......_,{ *t-:A^

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