Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1877, p. 3

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' . -:r"sSS ._-a.J.--J-(3?l t: THE FREE1 PRESS, i RAXiritrsK Ttr. T.uat; ' xtins lv Actonas follows:-^ T (-.61 SO \Yp.T. fctpress :*- Jlfised " - ' * Sight Kxprcss - /-- 1 KisM Express - - 1.51 p. ilri. 5.20 p.m. 7 :3(> p. in. 1:04 a.m ? iCani of Thanks. 7V> tAc KUclors <>/' <A< Village q/" Jc/on, Gestlujikk, After a wock of. con- siderahlo' ustitchient,- cousc<p\ictvt"xipoli an exceedingly wtvrm,' close, and spirit- cit election eoutost in our midst, >vf arc- rapidly settling doWn oncoTnoro to our "W'atelies, Olookp and JeTOlery. .-'iWotitetl'iionuaTcoiulitioii, ami inrifow*. TTTQ^T APDTVUT% " days Uio election, will-have been forgot- frU f O A a1\i>JL V Jul/, ' ' II 9:15 km. jxero. .But 1.-cannot allow this to be ll&f a.m. | thus without awuEng. myself of tho op- of expressing my, warmest 9::X>"p.m. | thanks to those frieuds who accorded LOCAL MATTERS. - <- -*.""s3 pi>^.^it\j JEtSl >J-'y! ^m.:rM ^v-r:: -.>'- aisr^ v-v-i >**s. ti TW Acton Public School ' jMM$al^i'^0^ay ^"^ *n attendance tf jtt, fafe^at^rjartment, 50; 2nd, 0;SrJp8.j: 'ji .-.."- . __TfKirte*it Births,- five deaths, ^ua'inmuhtges, were registered by th Acton Drv'J^Bltel^alHtr'for" U iix months ending Slat lSecomber. Row naarkably few marriages have occurred during tire fust year. *I it because it "Startling!"! Why *'startling ?L" The people are being waked up to the fact'that McLood, Anderson & Co, Georgetown,- are selling goods at ruin ous-prices, regardless ot cosjt. They lthat could "bo paid, to the intelligence, of a, rega to sell cheap. -Call, and, see IHTortbem. ;' .- M '.-" ft-:'*, Whjumli . I have bt*a aht - al.lh^ lo^e(t" it thy alie>yv- w^om^l im^< r. warmest Accorded me such a hearty support in; my - late contest fojr the highest honors at the of our.viliage, aud thou|gh not quit* successful and am equally gcatitied as though I were, t I assure you it affords me not little gratification 'to ;know that though the contest was ' exceedingly" warm-and spirited on both sides, yet so far as 1 am. aware, not one word was said on cither side that tho other could com plain of. Every reasonable persoujex- pocU that tho tricmlaof any candidate will-advocate his claims heartily, and it would be strange if they did not'; but beyond-this I know of nothing of a dis- fgreoalne nature having transpired, aud we retire from the. contest happy iu tho knowledge that nothing has occurred to compromise or mar tho hatwony or friendships previously existing between any of tho contending parties or thoir friends, t kiiow of no higher tribute [Ms .t^jig^;^ ;J--1#I - - " ' -^-^-'sW%* ;-(tM- '-" are Bound them. -r^Services by the Rev. Mr. f D*yfe dongre^tiocialtstMiBistiijr. Will .. beheld in Matthews,' Hall: every Sun day" e.Teding. at G o'cJoel:, until farther Botio*. Xh hall has recentlv been fit* ted titp~vritli taiorct coxsxforisble aets than formerly. A general invitation is ex- : _teade<tto the piublic *. "_;_ - Anniversary iServ.ires^ and a : Tea Meeting willbe held, in itcv. Mr. T" \Vilkinsoh's Church, Xassagaweya, on ' Sunday anil Monday, th'eilat and 2ind iast Sermons on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Keefer, ofGuelpK The choir in con nection with tho Acton Me&odist "" Church have eipresseil thein intention of being present' at the tea-ineetirg.j -= besieg ing our townJastjiijjht. . Whence "Ithey came, or whither they go, we know! not,; bat we do know that our Town Fathers were, either unable or- unwilling to fur- _ nish them with sufficient- funds where- ' -with to-proem-? supper and lodging.and that thev were compelled to appeal to the charity of private citizens,' A^aiii. _j What about that lock-up \ The .ques tion is coastaatly in order. The old Methodist Church, in :. . Gnelph, which, has been closed some months, jindergoing a s<;r:-.sof mrprove- ents;at a total cost ofalxtnt ? 12,030^ was ,re-opened last week, by Rev. Dr. - . Ivea. The entire suCincceisary tocK-arn "JOS' the debtAvaaj-BibscriWd before the "close of the services. ."> ' I -=-"A fact," that MeLeod,, 4t Co., Georgetown/"are startling the jseblic .with their mammoth clearing ""sale. The bottom h^s been knocked i they are bound to sell the goods, no matter what they cost,' Oo.l . to AeMamniotb House, Georgetown, if y want goods at p^nic prices. j ------------------------------- ,L .Vrai,: '.' " Mr. Donald Mc'S''ercnaht, - of this Village, and fonncrly :one of the . best known residents of Xassagaweya, , die4 at 5-'o*clock this (Thursday) mpni- ' infi aft<|r a.long and painfnl. illnesi- " ~ We understand that Mrs. Wilkin- aon, of Xassagaweya, is still too ill to "be removed to her home, but that sire - has so jfar "recOTered as . to be out of i daagerl !. Wonderfol excitenient over the feat clearing sale of dry goods at John egg's store iu Guelph. See a<iv. Tratee EleeUms. -' The annual election of two Trustees lar the Acton School Board was held in "the Temperance, Hall yesterday. The two members dl the Board whose .term I- of "office has just expired, were. Messrs. t Edward Moore and C- S. Smith. The ' -candidates proposed for-election were '. Messrs. W. H. Storey, Edward Moore, JafcjFearnleyj D. Maloney, James Ryd er, aid Thomas Ebbage.~ It was agreed - that the toting should be by ballot. Messrs. ' \y. H.. Storey, and Edward Moore receiving the highest number of Totea,; were- (Jeciared elected for the term of three years. The Board now consists of the following members : Aler^ Kennedy, ElT"Snyder, TL:'"J. : fUH. So*. Laaby, l Edward Moore, and W. H. Storey. - At ,^ihe brick school house known as "Goittpn's," 3rd line of Esquesing, Mr. Alex. .'Brown waa elected trustee in tn place of Mr. I'anI Kennedy, whose our people than that they, can agree to contend, and contend warmly, for any public honors at the disposal of tho Corporation, and yet. meet each other without a whit of abatement of tho re spect or friendship previously existing. 1 deprecate and have no sympathy with that absurd idea that because men, in the exercise of..their franchise,, and tho light which and their God has given them, opposo any candidate or party in any political or municipal contest, whether such opposition is the result of principle, or simple inclination, that they aro to be regarded jn the light of personal enemies; such ideas belong to ages long past, iind are not worthy of our day and generation. I am happy: to number some of th^se who, in..the exercise of their rights, opposed uio most warmly in the late contest, amongst my most esteemed friends, and why not . 1-Avonld do the same myself if-1 Uiou;ht proper to jdo so. Then let usaccoro to each other Euch privileges as we demand for ourselves. Gentle men", again'thanking ynu, as well for the support given rae us for the friciidly miantr in which tho contest was con ducted on both sides, and wishing you; tire iK>jnplimeJiti of the season, r; 1 am, yours ^respectfully, ".i f John" P.'Second. Acton, Jan. 10, 1S77. Studs, Cuff Button*. -. Locketa, Chaini, icTOisr; "aALTQ|r' (^iii^^M^ JUBT ARRIV^IXJ A Good Assortment of Fancy Gold Rings, ^ Qojld Dropi, ' Brooches, -. SeU, JUST OPENED. Call and Black Sets, Separate Brooches, Drops, r BlaolcLocketiy Pearl Suits, i Necklace* of allkinds, Toy Watches,' '-'_ Etc., etc., etc. JUBT OPENED. iSee Them; C0ST , ?R|CE BMM .,:. :'- - V;:-Y..-"r..|'i ^i ^""""t-^-Lp^i:! ;".\-';'i'""-n , ,,-: ^The^fi^gest amo\w^ipf Q99M 4wW yeaterOay ~: *^>/-\.: ' vAwisy.a if-^j*i,v- /o^-.-y wi. December 19, 1876. GEORGE HYNDSi Watohmaker, Post Office~"Store, Acton'. Acton Gritnse! -IXXWI. tLEt-fH'X .VXD -I-::K-:ENTA-riOX.; The Acton West Annual Grange meeting:, was held in the Grange Hall, Acton, on Friday evening, 3rd inst., and after the general business of-the the mi-otijig the following, were elected as oiiictrs for the ensuing year : Worthv ijas:cr< John Shaw. SecretarV 11. rOt^unpbelL ; Ste-ward Jolm Mlleh^lL Asj't Steward 'James ' Chaplain Moore. TrvrSj-Ltrcr-^X). MctJregor. James MoOonald. Cerii^-N'aney W-hitley.- Pijcioaa . Fie-ra Mirgery'McDonald. . Lady Ass't. Steward Helen Shaw. Delegates to Division Orange John Warren and Alex. Kennedy. The officers elect being duly installed to their offices by their retiring Master, Brc;. V>"m. Gordon, assisted by Bro. Geo. Campbell, Master' of Ballinafad Grange, the members then presented their j?ceretary_," Bro. It. B. Campbell, with a very handsome Writing Desk accompanied with .the following ad dress : J To Robert Campbell, Esq., Secretary of Acton West Grange of the Patrons oT"Husbandry. * :EsTEjin> Bp.oTirEP., ing for organizing our society, the un animous choice fell upon you to till the responsible offic^ of secretary, an of fice on the proger performance of the duties of which, depends more than on that'of any other, tho peace, and pros perity of, our association. TO that choice you cheerfully responded, by ac cepting the" situation, and at once en tering upon the various arduous duties it involves ; and' the best evidence Of ^ the very efficient and satisfactory man ner in which the, numerous duties of that important department of^the labors of the field Eav been performed; - is found in the undisturbed harmony that has prevailed, and the very satisfactory success with which onr labors have been crowned: during the sexton that is now come to a close.y Ahd now the pleasing duty has been assigned" to me of pre senting Vou in the name and on behalf of your brethren^ and sisters, with this writing desk as a token of .'their esteem for you and of their appreciation of the valuable services you have rendered to our society in oonnection with your de partment of the-labors'of the field. And although it is Of little pecuniary value, SECORD BROS, Best CiUaUtyiof SfiwqiaT^lo^ "C* '- The gireatBale c^ntinties each day, Hurry^in andpartaket>fthe gre^t adyan|a^^ offered. Jan, 8, I87T T X.. Have.laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Rich, Rare, Useful and and'TJeautjiful, in GRQ )ERIE|S, china, Glassware, H|ardware, &c. "Woulcl respectfully cafl the attention of their ' friends and the general public that'they ! To their NEW PRIM am Gr-TJEIiPHr. me v o(-( CHINA DEPARTMENT. Gents'Mpttoed Mustache Cups and Saucers, I Ladies' Mottoed Cups.and Saucers, Children's Mottoed Gups and Saucers, two trustee* are*John Warren and/Wm, Qjrdn. XacnealMle. ea the farm of Mr George Carnochan, tot 29, 6th cj)iu Naasagaweya, on Tues day, Jan. 23d. Wm. Hemstreetc,Auc-: Coneer. -: - '-' ._ ' " \ ' iU .-^HTry9U seen the' startling .lear. g sale idTjertisoBieat^ IE'not, jiead it at once, aod then go right' straight to McLeod, Aijderion, 8c. Co'b, George- i tows. They areisellinjf it startling low | prieii/for caaU; ,jnst now. -' ^ Flower Vases, Glass! Glass Pitchers. and China Mugs, mottoed, all colorsj Preserve Dishes, Celery. Glasses; term of office haa expired. The other J I feel quite assured thatj. as a token of "** " "T'-----------Jlr- ' the esteem of your brethren and sisters, and' of their "-hearty acknowledgment and approval of tho wiauiier in which .. , . you-have Inlnlled the duties o .your Sale of farm stock. And implement-| important-station, you will value it ; elwJ|^:: ' :--'3iS " " In Kaasagaweya, at the -residence of; _th.hriae*'father, n ihe 28th ultimo, %tte'Ker. T. L WUkiflapn, assisted] Wt^toe Ber. B., B.' Cameron, Acton, | 'Kohert Barns. Campbell te.:Emma'Jane Kitokiag, bcih of the Township of Nas- eV"tJ. ^ - j ; .On Wednesday, the 27iK nlC at the "rendaaee of the bride's-father, by the *er; W* "BeiJ^jjia*fetf M" the P.: M:; ^Cwvk,Branint0n, Mr.A-T. Camphell,' editor andymblisher o? t$e VonierStepr,:- '. to Josephine, -fourth daughter of-Robert [Aitku^Esq.f *tt.of Brampton, ; - ;*'.} '" ^ aiKTBB. .-'--,-" -In Acton, On the 2d inst., the wife of Mr. Robert; T. Simpson, printer, of a _flaaghte>. 'T . - 'At JLimehoase, on the 30thJnlt., the jtife ofllr. William Scott, of a son. U " ' '^V'sWEDr' :- .,' : Atthe reaideaceof Mr. Wm- Gordon, Mr8. Ajan 0rlte.;wJ4jp of ie Jt Wm. Clarke, of Esquesing, native of Kingusie, In-, *wnea, Scotland, aged 92 years, and 6 Jnijnthf. Funeral to-day at 9 o'clock. highly. And that the blessing of our Father in -Heaven shall'-rest upon you and your .beloved-partner, in life, is the' united desire of your brethren andBia- ,ters of Acton West Grange No. 471. '.. Signed on behalf of; th^Grange. - .-.--Jambs L.'Wabbbsi. v !- . Maboebt McDokalix. ' \' i Maggie Gordon. [^ Grange Roomsy Acton West, ) 2flth Deo;, 1876. ': Mr. Campbell being altogether taken by shrprise, made a: brief reply, thank ing them' sincerely -for their -kind 'aiU dress and for the handsome token pr sented; i^'hitti,--' which bespeaks to him the'appreciation of his services. ' Tbd thanks of the mceting-beiug ten dered" to the-'retiring officers for their services during the~"past year, and also to Messrs. Campbell, Price, and others-, for their assistance on the. occasionj-tBe meeting'adjourned to ineet- on Friday evening, l-2th in8t,,at 7 p.m; Actbn, Jan. 5, 1877. %.% iCok. Goblets, Tumblers,. Pickle Jars, -* . ' Stone and China Tea Sets, Lamps, Lanterns, Every thi rine Glasses, Glass Sets, Sick Cups and Feeders 'g in Granite "War^r, Everything beautiful in endless variety. ^PECIAL LIN ESI I -j.-j ManylSpecial Lines of Ooods hiave been sjecur^d .j1 at extfaordiuary low figures. K -"- j G li'.B ATL1A B# iAllJSjl Will Be Given. ^.-i'.ill!-: Tiiis JOHN HOCC & a?3m*L. J : Alnia.Block jpipper WyndhMnrvStreets,** ::.^-7. :-;-'rr.;c.-3ii'i--irr?i: f- . .' ' .^ $?% : -A LA.Grnioisr e^ oftfer'Decided; Bargains mSe^iscmr; .< Men'a JOvercoats from Men** --^.. *t .it /_ "i- .-if.. $5.Q0up. Shirts and DraWefjs frdrii 5fjc up Stoga Boots frcrh $200 up. !r t ie^^rr^tsJfrbta '0M.up,":^-'^ Ladies' Dress Goods irom 12J<i ujk$ ' "-/ ankets, white, per pair frtrtn J3.00 up. Blankets, grey, per p lir from 1.75 tip. *:-X;V GALL EAEL* An early call is: necessary, as many Lines can riot ; be repeated ai the low figures. ; ' ! ! .'." - '1:1 O r" OU.. 'J I " ; ^ifi, STEW.AET b CO. Guclpb, iJec. 18,1876i ] AT tBB WEST END G^O<^S^JCilB- Canned yeacfaes, Plums, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Cherrtea, Peare, Preaeryes,1 Jam's, Jellies, Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon, ',-. \r Oysters, Frflit^.;R^a^M^u_rr^ts, ;,- ^-All kinds b; cakes iced> and ornamented at Galloway Bros;' Bakery. For, good^tea cakes nn<I teii. bujis" JO t (^tlowaySiBro's: * -bakery. Cash for Pork:: -Christie, Henderson'.'& Co., Actonj will pay the highest price in cash for ariy;qttantity of well-dressed hogs. - '. ^Christmas cakes, lunch cakesj pound cakes, fruit cakea,- sponge cakes, J etc., etc., at.Galloway Bros,'Bakery. 9, Nuts, Biscuits, Coafeetionerjeand Honey fyapest^tocfy of Teas ever brought into The Largest Totoocw, Bice, Barley,)dbtn tfcarchj:Bic4_|loui:, Bog*,** :[ jaardwarey. Gutttor^, Sf^ns, Pjain.tBi0yBj.&c. i"M Acton, Nov, ?9, 1875. SECOUBBEOl x XI 65 Pieces ^Brocaded Lustres, 10. cents a yar4. 20 Pieoes.Brocaded Reversible, 12i cents, 30 Pieces Fashionable Serges, new shades, 15 cents. | - 123 Pieces iWool Serges, 25 cents, regular, price 40 cents. Special Line Blaelif'Silli^^ cenftlA J5 i L>- !".: jDres8. "i'-y-.'CC.'t;. wr.jr." cleared but at^iei&aj^Kr^ v^J; t ir^iJbMiic^ :gb\}dfl,.to be For 5,':* 'j :4- i- id Gheaf Dress Otfodaj ladie8|abonld vii^^^^|||^<| i Fashionable West Ehd Bre^ MlllUiery. and Maatle Rrt^naSufc^ feOO)K^'.'3tNii|"^038' '!. ! PBOHTObY. : Oii| oi sHWiiit f<i2 t3p*Jj?^ :-i: ALL 3^tsW:'^a*ia^;: WOOL FACTORY ^ztra heavy. A new llpl cheaper than eyeft ' Clouds ia groat yarietT aad very ohoap. -PI in immenae vfirlety|in_arl: the lea/ling styles and ^colora-r-cheap. So Ladies' full! fancy prices" Tor Millinery,j FLANNEL, -^ Mrn^ <7&- Ladle's, remember tHi: "-1 'Vf"n .- - -K'. .r '- -!-rV-. jiy-s'ii syi\A iriStockatid Made to Order. mr - ^ r-M "lh .? 4a^^pR;jfEK,;:^: toi oB*.$$' c^^Ting Money h^^nyfayE yoj^^S^ii^^o^lfra^":. fet^ir }i-t'*0- r|i:v-:.v;i^ inn. FREE *W! '$%% um ;--'.i. AitiX;:M^Li|r ^t^isiill^ Tjariety/ :>U-J.- 'TTb^afiif tedsuw -\o "St* "iUtclo^H-.J El ocr xtat I. :vr:v. "Tiji'.U.U hti'X. tkBiliafttgarnftt alt cW^eitlti^ -t' : .',- J-_-T~ >wlfWtrmi.i icw.lf.A-'-* 'i.t'.V'of- !-*^ ,m 'Jiiri<?i.'? :-T- -'i/i"iw. -iirtl-it i-if..... Uft-i-iSliptii , ,, a t"--.vj HEXTDERS0IT St 0 :-;>mm :jmm

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