Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1877, p. 4

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L-Sy, sr- ui r i w i i ^ RffiSSj jyOlOKj!MKLJ^MlKQV^PSl. QTO,! 'siffiftRSfiS?t: a girl tumbles and hurts herself budljr, the first thing she does ia to Now Is tho.tioio to IcaTo your order i ' ! ... At J. Ryder's Faotory Stylish Guttc* r SertteeftMe ' Slelftlu ' ' Jam pw^ung-uflfi S lre^ stock for l"W V^miitg-atMaqDi ir*n tht.<ft^ Material. My present stock of, BUGOIES AND WAGONS get uuand look at her dress. * I wiU U BoUl off vcry chca* - T '^Augustus, ^^"^^"^6^^^/* * " to 'iscire tenderly pushinjt.hhn from-her as!' ^ the moill^^oda^e \Q K ? 8ttiffci|^>6pn given to ,ow here.liej-wecu standing, f I taates i ' is* f1 II 1 -.- 1 -.r li lye ; yonr bio jBtucho like turpentiue." "I yr, boy, is there anytliigg to shoot around here !" enquirtidva . sportsman of a boy he met. .' *' No, nothing just about here," replied the boy ; " but our schoolmastta: is just 0Veri|^J^tte^<^#ni birch-rod** |a#|Sbfgt w^P.'flp' A teacher, questioning a little; Loy about the graduation in the '" *&*& &Hfe^S.-r j&'d ,' "What ' i^Sf^lP*0 I*MK||Wh*npon ^^TmleTSHSver, waff was evidently smarting under a sense of previous defeat, immediately distanced all competitors by .promptly shouting, "hisshirt, nia'nia." '*?> '- As a commentary on the mean ness of a certain class of men the following an^doA** Ja. ekeeflent - in ilsJway -:- JL\>o fount! h poc^etboqk, ;. the other day.fand returned -W 4o its owner, who gave him a five-cent piece. The boy lookout Chepju ,aA instant, xand wen, handing it reluctantly back, audibly sighed as -hesaid,..",! c^ cj^g^i^" ,> The boy stood near & sunken shaft, and bitte^ t#*r% h^ajbed, j, *? eyed the yonngsfisr fore add ' aft hia hair and nose; were. rejL. He looked the picturef&B dalresa', the very type of woe ; we asked why his unhappine^ihis^voicic ewnejifcid and low ; and while he Lid in tears relates thepafcoiy;. we ats.. jiwad. ~ Said be;"r^ofigfitapalr of &&a' and now it's gone and^thawed.'.' Meddling with offcerii 'sometitaea brings us into scrapes, and thereby one of. the elders of a church made '^bad ^etf^T jgkrr yatrnj.-fcrtlfc*^ entered ^e^Alitcn and? foSlt his seat, keeping his .hat on. The elder, no facing it, requested him to take it off. His request not being complied with,- he spoke to the gently lifted the hat off; when, to -his chagrin^ out rolled a quart; of hickory-nuts, making more noise than was consistent with decorum. " Man," said the youth,\ quietly, "see what you have done I" ^Ve liTB no reason'to cbmpHin of dull times for wt> ani'busy Our trade is increasing orify nonth, :becaitso*:wo,ry for cain,' cash, and avoid loss by bad KoxM-Bbooiae & General 81*olt- Q.UELP11 VKHOBY, |J0HN KSBKHAM, Gnnsmltli, Stlvcr-Platcr, *Cn< |->, e*r Christmas OITcr- -.- ring. r- '..".I hardly know^ what kind of. an offering to make you-for the ._conitng Christmas," fondly lisped oA ^le^ auTlluYiutViaVPrd^e^'pabllsb' yourigTfaiSw* "HK'GfeTSvetWTlmr^vuflC--WeTgwiwa feecipei her father*p"ito*ft>TOWeniiig4ast' --------- week. ' ' _ - " . "You don't r said she. y : ;;"lTo,^saidie.v ]"-.:?.".: _ A puuse of several naiautps here .' -took, place, when she suddenly laid for children, and my low. JoWof fustomer dobti s an 1 Toys Day has what yot Wlihes to inform tho rumov 10 p I'CU ublio that ha has to ^ Hatclx's Block, Xext door to Tyson's Butcher Shop AMMtrMrnpK roa !&UE.;BiaxxcB ! LOADING ARMS. . ply * .Kynoeb's'CarU-IUse Onsen and Caps fr>r re-16adlnK stme. Ke-loadcrs. lie^apoorx, Cip KJe'-tors, Curlers, and Creatori.i'lcanirg Kojs, n ml Jill articles pecearjf rqira Hpf-rtali'D'<xitflt. Alt Mirt.g or K. piilring and Jobbing executed on the shonest notice at .. ,9taelph, ^priljs;, 1K6. ^ w HAT PAYS ? AdToiN1; PRESiS; flUft^BC Phanysrnfs. Time and the Judge try .'all. ,Lath and piaster walls havocara. hades of nigut Window cur- ; taina. - - :r. V The silly season*'.nLTii s moon. _ : "" To do business a man must have idollara and seiiaa. : Beware of the tailor who says he will give you fits. -r, A business that is picking u{>= !Tb*;Hk(p^th<i(M^, . . WhenHhepreacher qnotetr;. **.Be not wisfl in your owii conceit," be . closes for many the (only db3^->l#j wisdom. ' - " MA I One i)ollar npPiTC3Bn? Maaafaclorrr, Mer. esault^'Veckaale, TaTcatot-, Farmer, or Prorraaloul San, to keep Informed on all the improvements and diacovonjis of theaiie , - FT PAYS ttae he4 or every ramlly to Introduce in; o hiS house hold a ne wspapffi: that U iustractive, <.ne that lostei's a taste foriuvesUeauotr una promotes thought anftencourasfts^i^eUj-sipu, _ igifilE 8QIElfnfl& Al^Iip^i which bos been pa01 1enod weekly for tho -last 31 years, dot-n this, to an estent be-: yondmat orkny |o*Hcr pab.'icatlon; in fact Uis the otily weekly paper published ?r\ Y ;y ftfs.^.Jr) i A tfTO, ^fft In the UnlteorMtotes, devoted to Mjxr;. Ficicsts Me a>-ics, Isvkstiosb and New PiscovebiesIu Arts and Sciences. Every nomtHT 1* profusely Illustrated and its contents embrace the latest and most Interesting Information pertaining .to the .In riii ttrj lit. Jlochanleal, anO Bcfen- Une progress oC4be wddd. ~ THE SCIE-VTIFIC 1HEK1CAS bas been lh~ r.remoiil of oil ludnslrlal pnbliear Uons for Wie past 31 years It Is the Old est, largest, Cheapest and Best Weekly UlasiraU"! pooer devoted U> Engineering; Mechanic*, Chemistry, NewJuventloDS, (jmes-thaatibscripUon ,prlee~'SWtt:*ir thia-KioTrantl"House will *ive many times tbo cost. It should hHVu a place In every family, Library, Ktndy, <>fBcer Beading Hoom, College and cbool. ' - ; A new volume commences January 1st IK77. A year's numbers contain 830 pages ami Several Hundred Engravings. : Terms, $3.2U a year oy mail. Inolndlng ... -----j^ . _ _ . Tior littlft hfirr' rtiinn ln'u KknnWTa,. , P'tae- -Uiscount to clubs. Special Ciri ner uiue neaa npc,n uis snouider cuiara, eiving club r>.us, sent free, sm- and rcaruiured ..i '^An-'^fftiririg, did^ou sayE* -' : -**^e>,: de^r,"--heJ^rep1iea;"' "I can't conceive what kind of one- to nijike~to\you.'1 1" ' ' " A-hem," said she, clearing her f,. cooing no ^JEI ward, dear, w-wouldn't an-an engagement ring b-be an fjffer-nnc?" 7 ruiunui,"sent"free." Tfce ^ien'tarTAmeri - ' 'caa Reference Book, avoume bound In .Ipth and: ullt, containing Xhe Patent Caws. Census jpf the D. 8, and 113 En- grHvlags of mechanical movements. Prideiscenis^ -: -> , Address lor th Paper, nr- ocjooermng Patents;- tflUNSV A XiO, 87 Pte* gEU)W. l?e"w STorr .--... g-e copies mailed on receipt of 10cents; Hay be had of all newsdealers. . , II'IITCIITO' In eoBBectlon wttb. r\ I Cn I Oa -the srienUflc Anerl. can, Messrs. Munn 4 Co. aro Holicitors of A.Tnerican and Koroign Patents, and hava tbe largest establishment In the world ' More than fifty thousand applications^ _ - .., iiavo b-enniadefar patents through thelf led fartS~ ' ' ^ TT^ -^patent-are dotalned on tire best terms, Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined, and advice free. A pamphlet cohtalnlhg fair direotlons lor 'obtaining ' i. , . It was an awful thing to do -"- i-.'hac she did, bat he didn'tseeuito' ..jare'for that and . -ijjsioiesjt ^wasTleap 3%s5r.'" 'V f j < !.,. -' ^_ ; r A jPSprjCMt Dgivfjyioir. |t is an i error to*uppo^ tilat a ruan belongs 'to himself. N!o.!?~inan d,oesr^ He b^l6ng3tohis wife,'or his relations, Or ;his creditors, yor" to society v'id' f^ame forih'or other. It. is for their ii.jfccial good an3 Wehalf that he1 lives aad works;'and they kindly allow him' to retain a percentags jof his gains to adiainister-^tb ' hrs 'own pleasures or even' for that, he is >iM>*^W|r^rickrigyi/.ln ibort,' Isociety is the master, and man is ,.the survaat; and itjjs"entirely .as 1 socSifejr pfey^jsFgoyd br: bad master^ :. whether the man. turns out a good" J". oe bad *ertnJ|.,; :' -^ i > y 7: ^ r?"-""',:' A CJON -- . | PLANING- MILLS .-' ,,>f :-' ?: Pnmp. Sash, Door apd Blind r-f- ";; factory. T20MAS EBBAGE, :! : rji He | wa7 .a/'*:Woun^ njjn of modest manners ' jind tbtfughtftif" l iiir, and be Jeaned I gracefully back. a^ru^Liha ceUr,stairs door, with .he sjagar, party old Than, came pple*, aid openejd the door j TjSfffie ' oung-man pA^^Jt^Jhi nere rha* she awf/pS? ISBBa'^o^iTi1 young-nian what the stairs in oompauy with the old iasn,an4 aa aoon las,, he got clear atn sits alone in tite parlor Sunday XJoors, Venetian Blinds ' .. U.f~i ^ ffll' And Qtlier Bh|luinl;lt4lnfeW^ AUo-Mftk^r of fkpkfrtifi5'StroTioiT rours I^obwr.SlftneoVand^Dregsed to orde . .. fiiheSbiat-manner. All work guaranteed, Acton, Jan.,1878. > IN -T" . -, ;'-f I .. j M JLLIN E RY D. , McNAIR'S. - r t .it" GOOD S|)LJ> AT AhY PftlfcE. J vi'.l v.u if*-'- Miist be Cleared Out. - ^ ^ ' r~ ( .' ' * ' \Vo'.dbh'it' wanto^ carry 'any 'ofour stock into tho new store, which1 is fU3rJy.ton^hrt#d.v: .j././j PRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, &** -~, ' P & Must all bo sold at astonishingly Low Prices. 3BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, Our MUlinery is first class^ ./ Alt flewrand fashionable. . Our Press uoodvarfr just wbnt is wanted for the season, The latest pat tot db and colors. A large "Stock of Staple and Fancy . Dry Goods cheap. gentlemen's Tutnishln? 'Gools Rood indichcap. Jeweler7,v-.j0W*leffjr; -y^Einprs Also a good stock of. GROCERIES. D. McNAIRS, ACTON. Call and See our Goods And Prices. MMODS, 'm^&^ymc>. ttli^iiwi4;i;:'i877. 18 jiOW COMPLETE. A good assortment p all the Teaalng; lines of '!.i.'--.l> _! PeltfecbSs, Gvb^ PRICED qu^i i^BBY.nLOW FOR rGASH. "., " Be^nArins ^Prwn^tly attended Hi IT A- ISO' to, as nsnal. Acton, P'!S;J|,,}8J,6., BE" SURE TO CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE Hill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN Sreeeriei, Crockery, V? Boet* afSboe*, u-WAlLSftperr '. iSrialoijrjSUaai, ; ' -'STftUij'Olaii, Pttttf- ^XJapoel Oil, Paiati, Torporitlae, Ooal Oil Sftlt AU of .which will bewold low for BOOTS and SHOES ^ Selling off at cost. Also agent for.the RUBBER PAINT COMPLY" Of Cleraland, Ohio. - .".V }' /' .,; Ca*h fpr Hides. Aeton, July 18, 187?. J. P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In announcing t > lbs public generally that he Is prepa ed to .; famish ri. T.7 ."V-rt? Tirst-oUMjSanei; And Carriage* i. --T At Reasonable Bates. > Jits Bigs and Horses are the best that can frB"h<irBnaT>eJs determrnoa ] lit to be nrpassed'by any Cit7 Htable ' ' Acton Only 1st, 1876. etc. Save your Carpets and make , . ^. ....... .... ,-, your rooinpyw'arm by ffetr| tinsf the | L ^j^rr,:F,3SrrE, | FELTINfi - : ! For going1 below your iarpets. A large and cheap stock at ANDERSONS OHEAP BOOKTGffc On the East side of Wyndham Street, ' GUELPH.. -^,#ftS ii* ' ' ' _ , R, CREECH, i. &ADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Has removed one door west of his old stand, and is now prepared to turn ont wort, which for ' ' tfBATHSSS, CHEAPNESS AND ,,..' DTOABIliTT ied by any house in county. Harness of ail Kinds $3.3PBES TTTT, AT THE' a i- >> End Clothing Store. id Sw ALSO GENTS' UNDERCLOTHIXa in great >artety.lSQiui$i!M#^ .. Aeton,October)81, 1876. DIOKSONi & McNAB, j', Tfce Besjt that Mei same into, Ao^onj fr PrSce; Stjil'sjfillSBS Will receive catefal attention, and all world --- /iDttS' Don't forget thpplaoo Kejwiring Done, Mala Stxoot, iText Door to Acton. Sept. 19,'lo76. guaranteed to- "?5 & i S'; :wm$nm ^'. sr CHEAPER S;:T.i;L;'E,;::jL,m ^i OtS*<>* JPJ El^Pffi AT 1' S3 :-*. *a S?' It is worth any person's while when in HGruelph to call anil see the ft - v (!'r* '-. ! ' Immense Stock of OTEEO Q -^ T S i -ii For Men and Boys, all colors and prices, at ; ; L Rutherford's Clothing- Establishment,^ SIGN OF THE ELEPHAISfT, . -li " rW' No. 31 Lower "Wyndiam Street, Guelpli.;- Noted for having the best assortment yest of Toronto, and ati prices that defy competition. Come and see. i - WMw RUTHeRFpRD 6l CO, Guelph, Nov. 20, .1876. - ,.. - I A , 1 UIMOERTAKIJMG. - r. . . m s ' ^ The uhdeTBignedrbeitar'eaTw^o ta* _ rqjiii .dtn^^ighbprfiSBajtlgr HI E .A. K S 3B. _|thevpaopie o-Aotoa.-*uii sur- cannot be sm supplied nn tjie,shgrtest aJ^Twar^te^ tojve p3 tibn. "" ' . - . r. - . j i As he is doing; business principally on the Cash System, he is prepared to sell cheaper thill ever. * ' Give him a call and be convinced that the rightjplace.^ Jans 6,1870. ' R. OREEOH.Aelon And is prepared to attend and conduct Funerals on the shortest notice and most moderate term^. : i . Cashets, |5offins, Burial Robes, And'allidnas of Funeral Fn'rhiBhrnus kept in stock; and supplied on the i ---. :/ Hat Banas' and Q-loyes supr^eid* ,whn'requirect" r Acton, Aog. 8, 18.76... L JbHN'SPEIGHT. DRUGS, DRUGS. OBEBAPEST >.%x iprloeg. Druea, Chemicals, Sye Staffs, latent and Proprietory UeUoi&es,' _; . Faaipy, ana'Toilet Soaps, Spoagos, BrusHes, ' 'I -: - Paiats, OUs axL^Yartiishes, ffaacy anl RuTjoer awfte Ptraa ' wnras AND LIQUORS foi_itediolnal Purposes oaly. AII goods warranted of the bestqualjty and at ten percent below Toronto > Don't forget the plaoe. i; ^i!^^6mi^H&^ Mill streefe ^ctonv iAtony Man h 13, 1875. J 1^ f00R CAP)/ -! Gi E. M0BROV7 iJrov HI1-B7 7AH07 DEES3 ffOOD'ff Stylish an 1 CIip. ^ .. NBW BLACK LDj^fEES, Bxtra.value. .{. . NJ5W, WINCBVS, 25 per cent less, thai jasi yeajr'fcprii Vynite, JSoarlefc, areyand Fanoi FiiANHfii^i : > U,^^ ?.-, , .< nl^ V Hollands, 1'able Linen i, Towels,"TBwIellirig. j .; ^ Hosiery, tJlo^s, Crochetand iuitUn^ ' ) ' '. '- Laces, Edging?, Kib^na,^,^ A Fine Stock of Si ate and Ca^ in'all the Latest English and American Styles, y Also a vpry pood ' - .^ Stock of Gejneral Grr'cei'ie's, Crockery & G{a> If you lri^li: to S:>ve Money, dWn'jfcifail to ^lait;.;. . ; ': ' Q.,- M. :SC^T^Sii|l ; Kext door to Galloway Bros. Bakery, Mill ^tre^B^S^|ip!l Acton.-Sept. ". " . ^ : f" fL:K'^^.^tts liltOil f 'AiF\%W- FftlL ftND B Out-m^gnificeht stock"of new goods now to hand, comprising" lt^>i<<il;^v5|. styles and " '^-^^te L3(ost Fashionable ^sortr ae at ; of 0oodi ^{& Western Can^dja. j^it| w The Cheapest Itpt of 2)rx have been. verV| successful in buying aid g jtting opened Out, wMfc?SBj c upon.inspectionj Will be, ve are sure, .": : .; ^'--.f fe*|;^^ DRY fi9 (.:- .,J^-i:;-SM---'i L !x -.-->! ;t*s:;;:s-.,.V: Goods in TO VU. } JLiaClieS. lidirlst-^tfnsiVfr'sfeai: ID3ESB-GP in ^he cooniy, combrIsirjg"'all the new fashidnalle- colors,'in aialj;" navy blues", plum, nrunes, and myrtle greepjtreis Gpo^s. . AlsaB trep,! Parvmattes, 'itersian" Co'tds,; Bepps, .F ench Merihpi' '^i^ Trinimlngs, Tassel-Fringea, Cords, Buttoliisj <ifc".t Polka Jackets, Hosiery, (Hoves, Squares, Polka Jackets, Hosiery, Wloves, &c.: in and styles. ' a"" ' ' .- Clouc rs,' B ^kfafet Shawht;' all the fasMoSibr This department it.far ahead of all edmpetitioa. Vs hav pmjed the services of a firetclass miltine? from New^Yoffc should not fail to see our' millinery. jBe sore and caUjbffote.joo Mantles and-Shawls we have imported diiect; from wis ' fashion, viz., London, Paris and New York:'. Jfovfetfies" fiS-. era|, Vvings, VervelS: iaiks, So. / i " -='-' Nd|wlraire' in the'-oonhtry'is such a display of iFura, in saMej-** r, lynx an*d beaver setts/ 1 Fur Jackets a id Fuh Caps iagnii 's ITurCaps, ;Ft iClovjBs, Fur Mitts, Sl<igbjjJtugsyBBflps^r cheaper than the cheapest. ..y.v,: . j..... ..^t-ill-^'sai***i Weudothe i cnttera^dturnjout the most stylish and: b^sitJ^ of jthe.: JDominion. |We,.haye,:just .received^^ _aTjplg|j_dii1 fweeda, which w:arejprepated.t6 sell tit rook ^otto'^fp5^^. ?^iI' 3liri;8fooi;. 'It'wttl pay ydu^t "do; sor ^>'~tfoTfole wltSdtfj ^-jdy.inade'CTritajingiiMen^s ^nd Boys' Ove "co^ts, i|Hite*^r ereoats, Boys' Youths' and. Men^s Sutts,: vmrrfnted thftila^* cf cheapest stook-ihCanad*.-; ,, !tu-Afi&, iwitt, ;e'^tri "good^ cheapr^gODda^ in' Cottons,_|9thj whitis- andj i :' Farfcy arid Greyl/Flannelsj*Blankets^:Table Lu ena, To^^|ri^.jj jBa^, Matts and'Ma'tUngs, at extra.low pr^eej s \JHwould ssk a ooritinnanpe-of th.jatrdnaeeso ljbewllys^JKWEHT bs, ibd in return w^'guajfahtee to sell:gr^t.^e^j^r.iBa^Tv. < Oct, 3; raw. ! it; " - I-: ' ^iAMSfom ***** Cbaneerl sent f I ion Frig H 011 i r.; i <DUtI ^wa o-tyi kin 3" w J^ /><<Mia9J o^--s--.' m Mennos, wjnceyi to match all ihadea.: Promenade t--s": V. AVt: 'Jt0Nu| ;;.? >. p.: r,Hl: A. i v,- .1 i feK|^:-'"'.|

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