Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1877, p. 2

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->f*'<*$** ti-jtftiri: ^feil rtSg 9 ?.IS I*. ' rpHK ACTON FREE PRERS Pa'dished.Kvery Thursday Morning. ji H. 'HACKING, Proprietor. SI Per-,Annum in Advance "______________________ ' JOS M -MACKINO. ItHTOR Turwr-AY Morsijjo, va"' Jan. 4, 187 7. THE ELECTIONS. The Railway Strike. \Ye pmmme every one. of our reeiler* have heard before this of the t>pj>gVof the Orwnd Trunk R-.iil- ' Way traffic, and have inquired into ' the causes, of iu Between Friday . eveniug of l.M^t- wet-k and Tuesday morning of tlija werk not wear or a locomotive passed over the line. The fiat wentl forth from : the chief b - - - " - of the "Brotherhood, and the eugin- errs ono and nil promptly obeyed.' Steam lias shut off, the- fires put on'and locomotives ami trains left st indirij] npon the" track, at half |ut ei|;ht Friday erening, and there ni<t;of thenj remuined,.until yeaterdar. Without entering into, details a i to the why and the where fiicr, it is sufficient for the public lolknow: that they have been very shamefully and heartlessly dealt i>itli,ito.l it will be wonderful if tfcey do not itwnt. There is no doubt the mil way .company will be the heav iest losers- by the transaction, but travellers and shippers will be .almost in re to .demaud cotnpensa- tiou for their disapjiointment, and the hint bers of law suits that will ensue is fearful tocohierailate. The jengineeis have gained their point, andjre iiresum* they are satisfied. They ought to be made to bear a large aliare of the loss consequent on their'ill advised action. It is stimated that it will coat about f*iOO to put each engine on the roac again *qual tp its former condition, and the amount it will coat the company for delayed -pas sepger*, Jce., will be enormous. The municipal elections this'! year falling upn a holiday, a greater debtee of interest was manifested thsn, usual in our village, and "wo _presmm| such was also tho case,in other municipal!- tic*. Although nothing definite cou}<l be ascertained as'to the proliable result, everybody aoemetl to be taking a lively interest in thai success of the various candidates, and .when the hour of five o'clock arrived tho excitement waa-At favor heat. The first count of thp bjs.1- lota gave two of the - candidates for councillors a tie', and nearly two ; hoars elapsed before tho tiual rosnlt wks an- nounced, as follnas: ' j ' Reave John 1*. Sjvord 5$. . Councillors D. P. Christie $3', David Henderson "J*; fedward Niekjlin ~66 ; Charles Sydney Smith 66- !(tlijese four, being dec tod); H. J. Hail 65 ; James Matthews 55. A'few votes wjerc also polled for Messrs. Rydtr, iMojore and Snyder, 'who wore virtually not candidates. ?V. In tho township of Esquesing there was a lively contest' ovet the candidates for the First and S*oond Deputy-Roeves. " For First' Depu ty" there were three candidates nominated, but a fow.j<luy*W(ore the election Mr. McEuery retired, leaving the contestbetween Messrs. John Warren and Geo. "Wriggles- worth. The result of the polling gave Mr. Warren the handsome majority of 59, being a total tf 278 vote* against . 219, thus evincing -the confidence the electors have in hit integrity and ability to con tinue to serve them in that apafi- ty. For. Second Deputy Mr, J. S. Fraxer,-was elected over Mr. Prea- Ve^inor it the weather king The ice crop will be nboul average this year. . . The Provincial! Legislature at three o'clock i yesterday i noon, ; : '; The,\ Dominion Parliament summoned to meet on; the .February, for the despatch of nana. i - Now ia the season for good lutioiiH, and our advice is " a1 your resolves." . IB 8th buui- reso- it to. tick Tho new and elegant !Culeil autliQrities ation is on 10th err nre ihcarc irated ite;en of lea. ilton, ted Eb snerer aci ep tsd "' Thi : PBlattler " is the very appropr ate title of a hapdsome^xxk for the'] urenile*, just published 'by Messrs ] )=Ilford Bros., the enterpris ing Tormto publishers. . tJur little girls raj it is one of the besil New Tears p; eaents they conld.wish for. It comp rises aenrly two hundred pretty s 4<"ies, poems, and miscella- neous s]*etcliee, well written and tire to lie reao)_by every child with delight. There-are over a hundnd and fifty pictures, drawn and en- graved in capital style, and embrac ing an immensa vritv of subjects. ton by fair majority. Mr. Fraser is a new and untried man jn 'the Council, bnt from-what we 'can learn of him, sW likely to prove i . valuable member > of the Board. For the Council, Mr. Ninian Lind say has been re-elected, and Mr. Brocelbank fcas* again bees defeat ed, Mr. D. H, Shortreed betig the other successful candidate. Judgi nent was rendered on Fri day mot ning in the Court of Qneen's Bench i n the contempt case, in re Hon.- G "orge Brown and the case of Sim] won vs. Wilkinson. Chief Justice Harrison was of opinion that the rule should "be made absol ute, but Justice Morrison -thought the-nil i should he refused.. TheT rule therefore drojuped," the Court feeing divided.'-- ' r The lusiness of the i:ew yar baa been itkliered! in tinder hopeful cii- cumstarcea.__Merchants' contem plate in the near future a steady but not unsatisfactory trade for the remainder of the winter. The ex cellent condition of the roads will, no douht, Cniise further movements . in prodi ice, and the late fall of snow -will a&?ist thjeoperations of lutxibor- men.^ "^do-only feature which has - ?. marred the beginning of tho year is the, temporary stoppage of the_ Grand Trunk Rail war. Latest despatches from/the East ' T afford little definite information as "Jto the probability of a settlement if the Turko-Bussian difficulty. The Porte'upj*aij to persist in its' olitina,te refmi:)) to accept the pro- jKais of' J he iPoweni.iyet we* are givnn to iinder>itai>d that no iuimedi- -tetipfur is; to-bo -apprehended. It is looked njHin as likely that the negotiations will be prolonged so lung as the weather is unfavourable to the prosecution of military nrove-. nientu, and that even in the vent "itf. tllB of- tli pI.iii|>o- tentiaries fratM^Coustah'tiiiMjde, in *liic1i.coe the-task of endeavouring - to arrange an"agreeliiejit"iwould de volve . upon the: anibafhadors. Neither Utisiirt nor T-irkey is said .to desire war, and the representa- " ti*e of l>otli countries appear to be . abating their pretentions and adapt ing a somewhat niora conciliatory tone. - r - VI . The Lhiela Election Trial. The C-mrt baa decided that the -acrutiny of vote* in the Lincoln jiase eannot go oa during the xiUing \i{ the liegislktnre, consequently . it has been adjourned till May 19, The result of the scrutiny upJio the j^eseittttiine, baa^bpen to give Cap tain Ninelori innjority ot 25 over the whole county. In view of the judgment already arrived at by the jtidget to the en>ot that Mr. Rykert is disqualified, although the report to the Speaker to that ff<;ct cannot , >e made until tlie final"meeting of the Court, it is undtjistood thitt-Mr. Rykert will not take his Meat, ' ^.c.^-----------------------------------------: Whatever may be the raerita of 4h eontrovergy between the Grand -Trunk manager* and tt*qgineera, the]main trouble anli inconvenience; 'fall* on "the public. ESQUESINO. Reeve W Clay, by acclamation. First Deputy-Reeve-.-Joh \Vir- i en. Second Deputy J ohn Frare'r. ' Councillors N Lindsay and J iH Shortreed. ; ' " :- . ! ' KASSAGAtTETA. ..| Reeve John Haaisey, re elected byi-aeclumation. ; i I Deputy Reeve James Menaes, reelected by acefamwtion., '! ConiieilTors iJDuvid Hutehecin, George Nqrriibj Colin NcPiikU. ! i EBIK. -"Reere-^J W Burt. :'. . BBAUOSA. i Reeve John Rea, by acclama tion. r 1 A "' ' Deputy-Reere ^George Diiffield. Councillors Henry Carter, !Jas Hb'rtop, Thos Waters. MILTON. . _! Mayor George Smith. ' Reave-^jDuncan Dewar. Councillors North Ward, S^F Taylor, Join Mitclull and : (W E Mitchell-; SoutbWatd, J E Harris on, F Barclay, and H Watson,: ill by acclamation} East Wkrd; J Brothers, J Hat ton and S Center BURLIKGTOM. Reeve Councillors James Alien, Bicbard Cole,WnvJ DoiigTas, Dr Richain- son. ' ' .'" - ." '.'..-j OAKVILLE. ' Mayor P A McDotigaldJ Reeve-r'Wm H. Young." ; CduncilluM M Felan, John Idn, Win jMcCraney, John Barclay, -.las ILell^.TJohn Urqubart, C W A derson, W B Chisholmrand Euwu|rd Hillmer. BhAUPTOj*. .' : ' ', - > Mayor Jno Haggtrt. -j Reeve K Cbisholm. I Deputy-Reeve Dr C Y Moore. Councillors P Purcell, Mr- Cole, Win Milner, J Robertson, Win |Mo- Cclla, Mr. Irvine, C Dawson and T Milner. . - j J [ ' GUELPH Mayor Fred J Chad wick. ] j ;Reeve Geo HDod. . 'First Deputy-Reeve Win Hart. Second Deputy-=7-Geo Sleeman. Third De[uty J'P McMillan.: Councillors -J C McLagan,. Geo Elliott, ThosGowdyj .A .D,n.nbaT,x Joa Heffernan, Dtnis^Cofree '-A W H Mills, Fred Biscoe, Wm Hearn, F Gauhan, J T Cunningham, J! Lam- Pry-. ____' ^ - ', ,:" ;Mr. Morrison haa been re-elected Mayor of Toronto by a majority- of 978. ; : ! Mr. Kilvert has been elected Mayor of Hamilton oVer Mrj Cjiii- holai. Majority 568. j i. rooms ut Giiolph were' for opened tin Tuesday evening. Mr. Isaac Hunter, o.f.Erin hip, Iimh been fined $100 and for Inwing an illicit still in hi session. Tlio-iuto of the old wino nu in entirely nbplihlwHl on and Monday, Jmnmiy 1st, w.he now tneasures will aloao bo Tho Gi*at Western state that thera i no foun for the rum'br that the engine that road cohteniplate a strike. J In tho Court on Sattirdn Lincoln election scrutiny wii jour.ned-nnlil noon on the " May, in Toronto. At tho present timo th twenty three prisoners in the gaol ut Guelph, eigl whom are males and five fe Mr. Adam Hope, of Hi has been ofFered arid has the seat in the senate vatsi the'death of the late Hon Perry, of Cobaurg. } Judging from the Miltoa. theiinbabitanta of that tow suburbs are virtually beside selves with joy OTer the appeit of a train bf the! H. AN. W. way there. The name of the Well Square post office is that of Burlington - Tlie vi at the crossing of the Great orn and (Hamilton and North ern Rai|ways. The pojml 1,131, an increase of 300 last three years. A drnnken father at kicked one of bis children, effects of which it died, and not even been arrested, as he not to-have meant to hurt the Surely the oSence manslaaghter at least, and served some pnnjsktaent. On \yednesday of Just fire broke but in Mr. W."?, 5 stove and tinware depot, town. Adjoining and m same roof, was .tW dwelli/ storo-of his father, Mr James The buildingj was totally Uf: but nearly .all' the con ten Bnved, tbotlgb in a tlaroani i mian lly pwn- COStH pos- suro after the 1. wipers and them- rance Rail- ngton chanf ed to 11 age is Wesi- west- ation. is In the Go lerich, fi4m the o has is said child, to lie de- amounted nu^y tion. No insurance. Loss JS1.500. Tho GueTpli papers nre pnb the following item : A fe. since Miss Annie Paton Pitslinch at. the great age For the past tenyeais she supported at tlie expense township, and resided "wi James. McErlward. The age tioned may be doubted by she always maintained it correct. - Vlf-Ks' Floral Guide. We haVA re ceived tbe first issue of this beautiful (iuiJe for 1877. It is a perfect geni in its way,' and contain* much valaible in- formatio.u to horticulturist* and florists, ilr. Vick has now a first-cbu* repatatidn asr a florist, and his seeds are asked I for. over tbe whole continent. The' chrorao in this year's guide is worth the whole .price of the guide. This year Mr, VicW-oflfers Jiaijasotoe premiums for cut flowers, and lie includes Canada in the list, We cat) attention to Mr, Vick's (vdvurfiuement in another volume. : ! ' ; A Good Idea.^ ptrafcfordj t<|wn Council has token energetiuj trea sure* for the re)ieftof the; poor, Work will 1 be j err, bnt hopes sotne of th given to twrnpH and thasoiiplkibli en v-ill'Jjp si|Htaif'ied,; ij furtlier oui d We regret to hear, and doubtless be a "surprise to that the estate of Mr- David one of the oldest and roost ed citizens of Guelph, tea be put iiito insolvency.- S and tho approach of age ;Con hiaj for the past few years the management of his nff others, and things by into' an unsatisfactory shape bankers made advances, prin on the security of "eal estate, of late they found that ebmtnodation would not be oar or prudent, considering there was little prospect of for nearly a year to come. \1 that long was deemed inconv The distillery .mills and real which comprise,the property Allan, will show'when wot '. considerable; surplus over debtedness. ' The liabilities tween $150,000 and $175,f . Whiskey Case is Ehi the 21st ult., George Gibb keeper, HilUburg, was Inj>ector Mncdonald with on Sunday, the 110th ult.i quor contrary to la'w.' Th was brought before Wm.Tjy Duncan McMillan, Jnaticels Peace. It ap^ieared that fci ties from Toronto, detectives employ, of the' Ins|>ector orj uient, drove to Mr. Gibbg about half past nine in the f< Mr. Gibbs and family weie They went into (be sittin and asked for liquor from who was in at the time, they were travellers. It. very cold day, Tbe ;boy the bar with, a chest key own and brought them liquo ed wifb raspberry. The stated that' the boy was not vane and had no right to en bar, as be bad the key in h pocket, and reprimanded verely for. bis conduct found what he had done ilugistrates dismissed tbo speotor Macdona'.d appeared son for i the prosecution, McDowell appeared for the dant, . Rffjif ITi-^-A certain editor no bodily barm to any of hi en oie in arrears will be soiled remittent- ferer, - -. t^t- VP*i tbo^ met; fter- RAILWAY DISASTER IN OHIO. Fall of a Crowded Passentrer Train Trouigh a; Bridge. One Hundred Persons Killed. NEW* ADVERTISEMENTS. Tho young Berkshire \ Iloar " - of,' Wei. the ad- of Cleveland, Ohio, Duct 20. A terrible accident has occurred at Aslitiibuhi,' Ohio. Train number live| Huun, conductor, on th* l^uko Shoi-e, bound west, wontthrough the iron bridge, soyeuty five foot, to the river. "It ia reported that seven coaches find all- the express cars wo'-o burnod.and about ono out of- every five ixiiaons killed. Doo. SO.-rTho wreck has now burned down, but it will ho daylight bnfoio iiuicli ci\n be dono towHixIs getting out tho dead. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS. A- s]Mcial from Asli tabula, Ohio, says the wrecked train had eleven cars, including one diawing-rooni car, throo: sle<!peis, jne smoking car, two Ih'dt oldHs coaches,.and four haggago and express cars. It /iwas two engines. The seven passenger coaches altogether cou- tninod about 16r> adults, besides miinber of children. Iit-tbe draw ing-room csr, which was bound for Cleveland, wrere nine persons, all of whom are supposed to have perished by drowning or fire. -In tbe two sleeiiers, bound for Chicftgo, there wore thirty-five p'lissengers, and most of those in the forward car are saved, with injuries more or lens severe. Within i'very- fer mo ments after the ciiash the names burst out simultaneously from nearly every car, j .-.; '"~ Daniel,McGuire| engineer of tbe forward ongiue, relates | that the train was running at a slow rate, and just as they had fairly 'crossed the high bridge, which is not more than forty rods distant from the depot, they felt a violent jur, and in an instant the coupling between the two engines bad broken, and the whole train was thrown with the bridge into tho river, soma sixty feet below. McGuire says that his engine was. pulled back nearly to the edge of the broken span before tbe coupling severed, and it regain ed its forward motion barely in time to save I itself. The bridge^ over AsbtabuU River was an iron truss bridge, and bad been in - use about eleven years. -A crowd soon made their way to the burning deb ris, and with the did of axes and ropes many were extricated, "placed on stretchers and taken to the top of the bill wbero the best of assist- .ance awaits them. The hotels at the depot wero soon filled, and private bouses were thrown open throughout the town. The surgeons of the town rendeied all tbe assist ance iri tboir power, . but many perished,1 notwithstanding the best were j 0f ca^ during the night. Others mo BREEDERS, j Tho . 'ingtcinTBhiuf," broil by 'iticlph; lias)wn pnrclin will bo; kept for servico onto promises ..ii..:..:n}j t],js village.' Tuis animal is mportod stock with firstrclass by (ifeo. Kudd, of Oticlnh; lmslwen piirchasqil l)3 4ne and adjoining from inq pedigree. Terms 81.00, timeufi.service, Acton; Pc. 18, 187C. bo paid at ojs. RMITH. ' j . I 2f>-tf. Fork IrVOaOted. 5000 Dressed- Hogs wanted weekly, for which the Highest Cash Prico will bo paid. From $2,000 to $5,000 in cash to bo paid out to farmers for Pork every week during December, at ttBOOHD BBOS.'Store. CEAR RAILS ANl! POSTS FOR *Air.. ! A .hirgo ituantity oil hiiBd, on my premises, 1/ot No. 3'., 2d linblKsquesiiiK, 1 JOSEPH FKAllNLEY., I>ec.' 23, 18761, 2C4t TXOIISE TO BENT. A .two-storey ronghenst jhonse, co thining eight'rooms, isrforrjnti Apply toJAM-KS IHIOVVN. '.Aetn,Dee. l,-,'1876. 2A4t Lumber, Lath. and- Siaingles :,-| ' ' j The undersigned have for sale at their ills in Actou a largu quantity of all THE LIS, SPBYSIDE Shingle, i^ve , ' ^ i. HEADHTQ MILLS. mi kinds of PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER, Pla Sbiagrloa tad Latb. Shingles Aeten, of the' best quality for only !$1.85 per square. GUMMING MACHINE. : I i - We huve just introduced a new Onmmini 'Machine, and are prepared to gum ifrig or Cross-cut Saws. BROWN Dee. 12, 1876. t HATX. 24-3m Any parties wanting Sbingjet weold do' well togivo us a call. \\o will al ways hnvo en hand a geod supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. '. Best quality Xo. 1 Shingles $T.75 per square. No, 2, 10 cvnts per stjnare. i P. * H. 8AYKKS. '. Speyside, Dec. 13, 187C., 24-Cm JAS. MATTHEWS ACTON, ;| CLERK 4TH D1VI8I0M COURT, Couktt or Hsltox. , Goavoywicor, OoauaUiloaer ia Q.JB. . Zlre Xniuranet AffMit, Lib Xnnxuee Afoot, w)rek a core'* flebrge- r the and '. lloore. 81 roved, ti Issuer of Marriage EXJTpAOIlDmAmr BAR^AlNti 1- ; ; ; .,' 'IIST' ; ;.- :]'::^V'--: BUFFALO hare just secured another lot of those cheap robes which. "it^\^t i ; offering at unheard Of prices, . 1^ dNLY ONE HUNDRED I^FtV Every one 1: 1 be cleared out immediately. Don't lose but secure a robe at one*. w thi fwaAekaaee, Calf RoTses as low as 50 coats. .ft- TH0S. RUSSELL & SON, ! Wntchmal;erf, Liverpool,' Having .determined to sell out their Canadian ; business previous to their Licenses. ' opening :a Jobbing House in England, have instructed their agent, Agent HCoaey to Loan or Borro'w. Afoat Itoatreal Toleirapa Co. Loots Oolioetel on Co amlssloa. condi- aboat ded o" ha i ti eon re, Tshing days in 137. been f i tho ,'Mr. b*rt to bo are now lying in a suffering condi tion in the hotels and private residences. It is estimated that fully one hundred persons have boon killed in this terrible disaster. Flour AfTON M.1BKETK, .. S2 50 to 2 Aa4 Goncral Agreajt, Sec, &e. nainejja-wi Parties intrusting their Ut me will be satisfactorily debit wjth. Office at the Post Office, Acton, Dec. 6, 187G. th Acton. Gvip. iPringle, ] OF GUELPH, Full sized Robes $3, tH, aal H 'i: 1" Gst one tbis week or you will be too late. ',. - ; "; BlB^DT-MADB CLOTHIilrij red "rVe are also offering our enormous Stock of Clothing at a- uction. "B='------'--- "-------* * Every one in need of Overcoats. Suits, Should Tiaifc !" The lion " at once. We To offer'for sale the whole > the stock 4 . ; of RUSSELL, Wat<|liesir lit. t will many, Allan, r ispect- to i^knoss pelled leave ib'8 to !S got. ' Bis! ipally until ae- jii'dici- rt ilizing wait. jnient. estate,! of Mr. up a bis in- ire be- ,0(0. White Wheat. Spring \Vhcat, Glasgow .. Nen- .Spring Wheat Barley ... .. .. Oats ... .. .. Peas ..... Potatoes, per bag Apples per lg Onions 1 ,r- . .' .. ' Butter i.. Egg...;].. .. ... Dressed Hogs .. Turkeys Geese .,. Ducks 1 10 to 1 20 1 10 to 1 17 l 00 to 1 JO 0 50 toO 60- 0j 38 to 0-40 Of 65 to 0 68 01 GO toO 75 0, fib to 0 75, l|00to 0 00 0^17 to 0 20 0 17 toO 18 6 00 to C' 50 0 07 to 0 08 0 05 to 0 06 0 06 to 0,07 Errs' Coco.t. Gbatepi'l aso Com- rw.nsc "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral laws-which govern the opsratious of digestion and nutrition; and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has iirovided our breakfast tables with a -delicately flavored-leverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. . It is by the judicious use of such j articles of diet that a constitution may bpgradually built lip until strongenough tf> resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We 'may escape -On hotel char] fed by mving 4old li- case er and of the par- in the 0overii- hotel bi etioon in P0RK!_P0RK!! Charle3 Oarneron is prepared to pay the llfgfrest If.irtet Price for 50 tons of tJooiVjrTork. j". (LJnll and see him at the Old Stand on Mara street. - 1 Acton,'Nov. 30th, 1876. 22-3m HURRAH! HURRAH! != BEST PH0T0G!RAPHS in the County, it The Oataxio Kiotogrraph GaUery For Beauty nf Finish\-(xmi Brillian cy in! !Toii, thty cannot lie <r;xiw</. COPYING & KNLARQING In all its branches, in the best style o the_art, done on the shortest .notice and at reasonable rates. . I . | j . Also, a splendid stock pf Mouldings mnny a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves and Picture frames kept] on hand and well fortified with pure'blood and a pro- made to order. * ' ' perty nourished frame." Giv'U Service Gaulle. Sold only in packets'labeled "James Erps ft; Co., Homceopathio Chemist, 48^ Tlircadueedle Street, and 170, Piccodilly, London." A Splendid Hair Dressing and Restorer Combined .Waeel's Isapreved afalr Besteratlve Is uinilte any other, and-has too equal, Tbe Improved has new vegetablo too'o properties; ret ores g-rey tialr jtb a glossy natural color; 'restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores,'drtsses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; removes dijndrnfT, fau. mors, soaly eruptions; removes lrrlta tlon, Itching and scaly dryness.- No article produces tieh wonderful efleots Try It, call for -Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put on* with bed. j any otnerartlole. Hold by a'l'druggists tie room boy stating nras a >pened of bis color-. def indant lisser- er' his own se- wHen ibe The In- irtper- Mr. defen ce le, ard wislies rend- vho with a In this place arid dealers everywhere Trade supplied at maaofacturers' pries by C. a. Cook a Oo^ Chicago, Sole Agents' for tbe United States and Canadas, and by Ltmas Beos, 4 C6m Toronto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. gH INGLE J Latb., Immber, And . all building requisites kept on hand br delivered oa shortest possible notice. - I Best quality No. 1 Shingles only $1.70; best quality No. 2 only 70 cents. Any of the above will bo delivered when required.. I Any qnantity of oats taken i l ex change for any of the above deliveredrat the mill between Acton and Milton, on Lot No. 8, 2nd con! Esquesing. Orders by mail address to Acton or'Milton P. 0. R, OjJMILLBR. _. 7vqucsing, Jan. 3, 1877,1 . S)7-3m A call iB solicited and yon will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs., . Yours respectfnlly, V \C. \y. HILL, ! Acton, Dec. 5, 1876. |.-; >.- ! VICK'S lllBStratied Priced CATlLSJCUK. ' - f! ' , Fifty ptiges^SOS Illustrations, with de scriptions of trui8ands of thebest flowers and vegetables in the world, and thh way to grow tliea(-all fer a Two: Cbkt gxlngo stamp. Printed In Qermau and nttlbh. : ' Vica's FiiORAi. ouxnaj- UUAHTini.T, 25 eants a year ' si? | VlCK'S KLOWBR IXDVltOrTABI.EQAB. den, 60 cents lnpaivr; Inl elegant cloth covers, $1.00. * '.; M ~ Artdresa. JamksVick, Rochester, N.Y. TfIOK'8 FLORAlLij GUIDE A beautiful Quarterly Journil finely Illus trated, and containing an elegant oolorvd Flower Plate with the iStst number. Price ay ^ eenls tVr : the -year1,.- The first No, for 1BT7 Just Issued in Merman and Knallsh. : L 1 I Vlea'it Mower and Vegetabm Garden, In paper CC cents, with elegant cloth cover, $1.(10 ,- I .-, .' I ' . ' Vlnk'sCataloene, 800 lllustratlona only 'i cents. ,; Address . ; II j - -- -*- " y. J_ VlCK'S FLOWKU and YEG- KTABLC CAKUEV h.T 1 Isthn mosttenutllul work.orth* kind in the world. J It contains nearly ISO page', hundreds or flan Itlnstfatldhs, and six ehr> mo 'plates of flntrersji beautifully Irawn and colored frommatqre, PjrloeoO cnnti In paper eoveis,Sl.roin:eteg-aiitelott)i' Printed In Oerman anil Ertglbhi Vlck's Floral Guide, Quarttr.y, 25 cents a year. . j' ', Violc's Catalogue SOOlklustratlons, only a cents. J " . '. Address Jamm VicK,lHoohetor, N.Y. -\71CKS FLOWS! ETABLE SKEDSi (and V i Are'planted by amlillud pet&le in Ame'r. leii. Hee::f-' ' t "I VIek's Catalogue. 800 Illustrations, only 2 : j eents, ' i'! ' 2 ' Vlck's Floral oulde, quarterly, 25 cents a year. , . - v Vlck's Floral and Vegldujbl* Garden, i cents, with elegant ololi oovers $1. All my ntibllcatlons are piloted lrruer- Hiaii and KncllRh. !_ ,/ 1 :Addross, JambsVicKjRooJiesto(NJf, -' :i! ' Clocks, and j Jewelery '- At a .Special Discount of 25 per cent, - \4 ". ^: couMscncmg on ' i' lHonday November 27th, And continue until the whole' stock is 'V sold, i . An, Auction viil be held #vory .Saturday Eveaiag. a||Dl'TRINvlrIil3 -' ' ' i ; Will continue business and: the re. pairing of Watches and Clocks .will go on as usital, but the present stock must be sold' Within three months, ' !. " ; "vi No Reasonable Offer Refused- Tliis isja bona-fidc cheap sale. :. '. t 'i G. D. PRINGLE. Guelph, Nov. 20. 1876. -I - ' . n Pants or, will not qnote pricea, bat 7 ' will gnarantee that we will sell anything; in onr line s'" Si i per cent tower toast any other afoase. For Bufialo Robes or CJotbing, go at once to The Lion! J. D. WILLIAMSON & ^). ./ "^rTlLO y, Mr. Hatton shows ' much London Athenaeum. 8vo, clotb, |160. L0VELI, ADAM, WES80N & CO? i UST OF * '*" ' ' ' IVrtters rra Mlgh latltaMies I A Yacht Voyage to j Iceland. Jiin Mayen and Hpltsiieigeti. By Ills Klcellenpv the Earl of i'nfferln. Governor General'ef -tbe DomiLonof Canada. Antbbrlxed .and Illustrated edition. .1 vol. crown 8vo, cloth, 81.60. . , Tbe Comcrty ar ke Keetca Aaabreaiiuue. Jty CiihistoPHHH NokWi (Professor John WUsom. Selected and arranged >y John 8 fee I ton. 1 vol. 8vo. clott 82. "CIVTIE. A Siory. (Lake Cbam plain Fress Setles.) By Joseph HaTtOj. au thor of "The VaUey of Popples," et. lvol.lSmn. boards. linen, $1.26; cloth I extra, black and gold. $1.60. "The au- ! thor rttesUke a rebofar, and yet like ; a man whobss watched life," London : Btandard. "In tbe desorlpUon of natu ral beaul"- '""- *---- " poorer, vereesae. By Amdbk. Tfce A4valaes er belaa* Wesmaa, and . oih-r Erratic Ks>ays. By J. DpuPHia. 1 vol. crown 8vo, eloih, $1.76. Ayleaa aasl Maeaaler. Lays of Scottish. /Cavaliers, by Prof. W. B Aytoun; and Lays of Anclei-t Borne, by lord Mao : ACX.KY. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $l,a. TheTarke-ServlaaWar. Bulgarian Hor rors and the.Quesiton of the EttbU By the Bight HOU.W. K, GX.ABST02IK, M.P. IS PP., paper. 55 eents. . 1 . '-- Ststdleatst (he rkltesnkr t Btellsl * as*rtr. By A. sf. Faibbaibk. BiiblpRts: The Idea of God iti genesis B.n.dr9*ve,Pn,onti Theism aed Holen- tlflo 8peoulutlonv,ihe Bellei In immor- ta Ity jThePlaaBpfthe Iddo-Euronean and SomeHo JBpBs In History, etc. 1 vol. crown BvUM^Tb. $1.76. i BaulaaFalk.Tales. By W. S. RaiJstoS, M.A.: I vol. orown 8vo. cloth, $1.50- - THSjPptilP SHOW: \Aniu8e- hjentl and Instruction for the Young. Annual vrlume for 1878.' with 600 pb-tures nnd colored v frontispiece, Illuminated covers,'boards, $1.2$,. Sent free, by post on receipt of price. -_ -LOVEi, ADAM, WRSSON 4 CO., . -'T Publlsheis. _. *5 8 Klchqlas Street. MOSTREAI,. CEORGE YEWIEN . Begs leare to Inform tbe public generally that bo is preparod duiag THE HOLIDAYS to' make gr>at sacrifices for cash on all kinds of goods. My stoek fi'MV completer ir toys for tbe little folks, aod also a luniilifiil iisinlssaat r* goods, usef lias well as ornamental, suitable for . f,---'j ' is the true Pliilaiitaropifit? The merchrnrt who provides (he best goods srttivr cheapest value for his customer*. !- 0HR1STMAS PRESENTS For both old and young, bat their greatest beanty is their In Ibis line my customers may rely on good, as I nave purchased them all within the past two week% selling thetu at prices that would have to be paid for goods ** boon in slock for seteral months. > *i*^lv* getting their m i: CROCKERY AJSJ) &LAE^mm. During the Holidays I will sell goods in this Hne at pri*t; a mpetition. as my present large stock must be clearejd oat Hf ning of the New-Year to make room for a new, stock. ^ii*'*1*; ' '-!-3^_ Fresh Oysters, Finnan Haddies, P/ork and Bologna Ssusage,T< Bloaters, &a , always on band. "* --ii*-^"- ' &"' ;i Call and examine tbe goods and prices before purchasing elaewtas* Please note the address. DeoemberJL9, 1q76. OEO. YCMEM, '?'., Post D^6 8**# U" l'. /, airleTl

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