Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1876, p. 4

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THE FREE TRESS, &0TON, tT'yV^.fya E? *&-Kr'r-V=-r^:-;V.V*ft?Vi?35JfeJs*ii.'-;jS* TKSPfcRAMR VM> I VTKUPI'.Rl.VK. COVK SlllS-Til! Come rfirigAho pledge, Call RvAtvoly/piife t^ip pen ; That thou'.vuifin once Among thy fellow-n A.h i why .y vietini-'lon r Of lse designing la Wiiv-lnnpr.r have men; jay" t<* thecal.-, i' "^There's pup of runvg poor slaves?" fLKIHiE. , ., *iHers n 1u\vuh"b oflico, nrnl Bayfn Mv: thou wWf'M ^laTed iiyjjudg^Ho -got your opinion uhoufca Jj'ttlo point of law S'jkjsiu! -yen iimv may ptand, rn. r " vos ? a sj>1eijilM illustration f jtlie mf. periority of 'thn^iuiunu intellect .... was to be found in tho powo*-of tho t^t'^n..^0.^.^?*t^ff'is8^011 human oVe to wstraiiv tlm forocity * - Ere wrought t&v great a|feat, pfjwnud'rous cliahye as lus. can toll, Whose victory's complete*, "* 0'vf {hat fierce liend, whose ruthless . Doth crush his subjects dowii; Nor stop to count how high they stand, IJow j^rcat be their raiowii. -:--" , i r. .. Coma sign1 tho pledge, hero to record, ^Vitliliigh roeiilvo thy nnmc," . ypUlthooa matiirkckhIafford, rl Than on tie scroll of fame; : :'For oh J how jrtf ten. do we Hud. , -. Than man.whom men extol, 'With- rum" destroying his great mind, Imperiling his soul.; : Come sign the pledge, 'twill- bo thy stay; ....' AJvJin for^or U tky wounds. Enable thee-to keep at lyvy,' .Kanr's soob<lc3troying hounds, ;\ . Restore tliy iniago. whioh thy God -' : 'TJn^ thy comtfenanee gave, 7 ;- ".'"' Anil uttc uiy .write 'above thy "Sod, "^hla >s a dnmkardV grave. ^ S'uoslu'i One of Mux Adder's cJiiiractof8 lived nukfc door to a man. named Johnson, _ And a'pos-; in* you; was to Bay,.to Johnson that jjfotlier's Warains Kemcia- bercd too late. ~ .' s "jj;ohnson, the officer- says you were tjntnk, andj^-hat you haven't drawn a sober breath "for a week. that, Johnson-f' ." Yer honor/' said -Johnson, as ' he propped one .arm over the rail, and leaned back heavily oir the policeman who support**!. liiro by the shoulder, "yer honor, it's true, I've been drunk:for a week, us you. Kv% an' I haven't ot tt word to say to defend- myself. I've, beenjn this 'ere coivri 1 guess, a hundred ' times before ; an.v_ eyery time I've asked yer honor'to let me off light.- But this time t'don't- have no fear, -. joa can sand rue'up f->r ten days or ten years ; it's all one now." As he spoke, lie" hrush.o,d sway: a tear .'with, his hat, and when he paused he coughed a dry'. icoii^h. And drew his tattered cc-ati closer about his throat. ' i- '.*' When I went up before," he continued, "I always counted iliej days and-the hours till I'd come off. -This time I'll count the blocks to the Potter's Field. I'm almost gohe^ Judge." He paused again, and; looked JcrwnTipon his almost shoeless feet. " When I was a little [country bpjr, my mother used to say to me': >" 'Charley, if you want to be a i man,i never touch liquor,' an'--I'd answer: 'Xo, mother, I never will.' If I*d>*:kept that promise, you and me'wouldn't hare been so well ac quuinted", Judge. If I could only be a-boy for half-a d ly again ; if I could only go into the old school ' Irouse once more and see the boys,', and ;girls as- I used to see thenj in the old days, I could lie 1 right-down here and die happy, But It'sj too late. Send me up, -- "Jud^e. i ' Make it for ten days or make i^ for liffe. It don't make no difference; One way wduW be .&b short as the btLer> All I ask now is to die alone. I've beqn in crowd ed tenements for yearsT^ If I can i be alone" for a little while before"! 1 gp, I'll die contented." - " :J^elffiopl4Jrr<)f the muddy coat fel|frcrsi the policeman's iand, and toe used! up man fell in a heap on the floor. * He was carried to the "little room behind the rail. Hia temp!e3 were, bathed and bis 'wriBts were "chafed. But it was of no use. Though- his heart stiJJ beiti he'ytits ftist going tip -join. his schoolmates, who had crossed the flood. Tlr shutters were bowed^ the door was clqsed._ He might die contented. }i\he was left alcsne. ' . of a wild, aniuia.!. And s^jjown' Johnson was-ti romArk thw- Xlikt wan all bosh, and you hhqu]d do-, claro that you could Eo)ii Uib savog- est lwast thsf wasoVor horn'.it'ydn TOuhl one fix: ypuri gazo on him. Well, tlien, Vpoan'. Johnson was to say he'd bet a hundivil dollars na ho eoiild'brriig tnmo animal '"t.hai ypu eouliin't hold with your eye, ahd'you was to take him up on it," and Johnson wus to ask you to ooiuo down to his plucp to settle tho bet." Ypu'd, giij wti'iITiy? und Johnson'd intrpdni'o n'dog'-uiggor'ii.-niiy four decent .dogs ought to. Lo, und sick \\\m on you, *w\ hu'il ooiho i\t you iik* ivsixUwninch sliell out of a howitier, uud you'd got.- skerry about it, and try to hold'the dog with your eye, and coultlu't .And s'posin' 3"0U'J i suddenly ... conclude that maybe your kind of oyoivasn't calculated to hold that kind of a dog, and you'd conclude to-run for a pltimUree." You ketch iny" idea 1 Very well, then. Well7*ir, s'pos- in'just as'you got three "feet up tho :ree, Johnson's dog would grub you 1>y Ow l'eg,: anil hold on'liice a vise, shaking yon nntil ypu nearly lost yoifr hold. And s'posin, Johnson -'us to stand there and holler, ' Fix your eye on him, Briggs!" and so onyland s'jxjsiii- he kej)t. on that leg until ho Made you swear to pay' that bat, and their, at last," had to pry the dog off with a hot poker, S'posin' this, what I want to know is, couldn't you sjie John son for damages V :' Tho puro bred Bork'shiro Boar <*Blnck Priuoo"' will bo kept for torviop on tho prtmiMi * tho tiMoribr during th 6forif; ^oriob Cor Wia eaa*f 91, rtrifctj* 6fth t tho tlnis of aptvicu. Black llohtailtook apri^o at tho Uuolph (jontral fixljihitioii rH\\ year. Ilo was Ijrod by Hoyal Briton, imported by Joh^-^uolL^Ji. I'ouug Boar from.Jtho J^&iol Fana, will' aUo bo kopMor sor. "Viccrr--" ' . HOBKRT SIMS, Lot No. 30, ihl eon, Kaquoaing, October *23, 1876. 17-2m S E, G-XTttTJ&tt: Books, county; 30n^ G^and V' Slaughter -I --. . ,A.U' Tunibling " . Dpwn IN IPRICES Stationery, )Faicy CJooAs and Wall Papcp, Wo havo io reason to complain of dull times for wo are busy all tho time Our trade ia increasing evi^y month, bceauso wo buy for cash, and sell for .cash, and oyoid loss by\bad debts,- _ My Stock is Xiilf of CJoodi for children, and jjjy low pr Jots of cugtoxaers, Pay has what ypu -ofant and eells oheap. Judicial Dignity. Slany years ago Judge Stiles }iad a Circuit Court down in South- tirn Kentucky. Once a Httle.coun- try tavern ful} to overflowing, go fhat four 6r five persons had to Oocupy tlje Sitme room, The Judge . And four or Te of the big lawyera _ jqdulged in cjraw poker until alate , hour, . Jfhen they went to bed jam! tjeft the -oandle bu.remg. The fire Jmd goneipnt; the weaker was cold, (he floor not clean, and none of t-hem liked to get out of his warm pUoj to -blow out the candle. After - fniitless efforts to induce jiome cm& to^get up, the. Judge-pro posed that they should put it out7 . py Spitting at it. i'l'ein beat you," said one. " Money 8:>ys you can't," answer,- *d the_Judge. , "' Tbe"4old, jveatber an<i -the dirty floor -were forgottoiiyts the rivals -Sprang from their warm jdaces. JJoney Was put up, a mark made, and the contest was so exciting that the others were soon drawn ; and there, irj. the chill, fireless, 4rSarines_o-the jjes't ipqiii of it _ pcaintry tilVern, the Judg aiid four as five* of! the brightest ligfits -of {be Oifcujt stood np in their shirts jfcA spit at a mark for liveidollars #niec, r:: ~y'- - ' >r 1 ^; loyer gazed"%vf- fche'eyes f hU niUtPess" unttt she jbllislied. He pressed her band to his heart, and iBaid; "-M-3 looks hav? planted ' i>6%'on *hy cheek j. he^^vbo sowr " l^^^aed: siiquld reap the harvest. . f'Hjrei John,? said an irate moth.- tPV.Jf^fu^i ^ce -yoqj, hare, conie- =|}Owaand fijrgqtien that Iardf':"'j 'if law, mother," explained young 4utifJl, "ifc was so greaiy that it ^P^^miad/' "> Phunyerafs, The speaker at an anniversay meeting toournfully said, " One by ono our frieuds are passing from us intq the land of shadows.". r " Well," exclaimed an old lady, *'youJ: wouldn't have 'em- go two by two, or. all--Hn a huddle, would youf" - : I ' The following-, which'is sugges- fiive'to cofl'ee drinkers, is from a tombstone in Connecticut: Here lies, cut d<wjj like-mu-ipe fruit, The wife of Ueacoq-Ainos Shute; .She tlied dfLilrinkiilg too much coffee,. Anno Doniiny eighteen forty. A; Dutchman lost his pig, and whtp he missed it, lie said to his son!: John,! iougo on one side of the river, and I'll go on the odder side, and we'll tint him on., poth sides of- the river. - . A man dashed into a raijroad tele graph station the other day, and ex claimed : "Theexpress train's gone off at the big bridge!" 'f Many ki.lled J" screamed the bystanders. " Not one," replied the other. : '"It went on, at one end and off at the other just as usual."" ~ An editor says: " Ono hundred years ago we were fighting fat- liber ty. Now we are fighting for bread and ~butter 1" , He' holds his age well;.but it must be a sad and painful spectacle to see a man over one 'hundred years^old fighting for his bread and butter.! We hop his subscribers will pay more promptly. N" - "I sympathise' sincerely " with your grief," said a lady -to. a recent ly widowed friend. " To lose such a ihusband jiff yours " " Ah, yesj he was very good. . And" then,,yori see, such niiafortuue is always great, for one knows \rhat kind of a. husband one has lost, but cannot tell what kind-of. a man one will find to succeed him." '- , SXTSSCBXBE and Toys :es brings MILLIN E RY Terrilslo Saorifico. C00DS SOLD AT ANY PRICE. Must be OJ.eare4 Out. Wa dpn't want to corfry any of our stock into tho- now! store, w.hielj is nearly completed. DHESS GOODS, MILLINERY, , WOOLEN GOODS, -\. STAPLE GOODS, Must nil be sold at astonishingly Low Prices, OUB WINTER $@TB:Mm IS NOW COMPLETE. A gbodosBortraowt in all|th6 leailing lines qf Fell Qqq&u, Overskoos, Eu^feeys, CMldroii'a Boots and Shoes, eto PRICES GUT I VERY I^O*^T FOR <U Repairing Promptly Attended to Aoton, I)oo. 5, 1876. XMAS IS _ ^ FOR THE1; Our Millinery is first oIash.- } ; All new and fashionable Our Dress woods are just what is' wanted for tho season.- The-latest patterns and colors. ,'- A large Btock of Staplo and Fancy Dry. Goods cheap. -A.oo?o:isr A Cak-Load. Nominally a car-* load is 20,000 pounds. It is also 70 barrelsjof salt, 70 of'lime, 90 of flour, 60 of whiskey, 200 Racks 'of flour, six cords of soft wood, 18 or 20 he;id of cattle, 50 or GO,head of hogs, 80 to 100 head of sheep, 0,- O0Q feet of solid boards, 17,000 feet of siding, 13,000 feet of flooring, $0,000 shingles, one-half less hard lumber, one-fourth less, of green lumber, one-tenth of joints, scant ling, and other -Jarge timbers, 340 buskej3 of wheat, 400 of barley, 360 of flaxseed, 300 of apples, 430 of Irish potatoes, 360 of sweet potatoes and 1,000 bushels'of brari. The seed of. sunflowers ia the most' healthy feed that can be given to horses, in winter and spring ;half a pint a xlay keeps them ,in health and spirited, jwith sleek-coats' and more animated than any other feeaIt prevents Jreayes and some other ' nnilE-OTTAWA FEEE PRESS Daily^nd "Weekly. DAIL.Y ED/TION. mailed Free of PosU Otre.loall vnriM of the .Dominion. SO.00 PPJR ANNUM!. . ~ WBt^CGY KHXIOV 8lxt/-(onr columns nlosi . ,________ ter, $2 PEB, AH S UM, Postage Free, Bight, -(our columns closely printed mat- pages. T/ie only fifxt-clana Joifrnal ptihlleKed cif ihtlQapilat, Earliest Political Iii.tlllgenle, ; La(cs( TeleurapMile Siowi,: *p\*y Keailnble Articles, PartletdpslrtuKH noB-spaper from tho Capital, jmd a Ijfvely, Sparftllnar House, hoid Journal; will take the Daily Fbbe A Boauttfol. OH Chromo, mallrd to fivery 8ubscribei of lire vVeekly Fbkb ,~ ' J3.W. MITCHELL, Proprietor, Qitaw*, $oy. CTtu< 1870, - ' PRESS. Only One Dollar Prom Now to ti. 1st January, 1879.' BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS, FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, Bargains for Everybody. Gontlcmoa's Furals&lz? Goods ood and cheap. Jewolery, Jewelery. Rings, . Brooches, Chains, &c. Also a good stock of GROCERIES. " AT J . D. McNAIRS, AGT0N. Call and Sec our Goods and Prices. CO LU ^ Chains, Lockets, G. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN I Grocoiieo, '.' Soots & SHoos, - , Vail Paper,, ?)' yindp^r Sliads, | j, Nalie, Qlass, Puttr. ,_ lAoased 0U, faints, Turpoi.tlao, deal Oil, Salt, eto., jjj of which will bo sold low for cash. BOOTS urui SECES SeyuJ^off-fltcost, ; | . Also agent for the j RUBBER PAINT OOMPaW Y ;Of Cievoland, Ohio'. ,i \ Cash for Hides. Acton, July. 18, 1876. : JOU PRINTS t; of all kfndH poatiy ana promptly egeou^eda'tiho FEEB PRESS OFFIC& Kext: Ihe jppf. Offlee, pjill 8tre LADIES Save your Oarpets and retake your rooms warm by get ting the ^-A.T3^sTO? FELTING JEKElTlt For going A large and cheap stock at On tho East below your carpets. ERSON'S CHEAP B00K8T0BE lido of Wyhdham Street, GUELPH, REMOVED! R. OREEOH, SADDLER A HARNESS-MAKER, Has rdmovod >no door-west of his old stand, and is now prepared to turn out work, which for NEATNESS i, CHEAPNESS AND irtrSABILWT oannot be su h lassod by any house e county. in Harness June 8, l$70, ff^5^ of all Kinds supplied on thv shortest possible notico, and warranted to give perfect satisfao- jtioa ."'., j As he is doii ig business prinomally on ithe Cash Syst< m, ho is preparod to sell 'cheaper than ver. Give him a Call and bo con.yinced that this is tho rifilt place '-- JEtv OKBEPH,Aotop, Clicks as usual. CBAIKE &SOK crust oFejisr A Splendid Assortment Rings, ; Fancy- Gold Rings, Cuff Buttons,; Bracelets, Studs, etc, eto. o r~ O O CO S'T.IIj.L' CHEAPEN NEW PANCT SRES5 &00D Stylish and Cheap, NEW BUACK LUSTRES, frra value. ' NEW WINCEYS, 25 pe:- cen^ Lkss than inst.year's j White, Scarlet, Grey and'Tancy.FLANNEL?. Coarse TWEEDS and EtOFFS. Hollands, TablcrLinens, .Towels, iWeiliog. Factory and JBIrAched COJTON5. Hosiery, Gloves, Crochet and- Ladies'jmd Gent's Collars]e from $1.00.1 Upwards. Gail sCnd S^e Thedi. Actok Oct. SI, 1878. GEOEOE HYNDS. BE SURE TO CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE Centennial Check Suitings OErJuj-Ev SIT.J ZL'J-';, AT THE East End Clothing ALSO GEMS' UNDERCLOTHING In great yariety from $1 to S-.50 per Suit. Store. Aeton, October 31, 1876. DICKSON & HoXTAB, U ERTAKtlfyd. The traders! -" ronni igned bega leave, to inform ; the ipeqgle j of Actonand snr- aing neighborhood' that hehas probured a magnificent And jEE jBj ,Ai 2Ev; S is prepared to attend and conduct Funerals op the'shortest notice "' ! I and most moderate terms.. Cashets, Co^jRns, Burial Robes, And alTkinds of Funeral*Furnishings kept in stock, ind supplied on the : I' Hat Bands arid Gloves isupplied wheii required Acton,'Aug: 8, 1876.' (J-, E, (JOHN DRUGS, PR^G$; firQ?s, okemlfials, Dye Staffs, Patoat a,ad ProprJotory fiCeiUoinea,': . - Ftooy aal Toilet Bbaps,' Spoaeres, Brusies. ., j . Paints, OUa aaiTv"araislios, Faapy FU&i "WINES AND LIQIT0B3 for Heilo&al AfLgQoda warranted of the best quality and at ten be; cent'below frdrdnto prlcai. 1 , .1 .', . ' i | ' ' ]'A': ' " Jv'!/^^?t.IorgpjJ'tho^ places m ^edical Hall, Mill streak Aetau A^tiJn, "mroYx J3, 1.875. K->s.!fm^.wfmsffi i-s t aad fcubber Goo.fts Purposos oaly. ;<- Q, E, MORJtOW Laces, Edgings Kibbons, Ab^j of Hats kad:0^ In all the Latest ILr gli^b and American Styles, Also a.very-good Stock of General Grociiies, Crocivei'y & Gla^swara; If yon wish to Save .'jlo'ney, don't fsil to call kt G, M. ^CO^T^ .': Nexfdoor to Gallt way Bros.' Bakery, Mill Street, Acioji,Ci Acton, Sept; 20th, 1S7G. BAND .. U: A.eJ f'^ sale una r Uiil - Oi. "ROSS J JDu C;e~.l t>^ellc*nt h il4%pSbliCj| Pur magnificentlstook of new goodi-aow to hand,, coniprisiBg all ttft-nMfev, ' i'-^!?/^ Mosti fasirionable Assbr^ment of Goadlfep Western' Caiiacia. We have been very successfur*in_ buying and getting opened out, i -.". . upon inspection, will be, ive-aria sure, The Cheapest I^ot'." of m. mm Pry Goods in Canadf J T'n fho T.QT-l-foca <Ve will show: the largast, X:\f- Ul_lt3 J-lqhU.it50, -,-And tcost extensive "Zk; And most exlensiv&~stook*i;;arJ|' in the county, comprising all the nbw^ fashionable colors, in.seal":hjli)S-ij|i.'.. navy blues, pluni^ prunes, and myrt o jjieeu Dress Goods. Also Black \m0t\~ tres,. Farumattes, 'Persian Cords, ilepps, Frenck^Merhios, -Wjh<ys,.iSi^:,: Trimmings, Tassel Fringes, Cords, ^tttt6ns/&c., to match all shad^i^vpli*. Clouds, - PromeTsada ""-^J5%,^%:*M-'- ...... , . Breakfast' Shawhv ^fJ^fJj-: ^ " Squares, Polka Jackets; Hosiery, Gloves; &c, in atl thi iashi'onabto TB0ifi*fe"i;4:i andstytes, . ; V^^v-.-/,-. lIMilliiiei^ Miantles &| Sfearwl Thia department iaifar ahead of all ompetitiOBi Wo have this cured the services of a' .iirBt-ciass m illiner frorja New "York, lmammf-jr^:.-.*- should njpt fail to see our millinery. Be sure and call before jouhSf.p' Mantles land Shawls we haVe imported direot from-the bead fashion; via., Loridon^Faris and New,York. Novelties in FlowerSjr ers, Wings, Velvets, isilksj&o.'- i ? and Ohildren^s display of Furs, in sable, ockets and Fur "Caps in grisat No whefe' in, the country is such otter, lynx and heaver setts. Fur hten's tfijr Caps;; Fur Gloves, Fur lllitts, Sleigh Rugs/Bu^o^E*] cheaper than the'eheapest. We do the lapgeat V/X V&C7X C?VJ. KJXKJ UJLXXXX^'. OrdereiClotWbJ best cutter and turn out the most st ^islTand best fitting suits i bf the Dominion, We have just received a! splendid Toft-ci TweedB,,wb3ph wej are prepared, to se' 1 it-ijQck bottom gticea.' '_09' our stock.'- It. 'Wfill poy you to do so.^ No trouble to^s'biD* Ready-made Clothing, Mea's and B>js' &ver&oatB, iTJlBteisfc.TIi pyereoats, Boys' Youths' and Men's Suits, warranted the largi and cheapest stock in Canada^ .- v ;' It. r Oni^ Staple' Departni^jit K with extra :gq0d,,cheap goods in Go'ttons,-bfeth white aa&g&fi Fancy and Grey.Flsmhels, Blankets,' ["able Linens, Towellings,'&* > GJarpe|sv Moor 0il Riigs, Matts a^d-Mffttings, at extra 1( * .prices.,. '. j! 136pt^ ^ Sho >s. ^., .., I iWe would ask a continuance of the pitwraagesjo liberally % and ijpi return weguaran tee to .eel 1 nbodi cheaper thanefer^?^ " ^Lsm, UiS^s&s^&P^ 0(^9,}^: V ^^OTil|H0]fJSBi.aJ!i0| PRE *ra iHgl assorttnettt '*s*~a *aij 3 -:':vK > ' m - <dr*<r9m-*vi'*'~

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