Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1876, p. 2

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1. is rpHE ACTON FKEE PRESS "Published Every Th,ur^d.\y Morning. ' JTH. HACKING, $1: Per - Annum I - fctC OO* M. HACKING TaBTRsnAY 5JT6*NIo. THE FREE PRESS, ACtON, HALTOH COUNTY^ ONT^ I^CEMBER 7, 1876. -.,' -. Proprietor. . Advance in Dec 1S76. JF*&> p*?ra ^-Tff The Ontario Legislature will meet- on "Wednesday, January-3rd, - for-the dispatch of b'nan<\ss.~ -r The death is anno meed in' Eng land of the Right $Hon. Edward 'Horstrim, Liberal nwioiber for Li6ird, in bisiseteuiieth year. What. & glorious institution Re publicanism must le, when two or three uubapiised negroes .down" - South have the fate of the country in their hands. The ex-editor of the C<rffiorTc Tribune publishes bis valedictory this week, and- Mr. McCrosson .makes his bow to the subscribers. 13r. James Fahey to lecture in - Toronto against prohibition* There' was a time when Mr, Fahey used his undoubted i talents in a -. The long-prom isecl edition of the Givek Testament, on winch Pro-,- _,. , , , .- . V fessor Wescott and Mr.jHart have'***- ^ Inu u,ovod' **<*>* bj Mr. . bofji wagged for -.nearly.- 'twenty- .; ,r,n! ' " yearsi ;is^>hovr really approaching cdoipkjtiott, and the-^slie<ets of the Apocalypse are actually iii the prihter's hands. The "bust of the . lute Horace Greeley, presented to the friends of the deceased by 'American printers and journalists, was. unTeiled at . Greenwood Cemetery- on Monday, in Uie presence of about 1,000 peopla.- The-TalujB.of church, school, and other property exempted from taxa- tion in Ottawif reaches 7,500,000.. ' :TlieProtesta,atschools and churches are Tttlued at: $600.1100 ;" Roman Cathode schools and- churches, $700^000; And the Parliament Buildings it 6,000,000. 301. -i M SSfel m?3 pil -h'f- .1 1J -1! a If m In the case of the man Bl-k-iu-".-. convicted at the last S.*uu-.vEe:. Assizes of the murder of a neighbor ing fartner named Kenybn,. by shooting him in the presence of his wife and'*daughter while at work in a field, a petition for commu tation of the death sentence has engaged the attention.of ihe Privy CoanciJ, and we believe it has^boen, decided that the law must take its course. Belcher is to-be executed on the=-21St inst. Ajiovel case recently came up before a magistrate in Smith's Falls, a'woman having laid a complaint against, her hnsband for coming home drank and' making his bed on the floor. The case was dismiss ed, and the woman had to pay the costs: - .- . ~' ^_ Ladies seem -to have no settled idea yet as 601116 style"6f head gear to b* worn this winter. This state of suspense weighs' heavy on the old man's mind and purse too. r-The. population of Kingston watfrmce 16,000%but .it decreased to 12,400. lit is now gaining again, being at present nearly up to the Hiaximani ngnre. Rev. Thos. Baldwin was induc- ' ted-pastor of the. Gait Baptist charch on tbej30th ult. ^ The afternoon stage between Milton and Bronte has been taken off, on account of the bad roads. - "The {ifaujibt match between its- towel and Waterloo, in which four james were played, resulted with 3 -for Listowel ; Waterloo, 0 ; and 1 drawn, r .-,<_ v ': Stratford is-elated -over the pro- /? Nassasaweya Council. f The Council met on Monday, tho 27th; day of Nov., pursuant to ad journment. Members nil -present, Ivceyo- m the chair. Tho follow ing persons wets presont-and made implication for; daimiges. to sheep 'killed by', dogs all for threo sheep; |AU>.\\ . McPhail, ono lamb; R, Lowrie, six sheep arid three lambs : James WbiUy one sheep. Tho I claims having been certified, it was ordered that tho Bum of $13 bo pud to Rbbt, Hall, $26 to Robt. Ijowrie, ?2 to.-Ale'xv McPhail, and 84 to James \yiiito. Mr. Menries moved, seconded by Iklr. Hutcheon, that the time' for Jhe removal of the timber purchased by RoberVlIutcheon from the Mu nicipality, sitnated on the side-line, between lot* 10 and 11 on the east half, 6th concession, bo-eitended for one year.*, And also that the time for the removal of the timber pur chased from the Municipality' by B. H. Kean, situated on. the sido- line between lots 10 and. 11 on tho west half of the 6th conoessibh be extended for the same length of I time. Dr. Winn pioved, seconded by Mr.'Mensias, for leave to introduce- a by-law for the election of the Municipal Council for the Town- ship, for-the year A. D. 1877, and !' that the same bo now rea.d a tii'st and second time. On motion it was read third tim* aud passed moved, seconded bj Mr that the sum of $Jri be pai'd to Allan .Ramsey,0 iu ai't of Hejary Moore,"a sickly and indigent person. j\jr. Menzies moved, sec onded by Mr. Hutcheon, that Mr. G. Norrish be euipowerel_to attend the Puslinch Council'at their next meeting, to receive the amount promised for work done on the town line between Puslincli and Nassagaweya. Dr. Winn moved,, seconded by Mr. Menzies^ for leave to introduce a By-law for the^tepiiirS of roads and bridges for tlie-prt-sent year, and that the same be. now read a first time. It wa afterwards read * second and third time and passed. Mr. Menzies.inoved, seconded by Mr. Nurrisrv thitt the account of- ! Mr. Wiirren, P.L.S., amounting to , -? SG.S0,'for surveying, writing field A MAUL OF 800,000. THE CITLMUTS CAVTUKKD tN CANADA. THE EASTERN MUDDLE - Oii tho morning of July 22mlkst R. D< Bullock, orgun' builder of; Jackson, discovered that liis store had liecn patcrod, his suf> robbed, aud tho contents, li0i000 in drafts, notes and checks, sovbinil hundred dollars in currency, and a gold xvatch had_ been Rtoleh..- Tho tiafo had been opened by acipiiring tho com bination, and the l>urf{lurs in leav ing had faHtcnod tho door again and left the establishment undis turbed.; -I In looking. up. a possible clue Mr Bullock discovered that A. M. Hawley, a young marrjodmari who had been employed by him for three years as an hgont, and who had recently been assigned to duty at Port Huron, had boon soon in Jackson the night of tho.burglary. Hawley had becft - oarouaipg for some time . previously iu Port Huron and had fallen under the influenco of an individual well known to the police of nearly every, city in the Union as " Lady" Lee. Together the two went to Detroit on-the night of tlio 22rid of July and at once left for Jackson on the 10 p. m. train, Hawley so much under the influence of liquor that the depot officers reluctantly re frained from arresting him. "Lady" Lee and Hawley reached JackBon about oue o'clock at night, and then managed to rob. the safe-as detailed, and taking the early morn- ill^ traini were again in Detroit at half-past eight. They made no do- lay there, but proceeded at once to Canada, halting for a few days at Chatham. From that place Lee ex pressed the plundered notes and drafts to A. J. Lee, Prescott, Canada. Meantime Bullock was beating about as bestrhe could until, on the 2nd of August, lie received a letter from Richard ,H. Lee, brother of " L*dy " Lee, and asso ciated with him in various" ways, which . letter afforded a clue that wasj vigorously and successfully follolvved till it resulted in'a pwsonal interview, at which R. H. Lee de manded $8,000 for the return -of the stolon property, together with the-" promise of immunity from 'judicial proceedings. Mr. Bullock Turkey DoiircH the Success of the Conference, l'KACEAHLE UIBPOSITION r.KS'rkp. MAiU- ACTON MABKI:TH, ' ' '.. 82 CO to 2 75 posal^ to remove the Grand Trunk pg^ io.'be iDjure^ "Railway car shops-to that town, and of epiirse Brantford is propor -.-' "tionately depressed. ---: .- At Chathain, a young man named '. Edward Hjcks (colored) has" been ' sent-to the Provincial Penitenti ary ror "two" years for robberies from strangers."" .'.. The "heirs of William Penn still receive from he British Govern- ,ment 20.000 a year,in- compensa- ' tipn for their proprietary rights to Pennsylvania. ' It is in this, rain; ner that the British Government keeps its promises, . even when' those promises have, been obtained fraudulently:- But. it-fin'ls its>te; ward in the reputation for good faith which it bis established in . every financial centre of the world. cleverly negotiated with him, and ..tea,- prepu-ing plans and copies of r representing that he would rather .fiidavits, copy of field notes from * bave Hawley than the noWs and C. L. D , and traveiling exjiences, to.establiah the side jine between lots 15 and 16 in the 1st concession be paid. Dr. Winn moved, sec onded by Mr. Menzies, that the sum of $1 be refunded to Henry Justin, and$l to Israel Pammenter,. drafts.firtally agreed togive$l,000 for the debh-ery of Hawley. The ; bargain was closed at once. The two miscreants, giving the lie to the athige that there is honor among J and other 'places are to be provis being an " error in copying their asset Biiient. The Council business being con cluded, the Deputy Reeve occupied the chair. A vote ,of thanks was then tendered to. the Reeve for his able and courteous manner-in pre siding over the deliberations of the Council Board, and his efficient services otherwise'; connected with his office as Reeve during the year. :The Reeve in. a few suitable re marks, acknowledged the compli ment. -.-. The Council then adjburned.- Johs Easteebrook, Clerk. LoNDONy.Dcc. 5. A Boi'lin dps- paten says Prince Bismark, in a speech id Parliament to-duy, gavo assurances- that'the Government of Germany ' and Russia remain ori tlio 1 most friumlly fooling. Tho throe Emperors' alliance still ex ists in its integrity- Fribndly re lations with Russia are| established by leng tradition,- anil Germany values them ns highly as .-"those with Sov othor Power. | The Chan cellor apj)arently expressed great hopes of a peaceable solution of the presont crisis, even should the Con ference chot achieve its full object. He has no doubt that the differences now upparont between English and Russian interests will bo composed. The endeavors of Germany continue to be directed to tho maintenance of peace. Ho assured thB House, notwithstanding asaertior s to the contrary, that the relations between Russia and Austria are of the most friondly character, but thoro is no menace in the tlireo.Emperors' al- liancoto any other Power, .j Ger many, is attached to England by ties-of long traditional friendship, and wishes to presurvo that friend ship quite as much as cordial rela tions with Russia. That friendship has likewise stood, many tests, and J.ho future will show it willcontinue firm and cordial as ever. Bismarck regards Germany and France ns' the t%vo Powers least directly inter ested in tho present Eastern ques tion. Germany, ho said, \jill there fore remain perfectly neutral. - i London, Dec." G The-."Times Vienna despatch says : Telegrams from Constantinople report that England has'brought-forjward tho question of prolonging the armis tice. There are till sorts 6f indica tions which go far to show a grow ing disposition on all sides, particu larly in Turkey and Russia, to pre vent '-possible antagonism from breaking but, at least imipediately, and rendering a lentwal of the armistice superfluous. j A. despatch to the. Twigs .from Ragusa states that the negotiations between Montenegro and Turkey relative to the revictuallihg of the blockaded forts and towns have terminated successfully. . J^icsic Flour W., Whito Wliont .. Now Fall Whost.. Suring VVhoat. (llusgow Now Su'riiig.W'hciit ltiirloy |: ... linrluy, jNo. 2 r . . Oats I .,,.- I .. pons {.. i i ,. : ApjilcS por hag ; . Omons . '; l'utat'oob, per hog . Eggs."~: j .. .. Dressed; Hogs Tiirkoya ,, Geoso ..' ... Ducks j .. .. 1 00 toO 10 1 00' to 1 05 ,.1 00 to 1 05 1 00 to 1 04 0 55." t6 0 72'| 0 VBrto 0 70 0 38,toO 40 0 0(5 to 0 (!8 0 CO to 0 75 1 00:to Q 00 0 CO to 0 75 0 lfttoO 20 0 17 toO 18 G 00 to 6 60 0 or to 0 08 O OS to O 06 0 OOto0 07 adgo tho Errs'i "Cocoa. GitATEFtri,'and Com- roitTiNci. -'*Iiy a thorough knowlod, of; tlio lmtnral laws which govern oporati<|nB of (ligotii>n arid nutrition, arid by a careful application of tho fine properties-of well B'eloctcd icocpa, Mr. Kpps li^s provided our brenjefast tables With a-/ uolicately flavored beverage which rimy savo us many heavy doctors' bills.. .It is by tlio jmlicions uso of Buch nr^iclc^of diet .that'n constitution may bo gradually built up until strongenough to rcsiiit every, tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating around ! lis reiuly to oltack wherever thoro iaia weak point. Wo may cscapo many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortiiieil with pure blood and n pro perly iiouriBhed frame." Civil Stritict Gaiettr.- Sold only in packets labeled '"JamErf iivi'B & Co., Hom<eojiathic Chemist, 48, Tlircadneedlc Strcot, and" 170, Piccadilly, London." NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. HURRAH! HURRAH! Ohri^tmas is Coming, Aijd now is tho best timo to secure the BES1* PHOTOGRAPHS Ever ojjircd to the people of Acton ] and vicinity ' . Ai Astonishincly Low Priecs. The public are invited -to call ami in- i spect my work. ' COPYING & ENLARGING In all its branches, in the best style o* the art, done on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates; Also, a splendid stock of Mouldings and-Picture-frames kdpt. on hand and made to order. i . ' A call is solicited and you! will be convinced that this, is the place to get photographs. . Yours respectfully, . C. W; HILL, Acton, Dec. ii, 187G. NEW W4 3I,TISEME-NTS; OOI WANTED, Tond/jrs wjll' bo .Acton School Ttotin HO ienrds of [good ifoct long, cut from /tlio wood toI bo l rough, .-.knotty pf ceptod unlosg othi tho Board; Acton, Dee. 0, 187C received| by. tho up to 12 o'clock ., for tho supply of lry-. hardwood, two. ;recn timber. AH it and fi|eo. from u.; \No- tendot ac- iso 'Satisfictory i to .H QARETAKEIt Tenders will lx) re School 3pard, up o tho January 'next; for tl taker of tho ! Acton acceptod unless otli to tlio' Board, tho Secretary, Acton; Dec, 6, lofrc, . JrHAL: S(jC WANTED. cived by o position School. ; orwise satisfactory lio Acton ; day of of Caro- -No offer- Tciu era to bo handed to sisGoiise "t v :'.,* c-HMSTifiLS ib coming; AND Have laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Rich, Rare, "Useful tad and Beautiful, in -^ e e-.a r s x si ft> " S j.s - 12 s S- is S tft ** Jl g m^t TA <* ao S* a ^ ^ u "S 9 a S s, U tS S it thieves, sold ofit Hawley and in duced hiih to venture over to the being amount of their dog-tax, it American side by-representing that BROOKLYN THEATRE IN FLAMES Panic Among: the Andierice- SETEKAIi PERSOXS INJUREP, A despatch from New York early Wednesday" morningstates that the. ^Brooklyn - Tbeatre was then in flames. The fire originated; on the stage of the theatre at. 11.30 Tues day nigbt. The flames spread with lightning rapidity, apd burst out through the door on Washington street. The panic _and confusion among the audience was terrible. The theatre is totally burned, -also Deiter's restaurant. So far tEe pest efficc ~next ^oor does not. ap- The Small-Pox in Keewatln. Wji'NiFSa, JttanJ, Dec."'2. At White Mfld River sixteen Iceland ers and.fourteen;Indiana have.died of small pox. Thence to Gimlj, 'some thirty miles, life disease is in [every hoiuse. At Giulli twenty-two deaths have"-occurred, i One hun dred and-, ten cases wpre visited. Dr. young ig net sick.j Tbe;G3v._ erntftent storehouse has been con verted-into* a hospital iu which are forty beds. ' Patients have ' been retnovoa 'thither and their dwellings '. 'I *-'.'_ --, The Council of Keeiratiri Is in session' daily.""-A localr Board of-} The Health- has been* lapjsointed ,at Gimli. .Not. a single case of small pox hasibcenrred in Manitoba yet,. ' owing tjo |hef strict "quarantiae 6b- -J)gei;vedJ:: ^- .- '.- ',-. One of the, actresses came to the front of the stage and said, " A R'mall accident; has occurred, but don't be-alarmed. Only a piece of the flies is on fire." On mention of fire the audience rose tD their feet and made a wild rush forthe doors. The-sinoke soon became sutfocatin'g. and women ffcll'the aisles and were trampled over. Hun dreds jumped out of the windows and were severely injured.- Three were picked up and sent to the hospital, andLard not expected to live. A young .man who jumped out of a window says another man was w-ith him and "got to the win dow, andt while- holding on' with his hands and endeavouring to get out became overpowered with the smoke, =fell back, and must have been consumed in the flames. Dresses were torn from ladies while iving in the aisles aid on the side walk outside. All the theatre com pany got out safely except a fly man, named Cuinberson, /who was badly burned, and threvf himself out- of a. winddw.^-rHef will diel; The.firemen, succeeded in confining the flames to the theatre, and, sav ing the rest of "the block, Deiter's restaurant, directly in front of the theatre on Washington-street, is badly damaged by water, but not; as at first reported, destroyed. ; The fire badly damaged the front's of six -dwellings on Johhsoh-street. theatre was owned -by j the Brooklyn Building . Association; TBejloss is now estimated at S125(1 0(|p^' The insurance could not be ascertained. Tbe fire is now (2 aj ml): extinguished, \ ! Bullock would give to him, but none other, 2,000 for the missing property. Hawley went over, and was Tin mediately arrested. Bullock had made no conditions about it. 3*he property was recovered, and Hawtey, making a clean breast of the affair, was, after a while, set at, large*on bail, to hereafter staud trial. The Lees obtained the thousand dollars and nestled down snugly in Canada. In October an attempt was made to get " Lady " Lee to Michigan pending the complications in the extradition trpaty. ' He-was arrested at Prescott, and was being taken to Port Huron on a Grand Trunk train. At Stratford a friend of Lee's saw him while the train halted, and, suspecting the contem plated rase, telegraphed' to Sarnia that Bome American officers were kidnapping a Canadian prisoner. The result- was that the party were stopped at Sarnia and Lee commit ted to the jail thei'e to await an in vestigation. Finally it was discov ered that, under the laws of the Dominion,^a pnrty bringing stolen property into Canada, knowing that it is stolen, is^subject in evei-y respect to the penalties incurred by Teceriving stolen property stolen in the Dominion. Under this law " Lud}"' Lee was. taken to Sund- wuch jailand has been in eontiDe- ment there since an early day -in November. Lee was tried at the Essex Assizes, before -' Judge Leg- gett, on the charge of importing into Canada stolen property, being the drafts, notes, checks, gold watch and other property stolen from Mr. Bullock. Completion of 'the trial was-postponed for a few days. Partnersuip Registration. ] The London Free Press sounds a- word of alarm to "all persons inte- ested in business partnership. | Ac cording to bur western contempor ary; somo persons are now-engaged in that section blackmailing /busi ness, men who have been deVelict in the registration of partnership. By the Partnership Registration Act.^f 1869 it, is, enjoined bn the members of a partnership to regis ter a declaration bf co-partnership within,six months after the forma tion of it, if formed since t;he pass ing, of the Act; or if formed before that period (1-809), within Bix months after the passing: of the Re gistration Act^-uncler a penalty of 200. But there is a limitation .to the time'during which the penalty can be enforced under private prose cution, that limit being one year after the expiration of the six months referred to. [Thus, any partnership that was formed nine teen months ago, and which has not been yet registered according ito law is still free from prosecution at the bands of private individuals fori default. At the same time, it being the law that co-partnerships should bo registered, all persons .being^parties thereto should not" ioned by this Montenegrins at the expense of Turkey. JAS. MATTS'I'.VS ACTO.V, neglect tb perform the- joined on them. duties en- Mnrder of a. Police Constable in Dorsetshire, England. . From;tho Western Gazette. Late on Thursday ni^ht, Nov. H5th, a dreadful uiut-der was com mitted near Sutton Bingham,'by a baud of notorious poachers. It appears that about midnight three men named Hutchingsi two of whom had only recently been liber ated from prison und another noted character, .were- seen in a lane at Netherton, with a'.hbrse and cart. Constables Cox and Stacey, who had seen the men Pearlier in the evening, and suspected that they had- been poaching, spoke to them. The party were evidently prepared for nil emergencies, for immediately one of theih took a life-p'reserver or some other deadly weapon from' the cart, and with one blow felled Cox to the ground. Death must have been instantane ous. -They then beat him about the head in a.frightful manner. Stacey defended himself with his staff, but he was- overpowered, and was felled to the ground. He, too, was bea- ton Rbout unmercifully, but wits not actually killed,. Mr. Marsh, of Daryille, was attracted to the spot, but before bo'arrived at the scene of the murder, the men had decamp ed.^ He had a horse saddled and rode into Yeovil and informed Sergeant Hblwel! of the murder. As number of policemen were at once despatched, to Netherton, and they have since beeri scouriug"~the neighborhood, but the Hutchihgs' cannot be found. T;he dead body of Cox was removed to the new Inn, East Coker, arid Stacey was conveyed to the Yeovil Hospital, where he received every attention. Cox, who had been stationed at East Coker for some years, was one of the smartest men in tbe force. He was a tall, - powerful man, and would doubtless have been a match for more than one of the poachers had he not been taken at a disadvantage. He was an in telligent, respectable man, and his untimely end will be much .regret ted. - He leaves a widow.and four children. A Dream.' - A correspondent mentions a singular circumstance in connection with the murder, and says he has the best authority for stating that it is quite reliable. It is as-follows.-: Mrs..Cox,'the., wife of the murdered man, says her'hus band was very restless on Wednes day night, andwhen he awoke on Thursday morning he remarked : " I've had a bad night. I dreamt I had a fight with the gipsies, and that they gave me a terrible mark just here " placing one of his mnds on-the part of his head "which .-was most injured during the fatal affray. . When: Dr. Garland went to break1 the news to Mrs Cox, he intimated that her husband). was very ill, whereupon she at once exclaimed : " " Oh ! I know he's killed";", andfthen related what is stated above r ' CLERK 4TH DIVISION COURT, Counts- of IlaLTox. Ooayeyaacsr, - Commissioner in, Q. 3. <' Firo lasara&CQ Agent, : . (' '""Life Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Agent Honey- to Loan or Borrow. Agent Montreal Telograph Co. Debts Collects! on Commission. Ana General Agont, Ssc.^ &o. l . . . Parties intrusting their bnsihess.^vith tfork Ranted. .i . -1 5000 Dressod Ho 58 wantod; weekly, for which'tho' Highjest Cash Price will be paid. From $2,000 to 5,000 in cash to be paid out to farmers for Pork every week during Decern jer, at SECORD.BROS,'Store. GROCERIES, GWl '-.!' Glassware, Hardware! &e. POfJK! PORK!! Charles pameron is prepared to. pay the Highest.Market Price for 50 tons of Go<id PorkL Call and see him at the iOld Stand on Main street.; Acton, Nov. 30th' 187B. 22-3ni ----------:--------- -------------A- CHINA DEPARTMENT- Gents' Mottoecl Mustache Clips "and -Saucers, Ladies'Mottoed Cups'and Saucers, ,v. : . \ ' Children's Mottoed Cups and Saucers,; -1 '/' - t. Glass and China Mugs, mottoed, all colors. Flower Vases, Glass Pitchersr Preserve Dishes, me will be Batisfactorily dealt with. Office at the Post Office, Acton. Acton,.Dec 6,:1876. j QOVSEKEEPER WANTED. I An experienced, middje-aged woman can hear of an' excellent situation as housekeeper by applying at the Free Press office > ! . w HAT PAYS? THOS. RUSSELL & SON, Watctimulcnrg, Liverpool, Having determined to sell out their Canadian busiiiess previous to their opening a Jobbing House in England, have instructed, itheir iagent, G-. D. 1 Pringle, of Welph, To offer for sale tho IT PAYS ovory Mannfactarer, Mer- rbant. Mechanic, Inventor, Farme'r.'or ProfeMlonnl Man, to keep informed on all the Improvements and discoveries of Uie ago. - : I ilT PAYS the head of every family to Introduce inio his household a newspaper tlsat 1 Instructive, ono thatlosleraalaiste for luvestleatiorj, and promotes thought and encourages ulseutslou. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published weekly forthe last 31 years, does this, to an extent be yond that of any other publication; In fact It is ()ie only weekly paper published' In the United States, devoted ta Manu factures, Me'Ha^-ics, IxvENTrbxsnnd New KIScoveries In Arts and Sblenrres. Every number is. profusely Illustrated and its contents enrbrace the latest and most interesting Information pertaining to the Indostriul, Mechanical, and Scien tific progress of the world. [TBE SCIENTIFIC tMEUICAN bos been the foremost of all Industrial publlpa-i tlonsforthe past SI year* It is the Old-' est, Largest, Cheapest and Best.weekly' Illustrated paper devoted to Kngineerlnif, Mechanics, Chemistry, New Xuventlons, Science and Industrial Progress, publish, ed in the world. 'Ihe practical Recipes are well wprf,h ton times the subscription price, and for the shop and houBe. will saveimany times the cost.; i It should have a place in every Family, Library,: Htudy, Office, Reading Jtobm, College and 80I100I. A-new volume commences January 1st 1817. A year's numbers contain 830 pages antl.Severnl Hundred Engravings. Terms, $3.20 a year by mail, including -----------------lubs. Special Cir- ft postage. Dlscountlo clubs. culars, giving oluh rates, sent frdei Sln- glo copies mailed on reoelpt of 10 cones. May be bad of all newsdealers. | DnTCUTC ' In connection with rA I Ell I 9s the SclcnUflc AincrJ. can, Messrs. Munn 4 Co.ara Snlidliors ot American and Foreign Parents, and have tho largest, establishment In the world More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through thejr igency. Pa _'atehts are obtained on tlje hest terms, Models of New Inventions anu Sketches ezamfucd, and advice free. *A pamphlet containing full tlirectlods Iot obtaining Patents, sentfree. Tbe Selenitic Ameri can Keference Book, a volume bound In cloth ami gilt, containing the .Patent Laws, Census of the TJ. S, and 143 En- fravings of. mochanlcal moydments. rloo a cents; j address for the Paper, or concerning Patent.?, rMUNN A 'CO., S7 PariiRoW, New York. ' ' Watches, ok of RUSSE'LL whole of the stock Clo<ffi s and Jewel ery At a Speoikl Discount of 25 psr cent? corhinencmg on Monday Nov|ember~*'rtn, And continue unt 1 the whole stock is sold, ' *.' Aa Auction 'will be aoll ever? ^"1 Evening. Will; continue bus pairing of Watcheit on as usual, but tho be soldwitjiin- three No Reasonable This is albbna-Jiet fi, 1 Guelph> Nov. 20^' Q. D. PRINOLE : ness and the re- uid Clocks will go present.tock must months. Offer Reftised. cheap sale.; >_ P. PPvINGLE. 187G. ; I Celery Glasje^; Goblets, Tumblers, Fickle. Jars, "Wine Glassesy : ..;> Glass Sptsr SickCups aod5; Feeders/ Stone and China Tea Sets, i ^,: "' Lamps, Lanterns, i ,- - ; /'/.. '-.;' v Everything beautiful in eiirirBS^Tiife^ Or % bo B3i'jft-i'i? S: Canned Peaches, jPlums, Gooseberries,blackberries, Cherries,.Pears, Preserves, Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon, L " .. Sardines, Clams, Oysters, Fruits, Eaisins,! Crirraits, ;.- Figs, Nuts, Biscuits, Confectionery and-Honey. ^ ' .- The Largest and Cheapest <Stoc& of Teas ever brou^ti. into Acton. J yj Tobaccos, Rice, Barley, Cbrn Starch, Rice Flonr, Soaps, <fcc.\, ~ : t . Hardware, Cuttlery, Spoons;. Paints, Oils, < UornirigiM ^ .-^yBxpre^ rgxpres* jffigk*-:Bipr3 ilSed ' Dy:EiPt Madv- poik "Want f i$*w;jL. : Clearing^* f ' -07005 Vvsrdl ' Pork, PojJ-J -.-: ' -geMPO "hl ,'j . Business Qx;,adlatCr i The 4877' can itore, Gnelp _i-DressJ BronghV to] r qnantitiea i jujd found /SecordB, Ci| i.Oias; Qame ' ". Prices^iave i :: -Muni^ .baion. Ma no word of I prtanme.thJ otier membl exception oi be; nisiing tois *">. , - Two owned -by- town, ;sray track, a si GeorgetoWi: and wereO meat by a ' injnred tl have to be For -j Gornmeal : Acton. ^Ge I- > -The ; tSeyraipp : ; Churuh,; ii) ] ' eveningi w4 i snecess" in ! very large! A Joeing! welll : comprised.1 ^ of 3 very; bcr and ^1 Aeton, Nov. 29, 1876, SECOND BEOS. ^iidm The Oldest and Best Restorer is Found in usine it. ^rood's Improved Hair KestorattVe Is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved bias new vegetable' tonic properties; ret ores grey hair to a glossy natural oolor; restored faded, dry, bftrsb and falling hair; restores,-dresses, glve3 vigor to the nair;Restores hair to pretoa- turely bald heails; removes dandruff; hu mors, eoaly [eruptions; removes lrrlta; tloh, Itching and ecal'y dryness. Ho article produces Fnch wonderful effects H ARPEBS' PERIOBICA18* Hahpeb's MaoaztHb, neYear..HW Harpkh's WiKKi,r, OmeYma.. W* Hakpes's BaZAb; "- On Yesl. ~. -*:W ^ . 4,00 taclude^pretwWent rf U&. or CanaafanpcwtaRB byltie I,5fflr: Harper'9 Magazine, Harper** Wgfc and -Harper's Bazar to one """"^rSr one year, ?10.00; or any two for 17.Wf^ Postage Free.. " j .> '11'J r An extra copyof either the fW^fJg -7 Weekly or Bazar will be jsupphri ga^i for every club of Five Sob8cnBM.W; Try it, call for Wood's Improved Half___ ___^ Restorative,} and don't be put off wltfi ijtoO each, or Six Copies ^^: any other article. Bold by al druggists without extra copy; Poftage Free._ in this place and dealers everywhere. The new v61ume^ybeJJlAOA3ff55| Trade.supplied at maaofacturers' prloes:-menc?B with the Deceigber axm byC.i. Cook a Co , Obloago, Sole Agents for the United States and Canadas, and by Ism-&zt B^os,4* Co., Toronto. ' A CAR'i--To *u "flferlng from the errors and lndlseretionspf y oqth, nervous 'Si' 1' weakness, early decay, loss of manbcod, 40.; I will BBbd a recipe that will cure you, FRKE jOP CHABaE. This great harfkk'S uaoaiiw VS-*ill i remedy was [discoveredby a misaiODafyJ vr^mx or HARPER-s^aAS*",1 in South Ambrlca. Send a self-addressed sent for one year U>anySnbserll>fS evelopeto the Rev. Josetjh "f. Ink an Station O, B^bie House, New York City, Tr*. volumes o/the WKsiijrjwJJ commence .in Janoarv. Buoscn may ibegln at any lime. 1..-..^,^ Those desiring to ranAW M&lrwa tlons to Harper's, PeriodJWJl" oblige tter Publishersby^sBOdli >lra te-'-:--*' TW^OTICE. . All parties indebted to the nndersigrt- ed, either at" the mill or at the bakery, are respectively reminded that an early settlement is absolutely-necessary. We hope.all will respond without dehiy arid 'greatly oblige, . .--. ~ B. &E. NICELIN. I Acton, Nov. ?9, 1876. 22-3t names in as early as ooniTdnlentX-^-.. tbe expiration of their Vtf^nt Wg^a^i tlons. * This will obvlat4 the' W.5 y tendant upon re-entering narnw (T5F-; mat ling-back sumbers. 1 .-irVmisirt^ HARPKR'S MAOABIS*. ..^Smd* :i P-EEKLY or HARPER'S711A> *,U "- sent for one year to any SnbstB 'United.States or Canada PO bv the publlsbersonreceipt. -.xt^f^^vj lars. Address, ' ^/v-ixerr,.:."; HARPER PBOtfffg^.^ :vTDEKKSHIBE BOA. The pure Tired Brki*if*. "Acton trmce," will b*jte*i vice on the premises of tainndeJJ;6 adjoiniriR this village- Terms-?'-*" b paid at time, of service; .^ / /'. iBmi wifm -;; << a ci A; handsol bearing .t-h| ceived Belford Bf J peu.'oi til Howells.;. have "given I ah interest e^allyOa cloU $1X *n& gfi-.i :-depth^>fr] - *^ie chair. , -Aetoki - The reg sfchpoi. evening. ^ ported 1 "li^Kpfi. ot' conferred ] Second* S3 'iSBh^ hma - p' Ll'-i?*^

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