Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1876, p. 4

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A t- M mr^ U*' w ^ lit ^t2 Hi; t J- J- - -- -*:i&~ IM -f':?- ' the Girls A-fishlng. - Tnereii genevnlly | nljont six in the ihuncli, with liij.littlrv.sses oil, Hiul tlioy huVHvtltt-rc'poles.; us many hooks and lim*, among them.' As soon ]as a-Jioy got u>:t!u> river they-Jook fur i\ good jiiuoe'to got ih5wti-70U the r<\fts,jnnd the-most her boot lieal in Uu* bank uiiid nmkea twe - careful U'(w tlouii ; tilth t>ho siul- ._, denly-~tinds' herself hi the bottom with hdth htfuls in the .: water, and si fueling thai every oiienjv tho wido ; world: is looking, at; her, nn'd she never tells anybody htfiy^ rIio got there. The. othvtjgiHs protiting,l>y her example, tnrtt jrotind and go down the bunkife their hands and toes backXrtml. Than they sca'mpejr o>'er the r.ifts nntil they find a shallow " place ^'heri Jhey can.set? llm iisli, u(ijl ghaut; r j I "fOhrl seojone.'l I Where r" " ! >t fi O my, so he is.'" ; ' >' Let's eutch him." Who's goMhe bjuk V .' " Yun la-.y thing, you're sitting on iiiy pole." . _ :.. ; " Show live the wretch that stole _! All the exclamations are gotten pff in a tone that sends "every tisli within three acrPs square into gal loping hysterics, llien the gifjs, by superhnmaji exertions, mauago to get a worm on the" hook, and '"throw in "Twith_ar splash like the launching: ofra wash-tub, and await the 'reside! Jft'hen a silrer-tju .couieu alons, and'-rihibhles the bait they {mil up with^a jerk that, had an unfortunate fish weighing less than fifteen pounds been ojn theliook, wonld have landed it in the neigh borhood of three or fon'r miles out in the country. . Alftci-- a while a feeble-minded sluttish contrives to get fastened cm the hook of a timid woman,.and she ^iyea vent" to her ^fongue: i|. "CVh'. something's;got my'hook i" -"Puiriuvyoiriitfib idiot !" shout jive excited voices as they rush to the rescue. The, girl with the, bite , r gives a spasmodic jerk, which semis the unfortunate sunny into the air the; full lengthjjf forty feet of lino, and he; copies down joh the nearest ^ a.rly head with a IcLiiup Qvy ^but sets the girl; tfe-flaVving as though. : the^ were bumblebees in her hair.'. - iph'l tike it awi-y. Tgh, the jii8y thin";" ' . . T^Then they, hold jup.'their'skirts and gather about thp tish as it skijis over the logs, one all the time hojd- dng: the" line in bo ill hands, with : her leet pn the pole as though she had" an evil-disitfi^fd ^out at tjie pther end. Tnsy-talfc'over it. " ". However srijj lie get off!" f Ain't it pretty 5j' "... " Wonder if it ain't dry. V .-. "Poor littXa-thing; let's put it "Wfc-"" -' .', "Ho'w will we get the hook froin ' iifZ '-Pick it up," says a girl who backs rapidly out of the circle. "Good graciqus, I'm afraid of it. t There, it's opening its month at f m,a , >. - 'j "| Just then the sunny wriggles off '.."the liobk "'^aijd .disappears ^between twp joganu'to the jyratcr, jund tha girls try ^jj-.apatper bte. " Bat' th&j.sun. coines dovru and ^ fries the Iback |>f their nepks,- and -'ther get -threeA lifiaijaches in the, ---pa/ty; and the^^ail !get cross and scold at the fishrJike so many mag- ;: pies. If any unwjary! chub, dare show himself in the water they J poke"a bid irith.tljejr poles, mnclj to" his disgust. -Finally they get . piad all over and throw their .poles pjvay,' hont up the lunch basket, ^xlimb up into the woods, wneie '?-'.they.| sit aroBnt} on '^sjs-gni} ] paterpillars.. and. Bap esjoflgoldrie^. _ beef and rusk and hard boiled egg* ~" to give a woodhorse; the nightmare; jifter which they compare notes ,. about their beaux iintil sundown, - jvhen they'go home j and plant e'n'yy , Jn-the hearts of all fchepr muslin de -Jaine friends by telling what "juat a splendid time " they had. fiepis of Rpecch might bo gohl. Whero trne THE^ FR?1E ?RESS, iCTOf, HAL^W NOTEMBEE 30, 1876, " v. .. Ttioneti't. It oosta moro 11 revenge wrongs t-iiim it doo to bcurthein. Those who en ertuin Kuspicions of all are much U>bo suspected, There are timus when, though silver, nilehco is. e fortitudo 'dwolls, loyHlty, bounty, fjriondHliip, uud ii-. delity maj be foUitd; i No-unu ought!to enjoy what 1b tao good for him J ho o^tght to nmko hiiiKHtlf. worthv of it, ajid rise io its. level.1 | V ' The flattery of] filenda nnd^ ene mies would do ini if wo didn't unfbrtunatcjf flitter oui-welves. If yon Jiuvo built- castles in the air, your work neetl not bo lost that is wliei-o^tho;' sftould bo, iNow put foundations nidor thorn.2 Ha ianhapivy wliose clrciiuiBtnnces suitliis ieu'ipew; Imt ho is more fortunate -h;o <jti j) suit his tcuiner by any ciruumstajnoea nk all enjoyment t in the foiebod- of future' evils happen. Some peoplq' s of present comfo injj apprehensiot which may never ^ .ILI.V . .* FOfi verr little harm T(io'ii.vw hrvd IHrtjshiro nn!\r;"niRoH Prinno will Ixi kiibt for service on-tho promiso* of tho aubaoriher, ihuiug the Beaspn striotl Terms oiuth at for tho tho tuiio Benson $1, of fiotvico. V Hhiok tiobtall took a prir.u nt tho (iijL'lpli CoutrM Exhibition thin year, Ho was Ikitou, ini{io'rtod by uimg Hoar from tho ftlao bo kept for our- brod by Royal John Suell. A y ^Iwlel Farm, will vico, / ' . ' : ROBERT ^SIMS, - Lot No.-80, 2d con.'EflQucslng, October'-'S, 187(5. l,7-2m CAMPAIGN OPENED! WESTERN ADVERTISER & -' I WEKKIV LinEKAL. A Six Dollar Premium GlTon Away. Balance of Year PreeM :m Graiad SUBSgBIBE the; -^oicoisr FREE PRESS, Only One JDollar From Now to the 1st Ja-nu^ry, 1878,; Utilizing a Husband. if Yqiiy husband lis" sick a good sightof late, ben't he ?' remarked a sontjbern Illinois 'woman'" ftp ^notljerj one day laijt^week. -..i ; ; "Yes," answered tlie Wife, ** he's got tuk down midbty bard with them 'ere ager shakes agin.", " Hiil)ud think itj' ^nd be: sorter 4istnjssin' like ter ha;ve him Vouud the house,"' ren>arke4" the xither, pympathiaingiy, ' ' spepially when yer at bouse-clean in'." a Waii s0 i' wudjhe," replied the vife, in" self eonsolihg1 tones, "buf when h,e's^Q5 into one of his chills, andil want the ragparpetgljtjk;, yer pee he's a powerfJuLismart-hand ter ijitoh-onto it." . Then the ~srqtnan ^-yyended her way- home, en vying". "Sor^ neigh buj.' the knick she had siuutifizing her fensband. i i . ^ - The largest - manufactories of burglar's, toqls are'] in Newj.York, pjiihidelpbla.and t^e West, ^t4 tho jnen, who are engaged, j^ tljis kqii- rjeqi sre frequently <if a glass who ^roidd neyer CQftem|plttte any direct deed.of crinje. The tools ape mde pat^ly in one place! nnd ,paf tjyi in anqther, no . maker eyer-turhing put a complete instrument, for fear . of disjOoVery and consequgfc trouble, A-OQplete set of tqols numbers forty pieces, and is worth from t^b hundred arjd fifty to four Jinndred ' dollars. I . J' A couple who hajd made arrange? "jnents to elope quieijy to California, <aid they yum goinlg to try the Pa- icsloi LADIES Save your Qarpetg a^d make yoijr rgpiyig varm by get- - tinK the _ FAT JSl^TT FELTING i i .v:" ^_&>j3Ermttf:.:-.. For going belo-w your carpetg. ".A large and cheap st;ock at ANDERSON'S 6HJAP BO0KST0HE , . - j " - i - \> . ' J~ " "i- Outho East side of Wypdham Street, GUELPH. -', ' In opening tho Auuvisl Ai)vpT)3)-:it Fall Ciunpaign for 1870-7, wo do gowitlv j the full iutention of leaking >t tlie njust' suvf esiiful one entered iipon. U'e want j to add ftt least JO.OOO ftow subsoribera | to our roll tbi year. ;i. i Tho Adveutimbr, in tho future as in tho past, will bo found advocating overy i true Reform and every really Liberal moasuro. Among other reforms jt all- vocatea an elective Beuatc and the jttfc- sagp of a Prohibitory Liquor Law. TO AGEKT8. In ortler to uuika this paper the very best and most remu nerative one in Canada ta canvass for, wo will prvsent to every subsoiiber for 1877 a copy of tho great steel .plate en graving entitled "; Wellington and-Blu- tcher Moetiug after the Battle of Water loo,1' sizo 18 x 40 iQch.c$. It is, beyond doubt, ouo iif the finest engravings ever; nrpdo,cod, being tlio .premium of the London (Eng.) Art Unwn for 1.872, and sold ut otto guinea in Englaud aud six dollars in the colonies. This magnificent pure lino engraving was ex ecuted by LumbStocks, II. A., from t)io wall painting in tho llalaco of Westmin ster byiDaniel Maelise, It.A. It oecu- pjedsli years of this celebrated painter's life, and Ujo steel plato by the equally renovnod eagyavcr occupied five years | Jlust more, oostinj} tho sura at 3,150. Tho l best critics throughouC Englaiul and I Canada unite in praising this wonderful / pic battle Of WTaterloo. r. sS" We also givo the balance .of thi* J ytq.rfret to all snbsori l>crs for 1S77.. i WHAT WE OFFER. 1. The bestj 8-paJp! family newspaper in Canada, 2. Wc'hprepay postage. 3. New types; new presses, good paper. 1. Balance "of this year free to new sub scribers. 0. A magnificent steel plate cngraying free, , - t\. A Ladies* and Children's dcpartm'edt 7". Songs (inuslo and words), pictures, chess, &c 8. W. '. t'larko edits our Farmers' do- partment. r ALL FOR'$1-60. Either singly or in cliibs. To clergymen, postmasters and school teachers, 1 per annum. | i ' 0ST We leant Agent* ereri/tclterc. Send for sample and Agent's Package containing miniature-'/ae-aimife of pic ture, premium list, club headings, terms, etc. Sent free to any address. j JOHN* CAMERON & CO., ' ' > " Adrrrtisrr " office, London, Out. Slaughter j AND Tumbling IN DRY GOODS MILLIN E RY Down PRICES or NEW- AT D. McNAIR'S. - Terri/blo Sacrifice. ' C00DS SOLD AT ANY PRICE. Must be Cleared Out. Wc don't want to carry any of our stock into the new storey, which is .nearly completed. DtRESS goods, ..-. " ";\ . MILLINERY, woolkSt GOODS, . STAPLE GOODS, nil bo sold jnt astonishingly }.6\s Prices. XMAS IS COMING. CTTJ ST' O ^PE ^S 33, A Splebdid ^ssoHment Wedding Rings, Faaoy Gold Hinge, - Ou.ff Buttons, CO x o r- < Chains, Lffckots, Studs, Bracelets, etc, etc o 5 o Clocks: icturo of the culminating point in the ; BARGAINS FOR YOU,- " BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, from $1.00 jUpwards. Call and See Them,' Acton, Oct. 31, 1876. GEORGE HYNDS. St DRUGS, DRUGS. BirjriUns for Everybody. Our Millinery is first clasp. I t - Ml now and fashionable. Our Dress Ucods are just what is \ wanted Jor tho season. The latest patterns'and colors. i A largo stock of Staplo' and Fancy Dry Goods cheap. C. T. HILL, Hfill Street, ACTO>Qeatlemon's Fnrnlshiag' Goods ^ood and cheap. Jewelery, Jewelery. Rinjjs, Brooches, Chains, &c. Also a good stock of GROCERIES. : -a" "at 0. McHAIRS, ACTON. Call aud See our Goods aud Prices. 03SEBAX>IS1<' Draffs, Ohomlcals, Sye Stuffs, Patont'aad Proprietory UoOiclnos, Fancy and Toilot Soaps, Spongos, Bruthps. Papits, Oils and yarnlsiei, Fas:y and Huolsor fffioijs PT7KE "WINES AND LIQUbES for Hoiielual Purposos only. All goods warraptfjd of ^the best quality and at ten _.-"> Don't forget the place, Medicstl Hall, Mill street Acton, March t5, 1875- plcres. OUR FALL STOCK Of 1877. X5_A. B ': ' -' l|ooks, j Statjonery, Fancy Goods and Wall Pj|per. We have no reason to cpzupliiQ of dull times tot we are busy all the time. Our trade is increasing every hionth, because we buy fqr casl),>n4-.sel} |o'j cash, an4 %Wi4 los? by b>4;:4snt.i My Stock js full qf Qoo'ds and To'y^ for children, an4 iny }qw pnsfs brings Jotqf customers, Day has what you^antqnd. sells cheap, [ <f /Oreokiwy, Boots k Shoes, ..T Vail Paper, " ^ Vlnio-w Blinds, . Nails, &lass, Putty, Linseed 0U, r Paints, Turpentine; 7> v'Cpaim Salt, etc.? All of which will be sold low for cash. BOOTS and SHOES Selling Pff at cpst, Also agent for the ' RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. |3asll Tor Bides. Acton,.JJy 18, :1870. REMOVED! R- CREECH, - SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, JJaa removed one door west of bis old stap4> a"^ i8 no\y prepare4 to' Turn" out work; which for v , NSATNESS, CHEAPNESS AND ' . |TBABILITir ~ I' . " caijnqt b.e surpassed by. any hQuso .In th,e cpu'nty, ' ' ' Harness of all Kinds &WB per cent below Toronto Acton. Q. E. MOakOW : BOOT ANS gHOB STOSi: KENNLY & Hare just received theip FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHfii .The Bgst that overcame into Aq ton, for Price, Stylei.4od ttj^j^'.-. our cusTora wore: Will receive careful attention, and all work guaranteed to give at|wtfj(fc **" Repairing Done Neatly. "4 : pon't forget tha places- . ._' ..m t .. ;" . -. ^ ' ' ; ' " . ' i i ' f '.1' V \ ."- KENKEY "S S06T Acton, Sept. 19, 1876. - >.. ^V -' f. OlJ t D SljTI IuL AH^A:D.';';|: CHEAPER THAN EVtt AT ll'l' THE WEEKLY GLOBE." THE GLOBE PRINTING COM- PANY gratelully acbnpwldee the triumphantmciiessUnit hasattended the appearaneeof^lie Wieklv huoue in Its new and improved lorin. . TUe vast clr- oulntlon It has Bccuiedi onU the entlumi- ostic appmba^lan that combs from'nil section* of tho Dominion, ns Well n from 'numerous readeis Id Great Britain und the United Slates, leave no reason to doubt mattne publishers Have s,ucceetleU in. producing t . A 'W'eekly Journal of the Highest Class. But tho success achieved In tho post yew! only one other step In' the path ol advancement- In the coming year progress will bo mnile, and that or a char acter which must-give greatly Increased Interest and value to the paper. The series of Illustrated Biographies of prom'nent Public Men Ihut-bus mis year attracted fo-muohjittenUon will be con tinued daring Ihe QQmluif yont ana experienced writers.and engravers; but there will also h? added,'as totally new ures, portraits oj men distin guished In the early history of Canada, accompanied by Interesting histories of thtlr lives euid tt-mes. Sketchesol Cana dian Natural Sdenery. Views of the prin^pal Canadian cities and town@,.and views of the most notable Public Build ings of the Dominion, with copious let ter-press deseiipl'ons atuipbed lo each, skotobes of the early hlBtory of each place and of the various Industries now prosecuted by them.. Thpse-W'lll be care fully prepared for The Globs by first- class artists and writers, whoso services for the cbmlngf year have already been secured. - - over twenty thousand qf the subscrib ers of TttK Wepsly close are agricul turalists,-and tney will uljrgiadly learn tliatTirs Canada Farmer on 1st Janu ary next Is to be amnlgamated. with that iper under the title of The Weejcly be XkdCakasa Farugr. Tutb Fabmkr will cease to appear as a separate publication; its entire stall of editors, contributor"!, and correspor- dents will bo transferred to tbe Weekly Gix>nE; and the whole of.the valupblo bb- rlcult"ra] matter heretotore published in The Farmkb will. thereaKer appear in Tns weekly ulobk^ Tlds new attrac tion will alone bo worth to every/ntelli-: Sent farmer much more than his year's- subscription. The Department* of Ecclesiastical li\- teillEnnee, Science Notes, and Education al Allalrs, now so popular, will be main tained with Increased vigor. . The Department of Answers to Corres pondents, on every variety of subjects, which has.provcd so valuable and inter esting to crowds bl readers/will receive Increased attention and careful research, The Political and General: NeWB from all parts or the world np lothe latestmc*- ment of pi'.bllcatlpn the Parliamentary Dobales, Fedeml ,aod Provincial thp Market and Klnanototi Hjparts at Jjoran and ubidad and the Xetters of Special Oorreopondents from nil points of Interest Will continue to be colleoted and collated with all the care and energy-thnt has kept The Globe In the front rank of Canadian Journals for thlrty-fopr years past. - j .. The Literary nnd Ladles'.Department nndelr the care or special conductors, will bo fresh and racy. 1 no flrst-closs stories besides njlnor productions, will appeas dnrlns the year..... . ' \ ThH^nnnal siibscrjptlon to'Sita Week- liY GLuBE and Canada FXnMMii will re- main as herptorore only TWO DOIjLiAZ^^ PElt ANNUM, sent pn e ov i-ostaqk to all parts of Canada and the TJrlted Slates, payable Invariably In advance. The Club Kates for 1R77 will be ns follows; 6 copies and under 10. at the rate of $1.60 per copy. IS NOW COMPLETE. Call aud examine our Goods and Prices. Acton, Sept. 5, 1870 UNDEBTA JTBW FANCT BRBSS O00DS Stylish and Cheap. - NEW BLACK LUSTRES, .Extra value. ' r, I 1j;EW WINCEYS, 23 per centa.Ess than last yenrVprices, .'I ] White,'Scarlet, Grey and .fancy;FL&.SNEL?. ^ _. - '- -' " "".." Poarse TWEEDS and.35TOFFS. ' .- Y SoUands, TabJ^Ljusns, Towels, Towelljng. - v v..':4^- '. " Hosiery, Gloves, Crochetland KnittingCotti*-. . ~~" _ Jl^adies' and Gent's Collars and Tie*. - -: '. Laces, Edgings, Kibbons.Atx.lfcfc i.' A Fine Stock of Hats aad Caps .':'-' In all ihe Latest JL'nglish and American StyleB. Also a very good ; ' .-.--j Stock of General Gt. caries. Crockery & Glassware If yon.wish to Save lloney, don't faiTto call at G. M. SCOTT'S Next door to Gallosray Bro3.'3iikery, Jlill Street, Acton, Acton, Sept. 20th, 1876. " ' ' ^ r"ost JWo'nfl frapll ComJ 14fo ' sioo! Ijoanl H *nt #* ' GRAND. 1 HilGfE DISPLil CKAINE & BOK, As he'is doing bj}inpsSfprinpinally on the Cash System, he is prepared Jo sell cheap^ than ever. .'.:, . Qiyo him a calland be cpnyinced that this is thp right place. ; Junes, 1878, ?,. CBEEC Caskets The undersigned bega jeave to inform the peorile of Actori and rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent 131 JJ -A_ JEi/ > JU And is prepared to.attend and conduct Funeral3.on the ehortest notice and most moderate terms , Coffins, And all tfnda of Funeral-Furnishings kept in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. Hat Bands and Gloves suppliefl wihen required. Aotoni.Arug. 8, 1876. BOQK AMD ^OB TfRINTIIsfG to coplijg and under 20, at the tato of si..,, snppUed on the sh^tcsi possible notic6,4^S8*k*^ <?S &?**#* *^e*at. and wa,rant4 to givo-perfect satisfae- __ ____________:________^ ti* - : JOB PBLSfTIiycjpfallklndp ; neatly and promptly executed at the ICE, Next] the Post Ofllee, Mill Street. "~&u" FRQPTf.X^?SPPTBD A* I... i the raEE press: office si Robes, john speight; OF >iEW FULL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. r Our magnificent stock of new goods novf to hand,Joomphsmg all the Mff /} styles and v Mosi FasJiiorXa-fble Assortmeiit of Goods ift 5-1 Western Canada,. "J We'.hare been Very successful in buying,.and getting opened out, wh A :,_ /'upon lnspectionj'will be, We are s.nre, The CHe^pest Lot of Dry Goods in Canada "Vn fTlO T.CJrJlOC! largest,Boat X\J VXXKj J_ICIiI_L1C/0. and most extensive stock ot J3B E S S <3- O O i?S in tha, county, comprising all the new fiishionable colors, in seal oh>b^ navy blues, plum, prunes, and myrtle green Dress Goodg. Also Black I** tres, Pawmattes, Persian Cords, Repps, French Merinos, Wincertfcj Trimmings, Tassel Fringes, Cords, Buttons, <fec, to match all shades. V Woolen Goodsj ^^^'^S, Squares, Polka Jackefe, Hosiery, lores, &c, in U.the fasnionabto *^ andstylea, . Millinery, Mantles ThiB depirttnent is far ahead of all competition. We"iaT thls-aewQMJjl oiiredthf) services of a tir8t--class milliner from NewiYort. Wti*%^Si should not fail to see our millinery. Be sure and callteiore job bflTt- Mantles aod Shawls we have imported direct fromT the head C*w fashion, viz., London, Paris and New York. Nov si tie* in Flowere, ers/Wings, Velvets. Silks, <fec. : Ladies' and GhiM:ren's No where in- the country is such a display of Fursj in sablei *t*W -tt&tilyft5?. and;beavB>sette. Fur Jackets and 1?ur Caps in g**J" . jlen'B^ur.Cap^, FbF Gloves,' Fur: Mitts, Sleigh Bugs, Bnffiab B*S** cheaper than tlfe oheapest. ' - i - rj Ordered dothing. w0r^iSp best outter and turn outj the most "stylish and ba t fitting suits ml of the. Dominion, We have jiist received Jt splepdjd lot of ;Tweeds, whioh we are prepared to self at rook bo ;tom prices. Oa.11 our; stock; - It will pay yoii to do bo. No- trouble to show onTJ Reajdy.jnade Clothing, Men's and.Bojs' Overcoi.ts, UJsteraj.H Qvercoata, 3?J?s' ITouths' aid iMen's 5nitP, frarHnted'tfie ^^'pet, and', cheapest stock in Canada. '." i & Shawls 1 m ^Riast. ^.hen D' PL *asl Plant 1 with extra good, cheap goods in Cottehs.jbottt white andgwjfr Faiicy and Grey Elannels, ^BlankeU, Table lanen i, TiMJellings, *a. I iGarpets, iiFloor CM ^ CttofL, Rugs, MatUs^d Mattings, at etra low prices. t ^^ii** IBbots fe Shpea ^,^met^^ \Ve would sak a continuance of the patronage 4 liherally bestOf*T-s^ us, japd in return we guarantee to sell goods che her than ever. All i Sni m COB

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