Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1876, p. 2

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THE FRtiE PBESS pHE ' VCTOX fcttEK PRESS' 9iMished Every ThnisiKy ilormng, J. H HOOKING,-Proprietor. ' SI Per Annum in Advance JOl M MACK1M0 eoiton . ' ! i > TttCIWlVAY MoRNISl). pjov. 23, ?, >*f- The situation relatiiig to _ thn United SUtta Pretldentlal election remain*. Unchanged. It la not ex- pected-tlwit thcrcourit in Florida will be completed this 4ree. Inhere" is little or no cfyinge in the situation in tbt& State, pemlinj^ the arrival of returns. Nine bouutinji are yet to bo heard from. The 8i>ect-of affairs in the East, as depicted by despatches, is once more encouraging. A growing dis position appears to be ui.inife&ted ou all aides to promote the chances of peace, and the hopre> entertained The Defective BuslnVsH. If read in the light of tbo failure to secure the conviction of the WuiteeiUo immlercr, the following tvtmoks hyhis Honor Judge Bur^ ton, m the course, of his, charge to the grand jury at tho recent Kent assizes, may be regarded as specially applicable to this case. Sinco tlmt Sunday niglit, just three montliH j ago,*when poor old Mr. Whiteside j,wna so foully murdered, no evi dence has been secured by tho-d- tectives sufticicnt to warrant /the belief that thoy had got on tho trjick of the real culprit. And to this day the matter4s enshrouded in as deep a. mystery as it was then, although local constables and gov ernment deijeetiv es w ere quickly on the alert and apparently earnest in their eiidra\ors to ferret out clues J tho case they being only one day A pwtoral letter froiri the Popo0* denouncing Catholic Liberalism, | was road in Uio Roman Catholic- churohM of Ottawa on- Sunday. Tbo Town Clerk of Belleville gives notice of Ian application to_tho Ijooid Iiegwhtturo'fbr an Acb incor porating tbo towm as a city. A easo of homicido has TStcoitritTd atrSharbott Lako, nonr Kingston, by which a lodging house keepor last Iub life at tho bauds of a gang of rowdies. Tl.o lota of tho British gunboat, Lapwing, -off K)liefoo, and of tbo mail steamer, Windsor CaBtle, near Cape Town, is announced. No Uvea were lost. More researches into tho Mon treal sausage business has led to the fact that those bearing the name of chickelns are for the most part made up of calves, and as is often 4l0tus mean] Kind befoi^, ACTONi tlALTON COUNTY, ONT., NOVEMBER Tho Wcj* of Canadians; (.From Me Lonihm Adtitrtinrr.) At the close of the bommoroinl depression nearly twenty yoars ago, tbo pjrioe of 1011I ostato jin Canada fell t|) n vory low figuro.) Tho im- jjivon to {mining by tno vl P\bei*tal Conundrum.' A o<jr lain gentleman asked us not lot g since, why his daughter's boau wis like a sucooHsfal publication. "W e eonfoBsed our inability to answur such n weighty conundrum. Why , said no, ha ut (irst appeared as a war had raised the valuo of I iuout)ily, then as a weekly, then peyond what it bad over been ,Tbe war stopped suddenly. which might lead iction. Judge Burton's remarks seem so appropriate that we are constrained of the success of the Conference are i to quote them in this connection In.a long mter- Loftus tho Czar on -the increase, " view with Lord spoke strongly iu fnvor -of the con tinuance of peaceable relations with England. Tin key is. also moderat ing her attitude, anil now appears disposed to offer Enrope_gn.rautees fJ,r the execution of tbo reforms demanded of her, and grant auton omy to Bosnia and Herzegovina. was held last Icalfof th6-\Var the matter of The Railway Debentures. A special" meeting of the H ilton County Council Thursday, at the t den, to reconsider .."giving up the? boniis. debentures to tbe Hamilton and Noi th-western Railway -Company. The annexed 'letter, which had been received from the President of the Company," having been-read,4he question was briefly discussed, and it whs finally resolved that the Wjirden be iu structed to hand over the deben tures pn the completion of the ne. csssary.bonds. Jons YVvume, Esq,, WanLm of the " I have, on several occasions re cently, been painfully impressed with tbe difficulty that is thrown in the way of proper investigation and detection of ciimo ftom the al>- senco of a pioperly constituted do ttctive force; the ordinary con stabulary are in many cases, not only inefficient but in s-oirvo cases 1 hive bad reason to believe that thev were actually interesting them selves in defeating the ends of jus tice and in misleading the officers who w.010 investigating tbe_charge. The system, also, of lesoitiiig to the assistance of private detcctnes who are paid for seeming a conviction, is open to very sei ions objections ; however that system may answer in o)d<*r couutiies, it is quite un- ~8ulted t6 tbe state of things exist- inghere; these men so selected,are frequently peisons of no character^ and who- care little for the means by Inch they .secure a conviction, so long as it ls'ohtaiued, and even if they ffie not of the degraded class I lefer to, Iheybring to the difficult business in which they pro- Connty of Halton r * Deak Sis. I am tiie President of J fess to be experts, no trained- skill H-t-V W. Railway Co v. I admit to or knowledge, and ha vino laid down you, a* the Warden |<>{ the County of H.-Jton, that the amount which may be realized irom the sale of debentures given by a portion of the County of_ ifolton, in-aid of the'construction of the said Kailway, to the amount of $6o,C00, u agplitd /MV-rJte ou the mileage ot tire said railway v thrv*L.^h the coautj of tialten. under the vi.nincate of the enginetr; and, I assure jou tbat the cuinpany will only demand from the trustees the proper pr> purtiou of tbe sa_d pro-rata amount [itr mile between Hamilton and Georgetown, and we will not ak for any port'on of tbe proper I pn-raia. soni per niile betueen George- t^>m a&d the town luie between the chanties of Halton and Peel, until tint ' po-tion of tbe railway is. under conatrnc- t-on nd we are properK entitled to oe cure- it. I also undertake, on behalf of th; company, that the treasurer of the county of Halton shall have the privi lege of pnyinj; cash for the orerdue de- bentiucs and conpeos, and he shall also b^ entitled to exercise this right of pur- chpkng debentures to tbe amount of - $25,000 at the time of opening the ten ders, and the price shall be the price irhich may be feahzed by the company or tfce residue of the debentures, such price and accruing interest to be paid vwrtban thirty days after notice. 'Ad I farther undertake, on behalf of Jthe company, to py to you at the tune of delivery of the debentures tbe sum of 3400 for and ton ards tbe pa\ - ment of expenses incurred by you in op posing the application for a mandamus ~Tot the payment of the debentures to the Trustees. Yonrs triily, Josit STtw iBT, President. Hamilton, 16th Nov.,"1376. The foregoing letter and a per-j aonal bond by the construction' company, that the road would be ready for trains from Hamilton to Georgetown on "or before the 1st day of 31ay 1877, were tbe terms on which tbe county^ of Halton Bonus was paid over to tbe Trustees. Th~e Warden and Treasurer went to HamrLon on , Friday the 17th inst., and pid over tp the trustees $61,500 in debentures not yt due, and in casb $13,055 for $3^500 of tbe debentures and 9,555-of inter est coupons over doe. Tbe Whitby Gazette in discussing tbe " pay np" question, suggests as tbe bst plan to adopt? " that as the farmer can and- does get cash down for almost everything that be produces, be should pay (or every thing as be buys it. Farraei-s paj your debts, and you will confer a great favor on tbe poor mechanic, and-prove a blessing to CanadaTfor introducing a true and popular&ys t&ni of trade. The news fiorn Madras Piesiden- cy*^ gives room for hope that the threatening famine will be averted, rain having fallen in time to do some good. In Bombay the pros pects are still gloomy, actual fam kfe appearing p-ob-able in two pr t^ree disti icts, -aiid great^distress in f^ur-ar five moie. A Reform Contention, to choose a-candidate for the representation of CurdwdU in the House of Com moos, rendered vacant by the de cease of the Hon, J. Hillyard Cam eron, will he held at Oiangeville on tbe 29th inst a theory of their ovv n, they become unconsciously bi ised in its favor, Und endepvor to procure evidence in support of what they have con vinced themselves to be the facts In this conviction I cdnnot help re ferring to a most objectionnble practice which the sheriffs of some countries have pei initted of al low inj; their detectives access to the cells, where they listen to tbe conversvtjon of prisoners and pro fess afterwards to give the purport of such conversation; I dure not trust myself to condemn in the terms I would feel justified in do mg, practices so contrary to one's idea of British justiccf" The judge, therefore, is conipellerl to scrutinize with the greatest care, the evidence procured hj these men, an anxious duty at all times and under any encumstauces, but rendered "infi nitejy more so When from either of the causes to which I ha^e referred, he is compelled to regard with bus picion and distrust the evidence th-78 furnished by parties, _whose sole object should be to arriv* at the truth, keeping their mindsfree from bias and prejudice, and upon whom the courts ought to feel that thev should safelv rely. Tbe men s Iterd for this delicate and difficult pu-ition should not only be persons of good character but men of experience and ability, and the expenditure of a few hundred dollars' in each county, to secure the services of such men would, in i tbe end. Be an actual saving to the municipality; when any crime occurs tbe parties ulanly interested either fall into the bands of tbe harpies I have mentioned, who aie just as likely to be bought off by the accused as to secnie their conviction, or, if tbo services of a respectable officer is secured, it is generally so lonV after tbe -] occurrence of the crime that the vestiges -which would, if noted at the time, have been ample to secure a conviction, are lost, the result be ing, either that innocent pai ties-are canvicted upon false testimony, or that tbe county is put to an annual expense which would have more than paid the services of a skilled and responsible officer ; with Itbe additional unsatisfactory result that theTiccused, about whose guilt there could be scaicely a moral doubt, and from the insufficiency of tbe evidence, is acquitted. There is too mucb reason to fear that tbe / parties concerned in a most attroci- ous minder committed in an adjoin ing county, remain unconvicted from tbese causes, the Government J officials ba\ in<* appeared upon tbe scene at a time when it was difficult to obtain reliable evidence ; bjut that case disclosed a state of things which is mast disgraceful td the community in which we live. If cume is to be prevented, the true remedy is to be sought in destroy ing those infamous dens of iniquity in which it is propagated. Preven tion, accoiding to the old adage, is better than cuie. old. It is said there is a manufac tory of this kind not far distant, where a calf enters in at one door and cornea out as (jhe eo called chicken sausages at another. The pisition of Chief Guard and Deputy Chief Guaid bavo been abolished at the Central Prison, and an officer, to bo known ns the Dep uty Warden, has been created in lieu thereof. This position was offered to Mr. Matthew Logan, at present. Chief of Police for the city of Hamilton, and bo has acceptod it and will enter ujion tho discharge of his duties on the 24th niit. The Milton Champion sivs an epizootic l^as broken out in tho northern part of London Township, amongst the hort>es of a most pecu liar character. It is bad enough to havo politicians of a most pecu liar cbaracterT but when the hoise, man's noblest and beat ft tend, ac quires such a reputation, it is high time some dreadful epizootic carried them off and made room for bonest- er equities. Scspected Fort. Plat Since tho inquest upon tho body of George Saunders, found in a cattle- guard of the H. & N. W. R R., near Hamilton, suspicions of foul play have arisen, pointing in the direction of two brothers, John and | Wtlliafn Stewart, and one Daniel Fletcher, who bavo been arrested, j Tbe authorities claim that circum stantial evidence, such as mnking threats, following the tfeceased (who was a County Constajjle), &c, can be produced. The Weather. Says tl e Montreal Witivsg : The question now naturally atises, ' What are our prospects this year for Christ mas and 2sew Year's times V This we have referred to Mr. "Vennor, who last year as early as October, foretold with considerable accuracy ourt 1st of January weather. Mr Vennor, however, it appears, has not yet bad time to arrange bis notes so as Co come to any definite conclusions } but the following is a portion of his reply s We will not, at any rate, have a ^reen Christmas and New Year I expect our winter will shoitly come on abriyit- ly, and that we shall have deep snew almost fi'om the outset. I expect real old fashioned winter; but I have MnpressiortB favorable to an early spring. But more ugain. Fatal AccirEKT On Monday last, Mr. Alexander Brown, who lived at the east end of Milton, was found Tying beside a fence on bis farm, with a rail across his breast, ot the same time' an era of railway construction enmo to an end. Millions of English capital bad loen spent on the construction of the Grand Trunk, and tho im porting irndo had been stimulated to a wonderful degrees The col lapse is yot very distinctly retnern- beivik Real estate iit country and city could not be sold atnny prico. Town plots that had been divided up ar*l sokl at high prices in build ing luts'weio thrown back on tbe vendors' hands, and farms tli opped below their noimal value. Duiing two or three years Canada has been going through n! somewhat similar exporienco. The Amorican war and the United States policy had ktiiuulated prices )u Canada. Railway construction kvitb Eng lish capital had been I enormous. Tbe millions brought in, and ex pended on new railways and for steol puis for the old ones footed up an immense sum. Then came tho collapse, | when railway building cease 1, a(id the panic in |tbo United Suites h'ul brought luetchandist' of nil sruts down to biinkiupt prices inj that country. .Tho Yan kees jvero no longer good |CiistouiPi a, and there was no natural demanu at-homoi for our pioduct1?. With all the elements to create geneml depression, it may be ques tioned if our condition has been as bad us lepreeentcd. Ceitainly there were l.tboiers in some of the cities \v;ho coiild not got vyork at then chosen trades. There havp also been many failures in the meicantile line. But there has been no de crease in tbe value of real estate. To day, near tbo close of the "bald times," tho vulue of farm property is lugher in Ontuuo than it ever bus beon before sinco the country was settled. Farms that could be bought in 1871 for $5,000 stands iti tbe mai ket to day for 8,- 000. Land that is too jfar away from the site of a posubleivillage oi town to be bought for a speculative purpose, or for anything else than ordinary agriculture, is fieely Eold foi 100 an acre. In m iny locali ties sales aro made for $120 and $130 an -ucrej and there are hun dreds of Inrnis valued at 510,OoO the hundred icrcs thut the ovv nets do not care to sell at any figure The depression does not extend to the fanners. There aro no forced sides and no shrinkage of values. A good deal of tho hard times is only upon paper. Political writers', have made it their business to paint tbo woes of the country, that they might have an excuse to attack the Government, which they hold responsible for every man's succei-s. A more unfair thing could not be done. JTifty blacksmiths might take it into their heads to build shops and commence business in the village of Hjde Paik, each one bunging on the ground his stock of tools, iron -and coal. By n:> pos sibility could there be work enough for nil of them, and some must very soon shut up shop. Had forty-nine of them gone into farming, or mar ket-gardening, while the remaining one prosecuted bis woik at the forge, all would have been prosper ou8. i But no Government could interfere to limit their free action. On the same principle, if theio are dully,and now wo have a.n extra dnl Sunday. Fire in Milton. Botweda tbteo aud four o'clock on Sundry motning Mis. J. Bastedo wis awakened by smoke in her rooti, and soon discovered thut it ennio from Mr. McNiiir's Btoio'j next doer. Tho ahum was immediately giv<n by her son, and a number of the neighbors wero promptly "on ban J On the door being burst-open,1 the store was found to bo full of den io smoke and flumes. The town fi -o engine (which consists of tbo neor est pump, a iovv of men and some buckets) was put into operatioi, and tho fiio extinguished. Tlie only thing that Baved the block A buildings, was that Mr. McNair's storo is new, aud tho doois, Iwbich are almost air tight, weto all bin t, so that theiiio could not gain'much hendvvay for Want Of air. It had evidently been -smouldering fir somo time, as the stock was entii ly destroyed. It was insured $000, a day or tlvo before. Tj loss would amount to something mpro than that. Mr. McNair w is spending the niglit in Hornby, and did not ktiovv of it till next day. Cluimpioi}. Isaac Snyder, W*KF*. Loilgo wilfbo hcl AUCTION ALE8. . Friday, Dec. 1st Farm stock and implements, on tbe premises of ""* "' lot 7, 4th con. Erin. G. Gibbs, Auotioneer. ;h* Farm stock and Tuesday, Dec. C implements, ^n the premises of lot 6, 3d con. Erin. W. Hodgkinfeon, Auctioneer. [Parties gettinj; sale hills printed at tho Fkek Piieas office, may have a no- tioo similar to tbe|abovo fre of Charge. J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tODGE M. No. 321, Tho Regular Ijfoomg of he above 1 in'tKo Masonic Hally Acton, on Mbndiy, Nov. 37th, at 7:30 p.m. , |J0H,N ROSS, See. m 1876. CliiistiY. Henderson "VTUFFLERJLOST. Iat between Acton ond Silver! Crook, on Thursday evening, 0th inst , a largo Brown fluffier. Any person returning it to tjho Free Press office will lie suitably rewarded. Aotou, Nov. H 1876 -A.O07ODNr this Week offer Decided Bargains l * able Gcods-r for le Who is tho laziest man? Tl furniture dealer; he keeps chuijrs aud lounges about all tho time. A'Geoigiii man is suins anotb for pulling his nose The latter thought it looked ripe enough to ]>ick. Look at the Scotch Tweed fpr 50c per yard at Dickson &. McNab's If you want millinety, don't fail to hcp Mrs McNair's hai(d- Bome stock very chop. A good serv iceable overcokt for 8(J at Dickson &. MoNab'e. Millinery For stylish Mill cry n,t moderate pnce,call on Christfe, Henderson k Co , Acton. Entire sat1 faction guarintcid and no fancy pnejes liliargud. Ladies remember this. G illoway Bros, "ive 100 llis of bread for 100 lbs. of Hour. Chit istm is goods arriv ing dai] y. Groceries, Loufcctionery, frmts, jams, jellies, pickles, canned goods, sauc hob of all kinds, boiitj, ttc., cheip, at Secord Bros. \ For good te i c ikes and butis go to Gallovvaj's Bros , Acton Bikcrj Heavy daik gie} Fulled Clo ,h at 40c per jard at Dickoon &. McXab a. Bros make the best bread in the county, Giv e them a ca :1. Heav) Ulster Overcoats made to order for$S.00 at Dicksoft & McNab T>ERKSIIIIiE ItOAB. 1'he pure bred Berkshire Boarr "Acton Prince,"! will bo kept for ser vice on the premises of the undersigned, ndjoining this village. Terms $1.00, to- be paid at tunc ol service, j C. S. SMITH. Acton, Nov. 15, IS7C. sauceJ3, c., very in an unconscious condition, and he ' five mei chants in 'London to sell died shortly "after being conveyed to bis house. It is supposed that he wa^fcliinbing over tbe fence, and fell from the top of it, pulling over grave ! one of the uprights acioss his breast ' as he fell, and that he had lain there for several hours before be was found by his nephew, Mr. A. Speirs. Dr. Freeman, who was in attendance, pronounced his death the resuk of concussion of the brain. Sir. Brown was an old and lespect- ed resident of this neighborhood, and bis bereaved relations have the sympathies of the community. Champion, A Peculiar Case. At tbe sit tings of tbe Division Court, St Marys, held on Tuesday, a case was tnecLjvhich may be of some interest to the mercantile community. Mr. Henry E WJlson, merchant, sued Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer, widow, for the l ecovery |of an account of $77 the goods that one could bandlo with ease, the weakest will loose money and eventually fail. The mercantile bankruptcies have been due to the fact that Canada had too many merchants, and quite a pro poition of them aie trying1 to do more business tuan their' capital and range of cusfcomei s would per mit. The evil is correcting itself, just as the redundency of .black smiths would be collected. We cannot admit that any Gov ernment is charged with the work of standing betw een individuals and the legitimate result of those indi viduals' blunders When there are no more mei chants than the coun- 1 tiy requires, and those in trade are satisfied to do business prudently, there will be no more tales of bankruptcy. Whon manufacturers aie limited to the demand, and peopje only try to "produce those for groceries fu.nished toTer-family hrtl,Ies *,ab aln be Producfd hf,re foi the use of herself and family, | ^fjTIJ ". "I'J^ffL^ L.^! -" 0,dr Home Companion and Canadian TeaebrB is the title of a neatly printed Monthly' Magazine, I published by tbt\Companion. Pub lishing Co.. .London. It contains a large amouiit<of! Valuable infoYma- "tfbp for '"teayhers and others, and should be supported by every bjonsev takt ""Three large islands off tbe coast of Bengal; containing a population of 340,000, submerged by tbe waYe of the'3lBt October, over two thirds of the inhabitants losirfg their lives. An outbtesk of cbojera was hourly expected, owing to the imiasma iiom tbe nutrefying bodies. ily 4tnd which goods were consumed in defendant's house. TheKroutlds' of defence were thut the defendijnt did not* purchase the goods ; that her son1 Hugh was the party who pot-chased them and was responsible for payment. Tbe plantiff produc ed his books in which the goods were charged to Mrs'. E. Spencer. The defendant produced tbe bills or slips rendered at the time of each purchase; and the bill of first pur chase being made out in the follow- manner: "Mr. Hugh- Spencer : I Bought of Henry E. Wilson;" tbe Judge held that this -bill was the one on which the case rested, and that the defendant was not respon-1 sible. The plaintiff showed thai although the bill at ;the time 01 purchase, was made out ,to Hugh Spencer or any other remoter of tbe family who may have maf the purchases, tbe goods -were charged at the time of each r urchase in both day-book and lecger, to Mrs. E. Spencer. - The plaii itiff was nonsuited. St. Marys Journal. calls upon tun government to create a tictitionR market will cease. Men "Will eventually turn their attention to tbe business that paye the best profit, and it is both unpatriotic and cruel to keep tbem fiqm follow ing the natural course, by holding forth hopes that thet Government will reverse nature's law by a vote in Parliament. niRTii. In Acton, on the 12th inst., the wi|fo of Mr. Thos. Brunt; a son. UtRRIFD. On 1st Nov. at the residence of the bride's father, by tbo Rev. Mr. Alexn|i der, of Norval, Mr. David Brockleban teacher, Horniry, son of Mr. Tow nl< y Brocklebank, Walton, to Misb Mary (!. . How son, iifth daughter of Mr. llichardl Howson, (f Esquesmg, Co. of Halton DIED. In Acton, on the 21st inst., the w^fe of Mr Thos. Brunt, aged :29 years. ACTON JIAIiKETS, . 82 50 to 2 \o Flour White Wheat . New Fall Wheat . Spring Wheat. Glasgow . New Spring Wheat Barley ... Barley, No. 2 .. Oats Peas Appl03 Onions Potitoes, per bag Butter . Eggs Turkeys .. Geese Ducks 1 00 to O fO 1 00 to 1 )5 1 00 to 1 )5 1 00 to 1 04 0 55 toO 0 68 to 0 t0 0 38 to 0 10 0 d"> toO !8 0 40 to 0 r0 1 00 to 0 < )0 0 CO to 0 io 0 17 to 0 S) 0 14 toO 15 0 00 to 0 po 0 05 to ( -. Bpps' Cocoa Grateful and Coil FonTf\a "By a thorough knowledge of tho natnral laws which govern tlie operations of digestion and nntntio l, and by a careful application of the fine iropprties of well selected cocoa, M|r. with a delicately flavored beverage propp Epps has provided our breakfast tab! w hich may save us many heavy doctoi s' bills. It is by the jndicious use of sui h ortioles of diet that a constitution mi y begradually built up until Btrongenouj h to resist every pendency to diseas!. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floatn ,g around us ready to attack wherev ;r there is a weak point. We may csca] ie many a fatal shaft by keeping oiyselv ;i well fortified with pure blood and a pr j. perly nourished frame." Civil Servvpe Gavttf. Sold only in packets laboled- "James Errs &, Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, aad 170, Piccadilly, London." THOS. RUSSELL & SON, Watdimal'erg, Liverpool, Having determined to sell out their Canadian business previous to their opening a Jobbing House in England, have instructed their agent, G. D. Pringle, OF GUELPH, To offer for sale tbe whole of the stock of ItUfeSELL. Men's Overcoat* froru $5.00 up. Men's Shirts and Drawers from 5fic up,' Men's Stoga Buots from $200 up Ladies' Fur Sets from $3.00 up, jLtudies' Dress Goods frdm 12c u Blankets, white, per pair from $3". Blankets, grey, per pair from $1.7J5 up.. "Winceys, extra vajue. ALL WOOL FACTORY FLANN * Extra heavy. A nesr lot cheaper than ever. J- Watches, , Clocks and Jeweleryj SB At a special discount of 25. per cent' commencing on t Monday November STtli, And continue until the whole stock is sold. Aa Auction win bo aeli every Saturday Eveainj. G..D. PEINGLE Will contiiino lrasiness and the ies' glouds in great variety and very oita.p| immense variety, in all the leading pfyles and colors c' fancy-prices for Millinery. Ladies, remember this in. Sir Ladies' Mautles in Sfiock aud Made to Orderl FULL CLOTH AND HEAVY CANADIAN TWEEW At Decided Bargains. (pREY AND SCARLET FL^XNiJLS] In great variety, I * *! t '- [t.j C|APS FOR ME^r, CAPS FOR totTTHS, AND CAPS FpR BjOT^I Yon can rely on Jsivin Money'by bnying your Winter) . CHRISTIE, HENDERSON $ No Reasonable Offer Refused, fhis is a bona-Me cheap Bale. ., aii A ' man named George Wilson, who resides a few miles from Acton, fell into bad company in Guelph last Monday, ana was rather roughly handled. E^e was knocked down and robbed about 11 o'clock at/night. Pata^Aocident. Mr. (Alex. Brown, living in Milton, lost his life on Monday of last week by fall ing from the top of a fence be vas ol/iiibing over, causing conoussion of the brain. Mr. Brown was an old, and respected resident of that neighborhood, and hia bereaved relations have the sympathies of tbe community. Attend te Your Head and Ha r Don't Delay Using This. Wood's Improved Ilnlr Bcstoratl' c Is unlike any other, aud has no eqvfl .1. The Improved has new vegetable ton o properties; retoresgrey hair toaglosiy natural color; rpstores faded, dry, ban b and falling hair; restore", dresses, gly is vigor to the hair; restores hair to prem i- turely bald heads; removes dnndrmT, h l- mors, soaljy eruptions; removes lrr)i a tlon, Itching nnd ecaly drynees. gl o article provincessuoh wonderful effects Try it. call for""Wood's Iroproved Holr 1 Restorative, and don't be put off wit h any other article. Bold by a 1 druggists In this place and dealers evorywhers. Trade supplied at miiB'ifaoturera'prlo 'S by C. A. Cook a Co* Chicago, Bole Agen <s for tbe United States and Canadas, ax d by Lymajt Bros, a Co., Toronto. ^ A CARD. To a'l suflerlng fromvtt e nrroraand liudlFcretions of youth,nervoi is weakness, early decay. |oss of mnitbco I, 40., I will'send a recipe that will oui e you. FBKE OF OHA.HQE, This gfei t remedy was discovered by a mlsslooaiy In South Anirlca. Send a Helf-addressf d. evelope to the Rev. Joseph T. IkkUj r, Station O, Bib<e House, New York City] i -:3 UU- ~~*2 ^ra^s&sS'.iK Guelph, Nov. (jr. D. PEINGLE, 20, 187C. LAID IBS Save your Carpets and make [ yovu: rooms warm by get- tinsr the ^>-A.'Xf-ESXTT FELTING ^-A.^EJE, I ff^v^t,^Miii5'B| imeniber that Famous 50o TeM be sold within three months. ' ' ' *s Which still maintains the lead against all competitiojii. ph>jV fail** j eecure a 5 or 10 lb. lot. ' ~} 3" Terms Casu and Sm^I 'ppofits. T^r Acton, Nov. 14. 1876. CIIEISTIE, HENDERSON & C& Good* froi |j CO, 1 r*' f M. STEWART &l COI Will Remove For gping below your carpets. A large and oheAp stock at ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On-the East side if Wyndham'Stree^ GUpUPH. T 1 To their " V -:4 / r -34 EW PREMISES Upper Wyndham Street, NEXT WEEK. '( <; K not 'ye effect: yard. J~Tlie F| . The tbVbJ Quinl MrJ Ml past- favor mera. | merca| of twe! ^willhJ -atriotll Saner ness. An Ac Mr. | Plow o. oven Werl \Pt m '-i

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