Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1876, p. 4

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aeeeasis er a1'. . What Dime Novell? IH<1. 0e night a policeman of Oiiahn, 1Nb',-found ^at, the telegrepli ofliee It boy crying. - "jrtts name *'as Tho- m*B Darkin. "Ho had-Tua iway frofnftept York to seek bis for tune, The 'fortune h*d not been found, I . ^hd/penmless, he had telegw phd i e. \w, *" pome for money, Hd was wuting whrt.M hwhwt of |ot-an *!%(*. Itcauioinan ardir valoa ttU Wl)W i<y arrest arid send hip home.. Tits the story as told "by the Opiaha It seems the boy, who is alight yonth, had, according .to liis own istory, been accustomed hi read dime ixoyeis and sensational stories during, his leisure-time in-his father's store, and, beooming fajcihated wis! i -the thrilling adven tnrers therein j mph :"4caUy ! described,, he ^determined ^o start out in the wortdjin qu est of 7 jportune and adventure. * -"- ' Pe left Home wtthforiy-fvi-jj dol iars in nioney/& portion of wh oh he Jiad- paid onP for Railroad fan*, and .' ibe remainder! wai stolen fivi 1 him in the cars in lowak On his arrival 3r (Omaha, e. found himself dead broke, . r _Th\iB far he | hadV had; cjdveiv ^-iiires enough to suit'liim, ai,d W- jOoming convinced ;that the ictual ' experience of these things is not us pleasant as it is to. read about .-them lb "print, he concluded to tetum .bime. He therefore ^pawnid his spvohrer, with.which he had armed Jiimself, for two dollars and a half, 'ftnd^uscd ihe' money to .'.telegraph Jiooie.: ' Tommy read -trash and ' w is led - astray. . Jle was fortunate ii get-; ting arrested before he had wander ed off beyond recovery. The moral is very .clear. Keep poisonous r^fcding out of the family. JL Curious. Wedding. " An1 American paper says ".:. A.' poveT marriage ceremony W2S per>, formed at Washington, a.feu days a^o, by ^"a Unitarian clerjyuian from Boston." The bride was the third daughter of Mr. S. P. Irawn, ia handsomely dressed, .of conrse, and, eq**llyr of course, "looked pretty and fjrightifned.^ -The noom was Samuel L. - Matijpgly, and' the unnamed clergyman ,was '-'pompons in manner and faltering in speech." HefBung out the namepof Samuel while-reading t?i?r marriage uertifi. tei Se aflJeryfaiTjs asked for two rings, and, turning hip back upon bride and-groom, held aringiu each band,.and called upon, the-coinpih io witness that .there -svere two f HE FREE PRESS, A9T0F;,HAfcTOK OOTJHTI, ONT., NOVEMBER :~:y-' Geios of Thought, Flattery ia.n-8Q& of. ba<J .mone^y to which our vanity" girea currency. . A sJuuderous tongue will Ui jutitely dajimge jits gosseaaor worjbr than its victim, j, -, , \j He v. l couaecratca-himsolf t4 all thej*by elev pursuits, I We jnust,ro>* with the- oai^a we have, and, sa we cannot order the wind we aiv obliged to Rail with, must tufee tlu> wind that cornea. It costs its more to be j miserable than would inko us perfectly" hap. py. How cheap ani easy is the service of-virtu*, and !ho\v dear do; we'|>ay for onr vices, Tlie rareRt and most fragrant blossiitfls unfold their beauty only in *tho bo.-,oiu -of the night; so many-of the richest and most price less blessings of our lives are borne to us under the. wings of shadowed sorrow.. , My faith is, that ihore ib a far greiittT'amount pf l-evelatiori given to guide each man by the princi ples laid down in tks Bible, by conscience and by jiroviden'ce, thaft most men urn of. It is pot the light which is dett'cliyij,it is aii eye to see it/ i -1..' j God forbid that tlie search after truth." should"'/ho discouraged for foar of its twnseq'fu'rities! Thecon- seijuonees ( may be subver sive of systeaHS of.8vii>er8tition, but they never can be injurious to the Tr|E OAW SYSTEM !.-">.' -'. fortes Woniera beyond all Antloip&tions,. A.iC >if*:ia^ 411 Goods Reduced from 10 to 4 per cent on Credit Prices, i ; Below we give a few of our present prices, shoAv- )ng a striking comparison between tlie old Credit Prices and the new Cash System Prices. We nave ot room to quote all the Goods w liondle here but we have given most of the principaf articles in tljfe trade. All other goods are being slaugh tered |n the same manner, and our patrons: will recognize the fact at a glance that it has been our aim in marking down our goods to mf ike a genuine reduction on everything that itis possible to reduce.; We respeclfnlly invite nil persons tojparticipate in {he henefits of this grerit reduction, i '--. Record bbos. rights or wtal-fuunded expeotaUons of tlie human race! ' - 'The sweetest and most signal re venge to ihfliet'upop enemies who sett to belittle our labprs or under estimate our abilities^ is to do every- . + , -, ~, -. m * thing well, to lead irreprMchable iBest [doHar] Gunpowder Tea f "ivesj to earn popular confidence ( Medium Gunpowder. Tea Tea apan 5ea "* .-, . thesubsorlber desires to thank his numerous cash ouj^efmers for the liberal manner in which they have supported him in c irrying out iho JBeody Pay way of doing business. Wheal.pOA? m,etieedx)n the Cash1."!* Trade Systepi and 8 per cep't discount ' for casb, 'I had to compete agairvst the credit trade of our vtl Inge, hut today I am pleased to say we are all doing busiueBs on the only right principle, that is ready Since the trade of our village is now. done on the Cast] System, .continue Riving discount for cash .on and after 1st] Oct., and reduce pay. I will dis- Our ;r agnificent slock oi new" good's now to hand, eofiiprisioar alt tki ' " we.j " ' : ' Vi .i! klOSt Fasliiohable Assortment jot CroodsSi all my goods in price to the strictly oaBh My customers will always find my stock icompleto arocertes, Oroolcoty, Qlassvaro, Wsil Paper, Ewtlcxiei-y, PxoviBlonB, &o Best [dollar] Hyson Tea .. ,' .. Medium Hyson Tea .,.:.. Splendid Hyson Tea, Ijettef. Meteor OLD| CKEBIT JUICES. "> ^- 90 NEW CAi FIUCESV S 80 and -resjMct, lo.^eschew all but laud- j B^t. Japn T able" undertii^ings, to tat,cc^d ipl--' ,, . ' every act and labor. Success is'j the iiiont'i-ffKCtnal reproach to envy, malice ajnd untriendliuess. j riiunysrrafs. The reason some people pnt"kjn airs is, because they have nothing else to put on. ," ; An. Irish judge-said, when ad dressing a prisoner1^ " You are to be hanged, and I hope it will prove a warning to you." " They say money's cheap now," muttered an honest-lookirig-laborer. " Well, "jJerhups it is, but it costs a deal of hard work to get'i little." Priests-Js"ow tell me, I>oola.n, Good Vapau Tea _ _ Tolerable Japan Tea ': Last piqk Japan T*a ' Bek Black Tea ,, ""-. .... . ... Good Black Tea '...-. -': Medium Black Tea - ..'. Best i&mber Syrup \.:.,: Best GW^en ^Syrnp BestN^.ii white wiheryinegar Ueat xkx Pickling Viaegar , Oat Meal^sjnsll lots, per lb^ . Pot Barley ... .. : .... Lamp .Chimneys, large ..:.. a . rin^s; they were round, whiqh-was . sywrliolmal bf th4marriagfe. Then e? i,-,, , -. j ^ it m.- j- informed the guests thit the rin&u *" f-^Tl ~ ,? y9 *? toIamI,Glu,nney8' "e41? ^*fiold-anothe^piece ojf vato-1 ^-ch*.P^ P"t_Well now, shnre *ble information; no base metal this timet/ Afters the rings were snffi jaently eologized, he wheeled i round i pud addressed the t^erublinj; pair, and told the groom tj> pat one ring ria tSe-hride's finger, and she; must rjjat the- other on xjxb gentleman'^ ^nger, and both repeat, "With this ring I thee wed.J' ' After a prayer^ Jje announced that the deed', was ilone, and fSiat 2^r.', apd Mrs! Sam- pel Mattingly were prepared jto re ceive "'.jtheV feUc^itjpjaa- lot j tlieir friends, - JSrery pne said,: they never Saw of h^ard of such a-cere- ruosy Jjefpfej apd, no doubt, the: minister intended to" produce that impression. ' r . ( I i-4 . n fl A Permanent name T(i have a home whichamuhas ~fiunaelf ' reared jor purchased a borne which he thas imprbved or J i>eautififcd^a home, indeed, which, ; with honest pride and natural love, he calls his own is an additional security for any man's virtue. ^uck a home he leaves^ with're- ^ffr^'it he gladly returns. jThere he finds innocent and satisfying pleasure. ,.. There,his wifeand little px}gs aj-tr-happv arid saie, find there Jji^best^ffeQtioss centre and .grow ^Q--'stidhia'pair, as time advances, the abode of their early and middle Jife,".whence perhaps they have all . departed, becomes'sogstantjy more 4e*r ; for-it is cow a spenp of pleas-' . ant memofles^rtjbeiied.istvrb-xi 4e- ^lining yean i. Ji"or can this j ciqdly Influence wholly fail ?a long us ihe 4ear objects of that family .severe-; ^aih a place in the tnjemory, con- pected, as"they inseparably are, with jhxnighte of 'a father's .couiipil,' a, ' pi others tenderness, a sister's pirri- fj, acd a brother's love. self, I tell George dear mother is coming, and then I see nothing of -him until .one in the morning." " I wish you would pay "a little attention to what I am saying, sir,"; roared].* lawyer at an exasperating witness. " I am paying as' little as J.^n,"l was the calm reply.- . #' ?b-y don't yonr father take a neWBJpaper 1" said a gentlemen to -a little | urchin, whom he caught in the act of pilfering one from "his doorjstep. <: "'Cause he" sends me to take it" " Small thanks to yon,-" said a petulent plaintiff to one of his wit nesses, "for what you said in this case." "Ah, sir," replied the wit-, ness. j " but just think' of what I ". .' Svuitded Lfke^asinejks. He wanted her but she" woii d not . giyi;hef cotvsent"until he hacl con- S atHted her parents. - .^- - . So he went into the roooj -vhere pbey were, and modestly -staUd the * i , | '= "And yos leaily -think: yon love "Tier eqpqgb to: manly her J" sa :d the father, after her had finished. . "Ob, yes, sir," said tfee yoitb in . fervent eagerness, "I love her with all my life, ^he is my guiding star^ the worshipped object of my .B.very Jboagbt, everyi-hope, every aspira tion." H stood there with clisped -Jiands, bis face radujnt yiti Ithe Btreugth of hia deyotipn.. !Ehere was a moment of pause, and! then 4 he mother 'softly, asked : ~ 'fWt^i do yon thiiik of th^ old pianf s- - 1 **That sounds like busineal, old iroman," replied the satisfied fi ther, And cq it. was frranged that the J&Wgbter a^Quld. accept her an tor. u s: r use to vaccinate for amall-pox," Siid a jjftckwe^smah; -'for I had a child vaopinated, and in less than a week softer be &H out of a window and A# oiHl tejl .yerl riy'rence the trtrth. Fabt, j g9 as .often I can avoid,' A.cute yo.ung wife says sv.VWhen" I want a nice snug day myr. Best ./odd's Soap three bars Best Benson's Laundry Starch Best Corn Starch Best-Brown Soap, per bar didn't say J" , Caution To Farmers, r An exchange- cautions farmers,against a.swindle which is thtis described : " A farmer in Homer", -by the name of Erastu's Brooks, has been; swin-' died out of 750. Two men! called- upon him, apd sougbtto seUjoim a half interest in a -fanning mill. He declined to purchase. They then requested' him to lend his in fluence lo induce-a neighbor to pur chase^ Ho was to give his note fdr the amount." This ,ws to be shown -theineigbbor, and,: after he had, by jts uuStience been 'led to buy the othV half -interest for $750, his was to be returned to him, and witli it $10,0 as a bonus for his trou-r bte.- He has not seen tjie parties since. They raised the money qn his note, and he la out hi3 bonus, and Bas heavV obligations to meet wjben it becomslfue. Strange it is tfiat any one shoald be. misled by such a scheme of. fraud/' '. S Best new Currants .-, Best old Currants: .. Best: Turkish Prunes, new BestjLayer Baisink ,., Best Valencia Raisins ... S . .f 'Mixed Pickles, bottlesj j. Mixed Pickles,'largest size Mustard, per lb. .,. - ,, Best Jiava Coffee," extra choice Good Java Coffee """' ,.. . Far* ,/aya Coffee ,,, ,, .. Best pni ground Pepper ' ,,. ,,, - ,., Brooms, extra1 heavy - ,,. ... .,, ... Brooms, medium ,,, .^ .-. ... Brooms, light ... ... ... ,.. Soda, baking ... ... .,, ... ,,, Soda, in five pound boxes Set best white granite Tea ware, 44 pieces ,, Set of China Tea ware, 44 pieces ... ... One'dozen white granite Cups and Saucers ... One; dozen white granite Dinner Plates, largest Set white granite Toilet ware, nine .pieces ... One dcaen Knives and Forks ... ,,,.., One dozen Knives and Forks: ... ... -. ... James* best No. 1 AVhito Lead ... ,...-.' Gold medal White Lead '... ... ... All other Goods in our store reduced accordingly, GO 50 50 45 80 65 5D 35 80 70 GO 50 50 40 25 15 15 12* 80- 60 50 50 40 1 00 85 80 70 50 40 40 35 5 4 6 5 12 J 10 10 8 12* ! 10 15 13 .12* 11 25 - ' 23 Q n 8 . -5 10 - 7 ' 15 iO J 12i 1 n 25 20 ^0 35 ao ?25 . *o ^5 i 35 .30 30 - 25 25 20 40 35. . 35 25 25 20 10 ' S 10 6 3 50 ;S 85 5 50 14 00 1 25 1 15 1 $5 1 15 3 50 2 75 3 50 3 00 3 00 . 2 60 3 00 8 40 2 50 , 2 35 CASI1 FOR PIIOPUCE. Specialties kept in Season. Sausages, pinnin lladdies, {Oysters; &6. Acton, Bopt. 18, 18TQ. JAMES MATTHEV^S. Coiiveynncer, Issuer of Tlarrin^e Licen|ses, <tc THE 'NEW DOMINION j ? BOOT i -. AND SHOE KENNEY ^ figures. - STORE. sor^i Have just receivedV their ;ylo and (Quality. . LiQtnD Cemkot. Gnt gum-shel lac in 70 per cent of alcohol; put it in vials, and it is re tdy for use. Apply it to the'broken dish with a feathej. and hold it in a spirit lamp as long as it will simmer ;-then join' together evenfy, and, when cold,it wfll break in another pl^Te firstj and is .is strong as new. . To Keep Butteb Sweet. A. friend, assures "us that his wife;al ways !ieeps butter sweet or re- moyes ran,cid taste and odor from it by neans of charcoal packed in the vessel with it. She cats smooth sticks! it f charcoal, and, after wash- ling th} dust from them, shoves them through -the butter perpen dicularly, allowing themtp remain in the vessels until the batter is consum ed. Fresh butter wilj never become rancid if thus packed^-while rancid butter will soon become as sweet is ever.} Tbia may be a valuable Trint io those who make butter selj. i ' i ... The! igbt of way between George town a nd Barrie for the Bh &, N^ W, R.- is "now being .surveyed. ; Who would buy on Credit when j they can get goods at such astonishing Prices. . SBC0HDBROS. . Acidn,ept 14,1S76, t OUR FMjL STI OF OK SAN0S IS NOW OOWPUETE, FALL STOCK OF BOOTS fiND SHOES, The Bast that ever come into Acton, for Prji OUR. CUSYOEI IV01VK Will receive oaref ii attention, and all work guaranteed to jgive satisaction jks-Repairing Done Neatly, r^a Don't forget the place-r- -Hala, Surest, Nest Soar to Agney's Acton, Sept. 19, <, 4 HUBE A-3 FOR BAPwGAIITS, 1 ' ' _______ l. . . -- S'SriLL, AHEjAD. CHEARER THAN AT mm gEW ffANOT. iBESS MODS Stylish and Cheap. NBW BLACBi LUSTRES,".Extra value. NJiW WJNCEYS, 23 per cent less than hart Vear's prices. White, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy'FLANNELS. Jpoarse TWEEDS and ETOFF& . i " Hollands, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling. j Factory and Bleached CO'lTONS. ". . . lt I - Hosiery, Gloves, Crbchel. and Knitting Cotton I . . -v Ladies' *nd Gent's dollars and Ties. ; Iace^st Edgings, A Pin Stock of Hats In all the Latest English and American Also a very goo^ Stock of (Jehend Groceries, Crockerly & Glassware ' If you vflsh io 'Snve Money, don't fail to call at " - ^ ^SCOTT'S Cr. M. Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, Acton, fJept. 2o|h, 1876 UNDERTAKING. Wena! Tie Westein Canada, c been very sucbesqful in buying aod getting opan^4 emL w&*;-.% Upon inspection; will be,^ spre, ^rff*"^-^-. - .-f,. - -^XWM*' Cheapest Lot of Dry Goods in Caaaft a We will show the and icAst exiensire m tocVfig^ To the Liadi65S. inthe coijnty, .comprising; all the new fashionable colors, in -nl 'tiiiilS^""': navy! bjues, plamj prunes,:and_myrtle green DressGobds. Alsomi^y?3fe^ tres, Parnmattes,; Persian Cords, Kepps, French Merinos,Hsinceii!^^ - ^ Trimmings, Tassel Fringes, Cords, Buttons, &c., tc match siii5d&^^^-S |7oolfe ^obd^ ^kfast01^^^^ Squares, Tolka Jackets, -Hosiery, Gloves,J&c, in all theJfanhin^j^*fSM" ^ and styles, '~-r.':~ \. . - i'" ' ' -| : " ."' :^^KjSr 3 T1' cur! 8hould|not failto:see our miUiuery. - Be sure and gall before yog Mantlea'and Shawls we have imported direct fjodi the;head _, .fashion,-vii., London, Paris and New York. 'Novelties in Fiowert ers, Wings, Yeive^. ijlksj &ci ..." 7 ' . i and' Childr^D's Xo where in the country is such a display of. Furs, in-sable, ritteji lynx" and beaver'-setts.U Fur Jackets and Fur Caps in n.tI?iv!--.' iten'te ifurCaps, Fur Gloves, For ^MittB,~aeigh^gogs^ Bn^olStobifcagMffi-^- eheapei'than the jCheapefit.; jV - -: T^3^^?s:v': .1 )+ :, iv-a-llothfe.large^^^JS ____xOrdered_OotluBfcieaiiKs! best butter and tarn out. the most stylish and besfl fitting suits' nvtba^ ~*^ ^ of the I Dominion. We have.-just received a splendj.1 lbt of '" a TweajdR, which we are prepared to^sell at rock bottotn prices^: ;CUI tpek. It will'pay you to do wso.-'No t: uble to show ou* Ulstew, 'HudsoS f-made Clothing. Men's and Bojs'. Overcoa ., . ___i______ lokts, Boys' Youths' and lien's-Suiti, srarranted the largest.! Jplog .'assortment - i HoteL EY-'&'SON'] EVER m .iibbooB, &c, &c. and Caps Styles. Mill Street, Acton. The undersigned begs, leave to inform the people i ' coundinu neighborhood that he has procurod \ magnificent And'is prepai Andjall kinds Hot Aflton, Ang. 8, 1.376.* d to attend and conduct Funeralsn the shortest notice' j and most moderate terms.' Coffins, Burial ^.obes, of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, Ynd supplied on'the i, . j ; j. shortest notice. Bands EWjid: (Jlovea supplied whei required. JOHN SPEIGH't. Call and examlae our Goods sad JPjrlecs; iAotoni S0pti-'$; i?76, Iobab^&son. B00KE j A|MD 501^ PRINTING THE PROMPTJ.Y EXlpptrT^p 4T FEEE PRESS *iQ2*3& oP Abton and -to,-' onr Read Over- and cheapest stock in Capada ur Staple DepaIti3leilt1,** with j extra good, cheap goods; in Cottons, both white and grey, Fancy and Grey .Flannel?, Blankets, Table Lipens, Towellings, c. 7;:;ij.'?ssii arpets, Moor Oil ^jfK- Itugs,rMatts and-TVTat tings, at extra low pricea. 'j *.: oot$ & dhoes: A ch^ - - -^m4 W'lp Would ssk a contihuTincect the patronagelso liberally bestoireii^^^K us, Sjpd in return we gjisranteae to aell goods cheaper than ever, i .: --^Stfe: & '"e-all^ Oct. 3, T876. - '. 2iAMM(>TH SOUSE, GSOdOMkiS0lfffM '-fi'^j'"^ iJ,ii=j-jrSt-"g3rjj >t- GBBAT op Hy*m msm >. GOODS AND IL0TH1 preparsLtory to we: sdoya^. ,v. .:.-'.--C%!K-f- 8$mwMRT?w-0sm K;*?j5fe Oujr entire stock of Dry Goods and Clothing it now offered rej_ Cost, to reduce stock before removing to our new premises, noy.| building. >JXhe public may re: "'"'x I Best and Cheapest Bargains ever - bflere(i^WI WJ&TSAr OECOICB oo^s :C 1 leap eti than Old Bankrupt Stock at Ualfprioai Cheap becadse. goods wanted Cheap,' bebauke Fresh and New. THE ST00E 1CT7ST, WILL AiTD. SftAXJi r- :-.a But we are aware howj)erplexing it is for honest people to j tisement8 here and elsewhere. Who'll talk the loudest brag the most seems to be the maxim of each. ;Bn| an intelligent pPublio know well that) isfioddy. -, Goods are dear at Half-pric We giTe a few quotations o: t.OOO yards of Dress Gopds,--former prices, I cents-^-reduaed to 10.J15 and 20 ailka reduoed to 5T. cents. Grenadines to 10 cents, and Plain Linen to .10 cts. "arasoltfrtfin 15 oehtsv"y-.r , Hack and Colored LurfreB\ from ! " .' i-'/-'-y Itriped Jtriped Jtriped -^ --" -"^ f.--1 mm T "t '. -tfall t -TaiJ&i *l ' -"Ui " jujHoo'-al toauy I FJAxt the mij . tlon sa m Flour af said antf :i>ail. ir llogpah D m .l;-vi ------- WJ( r * i;i-.a ^rr W^ > ftinii lace Gur White. 0oti Steaw un Hats from S1^ Cashmere jackets front,{ Linen Suits from tlf8ttl-t;H|-^^ Table iine.nB, Bed Quilis,; Table Napkins, Sh^^gat^WM*^^ ""' ling wijl be offered at striking^ price*I_ .-y -j "Ki^aS Colored Shirting from 10 cents. & lot df Woolen Tweeds jtm0 ^ $ 1.00 to 60 cents. Colored and White Dress Shirts froa*,'^^ A /0B-LOT of LADIES XrafDBRCLOTHmGto he^AGRTB^ m *^ This Sale is no Clap Trap. *r Seduced Prices' atust Be fjadi/w ii u OFFICE I -3S5saiiaeCT--*5... Guelpb, Jun6 ,$ JJTfi. WlLLTASf teTEWAfilL*^ n J1 :1. :% M mm Y~

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