Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1876, p. 3

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um \" I lent O If i: > ::;:- ft. , XND&4 n lOSE 41- 1 - ,y. xre. THI^G >ait. :clTAB, .1 iOODS: its jg M the ' -I : roods in rflatj-^rhKAil-}/ largest, finest, ire stock o ;( Iin'aeal" browns*, j - Hao-HIekI*- trf- .lWjn*eysY:**-|'|. Jl shade* > le ***** ionabie eolw* ftbJs season . j'i 1*0* bay. :^5 1 Furs. , gnat i^i lot **& V, ETodson BfJ- -j rT v___vkite. udgroyi Ac Wni** .*> : I ibetwe4^>P0,, Co s f_ * HI) FREE P$ES&, ACTOff, i HALTOtf 00OTTY, ^janm tiik taiik. f Trains tea ve Acton aa follow* j <!OI!*0 '*1BT. , - Warning Mail - ' - 9.i0a.m. DyBxpre*s - 2.00 p.m. Kxprcw Stir*! . }fi$M Kxpre*s "obiNO KAST. Kight Express Mixed. : Dy Express . ,- Mad- _ Hired Act** Caaavll. Coanoy met Thursday evening, SGth ^ilt. Present, the:-Rem and Messrs. Christie, Secord "and Smith; n i- . **'hc finance committee rcitortcd the 7:15 p,m; \ follow<g accounts with a rccomiuehda. 12:40 a.m" I ton that they be paid, vie t Alex. Mo- 3:.t7Fa.m. ; 9:t0ia.m. ll:S5ja.m. .VlT'p.m. 10:05 p.m. 10C*1 MATTERS. /- _Muddy roads. . .". Tbanksigivinjr today. Service* in-the several cfigrcaea. . Special roligious jseTricea ar Wing held nearly *vcry night in the basement of tho Methodist Church. "------And now w are having a pell of regular old-fashioned hazy In* dian iiioimer. " The Srinirersary of gunpowder ' plot, Xcivember 5th, will be celebrated 5>y the Orangemen of Guelph, by attend- -f'ing atrrice at St George'a Church on 'that day, in a body. i } Mr. Henry Stinglp, the popular host of the Ontario House, Kassagawe. ye, returned from the Centennial Exhi- Vation 4 few day* ago, very much grati* fied with the visit. r-^ltfr; ^lex. "VValdie, ."of Acton, bas parchasedfrom-Mr. F. 'Vf. Stone, jot Gnelph, the pore Bate*' bull calf Duke of Kent^ eight ntha old, got by Tho Lislowel Btmnttr cotues to 3d Duke 'of S|*injrwpoa, dam the im-^ .fejanil considerably enlarged and printed i -: ported cow -SalUna "tk, for $300. A nwe fresh "stock of fine jewdery* watches and clocks,- has just been received by Mr. George. Hynda,. which,' added to-bis previous assort- . ment, makes a very handsome display. -He" keeps a good dasa f-= Jewelery and tils cheap. The dry goods merchants of Gnelph hare t^solretl to close their stores at six o'clock each evening except Saturdays, during the- winter, com. meocing this week. How aboot' early closing in Acton ? Nine 'or ten b'clocki seems to be. the general practice here. : The contract for tho carpenter! woik otihe new Congregational Church was let last week to Mr. John Cameron. of Acton. The brick work lis proceed ing rapidly nmler the- contract of! Messrs. Cl^k * Cadwell. They expect) to have the walls completed in about ; ten days. . - .".'.. '-_-' i : - to of J2.50-for cutting tliistits Thos.. Campbell's of 92.20. for lodging and meals to" tramps," on the order of tho-tjeeve; 8. Zimmerman's of 9292.25 for grading treota anid making aide- walks. On motion of Mr. Christie, too- ondod by Mr. Smith, the above ao- counts were ordered to bo paiiL No other business was done. . Tho Council then adjourned till Thursday, 30th inst. s' ' aarsleal a^raUsa. . For a number of years past a fleshy tumor has boon growing upon the hip of Mr. John Sprawl, who resides on the 2d line of Eaquesing, a few miles below Acton, and it became so cumbersome thst ho- finally resolved to havi itcut off. On Monday, Dra. Freeman, and Cosford, of Georgetown, and Dr. McGar- vin, of Acton, proceeded to the resk dence of Mr. Sprowl, an<S nftcriconsul- tation it was decided to proceed with the operation without the use of chloro form or other narcotic, When cut off tho tumor was found to weigh 4} pounds, measuring several inches "in length. Mr. Sprowl, who is about 65 years of age, .underwent the operation .without a murmur. Ho was no doubt highly gratified at being so successfully relieved of the Cumbersome -protrusion. in eight-page form, partly from new- type; This increase in size u required' in order to keep pace with the rapid growth of the town. It is only soma eighteen yo-irs since the place where Listowel stands was an almost unbroken forest, and it is now one of our most flourishing towns, with a population of nearly 3,000. We must Congratulate the publishers of the Banner on their success. ' . >j THE t GKRAND OF THE .o. EXHIBITION SEASON. to announce to the inhabitants of Aoton that he will hold his <irarxd ANNIJ AL EXHIBITION SALE OF Silks, Dress Goods, Bnawls, Mantles. THAT WONDEFrUL MAN. !'| i^t arrive frwir Great; Di^alhaBd^^ J0H)6T HOaO & S01T, TXppeffWyadliai^ street, Gi{icilpbf are tae fegressivo Cea ti the ttz&i and ont S^n^i^Hf'T^JS'J'^.^&^^^'^^^^'fi'."!"1? batileaxMjirthlgn'priee'r >.d wilwlli dnorantcrt our prices lower; *h 13nFn;~^Vnrtnrw"Jown^ A-m* trm ' variety 1* lrambnso,tho^iualUy of voods Ir Wondorful, the prions mituzlngly encap. I\/I A niostooniplote nMortment'of Ng*" Autumn; Kali und- Ivinter uoixls will be prVi- __1XL sented toj IntendlhK purehascrl tltot will cull forth surprise and admiration. We and surrounding country .. .. jgdln* purehascri lat \tl eijlforth surprise "and aa'mlraUon.~ 'We \..t^,YJ^t^ "S?^ Y*"1^"^U *f- ^u'cksVifTi'/^eoTsMy^ma'iK' for ^i will mention a few deparUhentsHhat cannot bo ttpproaebed in.OufelMi.- Sf1"^ Sffi' J$Ui?."2?,,}jM?'Kt *2et' ^t**-^'"-"t i&l"? 2W?> palls rfJZuZll BnekCuats ajjj >rl djtWWHhm^nT, Itw^woe.l siil^BtjOper-^'t-ex^l/nf^l^? i-B. Pi?* week bemreany.^owieot, p/an '^^M^dS^A?^^^^^ advance, |: These goods are o rilarVel'of exceHense of quality cheapness, : samaprlcs*. weow-ran x<v) lent overc/ut at S-CuoSh-as nli iir'ii?/vJS Millinery and . Galloway Bros, make the best bread in the county.. Give them a call. Fresh Oysters, -Huddle1, Bloat ers, Sausage, and Bologna Sausage, kept ou hand at the Post Office Store, AcKm. '/I',. For good'tea, cukes innd buns go to Galloway's Bros.-; Acton Bakery. - They;smell it in Erin, They hear of it in KeUon, They talk of it in Eramtisa, They Iwy. it and drink it in all those places, as vpell as t'reorgetown, Milton, } Guei^ih, alid many, other places, and ' they are not happy if they ^an't get it. j is decid. 1 ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION. Our Stock on this occasion will be one of the finest ever offered, for sale in Guelph. The various departments will preiint varied attractions, while our prices will place the Very Best Goods Within the Beach of AH. For prices and other particulars we must refer to circulars mid band bills now being circulated. | -19* We will make it an object for people to deal with us during the wiek of tho Central Exhibition. ; A. O. BUCHAM. rashlonnblB West Bnd Dress, HUllnery and Manilo Rstabllshment. Ouelph, Uetober 1. 1876V FALL SHOW OF CLOTHING. Stragers visiting the Central Fair nt Guelph should should make it ar point to call and see the immense stock of s^s* ^ss^s> ^^aH, atj^sL^tj^akMt^ Him and |,riut;, . v.-.. - say tlluttlip loaning c olorf of every , ,. -----tweed1! ;sn at least 25 per cenu- material at' IHC' rtt t suvibg :^i '"PoclHlly call aitentloh tbttte newest pradtierhms now In nse for laid The Oroll, the Clcllllnn HitOhring, the artttwIlk-ssoCtolH, ArmenlftftF These mnto'lals aro til stpresi nt on anow^add In the lt-aJlng ooiors Tti f iftriifin TirAw rt>rtwrf.oar8tocl ' simviy<>nniens, iK-Tfr'..3 -Mre-Bo vrOOae- vailed Jn oolori,.styles, maier I PTloP[thHt nolilea cafr bd con veyed of t*b brauiy and richness of!,.' Suffice mattrlBl In to be hod atour store " la use for lac ArmenlhtrSt ..... Ulng ooiors and shades. 1owjH< In Ladies' Jackets aticf Jacket Cloth^^f/t'S presentert-t-MaUalas'a Jacket Cloth, Boar, Seal eloth,-Venetian dlothJ In all tre oentth) shadesofbrown,green, navy blue;aquilineblue-ebUrnrlngffoods forladld'dresses ^.... and costumes. : i | -., r-. MillinerT-- Onr! .Tnrlrota are a novelty, to Delialr, and every lady intending ti? iisn a fihe>t'nh(frat>n tasteful andSiir prifef 6tT T*"6^1 U"'Attumnd Fall, sboufd call and'ox^mihe Varlgrf SK M ., and sew ***.-* uim near jur pricec. ; . . ^. \ .. would llkn to procure thu. very riewftt m veltlen. jtVUs flrt A. iVr.VTiiV-;i \ "k, RKflWlB -J1" oh'awls we haVo a tremendous slockylhe variety It large. Kii2 *ffltIned.DJ' <*<2K >*'P>ce of buxlness. 'We ofler this Flf touiinnilb OnaWlB.r the stjles new the prices ehea,r, tfie qdttlJiyr excellent, and*^ ^."fe'^ ?f<,T,^,ciBU'ck * """"y 3n/IHtp! Drew Good^>, CarWis. R^flyCmad^ pWasoro to have aniOpportunlty of snowlnffsucHnl.S goods, \ ', -. PJltfl1* r-M*t JI abry^ *q_ evorprwenied to tnfr section, our pi le. s are d^n t r^tt Gaiiets^arpets;-^^ ff iS^sHs.^2%^- SS ^S^^^^ ooiors and resigns of our stock of carpels will bo'dlffldult to'eqnul prices a nd long piofks. j*f*' THE GASH SYSTE Works "Wonders beyond all Anticipations, All Goods Reduced, from 10 to 40 pe^" cent i on Credit Pribes. AT TUK OKEAT offerwl in Acton: or anywhere else, If is an 80 cent tei. Try it and you will buy it. '. _.: dillotray'Tit0a.'give 100 lbs. Philadelnhia, starbng tc-dav4, was taken1 3^,^ ij^^' n,..u'(K) cent Tea__________ advantage of by quite a number from lly the-greatcst bargain. in teas ever; : Acton and vicinity. Amongst others, . we noticed in the party Dr. McGar- vin, Keeve; Jainei Matthews, postmas- 'ter,_Thoa- Chrbtie,- merchant, Henrj! r. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Camej ron. _ - " i - The building operations in f.TJutlnfc. <iurihg the.season just closing are'figured ap by the Daily UeralA at shout $360,000. Last year's work; amounted to about: $250,000. It ia doubtful if-anothertown in the Domia| ' - ion og exhibit a state of progress any thing jiear as great as (inelpb. The rnpnlati^ii is now nearly sufficient for a city corporation, >nd it is altogether likely that another year's growth will fetch jiupito the ffi.OOO-standard. i The social at the residence of Mr. Jaases' Ryder,- last Friday evening' was attended by nearly 150 people, li was a very, enjoyable affair. The proi ceeds, JorJie benefit of the Congrega; tionalChnrch baildnig fund, amounted to about 922. v Abptber social, for the same object, will be given at the resi- deace'.of Mr. Christopher Swackham. merf near Churehhili, oa Friday even ing of next week. We say, go and be- happy, . ' : '._". of bread for 100 lbs. of Hour. Esqncsinz Tounshlp Council. Tbe Council met at Stowarttown on Monday, Oct. lb', pursuant to , adjourn ment. The Ileeve in the chair. All the members present. The minutes of the last Oieeting read and ^arahrmod. - On motion of; Mr. Warren, 'seconded by Mt. Lindsay, Jeayo was granted to iutrodhce a by-^w to appropriate the Municipal Loanmoney. It was read a first, second and third times and passed withithe blank filled up with the sura of *7J209.23 for the Hamilton and North Western Ilailway, and tho sum of $5,- 175.8J ceuts for the Credit -Valley Hail- way. ^ A/'compUnjentary supper wm "giren to Mr. Geo. Hynds,- Setir., at Agoew's hotel, on the eve of his depar ture front Acton. Quite a large nnmj ber of invited friends were present, and a very ^agreeable evening was spent; with toast, song and sentiment. Major Allan occupied the' chair in his usual 'happy manner. Mr. Hynda has resid ed in* Acton a number of years and hai a host of friends, who- regret his depar tare. He is removing to Orangeville. flsureylas. / We- would call the attention.of all parties interested, that James Warren, P.L.S., will be about-Acton for a short thne. Any orders left with Wm. Allan, "Esq., or at the Post Office; will be, at tended to.. '" sUasUsk. . -.* The Georgetown Herald.says the job \<rf repairing the hai on lot 25, 10th line of Esqnesin^, has been let to Messrs] Joseph TboanpaonV Wm. McClure and . Wm. Hoare, the sum ct $40 being grant ed by the commissioners tberefor. Craager's Ball. ' The Herald is informed that the Grangers about Oleawilliams are erect-- ing a hall for their own use near the: vrsrn line between Esqnes'mg and Chin j gaaeottsy, on lot No. 23. The-building wiD. be bailt-of brick," supplied by Mr.! John B. Fraser. '/ *he Base Btrtt-Caui plsntt. f The judiciary committee of the Cana dian Base Ball Association : met lssl Week in Hamilton, and decided that the Tectunsehs, of London, "were' entitled to tbe championship, that club having made the best record during the season of 1876. The records of ganies wen. .entered . from the following: clnbs Maple Leafs, of Guelph; Tecumsehs of London ; St. rLawrence, of Kingston, and Standards, of Hamilton. | ^The-fcefebratod' Euhber- andi Enamel Piiat, all ready nnxed and "' oyfoTjha brush, in-all clo, just *eevedaSecord Bro* ^ ELEPHANT CLOTHINGr STORE, No. 31 Lo-wer "Wyndliam Street, Guelph. 1 OVERqOATS A SPECIALTY. "Se* Hats d: Caps^ and Gents' Fnrnlshlng Goods, to ' i. . Beautiful Goods. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, Guelph, Oct. 2, 1876. _ It was'moved by Mr. WHggleaworth that the'surplusmoney granted to the Tawnahip of Esqueaing from the Muni cipal Loan Fund be divided equally l>e- tween the Credit. Valley and Hamilton S. 5Jdrth WcLtern, Jlailways,. each. re ceivirig half, which was lost. ( Moved by Mr. McKnery, *econdel by Mr. Lindsay, that $5 bo grajiteil t< Jerentiah Kentner for building1 culvert on the* town>linej between Erin awl Es- qnesing, Erin-having raid a similar -sum; also $10 to Kichard Anthony, commissioner, for repairing road on the 0th line.: Carried. i Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Warren7 that a committee con'iist- ingof Messrs. McEpery and Wriggles- worth be appointed to examine the cul vert on the 10th line, lot 24 and devise tbe best means of repairing the same. Carried. Oft motion of Mr. Warren, .seconded by Mr. Lindsay, leave was granted to introduce a by-law to assess the Town ship of Esquesing for the current year, and said by-law was read the first, sec ond and third times'aud passed, and the blank filled up with a rate of five mills in the dollar.- . MoVed by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, leave was granted to in troduce a by-law to appoint collectors of, rates for the current year. Said by law #as read the firsfc second and third times and passed. - -. Moved by Mr. Laidlaw, seconded by Mr. Warren, leave was granted to in troduce a by-law to assess School Sec tion No. 11 for school purposes for the current year. Said by-law was read the first, .second and third times and passed. The Council then adjourned until Friday, 10 th Nov. David B. Boyd, editor of the Lncknow Sentinel, dropped dead from heart disease while teaching a daw in tbe Methodist Sunday school last Sunday afternoon, i HTJBPwAH FOE, BARGAINS. ! STILL AHEAD, OHEAPER THAN EVER Below we give a few of our present prices, show ing a striking comparison between the old Credit Price,s and the new Cash System Prices.- We hate not ri>wii to quote all the Goods -we handle tiere* but we have given most of the principal articles in the trade. All other goods are being slaugh tered in the same manner, ^nd our patrons will recognize the fact at a glance ithat it has been oar aim !n marking down our goods to make a genuine reduction on everything that it is possible to reduce. We respectfully invite all persons to participate in the benefits of this great reduction. ' ~n . . ' - j SEC0RD feROfe, al&.^^i^"'^?*"!*^ * : JOHN HOGG & SOW, : Alrna BTocfc,, (Tppef Wyndnam.gti-eet, Gtielpli. Pp OFFICE CASH STORE, AUCTION SALES. 'Wednesday; Nov. 8th, sal* of horses/ thoroufihbred and grade cattle, and Leicester sheep, on the premises of MrJ Wm. Walbie, lot 28, 1st eon. ^Eaq.ues*ing. Wm. Hemstreet, Auc- : tioneer. " Triday, Nov. 10th, at the Railroad Hotel, Rockwood, a quantity of household furniture, also a cow and sulky, W-m. Hemstreet, auctioneer, Tuesday, Nov. 14th, sale of Durham1 and Grade Cattle, Horses and Fartn Implements, on the premises of Mr. Thos. Easton, lot No. 27, 5th Nassa- gaweya, W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. Thursday, Nov. 16"th> an extensive sale of live stock, farm -implements,- ; household furniture, grain, . hay, . straw, roots, etc., on tbe preraises of ' Messrs. Slxsseb A Aussjutdsb, Lot 26,:.4th-con.' Esgitiesing. "Geo, Gibbs, auctioneei}. i [Parties getting sale bills printed at the Fntt Pbms oflice, may have a no- tica similar to the above free of charge. J 1TSTW 7A2T07 DBBS3 GOODS Stylish-and Cheap. NEW BLACK LUSTBBS, Bxtra value. NUW WINCEYS, 25;per cent usss than last yearns prices. White, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy FLANNELS. Coarse TWEED3 and ETOFFS. ; HolUnds; Table Linens, Towels, Towelling. Factory and Blrached CO'ITONS. " Hosiery, Gloves, Crochet and Knitting Cotton Ladies' and Gent's Collars and Ties. Laces, Edgings, KibbohB, &'c, &c A Fine Stock iof Hats and Gaps ^ In alllthe Latest JErnglisriand American Styles. Also a very" good Stock of General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware If you wish to Save Money, doitft fall to call at G. M: SCOTT'S 1 ^Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, Mill Street, Acton. Acton, Sept. 20th, 1876. ____ , OUR FALL STOCK OV \18 NOW COMPLETE. iB6: Best [dolliir}"Hyson Tea ,. . : Medium Hyson Tea -, Splendid Hyson Tea, bettjef than Meteor Best [dollar] Gunpoy/der ilea ;y/ <t Medium Gunpowder Tea ; V.- <t Best Japan Tea" ... ... ,. Medium. Vapnn Tea .. j .. .. Good Japan Tea -. i*. Tolerable Japan Tea .1 Last pick Japan Tea ... Best Black Tea .. .. Good Black Tea ' . .' Medium Black Tea '-.. ' . Best Amber Syrup Best Golden Syrup ... Best No. 1 -white wine Vinegar Bent XXX' Pickling Vinegar. -. Oat Meal, small lots, per lb. Pot Barley .. .. v . Lamp Chimneys, large ... Lamp Chimneys, medium : . Best Benson'g Laundry Starch Best Cdrn Starch '..-..' Best BrownSoap, per barT [ Best Jiidd's Soap three bars Best new Currants .. Best old Currants _.: ,. Best Turkish Pr.anes, new Best Layer xXaiains ..-' . Best Valencia Haifeirm Miked Pickles, bottles .." Miked Pickles, largest silie Mustard, per lb. j- ,. Best Java Coffee, extra choice! Good Java Coffee ,. fare Java Coffee "'} Be8t.pnre ground Pepper Brooms, extra heavy .,. '.".. . ...' ~ .*< Brooms, medium . ,.<\ ...~- .. BroomB, light ,v.' . v..-: .... ... ... Soda, bating ... '..-..' f:*.-. ... Soda, in five pound boiea!- *>.. - ... ... Set best white granite Tea-|war|, 44 pieces Set of 0hina Tea Ware, 44 pieces. ... , One dozen white granite Cups and Saucers .., Gnedozon white gtaftlte Dinner Platest largest Set white granite Toilet ware,!nine pieces ... and Forks ,,. ... . . One do^en Knives i One dozen Knives i Jameu' best No. 1 white Lead Gold tne"dal White Lead and Forks; OtD CftfiOlTj SfiW CA8tf PRICES. 1 PRICED. 90 S 80 '60 50 . 50 45 801 65 60 - . 35 80 70 60 50 50 : 40 25 - . ' 15 15 12J--- 80 ; -!5flf.-- ' 50 50 " 40' , 1 00 V85 80 -J, to . 6V ' 40 40 35 5 4 6 5 : ' 12i " ' 10 10 8' 12*. "10 IS'"-' 13 12i .11 ! ; 29. 23 o ,n 8 : 5 10 7 18 m. 10 n 25 20 60 -35 30 r 28 40. 35 35 30 30_ 25 25"" 20 40 35 35 25, '-- 96 ... 20 10 8 ' -f 10 6 . "/ a 50 2 88 e so ,* " oov 1 29' 1 15 -"' 1 25 ,: , 1 15 3 50 2 75 3 50 3 00 3 00 ' .2 60 . f 3 00 2 40 2 50 2 35 Since I he Thes^MCHber deai^to chank his numerOdrs easll cilsfoniers for the fieera I manner^m which they have supported him in carrying out the - Beady Pay way.of-dothg business. Whe* 1 coBa- mencedpntbtfOaflhor Trade Systen* and 8 per cent discount - . .: ^ against the credit trade of our vir<- - | >' Iage,l)Ut to day I arr> pleasesr to say we are alF . doing business oh the only fi'gbt principle, thai is ready paV Ihe-tradeof ourvillage is how ,lone oil the Cash SvstOm, I w^lf dlir. coatmtre giving drscbant for'ctwb on and after 1st Oct., and re^Sotf all my gooda-m price to thei strictly casb figures-t iTT My customers wilt always find my stock complet* "-' j f .;" *ftpeir,.fayoae^> ^vUliii, |fc - j . . j^cAsii foe peoduceT^W 1/ ' : [ j Speomlffles-kaptin-SeaBoni,' Sausager, Fmnan: Hadolea, Oysters,]&&;^ JAMES MATTHJEWS.i f Aetob. fepu .M, lBTOv ;. Licensea, {f, .f'.'{THE IEW BOMIlSflOJT BOOT AM& S^E' STSBeI 8c SON ...... .' p." Save jUsfreeTve4.'tIieurT"' OF BOOTlnJli) SHfE^ The 6ost that OVOfcarneinto Aoton,. for Price^ StyleVand Quality, -j OtJR CUSTOM JirdRE i -,. -\ . WUl receive careful attention, and all work gu>ranUed to* give satfeacfl^n ^ arRepairing Done IVeatly.-a _.p"- IWn't forget the place-i - v., ."' -"". ^V ": Acton, Sept, 19,1876^ ; yI , NDERTAKING. Too klhrferslgpGd begs leave to inform the people of ,Actoft and sor? rounding neighborhood that ha has procured a njagnificent' And Is prepared to attend and conduct fNineials da Jbe shortest rtdtico :-' .J-:^:|:..-:":" Caskets, Coffins* Burial Robes, And fill kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, and sappned on the 1 .""~ ' |'. ,. ') . fiat Bands and Gloves; supplied ^lioil required-' A Ac^on, Aug. Sj IStfr. Call and ex&thlne oitf Goods and tricar Acton,ipt. b, 1876r CIIAINE &.-S All other Goods in odr store reduced accordingly', Who woitld buy on Credit when they can get goods at such astonishing Prices. Acton, Sept. 14^1875, SEOOUD BH0S. M^U_4ABliBbtMHM^U. JOHN^ ORCJGlS; DRP3S. r^ Djfugfli..phwklealSt Dyo Stnffa, Fatsat! aal rposrlotory'Maaioliiel! Taaay on! Toilet SoapB, Ssoatec.Brafljios, ;. I 7vtfttf, 01M a4 "v*svraUh. faiey aad BUobar OBodt: ptraa "cmras &&s mottobs for awioinii FarppMf- oair.." All goods Warranted of the best quality and at ten per cent belo* ToTonlo plcres. , ' \ ' ' ' ' j <Don't forget the place. >- Atfton, p March 3, 1875 Medical Hall, Mill street, Aetcmk a, B.ia^8c>s^ -mM^- ^'"^iSfciiS

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