Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1876, p. 3

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mm xM? w h& .* -y J-tL THE f R8B^ MESS, | ACTON, HAL^N 6o]HIN1?Y SBA^T>r<IK Tlltk TABLK -' Tains leave Acton as follows.:.- taoiso WBXT. Jttorning Mail - - Iiy Express - . - Exp**** " !- * Jiixed -!.-..- -Sight Ksprtsi - / , " -_-?'. qoiso kxsT. Kigiit Express .- Nixed ' -, - jhj- Express i - Mixed * 9.10 a.m. 7-tUlp.m. 12:45 a, ni- 3:31 9.10 aim. 11:35 a.m. 8:17"p.m. 10.-05 p.m. f, - <. LOCAL MATTERS. 'There are some Frek Pbess r*tron" whohave not yet paid one cent for last year's subscription. We trust they Will nottooblige us to ask verr often/for something more . tangible than good wishes. <gr Accounts, will be sent this week to'all our subscribers in ar- tears for the past yarr and we tier* * the last time Of asking." A German acquaintance of fxprra made a friendly oall at the honir| of another German acquaintance, the 2.00 p.m. \ 0ihcr day, and upon entering waaaston- 5:17 p,m!,\ iahed to find the family making the -.,*-----' moat extravagantmanifeatationa of joy and happiness. Our friend being ouri- out to know the cause of uch hilarity, thus addressed the host, " Mine friont, minefrient, for vat you mako so mutch like a fool hut younojt and the fam ilies?" v"Vyi Hana, you ahuat look here, ii vas down,to dem fellera rat you call Secord Bros., und I got dree (three) pounds of dia Tea for von dollar, and it would have cost me von dollar und a half at any other store, and it makes me feel ao good all'orer under mine vest that I makes tun all the while when I drink him." " Oh, iah dot ao. Vel I ahuat go down to dem fellera und I'll jay in a winter Stock. Good- night, mine frient, but' before I go, I ahaat tell you to pull down mit your vest" .-'"- f ; -.Wvntep. Honey, 7Lard, Egjts an4 Butter at Secord Bros. E1P V1 I; I Bg all';u*a> joW iGb ds in f wfcieh. ^ijed.ontijrtaei, ' Canada. > -'largest, finest, ^ itito stock of' 'jl &... -H^F in s^l broams, i. A!so;|JlJiek Lus~ p*,'< Wincey*;.4c. _ silshadesq J - " 3*>njJe ' Scarfv 'Shawls.!^ Wobl'" l-bidnable cetars-" '": " . "I >iiawi Sfaia aesafflfci rk. HUadi**; j^>0 re yoju.bnjr.:'Jtet!. head ae^i^psjof Flower*, jFeatpii Contributions re ceived. "Will probably have, room tl publish thein. next week. Houses, for rent are. in consid- *-rable*demand. Quite a namber of new ': "buildings are-'incourse of completion. ' < A^pecial meeting f the School Board will be held in tie school house next Monday" evening.. _::' &. man came nar karing a - slice txktsa off hia rump yesterday by sitting tooicloae to the circalAr-s>w in. Coates'jhinjle factory. - ." ^Mr. E."Sheppard will preach Dr"V., in tibe I>Uc:ple Church. Acton, on nest Lord's day, at 11.o'clock a.m. Second Bros.' "50- cent Tea is i ahead of all competition, and_ their 33 cent Tea-is a bargain. JRemember our _ 50 cent Tea and our So cent Tea are tire diaerent teas.; plowing match of -the Esquesing ' Agricultural Society -takes place-toi-tnorrow <Friday} on the farm of ilr. f K. AW Deveraas, near Gecrge:on. j Our-stores are making fine i displays. c seasonable gocnlss and they ail appear to be having a splendid run J { of bcs:ae5-s._ The trade of-Acton ia- ': raj'idly on the increase. r' Can-pliiiht is mni]J of-~~-t!iiL lec^taX- d^lay ^ in delivering- "the roaO bigs at tie ecrat oiHce, after ilie arrival' fi the triiss. an io^r eJapses liefore tie bags are ^bmaght down from tie station. Es^Keslng Council. T ' STJSWAETrowir, Oct 6,1876. The Council met pursuant to ad journment. The Reeve in the chair. .The minute* of last meet ing were read and confirmed. The following communication was pre sented and read: " From the poonty Clerk, stating thiat the following rates were levied on the Township of Esquesing by the Ck>nnty Council for the current year : School rate ....;.. .vJ. .....$ 800 00 Crodit Valley lull way .... 1. 1987 00 County rate.... i.,-,...... ' ,. 23M 00 H. * &T. W. Railway for. 1875-6 t657 00 Moved by Mr.TLinusay, sec. by Mr. Wrigglcswprth that the sum of five dollars be paid to.Messre.Wm. Shanks and Jus. Nichol for work done on the cross road.between 22 and_23, 7th con. of tbis^Township. Sloved by Mr. McEnery, second ed by Mr. Wriggleswortb that the Treas. pay to the undermentioned parties the following sums for losses sustained to their flocks by dogs the Towner or owners of which are un known, :',.'- ;H. Huffman 1 sheep and 5 lambs 8 00 illeo. Cooper, 1 sheep.......... 4 00 C. J. Mcbonald, 2 sheep ...... 14 00 Benj. Kiunard, 1 sheep ........ 3 33 U. MtfUhpnand. 1 sheep 3 lambs 10 07 .-'. Moved: by: Mr. Wriggleswortb seconded by- Mr. Lihdsay that thu Treasurer pay to Wm. Forest 35.50. for furnishing stone and building culverts and other repairs on the Busline, the,Township; of Trafulgnr paying a -similar sum. CiirriedL .-" Moved by 'ilr. McEneryr second ed by Mr. Warren, that tho treas* THE GRAlfTD OF; !THfi SBASQN. -^- o. Begs to announce to Ifae fnlmbttanta of Acton and surrounding country . . -I that he wUl hold hl , Grand ANNUAL EXHIBITION SALE - j or -; "' ^ilks, Dress Qocwjls, Shawls, Millinery.and panties.; ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION. Our Stock on this occasion will be one of the finest ever offered for sale in Quelpb. The various departments will present varied attractions, , j ' while our prices will place the , _.' Terjr Best Goods Within the Reach of A\U For prices and other particulars we must refer to circulars and hand bills now being circulated. J' gs9- We will make it an object for people to deal with us during the wiek of the Central Exhibition-. A. O. BUCHAM. , f Fashionable West End Dreas, Millinery and Mantle Kstabllsbment. Quelph,' October 1, 1876. -_ 0KTJ, OCT^BBB;; Iff, 187(>. THAT First Wreceive FflVl GOo|lB,fOrstt^> ifoll. thorn,, ti-nt to b^lo.rwoinst IiIrU prices and.we will Roarahtoo our nrlee. nUemtmi.ajiJ wo invito -ail Into: . and loiii uront, and firstto'lir/iig <Io\vn i rices ol'all soodH iii irdor tameettho preB- / out bnru t!~ ...._^-......--^ ._.. ..----- ._...*... .. -. a. .- . .----- ... ..-. .---------moB. Hurrytot lit wonderful mnn's Btoro-tho Jtook Jb limuonsr, tho variety Is lmmonso, the'nnullty of Koods Is wohdorftil, the u -IcesAmazingly etioap; A moHt complote npsortmer torNew. Auiumih Full und iVJnLer Woods will bo pru- Bonied to lptejidln pureha iorj<'Uiai'will cull rorth surprliw and lid'tnlratlon. Wo will montlun |i few dqpurlmeuts that cannot, bo'-approacbi a n^ T 'cA-ifara our Block Is.roally Iniinonsp, and nil botiffht . OiUXM. V Oivoi/O ovprn Wtiok befor* nnv knowledgo or an ndvanc#. Tbqao goods nro a marvel of exooilenoo of (juallly and style as wolj aa ible, i tin gr*at:' offolo Kobe*,1, largest iradeln hifcg,*eeoOie L^aits in UiiaTpart lot <sF extra fine es. "iEaH aftd i ^bow.opri _ |, Bwisoii \u compieto -_ :) land grey, Wtfito,,}; tment " ". ifew Indiau|, only thirty- *ve cent? per pound, three- pounds for- a dollar. Every dollar yon invest in- them gets y< "i s. di>llar and^ a half worth of Tea. ' Every person is using- it, and] : eoEiiriff- back for more. Only a few' caeiti left at Sjrcord Bn.3,, the Cheap ;-i Cash Stcre. " C ; ^Tfce riddle S<*>1 Srstrm. ".ft USi&ocncW by-circular that the Boa. Mr.' Crooks, Minister of Educi; tion, has consented to address a public meeting on educational matters in the '_ MHicaTown Hall, on:Saturday after- - ndon, 2Sth inst. * Arrangements; have also been nude for a teachers' meeting to be held in the forenoon of the same ^.day, at which the following Subjects are - proposed to be submitted fof cdnsidera- . tion:-:"Protfranime of Studies; En- .', "gagement of Teachers; Teachers' Resi- X deaees; Paytaent of Salaries ; Certifi cates, ic." After the delivery of Mr. Crp9ks' address, it is proposed to pub- Kcly discuss the following. subjects FALL SHOW OF arid hoar Dur prlooc. fow'dqpurlnUuts that cunnol, bo'-apiirpacuod:li|i:Uuoli ]f InjSil one*. ' clieupnesa, Tn1 t".*r?i' tlrJftan d-nriAct our.Stcek Is; ibmply Bolmrrtpneo, Xa, OjaaieS^ UroSS UOOaS vail</d. ini-tolors, stylos, mnwir I price, tlint noldca can i i convoyed of the beauty, and rl< bness of It- Sbfflce t,.-. .1.- ,.i._-------.------------------.-----._.-----..._... pp^toi-p.. and wo wofna. use forJaillnB clroHuno, vlu: mopJan Bui p, Herges; *c. WON ERR - ! * ^ 1}*^ Wvcd>om Great Brlta|itand^ thfe tnlted States, i83JPaeka2cSjAhtumn and rai| teodkls ' JOEpT fi0(|&$JiSO^XJppeJ?Wy^idhamstreet,teeJjfcj,;^^^ T^ lowon ,Thi depaftmend Is wa.ll worthy rf BpcrjaV, . ,. ......-_r',JIni to purchttse to dill on us, and we will satlirty itUom that wo connpt bo beat, I '-'; i i'-> I. -'- ! " Reddy-mside nblofhiD g-. 0BtbllBhin>nt. IltOTwoed aultHtfDV'er BU't^-exicilpnLK'tod". 2D00pair i-aniniooi *. ofevery ;k|ncl qritl qimiiy, -vpiy- cueap. WiOMbooiIng'Cpu, Sack Coatnabd VtHta: Conot." '14DI,Vastli,Uloiible(in'lBBieln lii-ftjmtft'i #.m. < '.....' and price, t . that the lpja<llng colors or oyory mntcrlol Is to be bad ate especially-call^atlpntlon loynomfewest pro<liiciloriB now In n Trio.forol'l, thij These mntcli InLc proBohtod MrittoloB-.<) Jachjct Cloth, Bciir, Seal cloth, A'nOdtlaii'cloth. Inall'r^o HhadcB of brown, greon^HavV bluo, miulllus blue charming jgjxxJH for ladles' dredHefJ and costumoB. _ T Clollliari dijibhrthg, tlio AiaUulrssigeibih,~Aru, ____.___r____,.. sitro all at'|iieent on show, und Intbe 1,-a'Jlng jjoiors andnliadcs. lies': Jajckets and Jacket (plotEKSotriB OllT" To r>"\rci4-a <^ro a novelty to behold; and overyllndy InteniUnc to win a v^Ui UctL/JtS.tJVia ] Jacket this Autumn and Fall, s ..... CJho-rrTla In nhii^lswo havo a tremendous siocl^, llio Variety.-Is .large, oiaeLwao, the Bt; les new, the prices cheatvitlio*<i mllty eacfclleni, and; pluasttro to.haye an opportu nUy of showltif* rfiich nice e<f>UB; narr-na+iia T^*a-r*rti+c! "r stock of Brnssels. Turkish nhd.Tapestry V^CtiptJliO, VJ/dil |loliD. colors and ues^gns ofjqur BUjckof carpels difficult to orjudl ovt-nlnTorouto.- Sept.:l[, 18pL THE idASH SYfeTElyi "Works Wonc ors boyoad all Anticipations. .. ,--,,.-.....-----'ll]rij;lo ln-eriBtn'i,wime nlcegrlodH. . ., , We WouId,JdKtmerjtiort.^lU)piila^mpMnR.tdUparagJo t.hord.cndtno<u(lbl.Vrbiii oquU quality r>fK*ds lu any rtthpr store in town HtAha >imi nriii. W/j^iF..or, Hn U'Bler overcoat-at prorntse a saving of same pricf SB, wort""" at least 25 per -800 Ovcreprtj's, "(A over trfsterr, COP IVtv 'JnekelB i}ll_ Bpeclally made for our rlCM. ; Wooff-r an excellent overcoat lit Stf vOrll *5, an U: IK tff, atwoedBoltnt 8?, wortb $u.- Com'o and see. Wepron 25 per cent' - . |irovldeat a very: TV/rilil^n'oTfrV ~ln" tlilS'ilfpartmcnt wa lia'vo plenMire In otatjrlg that 51 . XVXAxilii_tdjy.' Hulllvflm, wboihi,K-Mii^ [brarich Untfcr hrr cbacge,- Bbo^s-i finest arid tHstnfal novelties In InII'ti'-linL'i, IndlcB.' bonnets, ana an Imme louid call and examine varlnty.ortli: j-l'-wlin-* Mmmlnjfi us3l'ln T, i i<!o>i,4*ari8 aniJNew Vork. LartieWw ohttr wouldiiJtf* to prohore th very taste eratlfled oy balling at cur tents he most cnblce stock, ol Cl<al)li>s,j!illUiribry, 4c ever pi v (newest m-v,*H*es=, ftxlzP-, nhd <f<-sIe-nB, wJH Crid ih>*r" pljiee of biil,m'.s4. We_ofter this Foil to t'cihhn})!- seri i o(J t l ii T- section. __ ^___,_-_,. 'ixindc' _,. . ----- -----v......TTC^.n.. oojr.'pilqfg are downf,t0ot- tom fljuros, and- we oulyimk. Inleiidlni ptmdi.iBers.tovisit oiir place oi bustneiPB lniiro . samellberaj rrianberiiB tliey haee aoiip neretoftr-,'wh n *e"Wlll-convince Oitni oft.- our motto, vrz: Siinul I proiltF,qt ick sale^v cooap and good- i oodsTaud down with nigli prices andlong i^joflii, -. Strageris visiting the Central Fair n't Guclph should should make it a point to. call and see - the immense stock of | iXIMG All Gbpds BedluGed from 10 to pn Credit Prices.; t Below we give] AT THE GREAT I ELEPHANT CLOTHING STORE, I : No. 31 Lower "Wyndliam Street, Gnelpli. OY ERCOATSI A SPEC! &L.TY. tirer p.iv to John Whiteside twelve ' Sometimes nearly half- f dollars for the maintenance of Mrs. I Wbiteside^for two months to 16th i October inst. Carried.. Moved by Mr." Warren, seconded by .Mr. McEnery that the treasurer pay Mr. Benj: Kinnaird $1.50 for plank'and repair of ctilverv on 2nd linelojt 24, Mr. j (Qep. Cook, $1.75 for plank, and Mr.: Wni, Thomp son SI.35 for printed notices. - Carried.,: - :~ - Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr..Wrarren that the following suras jbe paid to the undermentioned ^parties for losses sustained to their docks by dogs, the owner or owners of which are unknown, vi* G. Cook, for 2 sheep } value... .8 8 00 T. M. Crawford, 4 sheep 2huuba 17 33 J as. Dunn, 5 sheep 1 lamb...... 22 00 Jas. H. Nixon, 1 sheep 2 lambs 7 00 Kobt. Preston, 1 sheep 1 Iamb.. 6 00 John Hunter, 3 sheep 1 Iamb . / 10 00 James McPherson, 2 lambs .... 5 33 John vVrigglesworth, I lamb . 2 00 .'.- Mr. McEnery, {moved, seconded by \ Mr. Wriggleaworth that tho j treasurer pay to Mr. Wm. H. Short bilV Pathmaster, the sum of Programme of Studies ; SehooT Accom- f ft 2 [T *&*. ^^ ^ ^7 and modation; Assistant Teachers; Q^aU^^^th conceson.^med. ... ficatiou of Third-class Teachers, and the { MJ*f, b^^sV v^^Tf^A ' seconded by_Mr. McEnery, that $10 3-Xew Hats & Caps, and Gents' Fnrnishing Goods. ~ca Beantifnl Goods. WM. Guelph, Oct. 2, 187ft. RUTHERFORD [& CO, ^) a-jfew of our present 40 per cent prices, show- le old Credit ing a striking comparison between t Prices and the hew Cfish System Prites, We have not rooiii to quo:e ail the Goods we handle here but we have givim most of the^principal articles in the trade. All" other\j500ds aire being slaugb tered in tjie "sane ' recognize the faipt at-a glance that ilti has been our aim In marking c $ that it is possible to reduce, all persons to ]yarticipate hi POS Aim'n Blocfc, [Jj)pBr Wyndlam Street^ GuelpH. OFflJCE GASrJ JSTOBE, OJSrh? Groi reduction on eveiythih Weirespectfully nvite the benefits of tips gr^at reduction have sold so cheap that The Lion is now known fay and; wide as During the past season we ' bestowed ^*:'?ur J&:$ o4 0 "f & question as" to the subjects df stadyrto be pjusnedrby certain pupils. The pub lic a^e ecidiatty invited to attend. We have no doubt there will beia yery large j attendance ?of the friends ofedncatSon. (--ii- %rBUtlra and Astpiwackes. ' -The managers: of the Grand Trunk 1 railway seem to be doing; all in/their,] power to prereat any one getting to . their station in this village. The wood piles, /.water tanks, privies, cattlc- gnards^ long freight trains, mnd' holes,' heaps of rubbish,-coal acreenings, and other dangerous obsljrucLions, whieh be paid to John Nichol for -repair of road, lot 22, 4th con.^$10:to Dr. Starr for Burgical attendance on Isaac Cooper a pauper, and $23.87 | to J. Murray for repair of road on _ {lot 17^ 8th con. Carried. < t Moved by Mr. McEnery second ed by Mr. Lindsay that the treas urer par to David; Cooper $18.00" for building a bridge on .lot 28, 9 th con. Carried. i Moved by Mr, Warren, seconded by Mr. Lindsay that the sum of $25.00 be granted oat of the Town ship Jfande for the purpose of mat t?-_-L- ^ri_t- _^j ^f.-------. ^_ ii._ tt.V fedeatrxaoB have lomx had to contend ... with m order to reach'the station, have vjing k ditch and culVert on the 4th -------- j at ~r.A Tho Clieapost Store in Ontario. "We intend in the Fall months to increase our reputation; Gur Stock is the largest west of Toronto, It has been bought direct from (he producers at Bottom Prices. The Lion nefer Aska for Big Profits, ^BgJOBD BBpS. A Jrv;-.' f): ': | Snittii aid tiff been litcly added to by an open drain . ._ from lie old tank carrying jthe waste -i i ; water on to the public road and causing ft. a perfect-bog hole for teams to plunge i tkreagh. This Is'really carrying4he ! -, thing a little too far.." The" patience nf this long-suflering commnnity is fairly exhausted. Letters hare been repeat edly written io: the managers by our Reeve and Clerk, for- permission': to ' build a sidewalk through the station yard, without receiving thei ordinary 'courtesy of a reply. Then, the station building itself is a standing disgrace to the7 railway company, being, but fettle better-than a hovel^srith hardly tttad- :'",. lag room for "a dozen "people, withotot a ladies 'waiting-room or other ordinary convenience to the^public. i|utfor the j courtesy of- the" very obliging agent, who permits the public tojoocupy ,his: private room, many waiting passengers would.oftimes be, compelled to stand ; outside in the ^1<L. How much longer r,- must this disgraceful state of things be , j, endured Will the managers, kindly : -;\; take the trouble to inform themselves as to the facta of That we complain ,v .- Md see if it is not worth their while !to J r give jtust a^ little ot their attention to' their patrons. - i ' Perhapj they have not y#t learned that ^P00, k*8 developed into a town of con' ~t '. ""^We importance, and can nd longer remain satisfied with the aecommoda- T v*^.rf.fwe^yjearago. Let us have f *,*"**-^statioo-i and proper approaches -J .:t --.- ..-.-' line, opposite lota 30 and 31, and Other necessary- repairs and that Simon McLean ^nd Peter Mann be appointed commissioners to expend ihe same. The council then -adjourned until Monday, the 16th ihBt, Bnrra. In Acton, on the 16th instt the wifs ol Mr. Benj. Nicklin, of a.son, S1ABKIED. -rAt Stewarttown, Esquesing, on Wed nesday, 18th inst., by: the Rev. J. Churchill Cox, Church of England min-^ ister, Ctfptain James A. Curry, of Nor-r val, to Miss E. E. Tracy, daughter of the late Bichard Tracy, Esq., and step daughter, of Lieut.-CoL- Murray, of Esquesing. _: : [The ceremony was witnessed by a large concourse of friends and neigh- bors^aad a number of valuable gifts "were prese'ntedTto the happy couple, :who, immediatlly after a dejvmtur at the residencejof-Col.r Mnrray, started on a trip to Philadelphia.. Mr. Fred; Secord, of Aoton, and Bev. Jas. Frazer, officiated as j. groomsmen, .and Misses Jennie Tracy' and A. Curry as bride*- TTItti^lF J nreBr In Acton, on the 17th inst,, wife of Mr. Wm. McMillan^ aged 87 years 'and 9 months, i / pet lb. gtarch But puts down the Prices to suit the times and small harvest. '. 1100 Pieces "Winceys "Wonderfully Cheap. Dress GoodB never so lo^ before- [ Flannels 25 per oent lower titan formerly. - :"'".*'* ' ' :. 1 Large Stock of ; .-.'.':: q- ' "'. . I READY-MADE CLOTHING, LADIES' JACKETS AND Best [dollar] Hyson Teal | Mediurn Hyson Tea Splendid Hyson Tea, be -Best [dollnr] Giinpowtln* Medium Gunpowder Tea Best Jiipiu Tea Medium Jitpan Tea Good Jit pan Tea Tolerable Japan Tea, Last .pick Japan Toil Best Black Tea . . Good'Black Tea Medium Black Tea Best Amber Syrup Best Golden LSynip Best No. 1 white witio Vinegar Beat XXX Picklin J Vificgar Oat Meal, small loi Pot Barley : ; I . Lamp Chimneys, large Lamp Chimneys, mediujn Best Benson's Laundry Best Corn Stanch : t - Best Brown Soap, per bjar" Best /uddls Soap three oars Best hew Ciirrants Best old Currants Best Turkish Prunes), ne|W| Best Layer-Raisins 3esfc Valencia Itaisina jlixed^ Pickles, bott'lei Mixed^Pickles, largest *s^ze Mustard, per lb \ Best Java Coffeo,;6xtra bboice Good Java Coffee Faro /ava Coffee Best pure ground Pebpeb Brooms, extra heavy Blroom's, medium Brooms, light Soda, baking ... .. Soda, innve pound febxis Set best white granitjej Set of China Tea ware. ter tliait Meteor Tea "^ 'Tliejsubsc'riber desires fo thank his numerous cash customers for the libaraf , manner! in-which they ijave supported;hiifa in carrying o'u.Hhe l^adyPay .way of doing business. ,; "When idom- 1 ffiencedjDn the Cash or TradeiSystf m aijd'8'per cent discount' I ... , K for cash, '* had to . compete i.; agaitiBt jthe credit trade of- dur vil- frej, but to<iy I am pfenged to say tie,are all doing bb_sihess on th!e only right principle,"'thati 'js ready pay. Sfnojfif the trade of our villate is now ,lotle on the Casji System^ I. will.dis* fiv^ng discount for cash on ai continue , a^l my goods ^n,^>rice to the strictly cisl I y-CU^tomersi and hfteals' will alwaysind niy stoctjcomplete 'peries, Oibciery, .^lassvare/ v. ~" [ -- T j "'- \\".' "WaliPaper, .Swa.fctxjr. rrcriairak, ^o 1 BS-dASU. TOE PEODUCE - Specialties kept ip Seaioa. Sausages, Finnan Haiidias, Oysters, &c Actdn, Sept, Itj, IStO J4MES rV. ATT HEWS. Conveysnoer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, &e THE NEW DOMllVIOlV -Oct., and* reduce figures. 1 r^^^^^p ' a^SBBB^BBBB^BM " 7BBB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^Ba^BBW^rI ~sIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIIibH%^H ' 111111111111111111111111111111 AND SHOE if. {fen :>--3-- m p Gheaper than aKany ot bM Cotton GRAIN BJAG^, $3.00. ler House; ware, nine pieces forks ... forks ... 'Set white granite Toilet] One .down Knives a: id One dozen Knives a id James* best No, 1 W hit > Lead Gold "medal White ILeac All other Goodwin, our store! 1. Tea ware, 44-pieces t4 pieces One dozen white grabjit Cups and Saucers: \r.. Cne dozen white grajnitt Dinner Plajtes, largest . Galloway. Bros, make tbe best the county. Give them a call. ^-Galloway Bros, give 100 lbs. of bread for 10Q lbs. of flour. -^-For good ten calces and buna go to Galloway's Bros^ Acton Bakery. A Dollar spent at The Lion will any other store. ~ J. D. WIlfclAMSON & GO. t Guelpb,.8ept. 26, 1876, buy more jthati at W l rjo 80 50 F 40 .. : 5. G m, 10 m . '25 -' ^9 10 15 10 -.' 25 50 . 30 | 40 35 30; 25:-;' "35.; 25 ' :-. 10 .10- .3,50: >:56: P 25 1 25. 3 50 ... , 3 50 ;.l ',,'.: j . : 3 00 ... F.l--l F 3 oo - : S 50 reduced accordingly. 50 40 , -1-5 ,m i '&0--1-' 50 i '.* S : 85 . j 70- 40 35 4' V 5 10 r '8 10 13 11 23 ': H 5'.. - 7 12i 4 -L20-' .' 35. 25 35 30 ,25 -i 20 35 25, * 20^, ;8" ," -: 5" 2 85 .4.00 1 15 1 15 2 75 3 00 ';2\ 60 "2. .40 2 35 NfiEY He Have just received their -Vi - Repairins ]>onc Neatly, Dpn't forgef^ the place Kaia.Street, Nost Door tb Agnccw" Actdn, Sept. 10, JL876. ONDERTA STORE. I SON ID SHOES, FALL STOCK OF BOOTS A i i The Bostthat ever came into Acton, for Price, iityle and Quality. OUR OJJBTOm ^ORE Wii* receive careful attention, and all wotk guaranteed to give snlisaekon -aa p SotsL KEN^EY & SON". IMG. The I undersigned btasJeaye tp ihform the people of Acton and EMt^ , rounding neighborhood that he -has procured a magnificent. And is prepaijed to attend and conduct Funerals Ion the shortest notice 1 | and most moderate ternisvv Casheis, Coffins, Burial Robes, And| all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock,! and supplied on the I shortest votice. ' L \<iti 6at Bantls and Gloves supplied ^hjen. required. "I < lit A^ton, Aiig.JS, 1876. Who would b iyMoh jGijedit' when' they can get goods at Such as ;0nishing! Prices. r , , . SECORD BH0S. Acton, Sept. 14, -l|8,7f, '"' ' ^OLtN SPEIGHT. PRUQS, DRLfG^. . -:X.- OJ3C 13^3.1^^3 iS M? ks, Oluaa^calsL .370 Stuffs, ratsat and, TnsrlbtoiT Maaiein6% Fs4y| ana] Toilet sojaps, 5pon^3, Brasiios 1 pauits, Oils a!n4 V-aralaies. Faacry as4 Bttbter Goods "WIN. hr&s1 tvtBi AITS UQT70BS tw ^ledloinja JA^l goods warranted of the beatqdality and at ten, i>i cent )>elow Toronto I ( Doaft forgetthe place. 'Mejiica^ Hai Hill street Aoldn, MaTch M.i, 575. / Purpqsos only. ^ Acton..

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