Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1876, p. 3

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^-mm \-S.-;* +. CKt* TK XK Tin*: TABLIh '= Trains leave Acton as follows COtSO WKST. - Morning Mail - >,'- v 9.10 aim. JHv'Exi*ss t - 2.00 p.m. Rxprcsst . - - \_ 5.17 pim. Mi*od -i -- - - - 7:l[>p.m. Xijbt Ksprcss. - - - 12:40 a>iA* ;" " 1 : -OOISa EAJST, Ki^ht Egress -. - "To this i fork-;; Flowea*, ----- r*y,Kipress Man - Mixed 3:37 aim. , 9:10 aim. 41:85 aim; ; 5:1" pi Hi, ilO:Q5rsnV hSw advertisements. Cheap Sales A.- O. Bucham. Fall Show of Clothing Wm. Ruther- . font .t.'co. - TtSat^Yoiideirful Matt John : Hogg & Son. '/. Executory Estate of late He nry . Ryder." ... ; ,T, Contractors C^ngrcgationarChurch LOCAL MATTERS. = *HE FJ^EE PRES> ACTON, HALTO 1ST 3 sable, Mw^j Btafialofcib^tfct - t g suits in ttriKyHfc^ >l lotpf-twrajono t? jces- GaUaada^ to show our gaodfc E^ *tew, BtKbcn Bay fciw faintest variety flings, 4e.v,.\ JF^*? ?rt*&ent aaftierr - - '. ', Jly besfowedjipon,; > :' A cow, belonging' to Sirs, S. Speight was killed on the railway track a short distance below the station, on Tuesday last. -- Mr. CM*. Hynds of tho firm of C. 6. Hynds, hjis gone to Orange- .ville where be w^U; shortly commence business in gents' furnishing goods. Mr. R Little, eiounty School Inspector, has returned from his labors in"Parry Sound an;! Muskok.i Districts. He reports schooE.anjurs promising in ;' the >'or'tK. . .. ' : i On account of the plans and Specifications not being ready, the time for opening; thd tenders for the Congrega tional -ChuMv; building has been post poned until Friday 13th inst. .Contrac tors are referred to the advertisement ------Esquesicg- Council .meets to morrow, at JHcwarttown. Just east, of the/bridge in that village, the road has l<een washed away a great deal on both ,' iides, so as to render it rcolljvdangerous for teams to pass over it, < The Council w ill probably'see to its ^being repaired. J Crewsen's Comer*. '. - : The eomer stone of a building for a Temperance Hall, at Ci ewson's Corners, vwas laidj last Monday, N. Forbes and J :Bobt officiating.r AdUresscs were ^Jdelivcred by Messrs.. Jas. Stuart "and _^Vtft'MeOonaldl The Division of Sons of Temperance' at that place app^ari to -"1>3 in a liourishing'eondi tion. CntT racll. At the iiext_ meeSng ofj tlie Halton Caanty-t"o'Jci.-3, to-be iield ou.ThiirsJay nclt, 12th in^t, several important mat ters will be brought up for consideration, among wjjich will be the condition of the jail, the deli very o>-the .Hamilton & Northwestern Railway Uel>enturea, f;nd the 'rep"rt7 of : tlie curriiiiniirtee oh Education. The meeting will doubtless l>e mnre than nsuallv-interesting. See tho now advertisement of Messrs. MctcoAl, Anderton & Co., of OcorRotown. It toll* all about tho Mammoth display lot handwimo tilings to bo foundiu their Mammoth eUb- lishmtnt. ? :'. : ' Tho ^onderfttlJobn jHogg of Guelph, ha*'a lonnttoiy to tell in-thu iaaue tof thfcFiutK Rpsss, about tho wonV derful things on exhibition at his won. derf ul eatablishmcnt, - 'JfPut me up ten pounds of that Indum tea at 35 cent* per pound," is what ^dui will now 1iear-bout every; other;j>crBou *ay who enters SecoVd BrosJ'Ktoro. G. JL Scott has by fur the cheapest Wiucoy* every acen:. in Acton. ?No man Bhould neglect to scenro a atock of, tho '35 cent Tea at Sacord Bros., you'Will never get such ajather chance. Ris worth 50 centa. j iNoTicE. As we have now closed out books, and are doinj; a strictly cash business, wo must have;, our accountn cleared up according to.previous no ticcs. ' We will keep tho books in th >: store until the 10th inst., after that dats we hand the books all over to our attoi - ney for colleetiou, all notes past dae wU 1 be sued at onceJ Sbcord Bros. Isdi.vs Teas. If you haver not secured a choice supply of that cxtraoi- dinary cheap'Tea at thirty-five cents jiound,- you better loso no time it jdoing so, for judging by the way the ; are rushing it out it will not last many days longer. Thirty-five cents per pounds at Secord Bros.- -"' . ! Christie, Henderson <fc Co- don't make a practico of blowing that they have 1001 pieces of silk iii stock when they have not more than 101, oir that they have just opened SOO^-ases of woolen goods when they have not more than 50. They believo^ in sticking to facts and small profits, and only ask an opportunity of snowing their goods and 3uotilig thir prices. All poods marked own to hard pan prices, ami no second, prices.' Thpy don t buy goods to lie on their shelves. "Sell and repeat" is their mottoi ... " ; ..I ^Try tlie"MWdical Hall, Acton, for School. Books and Stationery. Ladies, yoh can get tlie latest design of Back and Circular Combs at the Medical Hall, Acton.' : ^Christie, Henderson <fc Co. this week show a line of Wincey at I2i cents net, which they are willing to compare bolh in width and weight with any goods of the same class offered else where at 20 per cent higher. They "are aware that .this is a big challenge, but , they are willing that tho public should be the judge?. Hats and Caps. Christie, Hen derson i Co. this week showthc largest, ' neatest ami decidedly'cheapest'lot of' Gents',-Boys' and Youths' Hata and! fall andl Winter Caps evor offered in ' Actn. Thp8e fancy Scotch Caps will : make any lioy look gay. Don't fail to see them. , ItHE Q-RAiND EXHIBITION , -OF THE" SEASON. ' Begs to announce to. the inhabitants of Aoton aid surrounding country ; 1 v that he will hold Ula ' Grand ANNUAL EXHIBITION SALE OF SilkSj Dress Goods, Shawls, Milliiiery Mantles. ...- COUNTY^ ONT., OCTOBER 5/1876i h N'.:'-s;:-';^;"-';'- "l-ii/ll H1 THAT VVONDEFWi WM :-" W*F Inst arrived from CreAt Britain and tBe Fnlted States, 18^3 Packages Antnms and Fall Good?. JOHN H0GG& sp^VmwtyyiitiMmrt^ This department Is well wortbr of po^ij purohivwto oill on as, and wowlfi'swtlsij Pl|riit to rective Pall Ooiods. flrttoslUthem,fl t to MUI& against blgh priced and long profit, and first to bring dowa r rices of all goods In order to meet the pes- ,ra times. -HmrytoV-* -c- ----------*^- entharil times. -Hurry to^h%t w)onderful maw's store the sUirk Is Immense, the . ;ty.Is immense, the quality of vood< Is wonderful, the prloesain A niOfltoomploWaworlmentof New Aolumn. Kali and iVlnlor uoo. ____. ,____,_____Jiat will oll fprthsurprlse and, udr_..__ ... will mention a fow dspurlmButs that cannot bejtpprottehed la Ou4)i;ti. nr,Bnd nil bought aid* Wfl will gtiarantee oof price* lower, attention, an! we Invtto'alf lnten llni to taemjtbst We faDnot be beat. be pr . :Cn Silk,and Velvets n^J^SteSS and ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION, Our Stock on this occasion will be one of the finest ever offered for sale in CJuelph. The various departments will preient varied atiraotions,; while our prices will place tho Very Best Goods ITlthln the Reach of All. For prices find other particulars wo must refer to oirculars and hand, bills now being circulated. Jgp-Wewill make it an object for people to deal with us during the waekof tho Central Exhibition. j A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable WeBt End Dress, Millinery and Bjonilo Rstubllsnment i Ouelpb, October 1, 1870. .! ; FALL SHOW OF CLOTHING. nn< ......._.. _____. .. _ 3UK ovr a weesf before any knowledge, ofan advance. Tncso goods are a marvel of oxoo'lenoo of quality and style as well as, oheiipness. - . .adies* Dresei Gk>ods>av,. $$?u^>i&ruA piioe.tliat nolJott can bnonnveyedortbe bfauiyWnd rlcbneu of It. BnJJlce to Bay bat the leading < olors of every saat*rlal Is to be had at our storntiand we would. how in nse for ladt)>s dresses, viz:. The rcroii, the Cicllitan du Ohmig, the MHttulPs^oloili, ArmenianBiiipe,Sergei,to. Thp(ie materials ore *ll at present on suow,and ltKbjsleaJlng colors Hnd shades. * Jn Ladies' Jackets and Jacket Cloth ""^SSflS prosonteil Jacket Cloth, Bear, Seal clotli, VeneUaii cloth, in all tre shat es of brown, green, navy bluo, aiulllne blue charming goods for ladle*' drosses and costumes. - , " li*\. Tonlro+o r a. novelty to behold, and overy ladyIntending to ns at ; vUr OtHsJS.O\jt5 jacket this Autumn and Fall, should oall and examine and Jiear our prices. CShoTrrlei In shawls: we have a iremendouu stock, the variety Is large, OllttWIB, the styles new, the prjeos cheap, tho quality exeelient, a(i;a pleasure to have an opportunity of showing (inch nice goods;. * Pamnra Ha'pna'fa J-Onr stock; of,Brussels. Turkish and Tapeitry '^arpebS, Varpebo.l Cafpetilts wonderfully large. The styles, colors and ucslgns of our stock of carpets will be dlffloult to equal Beadt^ad^^othing.-^i^^ - -*' -~-Twee.f$8tperSt^x>ejl"tg^,^p^lrt7a,irr qilalltXsvsry eneap, Hliootlojc Conts, Sack. Oots and wbte nl Btngtelire-mertjfomonlcetroods, ..'. .-=.^ entobiujim-iitl -loo T' of every tUpd and a ... Omts. -1191 Ve>t, double i JVa imr alo<.i.' arid .Dre/ii We wwWiu>t menWoxvWHhc^aJtemplifiKltodlsparage^o^^^^ ._ . _ .. .. . _ ... q)i|ityo/,){obd8lti any otn>-t-trtn*< In town'ut'.llite there prwHlblv N an aqunl same prlofc. We ofR-r hn! vxit\ent oyer, at at $i, m --------_____......------------coat $; worth $9, a tweed suit at $9, worth $1A . Gome and at least 28- percent- ".;.' 1 9-h Ml se%. -W< . an tl.'SieroVej"-oat ... e promise a Jiuvlpg of at . Blankets, -Qralts,' <^nnte^a^es.rf^^^s^ pr!p3. Mlai*>U that are gort.1 and and largaat^iJa pair, upM-SSW, WihHe o,ullt *' '.I0!*' V? *6? C',"'ed QfiVt* 80 <!ents,eaeh to tn ; tidllU'd 4nli s%2 eMon to *t jo? . All kinds or <otte Kurnlstirnir, and U will trftord us pleaaire to providit nt very : low i rice all ft; at Is n cessitry tnrtUeway.of beddlnffcsheotlnen blanke,*, nullis. tai>ie! -linen,.napkins towels, table cJ*-rs, carpets in. vn-.ntty, BnisMH-Turklun, KWder- minster or Ani^riein lndojd everythlne that fs neeiary-'r matrimonial -Ufa. ex-' oept the minuter, and all atasneciajly low price.-' "t > TWTiniTa/iTnr ln ihts department Vi lui lXJ.Lt-UU.K3Ly* Sullivan, wno hastbi' brancli under" hdr c ftnert ^nd _mo<f taUHWnrov^itleJt. In la-lies' i;at,-Udles' ';bonneT8,ana"7h Imnjem W'- Sept. 1, 1875 -J----- THE CASH SYSTEM Works "Wondora Tjeyond all Anticipations. 1: 'l/--jj^*'K n- i.- resent StoVp^' H'-^i'&'i _ t.. -: itss'i-s;. ' ' c-e^ei. ^,, will- frsttemnlal flsnar*- The'Acton^Flow Company have l>een awarded one- of the few' international medals at.the Centennial Exhihition in Philadelphia. This is a high, reward of merit for which the Company may wel) fecl'prouil- It is to be. hoped that in '. - Yon can get Dye .EjtufTs at 20 per cent hclow Guelph prices at the Medical Hall, Aeton. For stylish Dress Goods go to G. M.'ScotW -i - - Ladies' don't fail to i=eip G. M. Scott's Drc3s floods, they are'very styl ish and very cheap. Fancy Dress Goods in all the new, and popular shades at the Gdafgow House. Christie, Henderson & Co. find. Stragcrs visiting the Central Fair at Guelph should; should make it a point to call and-sec , j ihjc immense stock of - " '- AT THK 'JKEAT ELEPHANT CLOTHING STORp, LlToi 31 Lower^"Wyndham Street, Guelpli. [ OV^RpOATS A SPECIALTY as-New llats & Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. "&* r Beautiful Goods. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, Guelph, Oct. 2, 1870. " . All Goods Reduced from 10 to 40 per ^jent on Credit Prices. irgo , Cm future-the business will be poshed much";,mg trade rapidly increasing as their -' " - , :.f, _, popular low cash prices become better more^extensively than hitherto, as it Q^wn> ^^ ^ ^ line, 0^ g^Uy has been fully proved that they~have an implement which can be hpnestly and truthfully recommended to GMypubiic all the world aver. ' | note noiine somi. '- Our attention has been called to, a: parigraph in last-week's issue'Biidcr the above heading, asking if there was not increased purchases, but more.particu ly in Ladies Dress Goods in which their stock this season will be unusually at tractive m style, color and price. They invite special attention to this li: i line and feel satisfied that their, efforts to supply stylish .anil durable Irress Goods at low' prices wilTbe duly appreciated. G. SL , . , ... ... ',, is excellent value. an error made in the tunc stated as the !*nem Scntt's Black Lustres Don't fail to see THE LIOI, GOEM -In^thts department;:Va Itayw^pfeasore Jn statlrg^fot JllM -. .._..._- *. . .^jq^ va;ritj;bf tlir 1 -^iiWrtM^^'h^Tii"i^w^^li\s^a^Sevrii^ '"Lail6"\rl& wouldllllif-to j ironnrri tho 'very newest hovelEtefr>tyles irnd d^slstip, will And thrir taste (TfaHfled >y calling nt.onr'plsee of business,- We ofter t*l< P>11 UU'e lnjiabi- tants 'he-moM cnolce stock ol Kaney and auplw .Dress QoodV Carpets. Ready-made- Cl.ithlng,llllnerr,40,-everpreenied tothfrsection. Our pits>s-^cye drnmni toj^- lOTOteuresvaii'i Woonly ftste tnendLniripurchflprsto visit oar pUci-of bu^lnet-Klntii^ sameilberal manueras ttiey have donn heretofort, wh n we wjil convince them'of our motto, viz: ,Bm m produ.qiricK sales, nixeap and good seals, and down with hiiru -pricesand long.ptofiia. . ' , >.- JOHN HOGG & SON, iAima Block, tapper.Wyndham Street, Guelph^ j X' AT GLASGOW HOUSE, Belovrwe give a few of our present prices, sliow- ing a striking comparison between the" old Credit Prices and the neWCash ..jjSystem Prices. We have not room to quote all the Goods we handle here but we have given most of the principal articles in the trade. All other goods are being siaugb/i tered in the same manner, and bur patrons will recognize the fact at a glance thai it has been our aim In marking down our goods to make a genuine reduction on everything tliat it is possible to recuce. We respectfully jnvite allpersons to participate in he benefits of this great reduction. '] SBGORP BROS. During the past season we have sold so cheap that The Lion ik now known far and wide as ' dose season. We reply .that it iras^ quoted exactly as it appears in the ' Statutes.:- It Lad reference to the catching and selling of speckled and 1 river trpdt-between thc-l5th ef Septcm- -ber *nd the 1st of Jannory, We may here add>. that for whitefish salmon treat'anil'fresh water herrings the close season in Ontario, is from the 12th day I of November to the 1st of December in each yeari ht.wanr^o " ^Sfil- j* -: .sj^v *Hk IV-" ot tint rtOfl rrbes. . ~ - At the provincial Exhibition in Ham ilton, Mr; C. & Smithy of Acton showed number of bis Lincoln sheep, on which he. received, prizes amounting1 ^$67, as! follows :' i;br ShearKng ewe 2nd prize, rain lamb-1st, two shearling rant'3rd, -pair we~ lambs 1st, pair aged ewes 3rd. The same" animalu were also exhibited at j the Western Exhibition at London, ; hat week and also at Guelph this week. At London he received $ prizes, as follows; Shearling ewe, 1st prize, ram lamb 1st,'two shear rams 2nd,, pair shearling ewes 2nd.f At Gnelphhe took two Lrt prizes and three 2ndprizes/also ' 4th prize for a two-year-old bulL sir did It set There T _ A-remarkable incident ocenrred at Brown & Hall's sawmill last Saturday, whilst a;pine log. was being, sawed Jp into lumber. The outside slab and one hoard had. been cut off, and while the workmen were turning over the.log, . they were surprised to see a large /toad -poke his head out of a hole, in which he was imbedded, and where he had barely escapai being cut up by the saw. Hbw the stranger got there was a Inystery/'as he was completely encased in the wood, with no possible means of ingress or egress.1 -As the. log Was the fourth or fifUiifrom the butt of the tree, his ppsi- twar-nmst have been.-at least 50. or' 60 feetfrom.the grounclj- and he has no -donbtffrownnp with it-from^iniancy,' beinkprobalpy hundreds .ef years oid. The aaigia! was quite, flat,' ^nd nearly as Jajge as it man's han<L Ho Was pericct- ly blind, but when taken from his bed Eemade use of lui limbs to crawl away. The tree was perfectly sound- with the exceptionvof. a decayed spot of about a ^T **t^ lengjai below fteboUoV place in which he was imbeoded.'. How did he getthere and whai cUd;h"e-live 3n?. -Those who require Dye Stuffs should try the Medical.Hall, Acton, be fore purchasing elsewhere. GalloWay Bros, make the best bread in the county. Give them a call. G. MJ Scott has a choice lot of tidies' Silk Ties. .:./._ ^-Now Dress ^ooi)s in alb the newest colors, at G. M. Scott's. , __A splendid stock of black and ^colored Kid Glo res, nnusually cheap, at G. M- Scott's. . Genfe, if: yon want a. stylish Hat or Cap, very cheap,; go to G. M. Scott's. '1 3 - < Tho Cheapest Store in Ontario. We intend in tjhc Fall months to increase our reputation. ^ Our Stock is t[he largest west of Toronto. It has been bought direct from the producers at Bottom Prices. ! J The Jjioa never Asks: for A But puts down the. Prices to suit t small harvest. ' ig Profits, le times and 1100 Pieces Winlceys Wonderfully Cheap. Dress Goods never so lo-w "before- Flannels 25 per cent lo"v7er than formerly. Stock of Galloway Bros, give 400 lbs. of bread for 100 lbs. of flour. V - For good tea cakes ..and buns go to Galloway's Bros., Acton? Bakery,; - tjgf The .average daily CiBculfc -tion.of Ahe Montreal Evening Star -is 18,154,"being considerably larj- ,ger than that -pf any] 6ther: riaper published in tlie City.i The aver age Circulation of the Evening, Star in the City of Montreal is 10,800, exceeding by iS,000 copies a day, that of aby.other paper. This ex cess represents^a.OOO families more ithan, ban'be reached by any other Journal. Its Circulation is a living one, and is constantly increasing. Ffoin the way in which Vae^Staj has outstripped all ^competitors it is manifestly ;^ The iPaper,of the People. :'i; . ' - ' . . r . Mr. W. S. Williamso'rt,! of Brampton, has returned from',Eng land, where he went some weeks ago with a shiRloajdof cattle.^ The speculation iBas not fceenj a very profitableijiie, partly owing-tbsome of them'dying before reaching their destination. -s J Mr. Archibald i^peirB, of Bramp ton, sailed from Quebec onjiSatur- day for England, with 36 ixshoice horses of the camagefjtnd general^ Dollar spent at The Xion wili buy liaore than }al purpose class. He paid an average " < Y of $150 each for them; the cost of. each "horse will.'be about Jg90 addi- tjbnarby; the time'.fheyireach their place of sale. ^ __ :i : ~ The fipsfe snow of the easpn fell on Lake Sftgerior-on the 28thynlt, | :-. ;:.::' ' '"' U' V- ." ?.r H Large READY-MADE CLOTHINC, LADIES'JACKETS AND Cheaper than at any other House. Best Cotton ! GRAIN BAGS, $3.00. ; Best [dollar] Hyson Tea .) 'j .-...: Medium,Hyson Tea i, Splendid Hyson Tea', better than ijleteor> Best [dollar] Gunpowder Tea Medium'Gunpowder Tea . .! '.' '.., Best Japan Tea ' .. .. -j Medium -Japan Tea .. ".. Good Japan Tea .. ..... Tolerable Japan Tea .. .. Last pick Japan Tea ... .. Best Black Tea ... ..... Gobd Black Tea .... Medium Black Tea .. .... Best Amber Syrup- .. V. - -' . .. Best Golden ?yrup Best No. 1 white wine Vinegar Best XXX Pickling Vinegar Oat Meal, small lots, per lb. Pot Barley .. ... Laijap Chimneys, largo ...! Lamp Chimneys, medium^ . Best Benson's Laundry Starch ..... Best Corn Starch/ ' .-! ] -1 Best Brown Soap, pw bar '.'..' .. .. Best Judjd'sSoap three bars .. , Best new Currants ;.. ....... /.: Bast old .Currants'" .. .. ... : . .j--.. Best Turkish Prunes, new ...;, .... Bes t Layer Raisins .. ; . ...]..: Best Valencia Baisins .. .. ... :.'.-. Hiked Pickles, bottles .. ... ... , Mixed Pickles, largest size ... i Mustard, per lb. ... .. "; '. Best aVa Coffee, extra choice Good Java Coffee '. .j. Fare Java Coffee ..'. ... J *. f-- Best pure ground Pepper Brooms, extra heavy : ... Brboms, medium Brooms, light ............ Soda, baking ...... ".......,. Soda, in five pound boxes ......... Set best white wnitel Tea^saww^^^ieces J&4*, Set of China Teajware, it pieces ,^^. OLD CREDIT PRICES. S 90; 60 50 80 50 80 60 50 .25 15 ^ atiy other tore. Guelph, Sept; 26, 1876 - 4 D. WILLIAk^pN * CiO, One dozen white granite Cups and Saucers '..: One dozen white granite Dinner Plates, largest Set whiije granite Toilet ware, nine pieces One dozen Knives and Forks......... One dozen Knives and Forks......, James' best No. 1 White Lead Gold medal White Lead ......... 60 50 00 80 50. 40 5 6 12 10 i 12j 15 25 : 9 8 10 ' 15 10' 25 50 30 40 35 30 25 40 35 25 10 10 50 50 25 25 50 50 NEW CASH . FBICES. $ 80 50 45- 65 35 70 50 40 15 m : 80 50 40 85 70 40 35 4 5 10 8 10 13 11 23 .. n 5 7 12* *f 20 r. 35 25 35 30 : -25 ' 20 35 25 20 8 )5 Fresh, GrOODS, U li vIX & Choice. -- i' CHR3STIE, HENDERSON &'co. Take pleasure" iiTadvisiiig^ the arrival ef new goods for the Fall and Winter Trade. Knowing fully the wants of their customers, and having exercised unusual care in* _ making selections, they feel sat isfied tlia^ they have secured a .stock of goods for the Fall trade, which, for quality and cheapness combined will surpass. all fotmer efforts. ^- ' i i * " This week they show a^r&at variety in Imes ut(able for the season, suoh - as grey, scarlet and check Flannels, all wpoj, union and wincey shirt, ings, all wool "and Canton Shh-ts anpl Drawers, Heavy Canadian Tweeds and Etoflea, plain, (tlnpedj and checked Wincey*; Dress Goods ip popular shades antt at popular prices, a j large assortment of the farffamediTiger Brand Black I 1 I Lustres, Gents' Felt Hats, common $o fioe^fur I ' all the. popular styles in- Canadian, English and American makes? jtrien's and botsr stoga and kip Boo tar at 10 per cent under last year's, prices; women's, misses' and" children's-Aboes tn pro- ' nella find leather^ a great variety to arrive; i Grey and white Cottons . alw> complete lines of Staple Goods at alirtimes. In plain Wincey twe show this week a hoe at 13^0., pronounced cheap at ?5o, aqd decidedly-the besji York siullin-g l Wmcey offered by any,house in t^e trade 3 5 1 1 3 3 /3 00 3 00 L 2;50 All other Goods in our store reduced accordingly. Who would buy on Credit when they can get goods at such astonishing Prices. During the season we shall continue to %dd wbatevectbe com fort or taste of our customers may command, and hope by careful atten ion to their wants to merit as large a share of their trade as heretofore. In all oases onr goods aTB'marked at Special Bottom Prices so as {to pre* elude the possibility of putting in thread, battens, Ac, which wt en re quired will be charged for as other goods, &nange which vvill "be a d eotdedT gain to the purchaser. Instance goods that "would be aylii at 30a, spool In, are marked 19c., showing a"deided gain to the buyer oVa ojaujs in a purchase of 10 yards.' , l i . ^ iw ' J ' ' I ' ' 'r . ,' 'Our Motlb-?-" Quick Sales, Large Sales, Close Prices, SmaWWrbfits* ^-.wi>sV3Slirins lire S^ribtly Cask tfti a?rototee%!_ , . * , ..^ . ' f " " >, t?L, 1 No hatf debts: "No book-keepers' aalariesu "Nodosts for flolleeUcib -No Division Court Suits ' In foot we believe the PAS|[LaYcrrSM. is tl tenant r of " Piptaotion " we want, to. restore the country;toiU fanner-itata of prosperity. Come and see us./ , p - ~ CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. 1 N. B__-Choice l T'Ot ofsDark J^n.iTtcnn J*riji>TS ypst to hand. I Acton, Sop't. 14, 1876. SECORsD BROS. - -*- J tl r 3 1 i^ . j, Our femotts 50o. TEA. stii; ^leada tbe listi.' 5^,4*, is Aoton, Sept. 6,1836. ij<. ' - l U - r3 if* i fJ f -i J" U-r

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