Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1876, p. 2

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1- f L \r -^ JpliE \1T0X FREE I'BESS ; I'jMisbed Kvury Thursday Mornluj;. - J. H. HACK1NU, Proprietor. SL Per Aimuui , iu Advance M an J?nxc3-fr8$ Co :j<OS'-V< MUCKlNQ EDITOW mJi. &U? ft it **ii '*"* ..t.'V"- it} -;j-"j --t -t> ::^i 1"~- ;igfj tec-. - ~- *~* , .- :-i p. /'.- K >-im:v Oit .-fi, - TSTC. ^sT" There isfa-1urgo number of ; Free Press subscribes*- who have : net yet p;viCl for tbvir piper this year. Wo. would "respectfully My to all sucbJ that if< jjiey wish to t ' take advantage of the advance rnfo :';*.f oe t>ri.i-AU a vyiuj. tlrey must , k>so without.delaV?W tbe three' " niontLs' grace lias now "expired. After tlio lotli ?f this month wo r. \ shaH nave to tlio rate o ^ prie dollar -mida-baTf, and if no] ! waiil before the end: of the year the price will l>e two dollars. . ^ fcs There are ulo a few of oiii" " patrons n who have r.ot yet'paid one cent for last year's subscription. We tnis't they will not oblige us to ask very often for something more tangible than good wishes." Oinvt'oniity:-. Jnll, : Government ^Inspector ,Lang- muir has inspeeted~<Jur county jail, ut.Milton; and gives ni unfavorable .report of its fitness for the puvpone's tvquirvtl, of-it. Ho coiukninsit as being insf-euro and unfit for tjie 'confinement^ot p feet of this repor will bo that tliOL Count v Council null VHtllb lv'*, ".'~n; prisoners. Tlijo of- port,, wo prealuiiie,. NASSACAWEYA FALL SHOW. The Annual Fall Kxhibilfon of tlio Nassagaweya"Agiioultural !-io- cMety was held at llaltonville, last Friday. Tho Stock and implements woro shown pn tluv grounds of Mr. iMoiiaglmn and the other articles iu jtbo Drill Shed, .TIicm> was a. very jlargo gathering of pfeOplo and the ishow was -coiiBidcietL fully eqnnl, will bo cpmiH-lled to take immedi- ,tukeir altogether, to ;ifi m m 4 n -.! "it. [ate steps towai-ds the erection of!n new building. The following. is the report referred to : i Tomato, "4*h September, -1876. > iNsr.WlTUlN.OJ'.TvIlI.TlW ti.vnu - Sn: I hai'o- th|?^ honor to report for the information of His Kxcellciiey the Lieutenant Goverintr that 1 inspected rluv Miltou (iaol on-the Htlr ult,,>vlu'ii there were six prUoiiurs found in-eusto- dy, live men ami one woman. The ;upi>er eorride.rot thctfiol wliieh diivet- ly_ eointnunieates'-\vith the lower one was Qixuniod by Whiteside.s, eh:ifgi.'d witll'"thjiHirler of his father, and a ite-, .iteetive!*2PThe lower eorrider was oeen- piod by three mala iirisinier.-i, and thu mother of Whitesiiles, so that as: men tioned in previous reports upon this gnol. tlie complete separation of the sexes isnot etfen provided for in its structural arrangements. There is only oue yard walled in, wliieli is alyo used in ctiiniuon by male and female prison ers. Such .a condition of things is not only in violation of prison discipline ami regulations, but cannot but have a most' demoralizing effect. The. ventilation] of the lower corrider, particularly iir (he cells, is defective and mauyof the^ceUs ari' little better than dark punushjuLiit cells. Tlie yard space is not only very limited, hut at some points it is i^securv as the window openings are so close to the angles as to affyW a means of stal ing the wall. The: means improperly CLirrying on the domestic arrangements of the gaol, such as a prison kitellen, &c', are entirely 'wanting. For these and other reasons, 1 have in accordant" with - the ret|uiremcnts of the l'rsi and Asyfum Inspecrien Act of lSliH, to report th^ Milton'<r>aol as leing un :v.n\ unlit for the e.ontinemont of "oners as reijuire.d uniler t-ire term the Act, -and I hAve. furnished'to Warden of the County a-Copy (if report -with a re-puvst i hit a special ivm- mittee-C'f the Council shall he ;ppoii .ted to" outer with-mo with a view u vidihg a remedy, for" the defects't,i plained of. I hive the honor ic., kc, . J. YV. Lanismi-i.i:, IiiBp't To the Hon. the I'rov'l Secretary :-m r, 1 n-ff K V! m - U mm IK' s*".*'"' h;* rJ^jJTJ^f' J ' ' P^^M gfiaSSk : " ^ wlBP?'? "' F" = '^KH^Ss S^9!' - t! 7 ^^ffiff gs** . ;:#ff111 |i fcift fetrr-i B*-v - r*iMS-f'=flK"i:n* ": f fe'-'^isSPals '; : ? f^:--^mmM:l t m^Mmmmlf. 15*. -- ~ ~%i rtS^^^B^igW 1 ' \[ W:Wmmmt F *s^c^^m I^^^H ! 9- ' Wki r'J -41 - The Central Exhi&ttfou. The Guelph-.-t'entrHl Exhibition. lias . been tuore" largely patronized -thisjweek both by exbibitoip ami -visitors than fit any time since Its orgariiz;itip:n. The total muufierof " - \ a- _ ,entr.ies exceeds that of 1ST.) by about 600, nd the pavillion is crowded to 'its utmost; capacity. The fine wea.her during the past few days has very l.u-gely conCribu- t-.l to 'x\i<: -unusual success of the exhibition.' la horses the show is excellent; but there is a noticeable falling off in the iiuuibir oi supe- riot iittle. this being acccunted for by so uianyr cf them being absent at Philadelphia. There is an iin mense display of agricultural ma chinery, of every description, much ef it being in active- operation, driven by j>ortable steam engines eh the-groiindi>. A large num carriages, waggons, plows and r>ther} implements. I'The Ac'.oii : Plow \sa.vs: The Cair is doubtless iinx Company fakes- : a .first prize. Among the entiles from this coun ty atsd nei"ght>orhoO(l, we noticed Jblfn White's brooil horse "Terror"; a matched team of geldings by Jos. .. IJrownridgp, lUqiiesing Mr brood mkre Uy J". ^ Preston, Trafalgar -f ' veani of--bay ealTiagc horses by J. fa te ns-. ;'of the this om- Thc Eastern <uc-atiau; Mr. Ldw2 publishes a lettei; this morning on thejEist.ern question. lie vehe mently insists upon tho necessity of calling Parliament together to determine.: whether the present glue-- policy of the Ministry is to be pur berof!bUMtl" ' '../*.' The Tim<'x in.,, a leading artjicle to keep'tho contest within its >ro- [>er limits,'and. ho is believed tp have given-pacific assurances to the E-nperor Francis Joseph in an aato craph letter, which isexciting curiosity of the continent. Ifl riage_7nare by A. O. Dean, Nelson ; pti'r Waek roadstei-s Jpj , Pii. B. Orr, Milton; tvvo-year-old stallionj by - Henry Mullen, E'squesing; chesniit - two-year-old stallion, by Walter PobinsorT, Erin; jiair black roadl .sters by Jonathan. Taster, Hilton; a carriage horse -by Joseph llarri- on. Miltou X A splendid ; team-<>f young bays by Hiram Swuiekbani- .mer, Erin stal lion by P-' MeTayish, Nassagaw-e- -ya." 'In cattle a t,wo year old bull and two bull calve*,.Durham, by C. "S- Smith, Acton. , In slite]>, A. it ^W. Waldie, Acton, s-licrw' 26 head. I tif Leicesteis and Jjncpbis, and C S..Smith,_Acton, 2t head "of same breeds ,- Thus. Cameron, Acton, 10, head Lsioesters. In pigs, Thos. C-' C'ampbsH, Aetoa, has t^o improv- ed-I5erksiure bo-irw, aadjohn Hunt, jfiisaagawp-ya, two young boars of fcsime breed; Robert Wilson, Nas- isiigawfya, a youiig sow.. Tlere are ii ikiubt a Turge number of other articles from this section shown, which we have overlooked. ad- to to the fLIut there ia-grave reason to fear that ifj -hostilities are not stopped iimredi lUely, the healing influences "of diplomacy will be biifiied. A: prominent St. Petersburg, news paper is allowe4-to soy"that Hi is resolutely and iirevoeably deter mined to.fhiish the Eastern question^ The Cz^r .thanks the Town Council of'.NicbolieffTor their warlike dress, and no attempt is made prevent the rush of soldiers Servta, in fact the Ttussian- people are introducing the startling novel ' ty .of applying the' principle iiirrked liability to the war. .Itus- sra will incur a heavy, responsibility! if she does not endeavour, to stop! the present excitement. John Bright addressed a m'eetjin of the Manchester Reform Club on! tlje E isteim 'question.' He' Kinpkc sta-ongly against, the support of'liur- ;lley by British aims, andexpressed a belief in the 'desirability of con voking Parliament for the purposed say of disetLssing the Ministerial policy in this^directioni.' I The Right Hon. Robert Lowe has.published a letter on the East ern question, insisting uprm the n;ecessity of calling Parliament [to gether to cwisider the policy of the Ministry Affaira is the East continue in a -very ii.nsasdsYieloiry itate. The opinion is freely expressed in Eng -VlarmiuK Illness of the Pope and Cardinal Antonclll. New York, Sepiv30. A London despatch says : '-A despatch from Rome, to-day reports the very seri- & .11 .i i *- ous and even alarning illness Inid that Europe is on the brink of both F(5pe pilis IX a d . Cardiriaf her, to uny that has yet been heldilby the society. In horses tlio shqvr was very good, us usual, but in cuttlo. there wiis a notieeabld/falling off in numbers, though not in quality. Mr. Archi bald Campbell and'others had a number of w|ell-bred sheep. The Show pfx implements was very meagre, tlio Only buggies being three shown by Mr. Ryder, of Acton,: which wero not' allowed to compote for ji.-izes as .they wore not manufactured in tho township. There was a .-splendid display of butter, there being 24 entries, nil apparently of . excellent quality. Roots not yery plentiful, grain, a number of very fine stamples. In the ladies departmetit there was a very creditable display. - PRIZE LIST. -: - ; AiillIt:VI-TL*lL\I. HOltS-KS. Judges J. E. llarris'in, John Harris, John Campbell. ' - Span agricultural horses !M. Holmes, 2d. John Kitchin^,' 3d Robt.-IIolmes.;: Hoi-se colt Win. Aridp-son, 2d 'Donald ilcTavish, 3d John MePhedi-an. ' Filly colt Geo. Stranger, 2d Win.-Anderson,, 3d Win. Morton. Onif-year-old fillv Wm. Kitching. Two-vcar- old' fiUy C. Darby, 2d Uobei-tr Hume. Two gelding Jos. Anderson, 2d John Patterson. Brood inai-e 'Win. Anderson, 2d Geo. Stranger. Filly or gelding, three years old Jos Anderson, 2d Geo. Kitching. ROAD OK CARRIAGE HORSES. ; Span airriago hors'es - John Campbell, 2d Daniel Barbaree, 3d Thos. Storey. Horse colt Win. Watson, 2d Geo. R-itnshaw. Filly col.t Win. ?]lliott, 22 Mrs. Agnew, 3d- Robert Huiiie. One-year-old filly Robt. Irving, 2d GJo: Nor- rish. Gelding or-entire, onevear old Johni Holliday, 2d Wm. Hus band.- :-.Tivo-year-;old lilly Wm. Elliott, 2d" T. ML ATaylor. Two- year-old gelding John Kitching,- 2d John Lei=haian. Brood marp Robt. Haimo,. 2d Geo.. Ramshaw. Filly or gelding, three yeai-s old Geo. Kitching, 2nd Duncan Reed. Hack horso under Saddle bridle and martingale, given by "Mr. Neil McMillan 1st Duncan Morrison, 2d Robt. Wilson, 3d John H. Don- avan. Single carriage horse in har ness----Thos. \Vbitle\-, 2d Heury Cargill,J|J John Smith: nORNEn CATTLE. : Judges W. <?.-Beatty, C. P. Preston, Donald Cameron. Durham cow,, with' registered pedigree-1 R. and W, Thomas. ' 'Durham heiTer, three years -old,- giving milk John Ramsay.. 'Durham, heiler, two years ohl^ R.. arult.-W. Thomas, 2d Win. WatsOn.. ; Darham heifer, one-year-old.-^- Win.. -Watson. 2d John Ramsaj. Durham heifer calf of 1876 Wm. Watson, 2d R>-and W. Thomas. Wliieh cow,; grade or common Jonathan' Adufiison, 2d N. Norrish. Three-year-old heifer giving milk Geo. Stranger, 2d G. ii. Stranger, 2d G. S'ti-angeT. One- year-old heifer Wihr-Watson, 2d Geo. Stranger. Heifer calf of 1870 -Arch. Campbell, 2d John Ram Bull calf of 1876 J. Adam- son, 2d-John RanFay. Working oxen iu yoke -David Storey, 2d Walter '" L-.iing,-' 3d- H. CaVgill. Tlireo-yeai-old steers in' yoke R. Wilson, 2d'John Simpson. Yoke of steers, tsvoj years old Arch. Campbell, 2d J. Adamson. Bull, two yeara old and upwards J. Adamson!. One-year-old biill A. .Campbell^ 2d R. and W. Thomas. -Fat beast C. Darby 2d-N'.'Nor rish. .' , * . s SHEEP." : Ram, two roars ohl and upwards Pair fowln (turgo breed) Thomas Easton, 2il Joint Kitching. Pair cllickens John Simpson, 2d Thos. Eastoii. Piiir black. Spaniyhl whip given by Mr. Creech, Aoton A. Pickett, Senbright-baii.tuin chick ens : UAlk,:ROl>TH, F1UHTH, ETC. I JudgeR ~^Ym. Farrish, D. D. Christie, Jnmes Canipboll. _ Fall :wheat (white) Soules or othei-s Arcli. McGibbon. Tread- well wheat or otl/jcr-r-Wm. Hus band, _J6l(n Ijeisiiman. ,' Spring wheat Jaines White, 2d 'J'homus Mason, 3d i T. M.^Tayler. Bailey -John Ramsay, 2d Jbhn Kitch-. ing, 3d Wm. Elliott. Small white pcus-T.-Jl. Taylor, 2d Isaac "Wood. Feas, other; variety -John Itiint 2d John Ramsay. White oap Black oats John Hunt, 2d Jdmes White. Timothy seed G. Nor rish, 2d T. M. Taylor. Flax seed Th'oa. Wilsonj" 2d Isaac Wbod. Early rose potatoes Geo* Ea(iter- brook,- 2d ' John Hunt; 3d Geiirge Wright. Potatoes, any other jcirid -Isanc' Wood, 2d Isaac WTood. Swedisli turnips : 2d GiioT MePlierson, 3d James White. Turnips, any other sort T.I M. Taylor, 2d P. Gould, 3d I. Wood." -Mangold wnytzel -G. Eu.s,terbrook, 2d John Ramsay. Field-carrots I. Wood, 2d J. W. Eiisterbrook, 3d John Rainsiiy. Table carrots James Ramsay, 2d John Ramsay. Blood beets .Win. Kifchen,| 2d John Ramsay. Potato onione G. Easterbrook,.2d George Stranger. Sued onions Thos. Nicliolsoii^, 2d Jas. Ramsay. Cabbages Thomas Nicholson.' Canlidowei's-^ J.j W. Eisterbrook. Winter apples' I. Smith, 2d George Norrish. Fall apples W. Long, 2d John" Dona hue. Assortment' of .apples ijos. b have been President 2d John Kitchen. -N. Norrish, 2d G. Noijislu Sam- Fall Linn, ,|M!iirs- Winter ]>ears: G. Norrish. pie grapes-^-Mi-s. May, 2d Crtbrge 'Norrish. Tomatoes Root Holmes, 2d Jacob Allison. Pumpkins .or Squashes :Jas. Ramsay,- 2d Jblin Mead. Indian corn Win. Hus band, 2d Jas. Rjmsav. Citrons J. W. Eisteibrook, 2d J. Allison. : DAIRY I-nODCCE. Best 6-.lbs. butter G. Stmnger, 2d Jas. Adams, 3d R. Reed. Fir kin of butter, not less than 50 lbs, shawl given by J. D. Williamson, Guelph, value S5- Geo. Stranger, 2d John Ramsay, 3d Jus. Rauisay, 4th J. Kitching. Homemade cheese, 8 lbs-^-Geo. Stranger. Fac tory, cheese, 20 lbs :D. Gillies. Jloney in eonib, 10 "lbs rGuorge fKitcbing, 2<1 John Peacock. Honey strained, 10 lbs D. McTavislf, 2d Walter La ing. LEATHER WORK. Common team 'McMilhinJ DOMESTIC .MAXUFACTURES. Judges Miss Christie, Mrs. risb, iliss RobertjSon. Flannel Peter Gou]iL . Wrlolen ^cks -Wm.: Hutcheori. 2J -i'.rch. Bell. Woolen, mits-rD. Gillies, 2<1 Jas: R unsay.' Coverlid A: McGibbon, 2d' Peter Reed. Patch quilt Arch. Bell, 2d Dr "Hutcl fjo Fancy quilt Duncan Morrison, 2d Marshall Holmes. Knitted qliilt, work box] g'n'en by G. D. Pr iiglo Miss Maty McMillan, 2d Miss Jane Elliott. Woolen blankets .> -I i a terrible war^tbe lextent of wliicl it is hazardous to conjecture. , Sf.-r via has declared Lei-intention of j"lelding~ only to foyeign interven tion, and Russia isfnlieady in;iking extensive preparations for a j>cssi- ble descent upv'h Turkey by way of Pvoumariia. Austria, however, Ls reported to be oppqied to Russiufs intentions, and: -the Austrian, as well as the German press, breathes, a/very general spirit of hostility to .the Czar. Another massacre is ire- jjKtrted from -SaloniCa. - j .A nieeting'of the English '.Cabi net was to be'Iield yesterday. Imjjor- tant action is expected to be taken in relation to the Eastern question. -. Austria has very plainly, refused the Russian pi-Oj -.iition for.a joint, occupation of the Turkish Provinces! of the Danube: Nothing definite lias-yet Ijeeiilieard with regard .to tlie-Porte's rejdy- to} the peace pro posals,.but the Ottoman "ultimatum! vas expected atirieyerv moment. Since tbtS resumption of hostilities flie-Servlans; are'repbrted to have- been Uatjfy bejiten, and have'sustaiti- fcd lieaty losses. , pe, though long of feeble health, and notwithstanding big great age, jas been able to take his daily walk in the gardens of the Vatican until lately. His present sudden illness causes' the profoundest shock among circles in thejltv. , RJand W. Tho'mas, 2d T. M. Tay- . The Railway Dispute. The. Great Western has served a writ of) _ . , , . ,, ,,.,-, , injunction oh the Hamilton and fine^wooled sheep Dan 1 Barbaree, lor,- 3d John Kitching. Yearling rahi R. Irving, 2d Win. Burrows. Ram lamb Thos. Wilson, 2d W. Diing, 3d W. Norrish; Pair ewes, two years old and upwards N. Norrish, 2d Geo. Eisterbrook, 3d J. Adamson. Pair shearling ewes N. "Norrish, 2d Geo. Easterbrook, 3d Walter Dung. .Pair ewe lambs ', 2d J. Adamson, 3d Geo. Easterbrook. Fat shoe|>T J. Adamson, 2d N. "Norrish. Pair of North -Western, to. prevent that OoUipany from crossing tho Great Western at the jwint objected j to at Wellington ..Square, and the latter has~app!ied' to the Dominion Government. The G. W. R. [we believe, has iio objection to the |H. & N. W.j bridging over-the Square traTik, or tunnelling under it but they decidedly object to its being cro.'Sid un tlie level, on the ground that so busy a temch as the Toron to should not be subjected to the dangers' and inconveniences of such a crossing, and that at such a -diffi cult und improper point. . - Several members of "the Irish and"Australian rifle teams left ifor home on Saturday, the last of iho Intertiatioiial matches having taken plactr ou tliat day.. 2d Lambett.Barb'aree. 11003 LABGE BRIBED. Boar, -aged. (Berkshire)1 John Hunt, 2d N. .Norrish. Bo/ir pig, dropped in 1876 John Hunt, 2d Wm. Dredge. Brood sow-^John McGibbon, 2d L. Barbaree. Sow pig, dropped in 1876 Daniel Bar.-: baree, 2d Thos. Boles.- SMALL BREED. boar Walter : :|. Aged boar Walter Laing. Brood" siw-^R. Irving, "2d R. Irving. Boar pis; Robert Wilson, 2d- John Kitching, ^-R. Irving, 2d.R. Irving.. ; * POULTRY. "_'- '. Pair.turkeys Thos. Easton, '2d Wm. Elliott. -Pair geese- Thos. Nicholson, 2d Peter Gould. Pair dncks Win, Elliott, 2d Thomas Easton.'. Pair fowls (small breed) A. "Pickett, 2d Isaac "Woods.. :~ i. Harness - -Neil Far-. Duncan Morrison, 2d Duncan lies. Fine shirt, $2, given by Gil- W. UiiRuccessful nttempt made to nBHasainuto Canal, of Hayti, J^oo, the Mormiin Elder, who was tho-'principal leader in this Moun tain Mtwdow niusHucre,; hiui been convieted of murder .in the first de gree. Hanging is toog jod if or hitn Mr. Beatty, of tho Beatty StoiHir boat Lin.o.dias mudo it Tungemcnttt- witlf the N.orthorn- Pacific R> Iti and tho;Red River Trinsportutiori Co., to' transjiert Manitoba's 8urr plus wheat jfrom Winnipeg to Monj- treal or New York, nt .rates nop exceeding forty cents per bushel. I - -A diiring robbery wajs cointnitted' in .Woodstock lately ihi broad day light,'109 being .takjen out of ik. safe in tlio ofiico of IMossrs. Buckei'r ton A Co.'s planing; factory. ' In a reviow of tho |work of thp tiro iu.uid in Canada during the present season, tlio': '.JifKurmic'o C/tfoilirln .puts tho lqsseK "this month of August hist, at S72D,800|, of whioh the Iusiu-aiicu Comimiiics paid !?308",U00. i '~ ' , | . :' - ' - I On Wednesday aftprnoon last while Mr. JosephPeiireu and his family,- of 2nd lino Wej>t , Chingua] cousy, wero visiting the Peel Count}- Fair, some person broke into the liouso find ransacked everything in it, in the hope of find- ing'mon.eyj but onlyy succeeded in finding ii number of old In-terna- tional Bank bills. This bank broke dowti some years ago, J there fore the supposed luiwl- will be of no use to them. A mail that evening tried to pass a 5 of that bank in Brampton at Mr. Ciilkinson'h tavern, but as the robbery not "known at the time, no further clue to the burglar luis been.found. j Quilting matches are among the latest novelties. A gathering of this kind took place on Thursday <j>f last week, on'tho farm of Mr. E. 'Brook, t)th c6n. Peel. Thirty-five ladies and "ills entered tlie contest. A three:dec!;'ed cake was the j prize offered and after a keen coni])etijt- ion it was awarded satisfactorily to all parties. ~^ The fire devastated tov/n ErPtSlt. Jolins, Quebec, is being rapidly re built. ." A serious assault, was committed on the 23rd Sept., at the farm,of Mr. W. Backhouse, near Alymer. During a quarrel between two men nafned Westover and -C&uipb.el), la brother of the latter struck West-, oyer a blow on the back of the head with an iron wrench. The injured man became insensible; and was car ried borne in a dangerous condition. Campbell-was "brought before the Magistiato and'remanded., receipts'at the Phila delphia Exhibition from the JOtb of Ma) to the 1st of October reach a sum of nearly two million and a J quarter dollars. A . correspondent in Lanark ,writes: I see the young grasshop pers have appeared iu great numbers in tho vicinity, of the village, atutno doubt in other places also, which affords a ground of hope" that we will not suffer from this plague next year, as the eggs, de posited this season have already hatched. TlIK CONFESHION OF THE YoKN(IB. ' Tho Caledonia ' Stir.hem of lust week prints tho confession oF tlie Youngs, which was giveii the night boforo John's execution. It |ih only a more'minute account of their movements boforo and after "the murder .than . hafp beeii'.piibiis-hed.. John1 denies having over belonged to a gang of robbers", and attributes his crime anil fato to bad: coiiipahy and associating with, bad won)en.; . Foil the" Penitentiary. Janies William . Young passed through Hamilton on Tuesday on bis way to tlio Penitentiary. Quite a> Wge mass of people, chiefly women, -had assembled at tho Hamilton a id North-west Railway, -long ' time previous to tho arrival of tlie train, to feast their prurient eyes once more on tho prisoner. Ho looked pale and haggard, and much out of health, and had little to say to tho few who wero admitted' into tho car to see him. On tho arrival, of the train the car door was vary properly looked. j -j The post-office in Brantiford. was i entered by burglars on Tuesday: night lust between midnight ajnd morning.. Tho safe was. bloivn open and about 900 in money and stumps stolen. Tlie regis^eredilet- ters were not touched as they -were not. ai the safe that was blown open. Entrance was; obtained iby the back door being picked'. Soine stbiiocutters' tools were found"in side. . Th3 police .are working the niatte'r up.'- - ", | , On the 19th inst. Louis LardicV who Was working in Watt-<fc Wal ker's barrel .factory, in llarriston, made tip in twelve hours the large number of sixty flour barrels, the work being.done iu first-class style Lirdie is a man of forty-six<yeara of age,; and challenges any man in the Dominion of. his :i"e to beat it-., FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. UP^EW i.' - ; ^^ - . . - : Our magnificent strfck of Sew goods now ts band,-conipriine all u' r styles :ini:' _ .* ~l'We:i Most Fas Movable Assor tment * of Goods in .Western Canada. . -^ .' We have been very successful in buying upon eeseful in buying aai.getting-op^j,,^ ^2 inspootionj will be, we;are sure/. '" ,*>,"Ja^ Tjie Cheapest Lot of D^jr Gpods ia Caa^a, ":/ iiiUTSiii In Actfin on -the-2ud inst., the wife of Mr, it. O. -Miller,'of a daughter. IiiAcfriil,-on.Thursday, Oct.-.Iill, the wife of Mr. H'tnry Daiuiier, of a son. I im:i. In X:ias.iga'wey.i, on 3rd Aug. daughter <f-'Mr. Win. Kamshrvw. Ann, iACTOX ML1UKJETS, L ..... 2 oOtoO'OO .. 1 00 toO OS J. Kidney Arch. Bell, 2d wl El liott.- Needlework -Mrs. D. Gil lies, 2d Mrs. D. Gillies. Crochet work Mrs. A. Bell.lM Miss Run say.' Embroidery -Miss Jane Reed,. 2d Mi-s. M. Holmes. Braiding Miss.Thomas, 2d Mrs. JohnKJtcli- ing. .Berlin wool work-r ]Nliss Thomas. 2d Mrs. D. Gillies. '"Rag mat Miss McPhedran, 2d , Miss Thomas. AGRICULTURAL .-IMPLEMENT.'. - Judges Geo. McNair, Mr. Johnson. - Ox yoke and bowe.s John Simp son. Shod horse Ramshaw, 2d Jas.-Menzies. Wooden- ph \v B, Taylor, ; 2d William Burrows. ScufHet" Geo. Ramshaw, 2d: B. Taylor. : - j ' MISCELLvl.NnOU8. I . Home-made bread, 5 lbs of Chris tie, Henderson it Co.'s famous -50 cent tea D.( Gillies, 2d A. Bell.7 Home-made bread, salt yeast-( D. Hutcheon, 2d Mrs. P. Reed, llops Jimes Reed. Drawing or paint ing Jacob Allison. Hair flavvers Miss Thomas. Boquet for table -^A. Camj.bell, 2d Mrs. May. Boquet for band^ John Adamson. Silver wire wreath Mrs. May. Pricked wreath Mrs. May. Mesh work Mrs. D. Gillies. Honiton lace Miss Kate" Robertson. Point lace Miss Kate Robertson. - Ora-. mental hanging basket Miss ,K. Robertson. - ",' j Agricultural Evliibitioiis. Esquesing at Georgetown, Oct 10. Halton Cofinty, at Milton, Odt. 12 and 13th. ; ~" Pualinch, at Aherfoyle, Oct. 12. Erin, at Erin Village, Oct. 17. j Calcdon, at -Cliarleston, Oct, 12th and 13th. ; > ".,!.. White Wheat .. Spring Wheat, Glasgow Ked Chaff; Wheat New Fall Wheat.. Barley .;.. Oats" .;.. .. -- l'ea3 . i. ... Apples i. Onions i. .. Tomatoes'.. Potatoes, perba^; Butter. .'.. . '.. . ES^.; :.-'.'...:,- I lay, per ton . ".-.' ', Bacon ";.. Ham . ij... Shoulder:. . K . . Lambskins.. Pelts j...:" .. ' .. 0 !!8 to 1 Oo Ladies.:f^S%jj&^ D BE S.S' G-6p4s in the county, comprising all the new faj hion'able colors' in sel bro. h.ivy blues, pltim, prunes, and-myrtle green Dress Goods. Alsd'BlaSTS ires, Parainatfes, Persian Cords, Repps, French Merinos, "WinceK^S" Trimmings, Tassel Fringes, Cords, Buttonkr&c., to match allahadw '^*^ I Woolen G-pods. cl^<*rSt, ^s Squares, Polka Jackets/-Hosiery, (iloves-, isc., in ail the-Jaaaioaabto oob and styles; . '; ' ' '. :-, Millinery, Mantles & Blia^fe This department is faraheadof all compe ition. We ha^e this teatoa te. cured the services" of -a first-class millijiei from- New York". Ladies, too should not fail to'see our millinery. Be si re and call .before yoa buy? jn. Mantles and Shaiv-1* wo have imported direct from the head centos of fashion, viz., London; Paris and Xevv.York Novelties in ' Flowers, FesihJ ers, \Yings, Velvets, silks, &e. . j ' -, Liadies and lijildren's Fj^ No where in the country is such a dispjay of- Fufe, in-sablfe, seal, mink otter, lynx and beaver setts. Fur Jackets and Fur Caps in great Tariet?.""- Men's Kur Caps,. Fur Gloves, Fur JViitts, | Sleigh" Hugs, Buf&lo Kobei. it ' cheaper than the cheapest. ' -- Ordered Glothingi. ^^d^Sl^ best cutter and turn out-the most stylish jind. best fitting suits ia this part of the Dominion. -Wefhave just receiveii a of extn^ne Tsveeds, which w-e are prepared to sell at rock bottom prices. Cailanilg^e ' our" s'tocje. It' will pay you to do so, No trouble to show bar gotH^' Keady-made Clothing, Men's and Bojsf. Overcoats') Ulftef^-Hudson Bar^ Overcoats, Boys' Youths'and -Men's Suitp, warranted'the larpestTarier* and cheapest stock in Canada. . .- ] . - --i.,' ^ Otir ;^aple ^De^aj-tiDien^?8^^ with extra good, ciienp poods .in Cottons, both- White-- and grey,'Wife:' : Fancy and Grey Flannels, Blankets^ TableXinens, Towellings, ic. (_" \-i - Carpets, Floor n Oil Gloffis^ rices * ' ' " ' Boots! & Shoes. ~ **:.. S"i"s Nl ^.To~ 0 'JO tn-.l 00 J Rugs, Malts and Mat'-infiS, at extra lotrprices 0 SO to 1 n->' c f< 0 6.5 to 0 73 o :ij v, o oo o ar>to ods A large assortment aoiiirr cheap, v "t t " _-.j We-would ;>sk a continuance of the patronageso lib; rally bestowediiMBi r n?" ?\ nn us> anc' ,a teturn we guarantee,to sell goods cheaper than ever.' - 0 7.>-to0S0' 0 50 to 0 CO 0 IS to 0 "JO' 0 1! to 0 12l S 50 to 0 00 0 lOtoO 12 0 :i"2 toO lo 0 10 to 0.12 0 ."0. to 0! 75 0 i0 toO li5 Oct..3. 1STG. McLEOD, ANDERSOIT &C6. JiAMMOTU'lHOU.SE^ GEOBGTWRi.: Tho newspapers ..of the! United States are full of indications of- re viving business, and it is : thought a capital fall biisipess will be tho result. ThiR will largely help Canada, and especially Ontario.' Ofir shrewdest merchant's,- by- judicious advertising and ' other means are placing themselves in ji position to take advantage, of-j that "tide in the affairs of men-which taken at the flood leads on to j for tune." ' j " At the Central Depot, Philadel phia, there are 5,000 unclaimed trunks and valices.: Mr. Warren Caswell, the farmer . who was.the >ietim of the murder ous assault at Eden on Sunday, the 21th ult., is in a fair way of reco very. The bullet, has not been found, but it is the opinion of the physicians thut it took a downward course and lies embedded- in the mUscles of tho shoulder: , There are fourteen Norwegian families north of Bark's,' Spence, Muskoka.; In Norway, the season is often so wet th'at| they have to dry hay, etc,.on. a jsort of frame- :work.- A Norwegian lin this neighbourhood was seen drying his. peas iu a similar- manner, from old habit, not' knowing the Heedless ness of such' precautions in this climate." A good deal of amusement was afforded bystanders in front of the .Western Fair gates, London, j.on Friday afternoon by a littleUncident which occurred. A lady, "fat, fair, and forty," who had a fruit stand there, had occasion to'enter into a dispute with a muscular individual of the "navvy" persiission, when the latter set. upon her ladyship and gave her a beating, and also kicking her. The fun began w|en the woman got up, threw down the. man, and pounded him for several minutes with .her lists, until he called for .mercy. When ho- was allowed' to get up he said the woman was right, and he vrould never dispute with a female again'. The large crowd enjoyed tho, scene. King Alphonso of Spain ha s or dered a-Scotch plaid to Be made for him. It will be a combination of. the Bruce and Stuart" tartans, he being allied to those 'two houses. OnS the 28th ult, 1 Philadelphia exploded thii ty tons of fireworks. The Chancellor of the Georgia- Knights of Pythias has appealed to nieinbers of. the Order for contribut-. 'ions to the Savannah Relief Fund.. Tho capture by the'enemy of tho Egyptian commander in Abyssinia and his staff, has been, confirnjed. A fisherman's schooner was run down in Halifax : harbour Sunday morning by the ocean steamship. Nova Scotiivn, and two of its occu pants drowned. One.of the mod lost was Obed Smith, of tho Hali- filx'fishoruaen'scroWi ' Errs' Cocoa. Ghatepul an"-i> Com- For-TlNo.-i '* liy a thorough Wziowle<nyc of the natural laws' which; govern tlie operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a jcaref ul application of the fine properties of well selected: cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with - ,a aebcately llavorcd beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begra.dually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency, to. disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around, us ready-to attack wherever, there is a weak point. "Wei may fescape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well fortified with pure blood rind a pro perly nourished frame." CVt-iV Serricc -( "James Errs &-j-Co., .Homoeopathic Chemist, -is, Threadueedle Street, ml 170, Piccadilly, London."^ if JOY-WANTED :- TOjlcam the Prihtinsr' Busi ness. Ai>ply at ence at. the Free Press Offloe. /fTiQKiSALfi A BE313ABU PriaPcRTY IN THE V1LLAGS Or ACT0H. L Many Years of Careful Ec- ' search has produced it. . VFooil's Im;>roycd Hair Rcsloratlvc is.unlike nny other, ami lias uo equal. Tho Improved has new vegetable tonic properties ; retores grey hair, to a glossy natural color;,restoros faded, dry, barsti andfillln; hair; restore--, dresseB, gives vigor to tlit hair; restores hair to prema turely bald heads; removes dindruffjihu- mons scaly eruptions; removes lnlla tlan, Itching and ecaly dryness The executors of the estate of the late Samuel Worden,. offer for sale that de- sirable property situatedon. the corner of Agues; and Jolin streets, coiisisringof two lots.'ou which there-tire a good frauie house and barn, also, some fruit trees. "For terms apply to' . JOHN" SHAW, '-}_ ' r JOHN WARREN, ) i^e<=atrs" Aoton, Sept. 27, 1S76. 13-tf. ITtXECIiTORS' XOXICB. All parties indebted to the estate of the late Samuel Worden are hereby notified to make an.' immediate settle- n&nt ; 'and all-persons holding claims against the said estate are requested to hand them in, properly voue'hed for, to 'the executors. , JOHN. SHAW/ ) "',-l" " -. JOHN AVARREN, ,| Exee^- Acton, Sept. 27/ 1S7G.. 13-3fc '.- /RATTLE STKA1ED. Strayed from.the premises of thesnb- scribcr aboutthe-lst of June last, a.Red ^<0., S^eer and" a'Red-Heifer, both Jthree nrtlclo produces such -ivondcridl eflects ) years old! The steer has a white star Try It, call Xor Wood's improved Hair j- on his forehead and a; whitestrip on the Restorative, and. don't be put; 00" with side of his shoulder. Any person -giv- any otner article. Sold by a"l druggists [ing such information as will leatl-to. in this place and dealers everywhere." Trade supplied at jnauufacturfirs'"prices by"C. A.Cook i Co,Ohicago,Sole Agents for the United Suites and Canadas, and by L-s;iiA>f Baos, <t Co., Toronto; A CARD. To all suffering from the nrrors and luditcretions of-youiti, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manticod, <So,, I will send n recipe that Mill oure. you, JUtliB OF"CHAKHlt Tins great remedy was discovered by a missionary In Soutn A merlca. Send a self-addressed evelopo to tho Uev. Joseph T.'lNJtAN, Stutioa 0, Bible House, New Yrork City. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lTTiXEClJTORS' NOTICE. 1 Any parties having Any claim against the estate of the late Henry Ryder, of the/rownship of Esquesing,' will, please hand them in by the'first day of Janu- ary: next. And all parties owing the estate of :tho- said late Henry Ryder,- are requested to pay.the'same oh or be- foro the first day of January next. C. SWACKHAMjSIER, ) -p... .. _" J AMES-MATTHEWS,, i MARY KYDER/ Executrix Esqucsings-Oct. 4, 1876. ' 14-3t their recovery will be suitably rewarded. WM. GORDON, ' ; Lot No. 28, 5th con. Esquesing. Acton, Sept. 2G, 1876. 13-3t' T~)OaiINION HARNESS SHOP, s e. k. qoOE : Having purchased the' stock and; good will-of the business lately carried on by Mr. J. F. Dempsey, begs to announce fo_the" inhabitants of Aeton and vicinity that he will continue the ljarness busi ness in the same premisesy' Old Post Office Building; Mill . Street, Acton, where he is prepared to turn out work second to none hi the Dominion, "being a practical .workman of considerable ex perience. All work done proniptly'and as cheap as the cheapest. On hand; a large and well selected stock of Harness, Horse Blankets, -Trunks, : IVIUps, Brushes, Combs, <tc ; Repairing promptly attended; to. - "I'.'. "..-' - " ' E. K.iCOOK. Acton, Sept. 26, 187G. '."' ' for tho brick work, carpenting, plaster ing, paintintj and glaziug, ;of the^ C0NCRECAT10NAL CHURCH IN ACTON. The contract will bo'let., entire..or-in t, separate departments, as'mosit suitable for tlio contractors. Th<S stone"b|isemeut is nearly complete. Specifications may bo seen on and after Monday, 9th Oct., at Mr. Jas. Ryder's ca'rriago factory, iu Acton. ' Tho brick and-the timber will bo provided by tho Building C6i|unittoo, on the ground. ..: "> : ' | P. S. ARMSTRONG, Sec. Acton, Oct. 4, 1876. ' li-lt- McN AIR'S BRICK BLOW '. T'iJ Teml :' wa? I ' Kob deli>| Wi ofTd "be :b| ,' Conn ,,Atj 'csjuii . nextjl torsi . ampn - the-'jl & n] J-.Bd- 1 '. l>e: ml CKt| .-'Th ; metl: phi- fntun :. ! ?*- r8.m>wIprogt43siiigr."tpi<a5J aniftfc. - GOODS 1 ..' '"i-'.: ' "Irs the uresent store'" -^ : "- ; ."- v Must :^e alldearedte; i. ' " WitMnthe: ^ ., NEXT PEW WHafe' ,para| abovl ">:1 Prtx At I ilton,| ana . ^ ii- be i T foUo-Ji f . ram j pair < ; i ';-The-i l We don't want to nnO CONTKAtjTOKS., Sealed Tenders! will bo received-by the undersigned up to '. ': 1 QMALL FARMS for Sale in Friday, thfe 13th of October, > i Eramosa ami enn. - The undersigned-Offers to sell his farm, being the East half of Lot No. 3/' ia tho 7th concession of the Township of Eramosa, cojmprising about 63 acres, about 40 of which are.uiider cultivation; Good-log house and barn, ""orchard, etc. It is| situated about Inidway between Acton and ITbckwoSd. ' Also part of Lot Noi B,- in 7th cou^ Eramosa, comprising 2S aqi-es. Also part of Eot 3, in the 1st con; of -Erin, comprising 50 acres. For particulars, enquire of- Mr.AVm. Hem- street; Auctioneer. Rockwood, .or the owner on the premises. i , : JOHN McINTOSH. Ea-ainosa, July 19, 187fi. , 3-3iu IVIOVE A ; Any of our . Present Stock] .'.; ',' - ' '. - -.:-"----:- "^ '.'.' Things must be sold at aay P*"*' STOW F()E 3^A^W Such" a3 never before hesr&of... s Aotbn, Aug. 2, .1876. "~__-li-r--'- ;^S5ef^feg5 END 25c. toO. . conla4:_. _ 1 estlmateashowlDg -Bow-I . Ai| Bro-w whil - into j Work fifthj ^-tioa teet fl ;y dqubtj "being! -The i -large): ly>h :^pcip "WbicbJ iefethl fe'i-*-

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