Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1876, p. 1

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* [-VTCITE^ pCK8$ ; Itolky4: uZivsuux j-i-i, i^jci i. w 111 iJM jt, -L'jt'!.ma, j-mmuu j,uMigi Volume ,'JfcT f'S, ' S. :~. r&aias, All-good*- _>svr - r FORE, do, set, GTialph. -oods: r.v.ii-i.". >'>' a:i.lS;;rvj-.>: D K K. *c an. ? yo- v tl.XoVl"*,' Jw'-A" -.;>'>' .(' i\". :^GTON, OKT., THURSDAY, 4 LOtr'KY. IL 15.. 31. V. ^. i-r--,.luate or. Ttimi.v \*>:v -! i-Vli.'-te 'f iniy^u-inns v.- -Mn.i. Sit.kkt Aer.N. CO. r.l . Av-r.-s. ami:s .xt.e.iev : rr.p:v r. l'.>m. in D. -HlfcXIIEUSOX. Convey. r# a:: tale A^>". 4f-, prvj-u asJ on -f- tfoau on '"Glasgow !Iv .A. lUrri Honor.-, in (.] Main Street nomttkw A .'.,->( IS, ir.'iihint. Pliysi- llevne Col- o: Vietorla i\. l\>lMnl;iMun .lays (-"Mays, t'l-om ^ :i.- li.i. iHI .1 :,.-.> *Irce1, GyTTERB^f^'T FOR THE MILLION * MATTHEWS.- Con- I~v..,-r.\I Martiisse l.'.cel'w.-v, l:i-::ra-.ue Ainu, .\i:oi viu, A"?e-n! Montreal To!o- :\~ uivMiiu Courl, :., Ac, Aerox, i'st. IV. I neaf. pr,:n,"t!y, e..rreetly terms. Money to. orl^nso ^ecu'rtty. oflice :< Acton. " J - AND SLBllaHS. r is the time to'leave your order At J. Ryder's Factory - - r5- ' for " - Stylish-'Cutter or Scrvicefihle ,. . - Slcislr. | , > - .--;.. ! ' lam ranking up a la rye stock for the (hitting season; from the l>est material. IVg to announce tVhkthcyhnWseourccl -tho services of aj . Firs1^Cl44s 'Baker,;.:; in full'operation, iii tilic premised low ncd .l.y'Jfra. H,-m.n-' L CuZJ. u/af & Gutter] Broad will he 'delrj'ered daily .it the houses .4ii the villr.gJ ;ind vicinity our Hand- 'Weddind?' Cakes, " Tea Cakes, Pastry, Buns1, &c., v JD. UJVTHESOX, VUonioy 9 :i:-iiUr, S'.ne-iior Ui Vl-;itict'ry, *Cj O.Ti.-.'-.'oraerof \!;iin aiul Church 'gt^ss, Geo votown, PPL.EBE & SIM PSOX, * orno', St>- l^nioory, C'onveynnoors/^c. G&IKGLTl>\VX. -rnjvr,cer\-, . rj-.'^t of n. Vv' l.v.r w:;l :r.-J o-J Kn.!:iy o.' IlUDL.OV, Barrister. tihir i- . l>::i^; s: o^- 10 Mii:.i:i, .M;i'.:i strx-.-.; If.i- v.-i:i f. - -oiLU'r ;3:.' in.iiK'.c.f* C.'.'.nyV-lI, ant -Mr. 1 -11.f- :.! :'.'. f:e 'MLll.'a k*iTu-i~ .i-'.l VVtvC. " H EX-Ril Azei'u for All-ha<:ue fil'.b:uliy bV.iciti-J.. |\CE A;fc\T, l tU'II, " Mcrcr-nt l"f;in.l Waf.'rlco. n".:--:oi: ::\!"1? e:irf- wl.i no H. !.. Iti.AKt .VTEN"tS V:.\:- Mr i-j tea:. :i:.l L-t WILiI lia?r H:irr " ,y iifflce al ih< OoOuty Uui M ES. $ - Tearlier ul" oj LiOU i'- A CXOX M i" present stook of ni.i.le.'iii the very hest m.intier, and kept | always'oin Ji.indi good and fresh. 'Also . ___ all kinds <.f Confuctionerv, Biscuits, BUGGIE.S^AND WAGONS chceae, &c, * /. . r . .,, . , , . I The .patronage of the public is res- solicited. Nov is a c.-iod- time to eccui hargatns. ! * > B- NIOKUN. Strict attention fiivou to Ssrs8-Shpbitff"& GeacralBlask- 'aaitiiagr. Jcton.Jeh. 20, It.'ft K. lSTfi. L i)KlKE% Acton, f-ept. KSTH. as. - ami:s kyih:k.' ,^CT^X B.ViiEKt. V.tA.;._ THE YOl'Sti !tim: TO IIC'.U iiouii;it. Thin is.tlu! nD(ld(t lioiir, mother,. '1'hat I liavo ever Iciuiwn, And yet, aiipell of untold hlisin Around my heart i:j tiirown. I'm Had to think' that !I, mother, Must n<i uwny from'thee ; I'm Id. .it to think ijo true a heart Is [ili^hted unto me.. This home',1. no tijoro niy.lipnu-, mothcy. The parting; Jtour i.^ jie:ir, . And Ulan l lea\?e it'a iacrcd liaunt.-i Aiioth'er homo to cheer. I'.at'ly ;all'eetioliHls])eak, mother. And fain.would bid me stay, Itut stronger i^ the voice of "love, 'J'liat'ii calling mc u>v;iy. *,;'"' ! ' 1 live no more for self: mother, rl'\ir holy ij the vouf _ Aijix'iuled irom my lipa heaven: I'm hi.s forever now. llii nonle heart must ne'er, mother, Know naught of grief or p:iiu ; , . Tonio he lool;s for li:ippine;; s ~ lie must not look in vain ; But.ohj if 1 L'hould fail, mother, There's naught hut woe A joyless hlank, for'worso than death) Will all my future be. Oh, may hopes and fears, mother, Within my bni:om swell, ; As now I leave my youthful home, And say to all iare.'Well ; llutone boon e'er 1 go, -mother, -- Oh,^'iray to <!...! lor u::.-, mother, Oli, pr.'.y-lo Cod for.iin. The WHAT M , ,Jj :c < ! OCTOBER 5, 1876. '{#1.00 per annpm fp Adnuee. |li'iissliopi>cr Described. KIND Ol' A riOUltB, TJIi; I'KST 01' f ' T1IK WIIHT toAICjBS IN . ! MINNKSOTA, . (F,UNDERTAKING. Cheap my Croad. IX'VB^'T :.! ir.;s..fy( IONS i *i'.-ured : Tho nndcr.-icned-b. .id Icxive to inform, vteiniry' that ha GALLOv^A^ sO ^:fV ii'iv.1 -T,' PI HATiilXS, :V2i- LiCOU^r"'. .V I'rrliUralC"*, ftoyu1. A p.. ointtn-n!.)i >:ivute iii J connu.-iiiinl Post uat.-er (JliiiwlUJum, i I iJi-qtii onsh.c: iit'e's : in I'lidortakiiig terms as ARE And we. STILL intend to 1 .-: Superior >^i and reasouabl :.:i be had "I"' Alio t Bread, Einis Delivered fre-d: i> so wit on? iD^rcd. Vel.vere. - ,, . . vteimtv e.verv aroui lav. village t! ho will -- BtJNS AN.b CAEES CAKTEU. Iir;i%i Iji*2 nil';! Frriirh, Pit up Stores "8b 0ficeaiAljJ-y8fI^ in the best style. Show tasrs. Book Cn*rf and Desks "" made to order. ->':: :. r ii '.Villov.- street, near Slain st. han'drr.t~ot:ij bakery, ijjood; sU an'il 'pheap for'-ca'slj NO ; C R E P IT JG I V e4v, Except to prompt-paying moiitldy cu'a- I timers, i ; All kinds: of Produce taken in ex change for good: "lit L'iv jLIVIMt LOZIKR. !*!:ust<-rvr. v. ^ ]k..-AN"N'. ::i-C.:n. FLOrit ^IILLS. t7.^- !.'.'> Ung public. SI|X II Ol* SIS, icton. <j thl- O. T. Kai-waj zfLaLioi.. t Hcjxtrnnicxla.tu-11 for tlir travel- THUS5." CA3di'JBELlit f'ropr. D OMI.V IOX HOTEL, Acton, 1. II l& Co. dLLES LD LEFT. ! - k \l\ ..-be' iold J*r -;. id Prints PSJC& A Tweedy" low pricr-j reep inuf' filings, Towrt- ; Mb, and *bM . .,,- fthing 1*^,*?: :."i 1 aaa tot-Pp" -. . ex&iniBe our - rt w* Far the Co' ton.' uruv D:;":?4, Ac; ti;. F i*^ ? 8^:a: I'MairiagjG Vf gen ilscd. re.-p... e to ..r.Ier :i-, an-'.:-..:i .1'.. Ail o-. 'l-i )' illv le-bc- i:\l.I. *:<;. in brj!ad Wei._Ht.for w e-xchauL-o for'flour. VYEDDIKG &. FAMCY CAlCES r in tin .. 'lortc.-.t n-.w-iibh irr.-: il,. pill- >"VAY JJR0.S py.rt bli I i2ain. Etro'oi, Actja..;- SIICffAEL SPEIOHT, General :*ro;Tii :il-- Blae'kamith, Carriajge Wat;on-maker. G CEI.PH AnriioJKV, . ... _._ fir>l-elnt-.s ir.T:>'.:.:r*--. L'oihuwn :al . :.! '.! . ; lh--'v: ;ili".-. O' l:!iv li-^v.-.;. -_-;:[o.:i_.' 'wuli'ltic' l>evt. ..r-. '<.oo_.i S at>::iie and [ U- II :>.. J/, it price'eliargL:.!. .si IC Tin IS' i:. <; M'ontp OOiiptl,.- 'i-eilor/. il- ,^'f'tr jiublislu-'dj jv,i tii'iit f Iv (_Sj is nchiovo'tl not. by. tlic" wi'll-jitanned Mi lli.r.'n ^>n>cii who eontinontfi-i^ r.o'toriot v eiirryiii:^ o:tt of .any ileMgli tor tlio beiielit ol" his-follow- nit'ii, hut by Ike i'cvjjt-ti'iiti(>u of otionftlio 1,'i.^iinie schemes (',f IVainl in tin- annals of crinio, Mi'lliu is 'v.niuii yet ooinpn.mtivuly young.. In lioi-soii ho inof nuHliiun iii-'gi.t. !-,!lnTl(Io.-lrr, iun!l"i>f .stj-libh- and soiiii-wli-i't iuvi)os.'..ssing nj>- pealaiii'i'. (.If tlei inuii : origin, Lo coiimifnocd business in Mijiltreal un a woi kef of hair jowollory, -some fifteen jviirs ago, nnd soon nebjeved C'lnsiilci-able piicci-ss. By degrees lie extended his business, until he became tj.c proprietor of one oftho iriost extriisivo -je-vel.'etiy establish ments oi: the cotitiiii'iit,! nnd iicqnir-. e.t :i fiiii'i fo:'.ixci-!l"i;C(> of nmterial and i-V^-iiic!1 ol -.vor'.ioiiiisliir). A]>- bm the Fcnjim Fall* Journal,). Tlin. gi-rtHnhopjitii-iiB iv clmni|)ioii multijlilyistiliiiH no eijuiil. lie. liij'S (Hpuallinyr generically, and aiot'!to imt-too fine a point upon it) Inn t-gg; which i in about the hizij iiud bliape of along priinei' 0. In-fact, he htyjB Keventl of them. .From Au gust li initil winter ho ituijotmuted by ii rhdtlL'ss niubition to bore holeu in' tlu ground, of tho nizp of n pipe- Htcni, luul then to fill ,tlieK0 luilt'H with 1 eremu-color'od 00. And. thougli -lie is siunll ho attends, to his ] biz, and is a. triiiuiphiiiit kucccss. !ln stature he is about, a nuiteh foi'-u sixpenny stub nail ; in form ho, is lileo unto a lynch-pin, atid ho weaiii a greeli soaling|wax head on him, mild ai paiit of glass eyes, so that, with llis long-tailed duHteiv on, ho -looks like an unsophisticated and near-sighted schoolmaster. - But unsopJiiHticiitcd isn't what's the; matter witli him, and numeration lis his best mathematical hold, lie will stand himself bolt upright like "l' in'd of sul | uiicoiiKoiouslicfis, fool yourself lio- n ono of those holes aforesaid. vijew the heavens with an air imo serenity and wooden- lieadei I Doki't kiiowK, j.iref you- jiifitr what ho is about. Cs hiniseH, like u flgm-o lie IV lie veral pan- fort i r.p.'i s'anci-s rc-vi i: shouhl-i;-. i-ller. A.! pi-'ini: i-s in ajr-.l that.. ; wi:h l.'ie du in-, liro! A ] ^lijisTIlLE'E!, ded Auctioneer :0S of \S'e::ii ytoii m^l fl:,:.% l'--:t at ihe Kkki: I'ukss , or ai.rnv r-.-^i'leiiee,- in. .' promptly at:e::Ue.' to. Firnl-t'Iavi. Plows ami foliar<"s Pntcul Irou 3arrows :!iv,iy.> oh tiautl. j " I A .... ' " i i Repairin^'pronipily and properly at'.1 tcn.jj.-il to. ^ . . . ' . Acton; July IS, 1ST6. . , . JL l& 5* rr ^ ^^ r?* n is c>n the'hrg'n ro-id to nd his credit: j-.tviud-' high.,^'.' cms .. circimi- 3! '.vasnot us dashing jew- ;e out in his nd Mollor claim d some .",'30,1.100 danmges, which the i-iisiiriuieo companies concerned contested. Signs of crookedness-in his dealings bcciinieV'ajiparent to his eaeilitors," who were jibout taking steps'to protect themselves, when " surjirised them-ainl the city bv" ubscrlidii'-g wUlr ll:e. greater ji'orlion of'Ids stoekj' on July 50th,. just;, as a wiit of execution bad been served upon him. Jie iled. to the United .Slate.s,~!!id .the subsequent history of tiuv. perntiit, and the re- tli J co very of.a' lar^je portion of the plunder, is known to the readers of | the iiiiii; as also Ls the sad narrative illLK. :e lib.- i!'- to 1 : ! rtr.. ill :i:s e::s- ..- r. e-jived ai-;r-, iir.d w.jliM s:iy. nr-t-arei x sr.i|;ly :in<ifli r of r-Li-l.'mer-i'U-i-.ii ir.rxi', .,-l-:-r- i<j-a<- rt diirW:?' t.iai-ir-_- is no's 'Jliional numt- pur&. f^esi: rh: . . i.ui, ar.d i-xia- a on ^atur.Jays. I'ar- , ties -tho 'keep e.j-.vs v.-jll: fir.d it inu/-n 1 e.-:e:tf>:-r and k-.-s tiyublo to Set rnfi^ ii<-iiv- t *red at tfi'-ir doors, and tlo-y ttouIiI do I Ted tore:; tiiirco-s-sao'J imy tlit'ir mi;K-. Twenty-one euart tici.-ets'. lop $1.' it' pai J in aJvanee, or pint tickeLs for ^."ce--ts f. S. AKJISl'KO.NU. Action, Xot,H:1i,1oT5. : . ^ITILTtfX : - ._ -" PLANMG; MILLS. ACTON PLANING Gunsmfth, Silver-Plater, &c, MILLS AND , W'ishc.3 to^mform. the ptibltc that lie ha3 IT j ' removetl to ' ' ~i' '^-" '- ;' * .'- 1^. 3. M. MITCHELL,;- Manufacturer of '. ' Sash, Doors, Blinds, 3IonId- hiss, Door and-Window Frames, Pickets, ?tc. Ph 'i-iun'j, Scroll Work and Matching ' ' JJonc to O'rdtr. . .tS- Blinds 30 cenfe per foot, "2a; -411 -y.-.ork delivered Lu^leton free; ' 0raer2_Je:'t at Secord Bros. ' rrtfa be promptfy attonctd to. '.;.; ; \ . _}lilujn, June c, 1S7G. - .5fJ-Iy P^ TE^LLOPE CUAPMAk, Practical Bookbinder. AU Descriptions of Binding Xatljr Execnted. Acczmrtt Booh_ of all Kind* ifade to "."" ' ". drier. f" '-BuliijB.Promptly Attended to. S^liEEY=iSt. ptorge's Square,buelpl, Pump, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. TH0MAS | EBpAGE, MuDufacturer of Winkoyr Sash,, w Doors, Veaetian Blinds Mouldings, I And other Bnildins Requisites --'. ~ Also Makers .of :. II^PHO^BD ST70TI0N '^XTMPS liumber Planed and Dressed toprde ; . . in: the best manner.' jggy*' All work guaranteed; Acton, Jan.,1870. - --, ' " '; Hatch's Blocks . Next door to Tj-Son's- Butcher Shop AMMtTNITIOU FOR ALL BREECH LOADING ABSS. Ely at ICynoeh'H Cnrlridyo Ctnpop nnd Caps for: ro-loadlnpf same. Hc-londers, Ki-canperii, Cap Ejectors, Curlers, ami I CreasorB,cleaniuir ltods, and all aritcl'e-s , necessary for a Hportsman's outllt. |.' AH sorts of Repairing, and Jobbing ; eSecuted on the shortest notice at I ' Guelph, ^lpril 27, 187G. ! the l)iijsiin:s3, iiiuJ, mlontiing tho'do- cimal aysteni pf notation, calmly' places a 0 where it will do tm? most good. That; stands for 10, and la fore youican dot and cayry ftne he has added another cyphei to that,.- and die; now reads 100. About this time you begin to dis cover what sort of a rooster ho isr nnd you entertain a degree of awe for hitir not inspired by n front view of hia ^reen goggles. Reason- rng a; wteriort you discover that he is a dangerous neighbour. Ikit while ybu stand nuiaze I he rapiilly suffixes fifteen or twenty more OilO, Ciirrying liis problem into toe mil lion millions, ami has ' sealed and oemenled it up.ready to W fired at you next .spring. in two minu :es nd a quarter lie has given yoi; a robh-iii -that, with all your powjrs of mul :i)ilication, cannot be solved or eqtiated-. lie compounds his interest at 100 per cent, every five second;, puts a snap judgment on' your cornlield, and forecloses befire you ca 7i say Jack Robinson.; ERAMOSA FALL EXHtBiTION. The -n'miu'al .fail show of tho Krttihosa A'^t-icuFtni'iil Society, was hpldioji tliei'r excellent grounds,.in Rockwdod, dn Thursday last. Tho rainy weather during a good por tion of tho qlay liad rather'a bad effect, on tho show, and no doubt prevented many intendingjexhibi- tors from putting in an" appear ance. It had also tho effect of ren dering the receipts at tho guW; con- sidcrubly below what they." \vcro last year. 'Taking everything iiito ?.mh' JasJ | WaioiV ^iml Ji Ijohn P'116iinell. Ewe La'inbs- Joliu RuiJisay. LKICKSTKItst." '. Aged iiam LIuilj Sutton, 2nd. Tlio^-M/favlov." ' : oh,- (yDonneir, 3rd 2nd Shearlifig Uam I/. Parkin! (Jilrrie, 3rd T. llober!.s.. Ivamb ' E. To)ton, itton, 3rd^ L. Parkinsiiii. 2nd John Rain I 2nd M. S .. A,ged llwes^rCr. & E. Toltpn, 2d M. Buttoi , 3rd NValtci- La'in Shearliiig I5\vob .G.'-if E. Tolton, 2d Jos. Pjirkinsdn, 3rd BI. >Suttoii. E.w-e fjalmbs Jos. Parkinson",-2d- consideration, ^however," the"show | G-^& E.^Tjolton, 3rd, M. SuttoiK Whatl the Country Papers do. An ^xclntnge combats witbf/ciri- [v papers are cheaper n|n<l le vigor tho ai'gument tl| at of the checking'of: the famih lias d'.-graced in their futile make away with the pi tj- Orders, left at ,thc.JFl'.EE IPltES ujjce-wiU receive prompt attention. J'OWISI,}, & CO., ' oont?ir,? i1^' fo:r pampklet of MO pages ~' MllmLto 3illslli'of ?Wi<=WBpapers, ana aumateb showing coetof atjtertlsln. TTAKM FOKSALE. ".The undersigned. oEfers- to sell his farm consisting pf about 50 acres, being the" Bouth-wegt half-of Lot No. 21, in the 2nd con. of Esquesing. Good house and barn, small.orchard. The land is ol excellent quality, well watered, 40 acres cleared, balance, good maple -wood. Apply to W. Ii ^J" Eager, Milton, or to the" owner on the premises, or byr letter ' to Acton Po3t Office. : DANIEL THOMPSON. Esfpjpsing, Jiuly 15,'-1876. 3:3m. A ATTON '. LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN TaKes plensure In" announcing to tho public generally Hint lie Is prepared to furolsh: , . 7irst-elAss Horsos and Carriages At Reasonable Rates.. Bis Rigs and Horses are the best that can be bad, and he Is determined not to be surpassed by any CltyHtable. .Acton July 1st, 1875. - imily he .-lidei.i- uitder of the creditors ho had concealed, prior to his : flight. lie had made away with 'gold and jewels to the amount 6'f about SCO,000. Alcllor was a married man, but he had given himself up to evil courses' to such an extent as to bring about liis ruin and the ruin of his famih-. lie was bled right and left byn notorious courtesan, with whom lie lived, in defiance of ull social law.8, and who was tho cause of his disgrace ; but instance how pwift is the descent, -and ltowll terrible the punishmeut that men, prepare for themselves, when they wander wilfully from tho path of rectitude! ITe has had as.much nay, more of Bucqess than falls to tho lot of most men of his condition, and had'lie led an honest, virtuous life, might.haVo been an honored citizen to-diy, speeding upward in the scale of fortune. He gavo him self up to riot and excess, squander ed the means of .his family, and .when the worst came to tho -worst, attempted to make away" with the I property of his creditors.- "To-day he is an exile and a criminal ; strip ped of his plunder,' he is virtually a beggar," and a reproach and scorning among men. Verily, the way of tho transgressor is hard,'and Me.Uor's-ciise is an illustration I Of the truth of the Scriptural saying, transcending-a dozen sermons. .-. sidera!1 thti cit better jthan the' country papers, lie- cause they give more columns of reading for the money. Do the eitly palpers, it asks, ever give any home news ? Never. Do they c: n- tain notices of your schools, cliurdi- es,j meetings, improvements, and hulndrrds of other local mutters, of interest, which your paper publisl es without pay t .No.t""ah item, i Jo they e'-oi- say a woi'd calculated f, draw attention to your county and. its' numerous thriving towns, and aid their enterprize ? Not n. word. And yet there are men who take such contracted views of.'this mjtt- ter, that unless they are getting jas many'"square inches of reading init- tecin: in tlio ting. ; remiiic their own paper as they }.lo pity- paper, they are not get-' (.heir money's worth. Jit s us of the perton-who topk the largest-fiair of poots in the box, simply because they cost tho sui'no |; us the pair much smaller, that tittpd him. j Wh't will You Take? How often thifr question is asked by men accustomed Co the use of intoxicat ing drinks. Suppose we put th'p question in a more practical wuyl? Will you have ten cents worth of poison f Will you take a pain Tin 'tliB.head';? Will you taken stab in in-the lungs? Will you' take; a blister on the-mucous membranje? Will you take a nauseating sick ness o' the -stomach ?. Will .you take a redness of the eyes, jor black eyes? Will you take an offensive breath ? Will you take a torch I of delirium tremens ? Suppose we change the question a little. Will you fake something that will make you hi TOB PKISJTING of all kinds t> neatly and promptly executed at the FREE PRESS OFFICE, Next ttie Post Office", Hill Street. aii'ISStKIBE FOR THE ACTON JffSpE PRESS, " *PJ UU . CP-sS*-',.s1impres worth Si free. Stinson & Co., Portland, jMalne. <11 O (Vdnv at homo. Agentslwanted. PX<2 ontflt And terms free. U'ltUE & CO,, Angusto, JMalne. _ - ' It is vain to stick your finger in the wat'erj and, pulling it out, look for a hole; it is. Equally vain to suppose that, bojwever lai-ge a space you occupy, ' will miss you >vhen yoji die." '- '- One of the most rehiarkable fea tures of the Centennial is the order preserved ill the vast croutk-of peo-. plo present There is no rowdy ism nor .drunkenness, and a lady .may go alone, with' no fear of being .'insulted.' With a daily average of one hundred thousand people in attendance there is -seldom a case of disorder reported. jre- thirsty than you we're bo- fore you 'drank itt There would j.^.^. .___ be soirje sense in asking a mail out j ToVtonf 2ndTolm Tol'tonT was \-ery good. Of horses and cat- tlo thero was a large number 'of very excellent animals shown. Grain antl roots scarcely up to the average either in quantity or quali ty. Thero was ii fair show of- ini- plements, and a very fine display of buggies and carriages Mr. Jas. Ryder, of -Acton,Bhowing twosplen- did buggies and a democrat, for which he got first prizes. -The ex: liibitioni of Indie's' work was very good, s lowing excellent skill and tiujtc, 11 flowers and boquets there was a wry fine displuy. Tho judges were r For horse.s Jas. Richardson, Andrew Aitcho- son, ant. Jas. Moffat. Cattle and iuiplonu nts Gideon Hood, H.Lar-. ter, Alex. Henderson and Mr. Smith, :of Lowyillo. Sheeji, pigs and poultry Jas. Cowan^ William Trndal anl Win. Watson. Grain and roota Robert Noble,- Scott AiTOslrpng and J. H. Glenuie. ITruit'. niid flowers Noah Sunley, anjl Jas. Anderson.' Ladies'work Mrs. Henderson and D. D. Chris tie, of Acton, and Geo. Hadden. PRIZE LIST. ' DRAUGHT ii'ORSES. Brood #Mare John" Place, 2nd James Hill, 3rd John Boulton. Colt Filly Foal John Place. Yearling Colt: Cha&McDougall. Yearling Filly Mathew-Kirby, 2nd Henry Talbot, 3rd Jos. Croft. Two-yeaf-old Gelding A. Stew art, 2d John Grieve. : Two-year-old Filly Eiish Loree, 3d|Josiah- Royco, 3d, Henry Reed. Span heavy draught John Place, 2d Alex: Stewart. - GE.VERAL PURPOSE HORSE3. Brood 3Iare Samuel Johnston, 2d George Nelson, 3d Jas Graham. Colt Foal Samuel Johnston,.2d James Hill, 3d John Dickeson. Filly Foal Jas Graham, 2d J_. S. Armstrong, 3d Geo Nelson. YearIing.,Colt Junies Hill, 2d Wni Roberts; 3d John Dickeson.1 Yearling Filly Henry Talbot j 2d John Boulton, 3d Wm. Kjitcben. . Two-year-old' Geldingi G. Coch- lin, 2d II. Dunbar, 3d JohnBlack. Two year-old Filly Henry Reed, 2d Elisha Loree, 3d Wm. Wright. Span general purpose J Talbot,. 2d Wm Santcr, 3d J McCuteheon. Carriage Horses- Hiram Swack- hamiHer, 2d John Campbell, 3d Da-; viil Mathewson. i Holse in harness |Wm Guthrie, 2d John Campbell,! 3d GeO;Coclilin. Roadster Wm I Hemstreet, _ 2d John Talbot, 3d Moses Hurren. lLipk-ney John Cummins, .'2d' Wm Chanqiion, 3d, Wm Stove). DURHAM CATTLE. ' Aged Bul'l-T-Henry Talbot, ^nd Wm. McNab.| 'f wo-yehr-old Bull ^Alex. Stew art, 2nd Thomas McCullough, 3rd .James Bolton. One-year-old Bull Joel Leslie, , 2nd II. & W. Thomas, 3rd Thos. Carter. . Bull Calf Henry Dunbar, 2nd Samuel Ker, 3rd John Talbot. Cow J. s. 'Loree,- 2nd R. & W. Thomas, 3rd Wm. Wutson. . ' Three-yeat-old Cow Thomas Waters, 2nd John .; Ramsay, 3rd John Grieve. i Two-year-old Heifer Alexander Stewart, 2nd Samuel Tovell4 3rd Jl. & W. Thomas. |; ,. One-yeur old Heffer S. Tovell, 2nd John Grieve, 3rtl T. O'Connor. Heifer Calf John Moore, Thos. McCullbugh, 3rd Wm." Watson.' ' ' !'..'. GRADES. . :;'. ' , Cowi-Thos. Tolton, 2nd Thos. Waters, 3rd Chris. McDougall. Threh year- old Coiv Chas. Mc- Dougail, 2nd B. & A. Tolton, 3rd D. & Ji Stewart. '!,. Two-jyfar-old HeSfer B. & A. Tolton,: 2ud J. Tolton, 3rd i John O'Donnellr; [; : One-yearrold Heifer-^pB. and A. Fat;- Slieej) rJolin Kirbyr- 2nd Thos. Waiers, 3rd Jas. Gi-aliain. I rili.3 ', Boar | Sowj -Graliam,, 2nd T. O'Connor.! i. V V 'j - .' Boat- Pig-i-Tlws. Easton. : j Sow Pig - Johiv Talbot, 2nd T. Eastdij. ' .'..: SMALL BREEDS. . . [ Boap Alfred Anstie, 2nd John Hunt: So O'Coi -.John Wright,' 2nd T. Boaf Pig-r-Alfred Anstie, [ 2nd John Hunt, i . ; j ' -T.'d'Connor, 2nd John So: Wright, . Pair Pig1- ; poultry. - Turkeys Thos,' Eastoii. John O'Domioll, 2d iy Dairy Cl/ewje- dersqn, 2nd i|rs, son. .IKI: Furm ^\rag Richardson. : DeinV)c:rai"".\^( 2nd Torrance One Horse JJ' 2nd T-jrrance.;. . Iron Bti'ain.pil Plow, ! other! Tiivlor: ..' -Mral Isaac' An- '! Wm.: EClgkin- .' |,EMENTS. ' ':- on on iJas. Ryder,-- id Richardson. ' uggy- Jas. Ryder, j. d Richardson. ow-i-Hugh Milloy. kind ^ "Benj. C. Sennfier---G(! K C. Taylor. - ;'Turnip Drill Shod .Horse 2nd'John Mel) ..Set. . a 2nd -J.-: .. -j-iioh, - Win. JTorranca,... . Duncan-McKenziS^ (maid. ;' '. ' - D. MoKenzie,. llU/IT. ' '. ! ' des Thos,-McCul- Collec'.'.ioii A] lough, 2iid;Sam]iie] Ker, 3rd Hugh Black Snow:Applep Johji S.' Arhisti StL lii.wrenc^ Apples: Thomas Harris, 2nd H Col vert Appp loucih, 2nd Heii ghBlack,. es Tho?. McCut rv Duffield. Me at the elbows to take a coat, or -in asking a bare-headtd man to take a hat, ir in atking a shoeless mian to tako i pair of boots, Or in ask ing a jungry man to take.some-' thing io eat j but it* is a piece ; of:! insane absurdity to ask a man j to take something to drink -that which will not quench thirst. Wjhy should ho .'take something? W^ill it makahim stronger, wiser, better? No ;, c thousand times no! jit will make him. weaker; it. wi}l make him idiotic and base; it will make liiman enemy to himself and ' and a^hame to his naino. Tlioso who ascertain-suspicions of all are much to he suspected.. <*/ Meifjer. Calf B. and A. Tolton, 2ndlJohn Currie, 3rd John Raprisay. Working Oxen David Storey,. 2nd; Wjalter Laing, 3rd W. McNab. Three-y ear-old Steers Alex. Stewart, 2nd Walter Blanchfield. Fat Cow, Ox or Steer Alfred Anstie] 2nd Geo. Coulson. ! C0T8WOLD SHEEP. . "'"* Aged Ranir- John O'Donnellr 2nd R.j and W. Thomas. 1 ' Shearling Ram John>. O'Dcin-i nell. ' -:.'. Ram Lamb Thos. Waters^ 2nd M. Kirby,' 3rd John Ramsay. AgeLi Ewes Thos. Waters, 2nd Jas. OJDonnoll, 3rd, John d'D'uri- nell, .- :.--' Pair Shearling Eyes Thomas Pair-Geese W. Roberts. _ . - -.' ; Pair Diicks Alfred Anstie, 2nd Thos. Easton. - 7 Thos. Easton.' ! GRAIN. :, i' . . 'White Winter Wheat Henry Head, 2nd C. SwackliHinmer. ; Tread well 2nd John Ramsay.. ' Glasgow S)n-ing Wheats Heni'y Head,! 2nd John O'Doiiriell, 3rd Wm;L;iightr: "/'"... Other Spring Wheat.. James |S. Armstrong, 2nd Wm. Ching,-3rd G. & A. Modre.; '.' Six-rowed ; Barley rW. Gordorij 2nd AL FairroWj 3rd- J. Ramsay. Small White Peas D. & J. Stewart, 2nd: Thos. M. Tayloij, 3rd John Bedford. ..-.' Other kind Peas John Hunt, 2nd Henry Head, 3rd Henry Dun-. bar. ' . ' : -- ' New Zealand Oats -Jesse".An derson, 2nd Isaac -Anderson. -Other white Oats Wm. Clringj 2nd Mathi;is Kirby: \ ' ' ' ' Bhjek Oats.-^Jesse Anderson, 2d John Hunt. TimothyiSeed James Long, 2nd Thos. M. Taylor. \ ., "-"" Flax SeedU-Thoa. M. Taylor, 2d Thos. Wilson. "I White Beans Wm. Wright, 2d: John S.. Loree. -. ... Indian porn Joel Leslie, 2nd Walter Blanch field. ! " Early Rose Potatoes Jesse An- dersoni '2nd Samuel Ker, 3rd J dhn O'Dohnell.j- - :-'< John Hunt, 2nd Robert Vv'htu^on. '. Colleetiojn. :Potatoes-i-Wm. Wil- [loughby, 2u])i:ThQS. Waters. . .SwehdisWTurnip's Jesse Ander son, 2iid Josiah Roype,---5r-dl John Armstrong." - . ' : Robeits, Snd-Thos. M.; Tavlor. ' M; . _ . son, 2nd Wim. Willoughby 'Wiujier. !0abbage. Ander-" son ,2iid Hugh McLaughlin. ' v,.';'.' Red Cabbage Win. Stovel, 2nd., \Vh|trton..' - r... Can .iflower -.Henry Duffield,'2d Isaac .\jaderson, . Tab o Caj-rots Isaac Andei-son, ) 2nd-Jesso Anderon. t Ifieljd Carrots JohntBedfoni,'2d Wm. Wright. Parsnips] 2nd Jos. Parkinson. .. ! Blood Btiet rJesso Anderson, 2d Isafic Andei-sbn. * Celery -Isaac Aridersori, -2nd' Hugh Mclaughlin. . . . Tonatoeti-TT-<"W,m. Harris^ 2nd Joshua, Noiris. . -i Red Onions Jos. Parkinson, 2d L. Parkinson.. .. '. 1 Otliar' Onions Parkinson, 2nd L. Parjkinson. ." -, | Puiipkii|s^-.Wm. 'Willoughby, Head. ! -' !. ' Squjash'-ii-John Ramsay, 2nd W. Wrigl t. ' .: " '""'"." " ". . 'Gitions^ John O'Donnell, ," 2nd' John Bedford. . : '" LEATHER, ETC. . >:-' Team Harness J.'W. Knowles: W.,!eSi [ | . .'. ', Barrel Flouf Wm.-Michie.i DOMEMIC majiufactu'res. . ( Puir Blarikets Mrs,. Robt. Ken nedy, 2nd Mrs. Thos. Whitley. / .- FlanneI-|4-Job.rL Be>, 2nd'Wm. Gbrdcii. . -..- .' Fulled C^oth^Wtn: Gordon. Hohey i!nj Comb Thos. M. Tay- .. Other Fall Apples-^Thos. Cullongh, 2nd"]j. Parkinson Rhode Island Greenings" Henry DutKeld; 2nd James Hill. "' Golden Russett Wm. Gordon,. 2<u^TIio37'MeCulloiigh. Noi tJiei-n Spi'r Jesse Anderson, 2nd. Thos. MeCiillough. Other Winter Apples -Thomas McCullough, 2nd L. Parkinsoit ' Fall Pears TJunies Canlfield, 2d McF; rlaiid, 3rd WiHiam Coglilin. Winer -'Peai- lough, 2nd Wm Sample of G' son, 2nd Henry SibeiiuniCra Transcendent strong. .-"-1ADIEB bEPARTMEIfT. "Wiratlt "Wd 2nd Miss Jane s-^ Thos. Laight. upes-i^-Jos. Parkin- Duflleid.- .;; >s Sam n el JKer. Crabs Gep. Arn- Miss Hannah ^olton. Crotchet ^n Cockbnrn, 2nd 3rd'Miss Gordon. Crotchet in Parkinson, 2nd Cockbjurn. pabiri Reed,--2nd - M'nl Mrs. W. \,Qui It, Log Cockluirn, 2nd 3rd'Mrs. Thos. V "Hooked'.'.M.^ Parkinson, 2nd SOLI. Counterpane M;re. H.! Swac -Jus. S. Armstr .'Hiiii- VVork; Mrs. Jas.: Long, - Oriianibntal Needle Wprk- Jos. Pai kinson Marigold I Wurtzel tL.: ' Parkin- l, 2iid Wi 2'n.d MI^Jos: . Worsted Soci 2nd Miss Gordj . Woi-sif-d. M ;2nil -M.i.-i,. </osh Em broidery Coekbtirn, 3nd .- Braiding- 2nd Mrs'. Alexl o. Ramthaw, 2nd -W n. Santer, 2nd M<*M- k Miss- Thomas, MeeSatebeoH, 5r* [Cotton ^Mr& Wm, Martha Ramasy# Wool Mrs. M. A. Mis. W; Cockbttrn, 3rd-'Miss. Altloijse. Mesh Woik- Mrs.'Jos. Parkin son, 2nd Miis II. J. Day, 3rd Miss Ellen" -McCuiloi g!i. .'_ ' " Plain Woi-sted Work '-Mrs. R. Gillis,, 2nd Miks S. Cqnlson,\3rd' Mr-s. j< jin Bed "ord. Woi-sted Work, raised-^- Mrs. Wm. Fariish, : hid Mrs. D. Gillia, 3rd MJiss Hntin ih Tolton. Quilt m Pat* b Work-r-Mnfc B. = ' " " "' Alex. Carrie, 3*d -Mrs. i-Wra. Miss SL' 'J'i'Day, Whitley. ; I r ; . tf.- Mrs.: Joseph Miss^M. A; Parkin-; Aire! T. Whitley; i Gent's Shirt-f-Miss-.Cordon, -2nd kliatbmei'j.Srd Mra... kg. "v :.- - Miss Th'oijfias, 2nd Mrs.' 2nd Miss LGofdja." Bead JrVork-j-Mi-s., Wi'nJ Mutr^ Parkinson. ks Mrs. Jas..Long,' pn. ":' Stts Mrs. D. Gillis, '^'m.lMutiie. " ." .vnitjing Mrs.- J". 'Long, 2ad..^ lor. Ill .SU-kined jHoney^-Walter Laing. X>4|iKYi':i1lionuck.' - j;"'- Firjlnh . Butter-7- Mrs. "Joshua Norrish;. 2nd Mrs, Alex. Currie,/ sen., 3rd Mrs, John Ramsay,-ith Mrs. RobtJ jlCennedy. Frtfsh Butter- Mrs. 5. Grieve, * A uld,: 3rd '51 i-s. J as. Graham, 4tli Mrs. Thos. Tolton. "^ jta' Norrjah. n Musliii Mrs. W. Mrs. D. Gillis. Jkt'i-8.- W. Coekburn, - Carrie. Tatting Day, 2nd Miss Maggie C jitjboii. "."... fiowers. ...-.-. ' ;' pollection-Window Plants Mm. ': Joshua Norrisl. ; -.'. Collection ' Annuals'-^ Mi-s. L. Parkinson, 2n( "Mra.-Jiis. Parkin- . son, 3rd -Mrs/'^osbua Norrish. Collection -I 'ansies -Miss Han nah Tolton^ 2hl Mrs. Vos.~Parkin- - son, ; Collection Shocks Mi-s.-/oseuli Parkinsoij, 2nc ; Mw. Isaac Ander-. son. ' - - . ' h'""'-. ABterte Mrf. %. fui-kin'soii^^nd'.- Mrs. Joi. Park nion, '." '. French" Mai-igolda;J Mrs. L. Parkinson, 2nd M.iu' Job. Parkin-' son. '.' African . Marigolds Mrs. I*. Parkinson,2;n<. Mrs. Jos. Parkin- -soh..'. . .'- '] .. Zermias-1 ii vs.: C Parkinson, 2nd Miss Hiimiah Tolton. ; -.: :-- Coxcpmhs -Mrs. Isaac yAnder- , son, 2nd. Mrs. j7ps...Parkinaoa.*", ..^"Boquet fori Table Mrs. L. Parkinson, 2nd Mrs. 5oe. Parkin- ] Bon.: -::-j -...:' *' , " - Boquet for ti^ndy-Mia* H. Tol- ' ton; 2nd Mrs. joe. Parkinson. "^ - ' Many endure mi.sfwtuneAcithoot - daring to look it iii^the face; Kke cow-ards who'iuiffer ttemselvps to j he niuixlei-ed w thout resistance. . - ; Fobls ineasn re actions after-; they v are done by events; .wiserinen be- - forehand, by he rules of resoa and right. = Tie former look;to tiie ' end to judge of the act.' Let- im .. look to the aelj. " "i..j' -.<

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