Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1876, p. 2

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T Pa 61 & L , : . > .v.- ^ THE FREE PRESS,. jip'TOSi' flALTpN'- COUNTY, OOTM SEPTEMBER j;28, 1876. Miiied Every Thursday Morning. .T. H_ H.U'KINC.^Yopiiethr. Por Annum in Advance UK ACTON FREE PRESS >w-fc* the excited atnto ot tho population. The nuinber of volun teers-for Servia, however, is said to bo tidily increasing. .- The xli.spatolics published in yes-, ti'ijiuy's papers;; informs lis that tho wiiir.-.purtv iimT'Iiiissian otlicers iuo j-^'*-*r (" hist Jiiturclny, before wrjrldni; "heaven and t-arth to ro. KVmmer F> oenuui. Mr. J. I). Miith- , . .,"' . - - .. ... Jcson, of Uedrgetown. "iippem-Oil on >vfct Servta-from assenting to tU.orii._v V . ,i . ' ll . 6 . I behalf of tlio prisoner. pence negotiations -proposed by :tho { ' Qn tj10 assembling of tho jury, i...... ".' " .J ,' . THE WHITESIDE MURDER. STII.I, AIMOI'KSMKNT. The mljoiirncil inquest touching the death of Robert Whih'wivlo, wan again tegnnted at Clark's hotel,-Sil JOS H NUCKINO F.OtTOn TnrR.ip.vT Mornino. Skit. 2S,_ 1S76. Agricnltnrnl Exhibitions. . A'pw is the season when; our Agricultural friends havo their an- nnt.L; gatherings and exhibitions of the ,-friiits--iit their l.llu ha- ' \Y ii^ Xi - no doubt that . nearly ev.-ry far'wef has by this time the benefits of'these annual reunions Oiiil *s 'making "ari-.mguionts to jia- j-^itiyiiize them in one wsy or another; Th articles'ft>r- which premhi'ui? alt offered are so numerous' and. 'tale"so wide a range that almost .eyi-ry one can eoiHribiite something ito keep xip the intOivst'of the cx- " " hil itiuus. Competition -encourages an! necessitates improvement. The v.nsucctssCnl exhibitor this yes.r may carry olT tlio coveted prices lux t year. -If, a man has' it is sti'l'wurth his while to tp and s-.e wl at others are doing, and so put Jjh.isfclf in the right-path for keep- in;; up with'the times, by contrast- in;; his pwn'-slocfc and productions wi h" the best of those which are en ,ered for competition.- And the ag-jcultnribi is not [the only one wlo derives ln-nefit from these an- Xk\i il exhibition*, as they are .inter est irig nd might be made protltab'e to" every person who chooses to par ticipate in'thti-advautages afforded. Fhere is one thinjg, in this con nection, which we would like to see eh; iitged, and' which we think-would beguiled by the public as a veiy: daiirahle improvement. "'-We-refer to the system of labeling the arti> e!es~on exhibition which is usually - alipted - at county and township .shows; We would suggest that the na ne of eacb^exhibilor bo plainly written on thejuiti y.t'ickots, instead : ef tbe s\stem of numbers only. so that visitors -may be 'able lT?ee *t; once > who are owners of: the articles -shown; This /woiild \m-" doi ibtedly be a powerful incentive -"to'jjore people becoming exhibitors, as by its means their productions'- would be brought more prominently before -the public Vhen people prcftuce tliiogs \cortliyj of being exlribitd they generally like :t!ie _pu >lic to km>w it. But for the euterprise "of "loval newspaper re- ]>oitentr even tbe naHujis of: prize- taiers- would Keareely be known, under the present system. I The only objection we know of lihat is. nrgfd aj^inat tlie.adoption c'f this plaa, is, that the judges might be ojKa to_chafgfes of favoritislii; and .Hot l>e so a[)t-To awiini pn;v .-. dins to -tiierit. This objection' *:.:_' eas lv l>e-obviated by having i-1. u,e of toe dtrect-ir.-i detailed to wi-iie t'ie nanes. on the ticket's ii:;medi;tt'<ly after the awa-rj bad been iitade, ami before the do<;rs. weic- tlrown ojxn to the'public' ' We trust to see this hint acted upon by! cur locil societies. * I - - I other Powers. -There is said'to be much doubt as to the.course Princo jVlilan- will pursue. - A -correspon dent'of thci Londoi.'T*wi.\ of 26th jinsU, reports " that the Prince -of Montenegro lias sent orders, to- the eonmiandei-Sjof his forces to abstain from otrensfve movements till Oc tober/the 20tb. Mukhtar Pash.1, however,.-took advantage of the triyce aiid'oceupied and t|)rtitied two new advanced positions iii Monte negrin territory. The iP.i-inco pro tests- agninst this viohition. oi'ithe truce." - . Amongst all. tho conflicting idisl patches, it,is extremely diiliciilt to ' foreshadow- the ultimate .result of t\g--existing diifteiiltities In the ijast. - I " : . .' 'ii: mi U"!i I A ' .;'.' The Eastern Slifilcnltlck. "he *ar news published infliroii- - da_\'s_ daily pipers, fairly briy.hd '...wl-th. imaginary U _aiid|.-w"e wfeitr led to believe that the fight ing that Lad already^biknn placi'iti ihe-E-ist Wiis mere- child's" play . to wiiat was to edme. It was _f staled that the trfte'e had expired, C j asu .the Iiiighih pi-ojjosalsUi'or a pea3fr basis had fallen- throujih ; - tha; Russia was bent upon having waii'at any cost, and ^hat the Ser- Tiaiis were hot-forlhe'struggle, lit . was; also announced that 10,0)0 '^Russian Volunteers' under eoii- niaBd of Eiissian officers, had sta ed'for the froni to the^ssistanee i'ja, and that active hostilitil-s wers-toemeutarily expected, on a largs scale. . Tiie-despatches of the following however, gave a mote favo - aspect of affairs. It was sail the^ Turkish government had: expressed iu willingness to grant|a further suspension : of 'hostiliti that Russia was showing a d day, ble that and ers.; /rt'y yor l:K L !-The St. Clary's' Journal is the title of a new candidate for- public favor. It is published in the town of S"J.'Mary's by Messrs. Whithick i Patterson, both of whom wc person ally know to be young men of excel lent practical ability, and \rlio'wo have every reason to believe will conduct tho paper successfully. ; -It will be conducted in the interest of the Liberal Conservative partv. The first issuo 'h;is a neat appear ance. ' - , Tiie Toronto Ghbesnya both the Youngs ought to havo been hanged. Tiie .l/'tiV is of tho opinion that Mr. Blake did right, inconu'nuting the sentence of ono.'of them ! " ; Our temperance' friends will be glad to learn that the Dime in Act has been adopted in the County of Grey, by a large majority. ! : The Eefonuers of South Wejlijig ton held:a meeting at Guelpli on Saturday to take preliminary steps towards the selection of a candidate for the seat vacated by Mr. Peter Gow. Delegates will be appointed on the'Oth of OeXober. ; 7 The writ fof.the Local election in South Wellington appoints the nomination for the 13th and :tho jury, polling for the 20th October. , . y fpj . The clergy in. i^pain are still agi tating; for the. suppression of all Protestant schools in. that country.. The. Cabinet is anxiously discussin the vexed question. -., The Servian army, tho correspon dent of the Tiinv says, has become, to all intents and purposes, a Russian one.[ This element 'feels itsetf master of the situation, and naturally the Turks protect. the Coroner informed them that ho had; received a telegram, from the County ;Crpwn .. Attorney stating that the Deputy, Attorney-General .desired'" an adjournment us impor tant .evidence) would be brought out in a week's ^ime. * One of the jurymen expressed hi* surprise nt tiie inquest beintj journed so frequently. + ' TJie Coroner held that it'-wah quite right to ask for an adjourn ment when justice demanded it; Mr. Matheson expressed his will ingness to luivo the inquest adjourn ed, but lib protested against Henry Whiteside being held as a prisoner ou such slight evidence uh -^hat which had been 'uddueed.i Me therefore moved for; his discharge. The evidence given,; so far as it concerned the prrso:xr,ho held to-be rather in his favour than other wise. . The Coroner said the only duty which the jury had to perform was to enquire'into the cause of death, and he cited the Bravo ease in Hug- laud r.s an instance of a jury having a protracted silting before they could eonio to a conclusion'. Mr. Matheson reminded tho Cor oner that there were no persons kept in custody during that enquiry. He also pointed oat that two other persons, Shirkey and John White side, had been released in'conequence of there being no evidence ag'ainst them, and asked that the coroner should do the Same for Henry, the prisoner." The Coroner stated that, the jury would have to judge whether tlrere was evidence or not against the prisoner. Mr. Matheson again alluded to the unwarrantable delay, and sug gested, that' if the coroner |md the jury had a private conferenlce they might come to a conclusion'similar to that to which the uiagis*rates ar rived in.the former cases.. The suggestion, was ludopted and the jury and the coroner conferred together. During the conference Mr. Dewar, County Crown attorney and Air. Laidla'w,.counsel for the A firo in London,Fi:iday, dostroyj-.' A span of horses, fromi Cunndu, ed pmperty to tho value of 83,000, Tiro JTapiilion Exhibition- was closed LYhjay-. The Ishow was a success. Cjato receipts SI2,000. Jlespiitcli'eH from the seat of War ' ' ' ' ,d b. " ' are as- niunerous air usual. iDufliuld's large cooperage in Lon don was dcstifflyed bvliro Thursday night. I/)ssjctbontS3000. A child was born in Hamilton, Ohio, with sovonperfect teeth. California will sh ip C00.000 tons ot wheat to liugland this fall. A squaw named Sarah ' Smart died near Shannonvillo a few days ago at the ugW 109;xi "- j Brampton IMechaliics' Institiito 1ms " gono up," Tweed and the nitirderer, Shar w,hich took a prize at the Centen nial, and owned by Mr. Kennedy, of London township, havo boon sold for ai.f.UO.'. " Tho Woodstock Htmfind advo- ates the amalgamation: of all tho .prisoner, arrived, and addressed the j fl)re i,.^ were broken immediately abovo the knee^ As there "'was no help for the poor bruto^ he was-shot and rolledinto the. ditch. posilion to witbdriiv^' her ppposi- to-tjie peace negotiations, and tD fall iiil liner with the other Pocw- 'Servhi being said to-be the province that was really injfa.- of continuing the war. The propDsal for the re establishment of tiie state of affaii-K as they -vfere previous-to the reboUton was jaaid to b"rejected by the Servians, wJio are the irhwilling to place.any faith in promises of the-Turkish Porte of future 'reforms,- A : despatch' from St. Petersburg denies all r& ports of waiiike liTepiiratinns on Ihe part of Russia/and. ascribes the ru- ', The plague has broken out afnong tbe Turks before Alexinatz. Spain enjoys three. Courts now: Alfonso's, ex-Qneen Christir.a's,and: ex-Queen Isal>elliv's, at Santander. Th6' latter is actively intriguing.for power and spoil,' while the Prime Minister stands firmly in her way. Trouble seems to be cropping out in all direi-tioris against the Hamil ton it jTortbwestern Railway Com pany. At a public meeting of Adjiila ratej>ayera held at Keenans- ville, it, was unanimously resolved to at once.enter a suit against the Coinpan'vv.for the Jion fulfilment of jdedges.. ii- * We have received the fourth and con- eluding number for the year of V7'-7i"'*- FrvL <luhlc. .It is.profuse ly illustrated and coirtaius -a large amount of iiiteresting'intelligence. Jarnes Fleming, Esq., Barrister, of the town.of Brampton, has been appointed'-Deputy' County Judge of the "County of Peel. Xbe appoint ment Was l-endered nc-ce.s.Siiry by the absence of Judge Scott in Cali fornia/ whither he has gone for the benefit of his health.. A great number of the articles in theV Philadelphia Exhibition aFe sold, and will be removed by the oynefs-on November 10th, thetirnb set for the close of the show ; and most of the exhibitors will exercise their privilege of then taking away their property; -.' _. i Forced BiLLO.-^The Banksgen- ciesi are warned of forged five dol lar bills on, the Bank of British North America which are in circul ation. The bills are jSxtreniely well executed and "wonlit. pass almost anywhere as genuine. Canadian Cattle to the Front.. Philadelphia,. Pa, Sept. 26th. The judging of thoJcattle took place to-day.. From appearances Canada wilj take first prizes for fat oxen, heifers, and Ayrshires, and a yery clorfe match with Herefords.,| If Canada does not get the; first she must, be commended. The short horn judging is not completed and cannot be forecast.. Agricultural Exhibitions. -'; ^assagawuya, at Haltonvillu, Sept. 29th.-- ' . JJsquesiug at Georgetown, Oct 10. ./-fjaltoii L'ounty, :It'"Milton, Oct. 12 and 13th.. Puslinch, at Aberfoyle, Oct. 12. . Erin, at Erin Village, Oct. .17. CcntraT'at Oueli>h, Oct.'3, 4,5, (?, Calcibin, at Charleston, Oct. 12th and- l3Lh. i- r le jury finally concluded to hoHthe prisoner iii[CU.stody for a short time longer, arid in the meiin- fctme the inquest was adjourned till next Saturday. Execution of John Vuniig". John Young sunei-ed the extreme penalty of the law Friday morning at about 7:15. He]was aecompan-, ied to the scaffold by:'the sheriff and' County officials, and {three clergy men. After the roj>e was adjusted by: the executioner, arid the cap dniwn over his facio; he was directed .to kneel on the drop, and after two of the ministers had engaged in prayer with him, and whilsirepcat- ing the I^ord-'s prayer^ at the vords, "Deliver lis from evil," the execu tioner took .hold-of the lever, and the cham/attachi/d ta the bolt, not Ixungstiong enough, broke, and ho had to get a sledge hammer to knock tho bolt out in order to let the trap door fall. He ui:iy thus bo.said to-ha-ve,died,-two deaths, a mental one, for it was'over five min utes before the executioner could do his work. The drop was about ten feet, and after he fell, ho did not seem to hare any death-struggle.. After hanging for thirty minutes,, life was pronounced extinct, -and the body was cut down and an "in-' quest lipid """before Coroner Drew. A large crowd of people was pres ent,- and lined, the jail fence to where the scaffold was built. It was certainly not a strictly private execution, as all the movements easily seen from the out- 'side.m Mrs. Macdonald, wife of the murdered man, was among the number of those present. ; .' -*- j The destitution at Brunswick, Ga., where the yellow fever is rag ing even more ^virulently than at Savannah, is reported to be some, thing'appalling. Relief is coining in from ]N"ew Orleans, .Richmond, and other cities, both' in the North ern and Southern States. It. is worthy of remark that at Savannah the mortality from the epidemic is larger at present than during any previous: visitation,, the highest number of deaths being fifty six, while during the epidemic of .1851 the highest figure reached was fifty-, one. Th|S epidemic of 1854 ended on tlio 10th of November, but from present indications there is .little hope thrift the fever will disappear by that dtite. The great prevalence of tho (jpidernie, is - attributed to frosts, following closo upon the equinoctial storm. One of tho inner walls of tbe new Wellington hotel building, *n GuelphJfell with a great crash, one day laso week, und two of the wprk- inen ware percipitated to tho collar nmongrit (;'he stones and brickT One of theiti, named John Watt,/i stone mason J was killed; the other-; namech Matthews,was only slightly injured. At the Coroner's inquest; the wall was condemned, the jury in their verdict, stating that' the division wall 6f brick was not sufficient for the weight imposed upon it, ' -': ,.' / key, are to be brougit fiSjiu Cuba lid-New York in tho same ship. The Go'voruor-(3en.'riil and Coun tess of Duflerin artj 'expected in Ottawa the first week in October. Atp tho' Western !. Fair," which opened at Loudon, Out., Tuesday, it is expected that the exhibits will be fully up to, if not surpassing, that of last year. I Six hundred .sheep wero shipped from Guelph for Liverpool by John Black, of Fergus ; also SOO pack ages of cheese, and 8 10 packages of butter for'Glasgow aiul London. The close season i for speckled trout has been fixed' between the lfitli of September yi'tuj the 1st of May'in Ontario, and the lst'of.Oc tober and 1st ot February in Quebec. Building operations at Orange- yille are lively, the total valuo of dwellings and stores erected this year being estimated at 80,000. Yellow fever is raging'terribly in Savannah, Ga. ' The awful scourge seems to attack the colored people with great severity.: Six persons were killed Friday morning on the Panhandle Railroad near Columbus., O., nnd one iln-1 known man bv a collission on tho North Peiuisylv'unia' Railroad. Abel Young of, Caledonia, .was p-lait snows into a County onflioting tt3./'fH'H-tliq amai- , [ inwiiship-fallsl Fair. It thinks such; n union would bo second onlytojtbo West ern Fair. ] I John Young, ono of iho Calodo? nia iuurdoh!rs,was hanged at Cayuga jxil .last 'Friday morning.! The son-, ^enco of; James Youngi was com muted, oii'tho day.-jirevxoDB, to im- prisontnent for life. . The Directors of tho Gait and (Juelph : Railway have ; agreed to hand over the enterprise to the Great Western Railway Company, oil' payment of .^10^)00, and so end all disputes between tho corpora tions. '.:". Since spring the Messi's. Brown, of Woodstock, have shipped to Now York over 2 otyO barrets .of eggs. They are reported to have eightlear loads in -their cdllars awiiitiiig ship ment at tho present time. Their enterprise seems!to have been pru dently conducted, and tho business so 1 far this season has resulted in a direct satisfactory profit.* ' . I" At tho seryiccs held iby Henry Ward Beecher in Toronto on Sun day, both the Northern Oongrogati- dinll Church in the mornihg, and the Grand Opera House in the evening, wero so overcrowded that many per sons, pi-incijmlly females, were taken out iii a fainting! condition. The crush was so great tliat in some instances slight injury was sustained by those who got. jammed in : the crowd; imd'torn dresse{if smashed fans, iiu<l complaints of lost jewel lery,were numerous. Three armed and masked hieil entered the -dwelling of Wnrreii Caswell, nt 1'den, about one n'eluck .Sunday morn ing, and rolj him. On making resibtaneu one of the seouiidrels- diseli.irged liid levolver ,-it-Jlr. Caswell, the hall entering his neck. He is it\.~a precariiaib condition: The robbers de"- enmped as soon iia the shot was' tired.-. Threoi men are. under' arriibt on HUSi)i- eion.- I -. I - ' Ci.bsi: Fishing SEAsoi. In the driving j>ust the'village of York 1 i "ist Dbminioii statues ,w|e find tho. a moderate jkico mul on a lev<l following: " No puison shall-tish piece of road, when it very peculiar accident his horse. Hie horse suddenly fell forward and re mained in a recumbent jiosition. Ou disinounting| from the buggy, Yqiiiig fouhU thai both the horse's A Wealthy Prisoner, ; Harrison P.| Brown, who" served threo and a half years in the- Fiist-j ern-Penitontiaijy, for a daring n't'-j tempt to enter j the Coin Exchangoj Bank ut Piiilaitelphia, became free,; one day last wjiok, b-/ the expira-l tioixof his.seiitenco. Bofor.o hej jleft tbo prison] however, he was Vo arrested, detainors having been lodged by Gov. Hayes of Ohio and! Gov. Tilden of New York. In New York ho was known as " Dick McCoy," and ko;i wanted there for a bank robbery.!' In Ohio ho: boa seventeen years! yet to serve for the robbery of the jCodiz Bank. The; Court gave him! into the custody of tho Ohio officers. -While Brown was iii tho penitentiary, a near rel ative loft him ajfoitnno of 40,000, which will probiibly have a chance to accumulate for bis old ago, for he will be GO years old when Ohio is done with him, and New York will then want him. ^ . Ploughing: Matc'ii.-^TIiotown ship of Esquesiilg Agricultural- So ciety's ploughing, match will coma ofr on'the 20th of October. '.-"." ' -., -------------------* About the Game Law. To the liditor of"the Free Press. - ; . Deaii Sin-, Iibfg leave to call your attention to an tiriission in your Teply ti last week. You did not inform u whether or hot Mink waj included in the list. Now, as there Ls at least one party much iu- terested in thiB-affair, would it be too much to ask you a little more de- linite, and let him know, whether or not ]ie in liable to a line of from five to twenty.five dollars. Yours,- i Tilaitki:.. Acton, Sept. 25^ 187C. . IiEPLY. In our reply to "Anxious Enquirer" last week the word " mink "'. should have been inclndcd in the enumeration of the fur-beariu^ animals uov,' ont of season, but if"was accidentally omitted i|i.setting up the type. The omission was not noticed until the papers were printed. We would hero say to our correspondent "Trapper," thai if he knows of any one having been juilty of a breach of the game law, by shooting mink or any other animal.'dueiiig-tUu close season, it is his duty to h:jve such person punished as provided by [the On tario statutes. As the game law has been pretty extensively published re cently, there can bo no excuse fir ignor ance in the matter. ElUTOli. " The alleged Tecumso'.h remains have'been' Toronto and handed over to Professor Wilson, who lias been deputed by the On tario Government to report upon the alleged discovery. It is cer tainly necessary that there should Jjo a" searching examination, nnd strong pioof of the "identity of the remains before they are officially recognized as Tecuuiseth's by the Province. -. > The Provincial Exhibition held at Hamilton last week, appears by tho accounts given in tho daily pa pers to .have been one of the most successful ever held. The weather proved all that could bo desired, and there wies an unusually large attendance both of visitors and'ex hibitors. The Provincial Exhibi tion for 1877 will be held atLondon. The prize of the Canada Company for tlii- best twenty-five bushels of wheat, .?f>0, was awarded to W. T. O'Neil; of tho township of Nelson, iu this county. , ' Phizes fou Canada. A special from'Philadelphia is rumor ed on good authority that the judges will award to Canada, the first 'prizes for wqllen goods, furs and commercial woodsr -Awards will l>e formally announced on the 27th ins't. "';' -Tkade With Australia. The Dominion Government' having , de cided; to assist Canadian maimfac- turers and producers in forwarding to Australia such specimens as they may wish to exhibit at the Exposit-. ion to be held there in April next,- all intending exhibitors are request-, ed to forward, on or before the 6th! of October, to the"Minister of Agriculture, a statement of the articles they desire to send, giving a full description ,of the same, with weight, bulk, and value; also stat ing whether they can be ready for shipment on a day not later than, the. 25th of October, in order to enable the Government to .decide upon the best arrangements to b.2 Hiado for transportation of the same. DlFFERENCF OF OPINION, The Globe expresses regret that the sen tenced James William Young has been commuted, as at the;time of capture, it very strongly advocated the execution of both. Strange to snyj tho Mail approves of tho action of the Minister of Justico, on the ground thot James-William, did not strike the blow, and that he was led into the crime by his uncle. Tho Detroit Nines has tho fol lowing : The Canadian yacbt, Conn-' teBH Qf Dlifferin, was seized for debt in. .New York, Monday, her owners having contracted obligations in her behalf,: amounting to 2,000. Cup- tain; Crtthbert, the principal stock holder in this country, has gohe to Canada to; raise the money. She is offered for sale at $8,000,. but judges" think she might bring 83,- l 000' or S 1,000. for, catch, kill, biiy, sell, or hbve in his possession any speckled, front,, brook or river trout, between the rl5 th I day of-September and the 1st dfty of January in each year,in the Province of Ontario." Ontario Reform Association Rooms. The Reform Associatibh Rooms at 45 King street East) Toronto, were formally opened'to. the public last week. The location!)h conveni ent and central-^alinost directly opposite the post office and neiir the Dominion aiid Montreal; |Tel(;raph offices. The rooms are "th^ee in number, of which the principal has been fitted up <as a readingrroom, In it .will bo found on file the prin cipal newspapers of the day on both sides of politics, togother with other reading matter of a yahiable and interesting character.' Tothis read ing-room the pnplic generally, of both city and country, are cordially ,invited. Stationery will be pro vided for such as desire, to write letters, and registers may bo'con- sulted for the purpose of i ascertain ing the. whereabouts of persons the visitor may be'desirous-of meeting. Tho intention is that this room will supply a place where every s'.ranger can enter and feel himself i at home, and where, he can spend with profit and ])leusure:any time that may not be devoted to' more pressing, business. The second apartment is set apart and furnish ed us a committce-ronm, but when it is not in use in this capacity ft will thrown open to the public. / The third is the private room of the Secretary of the Re form Association, who has the whololsuite under his charge. The Yellow Fever Epidemic in Savannah. ' M.lItKlKD. At the bride's residence, in Aetou,. on the 20th inst., byn Kev. lh . BJ Cftme- j-on, afsiated by Kev. Cb W. Calvert, THos. IJavidson, Ksq., of Kjqudiing, Uj Klfza Ibiley, widow of the late John Hannah, of Acton. I , ACTOX MARKETS, Flour ... i..| ..2; \\'1i)te \Vhc&t .. ' . Spring Wheat, Glasgow Red Chart' Wheat ! ' -. New ['all Wlieat. J ' '. Barley .... - . J - . Oats .... .... .'. Peas ...- ..... Apples .. Onions .. - -.. .. Tomatoes,. Potatoes, per bag Butter ... - .. Eggs. .". ' ..' .. 0 11 i lay, per ton .. .. 8 00 Bacon .. .. .. 0 10 Ham .... .... 0 12 Shoulder... i .. .. 0 10 Lambskins.. .. .. 0 50 Pelts .... ..... 0 20 toO'OO 1 Wi to 0 08 0 ttgj to 1 O; 0 'JO to 1 00 0 Sojto-I-b, 0 CfJ to 0 73 0 3,j to 0 00 0 6'5 to 0 US a -10 to 0 70 1 00 0 to 0 00 to^o so O.itttoOCO 0 18 to 0 20 toO 12 to 0 00 toO 12 toO 15 toO 12 toO 75 toO 65 TERRIBLE SCENES. A correspondent "\rrites from Sa vannah : " Our beautiful ' Forest City of the Sunny South' is at present like iintp acity of the dead. Almost every kind of business has been susjiended for the tifne> being. Thousands have fled fijom their once healthy -and beautiful'homes, which now. speak in silent lan guage to the all but solitary pedes trian of desolation andideath: ' Dur ing the day time a few hundreds of the once twenty thbusand white in habitants may bel observed hurry ing along the streets, but when night approaches, and thp terrible effluvium which exists in thoatmps- phero seems almost perceptible, all is silent as the tomb." Nat a sound ii perceived by tho listening ear save the measured tread of; the night watchman or tho rapid steps of the Catholic.priest. Yellow fever.was declared iiii epidemicpnonabout the 21st of August, Jfrojn thafirBtiof Septomber until thb sixtb/fnclusivo, there were fortyeight deaths ambng the Catholic poptilation- alone, ~abd the number of deaths that have taken -place every .week since are amoDg the thirties." On'Tuesday, the 12th inst, thore were j 260 new cases, and 34 deaths. The fever be gan On the west, side of the city, and was confined tSo that section un til the 9th inst. then it spread:to the eastern pprtiori, and at present I there is no part free from, it;-'! Kri's' .Cocoa. Orateful and Com- foktixo.^-" By a thorough kne wledge of ihe natural lawjs which gov ;m the operations of 'digestion and nutrition, and by a careful amplication of the fine properties of well (selected cocoa, Sir. tops has proviiled onriiroakfast tables with - a - delicately--'flavored- beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' hills. It is by the judicious usejof Buoli articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built uptintil strongjenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape; many a fatal shaft by keeping ot rselves well fortih]ed With liure blood an 1 a pro perly nourisheil fraine." Ciril Service Gazette. Sold onlyliri packets la ieled "James Keps & ;Co,, Homoiipathie Chemist, 48, Threaklnecdle Strcjt, and .170, Piccadilly, London." Try It and You will A] ways Tse Wood'si Improved. Wood's Improved llnlr Restorative is uulike any .otholr, and has no eo.ui^l.- Tho Improved.has riew vegetable tpnic propertlea ; "relores grey balr to a glossy natural color; rf stores faded, drj, barsli and falling hair.; restored, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores Sal(r to prema turely bald heads; removes dandruff, hu mors, scaly eruptionfcv; removes lrrltaf Mod, iitchlBg and Ecaly .dryness. N.p article produces such wonderful eftecis Try it, call for SVood's Improve! Hair' Hestpratlve, and don't be put cffwlfh any ottier article. Bold by a'l dmgg;sts and. dealers everjwbcre, Trade supplied at .manijfacturerE'prlces by C. A.Cook 4 Co.i(jhIcago,Bole Agents for the Qnlted Stales and Canadjas, and by Lyjn Bros, & Co., Toronto. A CARD. To all suffering fijom-the nrrorsand indiscretions of youth, nervous -weukness.eurly decay, loss of mi nlicod, ie., I will send a reolpe that w 11 cure you, FREE OF, CHAKCIE. Tn:s great roTiedy was discovered by a mls^loonry In South America.' Send, a self-ad tressed evelope'to the Rev. Joseph T.. :nmai?, Station \\ Bible House, N*w York City, NEW ADVERTISEMEJ'TS. BOY WANTED To'learn the PrlutinR Busi ness- Apply at once ait the Free Press Office. During the past season we have sold so tfo \ 4hat The Lion is now known far and wideag ' 1 ' -. - 5?li Cheapest Store iii Oiitafeb, f We intend in the Fall months to increa^ our reputation. i, :i ; Our Stock is. the largest west of.Toronto. ' : It has been boug-ht direct from the producer* Bottom Prices. "the Lion neyer Asks for Big Btrt puts dfiwn the Prices to suit the times and \T;']'-' ' 1 small harvest. - >,"8 K'- - '*'. I -.'I m '.Gol ;3Dol yoJ Ex] ; A "V Pieces Winceys "Wonderfally Qlieap, Goods neyer. so loir before- Flannels 25 per cent lower tnan-fonneriy; j^ Large Stock of J v , REAtoY-MftqE CLOTHING, LADIES* JACKETS AKD --'- S---- -Y Cheaper thart at ^any other House. ' Best Cotton GBAIN BA&s[ $3^X). A Dollar spent at The Lion will buy more than^at jany other store. I.J J J. D. WILLIAMSON &!00. Guelpli, Sept. 20,'1876. ^NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. ^r OTItE. _ If the. lr.dy and gentleman who' slept in "the Boat Hloiif e on. the mill poiid, on the.night of the 20th inst., will call on Mr. Carter, thty can have' the articles left in the boat, viz : 1 collar, 3 hair phis, 3-common pins, 1. piiik bow, } ipiece of lace', 1 gold stud. ;' : j A:ctun,;Sept 21/1870. ' '.' ..' ! fOW S.TRAVSD. Strayed from the premises of the sub- jscriber," in Acton, on'the 24th inst,, a small Hcil.C'ow, about four years old, with a White strip "between the horns. iAny person giving such information as jivill lead to:her recovery will be suita bly rewarded, , . . '- DAVID MALONEY. Acton, Sept. 27, 1876. "' 13.3t E XECTTORS' 2VOTICE. AH: parties indebted to the estate of Ith'e late Samuel' Worden are hereby notified to immediate settle ment; and all persons holding claims igaunt the said estate are requested to hand them in, properly vouched for, to the executors.: . : . JOHN SHAW, ) ,, ', " JQHX WARRE^-| Executor8- Aqton, Sept 27, 1876.: . 13-3t /RATTLE STRAYED. Strayed from the premises of the sub scriber about the 1st of June last,'a Red Steer and a" Red Heifer, both three years old. The steer has a white-star on his forehead and a. white strip on the sido of his shoulder. : -Any person giv ing such information a? will lead; to- theirrecovery will be (suitably rewardfed. "WMv-OQRpON, r Lot Jfo. 28, 5th con! Esquesihg. Acton, Sept. 26, 187C, | 13-3t mo CONTRACTORS. .Sealed Tenders will-be received by ithe uudersigued up to'..' .- Pridayi the 6th 0f October, ifor the brick work, "carpentering, plas tering, painting and glazing, of the- C0NCRECATI0NAL CHURCH IN j . ACTON. The contract will be let entire or in separate- departments, as most suitable for the contractors. Thestoue, basement as nearly complete. Specifications" may be seen on and after Monday, padOOet.; at Mr." James Ryder's carriage factory,1 (Acton. The brick and the tib\ber'will jbe provided by the'Building Commit tee,'on'the ground.' U P: S. ARMSTRONG, Sec ! Acton, Sept. 26, .1870. 13-lt' MclN AIR'S BRICK BL0Ci( Is now progressing rapidly, aod tke>; G-fJOOUS Iinthe present store Wist Is all cleared out Within the JSFE'XTj FEWWBEES A DESlRAlBLE PROPERTY 114 THE VILLAGE OF ACTON. The exceptors qf of ihe late Samuel \Vqrden, offcrifor- sale t lat .de sirable property situated on tho corner of Agnes and John streets, consisting of twolots, on whioh thore are a good f ramo house and barn/also some Fruii trees. F.or terms apply to JOHN SHA^V, JOHN WARREST Acton, Sopt. 27, 1876. . ' 13-tf WALKER LODGE No: 331, A. F. A A. Jl. Tho Regular_NIeeting of tho above Lodge will bo held in the Masonic Hall,, Acton, on Monday,: Oct. 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. ' . JOHN' ROSS, Sec, "-c T^OMINIQS HARNESS j { ExijcutorB, "till I -Cor n tftai ya al advJ the! "Sfcl to": iag.l bUL ' . i P. i in.1 ne*w th^j hi' -~ V- -~ ".; ' tisao " ) 'weel '. . .'7.' " mem -' .-' . : kold . *: :: / dvt --, :."'. " "- J" j'wSfe, ' ; theii - . . Frid : nd .. : srtis coJBj . i' him - ' ^hre* "-rso'c^ t'aref -" .' . " - Jfe^S :'.!.'. ' jyaca (" '---;". i menc .;.--.v.:-.',*y. by* Wp don't want to MOVE AWAY Any of our SHOP. B. 5'COOK Having - purchased thp stock and good will:of tho business' lately carrieaon by Mr. J. F. Bompsey, begs to announce to tiie inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that ho will continue tho harness . busi ness in tho same premises^ . Old Post Office Bulldins, Mill Streetjt Actonr where ho is preparbd to turn out work second to none in tho Dominion,'being a practical .workman of considerable- .ex perience. ' All work done'promptly-and as cheap as tho * cheapest. Oh hand a largo and well aelected stock of Harness, -rHorfio Blanhels, TrunUs, Whips, Bronlies, Coinhs, *c. Present Stock- :Things must be sold-at-jiny pnee. f NOW FOR BlltGAlNSn SUch aa never- before heard o R McKilB- i Repairing promptly attended 'to. - 4"SEgBw^rkfoV-^tap0^fo"'^S Actou, Sopt." ^,.1870;; E. K. COOK. Acton, Aug. 2. 1876. . _^ SMALL FARMS for Slel i ^Eramoni aad Erin- " .. t undersigned offeis to seg ^ farmfbeing tho Ewt-lulf o| *g]L in thq 7th concession of Hit*J*"J2 t of Eramosa, compnaipg.about W -Ji | about40 of which!ar<S nndei cn "1^ i Good log house and bam, *! "It is situated abont midway }>fT?Z Acton and Rockwpod, . Also If l^ No. 2, in 7th con. Eramosa, com^^ 28 acres. Also part of Lot 3, tk*^ con. of Ei^,.:TOmprishw50 *fleia. particulart, enquire of;-Mr. **B^ftB street, Auctioneer. Roclwood, r ^ owner oi, the jwimg^. McINT0SH/ Eramosa, jifly 197 1876. 8*B ZtA estlmatcsshowlngcoatoraflterwsw*-

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