Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1876, p. 1

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- it ^^te 1^ nona.O^fcj^; rirs." of Halton. t AIN& fr tf & (& ?s and Prints UiLffrice, 'jgi ^Tweeds,, rUihary low ppee*.. |n sweep inoit :s_. CriliiogH, ToMif^ : . ^ ' 4' ly 20th, -aricl *h*B K- anything to** *^ ' /. .rains and first-citf; .;' ii and exAfflin?0*' |ZT SB r(V ~E. f?.BGBGETO*S-: PVAle T*3? linding coonte?^*1**; p. 1 lefc of Anytprf^2f fiiBUctionP^WTT. ' :: ~ - : J- ' " ', :'.- "'" TBJJ^ SI* Btos$ CollesTi lem TueW* p. -fii. ACTON' n M&m^mmm^ S USIXESS CARDS. JI.tOWRT, M. B..nM. UNDERTAKING. \ P. 3. Graduate of TrJ.nltv berot ColteBP.ori'hysicliuis ,j>l ^utk< ra.-Miu Street Acre**., DR. R. MORROlV. Plnsl- ciar, Surgeon, Jtc, oi Bellovho Col- Net^ York,alsoUradtiateot Victoria lays ,fuu York.iUsoUTadaate ot Victoria Consultation y, rrclm t> b. Fjealdenee-r-West: Uower street, Canada. CousUllallon d; iinrt iTrWny*. irclm 0 . m TAH^S MATTHEWS. fj, veyao ?er Issuer.of Marriage 1- j>ostmnst .r, Insurance Agent, JHotifr i< Loan,' Agent Montreal-"rele- craph Co , G'lerfc ifourtli ulvlslou Court, Com". In * *e.-. Actt)S,-"l>ST, Con* rlceilSOS, ASeui 1IEXDERS0>\ Conv.ev. __ -a icor, *c..- also Agent. Canada-, lafe Ass iranee Co. . LVeOs. Mortgages, *c, prepJ red neatly, promptly; correctly and on leasonible terms* Money to lioau on[ .Mortgage security. Ulllee -Glasgow rlpuse. Acton. JOHN McKINDSEY, Attor- msy- at-Law, Solicitor lit Cliiiu'erv, ;sotaiy 1* {bile. Conveyancer, eio. Dttloc Over W itson's Prus store, Main Street MILTOX. r - . ' - J. D. MAXHESOX. Attorney.- nt*bnv, :i5o!ic'lioT Sn fham-ory,. AC- Offl- Streets, CleorgetoKvn % PPIEBE & S 1'JI PSOX. f\ Ba-ri.sters..Att6raiovif-;it-l>:i\v, So- illaln Sir w M. LAIWLAW, Barrister. .-.ttoruey-at-L;nv ^t;ciitV In Ccancor\L. ic. orac.-s: Uamii'tori, 10 K-ng str^t; Milton. Main sfro.-t. Tin; Milton OJVf will IwrniliTlht'inanapo- mpat of .Ojl\". Camnlvll, and Mr. I-ai'i- law will atWnd at Hie "Milton Uflli-e" n Frida; o/eac'U "rt-ceK. ' ./ H1 ES.S.Y I..'DRAKE, GVr.LPH. the Moroantlculid Watorloo.' s entnisted to nis oare will bi' attendeil to. - ^.>r^^ers ty mall H-LUEARi:.. ' -i IMVflASCZ AG EXT, Ageni fo Ali basin flIhIu!t5 stoilcrted. IpATIiXTS for 1XVEXTIOXS JL cxp sdittoaslv and proi^eriy seeurvd V-i Canad i, IherCuitcJ States_abd Europe. Fiteat g'-amiitot-il or uo cuart'e. Sna -fa? printel Instructions. At,',Micy in oper- :(ia-tea years. HENKl' Ot,I>T, T Ullawa, l*aiuuln, - Mecaai leal Enttineer, SoiicUor-of Pu tnisnq Draugli^man. _-' .-. Hes at Tea tier o Ac A 1 B. i Kaleiand l>i!iV. B^t nesr Ho TraveHe and com brner of Main and v'Uurcbj fit, yEOKGCTOWX. TrriljLiAM WATK1XS, lusrr Mirrligc Hern.*/-* t CcrtincaVrs, ily lioyal Apjoiutmehl.) Biuic raa pidvate a:;d couflntiitJaV the Po^t OlnL-e, UlcnivilHam, ton. US. S. CAKTEK. !llro umlcrsi^ncd Iwga leave-to inform tlltS pecipK) of Aoton and vicinity tliat he tvill furnish ftll , . Rcqnisltrs in fThdcrtdkliiK ob short notice and rciwonablo torms as ~" can bohatl . Ilcartc S'Uylictl . trJicn Dcst'wl. Also, that ho will Pit up Stores & Offices 1 in tho best style. Show Cn.wj, Book faxes una Desks ' made to. order. FCt:XlTi:i?E REPAIJtEp. Shop on Willow street, near Main st. . J1IEAF BREAD FOR THE MILLION A P.. MT. McCAXX. ton; March 20, 1S76. f 30-Cm If yotrtT.tut q Boss CooUinj; or I'arlor iStove, "go to WTLSONi B. StE. NI0KLI3y Reg to announce that thpy havo secrircd . : tho iieryicca of a First-Class: Uakerj and that thoif Baking busiiu'.s.i. is now fOXSTRAlXT. Down through tho oroliard wandered wo, AViiero, beiu'in" low, each .fruited tree, I j Hung full of fruitage yellow." Twaa morning, and tho autu'mivBiin Blionu on tko leaves of guldun dun I ^UtKraidiinco soft Mid mellow. - ! t .- There eamc^ a flush upon'her check, J thought my tinio had come to.epeak i She Beemcd eb Had and tender: . I touched her snowy dimpled hand, But found no wonls.nt my command My burning loVo to render. At last wo paused beneath a tree, The branch that sheltered her and mo .-.. r..ii . ' '!. : i Beached low its luscious fruit. u full operation, m the. premises o* lied r j , t by jUrs. Haiina. - . . i Bread will be du5iverd daily at the houses in the village and vicinity. ! Weddinpr: Cakes, Tea Cakes, Pastry. Buns, &cv, made in the yery best manner, and kept alwaya on hand,"goi>d and fresh.-^ Also :U1 - kinds of Confectionery, Biscuits, Chebse, &c - The ]>atronage of the public is res pectfully solicited. | . j u<cton. Feb. 20, b. $':k. NICKLIN. is7<;. A' CT'OX BAliERY. <>hean Breatl. >raiulr, Drawlnsnndrreneli. ' f Cnurch '.ree% AcU-n. , ER EOZIER. IMasiCrer, on," Out. K-.vry Jcm-.-. p" i>:i of ,-.--ry iieM-.-.p-i Plistr-ri"b and Rn;:g!i-cl>:!I'.? Ji,i:e_o!i reasonable Lei"::i>ta:i.i <a.Ti?!ac- . lion tnafanteerdl. T>X FLOUR 3IIM E. N1CKLIX, rroprlet'ors. 'if Flonr ar d Feed.a/wajs on risinr.-jrliole- retail. "Grisiiiig- mni Cbopping Hsh for all kinis of tir .;n. iSlX HOISE, Acion. ____.: ise to the G. T.;way yuitinti. Eicellel lr*ccoriimrxiatk,li: f0r tb<- travel- Ur>s public. THUS, CAMI'BELI., i'roi.r. kOJ! IXIOX HOTEL, Acton, ben. Ajrnew, rroprieior,Tbis :*l is 'titled up in first-ckass itb ne^- lurLsLIare. Coznmeroiu) e "S wi:lfir.d ^ood f'.ccon;nioJ:lioo 1 nodloui Sample r.ooms. .Sjiecial attention paiJ to til" itarjs o; the travel ling.:pnb Ic, Bar&nppile,' with tne best "Liquors uid Cigars. O'ool Siablibg aud aUentlvf Hostlers. & ^1______ ' ;w- M. HESSTREET,' L .censed AuctJi&neer Pot tba'dountiesof SVellington and 'Hal- iton. urJers l<-it st the Kjike 1' > etoo. or at ma' residenc*, in |J. will be promptly atteiidec* to. -asonable. ' - . : Office, -J Itockwo ;lrais 7" "DIE 1'rie u^-3 tomer.s daring tnat hi Uilional rii^TZtHl be^s-to t};aijk his rnp- iT\ Hie liberal prironagc- received past summer, and would any s now pr*_*i-art*J I** ^pplj" I'O ad- 3umber of customcrti with Kc*u\t pure, fresh niilk delivered ejvt-ry m'-rn- inz, and fwice-a day on ^A-tHidriyf^; Par-r tips irhf keep tow.- winwf!r,U it min-h chtuper ind.le.-5'tr'juhle to sqt iniikdelivr ered H.t their ^, anti thtly would do well to'f :I1 thcipcows aini buy th^ir mifk- Tw-entytpne quart ti-cktl-?!-lOr-SI, If iaid advapce, or vwfcn*y-o'rje.-piiit tickets -fn Jor50cehti5. Acton. IETOS M1 PLlNING- MILLSv j. Sash, R. MITCHELL, Manufacturer of Doors, Blinds, Mould ings, Door and Windows rauics. Pickets, <?tc. fitaHin^, <Qfllce' s/- j- -Ilwaysiln stoclc,( -. Stoves. Stove Trimnilncrs, Tin, iSheet- , Iron anil Japaiiiud JVnre. Ijl'artienlar iattentioii paid to ' EAVETROUGHING. 'SUnc'illiug (t:ut Juhftiiiij' tioiic ' on the -;.' j *-/i,">rf.^ ji!)fiVe'. 1 j-Cottim Hijs,' Copper, Bra?s, Iron and other produce taken in exchange. tiJ Call and See Us.;^ -.Remember the . stand, one door "west of the Canada Glove Works, 'jaxz. sxbbst. ja!ot6L \V. U. Wilson. :, " :-P. 1>. 'Joilsson. Acton, April II. 1S78.".' A CTOX PLANING- ...jfaLLS " " j"-: " ! ' " AKD. Pump. Sasli, Door and Blind Factory. : THOMAS SBBAGE, iliuirtfacturer of WipdLQW Sash, "- Doors/ : r " "" -f ' - AV-eietian Bliads And other Building Re<iiiisites Also Makers of . l2SV.0YZi) SlTCTIOiT PUMPS GAIiLO'WAY SEiOS.; ARE STILL AHEAD; And we intend to keep so with our ': Superior.. . ,1 Bready Buns, and /,'akes) llelivpred fresh around the village , viciitity every day. A good stocif briIad, buns "4nd CAI Always on hand nt oiir lmkeryj good, fresh and,cheap for eaili.j" [ O R E D I T <i I V E X, Except to proinpt-payiiig,: monthly cub- , toiners. / ," ' All kiiuls of I'roduoe taken in ex change for C'ooils. ,1 '..' "Weight fi>r wcightlgivcn 'in exchange forTloti'r. WEDDING St FANCY CAKES Made'to order in the slu>rie.;t p.n^sihle liotiec, and satisfiietion gnarantcil. i 2s.B. pure as nothing but.the best of maturial used. The patronage of the public' respectfully solicited. '. ' OAf.I.OWAY I'iHOS. Acton,-Aug. 9, 187U " I cannot; cannot," Boft she said, 3.' " I'm in my walking suit." PETER MULR00NEY IN COURT. What it was that took tilio court room of T , inn 111(0 wliethoi; rin' lia.lias lost bia crop of hair en tirely on a at -ahgo lookin' thixlcli," ; Tho attorney bit his lips. "Are "you married, sit- V asked tho attorney " to ninko 1110 burglariously und fel-J ".Oh, but it does bo botherin' mo onioUBly. BwoarVbcfora tbo faco of I ontiioly; sure I think so." your honorB nntl tho hintlomen of i " What! Idoh'fc you know fl'ing a.white mouth nidst bo awaro necessary for. a ill before be Potef hnirole, G-ir ELPII AR3IORY, LILK. >"ov p. JO'th, IbT: . "ABMSTUU^it3. Lumber Planed and Dressed toorde in the~beiit manner; figT- All work guaranteed^ ~ '[ '- Acton, Jnn.,lST6^ _ : ' OHN; A?,mm Guiisiuitli, Silver-Plater, &c., ' Vishes to inform the public that he has removed to . .. Hateh's Block, Next door to'Tyson's Butqhejr Shop AMMUNITION FOB A1.I. BKEECH I . . LOADING AEMS. ' Ely i Kynocli's Ciirtrldgo.'CnRe'n .and Caps Tor ro-loadinK snine. lie-loaders, He-rappers. Cup Ejectors, Curlers, and Creasors,Cleaning Itods, and all'urticles necessary for a Kpurlsfi:an!s outfit. All sorts of Uepalrlng and Jobbing execuled"on-the shortest no.tlce al Guelph, ^pril27, 1S7C..' . .' Scroll' Work and Mattfiing Done to Order. f3~' 31inds 30 cents per foot. "u3: ^11 v ork delivered in ^4.cton free. Secord prompt lyattanded to. MiltfiTj June C, 187G. Bros, will be 50-ly Jp TROLLOPE CHAPMAX, Practical Bookbinder, All Inscriptions of Bindin- Xeatly Esebuted. Accotcn t Books of -all Kinde Order. fade to Ruiir g Promptly Attended to. SiyiiEi :v St George's Square, Guelpi. IST.i Tilers 'jc/f at the FltE>Pre. viU prompt attention. /jk-CXOJV-"_ Wagon and Carnage FACTORY, j JAMES RYDER, Pronrieto^ i *> .' ' '" _* ^Taeons, Oarxiagcs, ~ f: J Slelgiis, Cuttors, &c. Kepllnstock and made toOrde^- on tbe Shortest Notice. , Strict attention paid-to. ;> ' Sorse-shoeine^S^e&oral Jobbing and satlsrtctlon gaaranteed. Actpn July 1st, ,1875. ' ' ; - JOB PRIX'*IX of all kinds neatly and promptly execute*! at tho "FltEE-FIlESS OFFICE, Next .UiC rout omce, Sllll Street. ' ' .__________; ____ I SEND 25c; W O. P. ItOWELL <sT CO., New York; for Pamphlet oMOO pageB cqnlalniug Hfcts of SOOOnewspaperH, lind cSTIplates showing costof advertising. LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN 7: Takes pleasure In announcing to the public generally that ho Is prepared to furnish First-class Horaos aad Carriagos .At Reasonable Kates. His Bigs and Horses are the Ijest that1 can be had, and be Is d/termlnod opt .to be surpassed by any Qlfy Btable. , Aeton ' July 1st, 18761) SUBSCRIBE FOR THE , ACTOM FREE PRESS, - Only One Dollar a Year; $5. to $20 BSJnplSf free. at bom a ._. .... . worth St Btinson & Co., Portland, Maine. djl O aJday at homo. Agents wanted. p JL^a outfit and terms free. XUXJE.& ,CQ^ Augitsto, Maine, tinpleasnat business or ignoble ettr- iosily, need not be known, even to yon, dear reader. Tho only fact I wish you to understand is, that I wasthuie, and" that-iwhilo there it becamo my fortune to meet once again with my old acquaintance, PeUu-.Mulrpouey. When Ijoutered tho court room there-.was a quite a mixture ofj>\ld- Irish and round German facus out- sido of tho iron vailing which forma the barrier to encroachments lipon the dignity of the bar ; and judging from the broken heads and blacken- self if I til eyes exhibited by many of the i-'jii'cia't'ois, it was not dillicut to Btir- .inise that the occasion which had brought them together was to ob- _i.ain the plaster j of tbo law for "wonndH which had lately been le- eeived.' of those K]>'iiitcd rows whieli Warm up so delightfully this, old'Celtic, heart. \ ' But I let nie describe tbo scene. Within the railing, and running fioui it, at right angle, weie_sonio seven or eight benches, crowded with quite a respootablo humber of respectablo fitnesses, cesisisting of a delicate sprinkling of all nations. Parallel to tho Jienelies, but on the" opposite, side of the court room, ni)d on jelevnJed seats, sat life terrible jury. The central space: was occu pied by a. fair mahogany table cov ered with grccn'clotli, aroiind which were seated quite a number of, daintily "dressed gentlemen, "who styledabcniselves Attorneys-at-Law, Seated in the centre and rear, on an elevated platform, were a couple of .grave, elderly gentlemen, with keen eyes and placid faces,' whose post of honoXindicated the judicial nature of their "functions. j The case, which was already up for heiuing, as I expected, was one of assault and battery. The facts, as-they were dimly elicited, appear ed to have been these': Tho Irish, who were the-defend ants, had, 11. short' time previous, been invited to wake. one. Mr,- M'c- Shane, at: a short distance in tho country, while, on the same evening the Germans had been out dancing at one of their customary festival balls. These two parties returning. homeward somewhere in the small hours, met. and fought; but who coufmenced tbe fray seemed as dif- iicrit-of. discovery as the Philoso pher's.stone, j . Just as I entered, the counsel for the defencejKas in the act of-esaSm- iningliislip of paper. Presently he said to the clerk : " Call Peter Mulrdoney, if you please." !" What dp you expeci to prove by hinlji.' asked the attorney for the prosecutiou. / " A good deal that maj^ take you by surprise,"'responded the other. ) with -a smile. ry, said the, prose cuting attorney, whom we shall call jVIr.'BibiUoiis.. "I dare"say.". '<' Petor Mulroonoy," cried the clerk. -. u Peter Mulropney !" exclaimed tka stentoriiin crier. : There was an answer beyond, a quick sliuffling- of feet, and an eager whispering, in which a touch of the; brogue predominated. '.' Silenjse!" shouted the,crier,"and then he "called agiiiu at the top of voice : r " Peter Mulrooney I" ." Whist, yo Omadhaun !" said Peter; who had been all this time Rtailding besyle the otlier. " Sure, ns I am not a little gassoon lost in -a crowd, there's no-nade to bellow afther rae like a great, bull calf." " Wliy didn't .you answer then 1" said the 'crier, tiirily. \ ' . '-' Arrah, better aiariners to ye !" retorted Peten . "Would I be afther distiirbin' their' -honors in that dirty'way ; an' I a gentleman of standin' and a teacher of the da- cencies]" : " You swear, Mr. Mulrooney 1" 'offering tbo book. " l)o you take me foi* a baytben'J" said Peter indignantly. " Sure, it's not respectful to swear in a court of justice." " ' " But you must swear," said tho i'clerk, sharply; . "iDidyer honors iver bear-tho foikes of tbat1" said Peter approach ing the bench. " A christian man, ittfli' a dacent lookiu' nian, too, bar- your Honors and tho |j tho jury, and the jintlemon of tbo bar. Oh ! but tho won't lot ine do that stnie "Mulrooney," said ono of tbo judges, striving to ropiess the Quiv ering about the muscles of the lips -his associate was stu hnndkei'chief iiito bis " Mulroimey, you tliat it is always witnoss to take nn 'oa can bo permitted to gjivo evidence at the bjvr, " Sure, sir, I know," said Peter, innocently " That is what tho cjlc'rk roquird of you,"|continued the judge, Iwlio added, with a faint attempt at gra vity- '^jYou will also recollect that itisouriduty to coiniait any ono to prisoii for contemptt ous behavior at court! "Long life to your Peter, "jsorra bit I'll self by liurtin'the feelin's of any respectable gray haired gentleman liko yerself, or yer hoior'K brother yoneler, atin' his wli. cher to stop the hungei sir, I'd be takiu' great did. Swear bim," said honor,"' said disgrace my- te handker- paiu. Deed, shame to mo th o judge, nodding! hastily, to tho clerk, und,- sinking back iii bis well cushioned scat. ' I . ', " Noy-, Mr. Mulrooriej'," said the counsel i'for-liia ftienils, " tell us you know about this affair." perfect rig- at his friend s Story yfas a He had been MeShane's he bad returned from it^ his friends bad got into, trouble wit7i"thei Germans, but as to- how the affray couxmenced bis memory, clear euougb before, beekme sudden ly very Jiazy. All hej cduld recol lect was that -sundry of the Irish being sbundly. putnnieled by the- GermaiiB/pummeletl tlieir antagon ists cpiite as soundli* in return. The.cross examination now com menced,! and as Peter caught up and rejielledl every move of the. keen witted attorney ,'thecon test between cultivated shaipuess and native shrewdness became gradually very exciting. . "We'll, Mr.. Mulrooney," said the Attorney, "yoti say yon left home in the evening to stssistih i 'r observing this national custom'of yours. 'About what time in the evening'!" . . . "" Deed, sir/' replied Peter, with tho utmost simplicity, " but that bates mo to say. 'Twos \ betwixt and between sundown'and.moou- risbs ! " You are at least sure of that?" said the attorney, quickly. "Oh;! by the 'powers ! that I am," said Peter, with a. keen kio of the eye. " Hajve you an almanac, Mr. Clerk 1 i Pray seo at. what time tbe sun set and the moon rose on tl/o '8th of April last." . . ..-. " Sun set on the 8th of April," drawled the clerk, in bis usual nasal tone,. " at twenty-four min utes pait sfx ; antltho moon rose at thirty-ssveJn minutes past eleven." There Was a sudden roar through out itbe court, like a surge of the waves upon tho sea-beach ; the face of the "flushed crimson, wliilo Peter Mulrooiiby looked the very picture of unconsci ous innocence. "You must speak to the point,; witness, said the judge, with ill the sharpness be could eomniandj "your answer is impertinent." - . ' '." Troth, yer honor," said Petor, respectfully,' "(It's sorry I am for that. Sure it's |the truth I'm tellin' by virtue of nie oath."; "What o'clock in the evening was it, sir i" said the prosecuting attorney, whose red nose was now getting fiery. - . ' .' . " Sorra bit I know," said Peter. ;" Think ; Cx\' upon some daily, occurrence for your guide, and then tell the jury if it was before or after." . "' .j' Ob !"- said Peter, after appa&; erilly reflecting, a little; " it was1' after tay." . : f'Oh ! now we "shall get at it," said Mr, Bibulous, triumphantly. "It was after tea, you'say. Well, sir, at what hour < do you. usually take tea ?" "' "'. " Tbat depends upon, convani- ance," said Peter, with an air of tbe most profound thought. "Some times we have tay for dinner, and sometimes we have dinner for tay." Tbe attorney looked vexed. " I want to know your usual hour, for taking ithe evening meal we call tea.. Is it four, five, six, seven or eight o'clock'T sir. you Know wbotber you- aro married or not 1" " Aisy ^sure it's a troublesome question to. an swer any jvay, and j that's no"lie. Mistbres.s| Biddy Connolly coorted atid marripd mo waiist; but sure it strikes md that I uiust bp'a- widy now." .1 J- . "A widower, you inoan, I sup pose. Your, wife is dead, Ihen?" "Who? Biddy Connolly? Troth, sir, it'smy sarijdus opinion that fat ould, woman is prssarvin' herself for another husband twenty years fer-" nerii us." "You are divorced, aro you?" said the attorney, -looking signifi cantly at tbe jury, as much as to say, "Ha;! ha ! here's a pretty wit ness for you." ' .'"' .'..- " Divprced ! not a bit of it," said Peter, quietly. ."Separated, then ?" " That's it!" said Peter, and then bursting into a- low,^ rich laugh, be added, "Oh, by the mortal, but it was glael I was when Michael Con nolly cpme. back from his ship wreck, and aised my shoulder of my matrimonial desaiyer." ' ' " When you reached the bouse of tho late McShane, what did you and your party do ?" " \Vint in,rfiir," said Peter, with the utmost simplicity. .'-i "\v1iatnextr- . - " Gave! Dinnis McShane as da-_ cont a wake asiver was seen out of ould Ireland." " Now,:Mr. Mulrooney, youj liaye told'lis. you were present when tbe tiot tejok jilace. I wish' you to state distinctly wfco,commence|d it." "I'd like to know, av it please yo," said] Peter, humbly, aB lie 8moothedr tbe crown of bis bat-^ "I'd liko to know av a wise and Unelerstaridin' gintlemnn like yer self can tell nie, when two dark clouds come thegither atid strike Iigbtnin', iw'hicb of the two struck first?". " This .j is no answer. Clouds cannot bq compared with two par ties of drunkon men." - ' " I thirik tbe answer, quite perti nent," said the attorney for the de fence, witlra-Smile,' "for both rue n' and clouds appear- to . have been charged with fluid." " Ah, all !" said Mr. Bibulous, nodding ] significantly at ,Peter; " Ah, ah,;tbe man is no fool, I teee.." J " I'd be very sorry to contradict yer experience," siiid Peter smooth ly ; " an' shine I'd like to return the'comp|imerit, but for. tbe virtue of ine oath." . ; What kiud of .a piece of road was . it where. this . affray took Vesbiiyias of a nose, 1 thougbfc you must be well acquainted "with tbe! crater. -.-'! I ^ |Tho judges fell back and explod ed, j, the prosecuting attorney.'sunk into a chair! as if a ten pound shot haej.fallen suddenly ii]ion ij&'jieiid;' the-audionce were:aImost puiyle in the face, and. there stood ..Peter looking all about bin*, with- asoft of inquiring wonder upon hiVface, as if utterly unconscious of any causo for such a rioisyt outbreak. .. "Have you dononVitu-'tho'.wit- neps ?" enquired the; cdurisel for the defence. . j. . - . " Let him go," sakl tbe attorney, sbarply ; "I can do nothings with biii.":'.'. ; "' '. ' '. -| Peter's eye now fairly twinkled. As he left the box ho'drew down tbo corners of bis nioutb with the utmost sovereign contempt. '- f'Augb !' " it'ud take a dozen littlered nosed men to. ba:e Peter Llulrooney, ayther^with the tdnguo or the sbillalah, Xjdoes be tbinking." -.. ' i Tfie Turkish Atrocities. Tho report of Mr. Baring, Secre- taiy erf the.British Legation at;Con stantinople, on the' atrocities jcoiijp minted by the Turks i3 at last'pub lished. The report is accompanied by the prpgi|aujnie,of tbo Bulgarian insuvgents/wbiesh the Turks claim, an<l Mr. Baring believer, to be ati- 'then*tic.' This program nie provided' .for a generiil and.simultaneous' ris ing. A large--number of -villages, alljof^vbicb are named, were to be burned, and -the 'railways- Were to be doitr^yed. The Government stares, we're,', to be seized, all Mussul- (inans who resisted were to be killed, [and a)l Bulganans who. refused to Ijoin the insurrection were to be 'forced into the rankB of tbe insur gents/ Mr. Baring in bis- report estimates tbat irti tbe j&iodjak of Phlilippopolis twelve thousand Bul garians, and -200'Mussulmans were' Bulgarians bumgi. five snTall Turk-I ish villages. Tl|e report gives a eii-j cutnstnntiaLaccoUnt of tbe destruc tion of each town. It states that the; most fearful' tragedy of the wholeinsurrection occurred, at ; Batak.: On! the 9 th of May the inhabitants bad a:parley with Achmet, who sol-: emnly swore that if they- up tbeiir'tlrms not a hair of their heads would; bo touched-.' ; The villagers, thereupon surrendered their arms, w;hpn all the money in tbe place was demanded, after receiving, which the Bashi-Bazo,uks set on the! people and slaughtered them like sbeepii About 1,500 took refiige iii a church, Which baffled all at tempts to fire it from the outside.- The Bashi-Bazouks finally climbed to the roof, tore off the tiles, and thiew burning pieces of wood and rags, -dipped in petroleum, among th4 thickly packetl mass of human beijnds" below. At last' tbe door waB forced open, and tbo massacre was completed. The inside of the church was burned. "The only sur vives .of this slaughter to be found wals on old woman, she alone re maining alive of a fatuity of seven. The report concludes: '.'There wide titndoubtedly a revolution which bad (o be criisliedby armed force, but tbe Government is to blanie for ealfitig out tho-.Bashi Bazbiiks, for bad it sent regular trofops eariiertbe BaBhi Bazouks would have been unnecessary. The manner in which lily a clergyman vyitha clever,' lid wjfe'sbouIU be']>erniitted to place 1\ said tbfc attorney, angrily; f'was;it straight oricrooked ?" : " Natb'rally; it was as straight and jmrty a piecepf road as j'ou would like to look at; but circum stantially-it was as crooked as: a gintleman tbat had lost his temper," said Peter. " How do you makoTtbat put?" : " Sure 'twas the liquor made the differ." '" Oh, then, y.ou confess to your party being.drunk J" .' . . "Its myilsariotis opinion tbat it was thim Gj'armins tbat wits'bating ubout like a wreck at say^an' that my fririds behaved thimselyes like dacent paple ; but ifs not aisy to j the rising 'was suppressed was in- bupian to the last degree, fifty inJ nocent persons suffering for' every guilty one. . '. . say. " When you were at MeShane's, did you eat and drink ?" " Sure, sir, what di(l we go there for ? -What' you havjo us : starvin' wid tbe hunger onan occasion the likes of that?" cer- "Eainly not. Now please to tell tbe jury what tbe refreshments consist-' edof." t' " Lashins of atin and dbiinking/' said Peter, bojdly; "Never mihd the eating ; what kind of drinking bad you ?" " Poteen," kud Peter, " wid tbe true flavor of'the pate about if." "-Poteen ! poteen !" said the law yer, as if affecting ignorance of the liquor. Pray, Mr. Mulruoney, will you.oblige me by stating -what po teen is ?" j t . " Airab !" says Peter slyly cast ing bis eyes at the rubicund nose of the questioner;" as if be did'nt know." .r The prosecuting^ attorney, with his obnoxious nasal organ growing redder, turned to .the. Bench and gesticulated vehemently. What be said could not be beard amid tbe storm .of daughter. ; " Silence I!" shouted the crier. " Witness," said the judge, abso lutely snorting in tbe effort to main-, tain Vu becoming gravity " this Yes sir, that's the ti-utb," said cannot be allowed any longer. What Peter, nodding bis bead. ', ' | is tbe reason you evade a direct re- Wbicb of those hours?" said tbo attorney, sharply. ' " If it 'ud be pleasin' ye not to De af ther botherin' a poor'd be tbankfnl," said Peter. "Itls little I know about tho ono hour or tbe other, we dhrive the'tay time up ahdilown tbe ni^ht so." ply to tbe rjuostiori ? Answer him ; he must be answered." " Troths sir, Pll do that thing. The raison, sure, I supposed it was niakin' fun "of mo bo was." . ", Why Bliorild you suppose that ?" said the attorney fiercely. . ' 'Bel/ase as- I: looked at your | ; The Bashi Bozouks. "Snip Turkisb army is divided, like tbt.t p Russia, iii to regular itod ir regular troops. The former, called Ni sanis and lladifs, correspond wi;b:jthe! standing armies'and re- .servep of most countries in Europe. The latter ai-e a wild herd ef barf barisiis, fortunately .unknown to thti civilized countries,/except Rus sia] aid Tiirkey."" What'the Cos sacks are I and what the Bashkips used; to be in Russia, the Bashi BsiWtks are in Turkpy-^irregiilar volunteers, said to number., about -80JObO,000, bailing mostly from the warlike tribes of the Ottoman Em pire-in tlio interior of Asia.. J The name of. these B4sbi .Bazouks is quUe ::sigiiificaut, meaning giddy.- heads^ or iaadeaps. During the Eastern war, (wentyiyeara ago, they jirov.ed .perfectly worthless. Neither tbe'Turka, nor'the prencb General Yilssuf, specially called from, Africa noi' the British General Beatson suewieeded in teaching, them any-- tbiing-like or<W or.^lisciplinp.- Re peatcelly it became necessary to dis arljn itbenV,'and finally to send them; back to their .native haunts. In tbo present conflict '.the Ottoman Government uses these savages iva a scourge ubon the Cbristians, espe- Dull Scrnvons. Oiily candi; indulge in the." gift" tif extempore preaching.; he wou)d"not be allow ed to l-epuat' himself. '1 But bow; can we bo expected to'find, sound, interesting matter week by week as years go on ?":, ask:fby clergy, j an swer!;- Study wliat Dr.-Liddon calls ; the ';'-Sbakespejiresan side " of relig-' ion.; the bc>ok of men and. manners around yon :~mark tbe facts of. human, lif^ ; realize liqvr- otber people feel, and what they have to contend with ; be on the - lookout for hints ; as the late Dean of Canterbi!rj; s'aid, " Put your ser- nion "in soak ' ' i\ tjie beginning of the wtejc, and bujld up the practi-.' ca'l half of it out of;tbe experience of yonr parish] Avoid theeverlast- . iug type 4nd;antitype sermons, where^ the stones Bavid used against Goliiitli"are made to symbolize theSacreinents, or the;, c'hdd.-en i>V Jacob's concubines to tjqafy modern. Dissenters. Aim at a pr!tctica],dis- ccnirse ; ask tbe half; dozen leaeling Uten in your pa.rish'fp-i;a"little help; tell them what you propose". to preach upon; this .will inferesfc;' them, and '. bring thiem to chiircb without Tail. L.<t ns muppase. tbat; you are going to speak'alipiit decis- -a^ - ion'of charneter; the man of. busi-V; ness 'will be aide to' fuiriish "in- \. .stances, taken froni bis personal' experience in past1 years, .'.where, hesitation.lost or deprsion.won the- fruits of golden opportunities ;. he wiiilje pretty i-ure to aeltl a.suitable' anticdote or two; the: village grocer, or the Radical shoemaker (sboe- raakers life always Jtadicaki), will in their turn contribute, to your store) the scboolniaater audfbne.or two .more-will assist;; and Insteiad of- bald generaliiic8 you wiilbave matter more than you -require, will Lave gauged the mental calibre of the pjeopfe, and! will en Sunday ad minister nicdicine's, dike a wisepby- ; siciari, after testing the pulse of | patients. ; If the clergy would' rest ;.. upon [their people, would tike them into f^ieir coufidenbe; wbulU cabSa trie ideas floating in the atmosphere ; of their parish, and work, tbeifi : dp into practical shape, the parisnon- ' ers would ^Lsten t-HgerJy, and be -; . proud of their part of the seimon. '. The isolated [uramwlio walks from. r,x bis study to the pulpit, and the pnl- .; pitta his study,, may be a'capital f! theologian, but Sunday guns will fire aver the headx! ofi his flock. ' Perhaps the best bonks-for a young clergyman .to read an the."Arabian Nights," as ill usl rating the Book of-.. Esther, or tbe liistory of Daniel Js the works of .Tlnickery^ if .be is - ]ireacbing to fashionable people; and Die-ken's woi ksrdf Jiis sjihere of "' usefulness is aniong tlie " great un- -wusbed." The tatlier looking v daily for the return of the Pi'odigal , Son finds afitting.illusti-ation inthe door left open fur "the chance of welcoming pack "-little Emily/' ia " PavidCoppeiiibkl." Giirist drew His instiliction friun things aq.tbey i were then.; following Missteps, the .- clergy .pngbt - to find the' pi^sent equivalent to ltis ]>ai!uble ;'.the let- ... ter cannot always be kept, tbe spirifci, Ilbnielykex>mmon: sense, speaking out of a full heart 'to a people fainiiiar and frieudlyj about subjects discussed in the week wliicb are perplexing the minds or ' baitissing the liveh- of those wbo- - form the audience, will never be ' dull., The Bishop of Winchester .-' cautioned bis clergy against --'Swell-. ing too much, on heresies- and schisms over aoid done with lonj; ago, -in llieso words': - "Don't waste your, time in killing dead devils, ' but spend it . manfully .. tlgbtmg the *live ones." As re gards the delivery of the Jisconise, . we recomm(jnd the r.dvice of the " Scotch 'pastor; .";Cultivate ; tbet- pause;" The best dratoriral effect -t was produced on oiie occasion by ^ ah interval of silence, during which a celebrated preacher was trying ta rjemember the' lost thread of .the ar- ijuuipnt;- afterwards as he opened liis.Iips to apologise to bis frind3 for the delay, they exingratulated' -bim,upon it as having bad a very fine effect. Mucmillan's Idwjuzine..-: Gems of Thought If we waited was perfect ly convenient, Jialf of the good actions' of life would ^iever~W ac~ i_ cbmplisbed. I -' "? -_ . : ", -bur^irinciples are tbe stiriapj ,of our happinesjs or tnisery. Too much Cart, thortifore, cannot bef;take"iu forming oiir jirinciples. ..',;' A man's "charity to those -"who differ fil'im bin) fipon great and tfifj"^. ficnltquestions will be in thexatib-" of bis own khowleelge of -them-; taie ; uiove kribwleelgftthb more charity. . The ijiltbori ties of CastHo bav -;ir.-.'*. r i -ii " i I prohibited tber pale of. Protestant cjallj; in ! Bulgaria, una;w^b. such Uj.^ .^ tLiit ^ iiico_; # effipieney. that many_ thousand of tbil [latter bave been slaughtered,! an 1 itbeir-churches; desecrated. N.o- thJbg'Iias; more justly provoked-the ind'sjgfiation of Europe tbiiii the use to -wliicb' -thes/h Asiatic hordes have bc;i) put Iliy their masteia. . '" ! Watford tavemfkeepeis jx>sfc -up ,. in . their bar-i"00Bts the names of tboso who take Itoo -much iiqnor, and agree ti.i' refuse drinks 0 siicta Tiie difficulty is in; deciding how ui'ucb "too much'-' slibuldrueaa.: I. , \-'

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