Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 7, 1876, p. 4

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m m v.s. V i. ._ -'< ;; -i", rr.' r ^ ! Cheer "p ! What Uiough the trees bo And wot though brown the mdow And what-Uiough chill bj 31 the air, . And dark wifii winter's (dmdowe! The will suou lie griyii* The meadows soon be hlvt^uiiug, And Boon Lhi* dark, chill air, tho sun f -Agriip wi}l Iv illuming. ->^ t?be*r apt SVhat Uiouglijupon the var Vfejre)ydme'jKnmds iv filmig? Another i'oWft ye sjooii shau, hear ; From tfai ttie futuree.-dlhig.: . A voice of ho}*^- a voice oi jay 'Which softin'dthrough hytsorrow, -.- f*te*ls sweetly up, o'er fields of given, WTiere flowers shall bloom to-morrow. hecr inp !; 'Though still tlioheavens . are dark, - - And atilltiui earth is dreary. - Each meadwc shall soon hear its lark, --ach gruvef shalt kooii In? cheery 4 ,Aod for. the he.-ir.ts that feel no ray AViUiiu theiuishiue,.or o'er them, Tiere's ns bright .1' light 'Ivliind the clouds - ' As everehcaie kfofti them. LEEBLE T AM (TOB STR.I ISS. - ,1 haf voh fanny ^.oc^Jo poy . * v ' ^Tot gohvs sch.ust tomy kueb i ~ ;- P .queerest schab ; der crcatest rogue- ' As p!ej- you dit seo i ffj^runs, .cod schumps, imd 8chn\ashes "" -;'. .-- In all barts offder house -, _ . Put vot off dot ? he, yes mine sou, '. Mine loedlcA'awcob Strauss'. " He gets dei-jmSasleS uiid der muuibs, Up4 e(erydlnii dot's liiidt 1 He spills njih'o Rlass of lager bier, PuSs 8clji)tiffiiHlo:niiiie kraut; H.# &$fs mine pipciuitlimburg cheese ' Pot vas der roughest .chouse, J'd dike dot xjom no oder poy "~Bud leedle Yaw<R>b Strauss. fie dakes my milk ban for a dhrum, Und cuts mine cane in dwo - To make der schticks to beat it niit Mine orations, <Jot vba drue -f I dinks-mine hid" vas sehplit abart Ho. kick* ub soach a tuuse. Pud nefer mind, der poya vas few Like dot young Yawcgb Strauss, _ A Bntcb of Weather Si&us. In response to a oiretfUuj sent to all the station observers by tho chief sigual Officer, asking for* tho signs preceding storms, signal service ol>- Korvor Duinont has recently- sent to Washington n report for hi local ity, based upon :liia own obrfervn-'. lion and tlio" weatheruiot^S wliieli ^Isjor liigiun'iill-b'ud l<,i>ptl\>r sovor- , "al ye'itr^, mid foivinau Allin's n^onrd. JUUsr 'detailing tlio action of tin- iustrtttiients' before B'i,ins,"'tlio-,i\!- porter given tho-- ,\\vatl)or Kigiis;l>y which tTio1 appryactiofa' storhi is ! LtmvUled, and tlu-sk by tliii way, &ixt. considered . morn ivliablo than thu injstrumcntal signs. ' Old wejith- cr prophets will be. ihtoiested in comparing those rules with the maxims which they hava drawn frvrui-their own observations." /\\'e ap^KJnd tlw &gtis ; 1. As a rule, if tlio wind toiichos horlhoast or cast for two or three d;iys, it is -sure indication of rain 2. Denso smoke and haze" in early luprnirtg portend 'falling leather. _'3. Summer showers of light char acter often follow two Of three days of smoke apd haxe, ; 4. Fog, frost, arid dew precede rkm_ twenty-four to forty-eight hours, except fog- at close of a storm. 6. Wind veering from north or west to south and southeast, pre cedes falling weather. 6. Halos, lunar and solar, also fairly defined and brilliant auroras, precede rain twenty-four to sivty hours. 7. Barometer rising or falling considerably awny from its'.mean, forebodes falling weather, subject to modlfyjng.influenpes of the -neigh, bosing. i-ajigCB of mountains or hills THE; FREE) PRESS, AOTGN, IIALTON COOT'TY, item is the Time to; -Purchase :i ! ' T ] I / -..-' 'i :CLTHIMC, ' '"< TWEED? FALL Il3_A.ST EJlsTX). fie ask^ njc questions soocli as desp : - 1 Who baints mine nose so red ? ^Vlio cuts dot schmooth"Maooj>udjbr Vrom der hair nbon mine bed ? Und vhere der pbue goes from der lamp Vcnc'er der glim I douso-^- . |I*ra- ga^;I alt de3e dings etji^blain . !. J somedimes dink 1 shall go vild -. Mit sooch-agraiy poy, < ' ' Und vish yonce more I gould haf re^t JJnd beacefnl dimes ennhoy ; Brid vep h$ vas asnlecp in petl,. '. So qniet as a mouse, ' ' J pray* der Lord, "' rdake anydingH, But leaf dot Yawcob Straus?." ' -J Something Qniet Soft. .',' Why your'hand feels as? soft a /ilk,- said-I, as I ahq^k hands; with fclie sridow.. " Npasence, doctor," she replsetl. ' *' Here with some more of your flat tery, are -yourl My hands are not pa soft as vour own ihia:'minute.'1 " Why your hand," said I, "1 feels bb soft I'd be afraid to* squeeze it J. never felt anjUugg sm? so/l"-i -"if Qir, doctor, just iisteh at you aga^nil '_p. you never felt anyinlng ps soft aarsy hand, andi,ejr^.n {soft-'i fit you kriowi itj has' been your own faull,"- and] I !' thought the widow-' flushed as = Iftqugrt Borry sKe ha^ said it." " Pray," said.I, becoming deeply Interested," what might I have felt r that is; softer'tlian your hand )" _ "Hush now 1 You don't Jcnow ; of course: You aro very innocent;" 'and then- I could have tfwortj! the ' "VidojF was blushing. ' ! i " tTpon my honor I don?t know," was my still morcinteresfced reph-; . ' won't you tell me or show me i" - "No, yoa kiibw I won't tell jjou# " Then'show me, wont you 1! . . "-'I don't like to. But' yoa are ^ach'a tease^nd such' a dunce, one ' tnusTdd almost anything to gat rid , - f " Certainly." ..- j ! And she took my_.hand mincingly. . in Bers.'" "' '"iNow sbtifc your eyes, doctor." ~I closed my ayes in" an instant ^he lifted my hand up and up- ! 'jield'my breath, and,-, dear reader, hefore I suspected what she was ".jibo'ut, 'she Laid pliced it gently ujx>a '. ^* * ----------- , Size of Countries.; : Grooce is about the sizo of Ver- jnoht. ".': - "' ' -' F^destino is about one-foiirth -the ire orNew York. if Hindoostaii is" more than a lur dred times as large as Paloiiticoi Tho Great Desert of Aftiga has pearly the present dimensions of .the United Stjitea. ' ! : - . -The Ked Sea wotdd rech from Washington to Coloradoj And it is ;- three ,times "as-wide as Xakc On tario \J. -- ' . /" ' : The English Channel is/nearly as . hirgo. as'lHke Superior; j The ile<literrauean, if placed across Uorfh America, would miike una navigation from San DifgoUb -' -Baltimore,' ' ! .." -j""' ' '< The; Caspian Sea would stretch -from New York to St. Angustino, r nd is as wide as from pew York ? to Rochester. ' " '. Great'Brilain is about " " Stpj>|that' swearing about your wages Foijipey." "Ain't swearii] boss, Js& -' disussju' do finaiiciii questiou,". ,< Cnpih\l weather, Mr. -Johes;- cajutal- weather.' -My wife's got s>ioh':a cold she c-.mrt s[>cak. 4 like such weather," i i ' Men: and women have becqine extinct thj- died abqiit sixty years ago, and left no heirs, Iijdiqs and gentlemen have .iistfrpcd thei^ places. f: ' ' J . - ' -. "Do you pretend' fofiave ns good I judgment as I have ?" foxclaiincdaft.} enraged wife to her 1 usbaruil. "Well, no," ho slo-wly j-rjdieil ; " our: choico of ivirtneis for life shows, thivtr-iuy judgment i; not "to Iks compared, to yours." "You al- ways "'were a; fool/' howiev the ex- asi>ciated woman. iEASI One caso now Jbeiii riislu-d ofl" at reduced ;ratcs to make, room for J STOCK' Now Arriving AT 'til 15 t 1, 1S7C. DICK SON ':& KcWAB. i5TE"Vvr G-OODS J [BER T, I 1876. ^M^BUTHSEPORfi ' & 00 T"WO NEW OASES English and Just recoivodj icobprfeing oir the latest "i :. erican Styles, KEWDOMIHIO]^ STORE, TO BIS SOLD CHEAP. A Lrarge Stock of Linen and; Lustre Coats .still on Hand. ; .. -':._- TO BEX'LKAU'BD-.OU.'rj.FpR HAbF TIlElIt VALU13. NOW DAlbY AUKIVING AT THIS IQi^ABLE WEST EiXD. ..UJsr -OPliNKD: Soal Bipwh and Navy Bluo Dicss uoo.l;;. TJ dozen iic<y .Silk Tics. Nsw Linon Ci 1 ars and CtiflM- Stoci; row vory complete and'attrac'tivp in each department. A. O. BUCHAM- Knshlonnltle WcbI lend I)rcs, Millinery anil Mnmrc KslabllKlirarnU aucfplv, AnRtist ll.'l.sTfi. Cicap Bq^s And Stationery AT! 6^ DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Aug. VI, 1S7.C WM. itUTHfejR'FORD- & CO, Lover "WTyndham .Streot, Guelph "l! 'I . j GREAT SPECIAL SALE pf DRY GOODS IND j " Preparatory ftp Removal, POST OFFICE CASH STORE, ACTOUST:, OHT. "W"M.,STE"W1AE*i s 00. Our entire stock of Dry fioods and Clothing offered regardless of Cost, to reduce stock boforo removing to our new premises, now building. Tho publ ci may rely oi tho ~ - i Bost and Onoapest ^aifgains eyor offered' of " ...'" Cheaper than Old Bankrupt istock at Half price Cheap -because just Uk goods wanted Cheap, because Fresh and New. WIi (loin ni you liirvo rr.rjd your'Mmrc of b.ul debts to timso V Credit Busintsn, plriise call at tlio Post OlFtco- C'asli Stbre, whe.rd you get'CJ->ads Cheap and rEiglkt per cent Discount for Cash, tv>~ Cash for Proiluce. ^ > Can'wyjinccr, Tssuer of ftfarriago Licences, ito. JAMES Acton, .Jrily la, 1S70. s MATTHEWS. Bay Soils Cheap. Gk^-S-A-ID- two-thirds ihe-twelfth -fith of the ",- the size of Hindbostan; ' atid one-twen ,. , XJuited' States, 'i ' "^ ' -!.; The Gulf of Mexico Js about ten" '- ' times the; size, of lkke Superior,; jind about as" large" hs the sea^bf Katapdratka; Bay of Bengal, China ; lialce j- 'Qntario w&uld; go in' icacli of-them-. 'njore, tharitjrty'times. - -. .' TJie folldwing bodies of .Water ' jure \fttjotjt' 'tb'e' same size : German ; ^'Pceaoi^bick Sea; Yellow Sea; Uadsoq. fiay"ls rather'larger. The JPaltio,'A^rtaiic, Persian Gulf, and ^jgean Sea, half as large, and some - i "wtt largerr ttian'I^ake Superior. L" '.':"- ^ '. _ j ------'-j-----r- - ' Vfhen a riian baa a cold, in the v head he bankers chiefly for:a haud- lerobief, - -It;. At- Sale FOR ONE KONTBT 'OF1 Aliscellaheons Books, Station, ery, Wail Fapfer, &c . AT E ' CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the Ea8tTBide of Wyndham Street, GTJELPH. Tie] will give sur.h Bargains as Mill Adwiiisk Ike Public: STILL, AHEAD AT THE Central Boot and Shoe Store. GRAINE & SON Have just received their [ SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS &SH0ES which is ahead of any thing eyored offered in Acton for stylo and durability ' and at prices that cannot be underaold. OUR CTJSTOM WORK', * Will receive careful personal attention, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. , Dop'tTofget the place,.- " " . milt Street,'opposite:'NbrrbSv's Drner Store. ' :---:V V GEATNE &.S0K Acton, April 4, 1870. , _ . ' ! JTOTICE TO FARMERS. Having purchased the threshing- anil sawing machines- lately owned 'by ATeaarj). J. & A. Mann, with the imder- btapding that they did nut intend car-' jS'in? on the business, and Ji.tviiig.igot tho.'n)abl|ii>cs put in good repair, tlam ]>'repareitt'o rceeivq orders from farmers; for threshing and sawing. I have se cured the services of a first-class thresh er.; of Bayentcen ryears' experience] arid can guarantee satisfaction in all cases. The patron ago of the farmers respect fully eolicitelL ' i ., - donald Mcdonald, Lot No. 30, 4th con. Ks-iik: July l'J, 1876, ; auee 3-li; sing SMALL FARMS for Sale in Kramosn mid Krln. .The undersigned offers to B9II his farm, being tho East half of Lot No. 3, in tho 7th concession of tho Township of "Eramosa^ edinprising alxiut 03 ^acres, aboii fc 40 of whibli aro undcrjciiltivation. Good log housp and barn,-i?rohard,-etc. It is 'situated about midway between Acton and Itocfcvvood. Also part of Lot No. 2, in 7th con;' Eramosa, comprising 28 acres. ; Also part of Lot 3; in the 1st cqnj of Erin, comprising 50 acres. For particulars, etujulre of Mr. Wni. Hem- street, Auctioneer, JJockwood, V the owner on'tho premiscB. ! ,' ' , ".- JOHN'McINTOSH. Er^uno'sa, July 10, 1870. ' 3-3m SHB STOOS ifiJOT. "V7JCLL Out we are aware how.perplexing it is lor honest people to read the adver tisements, here jind" elsewhere. Who'll talk tho loudest nnd brag the most seems-tcl be the maxim of each. But an intelligent Public knjow well that .Shoddy Goods aro dour at Half-price. .,;'" ASS SSAI^ BE SCL3. j: Have ust received their Spring-istock of. BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, - ' -i The ftest that .ever came into Aoton, for Price. Style^ad Quality. ,f; .4"':--v't dUR QIXSTOM WORK I Will Ir'ecelv, careful attention, and all work guaa-anteed td give satisfactii '" -Don't forget the places- .' . j ': '-. l Mala Stroet, Nczt Door %o Agncv's HotcL x L'J.? " Tv-- ' -.' V. Actori, May 29, 1B70. '"'J:' :- 1kenney;& son HO! FOR BARGAINS . i" 1 : - ' i- .- -, ' RAHEE^ieidr -f_- Li6c>l^ Out lor Cheap Q-Ooda 2. ^ % :,] " &Eo^.c3-E]a?onXrasf, |k McLEOD, ANDERSON & ' - .\i: IMiMEJNTBE. OEEXRIjSTGySALE^ Por Tnirty Days Only; ;: CUTTING AND SLASHING RIGHT AND LEFT Wo give a few r|uo'tat!on8 -of; C^OOIDS S,EJ3DTJ0^3I3- (orincr prices, 15, 20, 25 and bp cents reduced (jo 10, 15 and 20 cents. No riuarter. will bo given. All goods marke'd down, and will be sold-W gardless of cose . " .'.-- . to 5.0 Striped silks reduced to 57 cents. : Striped Grenadines to 10 cents. Striped and Plain Linen (o 10 cts.! Parasols from 15 cents. V Black, and .Colored Lustres from 12 J cb'ntH. Table Linens, Bed Quilts, Tablo Napkins, Sheetings,! Damnsks, Towel ling will bo offered ait striking prices.; Colored Shirting from 10 conts. A lot of Woolen Tweeds' reduced frpm Lace Curtains 75 cents. ' '* Whito CotEbn Hose frpm: GJ cents. Era%v Sun Hats from 5 cents, tfashmcrc Jackets from ?1.25. ILinen Suits from SI.50. Sl.'OO to 00 cents. Colored and Whito Press Shirts from 40 cents; io A JOHLOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING to be SACRIFICED, '-" ' i ThisSalo 13 no Clap Trap. 1 I ' I: trs Rcdnccrt Prices. Mnst Be Cnsli.To Guelph) June ,5 1S70. WILLIAM STEWART & .Co: DRUGS^ DRUGS; Drags, Ohomicals, Dyo Stuffs, Patoat andFroprictjo^Tj Uodieincs,- Fancy and Toilot.Soaps, |Spongos, Bruchcs, - | " Paints, pile and Vamljslios. Paney aidiRubljor Goods." PUS,B "WIITES AHD LIQTT0I13 far Moaieiaal larposos only. All goods wiirranted of the bestojualily and at ten por < enttbolow Toronto" plcros. ' jr - ." ' Don't forget place. ' . !:. Medical Hall, Mill street, i^ctbn. Acton, March 13, 1875. Jg. !e. MORROW ALL KINDS OF BOOK, And ,1GB PRIKLT?ING rltOMPTLY EXKCUTED'AT THE FAEE PRESS OFFICE Dress Goods, Muslins. Grenadines'and Prints r '-C. j I .-'.'". If At C^st Price and tower.; '_; . "X : :' Mlf LINER Y& MANTLES AT HALF PRICE* - ii 1' Eeltdy-made and Ordered = Clothing, Tweqtls,, feents' Furnishings, Hats arid Caps, <Src-, at extraoriiinary Ibwprices.i Call]and examine; it will pay you. ' ; "' Carpets, Oil CIpth^.Eunfs, &c, a clean sweepjinust be nhade of.these gov?4s-. Cottons, Tablings, Ducks, Drillingsi Towel- lingfr. &c, at very low prices.^ ' We commence our Annual Saloon Thursday, July 20th, and shall; continue, it for 30 days.- Remember we never advertise anything that tW." d<Tnot perform, so that you'can rely upon getting bargains and first elate; goods cheaper than ever. Come; and see our prices and examine ou?~ goods. REMOVAL, REMQVAy SflcLJSOD, ANDEIIS01T & Co., ; AllAMMOTH HOUS^,^^ GEORGETOJFil,'. sodi 11 Begs to inform tho inhabitants of AGTuN and .surrounding conntry, lV . |. .' , >; pi mill s^eeet; : :S Next Djoor to GaHoway Bros.' Bakery, in tlie building lat^Tij j ,; occupied by ivCreecu, :;;._ whlbh hlas been neatly-fitted up, h Jias the'best light oT.iany ^OI* ^^? - two counties, which is j.very essentul i-Sor; the proper selection 01 gow- His stock, wbiob. is verj> choice, is fully;assorted, \ - ^.7 n ' -' -.:i'i " '. ' "'. 1- ~'.'i*'- And will be Sold at ah/ Fnusually Ldw Figtir^1 " -.:^ NOTlnNG BUT THE BEST OF GOODS AND^SELLING, ^ ' i.' CHEAP AS' ANY HOUSE IN THE T^DE^v :"' ^"' .^l Give him u call; fune .27, 1876. O. M. SCOTT'S - .--' " Square Dealing Bou^L tl W< t r, 8 ir AasScr Tol i-ostl t*cmCoral Litre.1 H . AgenJ - All S>li faUJjfl sollcif i:-; I- i..". fllee| m Teach O^ Ml JHo-nr I iiitcjal Uugpil Be*' 'I3,lo ^Travel ;andco| !.:-$<? nt -. Uqnoi 'attentl W f ton. r -JUffic^.1 urma M1 Sasbl AU /-; -.-V:-v;:';:.'-.r;J '..Office j : :

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