Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 7, 1876, p. 1

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mm i^to K N LIAS" Quality.. __ : satisfaeUea' "V i& SON". bods. 0* ID LEFT. .be ipla're--^' td Prints. PRICE. Tweeds, low prices* - Jeep must i fSiig=; Towel* .;" .. r 7 ' ~* "~ .-' i ' ' In." and sh&U ; . -: cing-,that we ! jij't rst-Clar9 ' examine- oaf -j - * m I country,'ttot |dlnglt*,y Figure* keeping V' - 5LLING AS'; )E. "'. . " L.J louse, '- '$ - / , a I |blamc If. Xo.;-;lo] ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1876. {91.00 per annnrn in Airnmee, i^^i-yf'-ss ca a ns. D OMIXIOX ^.li^rjo, Mc:^i,,r"ti."V,;>;:oofl,!iisio ajiJ^urReor.s. -Mll."l.-Sri!Kl.T \ -\V it. w>wry, m."-b.;.3i. HARNESS >Y-# i\ r. s;. limilunie of Trinity, " """. f The subscriber bogs to annduncn ^ t ' ..miiinii- ~"7:tcv tho inhabitants' or,^\Hon anil T)?*m s'rrvV..'", *ot*t HeiWu*^! vicinity that ho haa commenced tho iJ^>\?H-'YoVi!:iiV>>?ir.i.!iiH:,:>o: victoria"1 harness business in tho ' ;; IV.wlco.' i".in:v'..i. LVnMtUnU.m ilavk rjHEAF BREAD S HOP. J FOR THE MILLION Tu * is m. ACT*1*- I .in:v la. id Krl. ^cIViS;^roVr".,nv;r^r^^01tl 'Post -Office Buildiug,; \p0 MIliL STREET, .ACTON, v ' jvhoro ' lip is prepared ' to turn out JAMESi IIITTH^WJ*. Coiif yo3oylVoJ'i.^iT?.S-Aco*jtT SiomrJai^ivVoI ivorW second to.noiio in tho Dorain* B.& E. NIOKLIN ; tu announce that they have scoured. . tho serviees of a ' First-Class Baker, rrapa <-\v, , K V >111. Ill ^ H.. .t*- ...hi u I'tvNK-.i i\nirt, Ai-rftst,- Ost, D HENDERSON,- fouvov. * .-nicer, *o., ;'.s.i A^-m i'ai::li ' Uf--Ai-sarHtnv C<. I'oiVi-. M.irti;:;rs *-.'., p?^t>ared :u.:v.\ v, i'-.-o-.n .-=.'.y( r -r.;-i'i-;ty *a i y--n -roa-o:i iKe tr-rm^. '* M.i-.oy t"> IkOu' 0:1 Morii-aso security. .: oilii'C ' TO UN MoKIXDSl-Y. At'tor- *J aoj--s:.l..i, .s.>lio' In I'lti^.'i-r;-. >,i(;\ry I'til-'io. I'o'.ivrvmo, r, lie. > 'l'Jco: Ovtr W.ilsuli's 1^:1:4 Moro^ M:mrsuVcr MirroN.. "'--'-' ion.'a;*' fchotip'as tho cheapest, and on tlia fshortest possiblo notice. I hia-vo on^iarid a largo and well elect ed stock ot Sorso Blankots. "Whips, Brushes, - .- Cbmhs, -Trunks', etc. Repairing promptly attended to. tlive'mo- x call and lio convinced, r ';"' ' ,1.F. DEMr.SEY Acton. Nov. 2">, 1S.75. ' J. D. JIATHESON. Attoiinj- Streets, ttt-orgi'iowoi. : PPLESi: & SI II PS O.N, A "tinv ;y;i,:jcor>. At*. STO"V"ES TINWARE! and that their Dakrn^ business is i\o\v iii full operation, in the proinise owned by .Ifrs. llannn. .Broad will-be delivered daily at tho [houses' in the .village atid vicinity'. i "V7oddimp,.Cakes, Tea.- Cakes, . -Pastry, Buns, &c, made in the, very best manlier, and kept ahyay.+ on hiim}. good and fresh. AIbd i a.ll , kinds in" Confectionery, Biscuits, ! I'hijese, Xc, 'L-lie patro'naie of the! pnlilic is res- I peetfully .solicirctl. '.'&' K. NK'KLIX. VUton.lPeh.-29, 1S71!. ONE DAY IN A 8ETTLERS LIFE. '" If you had had a grain of real loyo for nio, you nover would lmvo drugged mo out into this dcRolute wilderness/' said Mvh. I'oland Har dy, half.sobbing and really ailgry. Sho and flashed round to tho winnow ^ thoro pressing her hotrfnco ao closely ugailiht tho puiio, that hnr noso iinmodintely began 'melting a ) grotesque pattern of herself in tho JHparkliiigr_frost\vork, " Jlad you been a giiiitleinanj, Rolanil, you never would .have ttionolit of doing I n"ni;-L.iIDL.lW, Ilarristcr, ^> Ait-^r-.H,, -..:-l.:i\v sl' la rr-.r..".co'n-, .tc. "::uvs: EiaiKi.ltoii, In K as s;feoi; Mi:'. '-.-.. )lsln -u-.-f.. ,'l'h'- Mii*. r. * 1:Va--' V.-I,';' r> -.:i.icr '.lie r.uma^r* ~a-r.\ o:' "i<: Vf. i" iTnp'.i :i. .:lh i Mr ' UV -ivlll" : -.' ".>!::ti':i Olfil-e'.* . a Frii>i?)."ta^'.i WeeS. ,1: yoirwaut a l'o?s t'nokr Sc-,ive. lm to or TaVlur ^iive, WILSON & JQHIMSOIVr'S. H ENRY L. DUVRE. Aseci f-r ::V >!-.t.-:i:;:. a:: bi;!i">: oiiciteJ. utE, 10. . r.i t:Lr:t. : > e an 1 V, :-.: rioor :.!> \^i: I he: 1 'r-iiefs l,v . mail ;I. I.. UKAKK "' ' . - Stove*. Stiver Tl*lmiii!np>i, Tln^ Shcel* Iriun jiinl- Japanuetl H:ir<'. ;r.'.riii'ulr.r-attention paid to EAVETRQIJGHING. a IEEPII ARMORY, PATENTS far INVENTIONS txr-i1 l:'.: *.:^iy nr,A y^*: erry ^ece.rvlt 1 . i.,a;:..d.i, T.-n:lo I .Suil- > :uitl Kuru;i... Vitrei'ecit or i:u na;;e. iS/iid for j-rln'.e : i:.-:r-.u::f.i,!!<.- AceecV iu <>^tr- aiioa :;a y..;-.r.->. HHNkV tit:I>T l'-.;.-AVa. l":in;ii!:'., Ues^ K:r-;r.eor,.So.ielior ol.l'n ::,rU-: on. On notice. ;s. Cojiper, llra?s, Iron ai'.d _ taken in exchange. f\Y ILLIA3I WATRIX.S, luarr H-irrlajc l!c^>d t'rrliarales^ By Jloytti A].;-ointntt'Ul.) 3ilil:e*j. priva:o a:;J crir.Oilentinl, . a a:-ll::-. Po: o^lcC-, Mcuv.-lV.laza, .'Cr--:j- iia't- n., 3P" S. CARTER. j. ale. Drrmlnc and Frcnrt, .Cliufeh streri. Act--a. Cotton T.a ot!u>r produi i cir Vi\\\ and See Is, 1 -. : KeiaemLH-r the stand,, one door west of tho Canada Ulove Works, VSXLL .STSSSTr /.0T0; AV. 'IT. -W-iusoN. 1'. P. Johssos." i Acfnri' April-'ll. 1S7G. ( 4 CTON ! PLANING 'MILLS ^Sa. JOHN KIRKHAM, ' fiunsiuijtli, ^ilvcr-PIater, &c., Wishes to inform the public that he lias " " rpmoved to t Hatch's Block, Xext door to i Tyson's Butcher Shop OLIVER EOZIEK, Plasterer,' Flist^fi'-g an-i- H-r.itrii-Cii^i.:!;^: done n:i ; lion ^oaraiilfced. A CTON FEOIR 3IIELS. B. i E.KICSI-IN',;picrs. F'oar an] Feed alv. ay> c>n I an-!, whfilo- sale aBi_r6iai:. Ur'.^inii 1:11! ClKippin^ U*.:\-t-Cast: 'or all k:n.:s 1.1" 'ar.riu. -- "DOSijlX. IIOTSE. Acton. JLA' CJf^e- lo the ij. T. Rui; v>-ay Slatior.. i^xcr^.-i-t. ;'.eoonimr^J:',:ic.:i for tl:e travel- Ilag 'ili'J?. CA^n'BIilLL, Propr. D OJIINIOX UOTEE. Aeton, :*roj niorfTLt-i j .1 . firs/-tlass j h now fur:.l;'-:re. ConiT^ierciiil , a" ^o-"-l I-.ccuii:lif.> Uitit.n j Rooert Agncw, ue* H'o'.-.-r is tiii-e 1 Tmve Liquor?-4i:ni i ati-egtivl* Ho.- 10 uppii'^' -^ritUlne "b^ r>^ G.uoi .-i.ublir;^ u'L.d Wa. HE3ISTREET, - " Licensed-Auctioneer Vol t'ae Co'jntie? ojWelllrgton ai'.J "Hai- toa. ureters l<--l at. the i-'eke l'i:E>s I Or5ce, Acton, or at my rc-.^iaence, in Rockwc-xl. will be proaiotiy atle.mlei' to. I Dirms re'asocuijie. . -. ..< T3ERE JIIEK. _' .' ' ;. I . Tr*e nnder5!^r;e-i bec^-to !ha::k )ii = .cus tomers for the liberal pnrotui^e refoivcil j itflrins ttic past fummer, and would say - trial he is now f-r^pareci t- ad- | ditirmal number of customers wltli uck>-I, fiure. fr'5ii rntiit delivered every, morn- ne, and twice a day. on Saturdays. Tav- feeep-.eov.-s -wri-i 1 find : It much cheaper and less trouble to set rrfiiSiI'-Mv- (Sred at their do:iv, ary! tii'-y %cr,uld <lo flrell to tell their cows a ait buy "their nii'k. .-Twenty-one quart tickets lor.-^l, H fuid In advance, or twentjwine pint ticketii Jar 50 cents.- . i". S. ABMSTKuMi/ Aeton, Nov. lOti, 1S75.'- j. -^TILTON - I ,| .ELAWIN&- MIJjLS, J. R. MITCHELL, f Manufacturer of SasFi, Doors,-Blinds, Mould ings, Door and Window Frames, Pickets, etc. Planiny, "Scroll Work and Matching :" ; Xio/iH io Oriitr. : Jffi'"Blinds 30 cents per:-foot.-^u' . ..ill work delivered, in ilcton free. _0rders left a Secont. Bros, -will "be promptly attanded to. ' , ;..' Milton, June 6, 1S70. ." 50-iy "p TROLLOPE CHAPMAN, Practical" Bookbinder. ; - j . ' ; 3: - r^------ All j Descriptions/ of Binding j ^ieatlyExecnt.ed. 7 Pump, Saslijpoor and Blind Factory. THOMAS BB^AGE, - Manufacturer of "WiadoTT -Sash,,_,-. Doors,, Venetian Bliads Mouldings, And other Building Requisites Also. Makers of . - ILI2P.0VSD S-J0TI01T PXTUPS AIOMUNITION FOlS AiL BREECH .- '-. LOADING AKMS. " Kly 4 Kynoch's Cartridge Oases mid CapW for re-loading sntne. Ke-londers, Ke-roppem, Gap KJeetors, Curlers, ' CreasorB.^'leaiilnjr KckIs, and all articles, necessary for'a Sporisir.nnTs outilt. All torts or, Repairing and Jobbing executed on the shortest notice at Guelph, ^lpril 27,. 187C. Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde in the he"st manner. JCSJ- All work guaranteed. Acton, Jrin.,lS"G".- .; ".Account Boohs of. All Kinds Made to _ Order. .1 \ , AcTox--r "Wagon and Carriage : FACTORY. JAMES RYDER, Proprietor. Vagoas, Carriages, :. "-. Slolghs, Cutters,, Sec. Kept In stock and made to Order ontbe -_ Shortest Notice". Strict attention paid to - Horsc-SlioeiaB S8 General JoTsbfadg and satisfaction euaranteed. Acton July lot, -1875.~ -': LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. T*. ALLAN Takes p'easure In announcing to tbe public generally thnt tie Is prepared to furnish . First-class aorsos and Carriages At Reasonable Rates. ' Ills Rigs and Horses-nre tbe br>Rt that cat) be had, and lie Is determined not to be surpassed bv any City Stable-. ] Acton July 1st, IS75. - ! ^yANTED, . J ,1000 Cords of GOOD HEMLOCK BARK, For which I will pay FIVE DOLLARS PER CORD At the jlcton Tanner}', il delivered 111 1 summer. -' ' -' G. L. BEAliBMOHE. Z. A. HALL] Agent. , "?unc:, 1870, ' 49-3m UNDERTAKING. it." - i When wives get into a'passion thoy nve apt to say things that they tuny hereafter bitterly regret. Mrs. i lardy; was no exception. . Ilor luis- band'stood breatlilessly silent, his face paling. They ? hud not been married a year yet; j -'- . i "Jane," ho iinswdred at last, in tones hard and cold j " if I,had not thought you j were willing, sty, and m'oro than willing to risk it, I Khould iiuverihavo brought you, and you know ttl llomuuibor, I told you it Nvould: bo a rough life; y<:t you w.ero eager to come." Jane Hardy remembered' vwy,' well. But the memory of her ar dent protestations, her generous for-' gelfulness of] self, only angered hor the more just now.. 1 " How wils I to know jthat it would bo liko' thisl Thtre i You can go if yoa aro going. I should like to he uloW'^ with all this work to du." .' ! ' ' "I am going directly," was Mr. Hardy's aimwer, striving for tran- tpnilit}'. " NYill enough to put u]> my luncheon 1 I shall not come back Jill night." ' Oh, deur^yes," shoreiilied with alacrity,- brilijging hpr fuce uway from the.p'auo with a jerk, and pro- ceediiig to iilake a great clatter in "the cupboard, which in this pioneer cabin was a combination of_ pantry and china closet. " I tliere is but-a short al io jviulco of "wood ;. will it last till evening?" asked Mr. Hardy dubi ously looking at the woodbox he hud just replenished, and turning to brush up ! the bits of bark that had fallen on the neat rug carpet. His words were kind,, but his' tone wns as chilly as an icicle. ' " There ia plenty, do no trouble yourself," responded his wife resent fully, her eyes bent on the "bread she was buttering. In five minutes, man, dinner-pail, nxe and dog, bad vanished in the direction of the great forest'; and the young wife was alone, as she had vehemently desired to be. Ko- land Hardy had gone forth to his days work of felling timber, i Most young men ,and angry, wives would have burst into tears at tliis point. Jane Hardy did not. She leaned .against the rude mantle shelf when her husband's footsteps no longer sounded in the crisp snow, and looked unutterably sad and hopeless, as if the light of her life had gone out; looked re morseful, too, as if conscious of hav ing something to do with its anni hilation. The.story I is one. of those' often enacted in the new worhl. Certain expectation suddenly failing him, Ttoland Hardy manfully resolved to betake himself to tho ba'ck!:Woods clear out a settlement for himself, erect bis own house, Robinson Theso vexations havo to bo boaton down promptly under lono's feet, and Mrs. Hardy hud stooped to ^qyabblo with hers. A dour little roBo lutd been discovered frozen, though wrappod.: in flannel ' and placed in the-warmest qornor ojf tho burrow, tinder . tho floor, called, ad a matter of dignity, tho cellar.-; Toj bo suro, tho potatoes had been kind ly spared ; but were gro^j p.o- tatoos when.'lovely. Liimar<]iio=budH droapo'l iu death] .Mourning over thorn, Mrs. Hardy forgot tho milk- toast, and tho milktoast indignantly boilod over. Catching tho pan from tho Htovo, lo ! a splash of hot milk fell on. tho front breadth of her clean .crisp French gingham, and another on tho ear of poor David, stretched on the hearth, anil the dog howled respoiiHively. At another timo Juno would havo laughed ; but laughing was very far "from hor mood :tllis.morning ; life in genoral was looking depressedly gloomy -, and when Mr. Hardy came into this atmosphere of burnt milk and pit- oous dog-whinings, she AVas declar ing in her fervid wny, that house keeping out West was simply : vil lainous; and that sho hated it-^horo slio caught his provokiugly Hmilfng eyes hated it, and him, and tho place, and everything. Ho motTtlio words jokingly, and it incensed her. Iii. her angry spirit sho Baid unforgivable things, and Mr. Hardy was provoked into retorting. So they jarred . and jingled through breakfast. That is, she did. For: somo littlo time Roland- Hardy had feared that a sort of suppressed'- discontent wus taking possession of his wife. Sho. was quieter at times, almost sad, and less given to laughter than in their old bright days, as ho had got to calling them. - He. hid hoped everything of her love and devo tion rhoped that ho might ever vo? main as near and dear, as 'much '.' all the world " to her as site' had often j declared him to to. And now this hud comq of it ; this dread ful quarrel- Sho "had spoken but her mind. His heart was aching with her reproaches ; but, generous ever, he excused her to himself as be walked along to tho wood* It waB asking to much of mortal woman, he argu ed anxious to make himself wretch ed to tear her away from homo and friends, and all the comfortable de lights of well-regulated New. Eng land life, and to expect hor to be always glad, and buoyant, and.brave and hopeful, keeping bis, own soul up with tho wine-liko ton^c of blithe sprits. No! It was the- same old ( beginning of the end, a mere ques tion of time. Eventually she would become tho indifferent, matter of- fact sort of woman that most wives appeared to be ; regarding him, the lover, as a kind of mild, inovitab e evil,: necessary to her support, at 0 respectable to have about the homo. Sooner or later, he supposed all i husbands and wives awoko fron thei dream' of love, to the long dreary reality bf making the best of things. Nevertheless,' her fierce outburst on this .particular morn- ] ing took him by surprise; -some what aroused his indignation. H'ld he not warned her freely and fully, that; her days, if sho came with hi n, would be anything but a bed of roses j Was not lifi| harder for hi b, inexpressibly harder, than it hid Crusoe fashion ; and in time, by j been, a. totally different thing altjo (dintofl)i3 hand's hard labor, become' gether? But he bore on pei-sevir Ruling Promptly Attended to. -PxifBZET St. G&prge's Square, Guelpl prosperous. Hardy, the settler, he would be then, with his farm "lands around him, his flocks and herds his people and his comforts. But all that7would have to be patiently- worked on for, and tbe beginning must, of necessity, bo weary and toilsome. Jane Dean, to whom he was engaged, decided to go out with him i-his wife. He told her he had better go on first, say for a year or two; her friends urged the same j l0Ve"quam;]s that Tiadj flicker is-Orders left at the FeeB Pkes : Office will receive prompt attention.- 3END 2T,c. to O.-Pi ROVVBLL. 4" Ool, Mew-Yort, for Pampliletkif 100 pagef lpbfotjof 100 pages --...bMuiug iiHiM 01 ijyuO newspapers, ri ^Wliaates showing cost of adyerflslBe. UIBSCRIBE FOR THE ACTON FREE PRESS, 1 . - ~. i Only One Dollar a Year; ."The undersigned begs leave to inform the .people of: Acton and vicinity that he willJEuruish all. i^ tRSquisitcs in IJiidc'rtaking dn short riotice'and reasonable terms as " ' . j can he had Ilcai^e Supfilied when Desired. Alsoi that he will Fit up Stores & Offices "in the. best style. . Show C'n4ea Book Cases and Desks made to order; ; * ' FUSNlTUIiEj'ytEP'AIRED. '..' Shop on Wiilow Btreet, near Main st., -'" '""-. P. M. MeCANN. - ^cton, March 20; 1876. 39-6m ingly and untiringly, looking to tbe end in view, and making matters light for-her sake. Suppose rsup- pose a flush dyed tho young man's patient face as the thought occurrsd to'him suppose she refused to stiy here and wen); home to her friends ? Meanwhile Mrs. Hardly stood sn by the mantel-piece, horribly miser able moro miserable thiin.she had ever dreamed of being inlany of tbe $5 "DO $^Oj!jSriip'les worth $1 free. at homo worth f Stinson & Co./ Portland^ Maine. JOB PRINTINGjof all kinds neatly aid promptly executed at the FREE PB.ESS OFFICE, Next the rotf. Office, Mill Street, id!10 ftdny ntiiomo. Agents wanted. ( <PJ.^ Outfit and terms free. TKDE & CO AngtiBtn, Maine. iidvice, but the young- lady would not listen. So far as he was able, Mr. Hardy, beforo tho marriage, described what their toil and their lonely life would be. Jane Dean looked at it with rose-colored spec tacles, and thought it would be charming, a kind of perpetual pic-j nic. It is true she; did not bargain for the help they had taken with them, in the shape of a man and woman servant, deserting themj speedily, tired with the new rough; work, sick at the loneliness; and those engaged in their places (after endless trouble and long negotia tion) had not yet come. But she had put .her own shoulder bravely to the wheel in the Bummer weather, and made light of hardships. It was winter now. And for the first time her temper had given away. Everything seemed to have gone wrong in the cabin this morning ; and her husband'8 calm cheerfulness 'through it all had provoked her most unwarrantably. But she was not feeling welh - It is possible that many of us have^BHch mornings mornings when everything animate and inanimate, conspires to bring to the surface the .original gorilla that slumbers ..wfthin the soul. ed their courtship. There, seemed to beino " making up " in .this sort of thing; there was no light in it; it was unmitigated, hopeless wretched ness. For Mrs. Jane Hardy, her passion over, was chewing the huE ks of j bitter repentance. He did t ot love her any more ; he cbuld not; or he never would have said haiah her; and this was thee id ofitall! |" To call me 'Jane!'" she ex claimed aloud as if the word 'Jane' contained all-forms of vituperatif n, " Nobody has been cruel enough to call nfe that in all my life !" tui n- ing to.the table "with a bravely c(ri- quered sob. ' For this young la ly who had been a pet at home, h id- never been called by her husbai d, or by any one else, by ajiarder name than Jenny. ' ";' , . Work is a good thing. Auerba ih fi&yi it shoujd have been "the first commandment: "Thou shalt worl:!" Jenny was too unfamiliar With heart;torture to be conscious of hiiw good her work";was; but , ebe could not but be Sware, as the morning cloud passed. away, tl at something was driving the clotds out of her sky.. ;Roland could i ot despise her all at once she was sii i-e. SI10 would gather up, tho remnant of his love, and guard and nourish it; so tenderly that, like the poor Lamarquo lose, itrmiist still lift it self to tho sun again, and somo time blossom into a Irttle beauty of Hweotness, and so make life oridnr- able. She would, in somanynoble and heroic wtiysf,. prove to hiiri-T4but no; how could kho'do that, i was nothing bold or heroic to do. Women's lives wonion'e lives, liko hers had no heroic chances. Sho could only kecjp" his house in nice order, cook his favor ite dishes, watch over his shirt but tons, forget the old'days of ease when who was a listless young lady, and liovor, never, never lose her temper again. It was all drendful- ly oqmmoniilaeo, and of no account, but sho had embraced ^thiij lot of her ownfrco will and outof herdee ) lovo forhim and it was the only w ly by which she could hopo to climb to the height of his. regard again As for his old romantic lovo for her, his tender cliivalrous devotion,'that could never como back ; she vasn't worth it. And so, acceptln j the dust of humiliation, and like n .gen uine i:woumn, having no mercy on herself, she wenjt thvm)ghj-the house hold duties, ,thinking all the time how dear to/lier were husband and home, and hew.sho would strive to make herself endurable, plis4 God, to. them. " It was a decidedly pleasant log- cabin. -; Log-cabins are always pleas ant when an apt housekeeper, pre? sides over them, and ebough pfthe 'world'slucre can be afforded t< cover the walls with tastefiiL pap3 , and the floor with comfortable ci.rpets. Those rude logs, of which wd read, with their thatched.roofs, claj floors and. cibimneys built of sticks, are far more endurable oh canvass and in the rhymes of young poets than in actual life, where they mean simply rheumatism and i "meets. Tliio house was.diffuren't; it was a spaciouB, comfortable, well fi irniah-.. ed place; and only called a log cabin after tho custom of the coun- try. . A staunch roof; subs antial walls,.ornamental within; Citrpels, bookB, pictures, a rare clocl, easy chaire; everything for\comfcrt met the eye. The sleeping rooms above gave evidence of ingenious and hopeful powers brought to bear upon their building and furnish'ng. Charming expedients, gracef al rus tic' ornamentation, pretty a: id use ful things that costilittle, made tLe cabin seem very much of a cosy mansion uTa small way. In the midst of an. almost savage wilder ness, RolandHardy had erested his dwelling, with a view rather to fu ture exigencies than present needs_;. and he and his wife both possessed, the gift of -".making the most of things." .- And it is surprising "how deftly, in these remote homes, a woman, though she may have been gently born und reared, soon, learns to ac complish the needful daily wbrk. Where there's a will there's a way ; and Jane Hardy had learned to take a pleasureand a pride in it. By noon to-day the "work; was done, and the house in the trim mest-order.; White loaves, just from the1 oven, were diffusing their fresh yeasty fragrance; the weed's ironing hung -warm and spotless across the clothes-horsed On the table smoked an exceedingly fine cup of tea : and over it leased the pensive young housekeeper, pre tending "to do justice to her solitary luncheon. / ". Her thoughts were awa;\jn the .snowy woodland with hini, hor bus band ; who was doubtleis; about this time, eating prairie chicken arid clammy biead and butter. ' "He might build a fire, and 'gi.yo it a little roast on a stick," she pensive ly murmured; and then she felt bow very glad she would be when night should come, and si e could, in many furtive ways, c nfess to him how sorry she was, ho ir deeply in need of his' dear love. It was nearly three o'clock when, mechanically looking through the window in the direction of tbe for est, shfcwas surprised tc see the \ dog, David, miking for the house in a wavering, uncertain! v 'ay, as if he had half a mind, to ;t irn back to the woods" , ^David hid more than once wearied of therioriotony of watching wood-chopping, and come to the house an hou? or two in advance of-his, master-; so there was nothing Startling in h.scorning now. He Wretched at lb ) dporlin his usual obsequious fashi in; dart-4 ed to devour, when adnitted,|a morsel, of bread and tu sat; out, quitting it instantaneotjs ly, went and sat down befor-o hit mistress with the air of having-son ethingto say, and began io whine.: | . More dinner, I>avjd 1 Is it -possible you haye brough ; yourself to ask for imora dinner 1"- -going to T Hardy to look at the irug,| which she had not done before and then sne saw that ha hnd hot" eaten his dinner. ' The dog returned io his old position, whining before.:lier as she sat. ' ' I "Oil, it is"^ater, then !" j . N6,.it was not watei;. IJe re treated fr6m the basin .with jih air of increased injured, feeling -arid con tinued to regard his misti-ess witli appealing eyes. All at oncei some instinct penetrated to JennyVj mind, and.her heart gave a great leap of fear-, i ' '. - . j " Dajfid ! David"! Ts it] your mastei I. Is it Roland 1"^ . ' The dog made a bo'incn df-joy ous relief, as if glad of beinglunder- TliD path was rough. Roland's btiots alone had formed it, tramping it: backward and forward to his tree-feeling. Gnerally he pac&d it backward and forward four times a day, going home; for'. the midday dinner. TheMlrif'ting snow hid treacheious1' holes that well-nigh went, to break Jenny's ankles, as she stuinbltid on. The wind, grow ing .'every moment, nipre violent, pushe<( her on with a^ginnt liand ; sharpo nofi<lle-points of snow smote ln?r neck. ." It will be rather sharp "going home," she said, .shivering, A.'jd pulling her scarf closer. In October she had conio to-'tine woods for Antiitnti loaves,- and CI13 spot was in a degree familiar to her. stood at last, and trotted to- the But the path sicemed to- disappear door, casting a lookback at iter over und lose" itself after entering tho his shoulder. If ever a look said thicker parts ; -andi.uho had-to^di- plainly, " Come on "that loot did. j rect'lier way by tho piles of wood for him. David ; looked turt. ; Ifeverthe- lees, be tqok the bone, gently, ear- riect it to'fcia rug, in ithe corner and left!, it; That caujsed Mrs. .away. "I will come, old fellow," siud Jenny,\going (o the wardrobe, and hurriedly getting" out soilio i" wrajib and her fur-lined oyershoesv "Some thing is tho; matter with the. dog and it may bo'that."- At any rate, there will bo no harm in- my-run ning out to tho woods," sho added, with a nervoHs laugh. "Roland need not know how silly I Jam ;T can-say that' I. wanted tlo. find lichens," - i. -'.' . David was not a remarkable dog; not. at all any dog rin jiarticular. He was yellov* and undersized, with only a white spot on his forehead by' Way of ornament; and he was inclined to be lazy. ./He hkd come to-them one stormy night,|a lame, starving vagrant from /some emi grant train, und'kind-hearted Rol and had fed him, put linjment on his legand'called him' DftVid,-after a faithful dog" he had recfetitly pos sessed, and lost. And David con tentedly remained, exiityiting no marked talent for anything) and sometimes betraying a lack of de cent intelligence. 'His mental-fac ulties had been dwarfed by per sistent, ill-treatment, Mr. Hardy thought; the |dog seemed to be cowed. One peculiarity^of his was, tlidfc he never'asked for food. lie was the most unobtrusive, retiring sort of an.animal that ever yearned for cold meat; If meat | came to him, well and good ; but he never uttered a whine, or gave one beg garly wag "of \ his tail to indicate that he was hungry. He would not have done it if he was starving. Jenny was wont to say that Le was poor, but proud., swhen he planted himself before, his "mis tress/ and looked at her with all tho soul he had in his eyes, and whined like a.professional begpar, he was regarded with a: gpod deal of astonishment. ' . !' The euniwas disappearing behind a cold, hazy horizon ; a chilly wind whirled the snow clouds across the "level plain, ferreted out the- fallen leaves that strode t<5 hide from il, and "sent them scudding on ;again. The still radiance of the winter day was giving place to an early .and boisterous night ; to "such .a night: that will not be forgotten in thut country by living man orj woman. 1 In.her staunch overshoes, short cloth: skirt, and shaggy] walking- jacket, a costume in which she liad tramped many a.tirijewitn herhus : liand on ..expeditions to tlje distant post-office, where a ! blacksmithfa shop and jgrocery Btore had put thear heads, together and doclai-ed' them selves a ; city, Mrs. \Hardy prepar ed to start: But she first of all un-' lockedLa small'store chest, and ex cavated from jitis deptlls a small sealed bottle with "Catawba Grape" written in homely chirogtaphy on its deliciously dingy label. " Wlio knows but Roland may be past its aid? some dreadful ac cident but I won't think of it. And who knows but t may meet him trudging homewards; aud he r will ask me what on eartn I brought out. the wine for 1 . Bilt he shan't see it; I will not show it; and to morrow I shall laugh at" myself for these foolish fears." j Talking thus incoherently, but doubtless thinking connectedly enough, she poured out a fliiskful of the wine, ' secured I it -in. Iter pocket, threw -her: huapand's scarf over her arm, and told David she was ready. At which word the dog gave another appreciative bounce and fairly, flew past her as Bhe open ed tho door. I But, once in die path leading to the" forest, David-seemed tfr have, had his brief flicker of] intelligence taken out of him. Instead of trot ting on and' leading his mistress in the right way; following tlje record ed example of-.all, sensible"dogs, he held back sbririkingly, evidently declining to take; an active parti in the search or ! to lead it. Jit was just as though he meant to Bay, " I have done my part; you go on and do yours." "You are an awftl idiot, David, or else I atu !" snapped out Jenny. that-had been cut ihrplaces where the trees could be most convenient-, ly felled. - If they had not f-aid- those dreadful words to each other 1 . if tl e_y" were ouly as ihey had been, yesterday when Roland loved her F. she.might not have felt so desper-: ately anxious. How -was she to find him '! She called "again >tnd ; again.but the wind ovvpowered her : voice. .; '." , . - . " -There was no sound of the axe, As she paused, lisfehing intently,- - she. could hear nothing butjthe." ., dreary whistle, of-the blast, through the- naked trees, and ."the sharp- tilting sounding, of. the suow as it smote their trunks., . . ~" _ " David, -where is Ronald ? where is your master? Go and find. "-.- him this minute !"^ impatiently menacing the cowering dog in her .-. terror. /"Find your master, there's.-! a goo-'l dog," she added in a.coaxing - I tone of entreaty, patting' the- poo* ; animal, who stood before; her with" > drooping head. "_Good. David !" good old dogl" ' """" . .'-". David went on then. In the lowest "natures is sometimes en shrined the pearl of delicate feeling. This dog had bad news to tell, and- J shrank from telling it. He made no pretence to a light-hearted pace. He crept,; halted, and seemed auz- ' ious tofdefer something. '- Jjeading the jway ov-r a freshly- felled log, then [another, and turn ing a thicket of young- oaks, that caught at Jenny's skirts as if. they ; would . fain hold; her back from * p tinful. sight, he came; to a halt. Tiiere \'as no reason ifrhy he should go further. A trJ?e had evidently fallen in. an. _ unlooked^fqr directioa ; or, perhaps, Roland Hirdy had _been a little reckless. % "t' had swept him. to the ground, and was lying across his, pegs; as immovable to hipi as'.'a^ mountain. On the rougji bark; . where he had been able to "reach it- with his . knife, was; cut; "Dear Jen-r had not intended . that occ-asien. But^the fond work was intended as a ' last memento haJdKceaEed. His arms Were lying (at bis sides now, and a fleck of blood stained iiis'blue lips.. Jenny though}; it was the life crushed out of jhiur; but it only came of his rong;ahd Vain struggles himself. | I " -.-' T31je. did not' screa^n.'1 It was not her w;ay..- She rushed forward to fling herself against the ;fallen tree ; pushing it, beating it, bruising her shoulders agiilnst-it, like some mad woman. This washer first impulse and it availed nothing. Then she sank down at her husband's side, wiped the red drops fioni hisnioutli, and covered his face with kisses that might have kissed the dead into life.'"- Tbe kisses^made Roland faintly;stir, and he moved his baud ii stinctively toward the kriife-wbicb.; had fallen into the snow. He was ; wimtin'g to finish ;his message. " Roland ! Roland !" she cried in an anguished yoicPj seizing his'be numbed lianas in here," and. press-1 iug them to her face and'to her.- warm,, throbbing throat. " Ob, if. he) could only .speak "(to me once, more!"fihe piteously moarned "only once more!" ; . - . J . " Is it^ Jenny f catoe struggling faintly from his lips. - - " Yes, it is Jenny. I am here. I am here to die with-'you; toy $wn blessed heart !| Oh, whatcapTI do?" mising his: head tenderM to'her- -breast. " Oh, niy husband^look at me i -3peak to me 1 Are yoa "t^r-- riblyihurt?" ','.'" v J_ '-' .. Bui though he opened his eyes and Ipoked at her, he could not an swer. : . .; .'.: - (Caiicttuion ncxtwtti. . t the cupboard and carvirlg a bone i But David only meekly curled his " ' .-> The/orest,;or" the wood-lot,"'as Roland called it, catching the word from other (settlers, wjas a good mile '; It is proposed ttf have separate. Pullman sleeping cars for ladies on the American ra.itwuya. - Augustus Engels, formerly of. " Mitchell, has, fallen heir io from $75,Q00 to 90,QpO by tkedeatliof a relative in the United States. , I. A. very .foolish man named Win." He'nry of Brussel a few days ago in*- order to decide a bet jumped into -- .-. some slacked lime barefooted. ;"Hi'.L: feet were qurned in a shocking man.-, ner and the unfortunate, fellaw will -.__ probably not-be all ' togetio work: ' ajalni for a few months.; _-- .;-; "<? ' M

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