Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1876, p. 2

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:('vp7 '.'I - -hi'- V' -: ll'"1 ' THE FREE PRESS,! AGTON, HALTON COIJNT^, ONT AUGUSX 17, 1876^ rpHEjlCTOX FKKE IRESS Vsbl'shrd Every Thnrfd.iy MVirnfng. .1. li, H.UKtNti, Vr^ptiotojp,:: ifel. Pj?r Annum, in Ad\\iyi<?o. ll' l i ' i i r , . I li { ll f i c&^^^^i-^^lf^^ Uos M.MjKnm twreR Tiiursmy MoiiNiN'o.'Avuvvr 17, lS7fi| "11 B%m .... \:'iU: TttAl Statistics. A! by-law to . riii.vo.-S20,<"0u for water works liis been defeated in Kineai-dimC . : . ^lr. J.t' Brill,*of Guelph, pur chased -81,"J,000 worth-of butter on Friday-hist. Sportsmen may novv get down then- shot'gunjs,-as duck shooting is lawfn( on iimbufter Aug. lPth. -r Tho use,of explosive uuifi-rials to catch or. kill tbth is forbidden in the Boininion of Canada. .A prizo-of $30 w to be offered If tlio Government jire' *j?oll> J for th^'hcnt bund, and $30 for the' vitul | hi-cond best at the. Tool Fjull Show. ... Philip Schweitzer, an old rosT- dent of- Wjiterloo,' was pitched out of his bugirv on Saturday and killed. Mr.j Jmiiesi Gow,-hito Collector, A>f Inland Jevoimo at (.JuelplV, Was on Monda) presented with' aservice of plate worth i?C>O0, .'-.-' " i ' "' i ' :A :.very .destructive nun-stoim visited thw township of liaylmm, in l%iu, nn.] Sutunljiyj: . Mora tfiuh .twe}.ve bridges were swept' away, and the Ot tor "Creek-'row to a great er height tliart has.beeli.kuowu for, twenty ;yeji rs. - The ' question, [concerning the stealing of an orgiin from u~ church in St. Catharines still, agitates that city, and it. has been further com plicated by Recusations against par- *s anxious to secure accurate Btatitt, as the'unporUHieo of the subject i demands, "two think it is " blgh time a little more {n-uitical common'setise were exercised in the endeavor to socnrv the requisite in formation and it little loss|jxHi tap*?, Under any system bvs vet" been in ; vogue. il next N> impossible to secure UPy- thrng approaching accuracy, foi simple reason that too much sonal inqonvenienee is exjujcteil from those who have no pecui or other interest- JTi furnishing the information from which the ~st- tics are compiliHl. In the case of that Uie pe.r- '- Hass'IUu,. Thi>:MiUitreal H'tV- 'iw is about ri^ht when it KiyH : lWtlior sharp practice Kcctiis. quite in o'ltler with ball clubs, which lire striving to get up a reputation for skilful pfay. 'rimTeeumseliH of Loudov. have boon winning hoiiio viotoricM of late, ^vhicli were a littlo nurprisitig to thase not'in tlio w>- who have casually reail ri!]'iiirtR of matches in Canada for yeara" pant. Tliti reason ih now veryi np- tiareut,- -One of the players haa I>wn callcti ttv liisrhomo in Now York by tlio iHueas of Ihh brother, and another has been taken ill him self and gono to-hia houieiii Uticti. The Ti-miiusetliB!Jiavo of.'cbui'Ko porfcet-bright tojiii-o qirofesskmal House Itofobcrles In .lliirhliain. thiv THICTKH. AKIlK.iTI-:!) AN rt.UNDKll 'ltKOOVKIlED. i Tin; . AJAitKitAM, Aug. 15.--'A (JericH of luiiglnfics wiih eoiun.iit.ted in t.liis village on Si^tiiiday morning, which wt{ro boldly ^carried but, but forlu- natiily tlio depredators! were cii]>tnr- ed. Archd." lSarker's rcsidonuu was first (tutored.- Tlio burgluru got into'.' his bedrouni attd abstiiictci! S50 fom his iints.'- niey iiftoiv wards'-entered tl.ip. Wellington j Hottiff and Jan. Barker's and Miss Cooksley/a niHidoncmi, lint wore frightened off without obtaining anything1, Tho, next place entered players to repi-esdi t__thiu> club if wan tho house of David Arraitage. (letting inU) his bedroom, they took a cash b\i\- containing about'20 itis. i-'^Bw^1-" -Ummmw * ^MrliSi^: #' - tmifSSfr V- a ariirtli.ordiMthintho ruisll distiicts;, for instance, where no uieilifjil P.rac- titioner has been iii attcikt}>*e, it is tlw djfty vt' tlf )nrerjt-to* wport the saml to tho t(s-*5sliip ck.'tk. In order toj perforiiii tfis:dnCj . iicjinay liavo to, imike a. special- jouriu[T of ten or (fifteen miles, without |coui- - peusntiiohi, and it is there-foiv, kuore than likk-Iy the d'rety will be aliirk til. Su|-h cases occur evii'.v ! d;ty, and all over the Dominion, amouut- ing to RJvery_ large aggix-gate. Min isters who- |>er'fortu n.iarriage core- ironies, and doctors- who attend (iestkOeiivpaticuta, mry or may not .i^ieof.sonio excursionists' from To I. worth tbt'ir while to make out thei \ort of partfcnlars, at .1 B>crifice of time find trouble. Why shoukl- doctors be expected to make. a public" rerdrd bt all the' deaths thst occur at ..their' hatuM It is natural fto siij)j>o'se- thef enbii one shoulcl desire to show a death re cord as light-as "possible. .:]' Thf"- remedy seems to-us to be very siniple, and our only wonder is that it liau^ not long ago been adopted.' It is, that greater facili- tiea bf>; affor ied'for procuring tli- riec^ssaiyinfertsutioii.aDd tiediicing ti>a njiiiiiriTim ike sHcriil-seiof tmie and trouble on the part of private individifaia. To .accomplish"" tins object, Jet jevery school jteachier, *rery plostmaater, and ether Gov ore aceubtu of connection ties not be with the theft. The d\v.l'litg of Bryaiv McGloan, Teen inset 1, took tire ] at tfiive o'clock Monday morning, while tli*i iomutea wme fisleep. Hiildly anf- tliing was saved. A young, man, ^on of Mi:. McOloan, vv;u> so t.p\|ere ly bunn-d that he iias-jbiiice dii\l- Dvriiig the "past week pouters aid eleven other mechanics left Ott i*d-j jei-e- iibt rpnies:- va for England. Thev J>eeft4\Jt but a short time and s.itj.slied ivith. theifuew A tn'an uanied Hiirmnn Weigh' hile walking on thebatili ig the Niagara .River, a ledo, L):, overhiUHji short di;ilance below the 'Horst! Shoe, pillsj'fell over and was.Jn; stautly killed. '. . '~.7'] On Tuesday night last, the Mil ton Post (,)JUcO was again 'burglar "iibonT 'tvS-.cirJy dollars; postage, stamps stolen, was entered by the back As yet ho arrests have 2, but strong suspicion ' J . ized;"; and worth of The office window. - been mac emmeni ofSciaJs, be ex-t'ifniict regis- -iworth Williainsi rigefl- Co, Who has practised jaw iii Toronto" for I*-:. J '.-:-.*--.&.-";.* . f wm It; Cl- fc ! ' ft t& W&l 6.r.<*i M- r ^grarftof births, death and.tiiurriages, and a.small sum, say five or ten " ea*ta, be paid byithe Government for e-cery record ; -each sul>-regis- -. tear, to report quarterly.'or half- yearly to the municipal- clerk , By this nwajtu,- we- feuey vc^- few- of those unil) occurrences wonid be left unrecorded; The children" in Moh school district-conld Easily re port t their teacher, and he' with very littlo trouble eould verify tho correctness of their'statsmeuts. 'In case of- I the same occurrence' 1*- ing. ..recorded more tl^anl Once, it mighfbo the provinoe of the mnni- i cipal clerk to strike off- iill dupli- icatea- and' give credit to-' "le record-' era according; to priority! of-dat<:. "We ofier. these suggestions, Hayer ' having before seen them mladd PJtb- lic, and ; can see no reason -why some such plan; has :not long ago -' been adopted. ._ -. rests on two of ttifee parties. Mrt_K. Mutheson late proprietor of tho St Catharinea A'eirn, has been selected from- amongst some twenty Sppliftints for the head mastership of the Xaphriee high school. Prior to becomisEg a member of the fourth estate Mr years';cxp Jrience School Teacher. they like, and tiiose"wlo play with thenraro agrocabhi. l.^it wo would suggest that buccc'ks woiji. in. mich a way is not, after all, any'Very .great satisfaction. If profeHriiona 1 play ers are pernmveutly identified with any' town or clu1"it ia well enough, bill Wjhi'll .they art" gatliered from placeij ruindreds ijr miles ofl\ on u temporary '.cn'gag?m;ht, they can hardly lie considered to Ih! identified with :i clubhand tho victories won .by. nn'a.utf of their skill ai-e soino- tbingof a, fraud. The Montreal. iSY<(/' says : These Conner,vativb.pic nics in-'the West are .becoming terribly dull affairs. Thev remind us of the " bunfeeds" to which tho Reformers used to resort for the pumping up of enthusiasm, and they; probably [ by Constable. Meek. -When hayo soiho political effect upon - - '" the rui-al niind. Wo fail tf) discover wisdom in the policy that, exposes Conservative statesmanship lis covered by the silk hVits of. Sir .'Joim A. -Maciionabl, lion. 'W-m. Macduug:ill, Mr. ltoultlnio and K. King-Dodds, to all the eonsoipien- ces'of sunstroke, and the delibera tion following reckless oratorical eilVirt in the ojir'h air. In the in terests of , the. ptiiilic, not to sjieak" of those of the' Opposition, U ought to be stopped. !> A barri Mntheson had eleven as a Grammar :ter, named Edward-Hepj -r; Eotd Lytton is to "rasign the Governor-Geiieralship early in 1877: He ^s-only sent out two .; or tbreeTjiiontiiS'Hjfo. ; Generals Crookyihtt Terry have at last started after tlie Sioux. ". A - despatch' from them in- Mont-ina ; suya Uie tbermpiiie'ter indiodtas. 1 Wj ' -' ' The-' Klontenegrins n?ef(;ly de L. Seated the Turks-on Monday, be fsUiab0 jive d . s.des toptnnng * tlo, ttnii war TnaT/.Mirf ^. . 'P . ' and,war" material. Tlie Queen's Speech eriteitains tbe hopi that a new Extiradition Treaty will soon bo made between tb,UuiUid States and Gieat Bri tuin. --' ".- I ___ some lime, but Who haslately givsn way to drinking habits, was founef lying intoxicated "on - Satttrtlay . rrigbt in the street.] He was taken to the poHcs station, where he died short ly afterwards. ' I In Toronto bay, Monday, after noon, a young man named ^Thomas Turner, hluling from Brampton, swam frp|tri Tinning's wharf to ,Meade'B,-lit the extreme point of ;theT"diaDdi and back, a distance of" six- miles. ; Not bad lor a boy ! .We have received No. 3. vol. xxi., of ItoundJ Printer8 Cabinet, which is an excellent quarterly, published in the interest of the "Art Preservative.";. The-Dtiniber before us contains, besides' good residing . matter, some excellent specimens of circulars-,Jetter be^la, cai-ds, &c, L The' yacht race on ' Friday ;bo- fcffeeii the Conntessof\DiifTerirfand the N^ew Yprk-yrwht Madeline Was won-by the latter by six minutes and fifteen seconds. Th.ei distance run was forty miles, A second race was eailed yesterday", and as .'the cbnrsR is more out to sea,than that ofJTriday the frienthi of-the Canadian yiicht say she will, do better. : ; .. . '. . Last .week a Jiotolkeeper iff.Osh-. ii)M was brought up at a-Magis-. trates' Court, charged with selling liquor to a man after having been foiDidden so to do. He was fined .tl>e lowest amount allowed by the lollars" and costs ; the oweyor.iiemarking that in.fiiture-'he' wo.uld lev}- the highest penalty, aa' the yelling to forbidden persons was an- act that must be stopped. The ITiagistrates .in the case of two- drunken men brought before them,-ordered the con'stabhi to notify liquor dealers not to.-sur, Lieut'-iient-tJoverndr McDonald has bepli accused by the .\f,ril of using his jiersonal indilence, by means of letters and of parties auth orized to spe;ik in his name, in the Into-Content in Glengarry- in favor of [Mr, McNabb.-' Hn has author- rzed tfiepttawa Pre-;. Pj-rsj to contra dict tlie Mfu'i'x statement in ev.ery- particiilar,and it will be for the lat ter journal now to show its eremd .for the charge, or stand convicted of a most unwarrantable attack on a gentlemen whose }>osition requires i that there shoWd be the clearest before such a charce is'made. *-:----------------------------------------- ..' Bask Ball. The game in To' iron to on Monday, between the ;Maple Ijeafs'aiid.ToiM.ntos, was at tended by about 1,500 spectators, |and although the Maple Leafs were .-niijcjb more than a match for t" opponents, the1 game 'was' an ceodingly interesting biie. For the [Maple Leafs Welch played liis [position, as' catcher, nxeeedingly liveM, orrly,ono orror Ijeing scored to ;him. Mr. Powers, of London, urn- pired the game in a satisfactory imabner. The score stood" 10 for tlie Maple Leafs, and 2 for the To4 Irontos. - The next game in the champion ship series will be played on the Maple~L/eaf grounds to-day, (Tbitrs- ;day) between the Toront'os of To ronto;' and the Maplo' ILeaTs. of uefpu. ,. nit of a bureau drawbr, -and also a cigar hox, which was under tho bed, containing sovoral dollars in coppers. Tlio entrances.-, into tho , various houses-woro effected through windowsj - Mr. Armitago got up early in the morning,!and saw what had happened. Shorjly afterwards Mr. Barker discoverctl tho loss ho. "had sustained. A rain had fallen during/ tho night, and Mr. Armi tago, from the prints of tho bur glars' footsteps, was able to track them tothe traekof the Nipissing , Railway,5 .Constable Marshall-was ihstructed to.jirocced in tho direc tion of Toronto to intercept any men that had h suspicious ap|!ar juice. l:Ie was nfterwardH joined Hear Vgiucou'rt station they arretted two men, and on searching them; found the missing money. While search ing them one of the prisoners str;uck Marshall, and. w-iuld have eseap'etl had it not neen for Simon Keiine ily, whi) had heard of tho burglary and 'hadi started in pursuit. All" the nioiw.y taki'ii was found in the prisoners' possession. Tiiey were brought to Markham and examini'd before James Robinson and James Speight, J. Fs., who committed them to Toronto gaol to stand their" trial .'it the next cunyr, ofcompetent jurisdiction. The jfiuiies^-of -the ]irisoni!.-"K are John O'Donuell and NV n. I/.ipier, who aro supposed to be old'oll'endei-s. . ' ' J heir e.x- A -CoJiBT. Some of our ex changes have been remarking an. api>eiiranae of a compt, at present Centennial Stock. The Can a' I visiblo : bbfbrcr midnight in [the dhm Coimuissioners have selected from the herd of Mr. J. S. Arm strong, of -Cranberry Farm, Era- niosa, two head of Booth cattle to be exhibited nextinionth' in Phila' delphia. Mr. Armstrong's herd is composetl of forty-eight thorough breds, cbiefh of tllerliootb's strain,- though a few are of tho 'Bates* blood.!; ; ;.i ; "CnIT'ED- TEJ(PEItANl.'fi AsBbtt/r TIoN. jThe Grand Lodges of1 Brit ish .-audi;British American Orders of Good Templars met in London ro ceritly and commenced at Jast ye under the name of tho UiiitediTeni pe'rance Association. ' Prof.1 G. F. Foster, New Brunswick: Universi ty, Frederictoii, was elected' Presi dent j HevL-'A.-M. Phil]i|js,||of Co; bourg, Secretary, and Mi-. J P. II. Stewart, of C'ookstown, Treasurer. Tbe Bnperi.-d Parliament was - , - .. ... ,. prorogued Tuesday, leaving the . ^ tl,e,u with.-any more liquor. ' Bills, "relating, to the Universities, >bf Admini8tnttion ;of Prisons, and "-Marati'iner Gehtracts to^ ht^- dealt -with next!, session. ." ' ^rl Dprby is.jjpoken of as- VLr. . Disraeli'ft.pribablo successor in the British peerage. if It the-ratcrttion of the Domin piqiX'GovewuiKnt ujstop the United | States steamere.-barges, &crl. from i <navigating Canadian inland < waters after this;season, or until a better . understSinding !a established be tween the two countries/rela.tiveTto - ieciproca.1 concessions in'nivigatioii. Statutes of Canada. W,- - -Uwufcfully acknowledge the receipt, -from tlie :Queeu' Printer at Otta <*$, of a copy of the Statiitto of ~ Cinada for 1676. 'completed the briion, at last year's session, ' The Queen's (Tup ItJice. The New York Hchdd of Sunday has the following editorial on tho i 1 j Madeline's victory : I'he secoiur and deciding victory of the yacht Madeline over the Canadian yacht Countess : of Dutferin, yesterday, was not veiry surprising to those who had watched the previous per formance's of the boats. Every thing that skill or experience could suggest had been done to quicken the Canadian schooner after her first,appearance as a competitor for yachting honors' in thess waters. The performance yesterday- of the old yacht; America, which first won the cup contested for, shows that, even against . American- lines as they-.wei-je laid twenty years ago, Presentation to Itcv.Il. Kwlnfi- At the last niuutingof tho'itoron- to Presbytery the liuv. li. Fjving's resignation of the pastoral cb/irgo of Georgetown and Limoliquse con gregation Wua iicceptod.- ; 'J ho fol lowing memorial, signed by u; largo majority of the iiieinbera and nd^ herunts of tho congregation, wiih -submitted to tholVoHbytory : "Wo, tho'uiideiaignod luoiulwirs and nd- hiiivnta of tho CJuorgotown nnd Limohouso congrogations, hsving" boon iuformed by tho Itov. II, Ew- ing! of his intotitiau to adhere to hisi rosignatioti of tho pajstorul oluvrgu of tho united congregation while in deference to; his wishes.wo agjtie,[tinder tho cironnrstanciiH, not to (opjioso tho resignation, at tho same tinio resolve to testify to tho Presbytery that it is with regret, that wo am compelled to stq^.urato' from our beloved pastor. , Wo can bcir hearty and willing testimony to Jthe aial, ability, uml tititbtuIuesH which has characterized; bin pulpit niiiiistratioiiB. ' hfifs over been faithful in visiting [front house, tejhotfso und to tho sick and dyipg, bearing messages of jieaco aijd sal vation, and exemplifying in Uinies of.trial and suffering a Christian for- titudo worthy of emitlation. j . We regret-his leaving when, especially in.tho Ijimehouse jwrt of the charge, a very useful and hopeful wpik: is going on in the church, Bible-class, and - Siabbath-school. And while .vo must part, we will ever follow him with our sympathetic and kindly' renioinbranfce, and with our eiiiijcst[prayers thiit.Gud n>av con- tinuu to lea'd him], anil bless hiln more and wore in'his work."' fn parting willpMr. Fwing, this congregation has not failed to maii- ifj'st their full appreciation t>( his hibni-H, bVjth by expressions of syni- |Mit!iy and regard, and by still more Utiigiblo proofs of their sincerily ; he last'wti.ek having leceivud. two parting testimonials which, along with a few more private gifts, anioiintod to almost S-o0. (>n the evening of Friday, 21st hit., Mr. Fwrng and his fum ly, in company with, a number tf the members of the congregation, were invited tor.n entertainment at tho hoiise of Mr. Thomits Soinervilltv Liipehonse, wbei>, after a snmptu-' ons repast, Mrs. Somcrville and .Mt'-S. Shanks, in the name of the Congregation, presented Mr. Hsving ..Vit& a handsome morocco piocket-' tiook filled with dollar billjs, and acepmjianied with the annexed ad jA-"CiiEAjN .SwkHi*: A' few' weeks ago Mr. Davis, of tlio. Cuntro [Road, about- tw(i niiloB from Brampton, hirod a man and a young woman' in Toronto. ' Tho mail romained-littlo more than a week,.when he-left, taking away Mr.'-DiiVis' watch,-and this girl about a, weiik later left to visit Brainpton, and iiovof ' waM seen by them again, Mr, (Joorgo Coulter, of Toronto- township, is also the victim of misplitcod ccrnfi- deuce/ On Sabbuth last While he nnd Mrs. Coulter whore attending sorvico at1 Gardner's Charch, his hired man', who had boon with him for sofuo weeks, took thd opportu nity of being left in charge of the house, topnek up everything in tho way of Mi*. Coulter's clothing, not even leaving him the dirty shirt which ho lnid cast off, took fill tho money ho could,lay his hands upon, a gold wedding ring which ^had be longed to MrsJ Coulter's -mother,- and whatever elso ho fiinffied. This done ho'harnessed a sfm^i of [li^rs^s wjiich he attached to iilight-wagon, and taking a, btiffolo' skin and -the puck ho left. (Jnj ^Monday the team', wagon, and buffalo skinwem j found at Bussete' Tordnbo*, b6t of tho man and'tlie other[ goods nothing is- known; Brampton Ticuiner. ' ! ] - Canada dould "not have Won tho IjdiptFin rery feeling terms, Although we cannot conceal l-aco. our satisfactioa that the trial: has added anbthor laurel to Amorican yachting,j.we feel jrronipted to say, in the fads of bo gallant a foe, what an American rifleman said to one of the Irish team after tho^first close contest at Creed moor : "'We are all sorry both could not win." northerft and eastern heavens.. To the^naked ieyo it presents tlio p- .pearance pf a small nebula or li Htiir eiivelojred in fog, and scarcely dis- cernable as a comet;- witli an orjiirj- iry telescopB or O|>ora glass it [aj> the blank neatly written on leaf; T:> the Itev. I!. Excing:'. Iir.V AN-D Ukah Sik, We, tho sigiucl, in name and on behalf <>lf iatu^ii'nigregation at, ask you to accept of this btmk ftlal itU contents as a small [token of our aiul i-egard for yoa .aa our. lati Wo do pray that the blessing <il Oo'l- njCTier- yoiijr woulH fsicci insUir. A CTON BAKERY.! Bread. Ohettp ARE STILL AHEAD, And wp Intend .to keep tit .witti cmr Superior -A.GI'OISr Fruit "Baisaarj CJEO. LEVEN3 Bread, Buns, and j pakesf: that he. Ha opni ont *hfthhm& Delivered fresh around the Village and vicinity ;every day. ,A gobd.Btock.of BREAD, BUNS AUppAS^S Always mi hand at our bifcery, good, fresh and cheap for cash. NO CREDIT t YEN* Uxcept to" prompt-paying monthly cus- .".'-.. I. tdmers. All kinds <A' 1'rbduoo- taken in e*- changc fw g/wrla. " -- Weight-for weig>rt given ia bread- in- exclmuge for lloU*, WEDDJI^O & FANCY CAKES Made to order in tho nhortest possible j notice,^ and satisfaction guaranteed. N.B. jAH goods are warranted pure at nothing but of rnaturial is used. The patronage of the1 public is rcBpteutfiitty son'pited. - 0AlAAy\VAY. BROS/ Aetow, Aug. 9, 16V6. ; " , j . lately G(*r-'gtoddrd7a the cpnror of Mill and Elgin ttttjdt, wtiaro wiU_V found at fi tiaJTaO '" kinils of ; Onmol Eralta, CutiUt, ~tOt0#Sy Olgafti/ * \..-"'f: ICE CREA BY THE DISH Of -. QUART. 3*S'| jina fei <UwigM4 _.res* Jlijred . Ni^bt Exprl ght BiprJ lAneW : Gn Monday, 7th iiiBt., Mr. Sanr' ucl Sykos, of Nev/mark'et, | while passing through tho lumber yard of Messrs. Kane |& Sons, walked on a small board-laid over a passago way, but while in thu'i:ct the1 hoard broke, and as |. he was falling tho end came in. violent contact .with his person, ja portion of-' the board entering below, the: right groin, and jirotrudingon the left sijdo after passing below the iiiuscles of the abdouieii. The fragment-re maining in its jiosition with one end slightly protruding, ho at once took hold of if,,find with forcejdi'ew. dJit a rough jagged piece of wood oi'er seven inches long" and t-vo inches wide homo. -Metlical aid was a;ely summoned and the wound dressed. Tie at present seems to ha improving, although still quite a critical condition.. iriay rest upon you in whit'cver i(eld of j b>- C. 'a.C'ooi: i Co., Chicago, SoloAgentg py. And witli <n:r beat wishes Wriyour .xvelfnre, wo .subscribe oursolvea your ever, silicon; and faithful friends. To this 'address[ Mr. K-virjg rb- On the following evening lie was waited upon by a deputation (of the Georgetown congregation, at the botfse of Mr, H. lieid, older, when, after an appropriate and kind,!y ad dress by one of its.number, lie was presented with an envelope con taining* one hundred dollars, as a parting expression of esteem'from, .'that congregation. Mr,: Ewijig re- .'turne<l thanks in- suitiible |rins; and so took final leave of a people with whom he.had associated for most of twelve years/ j ; anco pi a small iieouja or n sta dojred in fog, and sciircely db able as a comet ; with tin orjiir telescopB or O|>ora glass it [ap____.........________ pears jlikl'-a-comet with j-two tjaiis the intenso heat, Ttre mortality as extending in ',opposite directions. Vot;does not seem to ------'-----~~~~~<-------[ Infant- MoitTXtiTV. Thennm-, her of children that have died hfto- Iy in and around - Guelph is sjinply alarming. Summer coni|ila"irt is principally the cause, together, with By tho c ilculations of pome star gazers, it is thought its. position1 irt present is h little beyond [. the orbit ofJujiiteij. Tlio inquiry info tho'death of Bmvo, (kjiowna8 the Balaam Jlys-' tery, fh Bngland) closed [ori Wod- ntisday, after taking ovideheq. for t\>onty-tw[o days. After two hours deliberation the Jury found that Charles Bravo did not coliunit sui cide, and did not dic'-'by misadven ture,, but that ho Was wilfully mur dered..! ": But," they say,! "there is, The T'lireo-Serviim War. not sufficient evidence to (ix'-flio f guilt upon any person or persons." THE" The N(-M8 say that at a comrAit- tee meeting of the Liberal Conser vative Association, held in Milton, ion Sitt'urday last, it was decided to hold ar grand-picnic in Milton on the 30th of August. Sir John A. M.-icdonald-; M. C Cameron, and .several.other distinguished speakers 'iwill': be present and* address tlie iWudreuce. .' ; ~^~ Ih.addition to Sir John A-..;Mao- -donald,-there is,-expected to be at the Conservative "Demonstration to lie held in Milton on the 30th;'inBt.,- the following speakers!r H-on.T. N.': Gibbs, -M.P.;. Dr." Grton ' W/ H. Gibbs, M:P.; Hon. M. Q'. Cam-'- eronj M.P.P.; Hon. W. McDougall, M.P.P.; Jl.>.\v: L-uider, M.P.P.; and several Mothers, JION'fEN'EOIt'lNS 6KFEAT [ THE , .TUHKS. ' " ' i , jk.jdes patch ft'om Belgrade says tlirt'tTihe' Turks have advanced beyond Bari- ja and the >Serviuns' evacuated that important pass without firing a shot. It. is quite possible that: the cooustant rumors of Turkish'ridvan- c[es and; Servian retreats are exag gerated, but it cannot be denied that tlie prospect of the Servians are becoming'more'-gloomy. ' A despatch to the Reiiter Tele gram Company from ,Zara, cjipital Of Dalmati, announces that an en gagement took place, yesterday be tween the Montemjg'rins and Turks nealr Kuci, lasting the entire"day. ,Tfhe Taiks. were repulsed and pur sued from Acfndina to Podgovitica. The Montenegrins captured a quan tity of arms,, war materials,! and several flags. ! The Turks lost, many .'killed and wounded. - [ "Fhe'prise-Jist'and for ma of entry fee the Guelph Central Exhibition are now ready, and can bo had on application to the Secretary. The J Exhibition opens on 3rd October.- - Charles John Ho.w.ird, Eirl of Suffolk'i'lthd Berkshire, died on Monday, aged, seventy-two years.. His son, Viscount Andqver, now in bis forty-third year/, becomes the eighteen earl of that title. Anoth er -English-peer,- Henry Earl of Lonsdale, died on iigt.d fifty-eight. His son, Lowther, Tuesday, Viscount to be abating. We!: understand 'that one .under taker's establishment received orders f6r no loss than fourteen cof fins iii two days last 'week, j Tho mortality among adults isj also greater than usual.' . v . It is astonish'ing thev:amtfitnt of work' that has b'eeri done ob tho" Railway, during tho past wsek. The g-ading all along tho line will bo iii most finished this month. A largo part of tho road is already fended, bridge building h ash com menced and tho work is progressing (rapidly. Next week Mr.- Nob'o '.will take a party and commence tho permanent sirvoy of the road north 'of Georgetown. -News.' ' i . ; The gates of Mr. Van 4llen's stono [ mansion were thrown j open :ori Tuesday last, and quite a 'nnn>- ber ofi (jentlbnien marched ouk who had b"en visiting there for the last twenty days, kindly assisting i,n the Work of preparing stone foi| our in MdlTAIR'S Jri coftaection:, where'SnA-ting.Baiii^af". ting, Sliappooning,jstc., can-be done is the best jgfcyle of the tonsdrurf art. - Actop; July 12, 1876., '/..': - -." ifieap 4 K&w llalr tonic IVorjlU ffav Ihk It is the Best.! Wootl'ji Improved llalr Rcfttoratlve li utjlllto any other, and lias iioAequal, Uf Tlio Improved lias new ypgetableAton'o properties; reioros grey lialr toaHlossj- n ltur'nt color; restores fuded, dry!, rjarsh h id falling hair; k-estores, Uresses, gives v ttft h'alrf restores halrto prema turely bald heads;: rerflOves'd indrurx, hiS Brorc-fc'aty crciptlonf? removes lrrlta^ Hon,, lt'chlng and t.caly dryness. So a -11010 produces uoh wonderful ;efl6cf,s. Try It, call for 'Wood's Im-provod- Ha)r H estpr-itlvo, nnd ddi't bo put dfTwiih 17-otiier article. .Siild-'by n'l druggists In this plnco and dealers everywhere.- Trade siiiplled at iman-'facturerH' prlcps by Li-siAx inros, & Co., Toronto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. <gEED- WHEAT. '. -, - .; Tho undersi't^icd has* rf quantity- of tlio celebrated Turkish1 Fall! Wheat,, tor Ri ilo at 81.50 per hush'ef.- ?his. jpraitf is v :ry hardy, and will ririfi be"injnW;-d by' tho severest winter weather. < "' & SMITH. Acton, Aug. 14, 187Sn. [ ' 7-3t 13IGS STRAYED or STOLEN From tho premises of the subscriber/ ort the 23rd" ii4t., two ^pffng pigs, one iUiite, and the other white and blafekJ Infiirmatioh respecting them iff'ro-: (jfrested. . EDWAHU MOOItB. ' Acton, August -2nd,' 187(J. .. 1TORSE WANTED. Good- Working-.nnd Driving Horse anted in exohangVior Shingles. - J. IV. .COATES. Acton, Aug 2nd, 1876. *5-4f Lowther, aged tweuty-ono yeare, is Ipiiblio-:'roads. Milton News'. Tho Clinton Nhw i?ra!informs us his successor, _ jMurad V. has seitt twelve cases of P^ris, on which ho has obtained from the Mont de Plete a loan of 12,4Sg,t)'Cf6 francs, A Viennese banker has also been endeavoring to negotiate ja loan of 7.000,000 francs: on'.tho Jewels of one of the princes tribxrtary to the Saltan, but has^thus far been un successful/ ; , The Stratford Beacon learns", from a privato source, that in conse quence :of ithe superiority of Cana dian cereals over all tho qihei'S, the judges at.the Centennial arranged 'to apportion prices to dif ferent countries: in a ciitain set manner -have . decided t more prizes to Canada' _tf! had (originally intended o award lan they that nothing new has been deyolop- ed in the Wild mystery, but [there has betui a large crop of rumors produced, several relating to the young mun,[ being seen in and; near Uie Kinlntrn- swamp. His father has spent considerable -tinxo "in in vestigating these rftmorsj but elicit ed nothing that had any: relation to the' matter. Mr. Wild bas offered a harrdsome reward to any one that will give Biich information as shall lead to the discovery of bis son. Mrs. Brown,- of Brock|ville |wont berrying - and . loft a four year old child in the care of a six year old brother. [ Birring the mothers .ab sence the small child foil down stairs and received injuries result ing in death. .- - Is 4oW j^rbgr"e6sirig ^arMdly, And tfie feeoES .Inp the prosnnt store- iECuab "b'6 $11. ckardd out "vV'ithin tjio ,- And Stationery DAY'S BOOKSTORE D.a>; SeHs heap> NEXT? FEW WBEKS G; /CANADIAN PACIFIC Ifcndcrs for Grndine, Track- laying, &c. ^ SEALEf) TENDERS;-addressed' to tlie Secretary of Public Works,, and endorsed "Tender Pacific Railway," y, ill bo received at this office utVtaboon oi'-'WEDNESUAY, the 20th SEPTEM BER next,, for works i required to hi executed on that section of tho I'acific Railway extending from Red liivcr eastward to Rat. .Portagoii:Lake -tho Woods, a distance of aboht 114 rrJiles, viz : The Track-laying and Bal ls sting only, of about 77 miles,- and tho c'( instruction, as well as Track-lay- kg and Ballristing, of about.37 miles b stween Cross Lake and Eat Portage.- For Plans, Spacificfftions,' ABproxi- rr ate Quantities, Formsof Tenjder and oiherjnrforniation,! apply to the :offico of -! """-'.' '"':'_ We don't Want to". '-' ' MOVE A^AY -T^ny of _on/T .-. :' Present Sto^It. iliinf[ga must fe 86rtl *ti any price; "".-" - "- _ - ,:- , I.. ^ moW- FOR BAEGAlM ,; j ' '77'"..'_. J ;> " ; Such aa nevor bo.foro ioard of.- unless the ne Engineer in Chief, Ottawa, | . No lender will;be entertained on the' Printed Form, and unlesi ci mditions. aro cornplied with. ; By Order,. , F, B'RAUN, . : -Vi ; . Secretary. 1) ipartrhent of Public-Works, ) Ottawa, August-1st, 1876, { - 6-|3t Acton, Aug. 2, 1876.. p. Mci> I -- BfiH Sireet, ACTON, ; t "; CfVoc^ifif,; .' ',. s ,.Orockefsr> I Boottf. ds 'Shoot- "Wall Papor,- . . ;' :', ^fialow- Sliadtf,1 Kails, ffla83, Ptrtlr,- . tia^ei OS,- " i . ,- -'. Eaintst TtapBtiae>. :6oal|fiiI>-Salt,te* - ' ~ ? iSofftlfci willh'q 8(fld low foir #/... Ehrfiyed ion %Jr>. where I -Mr. I inspector, tor Pafrr-j li-lll fvn con*ecr*iji| bch'ool jwffl breil ^olerfed bj BO i -Sel&ig: off at cost. &sa- agent for tbtf'[ _ JRtJBBBB PAENT^ Of Clevehiri| Ohio, C&sfcfer Hfdeg. Aetorr,- ifely !&,- 187'i- - [". :l CKESE-A.^ ami by JO"OTICE TO FARMERS. Having purchased the threshing sawing machines lately, owned Itlessrs. J. &JA. Mann; with' tho ui dor st anding thai they did. not intend car- rj ing on thq business, and havinj.- got tl e machines put in goo& repair, '.'. awi pi epared to reeeivo orders from far Tiers fc r. threshing and sawing. I have se ct red the services of a first-clasa th -esli- ei of gBvonteeu years'; oxperienCo, and ei ri guarantee satisfaction in-all eises. T le parona"o of tho frtrmers rpsieet-' fi: Uy solicited. UONAbD. McDON-Alip, : Ijot No. 30, 4th eon. Esquciing. July 19, 1870. . 3-.4i F0H ONE MONTH MiscClInncwasBo-oksvStrttion* ery, Wall Paiier, &&.. [ ft, CREECH, SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKERij Has removed* oife 3oor w'est of M* stand, and is How prepared,t tui wprk> wfeicn to* IM,. CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tire.East side/'of ['Wytfdirari*jStfeet,- GUELPH, ;/- si ft '. He will, ijire s,"0^ Bargains (is mil Aatunisk the J'ublit^ cannot be surpassed by airy :1kw#^ , - >.' i- ^thecounty^ Hasness of all^ f ' ' -'-"'- " .- :v* 'surrpbed on the shortest possible vto aid WMT^nted to- give perfect, *g^' *n- . ./ -p. ". iAs he is doing business prinoip^ frCsafr' is prepared.W ifhcjiper than ever. ' . ^_ " "dive biiri'a call and be-convin.eed i thiais the rigbt pla^o. ^_ . " -1!' R. CRKEeHr**^! Jnbo28,'lS76v .-.'- li: I Hhe: ir^i \\. i;inentai:4 if "ffc

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