i (life! When cannilwd v^fi after n fifht. Make, a feast f" tho iKH|iu<of- those t hej have Waton, .. ; The- griMy wpast j iol.ln^-kottiur 'dolight Front lhe._kuo*Iodg that ev*ry uutor- :v .' tuhtUySifihl: 'l _j ' " Would ha'vo deemed lit'jfhe deepest -^ disgrace U> bo ahjii;; Thoni^ Uircustom is fast dying out"in- Aa 'the-ihflnenco of Western example THi r FREE; PRESS, ACTON; IIALTON CQiUN^Y ineJrwises. viliie^j <xn\! H ":~ n taw in m m m In civiliie^j countries you oft?n may See f A circle of friemls in the highest nf glee, ; . AJt btisily picking somv'neighbot'ti) !- pkws. ' ~ ' . - ! > ": . . ' And the Wst of it is that -the, neighbor - ' isjiot, .- t : As lii isJainU barbario.-'a person do- *~* ; . v-ea.*e<r; - Hir-fleslvh*s beeu baked in.uo caldron ,. . They don t cVrh trouble to serve thorn . up hot: ... :' J-Vcthy victim sl^ll lives in tltei midst ofthctvast.' (: ., ' Some greWf-hat-iti^-d' friend, pVaps.'-iftay" j _iuaki> him'aware "'_ >< Of t^heuirc;r$, these'hungry moil- * And though in reply he way stoutly de- " -dare - " v That such vivisection wcui't hurt him a - '_ hair,. ": - , 3fet ho writhes at the thought of their i'- , tiendiahenjoyment. Still-ione comfort remains. In ;the isles !. ' _ >of Fiji ' " ." f Xo possible vengeance is left-for the. victim : "He is eooVd. and. defunct But. in Europe he's free . Taj seek satisfaction ; and sometimes wc ' That .he -wounds iu exchange'. forJihe wountis \fhieh have pricked hixn. V fhsirbovrare, Mrs. Smith;-bevrare lovc- ; ly iliss Brown ; - j Youwg ionea whispers nothing that " isn't quite true r - Be a. little morxv careful *i-otliers'r re- i nown, :- ' ; For Thompson in yonder recess baa sat ' down -. . \Vith-Mis3 Oreon, and is quietly tut ting up you._. . ' 4- lli-^ pmncUSTi)MMiS TLttrfn'i the summer 1 will send u i . jlKT.* >n frum my shop into i/ie nmn- ivy to' examine.' mid f^IHtie~ clock* itftlth are trarnuited hi) ute. V Custo mer;' iclidSe clocks'tire not going troll irill ,plca*i> gend in teord. SJuUdd yon favor the young vum whom J sfaxU send, I will l>c responpiyei for iHtyiving.initigftictioyi, Any courtesy ejtfciUvd {o him irill'be'iveipmcalril- . .-'.-. ' T I Yours truly, ;. " i! G. D. PlilXGLE, [ T'; \. Watchmaker, Ouclpfi. .fyh'l QGtli, iSTG. - 36 HOUR Weight (SLOCKS, Striking. 30 HOUR Weight 30 HOUR Weight CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Striking. J Striking. Extra .Bushed Brass Movements. j.Just Arrived.. Just Opened. ONL.^ ^3.50.y ONLY $3.50. ONLY $3.50. I Every nouso sliou'd hayo one. r - - Just Opened Auother Stock of OUR GELBBRATED DOLLAR CLOCKS. Selling Rapidly, Selling Iiapidly.; June 6. 1876. C. 82 G. HYNDS, Post Office, Aoton. -1876. v.; BASE BALLS. i \r "i ; mi W-$ J I -J.: Good Meat. i 'Friejjd;. Ilichanl J Baine .was a greak feeder as viellka preacher. "All good things,"'he'was wont. " r to sayi'". are from God, and it is a popr. couipliuient to", tlis giver loi j turn avviiy frotn^v of, his^gifts.". } So JRichard. dntduit a matter of" cbn- : science to eat of everything, oiid as liiuch aac.hebuM eat* Ajt'dinner one" day as lie \vas in- .. tent upon a practical exhibition! of this doctrine, Ant when ho', passed his plate to his liest foe -the [ third or fourth time that it might be; re plenished, friend S:\hvnel:-<vcntrired ->-46 remark with reach solemnity, .; butj' becoming gentleness : j '" Friend Richard, I don't like to ,. speak to a man-at my table, but ^ does not thee think thee has eaten as much as. is meet .for thee/' . " It: is very -good "uieat indeed," friend :Samueli and IVhless God and" thee for it. 'I ivilL try another piece if yon please," . j ;j V Thee does npi unclerstand me ;H I ask if thee has not {eaten a much" as is good |6r thee ; tob^.tunch may l>e. an^ injury, to: thee ;> but my friendV are welcome -46 all that is mine.'*.- ", .} Richard *nd the company -were rather.surprised at this unexpected, and inhospitable EUggestion, but gopd-hnmor was ipstantly restored by Tfriend Richant- observing : ..'i Friend Samipl, if thee only knew how I live at home?- tbee would jiot object to my filling np a littfe when I gbvabroad." i Over the calm faces of the breth, .-jerii and' sfeters there spread a most benignant. sua by smile, and once '*.. mpre the plate of the all-devouring -.7. Richard wiisbonntifully supplied.- t - TVba'n a woman throws a brick-bat the gr^at problem seems to be, not how U> Jiitrthe mark, but how. to avoid knocking her brains out with'her elbow. Spriggins says he once prevented ,a severe case of hydrophobia^ by Bimply gettinjf"n a high fence and waiting) there till the dog had gone away.-. {I A'-dowri-ea^t editor says : "The -ladies spiing hats are pretty, and! worja on the upper edge; of the left} /ear, which' make one look"arch and ; piquant, like a chjeken. looking thi-ough a crack in the fence." . ! . "Rents have risen," was the jocose isjnark of the astute boy when a nail" ,. "taught in; the .previpusly mall tear in -his coat-tail ancl ripped the garment uji '. to his heck,' After ian interview with "" ,his parenta, he moaned to himself that "leather had fallen," - . J " What would be yonr notion. Of absent-mindedness ?" asked Rnf us Choajt of a witness. -." Well," said the "man, with a strong Yankee accent, ".I should. say" that a man "who thought he'd left his watch tu hum," and tdlok it ont'n 'is :picket to see if. iie-d tirqie to goi hum and get it, was ileetfe absent-.minded.'1 fttse Ball Gmdiss For 1876 DERSON'S cBEAN & CO'S FOK Spades, Shovels, B&Ot ONT., JU^E 22, 187^ SHOE -STORE. their Spring [ Stock 6t BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, The Host that ovrir came! into Acton, for Prico, '.Stylo'and Quality. OUR Cti&YOm WORK r. , -1 ! . - '.' Will receive careful fittontioib, and all work guaranteed to givo satisfaction. ' ' !:> UcpnlriiiK Done Neatly.'tn Don't forgot'the place j Main Stroot, jNort Poor to Agrtpv'a kctcL Acton, May 29, 1876. 8TILL Bakes, KENNEY.&.SON- AHEAD AT THE Central Boot ~ and Shoe Store. CRAINE & Hoes. AN CHEAP BOOKSTORE Cfn the Ei'it Bido of Wyndham Street GUELPH. : IN FISHING T4CKLE AND SPORTING, GOODS Throughout, they hae the best assortment in Town,'.._ May 8, 1S76. A. McBEAN & CO. AUIA BLOCK, GUELPH; 1 f ill Tlie annual communication the Grand Lodge of- A, F. &. A. of Cnnada, will meet ia.Ottawa^ on Wednesday, 12th-July. The meet ing will no doubt prove; more than u'sunlly interesting. " i - : There is a female engineer in Phila delphia. ^ "The steam. engine which works the fo.urloomsand the printing- p.-ess in.'. the Woman's Pavilion, is rah by a"woiut,"i.gr.a light dainty trammed dress." Tnij maiden's name U Allison, ai I h? iryom Ht. CatharineaVTOniario. . Jlir _father was proprietor of a large "grist inilL . .-^ -.--. 1 . WpETH A HUJTDBED DptLAEfcr ^ The following directions, carefuUyj -. observed, will prevent tliosecuticu-? - lar and osseous abominations known; -, a3 felon^.. As-^oort as .^ie disease, is fMt^ put directly over the spot a fly iilist#r,. ifbont the siza of ,-yonr > tlmmb liail, arid let rtt remain foi x .hour., at the-^exjaration. of .K . which time, directly tinder the suf-,^ t fice of the blister, way~be ^een th MiAoxt, w"hcfaicanTinstantly bo takei _oat ^with;the point <ff; a needle or ",;.'Luwei,. . "' ' I -' '." -:v THE MAN \y ' ' . Who can sell yon GOOD GOODS .' : J-i : .'.' - " j v . and CHEAP GOODS X is tho :_.. . -. ' j. .. RIOHT MAN l' to deal with, and his name is. J/ W. MANN, Von will find him every time at the Central Emporium, Corner Mill & Willow streets, ."'!" ' :! ' ' ' ": ;." mm. rpilE Itook Biver Company/^ *T" I I I I I - T??. \ v - : n IL L, BUILDING PAPER He can show you a fine stock of j" ' "'< '-'. Now Pry Goods, . ' Baad'^f Mado Olothinsr, '": ffrosorios, Orocksry, Call and be convinced that this is i The Riglit Spot. Acton, April 0, 1875. .J. W; MANN. DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Inodorous,Sheeting-JPaper, 5Jc a lb one pound to a square yard. Prepared Plastering Board 6c alb. Tarred Sheeting 4id a lb 1J lb. to.square yaVd. -. Moth Proof Carpet Lining 7c a ,1b. one pound to a square yard. Call and Examine the Stock at _j.- Day's Bookstore. Day Sells Cheap. Wagon and Carnage FACTORY. JAMES RYDER, Proprietor. Waeoa, OarrUgea, "* Slslsrlie, Outtirt, ae. Kept In stock and mode to Order on tbe * Shortest Motlce. ;. Strict attention paid jto Sorse-siioeiaar & GeaerftlJobhlasr .- Mill Street. ACTON, .DEALER IN General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Crockerj, CHass-w-are, _ Nails,:. Q-lass, Pntty, Linseed Cil, sav & Bciiei Paints, ^ Turpentine, Machine Oil, Coal Oil,'. Salt, etc SPRING which is ahead of anything everpl offered in Ac and a ouk Have just received their OF BOOTS & SHOES c : prices that cannot be u GUSTOM ^. SON on for stylo.and durability ndersold. .>. Will receive careful personal attention, and all work guaranteed to give ' s^tisl'uclion Don1;t forget the place, ' ' " Mill Strccjt,' opposite 'Morrow's Drus Store. CRAINE & SON. Acton, April 4, 187G WORK =-v Large Iicjt of PRINTS |f tlieMost SeJeet Patteial Also tlic itew>*-:,-| GALL ABD SEE DIOr0<gN ^ iMcNABll -^toce:. v HM U: n - -\. tf;/.t#Iii: *.^0^|-.;^2!^^; Celebrated JHJiNDAS; COTTONS at \0$$} : rates. J ^ -^% .' W6 hove now tin!Imrhensoi^Stock ofr - . u.' >u^:. .V' < 'i*5-- 'S-^.'fe I3ST Or |T ^TsT 3E3 EJX> S Of the Best Pill terns ihat can be had in. the-ma'ikcKI- -. ars-we are detcrMiined not to i>c nndersold. Acton, Mareji an, 1876. ELE CfllteseJ isnd-sarf niv tcros. 'I V!-' r A4-i" P Hf A N TV E L E PHA Hfii The r Slephant'S: Truitk Eeplenished; vrifc^} M NEW AND ttAbWONAB^E y " SPRW Qi3,r Stock is now v-erj.Oomplete. *:-' -. -.-"' "':f>~ Tweed them. We have in ;stbck Diagonal Coats, all 3tvles; - x m Coats, in Frocks and Sacks, at prices that ;l i cannot be equaled for cheapness hy any house in Guelph." Call and rrf:: 2,000 pjairs of Pants, ranging iVoni SI upwaras^^4- Hals, That's, Hats. Job Jot just \to hand, whietf t| we will run off at 25c., 50c:, GOc.^Soc.", ana SI Good, styles. ; \-! >*^' Beautifj] assortraenjt^>f Gents Fiirnislting G^pdft:^ Wheh-in GuBlprrdDn't forgetito cillnt the Elephant Store, by ;so doing"t>%* you wlll-savejaoney. ; '"' :~- May 1,1876. FRESH ^^*t: Kb. 31; Lowei? fa^jiham Street, ChwjW^ ARRIVAL OF SPSiNG COODS. POST OFFICE CA|h STORE, OTenSIy OJSTT- M AMlVlSli ^ 'fi- p-E O^prS^O^asf ^_ lit ". :-k& TO ,t; Vi HE FRONT AS USUAJL. ; With all the newest styles in T ^; ' ", ""i'y v On beginning the business of ISTG, 1. would return sincere thanks to In consequence of the depression of trade aid llie^e.Tesrness of rtfivq* >i "; j facturers to secure money tor their aootls, w'e hav-e laid down here tb/|.-; largest and eh snpest stock of :< -- *.. . .' .' r VfHv-3 IN DRESS GOODS; we have all the latest Hovel^JK ties 1n Che ck,!'Plain find Fancy Colured Lustres, Silk poplins aSdi^lft; vl Repps, 6Uck and'Fancy ;Sili;s, Black and Grey Grenadines, Blactyv- Lustres_ ic, &c. \ ' ! - '-" '- lips and Downs in ^radp^/ And am fu ly convinced tnat a . ' ' Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to hbth -Seller and Buyerr ieri I am.Ihjbrefdre determined READY ill B arid satisfaction guaranteed, 1 Acjonr July 1st, 1876. t The subscriber begs toreturn bis thanks to the InbQbltanlBol Aoton and surround ing country for the liberal patroijaga heretofore;extended to him,; and at'the same time solicit their farther sdpport Ni B. -Cash Paid for Hides' delivered. Acton, July 1st 1675. t^;TH j- ' ' TJ SI 1ST ESS And give my custoniers the beneQt by giving them Eight per cejit ofi for Oasn on all General 'Groceries (excepting-Sugar). By doing' jusiness as iabcjve, 1 will have the eash to^CA-RPBTS buy my SA^INOOFAT 14 per cent i. Acton, January 18. 1876.; x> do a T. IN/COTTONS, we^have the best and ciieajM , stock ever "oflered to the "public. Beautiful yard wide jgrey ..apd--w|iitj.; .- -' IJottOns for 9j per yar-1. The Atueriain goptji, auchTts ^int8/WMte:;'r?: "Cottons." Tickings, Cotton. Warp, Cottonailes, Brtivr^ Drills,-BAwavi.;^ Si}| the ratujulaC'turers", and- are' beirr^ sold'bytus bnlyf at th<5 CaiiaditoV.>i^ - wholesajp. prices. We have also on band lilies whichl we are'MiwyiV & ^ able to job, such"as Dress; Goods/Prints, Tweeds," &c. I .'./ "": =y^ MILLINERY. # in full:hlas't, replete with rcll the latest novelties from all,' the fas; ~ able centres,'consisting cjf Shawls, "Mantles, Hats. Bonnets', Fldy^w^^-" _, -. .- Feathers,' lii.bbons, Parasols, new Check Waterproofs, Sun Hafcs^-ijtrK-'*:~S ORDERED CLOTHINGUln spite of| the:h^|F times and the depression of trade our Ordered1,Clothing Depa^mVi^|S is steadily going ahead. Itis far inf advance of* any season yet. ti J^|i'|tt proof positive of the cheapness and fit'of our Goods', and the.;nniTed\^$ . satisfaction which we gire our customers. A large lot'of clothsfJroin*f5S \ the best- manufacturers of Europe aiid Amerifja to. choose- iromC ' |&-^{-|^ immense variety of Gents Furnhhing^ Hats'and Capa! ReaJyJnad* ->1*: XSIothlhg, &o. &c. -. ':- .:' ..-'j.^c|i*' goods and effect a LEAST and 6 PER (DENT MY CUSTOMERS WILL OCT THE BENEFIT, And, in reality get ft)r> their Money; Please consider the matter ov ?r, and give me your support to carry out the only right way of doing business, that is K, iB ^A. I> -*2T ' "S* ^l. TT. ., ". My stook wUl always be found complete in (Jrooeries, Proyisions, Oroeke^, ' G-lassmtre, Stanibnery, Wail 3Pa^ers, Window Blinds* Wii,&o-w Rollers, etc. Specialties.-SAHSACE, OfSTERS, TAUMOUTn BLOATERS, FINNAN I ADDIES, &c &c. PRODUCE! TAKEN Af5 CASH. I believe in the DISCOUNT SYSTEM, and as it has proved very sa$s faoipry,' 1 will ooritinu'e to giva nt as follows ^ On 25 ots, 2 cents discount: on 50 cts, 4 cen s; on 75 cts, 6 :entsf: on SI, 8 cents onveyancer, Issuer of Marriage:Lice:isesi Insurance Agent Agent Money to' Loan, Atrent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fourth Div. Court, Con}, in Q. B &c. .^- Artiagntficent assortment of beaoSSs : tifiiirpatterns.from 50c, per yard BOOTS AND SHOES A fine variety ahd^^ii cheap. . o i; /i^--^ ( We would^renpmd the"pn;blio that we are, giving wonderful:bargains,ii , jwe are now selling goods cheaper thaa wei used to buy them, s^inla#fg^ iquence of paying the cash down. - ' ' ^ .." ' '^li'^'H ...... ' i.j-.yiir LADIES! Madame Demo'rest's patterns for Springire noiv to h*i* 1 jw- " Ge ods Sold for Cash. No Second Priced" April:. 6,, 1876; i \:-:"?S%i MpLJSOft ANDERSOIT & m, "-.'... HAMMOTH HOUSJ],.EOBGE^ira*;| MAIN STREET, ACTPM*:;i|H JA VJES WlATTHEWS. :> ]-: . General Blacksniitli, Carriage ^d^^ Best Horse-Shoers; in the ^ptiiij| Perfecjtsatisfaction'guaranteedcr Sqoprice charged.'.-;- J..^. COLLAiRP'S PATENT IRON HARROW r':Al ways, on hand.* ;. j .'-./.. A Good .Stock x .GaXtfg&6^ aalrf^. ! RfcPAIRINO proriintly arid prbpcriy, ajtte|4ete-^a^p " Acton^.J;uly.li:|lS75.; ^ j V - :. '....;;"-;-f : H-.:&$0 . . uish't of I j-.'V lair wnir j,'/- odtFriiial :iS% ' ykleftt, gl rorjpriniJ atibo telil Jec^inif tomisac oftlee at J "' &- Cao-^ty..' "C'"".1^3311 -.>.'. "ne-" HotJ i K!yle wltl ?; :,_'.".- T.ivveUrr/ '-;' _ .'nnil'oinitd ' at."htiO!i| L' Hug puuli. "-! litqLlni>i| - tttteSttvf .';!; -" -~- --T- " .Lid For the cl ton. Airdt Orjtise,. Atf . l:.ocJr\v'o.xj Turms red mv^* .-J26SS5S ;^-4 --' 6^ The, 'Ahjoi ;'j -Qmir ' -1 ^:-~-.-'-i >*l--J. S - fr&Wi,^