-. "if I :--.y>:inew good*. m r-<kdR, 4^ \ i mean Prints to J I limi._; :_-, fastinR-; Twc*ds, ' " TIame I.,Xo. 50 !- ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY. JUNE 8, 18*76. 4 :i ps only. 5.' ' t-- , :: > Y\- II. LOffltV. SI.H.. JI. >T O 1*. -S- ti,V:MllKH.> i>r TrilMlV Oo'.lcc<\ Mrm'-vrotColl.-^oCriiysioian's ! and Stircpon.-. MII.1. SriiKKf .\oroN. I T\K> OKHmv. lMivsi- - JL/ ci^n, Survoon. .vo ,\o| lK>n>vin> \"ol- : -lrtj,K<T VoriCrtUs.->iir;iHiinto.o| Victoria ' OOUPif.- .\*U:l*U Oonsll'taUOTl (l!VVS , HARNESS { $7.00 per nnnnm in Advan<et SHOP. Tlio subscriber bogs; to announce to the- inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that ho has connuonced tho harness business in the" TtniMiav* a'uf Friday*, from ;> :i. .m,rtiii '4'" /\|,l ",i niV Ti Ml' j. m. Ke^do-aco-Wcst !i;.w,T sirwt,'"UlH 1 OSlUlUCe JLJUIlt.ll 112,%' i 1HITLL StKEET, ACTOX.-! -4- GOODS. UAL, 0DS. rr.ti* of rhaxtc- uiw here" the- IDS ['est novel-. :.:ri- an 1 S'.k -s >iiue<. Black rj?"> ; G iiisbanis. cheapest I-TTvr ax.-i_s*bita : '-'_r:n(5;HY'bke' 'TjTii;sv= Brown "-.i i*r:?c; Jrora : ;:.-\v* insdiari e sie" always lo-iiv is now. r- .i. .; me f.-.?-aion- ".:j^:j, Flowers;" jr.. Hal-, Jco.'-.' the hartf j ig Department |_?on_\e~t. ...Ij.'i i the u^irersal of, cloths from :>- from - in Is; R-Mlvmade J'.lMESl J MATTHEW*; Con- rtfyKiict'^as-iiuv-o: Marriage bio-uses, l\*il:na'-torc:: liiMiranco A^ent, ' , .-> ir.-ni JUofK-jr .io tarif-Ajfiu ttomr.Mil Te!e- (rnuh Cc-fX-VTR l\v.;rt(-i__i-ivlsic-n Conrt, Coal, la ^, 15.. Ac-. Aorvix, (>n?, - D"I|EXI>'ERSON. Coiivev-- 0 a-.icvr, ,li-., i'.:s.>'.\|;flll. ^ilia'l.l L;;e Assnrar.ce Co. JVnls. ilnrjR ict s, *c- prepared rioaily, prometay^eor'iveily .and 0-a reason 1'0'e it-rirtK. '.Jtonov to l>ioii oil .\lorU:i^o socliritv. ; urtleo ptU'EJiP/lIKEAD ' !- . "' ' FOR THE MILLION B. & E. f -. . Hog to a mouneo tli.it tlu-y linvo'sci-urocl ] _thi> i-orVicL's of a ; First-Glass Baker, whoro be is jirop:ire,l to turn out ^nrk1f^!,rV-rin,tll JJ?,,,in:' i.n.1 tl.t| their. n.,fci.Ii; W,s u-M-. now on t , ? t f ' C!,Pt'-,l!1l . in full oration, i.r-tlu- pro.nis,, owned on Jh.3.'shortest. possible notice. I 1 bv Mrs ll.iiinrt havo on hsmd ^ bxrso aud weH'select-J " * '}.',"' cd-stock ot' -' " -I "roail ^-lll b<- dcliveri'd daily at 11. 1 houses ii "the village' alul vicinity. Sorsb'Blanfeets. VMps,'Bra3lios< ,' Coasba. Trusts, otc. . V/eddins- Cakes,, Tea Cakes, " ' " Pastry. Buns, &c JDJIVT.'IEMOX. Atttinifv- -i.:nv. S..'^ :ui:'in t Uii'.u ,-:v, Ar. OiIkv iN'raorof Asaln :'.nd-(.':iurcli SlrooUx._Uitorgi-to\vn.f , 4 pplekE' vt si.nrsox,' jTX. Rirris;er>. Atu>ruey.-'.!-!... . -<^^ :ic:;-3r> tu Ciii'irrery, Uinvo; a::cer^, di*. . Kepairing. promptly nttended to.- Give mo a call and bo convinced. Acton. Nov! 2o, IST5. DEMr^EY A rtO.V Jf.lIiERY. WM. HIDLA>Vi Barrister. Attoruey-:(i-L.':n-4 . he; !..r in. Hsirr-lh K-njC sewi ; Mi::o:i. Mflu f;r;t't, 1'lu' Jlilion Orliee iri_.l Ik- imjvr tlu' 111 i:sc- . .- '.: raea: of P., V. Cara;i!i. ii.'aivl Mr l.iul-; Li\v ^-i;5 'r::*':id :it ;:.i.i ".Mii".^ uiUce" j , . on Fri.lViy'.o: ca>;n wees. Ilurrah. H E-XKY..L. IVEAIiE, CHEAP -BREAD. . lvsi m\( r. h;il\t. Kfririi;- i Aseni'f.ir ;l-.o >!< n-a:-.:-r. ..:al W :i:^!'->,.; ' Ail b'.i-;Uv>~- i-!i::!!.u.: io .'ii- <-nr..- ui! -.., : _fr.i:h;u':i" ;;:;. n.li-.t [; - i."..^:".. I>v in.iU 'p:;.?ui-.i. :-i. 1.. m;aic.v : . PA-TEXTS for IXYE*."T:aSSi ix.~-iUi...:-o r.-.a ;rorlir!y n-.-;:rvil, 1.1 \.\-ui.*il ; r^K- i":.::- i S: .;.-: :, i:.i t.:-; cjc^ I'iit^n;- ^n ir i:::..v_.J i.:}r .1:0 *.-! ;.:?c ->"-:Id fuf prill U' . ::.*:: rrr: .uli-^. A^-- i.e'%- :"i <'W:!- 3to;t5/.j--.-. UKS'HV u.i.i~r,' ;-\- - > . ?lCt-.^::. t'..::r-.T::i Meo^r-vr.'..-1: "!'.^->-.-r. --^f'.icij'-r I'l-I'i ; leir.siaad 1'. a .:, - , ' .-. vvriLLJ VH tvatil:xs; Iwarr Mirrl.-is? Llrrn-i--. .t VrlillralP-. -.. ;;y lU>ya: A'i'i o:7ti"v. :>:.; i;>is::ir^p:!Va:i-Jii.i! coii_^ivi::;:il offl;-> it':r-..-rp.i<. i>:!"...'i-.f' 1;.: Tra'i'.i.rit:^ Cwjly Ha :v:i. 'rr 11 ion !< i;l!!oivuof t-ai!e, r-or .r.rc:ul. niado in t ahvn^'s all: lau,b l'tiee.50 The ie very best manner, and kept hand, 1,'ood and fri>sh. Also o,f ConfL'ctioner\-, - Hir-euita, &e. pec full patriinago of tho public" in res i-.olieitud. Acton. .Feb. 20, B. .t K. XR'KU.V 1S7C. ! ai I'ELl'Ii AKHOitY, D. GALLOWAY t Im -rs !> aiivminf? to tlio in:iiil.|iaii! t.f Aeii>i> am.l.\ ieitiii.vihai-lic has roiuovt;-it ln> i'llli: s r*!.ili.is:;iiii'l!t lo.tlle; ]<rc-tn> 1-r-;'j?^s: ib-oy to ^i.",rioH 's driu' s'.ore, ^itivrv !?.- ha-; lu]i:i a rir^t-c'ai-s'ne-A* iivt-n ai.d r. .':'.: .! t'm ' jT<.-ni:.<v in u iir^l-elas.s t.!y-'!- for a' lialc. ry nn.1 t.'i-::fvCi;uWrv \. i M KS. S"..t'ASiTEK: 1 :>- of heau-r and very bargains, that. b. all iq oonse' |w to iisn'd. Lq?.getOWN. Tfarhcror.Mn!r. t'r-.iilJipnnil11'rrnr!), ::-. LIYEIM.OZI-i:-5i; pVastt-rc;-'.' i:t;.-ii:i.-, ;tiiil'j>'.uriirr.^ (Kit ;23TT2?. SP.SA3 T2Ai7 E7EB, Bass, '.- :-" . / -'Caicc, -^-.. " -,'- Bi:: HONOtj THE HOLY CHOST. Ono of Mr. Moody's Sei-mons. .(PnlillKlicil l>y reh.uo.st.) Jladisotl to ovcrlIo>v for'oponii 'J'ho sujijf. tho Itolj- iMoody Jmu.'itive <H ' Gunsmith, Silver-Plater, &e., v >> O1^ Caallss, I :ii nival y re- A -llixetl t'aiitlh'.s CtOX FLOtR MILLS. B. A K. Ni'fKLIN, Fisar a:iJ Keed a'.:;y; iU Hn'Jreiai:.' *ri^ :: M^iiv. C^iii -or airici:: i];-i. \- :n_ \V, !^1 for it I T>0SS!,X IJOISE. ^icfon. I AV Cio-.tr 10 ine U. T. Ha; wayM.ii."n.| JJii-elh-iH nceornniaia'.i' n:f"r tlrt- tiavt-i- ; liut; pJtjlrc ;X11U~. UA-MifllKLL, j-roj'.r. | Brrarf, Huns ; ill Uay, (res DOMIXIOX: HOTEL, Actim, I V? ^ .-B..bvr-.. Ai-ilew.:' Ep.:ntiur.Tli^ : WEDDING ne*-/iic;ti is ll.-_-I :i;i i:i""iirs:-eli..v fc:/le wl:*i :io- it:c;:'.U.':e. C^tiiir.-.-H-ial - T.-avei!rf:> .r; !:~r. I to->i i.fcuiumo .i.lion ! . "si cornitio ::'.t:- .'ramp;;.- r".i,:<nj.-.' >i-;clul | Riuntiu.-i j-a: . ) :--' v/.ili fi.e f..c-: ! Lif|^or a., J <;^.-'--.^ -'Vji s.^biiLj ^-;.il .w^t1-inr:ve Bo-:V^.. ihi'K-- t"<>rd<- i-ty!- :-i .'iii :i5e i>or lb.- 1 ;: "lu < scha.r.'gi' i:!il::.i:rv:-.d In ex- n'l Csk'-s t!c 1, around tt.t. H\ (roil every. VilliiKC, - ;;r.-i 01 it rt-.-i.. FANCY QAKES l::.r.'i. In t!ie latefl diei to ufonn the jmblic that ho has romored to Hatch;s Block, >ext do to- Ty.-on'.i r.utcher SIiop uvenuo hall was filled ng loii"; belbi'u tho.hour the t aftornoon sorv'icu. t't for tlio -day .was the ^Spirit., upon, wliicli J.Ir. livbicd a 'long and ex- i.seourao, which occupied nearly tho whole liour set ajiart for the .service. The. eoiisregntion Rang tin. lL'Stii .liyinn, u C'oine, Holy Spirit, Heavenly dove.'" Mv._ San- key, fol!o_\viii"; in the Kamo vein, saiiif the 10th'hyin|), "Holy Spirit, Heavenly jruidc." -' ' Mr. Moody silid : I remember, quite n number of years ago 1 .sjient a'Sunday in Jlrpoklyn, and spoke in a Sabbath-.sehixil. There seemed to bo a ^oocl deal-of intbrest, and I went-joiit quite rejoiced. An old num followed ine; I never mot hini since, nor sa^v him ljeforo, but, , ho j;ot liold of . my hand and gave mo.some advice, lie said : "Young man, when .you speak again, honor tilt; Holy Ghost." 1 was hastening Oil" tp another church to speak, u:id the. words kept ringing in my mind, - j <* hoxou Tin: holy ciiost." Llllink all that have been to work in tlio vineyard of tho Lord have leaj-ned the truth of that-lesson, and if not, tho quicker tliu bettor ; because if.wi^ hoiior Kim 'lip' will htiiior us, but it' wo don't Jionor Jiim, it is surely the work of tho flo.-di and won't stand. Tho only work which will s+and through eter nity is what is- done through the J .Holy Ghost., and evojy conversion in these mi.-e.tinos'-that is not by the power of the-'Holy Ghost won't stand. They may have got impres- .sions which will bust for 11 few days, jiijul thonrj>nss away; but 1 um or.o ;of those who firmly believe that if they are sealed to'theday ofredoTiip- tion, we shall see tliein in Heaven. I war.t now to call your attention to the Holy Ghost as a, person. do sb-'mnny complain of tho'cold- fioKs of the Church ? It ia . pKCKVHll WB HAVK NOT Tills -LOVE. Lisli night, if you woro-over at that young converts ineoting, you would have soeiVjpy and lovo on <!tich' faco, lV-i-hups (;hey wore there from oig'ht to'ten nationalities, but all told ono story of love. - It is a counterfeit conversion If ithi\vo not that -spirit. Even they won't be found finding fault with tho Church, for when a man in full of tho Holy Ghost lie "is tljo very last found complain ing of other peojdo. I want to say right-here, that I find a good many people liavo got into the habit of just ticolding. A. man told mo ho -went to a certain meeting to give theiui a blast every time he had a chaneo.- As-he told liie,. I thought that if ho just got one look at him self he'd talk differently. When, a iniin is warm himself, he won't talk" about how. cold j overyonQ else is. Iliat pa what' the Holy Ghost does imparts love. If We .are only just ;fil)ed with love how easylfc would be toi-each men? You will do uny niunjjrood if you only prbvo to him that; [you lovo him. Now turn to Koni^ns xv., Kl, "Now tho God of hope! fill you with all joy SiMSTONITION FQIt AX.E BKEECE iJoading Asms. K!yA KvtiorirV Carirhlne CnRpu ami tj ?.. f.ir rt|- li'.-idin^ ^aijie. Uc-l^aih 1 ~, pi-er.-; l'i> l-:>e -lor*, CtTrTer-, ai-il Cj-c.iMii-i.-rli-ai.i,,^ JtodK, . in,I all ariielp-. ti|re-.-,<.'iy f<jr a .-^rn r^ri:iin*> on 1 lit. vil ioi't.-- rif IJ.-p.iViet: .1.111.1 Jobbing e^cvutcil u the sliorVc-^i noili-i- iU 1 J?eacci ill; believing, that you V iibound Ui hope through the pokver; of tho fio'ly Ghost,"' So the Holy Spirit not [only imparts lore', hope, and that is another thing Church wants. ' - WHKX ^V0 AIU: 'U'OPEFUI. tin work advances. When we are dishea:rtened| "it don't advance. Tlibie'Christians who :aro all the tinio going with their heads down and saying that everything is dark and the church cold,- God never usojs them. If the churches of America would only let the Spirit woj-k ia- its"own way, what a bles- would result. trouble, is mark out channels for wo('k, hiKJifUhe blessing don't come in thiij. w^y they say it is not the wdrk' bf'Goi|| My grandfather told ine that when they hud 11 great revival (11 jhis, day, they had an anxious Ising ' Ithev Some sav that tlie'IIolv .Spirit was < , . . -, . . , not in the worl-1 until the ^.v' of! I'^f1 t0 " "ch l '^', u"'Ucd Pe.I'le|: Penticnst but when .Ir-sus r.s ^.ild j " ' '-^ ^' llU t I"lV "V ^ ' lejophsthe^Holvl'10"01^ U IS not a V0lk of \o ::.............-It-H fiirno into t';e Ghost revealed Si Guelph, April 27, 1S70-. HEIGH HO, STOP! N.I?. A'l -jrvvN : :*? '.va.-r.inff -J pnro, ^s al is u-til. - j v Lirjensed Auctioneer ;.yor th% C"*act.i :- - ton. UrUers lr;t r.i :;. *-s OSieec Acion,. <>.-:. ar my T-!^i-:ui:i*f', in , Koct\ro.:<l. - ill ii-:- prompil \ 'ul.-^rihl-y? to. i Terms rea--^ot.a.ijit. / Adayjoso.v, ' For Ihf t'ouiity cf Il;tlton. t:-ip. -,.liy-.h ,IH-it .ii-I .-' a^eofthe public Is re.-pfct- d. - IAL1.WVAV BROS. AcVjti. M.'irrM S, 1^7 A<;tx -V/hat's tlie Matter? k PLANING MILLS w iiy any person who wants a good ana cheap "eileVScws,"-" ssss only.; ^elow Toron|o"_ fc. MOBBOW. ,. orks r:- - [Mi. ':.M Iakei -t' Rale-- Trfi^n'!--: 1. t'^ in :i.ny pirt oftiie ;_PuniTK Si Coheir, aL"rca.so:.i,b;. - ra'.f-.-i. - . i . f*, " Ad>e=>; -A. DyVID.Sit:.-. ' '-If " 1 : .Ca.np.') -"^villf, f','.*-' AND isli, f>odr and Kliiul Faclttty. led to* '-' t ,.; ,Tiii.vy< T7"EX.\EI>Y'.S , Marble Works-, Dpi^isitC' side from Mills & U>Kxiieliow^s' Foundry, and Xear Eraiuosa Bridge, Guelpli. .-'wi ALL KINDS OF MONUMENTS Tomb Stones, Mantle pieces, c., made to any size, or design, and put tip in any .part Of the coofatiTu. *31-fscotch Granite -Monu ments imported t<>-or3jzr. - , P..S. A. Kennedy is a iirae- tieal marble cuttsty'";. . THOMAS "E'SB'rA'G2, pTRE MfLK^ The nndersIpT/c-d bf-eRto lhar.t his oiip- vjraerBfor tlielUicial prtronage received ?nnP the pad'tnmmi-r, and would say ITS','*,1^-DOW"-Ji.-|-arml t snpply tin ad- "iional numburiof cu.-,tomers Willi vrnxS. We.fKKii milk dellvere-J every inr.rn- ..ana twice aday oji Saturdays. Pur-- wfto keep ct,WE< will fitjU it rnu.b ^Perand less troubletoeet mllkdellv- tfr^-lr (iooia, and theji- wraild do. in tojell tholrcow-R-aflU huyVtlielr inllk.^ Tenty-<ine qusrt tlcKcts lo'r-51,11 paid! aavance, or twenty-one pint ticket^ c]J. : t-. K.-ABi&TKONa. i tUm, Nov.-lQth, Dili. : -jl . +,0 QSOfVP6' day. ot tiome. '" fto" *V*SV Kamples . v/orllr $1 ...., _ oti."|so.v & Co., Portland, -Ualnr^... PRIXlTIXili of air kinds atlyiaiid >roinptly exteiited attlie ^ REE PEKSS -OFFICE, Jttxi o*t_6raee. Mill S(re*f. -sSl^wyat home. Agents wanted. . CO_ jjdtan'J terms J^ee- 'lliUiC & ita, Maine." : ilanufactur^r of JWindo,w Sash, _Doors, : , Venetian Blinds : ..-.." Mouldings, And other Building Reqnisitcs Also Makers of IKPSOVSS, StTCTipiT'-EOTffPS iumber Planed and Dressed do orde' in the best manner, j Jgif All.work guaranteed. Acton, Jan., 1S70.. ': SET.'OP EAE1TESS .Should, call on - ROBT Creech, F. TKOLLOPE CJIAPMAX, * . i Practical Bookbinder. All Descriptions of Itindins Neatly Executed. Accj'.mt Jiu'/kii'of' all Kinder .' ;..-. drifts: Euling Prqpi'ptly Attended to. BiKDiiitv St. George's .Sijuarcj Guelpl Kir Ordersi left at the ^Fki:k Pr.rj Ofiice will receive prompt attention. OpN'U :e. to Or -I'. V.UWVUU & eo., O Haw York, for Pamphlet of 100 pai?eH conlnlnine lists of .TXK) newspapers, and .leiiUuiiileH sliowlctr-coBlof advertlsiug. -.- 3IILL STREET, ACTOX, Who is always ready to supply cus tomers wiihteverythingusually kept in'a first-class Harness Shop. Harness made to order on shortest poskible notice. the , COLLARS A.SPECIALTY. ! ' E.CREECH,Acton. Nov. 18, 1S75| ; " ' .- MEAT SHOPL The iindersu. ned has commenced the Butchering Business Opposite Allan's Livery Stable, and will'keep constantly on hand Fresh and Salt Meats, Eisli, MmIc tfr\- rowls and Vcsfetiiblcs, at '.all eqasonB of the year. The support of the public is most respectfully solicited. ohea:? for oaeh, j- . the best plan so say you alb ' _EEriVARD MATTtiEWS-'. Acion, JMarclx.15; 1676 38.3m r bccaiiHu Ho testilioH against tlio world- I don't believe that ever a mail or a wo man was convicted-of sin byanyproneh- er in the world j it is the. work of tho Holy Ghost.| That in what we want now, this convicting ppwer. Shall Hot we ask Him'to doit. AH Ha has got to do ia to open men's eyes midr; j "THEY'."SOON KIND OL'T' ' ,- what miserable liinnera they are. ' Turn td John xv, ,2G,.;_" Bilt when-the Com forter is ..colnc, whom I will send yon from the' Kather, even the -Spirit ol truth which ]>roceedeth.(r(im.the Father, He shall testify of me."* Now if a man jij-eaehes Christ faithfully,, tlio" Holy (JJiost will bless hii preaehii'igi A'tiw,- my friends, do you believe that the pjreaehing of Christ nearly n,mctcen; hundred years .after the cruel death of Christ on the cross would have power- over this audience, but ..for the. Holy Gho3t? ' There-is not aumn or ;woman ever converted but that knows there is a Holy Gho3t. Look at .Tolul-xiv, 20, " He shall teach you all things,", l,c;in imagine Peter, and John and :Jatnes af ter tho day of Penticost, woiidering'iiow blind they had been, about--spiritual things before. People after seeing the truth;blame us for not telling it plainer.' It was so with me after my convorsion.7 They did tell me, but I didn't! sec it.! Men arc deaf and don't know it. ' The1 fact is, the world js gone clean mad, andJ don't know it. - Now look at John xvi, I3-: "For he shall not speak of Him self, but whatsoever He shall hear that shall He speak." And so when we be^ giii to. speak of Christ and.exalt Him the Holy Ghost will begin to jbless. What you want is to I .- KEEP SELF OUT OF 'nlE ff.ll1. : Tho world can get on very well without us. If a man thinks" himself so impor tant that the world can't.get on'with out hiin, God lays him aside. The world cannot get on without our Christ, and the preaching of the~Holy Ghost is' the preaching of Christ-; forif Christ is lifted up the Holy Ghost will draw men to Him. We want to follow the exam ple of the Holy.Ghost. That is the kind of preaching He will honon' Then He comes to comfort the bride. .Nothing is able to comfort so much as to talk oi: tho absent one. How few of us will be led by Him. H*e never led anyone astray yet." 'Some ministers complain of no-work in their church. I tell you, ray experience is that there is not any thing for the Holy Ghost to Work iipon. They give men their own ideas and opinions instead of the Bible, which is the sword of the Spirit. There is the trouble, men don't preach the Bible. Let iis as Christians not. quench the Spirit or grieve the Holy Ghost, and you that are unconverted take cafe not to resist .Hint. morcv; feelings tluijt lie jwculd be homc;jiow very soon. I fcloactf the book, donned a rohc dc ,chtxmhre, 'let; down my ljair, a.iid then -return- Icddo uiy seat to patiently; wait and -listen.-,;. No,t the faintest soum] disr turned1 .the: stillnes;.^- (if the night.- Not a Ijreath of air stirred tho leaf.- Tho-silence win so profound tiiat it became "oppressive. IJonged: for thosharp click of the gated,itch: and tho well-known stej> on' the; gravel-walk.', I did net'Jure to break the hush.myself by moving or'.singing, 1 was so oppressed by the deep //.illness. '""T'he hu mind is a great torture^ of i began td" conjure up" vivid about: ghostly, visitants, in the [and was carding me (into the study midst' ofv-: which occurred to . mo I where there was a lorjg '.tablej coy- the stories I had heard from sup- j ereil with green biiizcj. -0ii this.he Iiivoluhti.trily- and ^lio'd : j '" - " '^iaro' mo ! ( seech !' " 'Madame,' lie' clasping my*wris< sinewy, fingers, With . a steel, '-you behavi like I h'ave no time tb par have received: a hitter Qi'mperor of tlra " JFrench that'_ he i is "sufFering iliac abscess, ab.d is kle.sirotm f-"bly attendance'. " I mii.4t"sfcirb for Fai- ropo immediately after , jp'ojforhling human Mm operation, on yolur.irejtst,' andj itself. I, before I cotrld 'mr.k'J tire slightest Vfahcies j resistance he had mb'-in-'liis arms, ! raised nfy^i'and splire mo, I'be- said * sternly, with -iii" 'ipBg,l grip "of a ^child. ;y, for I t^'om tXhe 'stating. froin; : an ,-i - 1. r\A ALONE V/ITH A MADMAN. Then wopld }*ou just turn Chmt was ; and in -nd IVter we:! '.V. 'ff* *,, \"-S^- pntl.jans read, For tho pr..pl.-ev came not J"- " j . "]S hel? ^c\ *V * f in old time bv tin- will elf man, but ^^'. !j liberty.".-That 1 1 <-' * wo want in tho holv men of. God sp.-.ke .ys they ., 1 , a. . . , , , , caurch very much. A great many were moved by the Holy Ghost. Christians are like Lazarus, bound.hand .Every holy man who ever spoke in and foot with grave clothes, until Christ this world has been saidj " I^Kise him and let huugo." You" i . can j give vour . testimony for Christ . MOVKD BY THE HOLY GHOST. though you have not got any eloquence Tito words"that-abide and live for- i "r canno't talk like an-orator. It is the ever, the Holy Ghost accompanies i-,nil:i!,:-h" t<:,ls the tn,th that ll";tho'J ,, them or ).ron.])ts them. Now I : men Ithink the v cannot talk or .world for want to. call voir?" attention to mi | God; The moment they talk | inipdrtitiit truth. : I was ten v.ears j the swkii oy con will comi; down a Chtistian befoie I knew. it. I ! f>u thcm.and they will find that they, , , ... ., . ,, TT 1 j liave penect liherty. They won t then hoard a minister say that the Hob; | be thinking what Mr. A. oF Mr. B. says Ghost was a person and I could J about it. Pride must be given up if the not believe it. I went home and Holy Ghost is to get in. Now, tho IfOt mv Bible and'went to work art Jrolll,!u;is ^th a great many dear Chris- .1^ tialis, they have got Calvary, and life, it. Iain convinced ever since that ..,.,1 ,i, . I laid they are just satished with the Ho is a person as inucb as God the ' work Christ has done on the cross tlicy Father or Jesus His Son is. Look at John 14th chapter, IGtli and l-7th verses, "And I will pray the Father and He shall give you nii- olhe,r comforter, that He may abide with you forever." Now if ,the Holy Ghost'is not a person would not have said "Ho." the.Spirit of truth seeth /////;. not. neither knoweth Him, b.utyeknow Hi in, for He dwellefh \yMh you and shall be in you." Thrf'e times in that verse Christ callfcd the Holy Ghost "' Him " and 'one?. " He." '['here are a good majiy verses,"but I want to call your Attention to a few more to establish; the fact that Ho is' a person. " And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and' of judgment." Nowj whenever Christ spoke of the Holy Ghost Ho spoke as of a person, not as of a mere in fluence, and we won't honor tho Holy Ghost unless ! wo. make Hiui as one of '."' THE. PERSONS OF THE TRINITY. , When Christ got ready to go .away He taught His^ disciples to go and i baptize nil nations in "tho name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the.Holy Ghost. Now we get life [through the jlloly Ghost. We would not know'Christ if it was not [for- the Holy Ghost, who "imparts life; and not only that, but if you turn over to 1st Peter, iii., 18, you will find that Christ was raised by tho power of the Spirit. And every dead soul that he has. brought to life has been.brought by the power of the Holj Ghost. TLoj' are deaof in sin until the Holy Ghost brings them to life; for a man J3as:. no power tp serve God until quickened by.the Holy Ghost. Dead souls must be raised and then they can! serve God.,! Well, the work of the Holy Spirit is also to impart'Jove 5 : "And hope ninketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in / our hearts by which is givcii unto us." Now the first fruit wo look for in the young convert is love. What do we as Christians need to-day? Whnt is tho great lack of tho. Church J -Why have just got as far as the third of JolinJ that is all. They don't know anything about liberty to speak fdrGod. A friend of mine in speaking-of a boarding house said he could always tell Who are the boarders and who are the cliildreii. The ....._ boarders come in and eat/their meals C'ilrist ' """' sni' ""thing at all about household fl,-, " affairs. By-and-by the son of the family. Ivncii comes in,! and he asks if there'are any letters oij- how Mary is. So with the Church of God ; it has got a lot of boarders Iwho don't take any interest about the; Lord's work. They hear one sermon on .Sunday morning and criticise it,-they-i*ay their debts'and keep out of jail, but as to lifting up the Son of God, THEY NEVER THINK OK THAT. A friend of mine down in Natchez be fore the [war went out riding with a frieucL 'They saw an old skive coming towards the'ni, and one of them says, "Let's have a little fun with him." There' was a ,8ign-post there on which was written; " Forty miles to'. Liberty." One of-them said, " Sambo, how old are you?" "jl guess I am eiehty," was the reply.- "|Cau you read?" he was. then asked. He said he could not, but he knew wh it was written on tha.t sign post. They then asked him whylie did not take, that course and escape. The old man's (countenance changed. \ "That is a sham ; but that which points .up. to the liberty wherewith'Christ set us frea is no sjmm," he said. That remark was the means:of that young man's conver- ' siou. Now ; the Holy Gho3t casts out the spirit of fear. There should be per fect liberty in our prayer-meetings and all cmr- social meetings. How1 long would it be before there would bc:a per fect reformation if all .Christians would act in this "way. A friend of mine, a minister, asked n judge to. go out with hini to a sehdol .house where he was go ing to preach. On tho way he said to the judge, "won't you speak to these people ? Tho judgo shook his head and said ho coidd not. ' "Now why can!t you!" said my friend, "you speak in tho court and ^ou find no trouble in it; suppose youijust try." When ho got out there I10 just- began questioning tho judge. Thejspirit of God came ujion |him with mighty power in what ho said. There wers a good many inquirers. That man has been a working Christian over since. Why, a mail who has been a .professed Christian for throe years,' wa$ asked to pray the other night. I notiSo ho liesi- -tated n littlo jtt first, and then got lip. Last night lie told a friend that ho has got a fresh baptism since ho. opened his Tips. Now, would, you turn to John xvi, 8 : "And when He is como He will reprove tho world of sin." What is tho work of tho Holy Ghost and wliy is it that when tho Holy Ghost wakes up some men'; they get bo angry? Why, "I liavo often: [heard of "persons wlio'se hair was whitened through, excessive fear, but as I never saw myBelf anyone so affected I am dis-' posed to be creduiousron the sub- ject." =_=,' The above remark was made to Dr. Jinynayd as we sat on the. piazza of his pretty villa discussing the. different, effects of terroron dis similar temperaments. Without replying to me, the doctor turrred to his wife and Said : ' Helen, w:ill you please to relate to my old friend, the incident with in your own experience. It>is tha most convincing argument |I_ can advance." '" . I looked at Sirs. JIaynard iri'siir-r piise. I had observed that her h-air,- which was luxuriant and dressed very becomingly, "was purely color-, less, but as she was a. young woman, and also a very pretty one, I sur mised that it was powdered to heighten the brilliancy of her Sine dark eyes.! '. -!" j The doctor ,and I had been friends, and fellow-students, Lbut after leaving college we had drifted apart; I to eOmmence pmctico-in an eastern city, he to pilrsub his profession in a growing jtbwn in tho West. I was now on a visit to him for the first time since bis J marriage. .-,'.' JIi's.. Maynard, no defihtr-ceading my supposition by/m'y' look of in credulity, smiled as~"she shook down her snowy .tresses over J^er," should ders, and- seating herself byTiehus band's side, related' the following episode:' . '.;..; "It is how' nearly two: years -since my husband was called on, to visit a patient several miles away. Our domestics bad all goiie to a 'wake' in the vicinity, tLfedead man being a relative of one of our serving women. Thus I was left alone. But I felt no fear, for^we never had heard of burglars or'any sort of desperadoes in our quiet vil lage, then consisting of a few sca'fr tering houses.. The windows lead- ing'out into the piazza were; open as now' biit I" secured the blinds before n)y husband's departure, and locked the outside doorsall except the front one, which I left, for the dcotor to lebk after going out, so' that if I should fall asleep before his return, he could enter -sVithout arousing mo. . I heard the doctor's rapid footstep on ,the gravol, quick^- ened' by tho urgent -tones of the messenger, who awaited him, and after the sharp rattlo of the 'car; riage w'heels bad become but arj echo, I seated myself beside the! parlor nstral and soon became abi sorbed in the book I had been read-i ing before befing disturbed by the siimmona. But after a time myj interest succumbed to drowsiness,! and I thooght. of retiring, when-the clock in-the doctor's, study itdjoiri frig the parlor struck twelve, sa I determined-.to wait a fow moments jierstitious people about the trou bled spirits of those- wbcb-lia<l died suddenly, like thev man-whom my jservai^ts bad gone to 'wake,' who- had been killed by' an accident- at the saw mill.. In' the midst of these terrifying refiect'ions I was startled by a stealthy.'footiail on the piazza. I listened betwceh-Lf'ear. and hope. It might be the doctor. ' But no, lie wo'iild not tread like that, the step was too Soft and .cautious for anything'less wily than a cat. . As I listened again,'my eyes were fixed on the window-blind. I saw the. slats move slowly and softly, arid then the rays of" a full moon djs- flosed a thin, cadaverous face, and bright, glittering eyes peering'Tit inc. Q, horror ! ,wlio was it I what was it? I felt.the co)ld perspiration sttirt at every.- pore. ,1 seemed frozen in my chair. I-could not move, I could not cry out, niy tongue seemed gluep to:thei-oof "of my .mouth, while tbe deathjy white face pressed 'closer^ and tlie great sunken eyes, wandered in their gazej abputthe room. In a few- moments! the,blind closed as noiselessly; asjt had" opened, and' the cautious foot step came toward the dooiv^'Mer-" ciful heaven !' I cried, in a-Dorror- stricken whisper,- as I heard/ ihq key turn in-the lock; 'tho doctor in his haste, inust .have forgotten to witjidraw the key," ,: _ .{'." ' "God forgive; nie!" ejaculated. Doctor >l,iynard,; interrupting his wife, and looking far. more excited thani she. "I-fcm never forgive myself for "such a thoughtless .act. Please proceed/ niy.dear." "T heard the. front door open, the step inthe ball, and helpless. As-a* statute I'-still sat riveted .to nvy.'chair. ; The jiarlor door was open, and in it stood a tall, thin man,whom I had soever beheld be fore. He was diessud in a long, loose robe, a.soft of 'gaberdine,land j laid mn, and holding W dfawn with on,e-hand with' the btren^tli, of a maniac, he brought forth from some- hidden recess, in'bis Igowti. several longJeatherj-str.-ips,. wjith which he" secured ine to the table with the., skill of an dxpert. It Was but the. work of a moment "A nnloo(=6 niy robe and bare my -.bosom... TJien, after carefully examining my left breast, he said:.. " "| "' " '.Madame,, }Tour husband has' mAdii a mistake. I find no rieces-_ sity.for^rny intended operation.' " At this I gave aljorg drawn" sigh of.relief, ahxl-preriai-ed'to rise.;: " ' But,' he continued, ' I: have the discovery that your, heart is as large as that of an ox ! | I. will ret move, it-1 so that you n;iay" see for yourself,- reduce it 'to [its' natural . size by a curious process of 1117,T owii, - unknown" ifo. the medical ' science,land of whfch I.am" the sole" diseovei;er,_and ,then replace-it"^ again.' ." '".-.., " He r.pwv began to examine tbe edge^of the.cruel knifg, on which; I- closed my eyos while every nerve wns in perceptible tremor. " u ' f," 'The: mechanism -of "the ieart is like a wafch,' he resiuned ; 'if it' goes too fast the great-blood vessel that supplies the force, must be- fitojiped like the lever 6? a watcher ajhd tho works must be cleanecTand- repaired and regulftted, It may in- -' terest you to kno<!^. that l~was-pre- -' seijt at the post-nioi tern examinaVr tion held jqver the remadng-of th^r beautiful Louise of Prussia. .Had I been' consulted before death I would have saved.Ther by .taking out her heart and renTdVing the ' polypi between. .,which [ it was wedged like as if""Tn a vice ;*^'nt "1 was called too latW The King kxid ;" I had a little difference .' German, I am . French.' ', I: trust thut is sufficient explanatidu.' " "-Ho now bent over njie,jhist. long a black .velvet skulf cap partially" ?"bite "beal'd hrnsbing my face,"; concealed a broad forehead under neath which gleamed' black eyes, bright as living coals, and placed ' so near-together that .their- gazo " was preternatural in its directness; heavy grizzled eyelids hung" over them like the tangled mane of a "lion ; the nose was shui-p aiid pro minent, and the chin was over .htifed my eyes beseechingly,,trying. .to think of'^Sonie-way to save.my- :seif." ' O, sir, give _cno lUi.anKSthei . tie, that I may not j'-tel the!pain,'JI j pleadeiL... : J - " Indeed,, indeed, .madame.'.r would, com ply with your wish.'were' you not the wife, of a-plnsjician r-. - of a skillful suigeoii-. I~ wiili yoa ! grown with white hair,'whicli'hung, to, 110!"e. with, what ease I ]jerforn4 m locks weird as:tho anciotit'mur iney's, He pdliteLy doffed his cap,! bowed, leplaced it,-and^the'ri si'Jid,- in a slightly foreign accent : < ." '^Iadanie, it"is not necessary for me tb stand on any further'e'er-- cmony," as your husbaud, Doctor Maynai d, (hercupbii he again bow ed- - profoundly)' lias, already ; ac- quairitedTyou with- tho nature of my business here to-night. .1 per ceive^ he added,'gluiicing at my neglige.robe,- 'that-you were ex- pecting-me.' j . - -1 :: '-" " ' N-b,5 I fouad voice to' stam mer. - 'The doctor has said nothing to nio about having,a visitor at this hour of the night.' . 'f' Ah, he wished to spare you no-doubt a; disagreeable apprehen sion," he returned,-advancing,i and taking a seat on the sofa ppposite me, where for a few moments he sat and eyed me keenly from he.ad to .foot with a strange, glittering light, inrh'isjp}'es that mysteriously impressed ine." -'Yon have a re-' mai:kably fine physique, Madame,' he observed, quietly; ' one that might deceive,the eye of the in'pst skilled and practical physician. Do you suffer much puin V ' 1 " "Unable 'to speak, I shook niy head. A "terrible suspicion .l was cfteping.over me. I was alone , miles perhaps away from aid! or rescue with a. madman. " ' Ah' he continued reflectively, 'your luisband may have mistaken n tumor for" a cancer. Allow !mo to feel-your pulse,' he said; rising, and bending'.over roe. I thought it best.to jhuuibi it" was li -i \.. this difficult opemtion, so_tliat you? niay. tell your husband of tlie great .savant whose services lie.secured, fortunately in season." '" )-.- As:he said this he. made .the final test of his knife tin liisihnmb. ' "How pvecio'-is were. t*he- moments now ! They were fleeing all too. fast, "and yet'an ..eternity seemed compressed into every one.-1 never fainted in my "life, afid I never" felt less like swooning'than now t: as I summoned my presence of mind to delay the fepuful moment, fervently praying in | the meahtrtue fur ' my husband's return. ."'Doctor,' said 1 with assumed composure, 'I have the utmost confidenceTrf yourskiUrr would not' Uust niy life;-to another; but doc- 'tor.you hiivte forgotten to bring a- mipkin to staunch the blobol If! you will have the goodness td-.as-. eend to myrsleeping ehauiber-at tlie " right of the. hall, you, y^aU- fiud "evei;y thing you "need .for tBatipurr : pose in the-bareau."' '- . ,.-'ia.."' "^ Ah, madanie,', ie-said, sbak-' fng his head-sagaciously, 'I niever drasv blood during a surgical opera-:' tion; that.-is another one of'my sfr crets unknown to tho facility.' " Their- placing' his hand on ! my bosom v.ho added with borrlbie espieglerie: ' . -. V '." I'll scarcely mar that wbater skin than snow and smooth as .mon umental alabaster;'."" ; -. ",' O, God !' I cried., as \ feltkbe cold -steel touclr^jy'"breast;.but with the .sanie'Lhleaih came deliver-^ i.ance.":- '* .,.!--. "Quick a^ tliought'-a jipkvyr woollen piano cover was thfowu oyer tho beiitl and peisoir ^if the L j II him, remembering" it" was ^ln^yise for a. helpless woman.to oppcile the, madinany-and btonrid tightly iabont; as yet, bapnlessifrealrof. a.lunatic., him..: As ;quic^ly; wan: I roleasect;-- Ho took out his :wc.:ah, shook his head gravely,.laid niy .haifif down gently, then went,toward the'studyj where, on tlio table,-wcro ,in open case of siirgicrtl instruments. -": h'.- ' 'Do not joe alarmed, madaivie,' ho said, turning to me as I was aboui 'to rise and fleej and in an other instant he waa by my side with the case in'liie jiossession. " and the thongs'jtha^ had bound ine -soon peld the qi'anijie. .?, ; ' ..'. '"-M'ylufsban(l hatl'meiiniiis arms. | Tie ; had noiselessly, fipproachjad, ' and'tfiking in the horror of. my sit-. tuition at. a glance, .had, by theo^l^ Tiieans- at hand; secured-,thq. mjvlr ; m;m,-Jwho was the!yery patient..be ; had .been sumnionftd tb attend,-bnt. j -who-htid escaped the. Yigihuiee|of-. - /: