Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1876, p. 3

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ft? L-S*S,i . jjfe-Kj, jl *^-<y^t ~4? - t% i '- .,4. ON vr&s^T'- : '* "* r .>-if>r-.v-tei S l-'T;"^.'^! -1^ tr !*** . 'i ' 7 A j ------ - -,------ ,----^ - - *" - ' *.j.>rr^::,3?,"i ^^u-vrtjr THE 4;K.lXri'TRI:AK TI>IK TriirJ-fr.<ivo A til on as foil, oolSo WKsri -_M.\mi"K ^l-\d - " ' li,iy .Express - - Expre**.; .-. - - . -_ Mhrcd[ ".--_' ,- Xiglit -Express - . - r. ':.. - <i;iUNi; k.vwt.- . XiRh* F.xprvris I- ; Mixed ! 1>SV KtjlTCSH - - ' '- Mail - - ~'Mixed ." -.-.-.-' t j ,w|: - ; . I P. 10 a, iu. . J.Wii.jn. 7:U>[p.iii. \i:K> .-tin- ; ., J . 3:37 ill in. t'tHUviu.' li;.Ti r.!i:p.Ji>. 10:05 p. m. LOCAL MATTERS. n nd Quality, f^r ?ittt satssSaceotti &S0K- crOODS. ratlfal nt ' '^ lS7-:;- LMPORIUH, Hal ton county. 3 -iry iwgerfoox -as t;il late at ty-highly pleased' pbeapnessH>f odr, * _Gue!ph or eisj." , ... -'4': .. \ok is the intoPBtiiij time. ! When summer in its youthful jirini, . itfieds hopes on all around; - j Rich "promise that the grateful soil . _\Vill"vrc-H rvp.vr the fanner's toil, I On every side is fov.inl. ' -.jrr ---------:------- ' V : -MTaltoa County Council On Taes.lay next. ' |- Splendid" giwving weatlier-j-, crv^ps look well, i Battalion. Rifle. Match \t Oeorgetoivri. on Wednesday-and Thu :dsy of next M'eck. , ' - - , - The old ^Methodist Church -ImilJfug lias boon purchased by 'Mir. ilansoai .-^(jiiiiis,.for alwa.t 5^00. ) ' A ' jiaragrajvh" in the -PM.-c says Several houses Were destroyed byiij-v in Acton. Wo didn't sec the lire.. ' u- -r-It is. u4o.tstood th.\t the' Ac- jSon Volunteers-arc to assemble .at Mi!-' touncxt week, t^rrthoir animal drill. : Acton 'Monthly Eur on Thurs day next, Stli inst. Remember" this urs- fsir 'always comes,an the .Thin ursd.-w fol- -K>vrissg Guelph, .F.iir.-vhkch is tlijjirit %Vednesi'.ay in earh r.ion'th. ' ,- ^tessrs, 'John Socord! anil John _Spci^ht aTo ropre^'.-ntinq /Aetoti i^r.r; Crewson's Corners .divisions Sun? of Temperanee"ar the Grand Dhision now in eAinventien at I^ruram luiyiUo, out this.anlo to tlio bent of his ability. With this ,o\planation, "Mr.. Hall ron- soii.toiV'tsi lot tlio oi-iijiiuil amount stand. On motion,; the assessment roll was then omilirmed, and tho eourt rose. Counoil tvsumeil. Tlio Keoyo in tho ohair. Un motion, thosusnal monthly oharity Min o ? _> iv.w Knvnled to Mr. .Mel'hee. ..'-"-.. ' . IvEl'OHT; OK UftlMITTHK ON SiTltteKTS AMI SlOKWAI.iiH. Mr. Soeiinl,.ClijBnnan of eomntittee oiij*tivotTind aulyivalka, rop^nWil tho imprvivojiienU ivtinircd this season, as follows ! 1. Speight's hill, which a bad con dition, oNving tosiiriniisaiiJ<niieksaiuls;^ nvonnuelid that a drain be dug 'down the emtro of tho road, the drain to be from four to cii;lit foot' wide, and throe feet deep, tilled with stonu ami covered with brush and earth.- - J. HyinU's hill.-' recommend that ditchiss U> diij; on each t-ido of the road, coming down tlio hill', the earth taken from thiy'sidea to lx> thrown iut^tlie r|ViiI==n'his we .think is all thu con>>ia. tion ikahleioM.) oil it tliis year, llonot reeommeinVtliat any car!h"l:<l ploughed up or takon'fiVuu tho top of the iiilU this season. :^rsy ' _ li. lleoumtn&id that the ditches on each side of niiiwav1 track at Weston;, end of village 1st cleaned: out and the earth thrpwii'-intS/thV} centre of road. .4. Acfeilvertais fe<[i:ifed cm. lioiver street, near the"'resiilonco of J/i'. Thok WatS-on-i. - ':- ._ , ':' ~<. The! ditch at the corner of Ilower' and .loh:i streefs. re^r.ii'is opening and 'lo^' th.e water o s-lea:;.!:-^ Out in oKler ti' uil< to pa- i oit. [ the .l.'r.^ tu tow^i are gi-.iyc- c: ,k r^s if the} ;iai i^Lu liKs-piii. ' .' oi ^frs. MtAthaws r-^*L Groceries. iclTAIE. OIM^ ^OBE m &Co. Ik recenUy po1^. 1^7.-' ** fee SatIaii4i4B- an piain colo** id 35c per yad- lkS!Y.r IS swbere. ' j Is of cheapeeM- . \_. l-t!25c': .7; 7t >'; ol be boo^* ; . i - '>' ; \ -____: 1- ai Eaxbniideijf Goods ; titio: 111 8hide^2&; IT; ifced riTalfc* :I:S. -? Young men. ly consielerrr-ithe irlg--ttie use .. _"*: After tei! o'clock S the gir's' cheeks i'.-. . j.>:nchevVwi;Ii a c!o Jn tn-i-ca?o agahiit. IVjucan,-a, riiort if which wai published . two w-<:e!-:s sDo, j, iic ma^istratt- rendered, hls'tiveisii :i . n ! i-Kriaav last, rii se'.td it to \\ilton "fir trial at the Fall Assises. MrllCeiine.iy " .-catere<l i-H^precogni^ance fit his apitar- ^anec... f ,.- . _ - _ -! . " ilr. F, G. \v"iduows dtlivered 'ar-'lCx-tnrj iu tkci iTi.!:n^n:ue.j' Ikal or. Satiir-hay eveniag. <>h the scenes w*it- cciscd by hinrselt in4ti:e Tor-,tT:to Ce-n- 'trjilJVLsria. lie related some very 'am.^5i3_' inj-jreat?. - The -proceeds cm.-ar.te.i t- abjut - >->".iappiud to.tii^- l^racHt; of tlTe :iev.-.-dcti^i:'t-Ciiurei: baildin^ fanO. ' . : tv . V-sjnall drttin is required cai .n\> of-Vrs. ^time.-, _ ' "". 7."1 Aienfci-rt-'hiider the road .near 4'S. -Arri^i-oBji-a gate..- ' - : V _7?- Tliej;.- ore, a number of other places Y.;h--re X ;t\.-\e;. l.Sr.d^ of e::r:h *-jr ^ii.\vei will re-.piirC to^Jni depositeil. - ' : i'. lleeommeUd that n'plaiik sidewalk 1-e eonshue:eil"oop..isi;e the property of .'/essrs. Ci-utciaiid .Vc.Uah'on; Also to oi utinii-.: t::e s;.leTi:Jk from pearV-anip- .l>'li's J-totei to the'thf railway .station. No ait ion Was taken on the above re port. It was laiii over till" next ifiec-t- iut;. ;--0:i mjjioii, the council adjourned EEEE PRESS, ACT03SF, , HALTQtf COUNTY^ |QNT., JtJNE ,- -f"Fl*?ti'r-*'.*":',i,>i (WATCHMAKING AND " EST ABMSHMOKNmj Post Office/Acton. 7 JEWELRY Tremendous :3zoitement I \V ATC!U KS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Of all kinds WATCHES, CLOCKS, ii JEWELRY, Of all kinds. I ' Wp have just received another well selcctlod stock of JEWELRY-lil MX THE LATEST PATTERNS, " - Comprising " ! I ' aents' eld-Platod JJhaina, Studp, Oufi Buttons, Lockot3, Sosls, Solitairos,: Laaios'5c|:3, Ear Props,) Brooclxos,'- ,?laia and Ii'-anc^;_aold Rinjrs, SOain andi Fano j Silvor Rings. Also n lino assortment of "; . Jet Jewelry,- New Patterns or those One Dollnr Clocks left, for >Sclio'ols-:ind Churches sold n't a small percentage above cost rk lort with us to.ho repaired will rcccii'o prompt attention and Some Clocki All we w.iiranti Don'A to itivo satisfaction. forget the place.' til! Tl -I ha: : thr,ii all IV:: I : ^rvr.ciy ilattt-riu o:iis:u- i I k"jie-in 'their -easoAHo tliiak } that'hey may br touiper towards iVvi!l not improve lined to tlihik that d-.rthe i!:iii:enee "i };t:n he tool; upon t's it, of eri'ti- -Sorlal. . \ - -. . A si-e-ial will 1^ giyua at thc.residenc; c<f Mr. Koni. Nioklin,. on . We-hic.;.iay cv-emBg, 14th' hist., ia aid of -the inriv ilethodist: Cuiaroh fiiud. Anlongst; the other entet-LairuneiitB, tlicre will l.)t' an - electfoir. M'e prfcsnnio-it >rill aJiiaidsd, as We fet-1 eertaiff"'everjthim; '"w31 be got up in excellent order. 5f KulhUn^s CoaWiziplalci. Mr. Ransom Adajuasjicaks <>f putting up a two- storey brick, .building on the vacairt ^sr.ace betwe>jn his re^idencei and -Mr. Storey's, for a it'jre au-1 dwe'Jiug._ -^Ve lt-am fr.iru 2>lr. Kub_-rc. Kislier that' he intends to remove his tiushop'r back and erect in its plapcatwo-stjirej' brick buildmg, .t/v-be usi-'l. by Lirr.s^.f as -a Etove and tin store and dwelling. The' tenders "tor Mr. McXair'.s fine brick block ire' to be opened .to-day, arid .we .presume the work will be. proceeded witli-^t once. ' "We hear of i4ite a.^utim- !<cr of other haildhrga under conajdera- tion.- :..- y For all tinds of .biscuits, good, fresh cheap, go to G-ailo*>raj" llros. Acton Bakery. ^--------------------------------------------- Actn Connrli The Council met in the Tcmperaace llall. Satiir<tay evening, b^cordin^ to public notice, and organi^-jdas a Court of Ilevision ; but as the Hall had teen engagetl for a Iectnre the same evening, they resolved teadiou'rn till Monday. .- t At the usual honr, Monday evening, the members -of the" Council.: assembled at the .Hall but couldi't get in for ike want" of "a "key, the caretaker bavin ol'"l Ivu:; AU-hob-.l v.-!:en himself the task, as he t ci.-iiig, ai:d prolrd.Jy his assjstraits have uicuiU. that are loyal subjects to that king of misery, the reason tivoy npitohi it's.). I, too, very much regret that thi writer ia your, hist does not .deem his came w-.cthy/t>J appear iii you.-'.paper, but li tiie i::aue is iio,m.;l;i:i' lhau tiio ltr.i:, 1 think there would he plenty of room for it, but perlutps he cum. ear the bf. l-..:ie n:- . car..-. ,i hi dot!. i.-e re, oils are evil ("fr.r evil hateth the to the llight, l.^t irovi-.k")" \Vorh- 1 h- th ill-t.-. Tl II: .ke'-- ;:.v, but X :h'at th.-re .xrs:.ry n_' ^*iU tri. e .- ;.m exe a re a f i. l!!li:_ ons of Teniperaifoe wit-!i me for what 1 iin.jiy s.irry to find who uphoid my ad-' rvu.-t :iiie, and tiiose 1 caimut uusoi i.einr>enuiee; they cannit be for temperance and again..t it, both. 1-think these lines will .brine my cor- ttiiK-^deiice to a clo=e, for'I" do not deem-tk<e worthy of -Jiotiee who are a*iratccd" to attach their, names to their criticism.'. J t v.\-is but the result of-an unprincipled them to .criticize op.a few line3 of poetry,'but.I can frivc them some more.peotry if they are in clined to receive it and not thrtrk it di3- gnstZng;'-'- Yours, in obedience, May in, 1S7C. G. Cot OJ& Q, HYNDS, Post Oliice, Acton. RECEIVED TIIIS WEEK M, SOOTT'S G AT AOTOISr The Largest, Choicest .'and Cheapest Stock of OOODS, onades^ ' -Hain'and Cns^c-i Dnclis, i ~~- Cottoa 5hirtia!j3,- GoatS' TTliito Drcs3 Shifts, ' Corsit3, Snittiae. aadj Crochot Cotton,' Faacr ^oods^- .. TgHrvminga, &o.- - These Goods were bought with great care in the best'markets for Cash, and owing to the stringency in tlie monoy market. . j AT"| AN" UNUSUALLY LOW FIGURE. They will be sold at. from 5 to 10 per cent less than Guelph pricea. Call arid inspect Goods and Price3 before goinj; elsewhere, ,-. ^ ( .:/ (, 1, 1876. THAT\^W6^Bi^L^MAN'; JOHlN^- H0G(i,: GirBLfPff .! -. ""-crWynfllinm Street, Almn IHack. ' ? - A Paaxo! / Seel tho ':Bflisj CJroatj SlaugliteiC Wo Old; Bankrupt Stock to V0m Oft. 1834 Cases and Bales |of Feinoy and Staple Bry ttooda at Prices tttat will astonish the People. \ j Theso are times that peoplo must have good; sound and honest return for. their monW;- [moth eaton andfbankrupf|turT won't do for tiio , prosflnt intelligent day J. J have Bad to come to the resume before to day 1 and how that the Tradu Qf Guelph requires regulating, I dm again called in ' to batUo against high prices, infe -ior classes of goods and old fogy, notions. . I haye this day marked off ' An , -: At Millinery, Millinery: presents to the publio t,ho most o.o'gant.taste and ImmQD se Quantity of Staple and IFandy Dry Goods, And I will astonish tie Inhabitants at the cheapness of really first-class goods, JfSjr Don't delayj-hut call and bo satfsfied.-^ :. The "Most Exquisite Taste is'to be had in Ladiea' Hats, Bonnets, Jackets, Mantillas, anid alMho New est Designs in the Millinery and! Maritlo Departmonta. MISS SUTLLIY**! the^adyiMimner, - - . j"--------------, designs in Ladies' Hats and Bonnets to bo found.on this Continent, ilndeod the Eulogies^bestowed on hor i^astein inmmed Hats, &o., almost boyoiid description. I would-oarhestly request a visit of tho Lndie3 to my .--.'. "" ]' ". ." ;May^i, 187J plack, eolored and Plaid Silks, Such exceedingly good and oleiai^t rjuolitios as are on saio at such [extremely cheap prices, cannbtjail tO:satisfy all that there cannot be a doubt about: purcKosing at that VyondertuI Man'sjMammoth Sf^ore.. Ladies fancy dresS goods are a marvel of Ibei ...... ' ' ' ' Bon't forget those wonderful Lustres ^"' . beaUty;,crbganco and cheapness. ^ .------ at 12^ cents per yard, well, vtartli 20 cents, amazing; kalueJ My prices all through this department areaj terrdr to competition; Cit's weakness iii mo, "but I can't hplp it,--to[give -cheap goods.]1 "" . -i; ,. -I " E' My Old' .\J".. My old fnendis and customers V'ill be g!a4 to heacjOt this1 large arrival of^cheap and good goods by double better than any bankrupt stock, i' " .'.' '.'- Alma "Block, Upper [Wyn&ham Street, Guelph! ' SCORD B M0KLTREAL HOUSE, ^.GTonsr. Don't forget the place Mid^ely's Old Stand, Main Str eet, Acton. Acton, March 14, 1S75. : Eramosa, Jfsy -iliijti Ciari-s. jtlvlSTG. -fiand thia being.their regular practfee night. After waiting some tinib, the, - hall; door * was'opened, and thi'bant}- . commenced jvheir practice. At the rcj- qnest of tho Reeve, however, the young .rhen kindly gave up their right of pos-. session, and fie hnakiess of. the Council - )Was proceeded -ith.. cocut of xir>'i.-;iot;. '. _ -. ! Members aH^resentcxcei>t Mr.'Ham ilton. Dr. -_MeQarrin-M;a3 appointed chairman.. ' Theje were only two cases of appeal from the assessment roll Xi. L. Beardmore, for ijednction of cssess- - men.t on personal property, and a re quest from Messrs. Wilson'& Johnson to J uS3he'r, \Alhcrfc 'Angtis ^[acdoiia]d,.;M have their names placed on the roll for D. of Gu'elpb, t'l'^PraneiS Elizabeth, cld- Economy i,s the road to wealth. can save-at least t'weiity-tive ]er nt liy Tilrjl.'a. ii:^' your watches,'clocks d jewelry from C ^ G. Hyuds',' l'ost iiee, Ac'ju. XoTiciv ould.Ii.i.-pccL'ful!y dc- t^re to remind our custoin-rr-an-lfriends all Recounts on-our hoi)tsJ-,vhether or small, -,riil become fttu- fin the t//"yi':.(> in fc'.-cordMico with ir system of three months' credit,, and e request our friciuls' to make a b: push in our behalf, as the summer sea- >n is approaching, and v/e are laying ill a. very heavy stock of sugars, ie., iu anticipation of the b;rry Veason; and iiich- will rcjuire a very -heavy outlay lion hirge atiiouutm: fo; T- P ._ several to several thousam1 dollars t!iOF0 goods alone, so -that it i< im- - ravive that %ve insist, on eollecti.jn oraptlv on iirst of-June. There are Tid- accounts on our . books re- rrtainiiig uupai-L . These will be jilaeed ir-ettirt exact!}* on .Ifonday, -Itlrday.of June if not previously I>:iid. Wo-trre preparing liaryjun and Cli'.ujt GoO'l* fflr our-^jatrona tiiij- summer, and re-pure n on;y to carry it^out. Please give us >ur heljj in this matter. Very respect fully yours, Skcokd -Bi:os. For 'Fruit Cake, Pound Cake, flfaderia Cake, .Pastry, Ginger-bread given it to one.of the members of'the Wngersnaps, Confectionery, &e..go to v . .: Some fine American.goTU^pIat- ed-x-hains, new. styles,' at.. C.'cc ,G., Hyndi, Post Oliice,-A'ctou. opposito Agnew.'s Hotel G. M. SCOTT. :t:h::e POST OFFICE CASH STORE, AOTOIT, OZ5*TT. ^ .0$t %w We believe the correct principle of advertising and doing business generally to be, to-show cus tomers and others, clearly, positively land convin cingly, that it is to their interests to trade with > the party advertising. This of course i^ not pos sible to every merchant, for to do soj he must be able to show clearly that he can give -them'better valnefor their money than they can get elsewhere. To accomplish this, lie {must not only j buy well but he must mark all Gqods down to Bottom Prices, so that customers Iwill see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with him.] \ In the tvVo invoices below we think we clearly show the advantage gained by those who uieal with us, over those who!.-don't, Trade, On beginning tlio business of 1S76, 1 would[ relurn sincere thanks'to my numerous customers ior, tho very liberal support they have given me t'lie past '22 years, and again 1 most respectfully ask a continuance respective support. Billing my experience in business 1 have pretty thoroughly found out the ; - T3S and Downs in. And ani fully convinced that a j -. : i. ' Gredilb ^Businsss is ..'a DaagoroiiB Buspess to r ^ : "botli-"Seflier and Buyer. I am theroforedelenainod to do a 1DYTAY B'USipSS -And give my customers the beneCt oy giving them cent off for Cash on all general Groceries M 1 (exceptiig Sugar). By doing business as above, 1 will have the cash to buy my goods and effect a !.- . STIIit. AHEAD- AW'Tim ' i- Central IB^ot and Bhm Sttea GRAINE & Have just rdceived; their SPRING STOCK OFBdOTSl SHCllS which is ahead of anything evered offeVed in Acton for style and durability ' and at prices that cannot be.Undersold1. : ,' QR7 Cp$TOM ^TOJRK 7^ Wiltreceive careful| personal [attention, and all work guaranteed to'^give. .^ ' j |' "' | ' Mill Street, opposite fflioitam*.s Dms: Storb. ^"I[ Acton, April 4, l!?Tg. / CEAINE-&;S?ON; . CLEARINGLfftLE FOR iTVi WEtfe; A customer bouglit of Secord Bros. ; Eight per In Acton, on tho 20th May;jwifu of ilr. Josiah Ailai.T';, of a son. : ' :. - In Acton; on [tWaSrd ult., '-fjlio' wife of Mr. Chas,.Dean,'of a daughter. Ju Acton, on the. 20t!i ult., wife, of Mr. James Moore, of a daughter.. - . JTcar Acton,.'onthc 28th ult., wife, of' Mr.' Alex. Brown, <if a':datigUter. ' :.= - '. "makjueo. -[ ' t. On the! 25th ulr,*at-Christ Church, P>. E. (Toronto, ljjy ':.the Itev. !;..'-] where. iJ*'"'-"! i ' .u-gc Sift*- - - i'^ijj "::Vt'a'i| m 1:_; ::' iA~- mmg IK property n,ow occupied hy~lhem.; The latter vae jprartted withoot. discutsion. In Berdmor<?a-case, Mr. Hall, agent, ^tated that he gave to the asSesSoT~a statement of the actual cash value .of; all , IoMb, bark and leather in and about the tannery, andthat he had since under-: stood'that it was customary to assess for only alx>ut two-thirds of actual val-. ue. He wished to have the amount re duced to a fair proportion with others. .The chairman explained that, this cus- , torn only applied -to real estiitc ; tiiat the law required the assessing of per sonal property at its full ,valuo, excei>t in cases where a consideralije proiiortion^ of itwas not paid for. The Assessor. Stated that he; had . invariably- carried" est- daughter of Mr. George L.. Beard more, oi Toronto. , ..pretol ' -In Acton,- on . the ISth ult., Kaiy, daughter of Mr: David T;-Smitih, aged, about eight years. ' .., ;; 'At Salmonvillc, on the 23rd" insi., Simon flewes, Esq., in the 4Gth year of his age. Tpcceased w^is Ixirn at Cul- wick Mills, Yorkshire, England,, and emigrated to Ca'nada'in 1S51. He resid ed n number of years in Acton where he, with his fatlier and brother, carried on litisincss. I lis death Mill be a serious'loss '-;) the neighborhood in Which hi; resided, he' always having tak- ken a lerylin^ position iu the .-ulvanec- ment of the best interests. He leaves a widow and sixfchildrcn. His remains were interred inHhc Presbyterian bury ing ground, iu Acton, last I'riday. Tlicre Vau a very large iuueivd. '.' SAVI^a OF AT LEAST 6 PER MY CENT and CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, , ":"[.,,.; And in reality get 14 per cent for their JM|oney. Please ci consider the matter over, and give me your support the only right way of doing business, that is My stock willalWays be found complete in GrooorieSy Provisions,; Crockery, G-lasswar/ Statiqnsryi "W"all Papers, Windb"vT ElM&ai Window ;Rollers, etc. Spccial(ics.-SAiJSAGE, OYSTERS,' YARMOUTH BLOATERS, FINNAN HADDIES, &C., &C. to carry out PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. -. I believe in tho DISCOUNT .SYSTEM, and as it has proved very satis factory, i will' continue to give the discount as follows t On 25 cts, 2 cents .discount; on SO cts, 4 cents ; on 75 cts, 0 cents; ^n rj 'S-cents. J Conveyancer, Issuer of Slnrfiago LicCjnses.Tiisurance Agent A sent Money toi^Loan, A&cnt Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fourth iv. Court, Com. iii ,. H>, &&. JAMES MATTHEW^ Actou, Jauuary J^, li."" 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 50c. per lb. 11'lbs. Bright Sugar------1;. - . 12 lbs. Medium Bright Subar . 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea....}..'.. 1 set Knives and Forks .:..;. 1 Set China, 44:pieces........ 1 gallon Coal Oil....... -, '(.. $2 50 ' -1 00 hi 00 j .. ' '85: 1 50 4 00 30 Sll 15: Another party who didii't buy at Secord Bros., had to pay the following prices tor the same goods: 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 pes IbJ 11 lbs Best Sugar..'. .. 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar ;. 1 lb. Best Hyson Te'a ..'.. 1 set Kuives and Forks i|; 1 set China, 44 pieces.. ',*. j :1 gallon' Coal Oil.....,j . Brought down. .89 on a purchase of 53 75 j 1 10 [ I C9; 100 .1 15' 6 00: : 35 15-04 [ 11 15[ S3 89 / .arvi^:'..'Tjp-viBusiHps^. : Kennedy] brothers, Having determined to .give up business in Acton, will offer the balance .. " of their large stock of v-'l ^. - Fu}l lines of. Men's, Women's, and Children's Boots, ShoO's.[and Sjippersitb' ' '. -". j- . select frurn; .". ' -"" 2To^^ S.aaspaa'bio ;{Jff^/-Refased for Gafilt. ,'- Cjf> All Overdup Collection. aid Accounts. must he paid at once^to"sav0 COB'tS Of' bhos: Acton May 10, 1.876. Secord Bros.' customer thus savjed no less than about eleven dollars. lUie man! who didn't buy from them now thiriks it wOiild have beeii to his interests if he had gone to Secord Bros. That man is now a living, standing, walk ing advertisement for | us! These are every day facts, witnessed to by hundred;of of jcustolthers, ami commend themselves to the attention of every frugal housekeeper ; Order's of"five dollars j and upwards delivered at Georgetown, JSlorvaT, Limehotise^ Grue)ph,| Roek- wood, &p., free of charge. ';!' .;. -i ' SBOO^I) BltOS., Actpni The largest- RetsvirImporters of: Tea. west of Toronto.' Base Ball G-uides For 1876 AT. ERSDN'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the. East side ofi Wyndham Street . GTJEI^PH._____________ O rUSCRIBE F|OR TilE ^.oton Free Press, '.;' Only $la Year. - LIVE^& SALE STABLE "M lif- . 'J. F. AlAAJi iIcor iplcnsuro In lirinoiincSin; to trio jiuhllc gouerully tjiattue -Is l-roparod to '. -.-.-. ' furnisrj - |. .; : First-class Sorso3 aaa-:dojri4g33 At Reasonable Rt^.__. jjlls litgs nnd Horses are thp best that can bn had, and lie Is determined 'not to bo surpassed by on.V.Ctty Sttrblo. - ;Actori Ju(y 1st, 1875. : . JURIED MEAT, "^i| ':; ^'7" Oharlee Danvron Ha\ ing postponed remot-il li o der tcf clear out his s;ti>ck "of I'ork, ofler3 at a reduced rate Sassrior Smciked and irnsmokod Earns, Oumtorlanfi. Cut & Bacon, cured by himself, and which will bo found mi'urpisseil i" <mihtj Tr^ it tud be convinced In futiliT., melt will be. for uid in tho shop partly ot*-upied iy'/ .'/ ^>vott, Main btrecfc, Aeton ' ' CI Us CAin"iIOX. \pru^, l'-70 -^l-lai -1

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