XI'i, 'v; . -'4 - - ..: 7: "1' ltiful *IPORIUM, "ghl>jpi^4j uelpb, or etie^v t.tShOB. lOHS j**.** TftTffK. TtMK ~TA*LK, Tiiuu lov-o Acton air follows ^ -~ ,..'; __OOINO WEST. , i Moraing ifU*' .-" tClA'aon. HyKvpiM< - ., ; . "iOOp.m. Kiprtsi ^ S-lTp.ui. Mi*** ' -_ 7-l.Vp.ni. JujhtKxpr*** - - ._,12:HkV*vni ' .' OOISO KAST, ,- Xijht Kxpros .. . ; ; 3^7 a.m. Wirtd "- *- 9:10 a.m. 1>t Express - '. -.-'11*33 a.i*-jf{ Mixed--a - V - - 104p,ntr Acre* r*r ffifk. | . Mail* Cfriag Weit aro dewed at 8i*5 a. m, lUoiag Eiit at 4.-50 p. m. - -Kegutelred Letter* mnst^borra .five -iaSss^ before th aboYc hours. Kaachbull mail, Tuesdays and FHdayi!- -33= . ,____-----__ To ihrjitfitor tjTTAe Fret Pre.<s. Dkau 8tif,-~I sco by your last that I am taken to task for venturing.- to criti- ciro a little. But although I must con* f-r-itulat-* Miss Cripps on the' improve Iment siiico her last attempt, I- cannot two any reason to change my opinion; ;lf the Sons of Temperance do not need a warning, may l- ask what other con struction the first' part of the lines in question will boar? The.dotiiiition of : 'perdition "is not had,, hut I prefer \\ alker'a, and when there aro si) many -names'for the.future residence of the wicked, was it necessary to THE JfREB PREJ3S, ACTCffi, HELTON, j COUNTY, 0NTI, LOCAL MATTERS. -R IsLMortaiKt %?vr<*. jroceries. CcNAia, ! '*.---' I '1 JiKS,-wmIT .11 kinds,' - sTTERHS, ce abO'ecost. | fattenQon ajod j |Offior, AJatPB. >RE IN heard ot i - . * j&rGo. recently-, par- Satisfaction. ALWAYS SQMETHINar NE^ WVt'e go to press this week onp day fcaVlier than .usual in order'to give onr printers a chance toj enjoy the sports to-day. A_ report jofthW-] Qaeen'i birthday celebration, will be given next week. '_._._';.. Rwad McNair'a new advertise- ISCflC * .. ) Court of Revision in the coun cil room next i*atnrdy pveiling. The Concert to be j-iveti itt the TempcMaaf- Hall, this owning ~. .-an-ler the auspices of the- Acioij Brass / Baild^-is likely to he a first L-lass.Jutcr- tiinaiejiL. We expert to |see a full --Otir lady readers should call and seeTMri. McXair's haiHlspme. dis play of new; millineri,-, m.-uities and i!rc^ gixxls.'^ The stock is* j:reit deal, tarter afld Ixittcr ;h.va ever before. ;, lutve just nveivcil a'lnew stock of lVvots and Shoes of - tjie-lfcrt ijuality, which they <.?cr at low ph'cta^.' Vee ajve-rtisemeut a^xt.vri^k. ~1'-' YT~ '- *|- . " The--"village cbuiicil.'.'-niec last Thursday eveiiinsr, pursuant-totidji'iini Eiat, lut *iid in1 .husine^s exct-j>C rvaii- ICiC and adoj'tiiii: the lUiunttrf &1 prvvi. oiij mvtinj;,"iuid p^Sssing .1 ns^flutioi^to hotl tie. Court vi .tle\ij'ion, ou Saturday . ^xveukij; next. . ',' .;_,. ^-3fr. D. D. Christie has refurn- .ed from . the Ctptennial Exhitiition, ; irheie he/aayjj he saw *:very ~ acd nainvsguiahle attraitiou------and still __h* is-a liii.'mihx Kiohelor I He.will . jlmmbly give cs sutue. "-ia<tcs '* lit St srt^k. .. J ------------j . originnto lanother merely to rhyme with grave ? jl 'beg leave to correot an error into jwhich Miss C. has fallen. The word ]" stylo" in my last letter refers to what jshe is pleased to call "lines of poetry." jand I cannot conceive how any intclli- Igent pers^i can read trotherwise. Miss iCripps is ru;ht enough in warning "p<Hir miserabld druukanis," hut when her warning is'clothed in such language, it has a very different effect.. If on an other tlieme; it might lie amusing, but shehas-only succeeded in rendering it almost disgusting, and is (jnite right in Jeaviug'the pen to nobler, poeta. 1 ro- Ijret that-I cannot'comply with Miss |t\"'s rcijuest and " put my name t*'" it," bnt it isnot customary to do so, andl Iw'ould Sui^geat :that in ^er future efTu-. isions Miss'C.'would tiudiit much letter tO'Writc.ovef auom <lt tf!nmc. 1 Yolffci,' Keakeh. Acton; May2e, 1S76JJ T- AT THK FAStHIdNTABLE WEST E]s} Our Stack is kept attractive by the constant nddltibn of new goojl* Showing to-iSay ress Goods, jseleob {The Morrow Insurance Case. VTe'"copy" tho following from the re port of l'eel County Assir.es as publish*, inl in.' the last issue ofj the Brampton .^tuiwf-r, anil also give place to the.aii- iiexed remarks thereon :." \'J. 11. MOIIl:oW vx. THK WATKBfcOO ! OH-.STv".MirrVAl.;lX.^CKA>*l-E CO. - lj"" This,was aii i>etiouTbrought to ro llover amount of. insurance o? ^1{00 <iu a;iHls biirneil in the store of .Plaint iff at t'heltenhani. " It will lie reineinbereil -tjhst .at the Fall Assises of last Vi-iir t!ie. Plaintitr w:i:*i tried for'sctting tire'to' the jtiiiv, hut was :n*iuit'teiL The-iK*.<e had pri'ceejtvl .suiiri-; considerable (length'- When it\v:us-u'>ii-t, the- 1 r-lervd to pav :t^l -yosts. lay cumtnemte ag:i.in. Mr. J.'.Hi Cam* ron and Mr. Ik-vnoii for PuHtiiilfs, and Jlr. M. O. t'aiiu'roii fop l>e!'ciul;uit.s."- .rame jiengtli riaintitf l>cnig The I'Jaintitl 187C. Xiidies' sets. iu g<itd phite, uiiQ jet -jewelry iu all thfe latest patterns,at C 4 tl, Hynds', Pct OEee, AcjoJ. -itaerav'i KIrtsitUrjv The prngr^mtqe to-day fiiclirdetl a bie ball match tor a jirize; iarquoit mitch ; fw*^-races, jumping smoother pates ;- horse-racing, Sc.-, with a dis- plajr vt_frreiarrki U the ievening.': The Actun Brass Handr disconrsed sweet the ilay, aad_iu.ttiejeve*i inx gave a grand concert in the ' Tem perance Hall' Further particular* next week, "' ".. , ; . i:K*;iAr:Ks. , AiT^N.-'orrf May To th? L'JH-.rr i-;' the />tt /V^.-,<. jJSii:.--Allow:i)ic toicurrcet the aliove report, ;ls it miiistaU=s the facts in. this case. . ' -"".- : Tiie case was briefly argued-by the "rks]>cctive eonust'l Ifcftire the judge, the i lily plea set up by Sthe Defendants be- i ig tfiat tjie documents iti sup'Mirt l*$ imaginable I ny claiin for recovery of the iiiKurauue \ere attested in Halton t.Vninty insteail of iu l'Oel t'ouiity^ where the tire occur-, t-ed. For this reason alone w:vs,l uon- -siiiteiL '_,-' i With reference to-costs, I was . o'rder- T?jd~tojIay merely those of the day on which the case was argued. j The iv.-e will l>e tried at the Fall "As sizes.at Kraniptcni, when 1 trust the jus tice of iny caliie will insure me a^ favor- ajWe Terdict. f ain, sir, = .' f Your ob't serv'ti j - J. H. Moniiow. 1' ....*; r ; plain colors j'" l S5c per yard, j IT.../.. : .m-m '/ \B bw-here- \'oi cEeapa* ^b;2ac, [_ ;_; sh&deS} 3*^* l*ir*-i' Iwhere. -_ .i.':^p Aalaaal* KssiUb*: at large. We-: begi-r. direct the attentjo-* of parties interested to the priated"~By-_ laws of this^aiunicipaijty which prohib- . it tie running ai large of pics and i other animals, within th limits- of the ebrporatinjL The Owners of those pigs on the streets^are liablei to a fine-cif fifty cesU for ea<*h animal; besides rdnuiug 1 the risk of having them imj-otinded- -A jpainphlet copy of the standing By-laws ~$oi the rillaije can be had from the clerk trree of charge. \ _____^ IJremx*. We learn that the License" ComniU- sioners have refund toomply with the apjiiicatios of Mr. George Gibbsifor a license for the stone hotel on the corner of Main and Mill -streets;, . This-places Mr. Gibba in an awkward predicament, as he had moved his family .and'effects into the bailding with the"jfull-expects. tui of "securing aiavorable cbiripilianee with-his application. The petition! in bis favor was' signed b^* a: large number of oar most respectable citizens, and Mr. Gibbs was personally regarded as a toI- liahle acquisition to ou* AHace,itjbeing .generally considered that' be wouhf be able to redeem the*~characttT-of the house far respectability and sobriety. We are no advocate, by any means, for the extension lof -the liquor traffic/Phut we dothink that the public "accpnimo. ^ nation requires the keeping pf I inore houses of entertainment in this- tillage than those ( already Tieenied, liie li- cejise law .entitles this place tb one more, and we think the Commissioners would have done no more tbanjrieht and just to have granted this. 'Wje can- . -hot brin^ ourselves to believe that the fact-^f Mr, Gibhe.being a pronopneed coMervative in politics,-has had its ia- Aaenee in their decision ; but- in the 3h- S6nce of .any .other satisfactory explain:. tion, such ajainstructiop bears a good deal of plausibility, and. it is almost sure' to be taken advantage of by those bo- dis posed. We all know that the-Cemmis* sioners have a difficult task in-deciding .who shall and who shall-not hive'a Ueeiise,' but in almost every casej they> no doubt have some good and taili/ibfe "-'soiLiOT^decidinx as they do, and it . wouhl perhaps be interesting for those : concerned to he made acquainted; with those reasons ; but wo don't| know -that i*t'Wpald effect any good purpose to have *em habitaslly made public, fin: cases -owever, such as we are speaking of, 'uf have rea8n,^to believe that some sat- jwctory- explanation might havb the ' **t of" dispelling antagonistic feilings- of a poh^injl: nature;-which ranklt and ^ mare-wUdbyoonstant repetitio<i. don't wish) it to: be inferred that jOx. Gibbs ente'ttains^ .W,,-eeBng that Ee has been harshly *alt within-account of his political' views. In facV we understand hie has ^pressed himself quite differently and repatiutcs the idea.' -.*.. j .- Cents, studs find cuff buttons-' i(l great variety at Cit (i. Hynds', Post '.-- I^ We nre h6w"l receiving -our {.Summer Stock of all kinds of goods. Groceries," fruits, vegetables, canned Hoods in glass and tin ; shell and other fish, Confectionery, if-c., fcc, in" abun- daiice',. l*eing the chfiicest prinluct-s qf: almost every climate and land under the siun. We are also receiving/and have in h"3tock all kinds of china, ghvasware, pot tery, ic. - Harijware, spades, shovels, forks, scythes, cuttlery, paints, oils; varnishes, brushes, .fcc, all very cheap. 3ecobi> Bbos. ^, New Laco jCurtains, choice designs, New Linen Costutnea, most-; jap- proved styles for ilie senBon 25 pieces; Bluck i Jjiistre, conject Bhndes, ut 20e, 25o, 30c, 4nd S5c - "... Dref D* J* MAY 25, 1876. WqNDE^FtTL Mj^N, JOHN Upper Wyndham Street, Alma Block. Tremendous Ezoitemtmtl A Paaio! See No OlA Bankrupt Stpck %o Paini Off: 1834 Cases and Bajes of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods at pj-icea that will atonih the People.1' Prijnts to yard. Direct from Ne\t.York, Fnslilounblo West End Qiiolph, Miiy 15. 1S7U. 1 case Now goods. 2 cases New American be sold at Goiayard. 1 cnsoiBoys' " Everlnatinf" Tweeds, to bio sold at -GOo and 75q a| Will open this afternoon, jmbraoing the latest styles, only IJST Iiwpcrtlon Invitud. J[g5 ! ' A. O. BUCHAM. Dress, Millinery uud Jliinile KsUibllBhn^ent, CLEARING SALE GIjVING' TJtP ;-BUSlN.BSSj FOR TWO WEEj(S. KENNEDY BROfHER^, Uaving determined to give up business in Acton, \>ill offer the bajance _of their large stock of j : ' Now is the time to secure Bargains. Full lines oC Men's, Women's, and Children's Boots,- Shoes | : - select from; ' I . tind Slippers to -\J Nq (Reasonable Offsr Refused for Cash. - o ah Collection. Overdue Accounts must be paid at once, to eavo Cosba of Acton Mny 10, 1876 KENNEDY Blt0S. | A new lot of-xviissell and El gin watches just arrived this week at C. <fc G. Hynd's, Post Office, Acton. ! Fort]>e best Tea Cakes go to Galloway IJros., Actoii Bakery. | Another lot of-those beautiful American prints at 7c, just to hand - ijeally the cheapest prints ever-offered' tio'the Canadian publicl Christie, Hem-^ dersbn & X'b, ij*~5?? fine American, goldtplat- Hynds, pMt Office, Astqu, ^ " Notice. We would respectfully de sire to remind our customer-s and friends that, all'accounts on our books, whether large or small, will "become i.Lue on the firel day o/' June, in accordance with qur system, of three months', credit, and ^-e reques-t our friends to make'a_bifj push in our bali.ilf, as the.summer sea* son is approaching?'ailid-Wi.are laying irf!a very heavy stock of sugars, to,, in anticipation of the beriy season, and -vrhich will require a-vtryl heavy outhiy ataouifting to several thousaml dollars for those grx^ds alone, so.-that it "i-> im* j {jtrative that we insist on collection promjitjy on first "of June.. There are taaver.il old accounts on -our books re training unpaid. ."These ' will be placed ih court exactly on .Momlay,: 4th day of. June if not previously*.-, paidi ._ We are preparing Bargains anil Cheap Goor/x for-our patrons this summer, and rejjuiro inoneyf-to carry'it;nut.-. Please give us your help in this matter. Very respect fully yours, ' c SiKcohi) Bnos. Cuke, Pound Cake, Jita<leria"Cake,-'Pastry, Ginger-bread, Qingersaaps, Confectionery, A:c. go to Gjalloway^Bros.' I. j For all-kinds pfvbiscu5t8, g.opd, fresh and cheap^ go to Galloway Bros. Acton-Bake-ry, . ' .-'\j.:ri. -^ -__ - Errs' Cocoa. GiJATjFtTL Axri Com- P>btINo. . By a thorough knoWle^lge o: the natnr.il' laws whicli govern tho 0 jerstions of digestion and nutrition,, ja'id by a -careful application of ^lje fine, p -ope'rties of well Sdlectefl oocaa,; Mr; ppshas providod^ocr; briakfast tables with'..' delicately ^flavored beverage w|hich.may.Mv^ nimahyhesyy irlactprs' bllls^ -It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a Constitution may hi gradually built np'until strongehoiigh te resist--e*inBry~i4endeiia,y to disease.. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating abound us ready- to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape -many a" fctal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Qa-uku, Bold only in packets labeled "LTaJhss _Epps & Co., Homtoopathio Chemisti 48, Threadneedle Street, mid 1J0, Piccadilly, Lo'ndohJ' DRUOS^ DRUGS, Draffs, Chemicals, IJye Staffs, Patent and rropriotory Uodioln.es, ' "' - Fancy an! Toilet Soaps, Sponeos, Bmsnes, -- Paints, Oils and Vamlsaes. j ; Fancy and RnVber Geola "PTJ.ftB ynUCSS Ain) IiIQUOES for Meltoinal Parposos only. All goods warranted of the best quality and at ten percent below Totjpnto j Don't forget the place. Medical Hall, 3^1ill street, Acton. prices. ~-i1 .1' H<pG(XiGIJlLPH, the Hush. I i Great Slaiz These are times that people must have, good, Wund and honest goods in return for kbeir. money;. [moth eaten and bankrupt stuiB* won't <fofor f present intelligent day} i have had to come to the rescue before fo day t and now that the Trade of Wuelph requires regulating^I am- again called to battle against high prices, inferior classes of goods and old fogy notions. 1 hare this aay marked off L . ' ' An ImmeDfiiel Quantity of Staple and [Fancy Dry Goods, And I will astonish the Inhabitantat the oheapnesi of really first-claw goodls.;. t&" IX>n't dWay, hnt call and: be"satisfied.-a . \ ; TV/TllliriOT'Tr TVyTflH-H^wi-'" The Most Exquisite Taste is to be had| in I^diesf Hats, Bonnets;.'aclcetg, Mantillas, and all the Nerj- J.VJ.X1X1X1C7I y , VXlllXJJLOl y . est Designs in the Millinery and Mantle Departments. MISS SULLIVAN- the Lady M-*ne>,. presents to the pubTio the most elegant taste aW desjgns in ladies' Hats and Bonnets to be found on this Continent. Indeed the.eulogies bestowed oil her taste In Trimmed Hats, &o.r are almost beyond description. J would earnestly request a visit of the ladies to xnj Black, Colored and Plaid Sill^s, Such exceedingly good and elegant .qualities as are on sale at suoh extremely cheap prices, cannot fail to satisfy all that thore cannot hp a doubt abouit purchasing at that Wonderful Man's Matnmott Htoro. Ladies fancy dress goods are a.marrel of beauty, eleganee and cheapness. ' ~'\Don't forget ^those wonderful Lustres at 12 cents per yard,;weiH worth 20 cents, amaziirig value. My prices alt through'Uiis department are .a te-ror to, compel ition; (it's weakness' in me,] but Ifean'jt help it, to give cheap goods.] - i Mi) Old Moito-it:'< Large Safes; Cheap Goodz; Sm)ill Prffite, arid Heady Pay. ' " ._ , .-." My old friends and. customers will be glad. u bear of this large arrival of cheap and good goods by double better than any bankrupt stock. JOHN HOGG, Mjay'5, 187! i- Alma Block, TTpper Wyndham Street, Gnelph. 1876. SPRINGfL :' 1876. THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEASt! mIoNBT THE GLASGOW The Fountain Head for Bargains. Acton, March 13, 1875. G. E. MOBROYY. OF SPRING C00D8. FRESH ARRIVAL -'- ! ' T1 t I "PI ' i mAMMOTH HOUSE ...-... j GEOEGrETOWlSr, TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. --4' With all the newest styles in r ' S E SPRJJMG GOODS. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO, ; r >A.ca?03sri Being satisfied that Lrirge SolVs, Small Profits, and Quick Keturns, will not only pay better than havlhk the goods remain On the shelves, but will enable them to'.canfst.aujtly- show a greater variety, ' -j " -"' -!':"' ' l; ' "-J-:- "- ; " .' ' '- ' ' Have Marked, all their Gdods own to the Very Lowest Figure;! '. K and have: now in stock and arriving! daily magni ficent lines of - j | Dry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Prints,! Notions, Millinery, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bis .ok I Shirtings, Bucks, Denims, T Grey and Wliite C^ttoiis, Cottonades, Tio|kiag&, etc, ;eto-, BEAN & CO FOB Spades, -r.. I..- -- '.May'8, 187l. 55 TIN Shovels, Rakes, IS5"-' in fishing Cackle j; r AND SPORTING GDOPS^ Thjroughoutj they have the best assortment in Tosro .-/" A: McBfiAN & GO. :' ALMA.BLOCK, GUELPH. STC^-VTEiS Cross Goods, AT THE GHOST OF MAJBRIED. On Thursday, 11th hist., at Knox Cfmrch, Toronto, hy the Rev. Dr. Tbpp,- Mr. Joim.V)ailace, of the Milton Cham- ~p{on, to" Mary, third daughter o- W. D. I^'on, Es<j.< >I.p,P.. " ' J. ':.- . :_In consequence of the depression of trade'and--the eagerness of manu- fiicturers to secure, money (or their goods, we have laid down here the largest and cheapest stock of !" Q-OO-DS - .'" Ever imported into this country. J IN DKES& GOODS, vve have all the latest novel- ties in Check, Plain and Fancy Colored'Lustres, Silk Poplins and Silk . Kepps, Black nuii Fancy Sili;s,'Black aiid Grey-Grenadine^, Bluck ""Lustres] &C, <tc. . j IK PEllNTS, a large and varied stock, embracing A8hton ! & Hoyle'8 Checks, American Checks, Percole's Gin^Uams, &.C., <fcc.L all remarkably cheap; ... 1^ COTTONS, we have the best and cheapest '-.v .stock"eyer ottered to the public. BeautiTul yard wide grey and white ;**'.'Oattonsjfor 9a "per yaivi. The American gooda, puoh as.Prints. White CottonSi Tickings, Cotton Warp, Cottonades, Browi Drills* .Brown . and Check Ducks, and othor notions, have heeh imported direct from, '-"the'jmanufacturers, and are" Boirig'sold by us 6rtly.!at the Canadian .'-. whoilesalp. prices. We have a.lso on hand lines which we are always abl(.to-job, such as Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, i5o.;- '- MIEI^INERZ.^ PurMillinery Show Room is: npw in full blast, replete with all the latent novelties from jail the fushidn-. able ceiitres, consisting of Shawls, Mantles, Hats. Bpnnots, Flowdra, -Feather?, Kibbons,'Parasols; new Check vVaterproofs;'Son Hats, <tc: 0RDEJt#i)CL0THING,---tn spite of; the hard timesjnH jthe depression of trade pur Ordered Clothing Department , :i isBteadilyHgoingahead. It is far in advance of. any seaaonyet. ilt.isf -rtroof positive oi the btieapness-and fit of our Goods, ahd the' universal ii satisfaction which we give our oustomera.; A large lot.qf clothafrpm ttie best.'manafaoturers of- Europe and Arnerica to ohbdse- frotn'.' An : immense variety I of Gents Furnishings, Hats and. Caps, Keadysmade ' :.-.i.':L- GiA-RPETS. A magnificent assortment of beaiu- BOOTS UJSTD SHOES A fine variety and fery :.'... cheap. .] " : We would Remind the public that we are giving wondertul bargains, that we are now selling goods cheaper than we used' to buy them/all in conse quence of paying the cash down, JbADLSSr (Madame Demorest's patterns for Spring are now to hand. J - "oods Sold -for Cash. No Second Price." -s* MoLfiOD, ANDEHSOIT 5c Co.. , , , - > -JtArMMOTH SUUSE, ftJEOBGETOWN. / i April 6, 1^T6, "" - .' ' -; ' ' ] FRESH prices; OF ^ STOCK X3-BNBHAL G-BQOBBIBS, ;Also full lines of the best brauds of TEAS Green, Black and Hapan, |Pay System, popular ver- at .'the' lowest prices ever offered to the Canadian public. Our 50c. TEA has no equal for the money. .Money may be scarce with jou, but.remember that bur prices will be;in proportion to yotir purse1; and, if you have the money Xo spend bnd want;our goods, do not fail to see us soon. Wc adhoi'e strietl.y to the Rciady and " Popular Gash Prices," and the diet on our prices is that no goods jof the same style and-quality'can be bought ahyyvher ! else for the same money. j I i ( Aar^-Qttajititjr - of PRESS'.' JS&GS! I^aatedj, for which we will pay cash when) rjequired. Ouritertns'-af-6 Cash or.produce. | , None of our customers are obliged tb pay the bad debts of somebody el&ev It won't cost yon anything to esaminebtir^ stock N one iscompelled to purchase iA call; respectt fully solicited. : ! :^ CHRISTIE^ Hfik^EitSON Sj QOw : Actpn, April 5/1876.-' ".".' ~ Are i If ycjii want a; Boss G00KtW6r feTOYS P^IIL^R pOVE, OO TO WILSON i JOHNSONS. . AlWaysi in; stocky . . Stoves. Stove Trimmings, Tin, Sh^et- pn and Japanned Ware. 'Particular attention paid to E A^ETHOtJGrHI NG. Stencellii|i^ and Jobbing "J7; i - " ' / done on1 z^q [shortest notice,. BalL^&uifes For 1876 ANDERSONS ... A "i ' ': ~~~ I CHEAP BOOKSTORE I On';the East aide of Wyndhani Sijreot, Cotton 2iar/s and pi7wrCopper, Srasg, Iron produce taken in ' J Exchange. Aon 3"Cail and See Fs."5* tjia j stand, onei door \resp of ihe Canad^ triple Works, ;, | HOLLJSZ'S^iZT[ A0T0N,. % R. "WlWON,,- . ' " L K JOHKBON.' AotoD, April'-jl, iAjg,' -'- - MCTm- LIVERY & aj; J. *. Tak&s pleasare 1*1 SALE STABLE AtXlN nounolQs: to 'dxinf St! I the publlo gehwalljQitjstine- U prepared to ... Uf, . . Fiiat-olass-'Etorsqsj a3t4--Oarrlapros . Xt Reasobabie itatea. | '- H b Klgshnd Horses bre the bc^t thai oan b had, and lie is detennlned-ndt to be s-irpansed b.v any fUty Htable. Acton July ls^. 1871. glBStRIBE FOR THE ; ' !-y '_1':" Acton ] Free Press^ 1876. BASE BiElliS. M- UNDERTAKING i ', - ~ ^i-I!-' The undersigned begs leave to inform the people ot Acton and vicinity thifrli* will furnish all .-'. . i ' Requisites in /Undertaking on short notice -and reasonable term^ - . - _ can" be. had- [Hearse Supplied^ when Desi\ed,.^ V Also that he will ' ,. Fit up Stores & Offloeg : :% . . inthe host style. ' Shotr Cmie. Book Oases | Una. Dijftk* jnade to order.- FUgmTURE REPAIRED. "Shop, oh Willow sitreet, nearUIahi ikf -. - P. it. McCAKN. Aoton, March 20,'l87(J. . 39 -jl; -: i' . I c4 ;:-->/i- nsrzp.w-i.:-.-.: ~ - ' - S. SILIMEPwLIAlT Would inform [this people of Ac'toln and yioinity thStlus haa agaitt'oonls. menoed the Butoliering' Business In this-rillige, ind fttora his lone experienca pj t,his, link he will bfe -' able to tarnishJfresh fnwats of ali kinds of the best quality, nioely aat. cleanly dressed. - Meat delivered at th* hoiiisT'i ' Tueodvik ftodTSatnrdaiys, and always"" on hand at tne Shop. : Th& patronage of the-pabliolijs.sB speptfuliy)BoUcit-6Jt^ -vi.' '., 3) . ' - .s,:'zofiaEKai^- . Aoton,lHaroh 15th jio7su' ^jf r ' $ J . ' - - -'-s' ': ." ^;V : ' ' ,:;:' -i;-^ T4 Y