7n' ~*umiatit&m**>&i*><>** THE;t FRiEE PliESS/ ACT03^1 JL^TQN W;S: !r.- P-'iV-"' ACTON FREE P*ESS Tkhhs. <>np dofUr a yi>nr, ttrtoUyln advaiwe. If not-paid beforcthrvo month* un .lftrhir and half will beehnrgvd |w t\rv>do+Urt-+f-aot pad, till the ona of tho >ft. ,N*PIMHirlllfe t"nny-def- : , AT<oMr a;i>v*rtiiXo. BlghV cent*" l^r.llue t<*-ttrHt Insertion, atid (vu couu j^rffiie (6c ej*ch' mibsoo.uent ll(*rllon. Khrt/nl\VnlV>in<;mof elchl tines mid u no or, $1 roflkince Insertions. " Hu-dncKs . funis of eiftit Aies-aud under, .44. pur ' A UlH>rl dncofcr tWlcnNslOQ AdVvrUce^ menu mwriM fur eiHiawl1 periods;' Advertisements without special lnsiruc- ti.Mi* Inserted UU'frrbld, ntiii -charged .aeenr.lliis.lj-. ; - ._ ,_ :' An}-SpeoiiJloytse,'thoUJc*!t(ifwhW>h. t to pi'Orooie.lne paruntarr ueftMTi ofxhy: individual or company, lo l>o' eohXldCTtd' - nn advertisement, Trau*teo$.-a4v*<tls<,met)ts ic t>e-pald for wltenorvUred. AH adverUslus account! revdcrwt qa-rterty. -- - "' XoUee.ofManiuset, Birth* ond Deaths nsertedTroe i ' ' p;w>*ai ^ 7f7K-::. i ?ik."--c3c'- =r TMKK. ' Jravo you weir, Jtaeti our mother: lieutle, blu^fyedijhftihair*d niotrierr Always thinking Bonjo s*ve.t love- ttioos^U -y : : . - .;;_) ( Kor the ehiKlrcn God has lent be*; Atar&ys-doing somo sweet ftomuthihg, '>"or the frictus ih*t God-bad seatiJier j Mother. i^eTtr leemiD^ waty^ ": .;- Always brigBt andJever ehetry, ...".: "* Mother, vb> l>ui whispers atf'Uy,; . ;. - A fid tbie Saviour seems %o hear nor ; Wham mtrllKitf thttt-rdesjed angels Must cotne. earthward to be near her ; Is therei in the world another Half po good a* our own mother? IS IS f:^~r:. if mkM'- 1 stand amid the roar- Of a serf tormented shore, And 1 hold within my hand ' ' (J rains of golden sand ; _ How few, yet how thay' .creep, Through, my fimjers to the deep, AVhiier 1 'weep while 1 weep I Oh GoJ ! can I not grasp -'-' TheiB>with a fighter clasp'J Oh God 1 can 1 not save ..: . t>ne from the pitiless Svare ?' Is all that we see or seem But^ dream-\rithia a-dreaai! Q-WEM'Ji AKMORY, ALSt> . i.'.i- ..."-" . Qold, Silver &: Nickel 148 QPEBfiO STREET, QTIEt.PH John Eirkham, Prop, Mnnnlacturernnd'lraiK)rtcrof Srcc)] attd ^MtWft L,oiUuk Riilps. Shoi Guns &c Keroit*Ts of all'Heqcriptioria atithyt'on - ts-r:-iS )>,' ONf, Ail^J- K?7,v 1876. CASH STORE, i^,:r- bn'J&giTiriit'.gHl builh :>|i TAK NO ILL, Tb<.a speak no iQ| but lenient bo 3Vother's.failing! ftg your obtj I If you're' the: first a fanU to see,. $Se not the first to makait known ; For life is *bnt a passing day, . Xo life easjtejl how brief it span ; Then, oh, thelittle timti w<> stay "iiet's speak of all the best we can. i-"--.-..-;iif.l M %Wim: . Couldnt do without a Paper. Then Btirlington Ilavkeye thus describes the.tribuhiUons of a sub- ' ncnber who' bad; stopped Lis pa per : .""_' He came srearily tip the sanctnm steps yesterday -;afceraopn, and turned jthe -waste basket . upside _- down and sat down on it with a agh. Ife bad a -tfeary look about ; hini, as though he had been trjtng 'to die^witbout'a doctor. " "We ask ed how he fHred and he glaried sav- agly at.a Kankas paper among our exchanges before be .answered, sad ly, " Well, pretty miserable, thank times coaie on, pretty hard, and it was pretty hard sled . din'to. get along. I either had to ' sell the six "dogs or cut down. ex. penses some' way eBe. and so I stopped the paper. Miafced^f pow erful bad the first few1 *eelra7 then I kind o' got used-to it. Bprrpw- ed it onoe an' a while here and ~ there, but folks: didn't somehow ap pear to like 66 lend their Harrkeyet, nnd so finally I lost ajght of it al together. ' ijheii tkiubie r. begiin rigbt ofil First thiij^i I knew I was arrested and' fined ' $20 for "Violsfem' the" game law. > See the - thing hail been changed a little anl I didn't know nothing about it,-bat' the judge, said as 4*iign(JJ5'oee - ^-> v..---------r;. - -... . AwnmmoN ros all brekcb X04DIN0 ARMS. Ely"* "KS"riKrh's CaTrrW|{ nd Cnp tar r l.wdliiR sumo, lie-loaders, Kj-c-np(ier*. CHLp.Ejoctor^.Cfurlera, and CrwasorJ.Oeinluj lUxl*, ^od'nll articles uers'ioary for a Sportsman's duttltV ' , All torts, of .ttrpalrlng. and Jobblug executeU on ttw shortest jiotivout 1*S Qebe| SU^et. . JOHN K1RKIIAM. . t3PTkle CaUrrr on tho premises opon from lOo'clnck a.m. to 10 n.m. h on all- Qenoral Wajon . and Carnage ' FACTORY. JAMES KYDEK, Proprietor 1 'if OarrUges, ;: !: Oatters, fcc. Kept In su>o|it and made to Order on tne Shortest Jiottcer Strict attention paid to ' ; j Sorae-shoelag & Geaeral JoVblag , " ^ and satlsfu;tldn guaranteed. Aeton Jnly 1st, 1875. Ur76.4 Uoil] r^Jiryr) ilho*^ thank* to my numerous cuitomera for the very liberal support they rraTe gien me during the past 22 years, and again I ioost respeoyirlly,asK,ontinuaDp of their respective support. During, my axpmauca. in business 1 hate pretty thoroughly found out the , (; ,'/ , ,, ' ,. " . . :~ arid'\iymrmrm Trad^, Credit Buiiaoss i& a 'Dan^evou Busiaias to V'bbtk'Bttle* and Buytr. I am therefore deterrained to do READY PAY fitrSHSTESS '- _ ^y piling thfim Eight per cent { loj^-Ga XJtdcfeHes (excepting Sugar); By doing business as abor<, 1 will have the citib to but my goods and eilect a SAYINGr OF AT; LEAST 6 PER CE:^T MY CUSTOMERS WILL CET THE BIHEFIT, : ., ^ ~-* And in reality gt 14 per cent for th#r M.on4y. Please consider the matter .over, and -give me your support to carry out : the only right Way of doing business, that is ' 'My stock wiirl#ayrWforfn*'gompTe"t*|iji : Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, GlasBwaye, Stationwy, Wall-Papexa, - Window Blinds, TTtadcw Roller&J letc. Specialties. SACSAGE, OYSTERS, YARMOI7TB BLOATERS, V \U~ '-' w: ' PROPUOE ^Apysr AS XJASiJ. I belieVe in the DISCOUNT JBYSTEM. and as it has proved yery satis factory, 1 will continue.tO'itve thft dis^o^at as follows: On 25 ouj 2 cents discount; on 50 cU, 4 centi; On 75 cts, ft cents; on ty. 8 cents Comeyasrtler. Tssner orlHarrlase Llee*s^-faffnrance. A ^t AeeatiHoD^y to Loan, Ageat Montreal Tel. C^ (llerk Fourth Div, Coart, Com. Ui.:i. B., 4c.;' ! ' .' "'^ Dfe. ROBE]ElTS, Celebrated Ointment CALLED THp: POOR MAN'S FR>ENOt 1 confldentlj-'recommended -to the Pub lic as an unfailing remedj-.lor .-wounds of eveiy desririplion; a cortata cure. for V "Aeton. Jaijaarj: 18. 1874. MONTREAL i.-'.i . J i t-Ar HOI r ^CTOisr. - :-^-, 1 We believeiiliecorrect p/ineipieof advertisiug !aii(ig([Joiiig;\^usiii^^;\ge^et?ttlly to be, toiriers ^nd-^rthersT-eteftrly,:-ositively cingly,411'at;;it is' to their Irtterests ? to.;trade wilh the parly advertising. This |of counie Is not pos sible to every merchant, for jto do so he niist be able to show clearly that he can give them.better value for their money thaii they can get elsewhere. SE, to sh and ow ciis- convin- To aceomplish this, he must he must not only mark all Goods clown lo Bottom so that customers will see buy well but at,a glance, that it Ts di!f aud Pimples oh he F*e, Sore arid la- naro-?d. Ky*?, Sore Heads, Sore BreasTis. ^ .'- L-5 *v-~i :"^r' t-:.. v \i WW& ..- :.4s*syy3 wasn't no- excuse Cm. - these" days when the State was so full of newsJ' papers that you cduldn't;fire a stone out of a winder' wiEhqut-hiftin"an editor. - Then in a week I was'aT- restcd and fined 20 for violatorr* the fishery law, and when I begged off and said I didn't, know nothing aboutit, tha'justjee asked me where I was- raised, and remitted 82 of. Piles.'Flsuilar *nd Caric.rous Hurdoui and is a Specific for tbo*e afflicting Eru tlohs tliatBoraetlrnen tolIow.:vaclonatinn. ' pold lb Pow "at 1^. ljd. and is. 3d. each. ' NOTHING LIKE "When you have the Tin- to buy it. ic& rllSSSIk by slxt*' years* experience to bo.oue rr the b >sl roUfljn(*verjx)miunded tor purlfyii-g the bfobd, aiid"aiisUUDg Nature Jools.oJ^^ the; nrost'ini pro reel chaTBtV *-^- -"-------"-----' nrensefu^ *^_ 1. _ r___Tt___:______T^^.:'._____t .____ in her operations. - Hence they arensefui ' " " "j1se<*buJ: ~ ':.'. ' .""""', d-larHweillngS.jMurtUuiarfy those of the the fine fori me to take a'paper withr|'Ba^J^,^aJ^*^BjjkRNiCOTT But I kind o' thought I couldn't \M fcr$agE$k Ei3gf;:- i ^fjKt. t r I' t5. l3@ : J'J:'.'ff lrm r*nv." E ^ get int,"sny^moreitjcrapes and I sort of hting on to the two dollars. An'sLotit threo^iayjs after tht J. .:jwas^took1 up agrtf arid fined^$4= and ! costs for huntin' on. Sunday, an' f : Jtope;-l may die ifl knowed it was iiunttop/ "3a3jJit-bad t&spH the gufi ;fo jg&out of the jug. Tb^) a fel low came alon^-and bought every grain of com I bad in the crib for six cents . less than- what J fou^d next day it was worth in ths, mar ket.; then c I lost a couple-of the best cows .^bu ever saw, and they wna took! up and advertised, and - advertised, and advertised, and all' the time I was buntin'the whole - camitryi over_^for "em and when I found 'em at last (he costs, was l/aprincipled vendors can objaln this more than the cows-was worth. | Sg^^BSS^S SSfe^ftS?Sn!nS Trie tas. carue due aitd I^t \^^^^%^aff^ oXS know it, and the farm was sold and I. street, London. ' I bl tiUr rvmfji to nav -haforfl" il i ' Persons who may be so deceived will i naa Dig cosls to pay oeiore J-1 bepleased tocpmmunWa^ewith me. Many respectable firms In tbo Urltlsh Province"; who obtain my medtc.lnes at- ir.^^!t^AJrijvP|^tT^2n5tfc?dj.^g8 to announce that having pu'K' chased/an]entirely lnew~(stoclc ,4rt" toolsof th4; nrost-imprSrecI ctiaflnv" fWr, he is^now in a,~nQsrt|qiFstp jkurn "fe'ut all'kintls Of ii;^- ^ - ^i-C TIN AND SHEtT-lRCm : - -I I - ', Jn Hcrofula, Se*baUc Complaint',- Qlaiv Swellings. partUuiarJy those of the N'Clc, &r. Tey forma mll<l and superior ,partU forma Family jAip<fien$ wtilortin^y^be takon at all times withouteoiiabphient or- chance of diet. Sold in Boxes at Is. l!d.,2s.&l, l.9d"^ lis, andZis. each. . xai^ao^Bj^qB^, 1 -.-,'.. AT THKIB .-- BISrESSAaT, BKIUrOST, ENGLAND, and t>y alt rp<etable sfediclne Vendors Beware of Counterfeits^ For the protection ol the pnblic. ofBHt- i*l> North America. 4 deem it mydnty to state ttiat my.PrL.ts axd Oixt.ment are neither manufactured nor sold In any parf SrjhePisiTEDSTATfcs. ~t.. . Eah Pot and. Box b^arsthe "British 5ov6m*ent' Stamp, with* the Words "HoLWXWiAY'S P1L.LS AITD OlKTMES*, XxJsrxiK,**; eDKra^-trU thereon. On the label is th address, 523 OxronD Street, IfOHfiOV- . "" This -notlc*'has becoma'neuessary, in' cooefluene of rile nnd senrious imita tions or" HoMoway'sPlilsand Otntmnt. beln^r fnbricat " _^0^^^_ ed at 78 Mald- ebJ^aJie, New ^S^ S^ York, t>y par ties BlTlinejgiM sTa'iiemgeivti "Hoiloway *ajR^J|MCo." an assumed "I llsr*^ ^rade thus^ ' wlj,n mart, rectT'ora here, bavfl veiyi m -knowed a thing about it.' Then J. lost $5.on a bet that Pendleton bad {.a dfead sure thing on the'domocra^ :" tic'nQrainatipn^ and another $5 on a bet that-Belknap wag-secretary,iof war,' and I don't know apything n!>oui Beecher -nor Babcosk nor Blame uor anybody, ap a eyery week since I've stopfer} tlja paper _^ >.. I've paid more money to get out of Foasyro oo^ -.trouble than would keep -mavin.-] ^vSb"*-?^ Bat my newspapers alL my days. . - name "back on the list." " . :f-VV- -:. :A New Amuseice-jt. The lat est smiisenjent is what is termed ,the;"Printer's .Delight," and is ' performed inHbe following manner: 'fr-k^a sJiee of note paper, fold it ^ip carefully, -and '-enclose ,a bank - ,'uote sti^ciently large to.pay up all -:arrear-Tand ayear in advance. And i what adds i^Lnensjily^tP tfie feat is pa send alpng the-iittme of a "new subscriber, with the cash to bal- ' -auce. Keep yoyr eye on tho print ,ter, and if you detect a smile the s- ftick is a success. Trj -it. 'prppefly i geswd Miat.I should,, for the b<nefl neat of themselves jjitd the public. Insert their nams In tW' papSrs; that it' Way be. ,known that my medicines ea# he nad, g--nulne frm tnem. The/oHrwlngis a llsLofthe Arms allud ed to: and I particularly recomrdend thoHS whoidesiro to get Jny medicines to apply to some of the Houses hamad; iivkss, MRBCEaA'Co., Montreal. Avery, |Jbow< a Co.. Halifax, N S " " Halifax, N. 8 , - Boss, St. John, N.B. es' Kalli Co, Charlottetown tAXOI.Ey:A'ed ; Victoria. BB :..: >fooRE Co.. victoria, B.C. Dr. ^onirPaluek, Chatham,KB MvsiuyiCo,, Montreal J WtrricK AfM^iaraUU-n, Oct. IL J. Bome, Toronto. - ' . A. Cnifmaw SxjTif, St. John, **. B. Jo<r Boiro, uoderlch;x>nt . Blmot *(>>., Toronto ^3, OUAfcowTEBiffU John, N.aS: HAifliroT'* BRornBfes, SL John. N. B U. 8, PatDny, Windsor, Ont Ms. Obpkk, Mordeh, JT> S W. 4 J. YtJtfci!, Montreal Uliak. 1. JJavies, Frsdflrtcton.SS : The m-dlolnes are bold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quantltlen of not less than 20 wonh Vlz_ gs. 6d., 22s_ andi 8J. per dozen boxed of Pills or pots of ointment, for widen remittances must be sent In advance. 533, Oxford Street, W. C. - WWAXt London, Jane 1st, 1875. G. T. HILL Mill Street, ACTON, .DEALER IS ,-i... -Pt (Hnwal Orcotrili, WJC-; -fr JS> Paper, ? _ Jf| '"' r<! S <.**,' * A' Window Blinds, ^BY Being-in ti position to' : ' Buy ^Ji his jStbcfc FOR OAS] Thereby gaining the advantage of ttW tradd discounts, br is deterrain- ed to sell goods of firsUclass maka ,. 'aha inaterittl at ; " ; -\ --!: ^'-^/.,':-',! :. Decidedly lower Prices Than can! be-obtained frora; other house in the Province. apy This us ftitSts. "US *rja). ot blowing, but genuine ou d6ubt it, give fairp a SS^i Nails, ;u EAVETROUCHIMC A 8PECIALTY. Having|nst procured the [most iot proved appUario : for doing -the work, be feels stU13ed that he cannot be outdoni in this branch, '; l. '.; ' . Tn#sbop will ghorUf. be consider- ably enlarjced, and I intend to keep always oar band a large stock of . St OVES Of all M-vadBj which will be sold at very low prices. . OoaJ:OiJi<)r ^ai; K. FISHEB. ; : Putty^ 'i, linseed Cil, * * aoii.a FaiatB.-p, --,." i.:.l-i.s.i:.-V^ Turpentine, Maolwe Oil, III! Salt, etc. iff; I Ths,u^rjber^Bft^ie^nrphU]*nk to the Inbabltantsol Actonandsur round ing country fof thelrberal pa4^oaKe heretofore extended to him, and same time solvit their farther sipport K.B.-Cash Paid for Hides dellvsred. *cton, Eeb. ?2,1875. 53.3m Aet0B; Jaly uu ^6. C T. BILL. to their interests to trade with him In the two invoices below we think we clearly show the advantage gained by those who deal with us, over those who don't. , A customer bought of Secord Bros 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 60c. per lb. 11 lbs. Uright Sugar ...;..... 12 lbs: Medium Bright Sugar . 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea.....;... I set Knives and Forks ...... 1 set China, 44 pieces.....;.... 1 gallon Coal Oil........ .[..> Another party who didn't buy at Secord Bros., had to pay the foflowing prices lor the same goods: 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, i75 per lb. . Uabs Beit Sugar. ^-1.... 1 \.. 12 lbs. Medium Bright Su/ar 1 tb. Best Hyson Tel ....J.. 1 set Knives and Forks .. j;. 1 sot Coins, 44T>leces... ,-ii -... i gallon Coal Oil.....;..... -Brought down. $ .. i.. L..|.: ,-T. Secord Bros.' customer thus saved i---r ho l<;ss than $3.89 on^apur^likjiejiif^'abolit eleveir dollars. The ni^hv4hPAldn'^btij friin Hremhou thinks it would have been to his interests if lie had gone U> Secord Bros. That man is advertisement for us. ,, ^^ ing facts, witnessed to by hundreds of our customers, and- commend themselves to frugalTiousekeeper. ivipgy standing, walk- These are ev the attention upwards Orders of five dollars and Georgetown, Norval, Limehouse, Guelph Wood, &c., free of^char&e. SECOUD BROS., Acto: i, The largest Retail Iraporte " :..- ' " V " 'i"' "ii 1' I ra'of Tea uest'of ei Prices, #2 50 I 00 100 85 1 50 4 00; -30 HURRAH FdR THE itiMfMtlij Goran i Bfejilasr Sprihg Claffiing ^000cWQilTH Oi J^CTST, TO S:^_3ST33 r: Suits! wpm$a6t^tip,; v : x^ -<- - z B6ys?: St^s^frofli^i^ft^. Direct from CALL AND SEE TUEM^ Also juiH.to hand 1 '!'":.- ,iSC :w'taine' <c ::w-..: 15 C^lSES OF :, NEW -FELTf WPS, the .manufacturers, English, Canadian and. Am Tican^iTief : bought very cheap, and to be sold likewise. ,Our: stock pf- v .' ' Shirts*: Collars,. Cuflis, Bows, Scarls an*'-iptyres'.- Cannot be surpassed for elegance and cheapness. An inspeelion is invited. All goods warranted as'represent!ed, WM. RUTH ERFORi> &] 00, [ ITo. 31. Irt-wer 'Wyadiam-Stilesi, ttTuIpif. April 12, 1876. .- STILiL AHEAD AT OoEtral Btob aiad Shoe St&o. f c)an.uri;co| amSsTjiM . fefiilcer Tssuf yeltma'ter. Ins) " Wofcey tb>t.ir jfraph eo^lrr--i ^orn-in q..B',Ac| TI *tyi . |F| . ancer, *c| -'"Ltfe;- Aff^raflC^ J I^oTnTea*rrtB 7#t on' M<Irt^i| /OSasgow Houaet I a |. is-uiiv, ' J| OfflrfS^'SSrtie S^eiiis. Oeor^toj M.'.$Aib| . . Att'>rner.'J . fiaarioery,. Ac.: ul 1 - K"n2 .sirnRt; Jiiii "tL -Wilton Office whil oft Friday or.tae.5il 'ifcjtfei; H? GRAINE & llave just received their SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS & which is ahead of anything evered oSered in Acton for>tvie i""-' and at prices that.cannot be under-old.. !>.. and durability. OUR CUSTOM W0p|K 1 15 Will receive carful personal -attention, an | ."'.-" 7 satisfaction Don't forget the place,' l "' -i J all'work guaranteed to give Ct3 75 1 10 1 09 1 00 1 75 6 00 35 Mill Street, opposite Moffojiv^ Drus St|>re.: ::feiJrAjNE <fe SOH. Acton, April 4, 1876. NEW SPRING GOODS $[504 11.15 :$89rr RECEIVED THIS >VEEK. AT M S | ."- The Largest, Choicest and Cheapest Stock of ery day of every deli\}ered tat iRock- Toronto. on Works HIT, te and Was on Mi Jker. MAIN STREET, AC MiCHAEL ^PE jBeneral Blacksmith, Carri ,;'.'. Perfect satisfaction guarantee i or no price < barged. ; MriST^GtASS PLOWS : " AND GGIiLAED'S PATENT I$m itMKOWS ,L" A ?Jood Stool^, of Carriages aad ",7agons. BfcPAIRIN prolmptly and properly a^tende^l to. Action, July 1,1875. .. i j^LIi KINDS JOF^ at the ^oob; ;PEOMPTLT EXECUTED AT *iNtlNGr Oottonales, -; ;nkiu aad;t?liecSMd BtekSi Cotton Shlrttaga^ - . 1 ' ' (<;'. ; ;[_ . <Hatf "WTxlto Dtess SMrtsi " V":,. '." . :l!.. j ;._';-^_7"\'//":S^ttla!j|'ai4'...... I ;i: " L.- 7 Ateni-_foT the Me ' -' Atf-'b'Wiijes.-i I'ntFtii .-fdbhtsiiy atti.-ndv| i - srficiteti. .* _.. -T>AT'XTSif3 jT cive iili>uiaj -iivt;an..a'.iI ilie^Uii - VaU-u}. g-otrante lotpririieii irfctruef ai.ijn t-.-n yT:irs. - Slec"ian'cal' luos ta&isaH'i L)raugfr| riLLIiH m "Iwao+ll ;rr!.ijj<;.L| 7". -Biii ni*n V^MT'f Kee at 1*1 > -Pov^tj e'ea^ty miston.1: M RS. ^. 11 I TeriSerofHiisie.l . "i'la^U-Vi'^ ua.t 1 them-sf ! i>m':: lion, t llaryii U-t-rt^- ;| JR^:; Cottoa. These Goods were bought with greafr1'eare intbe beit mislrketa forCash and owing to the stringency in the money market, ' : >[ ^4..; y AT; AN ;TJNl|sTJALL-F /L^iW'.'.^ttdBi-- They will be sold at from 5'to 10 per cent less tiMm Guelph.pridii Call and inspect Goods and Prices before going elsewbereu 7 '- .. Don't forget theplaee Main Street;; Acton. '\ '-^v 1. T i'TOXFL i . t ~> - loirr nii.i 1 pc-d : s4W.ani *r.:il-J S' tf*l)i!i: J.*!j <IT: ! .- ' 1 "** t---------;__ "T "#>'* iY"^ 1 -J7V CU>v- > :ij. ] j -.VC^H'"-ia aC'fiMllTIi ' liJii pufilic.. 'lH'-j- "\-T\bvii:<ti>s[ '.'i/'-ll.njerl .-\:rl n ? .-H<i;-^i' is -iir.1 ttyie \^i:]> ;n-. .ij ( 'if,iiveiirr3 \vi I :'-r.^; jMilc >m.'> I i>ii4-.sl a-t-i:tiun-xti^.t,rta Jfj- lil<iui>rBr'a ai frtKi.r j aitcbiive H^.stir rs 5?-: iiiESi Lii-cease-dl Kn.ti' i'ov.nl.K-s j .ton <Jr.iLi'>i?"i;: _ 1 -;'ipe?>.A<-!'7, V"| I I:'ft-'K\r-o J. wdT^i.-l .-'Licensed; iV>r tit;-. C\jj L "Sifc<n'}<jsilnri f .County; irt. Yv-aW Adir - A. IE Opposite " sulJ Uoo^lfcllov.-'J -All: Acton, March 14, 1875. Q. M,S0O^P; a mica yawp & Go'S. Thely will not break from any eause, produce a gbodijglit and will oni; J - ) -7 And a good Tarleiy'of - 7 7 :; ' 7 . -.. .'- . ---^ , 1. OFFICE. 13-3 Mats iiMMi CJ6|^ .^: ^'^ SlilJ TofiVjJtoaesJ aad put up eoaritry. ^' 3- Seot< I ntents importel ncaliaarble cl W AU Bescriptii fStsbfenrisi. Ge<j ^*"Orders:'left I J^mll^^ receive J -: i" [? March SOi 187fi. Plo$r Mats ^ Btt||6r^ ; : .7" ,;;" a?ioor M^^^wiol. ":-: .- "'7 -. ;4.'^c^E^'^;pp.^i:ri^ ';...-.,'!--"7. a4m>..block, ^iisij#;^ f??,,]?(*w--'i ^^S^?etbJ na^*fehi.Fo| ;i- d5&tafe$y,y*> fcf J ^1 ::4'v.^-':i' "^fffl K-A'-l'. .-.*..- ^ .-." fe^v Iifv.:ii ' fes?^ kK^- . -;" P!5-lE*."'7^'?,fir-.i V .." - . I