Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1876, p. 2

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*& *i- 'am \ 'l I* 0--r -- A! -^ r4*> iljsf! JSifl'^ THE :i:'^ 0' Wl ! i. >paE ACTON FREE .PRESS l>a'..lil:cvl"K'i cry'Thars>l;iy Mornin.i!. - Sf~Per. Annum] iu Advanced - - - ------- - ::i" ^H?" :M what.Unducciii'clits otVelvil .-. to aid in establishing u brush fie ~r\|-Ull*y'i 1 Mout'Forest. . Ills CXpUUl JOS H. HACKtNlJ CDITOH Tlie'-Momit Foresti-:.cxii>n^rrsays that Mr. A, K. Baker, of Corty." Pennsylvania, arid who is interested in the Hc]k'villo Brush Mamifurtui'-' tun Company, hud a' conference Vyilh a number pij-bnjunessiiicn place on Sahirdiiy even- m last,'-with a-view of lOurnilig 1 TlIVUSUAT MoKsijcu'i _J-/f I - - t i "the sicb: man:- r A number of years ago about the time of the Crimean-War we heard -great ideal aliout the "sick . lutn" of Turkey, but of rate years bis affairs have not been so promin ently before tho woild. Just uow, - however, our 'attention is agaiu ar rested by the rather startling re port thai* the Empire is on- the eve "of falling to pieces.- The wretched Aran, -v., liwb. tlii011^ wore favorably ivceiv.ed and "h-coirniitteo.eouiposiHl of Messrs <A -.PRESS, ,. ACT OT," HALl'ON UOUNTT,. ONT,, APftiL; 27, :'U rtJ %M +-ft '. ..^^-^Hr^^r-rr ^GENERAL J^EWfir . | IT fSlio Ql^'oirJitiH returned from her On Saturday morning of hurt, week, thu Cold Springs 'Woollen. Factory, Aucaateiv ., wa,. .burned. down. The proprietors, Messrs.- Jus. Walker, i. Co., of- Hamilton, estimate tho, loss at 21,000, on 'Which- there'is an insurance of 81+,- MeMijllon, Watt, Smith, Fleming and Mcljareli, were! appointed; to lay. the uiiitUr before1 ther council lit an early opportunity. L_*'-:- (This man Bakery- is' tho ' same who tried to get a bonus iu Actbn> but failed through his own neglect- to fullill his agreement.] Since Jatuifiry over 00,000 bush els of elover.seed have lioen ex[)ort- ed from Ontario to Itritaiu. "The state of Turkudv finances is said to jpiice ivalixe'i?foi- this ^product '.has iiiv.itild Messrs. Moody it bankey to Toronto. - The ]Im. Malcolm. .XJauierou via. better, and is pronounced out of danger. . Forty-three Town to ministers; have., signified their disapproval of iaunday fuueiuls..- ,. . ,, A lodge of the Sonsof Teunper- aueo in to bo established in Orange- ville. - ... St. Gathering has'lmd an elopis- ment, tho ludy being 19 and the swain 17. Tho farmers of Manitoba are busy ploughing and Bowing. The lied River is open. At-rpN1 Bakkry. 'Wantetl any qiiaudty of fresh eggs mul fr*sh butter, Manjaf9fi.teit.-tB Father ^ -HK. MUHIlKillUl Till eatt&fay -la-v^r i _ C'OMMIl'TIiP a. , . be such that there is no longer any ii^^^'^^j^^f !,:.";',^!,S liT-i? I-T--i 1 . _ : ^ ~\ ' {; ; _l'j.r/-: 1 : : -f . -,;?>.- 1" -" _-^?" hope of relief from other countries. The cofTere an? empty and credit so .Jar gono. that no ^one y,ill ^leud .money, to keep an army iu the field. An .insurrection -uhieh has been carried on-for months p'a^t, isgrow-- 1112 more and tepre T|goT&ns,'and it . is now quite evident that, the in surgent Provinces itre-Jreceiving. 'help- from ,iit?ij{hl>orrng. States. J Russia. nd Austria . are quietly -__ looking onj-each hoping:to fall heir to a largo sliee of the-"sick man's" territori, in the event of a dissolu tion. It is josl pt>ssible, however, that England may again interfere 7"to prevent such a. contingency, in j order to~pre.vent the acquisition, by ':[ | Russia of the ports on the. Black - Sea aad the: Mediterr.ibca'n. . The ' independence of Turkey iu its pre- . sent rotten state can be'-iio great " ol^ect to either England or France, ( ' but it.,is of considerable.importance. .that the fiee i-use_^Bf- these1 ports ;1 maintiiined. A"dto ef- f;; feCt this object, England may be Torced into a ~Vrjxvr the_reult\ of which is terri1 >le to couleuiplate. gregate of ne.iTly half n million- of dollitES. Thrs'iiniisually great det- nunuv has beeii cuusedlby a short home crop; and it has so-, nllected price? that just' now'cloverseed it* selling by tho car loaij at uhout $S^5i>er bushel. r Soiiie of the To ronto seedsiuiMt-lfave mude.a gooxl. thin- out of this. clover "Seed infla tion. . , 000. ' - '. According "to the jtcacon the pop ulation of Btnit;ford is now 7,72a. In 1870 it was ;only 'K057. Tho n8sKsrrent has been -increased by nearly- half n million dollars, and the population is over 400 more than last year, and lias nearly dotv bled since 1870. -"It does not-speak well for the intelligence of the p'ublicjlsuys.the London L/Jiiat, V the stamp duty on ]mteiit>v lnedicaies iluiing the hist year-yielded an in;ienhe of X13,84&"over the produce of the previous year. It is scareely eix-di- ble that the passion for consiuuiiig unknown- quantities of unknown drugs fiheiild Le so strong us..this thriving -ti-ade in .uocirums indi e-ales." - ' .t. .V :V.- i -->> "-'If -41; r \?y t S V. .-".< i "'if1 tl'i-I--" ' -'+^ ii i astonishing to v,hat lengths ' jiartizan"|tttpers will goJn their en deavor to cast a stigma upon a palttical opponent. Here c have M?~ yesterday'sXJuelph II it aid ptiblisb- iiaj a whole column of verbiage 4o try to'jprove that 3m.itb, one of the r inurdeitrs of Fiolrfy', has hud his aentence of death commuted Ithrough political intrigue. Surely" _, it cannot be that the Herald "is foolish enough to~imjagine the pub lic will .swallow"sucb> unmitigated bosh r : ~" v~ ": :i " ". Tlie.ill healtlvof Cardinal Anto- nelli,'the Vatic-an Fiime -Minister, again exoite-s scrioiis apprehensions. 'The-Poj>e w-us closeted. w<th him u long-time on Friday. He. isjiow past" his sev'e.utieth year, j An extra pf the Canada GuzrJ('> issued- on ' .Saturday contains- an Council for.-tlie restriction and ihe" regulation of tlie imjiortu- tion iof-cattle and other animals ou: recount of acoiitHgious;dLscase pre vailing in niauy p.irts. of Europe. The importation of cattle from Eji-. rornt is prohibited,e^ceptat.IIulifax, 1 St. John and Quebec, and "ail im- portutious;through .these ports are to bo; subjected to a jigij tjuuran- tine. ' . " . ^Clerks of Mnnicipnl Councils will have to bo C;ireful that.'their notices of the Court of Iterision are all.con-ecl, as the Act chapter ~ Spring i opening up with a fair proBpect of. good weather for farm ' -yperitioiis. ' Fall wheat is general- - ly r considered to'bxive -weathered tfiroiigh the-'winter' toWrably. welL" and buf' few complaints are-yet heard of ita -having, sustained iany damage. Everytkiog so far wears - a favorable aspect for a prosperous ^season. Roada. are eertainly bad hereabout, just now, but they are rapidly uieadingr and ' traffic is in creasing.- \ : - ' wi-.f-: sfes H"' - :i-"'".? " . : ilitejfi- 4 J ,--'^?4P-MtCi" f'l: -".. V" According to the Hark Lane1ixT lirett, wheat from"India and the clash grain from. America. ;and Russia, in the English ^marketp . The-Suez Canal lias ope&ed the way for the Asiatic farmer %6 the* corn Europe.' ; jexehiiiees of ":,i^|f '-.^";.;?.--f;;; -i . V--. ? .. f.-';:/ - Mm mm?' "l.**tei::-j:-" " i %'-'*8iW' w - ;- Foreign AfjFHirs. The.latest ihfonnation with_re- :- gard to!the state (if aftiii-s in tlie Turkish.-IProviiices ia that the Rus sian 'distrust of arnied intervention by AUistvia having betn removed ,_l by the influence of Oermany arid other Ppwers, a pla,u i&pn the point of beiiig" adopted^ accoi-ding 'to wbjch Aiistria/_is to occupy liei'ze ^ovina, Bukowiua, and Bosnia, and impose ;a complete separation of Turkey; from the Christian Pro vinces i .the foregoing, together. with MiHitenegikj and Servia,-be coming; in'depenilent States, inter posed but ween Turkey and the7 re mainder of Europe. This report is 10 of the 37th Vict., section 8, makes it the duty of the assessor to deliver, his roll on the' 1st. day o May t6 the c3erk_of the municipal ity; seetion 12 of said Act a;i- points the time which notices of appealtito the Court are to be given as within fourteen days alter the first day of May; and Bectioh 11 provides that the first sittings of the Cpurt of Revision shall hot be held until after the expiration of at least Iffn day s from the expiry ..of the'terni ia which notice of appeals 1 may^be given to the-elerk of the municipality. It is plain, there- fore^ Court of Revision can this "year lawfully beheld earlier than the 2Gth day'of May. Speaking of Moody and San key's revival services in New Yoik, the Tribime. says : < " The labors vof these evaiigelists at the Hippo drome were brought to a close bn Thursday. For ten weeks th ey bave preaphed and sang to the lar gest throngs that have eVer -gather-, ed-m'; thi3 city. Whether the secret of tlte extraordinary success of these, services is the terrible ear nestness and homely simplicity of Mr. Moodys manner, or his coni- mbn-Bsnse method and busineas like talent for organization, or his faith first he is teaching the internal verities, it is mrniiiest that he is a man of- tremendous power. The revival which he has conducted in Great Britain and the- three great cities of the United States is the most, cemarkablo religious . mdvo- ment'iof the time." . or whibh ivu-will- i>y the highest price u caslj CJaIxoway Biios. V ' ' ' . Thij Rov. Mr, Baikie, Presbyjter- ian Miuister, of-Brampton", has ro-: ceivo.d a unauimoUH call from tho (iulhrie church at Harristou.' Tito License Ooinmissiontrs for the elinctoral district of Peel, have granjteil' 32 tavern licenses for the distcict, lvjeeting 18 applicants. lb is rumored in Ottawa that corr:spondeneo has Wen optmed ed with ii view to tho Emperor of Brazil"visiting that city "ibis sum mer. ,T - The^jlSiko of buffalo toIhcs "in Moiiuuva this season will bo the largest for'several years, and some dealers will ship 0,00tj. to ' 10,000 robes iiach. (.ron. Grant has vetoed tho bill reducing the President's salary frouV $5i>,000 to'825,000.. This is a very prudent step iu" view of a probable third term1..1 .' A bylaw, proposing a bouus of $15,000 to the StratfWd &. Huron Railway will be voted ' on by tho ra'teiniyers of Listowel on tlie 20th. of May. . J[ev. C. J. CSrei'n, of the Ailat CVatg' church scandal case, has i*- tired from the pastorate in London "Diocese, m order the' b3tfer to pro-' secnto'his enemies. The spring sitting of the Court of Chancery opened on Tuesday a.Guelph.before Chancellor Spragge. Thete are .thirteen cases on: the docket. ,.'; - . ' Mr.'John SI Armstrong and son,- :of Eftiniosa, have left on a visit to the old country, where >hey intend purchasing L>urham stoclc". for-'im portation; to Canada. A ,new block ^f. buildings aro under c.->ntract, to",be- built in Oraiigevrlle-, and called the Ket- chuui Block. ""'. Tho~Trost will be. about ^1D,000. ' -. . . The sbaivbolders at the Gtielph Maspnio Hall Company have organ, iced and scoured a block of land on Upper Wyiidhuni-Btreet, immedi ately north of the Ahna^JJIock. Plans aro to be..-|>repared ut once, und the building ~ commenced shortly. Rov. O. C. Moore, of Moorefield, was charged nt the Police Court, Guelph, on-jSatuf^iiy with nn inde cent assault'oii the pei-son of Mrs. Jackson, (colored.) He Was com mitted to stand his trial at the next assizes,' bail being taken for his ap- pcaniilce.- An Oningevillo merchant mimed Filling..ia charged with fraudulent bankruptcy, and some, stuit'tlijig de- vijlppuients aro expected, it being rumoured that ii prominent mer chant' iu Toi-onto, hims(df at one timea'Fiiiine to pay: him hi* debt in full,,on th?* pro mise that ho would get Fniiiio on advantageous terms, with his cre- ditoiis. Bukied>;. A. man named C Jpambohl was buried: alivo by tho caving in of a well at Berlin on Tuesday last. The earth.gave way about threo o'clock in the iifternoon, and the man was heard speaking until 8 o'clock "the sarao eveiu'ug. The body wus not recovered nutil Thvirsday, and life appeared to have been extinct about 24 hours. Threo then[named Robt.Murray, DanioirMcPhepUiud Robert Greii- niq have been arrested on suspicion of being Ihe-.n'iurdercrs of Patrick Monajjhan, in the County of Lamb- ton, on the 30th-March last. It is suspected- that Gienuie,: who was arrested at Brantfonl, has confes- ed, and ftom the information thus obtained the others were arrested. " (From the Lumlm'.Frcc Prctts. ) \ Fur several diiyt, in tho beginning of hist'week-.romdi uts in.-thOj town.. ship^oif Majiihido I and Ktin^Klibg" district; we;-o coiiHiderably ;excited lA'er tlio report tliat u miin; niiined (eorg4 Bain had: beaten liisj aon-in- liw, f)|eorgo Smart, iti nn unmerci ful manhur'.-iwitlij a ^hifilo-tree, and that his life was (deIrtired of. Tho vhmor turned out to be only too true. Dr. C. W. Clarko, wlio-has been ' uttonding ;t ip.. injured man, laying an inforiniitiou Wforo the ihngistMteB certifying to (he lact t,hat .there was up, P Siiiart'sJrecoveiy, and ^arrant for tlio;aliBst of Bain. 'JJhe warrant was granted and placed iu the hands uf Chiefj-Coustable Caver- ,11'pbuhility of praying for a L.tih at <qsli ester. Hiy, "wl|o succeeded in arresting a farm lipase in South Dor- The tceno of tr0| tnigedy is on (ho 8th eon. of Malahide, nifctr Glen Colin post uflieo, three un<J a half liiiloa uoith-east fi'Oijji.Aylmor; and the pu'.'tioulai^ of the sad'ufFair ure ah follows t iBai l .land liis -wife. I'liivo lived unhappily together for sometime past'bring a "litiile vlgly by sjicIIb,'.' as lii; wife'lieretfif says, lie has often sti uek . her,land on one.occasion she lost the use of her lirrii. from a blow inflieted by lier husband. Threo V^Mccks ago, al'ter one of Bain's'pcrldrlicaij oiitburhts,' 1iis wife left hiiu ami went tore with her sjni-inlaw, who was 'garijeijl as offi q position. On M"day 'last. Smart THE ';;" "Who can s M GOOD GGOD^ and GW4? is th RIGHT to deal with, am Hide with her sjni-inlaw, who wan gjuncritlly n^anhMl as of fi.quiet dis- !' . was sawing wooll in front' of his house, when Bain the worse 6f-liqu tojsee his wif< go in and get liei canie u]>, slightly ir, and demanded $mait told hiui to Bain went in Js-m, MANN, Youfjtfill find him e Central Emporium. 1876. m ,u M^N you j GOODS MA^ST i[ his name is -ery time at tho TINWAtEiJ . If you want a. Bom ,| COOKINGr-STOtlL^ I' OB A new stock of thoso Bussell Watches, Which are jnade to order for L . ' -." _.".- C3-XJtE 3^1^13:4 Arrived from the old country. uelr.i>, April 20. 1S70. T>.1LSA3I SHADE TREES. Any quantity of young Balsrrms.ean be had from the undersigned, on lot Xo. S'2, 7th con. Xassagaweya, or will be delivered at. Acton or elsewhere, from ' ^w-ri c J-'-ii^., r.<-..i. ten to fifty cents each,'accor-din"tio fcize. orncr Mill & pillow streets, UrcWd m:fy be ,eft at' the vii-. ;J)(:KS JA.CT03ST. U.4J'^ w 11' m'i-im fcl-if IS4v-.d Cf.-_ w |;?->|^nH ll s^l Kji"1 Ki^J,^i'rTaa tSiiSS W*-- Jl ritr 1 .L fftv-'Q ,-b| F.'w *k. -"" corrpboi|ated by the folio whig from the S";. ^etefsburgli Gazette :-^TJie ft5ars en/ertaiued for .the pea'ce>of Europe it* groundless. The' Great ~ Powers are iiclig'"iu concert, and ' Hlielr u laniniity is stterrgtfiened. 'Wberjri; Was '.recently, ascertained that thej Ottoina'n Ministry Jiad de- . cided toinvada ilonteiiegio,'.Russia.j ihiniediafelyluvited thePowers-lto i farnish. thei^ represema'tives with _--identical instructions for the.purt 4ioe..of dissuading the Porte- iH>m ^iking^he- ofi'titisive. Germany, . -Austria, Franee and Italy have ah rea%!-,ttcqiiiuseed,iind there ia every . l-eaaoa to expect that England, in ' 7this.'dapgerous crisis will also- do s so,;' Already, advices from ^Con- . ; utantioople are. more favorable. The Saltan; has-instructed liia'-For- .- cigu MTnister. emphatically' to dis- "'.**.?( . -^i a^cassivi) intentionsj. '^i'i;^- -: .---j.-.r >:'.t!4tt..l-he lnili- ^tiiry movements; in Albany arc only defensive. A.."_ " . j Pbogb^8s;oV"Thk~I?laguk. The Lf^vanfelr/rrd/rf of 7 April tbPi 12th- says that Hillah, a town of Asiatic 'Turkey60 .miles.-south of Bajgdad, froift March 28th,to the, 31st, ex elusive, ^here were GGjne.w cases of league, and 42'de4iths, and at B-ug. dad, from 3iarch_2Sili to theilst of Apjil, 143, new caffosiaud 75,deatliH, .Toeplague has 'HowiCroHsetJ td the. left; bank of the river Tigrisj which, had previously escaped it. > "- A. T. Stewards Advestisiko.-*- TJie latet^Ma-. Stewart was a great stickler far correct English. He' dictaied all the .retail j advertising;' [rrwhicb, on Sundays, in most cases,' occupied a columiW in each of the* focal^ pa'perk. ? . This was a, regular Saturday, afternoon's employment, and, reviewing ^.hrough hLs-mind, the a'ttractipnfl'of ,the seYeral'de- .piirtmehte,: ho would'. frequently close out a wliole line attirevbole- sale, send it to the retail, and tliere open it at a "price which barely cpveied the first cost of tlie.(gpodn. Jto believed iri'advertLsing, and for hf:s retail business used .the-"New- York local papers, to what less in telligent 'merchants'thought-an ex travagant degree. The Bupply of Bquaro; timber iu tho. .Ottawa. District promises to prove much larger than -was antic": patod. Rough calculations wero that there might W only 10,000,"- 000 cubicftHJt taken'out,-but ow ing tp'the reported brighter pros pects of tho English market in Jan uary, lumbermen lncroased their working force in the -wpods until they cut over.i 4,000,000 feet. .- : . The trial of Lizzie. Williams, for drowning her child last ^May, com menced- at Najjaneo on' Friday morning-. A large numbet of wit nesses were examined, and the case occupied the Court until half past eleven at night. The jury return ed a verdict of not guilty, after be ing out about an hour, j The ver dict was ' received with loud applause, although the judge is said to have been very much surprised At the verdict. .The Court room was'densely crowded, and every inch of Btunding'Hropm.was; taken up. The autuofituis were compelled' to keep the doors locked, during tho trial. The prisoner fainted when the jury came into Court and gave their verdict. A rather singular nccident, and almost fatal in its results, happened at the village of ^Niagara Falls on Saturday last. Mrs. Jackson, wife of a dry-goods merchant, after drinking a cup of tea wak taken suddenly ill. A physician Avas im mediately, sent -for, who, upon ar riving, pronounced it a case of pois-! oning.- The. usual remedies were applied,; and the patient is now .out The town of .Mitchell is offering-|>0f serious; danger, althoiigh.-Bhe'may EvarJgeltBtic services .were again J successfully held in the Montreal Theatre on Snnday evening, and as many as 500 pledged themselves to temperance principles.. The Gait Reporter is pleased to learn that the fall wheat in that neighborhood appears to have stood the Winter this season 'better than it haa done for years. -1 Upwards of S300 hare already been ;fiubscribed to th.e fund nojr being; raised to procure a suitable meniorial- to the memory of the late Rev.jGeo. McDaugalL ; Ah eld Dutchman froze his noze. While" thawing the frost out. he said,' '* I haf- carry dat nose -fordy year, and he ssefer frqze'hisself be fore^ I no nnder8tand. dis ting." Thomas . Riddel! i Co., paper, manufacturers^ of Montreal, have failed, and no .wronder, for they bor rowed $30,000 from another firm, at 25 per cent interest per annum. Mr. Jas. A. Thorp has sold his h'qtel? bnsiriess in Guelph, to Mr. Jolin Haugb; iiow^.of tho Welling ton^ Hotel. Mr. Hau'gh will re move to'his new-'quartors about May 1st. ";/ -.' by the back dopr, and Smart fol lowed, entering by the front door with an axe in his hand; Bain said,to Mijs. Smart,: "Good morning,'r aiiil .she replied.. He u!lso addressed his son-in-law in the same maimer, wheii lie replied with an oath audi told him to leave. Smart's, wife took tbo axe from him, being apparently'frightened of tho consequences |; 'and Smart went out, und returned iiiiiiK-diatdy with ;a whiflietice, whibh Bam took' from him, and struck hi.11 four blows-on the head, fracturing ' the skull in, a frightful manner, and rendering him inseiLsible. The. two women took the club from. Bjiiii, who then went out and hung around the pre mises for some j time; apparently soliciti'oiis of the consequences. .He expressed himself worry for Smart, who he said hadj caused him ts do it by his " ordeiihg hiiu out of'the house when lie 1 weiit to see his wife." Mrs. Smart and Mrs. Bain pirt the deceased to bed, who never again'spoke; except to .ask George Ypngs (a- lieighbrjir) to pull off'his boots. , BaiuaftorWards culne back and asked .for liis ivife4, 'and she went away With liim.' Smart lay in a miserable condition tfll a late hour oh Wednesday evening, when death ensued. I ' lie can show you Htv^r Dry, Goods, . rLoady-Halo jroiorisi a fijie stock of Guelpb's population, 9,01" a: txirius-of ten thousand dollars in .m.iiuipipul. deW-ntures to any firm liiat.l will," tart! a factory there giving employment to sixty work-, n>ep....- ' 7 . J ; On Sunday, the rd6th inst,, Mr Abrflm Pafj9 died *nt his residence, Tlh con., West. Flamboro' at the ripe ttge of:ninety-fjve-years. Ho had lived in West Fianibor'o' oVer fifty years. At ten o'clock Wednesdav morn ing an extensive' firo broke out in Oiihipbeira pottery works, Hamil ton destroying three kilns,iliachin- eryj aiid.ii large "quantity of stock. The iws-,is heavy, partly covered by S3,000'insuiiahc'e. 'Mh C Robinson, ei-Warden ,of Onttjino ' Goiinty- ,ahd 'ReeVe of Thorah, baa determined to retire from: the m agist racy, on account of tho . untruthful manner in which some .witnesses gave evidence be., fore- him in a.liq lor case.' -,. The Hidney;iharkbt in. Montreal is'ver-y ;easj;, as the banks" have an Ample supply of fiinds, and the de-v iuaiid'. fo'i" comiiiercial.purposes iH- 'quiefi,'"' jThere is' iio: probabilitrj' 'of any |;h'arigd from 'this' condition 6F matters :for"BOtne' time to comer { ' .recent meeting of the pastorB1 eollege.jcon-i nected with the . churob, that tho inBtitutionvbegan 20:yeara ago with, otie student, and .that 'since.[that time 350:Btudents had been edu cated, who are now preaching. ; not entirely jever recover from. tli shock received. An enquiry was instituted, when^it; was- discovered that a portion,.of a cigar which.M". Jackson-had carelessly placed on tho reservoir of the sto'vo, fell jinto the tea kettle, and. had,, upon; dis solving in the-boiling water,- I'pifi; oned~T.he tea used., iMis3 Jackson' being in tho habit-jof tak'ing tea without milk' or sugar, remarked the peculiar tuste of her teit and re fused to. da-ink it ; but her J jmotbev, who. used; both, ccmla hot dQtcct anything -Wrong, and took the usual quantity. Had slmnot been'"of un usually strong constitution she could pot have Survived. -\ For Fruit Cake, Pound Cake, Maderin Cake, Pastry, Ginger-bread, Gin};rrsnaps, Confectionery, &c go to GalloWay Bros. . ,. t)no white man, four Indinns, and one negro were executed at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on Friday on the saniel scaffold.'., MkLLINF.RY, M^IKTtES," ETC.-j C'hrtsjtie, Henderson &. Co. i Acton, are now, shewing a complete stock cf all kinds of millinery goods. Latest styles .in ladies', midseh' and' children's ,hnts, mjmtles, etc. Choice stock of laces', itowera and ribbous in all tlie newest and ' most; fashion fashionable shades. The?e goods will be .sold at their, popu lar lb cash prieq.4.' , .' . ' iiik 'Wail ^apor, Call and be coiivh ceit.that this, is Tlie-Rigtit Spot Acton, Aji ?vn 1S75. Stewart,& Ca 1. ; TKEEf,.- .; I QTJE.1LPH. Mnnn Have JUi t opened those Cheap 1 si"bls Bress Goods FIFTEEN CENTS. 1 ,;/ '.,.. In' Actori ra -the 20th inst., the wife of Mr., Jas. Matthews, of a son. In; Aoton, on the 20th inst., the wife of ifr. T.houias'4'bbagd, of a son. "_i III! Acton, on the'22ud'inst., the wife of'Jfr. itobt Creech, of a daughter. . ' i\\ ' . i - ; Div.n. - .' ' ; , InI"?qnbsing,.oii the 2,3rd insi, Kliza-: both; Penny,'wife of Mr. dinstopher Swackhammer,' aged abont 47 years. ACTOX JIAILKTM, ,. $2 00 to! 2 ' ; The JVtonaghan Murder;;! ', The preliminary-, examination of Grennte, implictited in the. War wick .-' murder, ttriali took: j placp in Bi-antford op Saturday before the police magistrate.? ; lie pldaded .not guilty. On account of tho"non-ar- rival,of Murray and -MeFee:,,;th'p Other,"Jtw^. suspected'. accotupUceSj; the oaJ3^ wii^ remanded for a. few, days. -. Iduvray iand-ileFee.ortly, reached Braniford jon.; Satucday afternoon. ,>;. ^Thte- house -pf.. ill-fame "IV Petersyille kept .by one iiurray qlid Mniy Ann T'aylijr/.wiis searohi edrSnider. w-ayrant.. by,s Detectiyes Dunn,; pf Braijtfprd,:;,and Phaii-,,ofv London. Ti\ieyfotiiyl,,tv?o seyen': shtfotrs;in*.ti;unk,.e4cli, loaded :ih .fiye chambers, ', and .. seized -them. Whatclue they may give is not:| I yet understood. . 1 1 - Flqnr ... White Wheat -.. Tnsadwell.. Spriiig Wiieat .. Bafley --.Ki .. Oats ... .:. P^lS ..,;. , .. 1'otatoes, per.bag Apnlbd, per bag..' Oiurirti, per bushel Butter r... Kggs...., ;. Hogs _.; Hay.'jier ton , ;... Lambskins.'.-' .. iPelts -I.... :. ... Lard ... , .. Tallow. ... 7' .. Bacon '.' . . ' .. Hai(n \\i;'S-' '.Shouldor;.'.-. >0 1 00 to 1 03 0 05 to 1 (Ml 0 'Jr> to I 00 0-50 to 0 70 , 0 35 to 0 00 : 0 G3 to 0-63 0-55 to 0 6'0 0 75 to 0 85 LOOto-O 00 ; 0 22 to 0 00 ,0 ii to 6 12 ; 8 25 to ,' 1200 to .'-' 0 50 to 0 8d ..-O-^O'toO-60. . 0, Ifl.toO'lC . O'07'.toO 08 '.-0:10 to'0,00 . bl2to6l4 . 0" 10 to 0 12 5>0 (H). .14 00 ]-Bf*8' Gopok. GraTefoi?AND Go>jt- FOiiTiNO. "By a thorough know^dge of jtho natural lawB which govern tl|e 'operations of digestion-Kiid .nutrition* and by hcareful application of the flue1, properties'of welL'soleo'tod-^ooooa,' Mr?' ilpp3has provided p* breakfast (tables wi,th a delicately flavored/ boyerago :which'iin!vy"ss(vo lis mniiy heavy docterB' hills. )lt is Vty tho judididrisuse of Andli 'articles;of diot that a constitution^toht. begradusilly built tip uutiLstrongo'npugh' jto,|rosi8tj;,oyery. tendency to disease. jjtj^urislredB^bf sulitleinaladies are floating jardijtid ris' reoiiy -bo'.- attack -'.wherever tbere is a#eak-pirihit.'. "SVe' rhay^eac&pe ihivny a'i^tiaLfihafi bykoepin'g.purselves Also Go for a cas<i tton Hosieijy, cheap 25 cenis, French A.' c? se of Dross Qoods.Uit.20o and 23c, Ladies'. Sill< Nott sols Tar^s%ls' aii|d: Silk TTm- br illas, from i!5o. ingham tains from 1 NeTf Prints, Wej are- se Ne nlyi CrJ,' -Hom'ceopathie Chemist, 4S, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." Gent'jS "ew OxTom n"d.Jiik Hats, fweeds. . " f:i. i-'-*? I. ooa m^ m , -'=: ^mMM^^^&i Zo Clotliine,. Crockery. 'office.- ' JOHX BENNETT. iMareh 27,;)S76. '-.'- '-' PARLOR STOVE; WTLSOItf < ^-s| Anni*. .1 gWB&A } beobleal -:'"' '! hpe, a tion*. \df~gar other 1 Always-in stock, '. - :- fe - ' ' '"IS Stoves, Store Trlmutlnits, :; -"- M a-, Tin, Sheet-Iron K-V'W ,-!* .'"" aHd Japanned Ware., p &V"- -Particiilar.attervtion paid to*':", |8 EAVETROpGHINGlv f Stencellin<r hridJobbitiff \ -P.' |3 don&jori the shortest notice. j Cotton Rags, Copper, Brass, > Ir#& J' \aiid other produce taken in' t -' -, ^ j. air.Call and See Us.y*'.,' Iteincnibcr the s.tand, one"door -iart of the. Canada Glove Works, :; .' iSILZ. STREET, lGT0S. W. E. 'Wilson-. -.' - LP. Jomisxs. Acton. ArrJlll. 1S76 . . '.rsi GITlSGr UP BUSINESS. black, the con Mr. "E. ithji; to! loiusi-sf jDiur ,-f.. .'-;- 4i oiaghly Tfg bri| tears, fc \ . A' ' ireekv ' -iiiils, rJ being tn amountl J. W. MANX. EDY BROTHERS, Ilavp determined to give up business in Actori, niiSiare now ofteriri^^lse balance of their im'taeuse stock of. ' ' &:[m>* jcW vC OS/I?. XTcTsr is tlie timstosscure Sargaiits Full lines of Men's, fVomen's, and GhiIdr?ri's H,bts, Shoes and felipV^wfto; .--.-- j - 1^6 JSa'isonaTil': 0?^r .'EiS.fcised iovi.'G^^,- I- '. " Tl . the-effej taverns I ^ remark! leru th cided iibeing .itowh, t| :ie at I ;>ya,-.and .iiia:" .'v" A" ^Overdue Accounts apusl bo paid at once, to save Go?fe'ioR; Colloction. i - '; -1 i'.. Acton April 24, 1876 KENNEDY. BK0S.J of LIQN J. D. WILL1A1S0N im '-3 ?* eORNEE,. of Awhile 4 bair Eiil:Gloyq$. very choice Ties from 10(i,.very'stylish, at 25o. . In Swiss "Embroideries hold a_l3ri;e'ai>sortment and prices that aslonish, from 1c,' Largest; and Best Dry (a^dds Hotise in Western Ontarioi t E ORDINARY BARGAIN Hf DRESS GrQODS AISTD lier ^White and Grey Cottons cheaper than aujjr ofc house; Twenty Bales, jiist received. -: '":i Another JJar^e Lot of\\ those wonderYulIj JJ<W - priced Black Lustres'just in,.at 25c., wprtn 37iol :. f . :.M'-;V" Iri each; and every line of, the Dry Goods Trade;-we ~Vf&- ^' lengc Competition. -"-. <f -V'M"' I K credit .Mt., aboutf tfcrestinl ' in tH,e ; evening 1 . taxing j -~Bobject I - diaepn spoke! tehtive. I Biblical! the crip _ment-t clirit It is no| _^paper . .' relative I Suffice; j ,eloque .. 'study 1 sire, to I ; rWl" -'- - to pr - ^next 'Baptia %- Wo first tarf :i-. Lace Cur-: to 15' ft pair. Misses' and. Ladies' ,T^/Stipe4:-Gra;t(in Bose/.all. Biges anld qualities j also. White and Cc lured, and qualify. New Cottons. {Ml\& irtings by tlbe piece at whole- sMe^pticesk ..White Counter- ianes, Sheetligs, Towels/Table jinens, &6. Dress Shirts, ShtttB, .New Felt. New Coatings and lVai.'STIrWARX. & Co. OTR PRtOES^ARE CLOSE, v OUR VARIETY EXTENSIVE, ; t;' :;.".'. -;0;UR-STYJLiElS-^Uf ""I All Svho want;the Latest Fashions; :. .:;C^.'",;n ! r ."-: All who vvan| the Best Value for All who like to be Treated w Ooaritesy and Attention. - ,. - GO TO THE <3-QBPE31SF theic-money ith the Gre , ir Smle We -- tempt -feW' self in; tened &i around I hinge ol arouiid | -^ self off. I -quite i - - cide pr Ease": -: " At We CONTAINS AT VERY iARGB. VARISTY".'OF? Brussels, Tapestry, Hemp, and Designs most tasteful; prices- vnryrtow, TJP'obl V:-M v- , ALL,-p* -j Guelph, April 18, lSjti. v . '.-- - V :-*-', ^Hfi "" "' -^- '. jij:?*j-.-.<s.-!.. ,-, ..

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