Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1876, p. 4

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^-+- itiif'. i^ In-' . --------------------*+.-------------. __. ACTON FREE PRESS TtfRxs. One doUiir n vrar, mt'iciIV In advance. lrnoiiwlJUxroTOthrroSurtithi. oi\p pikir mid n" itjift w-llt-bi- cUnvp'O ; i>r i two do'.lnr* if not Mi it Ulr thocn.i or thiv ' J ear. So pai or wt bo root to am-.i>cr- on tu'rire man one y.onroiijviut. "* >, ;'UxTBirnir Arvkktisin'uJ Eight -eoirt*' : pactlnv:A>r first lns^TTiwi, and iwo ppntS -pee?tiip for pactv >\iBspqnont Insertion'. , S>hortnilvr>rilsm>ht>i-ur eight Hues and _ under, $1 Pr thro* U\f&ntens, BuMtuW Cards of eight liutsima, under, *4 tn*r " UBiUn. .-. J J- A Hbcr4lfasurt allowed on n,l\H<fftRp- moiHs~)>sa-(oa fir 'pxtomlrd" rmrloifct1 AdwrUsonrenlH wtthiHtt speiHali InntrtKS Atpns Inserted till ftirbKt, and charged; twcordltifly. > ^- - . . ; Any Special NoilciMheoliipetor which <s to pi<biinrf Hie pecunhirv-ilunodt'of anv in^adtftjvtr company, to bd oonsiucWd &rt advertisement, p. - - Transient advertisements to be paid, for F.lien orUi-red. All aaverttslltg accduntii rejwlerrd iiu rterly. 'j.s ' ~ Notice* pi MarrlniccsvBtrth* hud I>eritlis roenctrfree - ] m&: Q^tKLPII ;iS*ORY,; Gold, -Silver. & Nickel "Plating' Works, 148 QUEUES STS3ST, atrsLFE. Mf!i l-OT-ili m- . The Vest Pockets. i A young man froni, ipne of the suburban districts went to one or our taUot: siioje to get nveuisured for ft vest tlifibtber'afternooit. ".Married, or unmarried !* quer ied tbtf'merchantj afteiUaiking down ih> number. fl Unmarned,1' said, the -'young niari' with ablush. i - " Inside pockety-on the left hand . side," observed tie tailcr, as if to himself, making a'memorandum to that effect, j "-i- |" - i After a;few moment's pause; the young wmx from the "suburbs in quired : ; ' I-',';"" I " Wliat djfferenco docj Wyibping .married or unmarried make with the inside pocket of/a vei>tl"r ' j i- " Ah, my dear sir,"otjeerved the tailor-with a bland smile,""- all tlie diflt-reiice possible,as you -m Ust see. Iveing unmarried; yoti iwant the jibeket on tlieleit'sidffj so as^tp bring thffycHing-laJy's picture next your heart." "But don'ti the. 'married rnah also want his^'ife's picture nest to \his htart V queried Uie amdous youth... .-" J ' -" ] . .-.".' "Possibly there is an instance of that' kind," saidj the tailor, arching his eve-brows, "'butTl never-'heard w olm Sirkham, Prop , .. Mnnulacturerand lmjwrlorof Brcerh and Muzzle Loading Rifles., Shot Guns, &c. Her(5/irrs of all xlcscriptidih-ahciiyt on '-. , AMMtmrrioN Fon au bbeech .<> LOADING AKMS. : E(j* * Kyjiocm's Cnrtrldse OnspR ond Caii for re hmdlnR Siinie. .Itt>, -R-tapner>. Cn'rr l-yo^tons. Curlers, ar.d Cresors.Vlej\iilng KckR, ami nn'nrilcloti uilv' issi-.ry for a SporlsiuimV outilt. .'Ail-sitrts of H.palrliiK'aud Jobbing eiei:*iedon the shortest uotleout ' 148 Quobco Stroot. ' JOliS KJ8KHAM1. SI^KIOf Gitilrry. on llie jiremlses open from 10 o'clnefc a-in. to 10 j'.iu. hfe U ; FUNNIGBAPHa Offerings of the season Twenty cents on the dollar.. ' ! '. A gentleman with considerable . i face^thte man in. the moon. | _: ^ fellow loot lifce w-ben gallanting his svreetheavt1 through a- shower f A rairibeau. "Why is a mad bull an animal of ~ia convivial" disposition ? -t '- Because-; he offer? a, horn to every1" one he meets. , " Talk of 1 bed being en during the past tips1 THE OFFICE CASH STORE, On boginnin ; the business of 1870, 1 would return sincere thitnkn to my numerous ou itomers for tho yery liberal support they have given mo J2 years, und again I most reitpoetfully nslca continuance of their respective support. During my experience in business I hate- pretty thorough])/ found out tho . _ Trade, VCTOX WagoJi and Carriage .:.. \ FACTORS J,IES RYDER, Proprietor. and Downs in , -^ - " And am fully convinced that a Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to "both Seller and Buyer. _ ' . I'am Ihereforo determined to do a READY PAY BUSINESS - And give my customers the benefit by giving them Eight pei* cent off for Cash on all General Groceries (excepting Sugiir). By doing business nb above, I will have the cash to -:. . buy my goods and. eflectft . jSAVlSdr OF AT LEAST 6 PER CENT " nnd MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, And in reality got 14 pei? cent for their; Money. Please cpnsidejr the matter over, arid give me ypur'suppprt to carry out the Only right way of doing business, thut is Ifc IE ^A. ID ST ^P .A. ^ST. ? MONTREAL ACTOIT. Groceries Specialties. We beJieve the,correct principle of advertising and doiri# business generally to be, to show cus* toiners and others, clearly, positively and convin^- ' ! ' i : .- . \"' cingly, t-lint it is to their interests to trade with the party advertising. This of couvse is not posr sible to elyery merchant,-for. to do so he must be able to show clearly that he can give/them belter value for their money than they can get elsewhere To accomplish this, he must not only lie must mark all Groods down to B so that customers will see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with him. buy well but |)ttom Prices, My stock will always bo found complete in-, Provisions, Crockery, ' ,: .'. Q-las^w-are, Stationery, Tr7all -Papers, ^Tindo'w Blinds, Window Rollers, etc: SAISAGE,OYSTERS, YARHOUTRl BLOATERS, VT'agoiis, : .; ;;;Carriafics,- i ' Slaifirjia. - -'"-'. Cutters, > &e. n rtv mm mm^ ii' nervating anvfe is 1 vaya. in its is more powerful -tjh:m water? _J .-,*.-' " All eSorts to makeliay :by.gas light have failed, but discover- ' ed: that^wild oats can be slown under its cheejful rays.""" " Tares " are- generally the result. I A statnte of Utah permits a coa- l Vicied murderer to ch'osp" whether he hanged, shot br' decapi tated, ; The latest- telpn, J. G. Wiggens, chose to bs"shqt. ._ A Nevada sheep monj -who-had tried and succeeded , " Sheep are better thifJa-a government bond; "you can tear orF-a coupon! every six - months half_jis_ big as jthe- bond, and he bond ii left as; big as it ../^raal"' _ - | "-._ A venerable hegijo in; Iowa was Ton trial'for;an offence against the State, and when the case was*an-: hdtmeed in court, " The State of ; '.- Ibwa vermis Sampson Cfcesar." the ' ..aged African exclaimedj " What! -* -de whole State of" Iowa, agin dis : chile! Den"T surreadsrs," , Some one wftnt$ ito know" why flieq were ever ma>le; Inonxopiri- ionthgy were vented for'one of two things either to fill up the cracks in-the oW'houses in winter, or to. " prodaee arL flctfvity in: the cheese market in"Smnrger; for if yon have ever-noticed -it,';cbee8e iiif usually " very active during fly time. -:. The New." *Y6tk Pent remarks that customs are. changing^, and for the worse: Mr. Bryant irefers, ^e suppose, to the fact that biily a few Vears^agp you could sitab and talk philosophy with - a'girl'all night-; but now if'you stay after one or two o'clock in the morning tha old Kdpt In stock and tnadeioprd^r oii tbe Shortest Notice. - . :: Strict attention paid to .: Horse-Siooiaj & GOaeralJo'b'blag ' .and satisfaction euaxahteed* Acton July 1st, 15^5. DR. ROBERTS' Celebrated Ointment . ,- CALI.I30 THE L POORlMAN^S FRIEND, , 1? confidently recommended to the Pub lic as an ncfaillng remedy lor wounds of- eveiy des"rtptl6n;! a certain, euro for Ulcerated Sore Lees, even or twenty Tears' standing; Cms, Burns, Scalds, Braises, Chilblains,Scorbutic Eruption'?, and Pimples on ihe Fnce," Sore iind-in- flamed Eyes, Sore Headsr Sore -Breasts, rPIIes, Flsvola, and Cancrons Humours, artd is a Specific for those afflicting Erup tions that sometimes follow vaclnn>tion. ;Sold in Pots at Is. ljd. and is. 9d- 6achv Dr. Eoosrts'Pilul AntiscroBliula j Or A.UTEBNACTIVE PILLS, confirmed by- sixty years' experience to be oae r>f theb^straedlelni-severcomponnded for purlfyipg tbe blood, and.assisting Nature in heroi>era:ions. Hence they are useful FINNAN' HADDIES, &c, &c. PKODUCE TAKEN AS bASH. I believe ir4 the DISCOUNT SYSTBJX. and as it has proved very* satis factory, I will continue to. give the discount as follows: On-.25 cts, 2 cents discount; on 50 bts, 4 centi ; on 73 cts, 0 cents ; on 1, 8 cents. Conveyancer, Issuer of Marrlnjrc Liecnses, Insurance Agent Agent Money to Loan, Agent 31 out real Tel. Co., Clerk Fourth Div. Court, Com. in Q. B., &c. Acton, -January IS, JSTO. JAMES MATTHEWS. Wm. Stewart & Co. WllXDILiM STREET. In Scrofula, Scorbutic ComplainU, Glan d"lar Sweillngs, partioWarly those of th< Jf > clc, Ac. Tney form a mild and superior Family Aperient, wbicn may be taken at. alftlmes without confinement or cbanee I of diet. Sold In Boxes at Is. Hd., 2s.9<Lf - Is.9d, lis. anda^.each. BY THE PBOPAIKTORS, BEACH AND BARNICOTT AT TITEIE ^ OlSPESSABY, BBIBPOBT, ENGLAND, and by ail respectable Medicine Vendors Beware of Counterfeits. For the protection of the public of Brit ish North America, Ideem it my duty-to state that my Pills and Ois't.ment are neither" manufactured nor sold_in any part.Vf the UsiTEnsiATK.s BaxtU'Pol and Box bi-Hrs the "British Government Stamp, with the Words "Halloway's Pills akd ointment, London^* engraVed thereon. On. the label Is the address, 533 OxyonD Street, LONIK)N. "" This notice has become necessary, In consequence or yile and spurious lmita- , -, a lions of "Hdlloway'e Hills aud.Olntmeht.' i people begin to pound on_the floor / bein^ mbrlcat J^q^ el'at 78 Maid' m:4 -.ip-stairs for jbu to go. jWe don't iinind it so much ourselves, but we "c-an't help feeling for the giria. en Lane, M.ew ties stylln? "HolloWay 4 ^n assumed thus .1 York, Dy par- r.h era selves Co.." with' trade mark, '" Jf ypu-.'cannot speak well btrfour j TJjprincip'ed vendors can obtain tbis "neighbors dd not 8peak of'them at trashatavery low-price, and so deceive.' _ :^r' -. r ! . , . -. ! you by selling the same fpr my genuine alt. A cross neighbor may oe muaff , flolloway'w Pills and Ointment, which a kind 0B& bv kind treatment;' Tlie I a,re .mannfjictured only at 533, Oxford . -, - . -. , street, Jjondrm. ' - ... .s- true way to be'nappy w to make j Persons who-may be bo deceived will 'iothirehkppy..-- To do good-is a ^n^l4^eCu^^sein"hV^iuBh luxury. If- VOU' are not wiser at -Province*, who obtain my medicines .dl- IL- jT"*it -i <i ,u i. J -i t rect-ffom here, have very properly sutr- the end of the day, that day is. lost, nested that I sbou|d,i mr the b^nent of Go home,.- boys. Ubn't "hang aroundthe cbrner of the ptreets-. If you" have. ]anything tcj |do, do it -. promptly, right oflstli.en !go home. Home is- the place for boy*, "About c the street dorners aJud staifjles, they "Team to""talk slang^r-and tihey-learn ' to Tjwear ancfc smote tobacco, and do many;othear things, which they ' ought not bo do. " Dp your, business and then^go home. If .your busi- 5 itess is play, play, "and make a:- bus-' iness ofrit. I like to see!boys play goodj earnest'hesSthy games. \J[f I '. -were the town twould i'ive them -a /good spacwns-plfiygrptirid. /I ssiyiuld -have plenty f Btjft -green grass, and trees and fountains and -a broaid" space to run a'nd-jubnp, . and to play,suitable games. I would make it >aa pleasant and as love- :;~ ly^jua it can Demand I would give it ;s to^the hoys to; pTay in, and when r;- flie play, was ended I would tell ~.-, ibiif to go home. themselveg and fche pjublic, Insert their names in tlm papers, that It may be known.that my medicines can be had gynuinefrom Mjcm. j ' . ., ; The followlngl* o ll*t of the firms allud- ed to:, and I .partiourarly recommend those who desire to uefmy medicines to apply to some of the Houses named ;, MisRCeb & CO., Montreal, AVeby, Brows 4 Co., Halifax, N S Fo&iYTH* Co., Halifax, N. 8 T. B. Harkeu <t Bosk, Bt. John, N. B. Apothecaries' Hall Co.j Charlotte town Laxgljcy * Co, Victoria, B C HooreiCo.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. JofXN Fallen, Chatham, N B Munr6<SCo_ Montreal j J. Wikkr&Oo., Hamilton, Ont. - j H. J, Bose, Toronto. ' A. ChipkawSmith,St, John. U.S. Joww Bow, uoderlch, Ont Efct*rrA Co., Toronto J. (JttALONER. St. John, N. B. Hanisgt.iN Brothers, St. John. JN. B ii. S, Pridtjy,- Windsor, Ont Mrs. Orpes, Morden, N. S Geo roe o. Hunt, Jun Frederlcion, N, B WVH. Thojcpsow HarborUrace, JS.F. L J. W.WIley, Fredjrlctoni*, ' W. <k U. Yrjri.E, Montreal jCirAS. 1. Da vies, Frederlclpjj, KB; -The medicines are sold at the lowest wbolosale net prices, In quantities of not less than 20 worth vifcs 8s.jGfI., 2is., and 81s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, jfor which remittances must be sent m advance. rJ \ _il. Tmm,AB UOLLOWAY. 5S, Oxford Street, W. C. London, June 1st, 1S75. * GUBLPH. Ate shewing now Spcieal Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. Special-Lines of Cheap Silks. Special Lines of Cheap' Flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets. AjSpeoial Lot of Canton Flannesl A Special Lot of Cheap Tweeds. G, T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN A Special Lot of Winceys, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Value. General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, . "Wall Paper, Window^ Plinds, Crockery^ Glassware, Nails, v Giass,=; : -;.' .: Putty, Linseed Cil, *^ & seuoi -Paints, Turpentine, Machine Oil, Coal Oil, ""Salt,; etc. TUo subscriber begs toroturh bis thanks to.the inhabltantsof Actonandsurrouud- Ing- country for, the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and at the same time solicit their further' support N.B. -Cash Paid for Hides delivered WM, STEWART & Co, Acton, July 1st. 1875. C T. HILL." In the two invoices below we think wel clearly show the advantage gained by those who deal witli us, over those who don't. J A customer bought of Secord Bros.; 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 50a. per lb............____ ...... 11 lbs. Bright Sugar......... *.'.-----..;........------- - 12 lbs, Wediucu Bright Sugar............. ,k........ 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea.'.............................. 1 set Knives and Forks .-.____.........:........ ... 1 set China, 44 pieces", .'.____........................ 1 gallop Coal Oil.....:..........I.'................ 11 15 - Another party who didn't buy at Secord Bros., had to pay the following prices for the same goods: 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 per lb. . 11 lbs Best Sugar... ..i. t____ 12 lb3. Medium, Bright Sugar . 1 lb. Best Hyaon Tea ;.......j. 1 Bet Knives and Korks . .. ^.';. 1 set China, 44 pieces. ...... 1 gallon C'eal Uil.....;...;... BrPUght down. i. . STIM* AHEAD AT [THE ; -ii. Central and Shoe Store 1 J -in (rtrl CR/\INE ^ S^)M Have just received their r- * SPRING STOCK OF BOdTS & SHOES' which is ahead of anything evered ofTered in Acton for pt\le anddnnbdit* i' andat prices that eanhot be 4indefrtold, ' ' !0UR CUSTOM WORlt '^ Will receive careful personal attention, and all work ^guaranteed to ay* - Don't jforget the place, ' Acton, N Hill Street, opposite Morrow's Bros Store. N^ jad Barge IT dan . ]rf. New 1 College, f Tuesdays < TAM1 el reyanc rostmarten Money to job: Co.. m^in Q. Cor i April 4, 1876. -tJfiAlNE&.$ON. 2 50 1 00 1 00 85 1 50 4 00 30 NEW jSPRmfi GOODS. . '!.... i1 RECEIVJE^THIS \VEEk' AT G, M pCOtTS STORE, The .Largest, Choicest anil Cheapest Stock of J J^EINTi, DRES S GOODS, Oottoaalcs,' . \,. ] Plain aad Checked, fiucks,. , j' , -.".. G-eats'fWlUt'e p^ess'SijIrts, -;Corset6,' 'j"' _ i -r . Soittingr and Croenot Csttoa, ^{Faaey Goods, .. ' H : TnmTniTigs, So. 1 $3 75 1 10 1 09 1 00 1 75 6 00 35 15 04 11 15 These Goods, were bpught, with greit care in the best markeis forCadL and owing to the stringency in. the money market AT-1!JkN". UlNFSUALLY l,0^r FIGURE. ^ They will be sold at from 5 to ]Q per ce-nlj le->s than 6-nrelph pnee-". Call and'jin.spect Goods and -Prices be.rore.gpiilg else irhere ' _, . Don't fofgiat the rplace Midgely's Old Stand, oppo tte Agnew a Hotel, Main Street,-Acton. j A|cton, Starch 14. 1875. G. M SCOTT, h A rt 3 89 TBY ft mm LAMP CHfWI^EY 1 "- .' i They will not break from any cause, produce a good light and wdl oalrJ last a score oFGlass Ohimne^s. f Secord Bros.1 customer thus saved no less than $3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. The man who didn't buy from them now thinks it wouIdjlBRASS W^HEl HIRD CAGES have been to his interests'if. he had gone to Secord Bros. That man is now-a living,-standing, walk ing advertisement j for us. These are every day facts, witnessed to by hundreds of our customers, and commend themselves to the attention of every frugal housekeeper. Orders of five dollars arid upwards delivered at Georgetown, -Nerval, Liniehouse, Guelph: Eock- wood, &c, free of charge.' j f SECOND BROS., Acton, ! The largest Retail Importers of Tea west of Toronto. ' Steam CarriagelWagon Works MAIN STREET, ACTON. D. ^ i>lfe Ax *c,prep mad on re lrf>*u on Otugdw Hi T J.W fj i St-J Jte Offle*J BUeets,U At4 Chatssery, K at afreri Jlilton Offi? meat of u law "Will at on Friday ol E3TK1 H MSB Agen> tot ' Air nouuei' frltbmUy aoUclted. ATEXI -crpeJ^ lu Canada, t Ftent goa for printed I (loo taiiy* Mee lanirJ Lem\M an<t-Dl Bdsinc4 i at iH| ty llaff mstkn i C^.tj Tniirti LT\i Aewil I*buUTl g J tha nf -ttrel lion, guarsn| A CTOJ Floor ^nd vnl ad reJ CIO-c| Uiif Btbtica-j n * Hw'l ?jr , iyle with * *T.-3rteUe ^n^lci,tatoo I at Ir. iitini pd 4tn!e pikulfc,*! Liqaors a. dl attentive H<f W o - And a good Variety of ,J :e ^.^ o ^ a-Ei s. For thn Coal ton Uriler| TJfllee, Acto ltfcfewo*!. - Terms rea l 1 8Ie i ___, County, at rl Address; I AMERIC4^ GOODS- ^ P^orMats in Cocoa, \ -.? i_ Floor Mats in Oil Cloth, . ; V !; ; Floor pats in Rnhber, -' Floor Mats in WwL JV1ICHAELSPEIGH7, General Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Maker. . HoiTse^Sliders iri tlie County Ferfect Satisfaction "guaranteed or no price charged. : FIi?J$T-CLASS PLOWS . i-V '- ' COLLAiRD'S PAiTENT IRON HARROWS :,i; A Good Stock of Carriages and Wagons. REPAIRINO promptly"and properly attended to. Acp>H, July 1,1875. .!.!- - ' \ , '\. | ALL. KINDS-UFf ' '. : BOOK AND JOB PRINTING PBOMPTLY EXECUTED AT FKSIS PRESS OFFICE. March 20,| 187o.. A. McBEAN &. CO.'S. ALMA BLOCK, G'UEtPff- -4 WANTED i *1 AT! PANIC uPRIC^S; r ' i KEtalbY BROTHERS, - * - . j ' i1 I - I N Have mst received? their J *~* -'. ^ I + Fall Stock of Boots and Slioe|| ' ' ~" * 5= .:And are deternm'med to cPntintui to sell cheaper than tu* cheipwV^V^ '.':. baiter yaln^e for ybuPBaoney than can be had eTsewher. i j"* '.-. ---K - - ' " _Lv Calljajicl Se^ for Yourselves and bring .," ':*[,- I ; I ^Friends with. you. Hear MOI meats i besll Practic All Iefl AceotaU Bo Bulmo;: BcnjKav- . Examine bur stool| which comprises Everything in the trade of and most elegant styles and'patterns af-English, Canadian and manufacture.' ' ' f ' (J3 Orders promptly executed and good fits guaranteed."^ ' IS.B. All accounts must be settled this month KENNED &jnfoM3 r4 ^ Aoton;Nov.4;i875. b -t"1- riaP.O. 4 . * *J

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