nH&& i V'. -*slt*l "" '"A*^|ii 1 -k ~s ~i- --H. ::f r H* ^^PN^J^wsteigi^J :" 'f ^"^r?,*^jw>s**(9sw W*w P?HE EEEE PRESS, ACTON; HELTON OOOTTX, ofey APEtL. la 1S7G. 1 r-VII -; tip] a LOCAL WATTERSv .Good . Friday" to-morvo vr. _-Sm persons tv-ero baptised, in tartr^ni'neay ToUpu-s hullVon-Sat- ^londa^ and Tuesday cheering l "A ' " f Weir/ the. young man , rlio iw^1 *cifl ^ >veok' hss ^Wraittoi to.-MiltohrjaU for usfe- : ipios-' ..',' _ John Stewart, Esq., of Es- / .ncingVho i about removing (mm this" , !<mntr, .trw the nxiph-nt of a eoirrpli. ncnUr.v_?uM^frnJ.Milt^n.Rvt evening; J.. __Mf. S. Zimmerman is one of eaion*. He has already- state of teased. ' Cotratv- "ith diy'otr l"*is hayrKg ' l-*<^i>;*rB"itj l^'-VCirv-' r*cuir- Int't d*y nt l^.^rrsijcevl. fV.or.<ff the . Irti.ias^.tbo t-f, * 5-e- &-nature -fry thorn, ' ojhers xrt?_ |;- aftvr'.Jhe of Mat |;?* ailed.'v ^Liiai5 of "J- 5 he '.rt^Wvof - f"*T<"-<vse |^ diytriba- tree ;M*iu '.fving |_Messrs. i^Co. have ') Itam.iui-V ri U '(he first wt Ted buiUinjJ ou-jho wmr_t, anil Mill streets. And isrfiow ocors it as a meat store. Christie, r'TIondorscin & ;<t purchased'--a spanking They, intend goini; iuto, 'jhcTiivsiness S1""b"V>' : CS.C* extensively* this. **>"sad"for that- phrposefAvill hive tvfo teams instantly on the road. "CO or 30 miles-from Acton- ' 5Ix.. Henry Can-nine, of Tab crjno. w-as_arrainj:ed before two Milton 'iBigistrsto*. Hst week, on a. chargB v! J-de^anation of'character v lau'. hy Pr. A. Buck, also of ;P;\lenrio.. The cluir^e ins that ' Cirriipno had written sc-'vfcr.-il ihasivc letters nfuich were juiblishe^l in the Mali, Miltosui y<--.<, aiu\-'Gak%-ilk> . jtrjK-s in whieh thr'Pr's xrliaracte.r was vdined. A oamlwr c: witnesses v ere eisminVd, 'aid.this prisoner wis Dually conuuitt'cxl for trial the^siros next VecV, givia^ lexiV jot J-.is hppeftraiico.-- -JTioko'.s lorrtlio CVnt'onnial iix- fciiiition- aud sttv.rn.-e.-m l-e }\roeiiri\l Ttiiiik A Tool-hardy l.cnt *Voh n Trnln. ' I^nst Tlmr*ilay jovciinej, shortly after the *' ihiteh >lai<" traiujoft Acton'tar tion, <\ >*ug man slii;htlj^ilovat'<.Hl with liquor, pjCiisod tliroug'l| the 'seeond-class e;vr ijnd ehterod.- tin}' J>nggai$i> ear, in. which wei-v iiicb:vj;e;ai;oanaStor and two or three other parties, After remaining there a short-timo, *iul xvliuu the train had got wthiu a niile or two of Uock- v \\'>>ollt.f;oinj; at a. rapid rate doWiitlia jjradv, he was noticed to o_JU> the siilc <loor and shovo it'ipnokly op4ki. lV.fory any one could provcut him, ho mitilo sudden leap from- tho ear. Tho Kiggagb master rhshoil forwartl just in. time." to catch ht>hl of his coat-tail; Imt it ripped otT. asm the man went sprawling .to'tho. gtynnd. The train was Htoppudns siH>n as possihlcand hackedtup sumc dist.-utee, every- one on Ixvvrd expeetini;, aa a mat ter of course, thai, ho wouhl he found ia.shed to a jelly, lvut hi ! what was ir surprise. ti>- see, liim walking P the track, appavenUy unhanncil. After p-ttini; int^.the t<ars -airatn it Mas found that he had ese.ipcil-without, a. serateh.- He cot oil" at Kivkwinnl, where it is ^ud he resides. Jl'hej.oseapo-'froin' in- st.Mit /death is most extraordinary, as the; tTAm Was ruimin" at tha'ratb'of foTtv nules an hour. . i ' . FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING COODS. mAm srua thei TH HOUSE GKE o^,a-E,3?o",w:3sr, THE FRONT AS USUAL. '. : ft ': With fill tho newest styles in - NiwJv^PRI'Nfi?; GOODS. iTHAT WO -:<f . ^ t" -.'! N D! E RiF U i M M N E W S P B IH Q G 0 Oti S TO FIRST ARRIVALS IN CUELPH, Bed Tickings, 8heetineB Table Linens, Tdwels, S0O Pieces New naadapuie iSrints,' 5,000 Pieces Best American Cottons* .from sny*=s;a' I ^sdway'at ts Troni Tor>:t: scros? the ><- . -reuft. a:xl o- .^u e.iolloi :o to J.-.-m r E,.n-.e. York to - rhili.'rtlv R*rrifKr.rj, \Y ill:a-.n an f'ldb, aSl SteW good for .f/ity days ofMontrc.-d. iv.. : ek-:-5s_:: sisd:TC-tJ-.r=[wilt he?:W.'. Tr . "opc^s Hi d'ii:::.de!i*n:a * u^,. May: pin>:&|fnSlibv-iv:.r. uriy intention it . -' :':. -weuU do well to in:, nn 'rtati-in ar-jt:.t,.'v.:;tii'r^: i-t silne, si as to cr.at to ii the r.nn-.K-r of- tick-.-!--. '-' lv to L>-_- r-.-. -:t~ l .".t .-.'. ' the Cir.\:>a viu;; reduivd jiitov: Kit^tci, thv-iiv-e ci-.ee to V.ipv 'Viu- AlVaiiy, .-.n'd Sot i.ia, :c;uruii,._; rlr^ f-vrt, Kluiira, JN'i.ic- ,er City of'.T ' >r!ii ruli'le Swbnol r.vr.iulnntlun. 'l'he .Easter oxaiuinatioii of tile A'otoji Public School .was hchfl on Tuesday. The forenoon was deviled to theexam- ination of tile two junior divisions, and the afternoon,'to the senior, department; The pupils atrstoed the test Very eredi. taVly.-"- llrith Miss. Merjellar. and -MisS }.Ioi-ri\ in tlie sceoud aiid .thinl depart- tnent.s r\v<pi-cti\eiy,. g.sve evidence of i^o^nl ability fer te.'.chiiv.; and>-iliseipli in;; the youiii; peeple under tlieir.eharge. Almost withiut exception Wi.ro n.-n'.ar'.'.o1'ly' i[uie tl'.eir av.swers. . 'rher.e. is jusf one thiu^ h<\ove\\T,' we wottid like t,o observe 'in rvtVtvt'.Oe to the second; dilj^irtiiient, and w? .'mijtht also include the jlr.-t-.. : In qonaoquenco of tho doprcssirtn of (ratio and tho oajreTneaR of mnnu facturors to ecuro nw'noy for-their coods, wo havo laid down hero, tho largoat-nnd choapost stock of . JG> IFjl.-^r GrOOD S Ever Imported jinto th'iB country. IN pUESSj GOODS, w^ have all the ktiest novel- tio.s in Check, Plain-and 1'anoy Colorod Luslrea.Silk Poplina nnd !?ilk Kopps, Black and Funcy. Sil'i.s,. Black and Or'oy Grenadines, Blitck . LuatreSj &c, ATo. L. IN PRINTS, a .large and varied stock, embracing -: "Ashton '& llovlo's Chock's, American Chocks, For-colo's Ginfihams, IN COTTONS,"-\ye have the best and cheapest stock ever oilerocl to tljp public. Deautirnl y.wl wide grey nnd white 3ottons,fpr (.'c. per yard. The American goods, auch as Prints, Whito Cottons. Tickings, Cotton' Worp, Cotton'ades, jllroiv.n Drills, Brown ; and Check'Bucks, and other .notions', have been imported direct from the -manufacturers, and are. being sold by u8 only at the Canadian Wholesale prices. We have also onlmnd lines winch wq are always ablo to job, such as Dross Goods,' Prints, Tweeds, -&c. ' \r ' 39 PACKAGES OF NEW GOODS. One Case Fancy Dress boods. Newest G-oodsJto be Found; An ONE CASE OF ^LACK XUSTRES AND ALPACAS. BEST YAUJEW THE DOMINION ] Imkense Variety of TttltQti, AND 5*APX*B DBT. g60DS ^mvin^ ;DafIr; I would intlmato to my old f rioritls that my A.gorit in Dritainhas beonabla thhv dull season to obtaib extraordinary bargains, all.of-which yod -shall havo tho full benefit.of. An early o|all is solicited. ' ' ~ ' - . "I" ITeb..-22, 1875 JOHN HOGG, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, k: 9 1876. SPE^INQ. 1876. i, -pi pre ri'adin: ::j '- Kv-^-av rMiibiviei ,thei-10* o v.ty .*.l'." havi ::e i:kn" .itiet ir. Itu!st.-.-ir rdehtvLs r.-.= . ; e^ti:i:.iT t v.Til >v like Wv n-ter._t.) tl tien s.nd e!r.ph:i-is i more tr.v.niu^ in this hr!'.!1.-.-'^ i tr..it r.\\i childr* i\ ::::\\ i'l-.int ; and mure t-iuuiiier-Ut evi' :ite-Kes.': ln'Mri hn.-^de rrtit ex.'.ml-.-.ati.'U. v.us^.e i >!r. I.if.i.i, C^lui'y.Ii'.^iiec: i Mr. Calvert. V>'e were t< , the scholars j Ml LLINERY. Our Millinery 'Show'^oom Ls now and correct iu^ jt> ^ blast, replete with nil tho latest noveitiflsfrOtH all tho f.ishion- aido eent'cs, consisting or Shawls,- Mrmtles, Hats. Bonnets, Flowers, .... Feathers, Kibbons, r.uasols, now Chock NViaerproofs, Sun Hats, &c. . OROEHED GLOTIITNG. In ispitc of the hard times av.d the depiossion of tr:uio-our Ordered Clothing Department is stifaddy po'mp ahead. It-ia.fir in advance of any season yet. It is proof positive; o'l the cheapne:-s and fit- of our Goods, anil tho universal satisfaction which wo giro ouneustonjior?. .' A largo lot of cloths from tho best maiuif.ictiirois -cf EnKi]ve. ami Amorica to choose from. An imrnc-nse vaiieiy. of Gents FarnUhiu^-i, Hats and Caps, KoaJyHmado Clothing-, .te..&c. ' ' i . I i^> re-ui ins:. - vi.-.i:.- ;.,-.'.l per rati Mia-, ';. A little ,s desirable, out abetter- ^ivuiit the arttneut the aiiu.-ted by r, aiulJUev. a-.:d- .to SCO Seh.n.l.will in .We.'iies-.lsv -!i'e\t, 10:li THE FOB THE LEAST s NOTHING LIKE JVhcn you MONEY have-'-tho Tin to tiny it. JR0NS s< th,^'^'-?' -\! ,.. tw Bill. A' rneetit-.^ rt p-rties iTf.y Bsse-Dall vi-di 1-e held in the ace Sail, oa Friday ev-.-aini:. He for the-ciinyicg 5<uii'--.i, eieet of.ice etc A full s.tu-adauce is ryqued. c.l in atper- -.:.;ir." : "Whiskey^ Lavr. JVi.'.V-iV^V'-^/r'-.r />< /V,-..-., . Dk.hi trlR.. Soitjfe tiint,' -.u pv.li^^'ied two lt^-'frs, ifcie. -y'.i-hf." art!- fc. " 'A Sr.u. rer."' ,In tiri.-wvr first, a'l ,that".e:ril l>e said is I .so drunk th'it li?: mistook :) you from : froriV t . t'!/: ie was a caiv h.;.u|;\ and if his ;s ir'r-.iMti-J'J all rhat-I cr !d bo to take earn of ve.- uld the " I It-is an unc-omr'irertahle tact that. ytra"-caii zci the jjptat'est -'satisfaction. the best valu; for yorir moneys and a larger, variety * ! goods "to choose from st.Mc&od, Audtraon i Ch.'s than any " other S^-3i west of Toronto. - CARPETS: -A niaixuificcnt assortment of beadi- tirul patterns fiom 50c. per yartl. : BOOTS AND SHOES. A: fine varietv ami verv cheap. --^_ '..'.- .. ' We would,1'emmd tho public that wo aro pivlngavonderlnl-Jbargajils, that W'e are noir .-'oiling '.poods ciiespoi-than \ye u?ed to buy them, all ill conse-" quence of paying tlw; cash do-.vn. . . LADIES! Madame'DemoiesVs patterns for .Spring arotiow to hnnd. c3-"ootls <>M foi* Ciish; No Second'Price." "^ " Co.,' ' ." ETOWN. GLASGOW HOUSE, Tko: Fountain Head foi^-BtoMas IHMSTI idre l" " SwUL: Mr. xrtK M^rs. Hunt will cive-a Social . entertauuiaetit at.their residence, (G. T. " R.-Ration) ooi Wednesday evening, 19th inrt., conuncricing at 7.30 p. m. Pro ceeds to be. devoted to improvements on English Chnrch psrsonhge. Ec-frvah- meats wiil-'be-served. &t_'9 p.m. Mr. i<i Mrs. Jiact hope to sue a large niint ber of th<lh|-irien.i3, aiid will endeavor to mate the evening ns enjcyablt:. a-s posible. - . 2SKCt3 f- oriirt-L TT1'pesos j/rs.an-a. PJ. i" i ScnS et eosiri-ni: s;at>.>i tor his quest, w do wor. .calf and-not the. cow and see that it did not ijei. as much imilk. as he is worst-'to h.iye. ..-.- - : - " Sufferer "' calls me the "-terror of the Acton hotel keepers."' I am only sorry tiiat*~T/"was not able to make the'la-w'a greater terror to tlien), and Sit, I .-think; you need some one in your, -village to make the law- a terror'. -You have at least three placss keeping an'J sell ing spirituous liquors -without l cense and gambling is openly prac tised in'the bar-room, and men are seen reeling 'thjuak on the street on the SabBath. Surely your cpuncil is protecting rum interests i'n Act-on as, well as can be expected? " ActoaV April l^th, 1S76. April 6. 1S76. DICKSON & MpNAB'S ' SPBIMG: STOOK. i -. '=. __:______ .'. V Lnrge Lot of PRINTS of iheMost Select Patterns at ihe Also the Celebrated DUNDAS COTTONS at ex ceedingly low rates. 8os ^of'Tcaiperance. j The ofB'eers^-f Act--m Divisto Temperancs qlec.icd for tho_ quarter ar&:as follows : oi ."'.Bjoht CrainfCW.P. Jennie McMahcn, W. A. A. E. Matthews, R.S, . '" HarrietjSpeigJit,.AI'.S. David Mc.Mahon, F.S. - - Bt-nj. ><lcklin, Treaa. i i ,R.' B. Cook, Chap. ' H. P. MooreJ Con. _ __ . Jennie AuhL AC. 2>iatthew\Kenny, I.S. , ' Jas. GcphvLl, O.S. '"." CKEVCSOS'S -CORKERS DIVISIOK. . The folIbBTOg-are the afScers of Crew- son'g Corners Div.ision .Sons of Teinper. . ance for the insuing quarter":- ; Samuel'JMcGonnari, W.P. . Mrs--SeLaughlin, W.A,'.'" , . Donald Mann, K.S. ' i ,"3Us"Ei Stewart, A.IT.S. .. ".John Crewaon, F.St _l ."./^j Tho*. Dockray, Treaa.- 'FdehardSherlocE; Chap. '- i Robert Porter. Con. r Farury A M^oore, AC. .\ ' Robert iJaiiig, I. S. Another. Delicacy. . | -Secord -Tiros, have received another treat. _M ah I'..'s (!eseecr.ted'Cocoan'ut,put np-isi pound and iialj pound packages, A;niii!i de'.ighiful-treat, eaten as it is, or put into "cakes', pu"dd:n^s, etc.-etc Try it. ' ^ Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. V.'hite 'ground, white crushed,' white cut loaf,-White pulverized, colored, red, bhie'aud yi:llov,-,.;f<.r frostiirg", etc), mus- covadoes"Ivfc'-.v Ywk.ciww, gulden yel- Jqv.> yfdlow rclified, and brown sugars, juot rcetived at'Seeorii Eros. s We have now an'.Immense Slock of Of tho Best Patterns that ;can be had-in the maiket. tf5~"c arc dcicriuiacd Dot to be undersold. HpDERSOM &:\m.{ Being satisfied /'that; Large Sales, Small Profits, a lid Quick Returns, Mill not only pay better than having-the goods remain on the shelves, but will enable them to, constantly shoiv a greater variety^ -r - i" Have Marked all their Go6ds Down to the Very iLowest Figure, ai'id have now | ill stock and arriving daily magni ficent lines of l .. Dry doods, I^no^itJooas, Prints^ f Notions, kill^nsry^ Hais>jia; ;Caps, /to Boots an^Slioss, Black Dress Goods, .Shirting's, Dtlcks,! Doaims,; | Grey and Whito Cottons, '.-;.'_Cottonades^- Tickings, fetd.,-- oto-, At THE GHOST OF' FORMER PRICES. Begs to ainpunce that/haying imt' chased 8>n entirely new stock' ot' tools of thje most improved eharac ter, bo is now in a position tq turn out ali kinds of. .-* " ^ .':" TIN fNO SHEET-SRON in the ' | - . VBRlrBliIST STYLE. Bcicg in a position to Buy all aHs Stock.. JE'i^^i. CASH, IDAlLSAUt SIIAttE TEEES. : Any quantity, of young Balsam^ cahho had from the" undersigned, on, lot No. 82,; ?th con. Kassagaweya, or/iwill he deUvered at Acton or elsewherfc, from '- ten to fifty centresch, accordingjto size. Orders-may he left at the FeEf^PaEss- office.. ' JOHN BENNfiTT. - ;: -March.27, 187C. \L'"---"V,. -,'j';- The tmtiersiEnecLbaa cojiamericed the ":':' ^' " Butchering" Business .-' i^. aotcmsov ,"'-:- Opposite]-Allan!s -Lkmj \-Stable,.- and will' keep constantly ofi/band . ' - -'.--' ' -' ' ' - ' ^ :1 1' Fresh and Salt Tfiteats^Hsta,; Fewls and_cgetat>les* at all seasons of the yiar.-'" -.. The support of the public is most respectfully solicited. -[__' :..,.. .:.. , 'OSEAP T0&.:-0AS&, /-.-. . thS best plan-i^o "say you all. .-. ' EDWARDi-.^ATTHfiW3-.' Actpn, Mafc'tilS, 187o . 38*3m. 1 I".- JS?f- [it- iff: Thereby) gaining the suivantaga_of the,trade discounts, he is determin ed to Bell goods of firstoiass make and mat jrial at i /;> Decidedly lower Prices S ABBATH SCHOOtS. Than can r^e obtained from other houseIjn the Province. any Acton, March 7J0, 1S70. DXCK30H & 3ffioITAB'. This: is not blowing, but genuine facts. If yen doubt it^ give; him a trial. -! '." .-- "- j ' EAVETROUCHINC A SPECIALTY. Haying just procured the inost im-.- proved ap'pliancea for doing, the work,' ha feels satisfied.that he ca'nhot be outdone in this branch^ :-!. .STIEIi AHEAD,AT THE ^al' @'i,Wi?ycL loot mess lis long I will be of all \eiy ;and " hoases always/ lie Is fB-i- BIAN. " - tKI.MU 'A 'i 141-3^. 'kinds eU St tee ?wi X Sew rnc. ., -. : Last Friday eveufng a public meeting' was held.-in/^Qarnphtli's Hall, for tlje purpose of organizing a Farmer's Grange V here. There were aitf a hundred peo- i ^ple present, Mr. Vim. Gordon was - elected Chairman, and Mx. IVjhert B. Campbell,.;Secretary. Mr. C. Preston, Master of the Grange in i the . Scotch "Block, rea.d>the printed Constitution. . ^and part of the -'ByVlavrs of the Order, - and he Was followed'-l]y a few; remarks from Mr. John Ramsey^ of Nassaga- i^slic)- Aiktna, and : -Watson spoke briefly "of the benefits of ._ the organization, especially, in'if-social . __ - -point of ^dew. A fetv questions; were j aslied and answei^l, after which Mr. Preston ^HaoUhcedthat he had authority, from, the Dominion -=Grange to organize. suhordinate Granges, and that he was prepared to accept the names of those] - who were ready <to become charter mem-i bers/^nd to at once, proceed tohusiness? A number of those present.;then went forward, paid their ihitatlorr-. fee of $3/ "r and signed the rolL. (.'We hav4 sinee- tearned that there were 22 "names "given in, and that the Grange/was fully or- i- ganized that^night..'n~ VI " Glover and Tiinothy Seeds at Christie," Henderson'. & C'o.'i, Acton. Fall/stock at lowest prices. Spring luxuries now arriving, t'ich as. Oranges, Lemons', Nuts, Call- dies. Jellies, Jams, Canned Fish, Canned Fruits in tin and glass, Canned Vege tables, Pickles, Ranees, Caisups, Ap ples, Prunes, Kaisanii, efc. j r.t_ iSecoid Bro3. .-: - j-' ..' \&e^ds; Sbeds, Seeds;' Just re ceived mir spring stock of Fresh Garden and Field "weeds.'. Xow is the time to f.ecure' your eeeds for house, and.box Xdauting.^-Si:L-oUD Enos. .. - '.. /-Now Goods arriving daily at: the,Cash System, Christie, Hendcrson- & Co.'s, Acton. .Spc-eial values in.every.' line. Satisfaction guaranteed", and' the largest, amount of goodi for the least money,'1 are the inducements thejy are. offering. Ho ! foe Teas, -New, sweet, choice and .fresh^ just .received ami to anuve, a- magniticent stfick. ' Oar-Teas liavc always been.known-to he the "best -and eheapesfin the market. This year we offer special inducements.. Our oOc. Tea has distanced all ^competitors, and is in universal use. Sixoiit) B1103. Gash System a Decided" cess. Ghristic, Ifenderson & -Co. great pleasure in stating.'that. daily salbB :sirtec adopting ithe. Cash SyV tem, have been much iu C3fces3 of any similar period since December. This is highly urat-ifviug to all "parties cohpern*. ed. Theipuhlic can feel, assured that ho effort will bo spared on their part to ake it an object, for all to spend their 5 QRAINE & SON .; received their US STOCK OF BOOTS I SH ES , Th!eishop_will shortly be consider ably ienlarged, and I intend to keep always1 on hand a large Btoek'of ST^VtS Of all kinds, whieti will be sold al very low prices., ". -.. ! .3-3-m Presbyterian at TFbrf'. ".- SalhatH School ifrortd. k- '^ - ..- -' '- Sundayl Sclipol: .Times. ':" . Sunday Sdhcpl- Superintendent's. "*~F- Westminster Qtueetion Booh BereanQiktetwn Booh,." v-- '.: International Lesson-Leaves^ NV Wcsfiiitnster - Lesson! Leaves. - Berean- Lesson - Leaves. / Select"-Notes on-the %Tdematsmal~} N Lesaont fof 1S76. \- .' :'.- -. - The tavgesi; and Cheapest" Stock of Sabbath School Papers. Simple*. r -\ forwarded, prepaid; '. R. T Acton, Feb; 211875. f . - which is ahead'.of anything ev'ered offered in Acton for style and durability and at prices that cannot be undersold. OUR GUSTQM YJQKR .'" ' Will receive careful personal attention, nnd all work guaranteed to give Don't forget the place, . ! j , -. : "~ ,; Mill Street^ opposite jaiorrow's Drns Store. ! I'.CKAINE^BOK"" ;money at the Cheap Cash Store. . .-.T-Just received and opening up our spring stock of Crockery,- Glass ware, etc. Our stoek in -these deri'art- rhents are?7Ui-largest and cheapest wo "have-evei- had. Parlies re'quu-uig any thing in .tliis line Bhouhl.exaJjiihe pur stock and prices. We'show no less than 13 different patterns of China Tea-Sets. Sficonh JJao.s. ! ' " H .- /OIiaEl^^^-'EI^^".- : Diu-gs, Olicta^cals, byo StiffSj ^ ; -. i Eateat aad Proprietary 3Joaicir.es, ; F^noy anl Toilet Soaps, Spoages, Bruslics. .-- : : Taiats, Oils- and- Vaxaisaes> :; Bti'bTjpif.Geois. ^ 2T7RB "WI17ES AND LIQTJOES fcjr Mo4icinal_ Parposos only. AUlgopds war^-anted of the best quality and at. ten per cent "below Toronto prcex. jjon>t:fprRct the place. .'. Medical Hall,: Millj street, Acton; Acton, March 13, 1875. ;. . .; ..' - FRESH STOCK OF afiNEfe4L G-BOCEBI|3S, Also full lines of the best brands of ' -- ________________________ TEAS Green, Black and Japan, [rpHosB wto always uav at the lowest prices ever offered to the Qanadian public. Our 50c; TEA has no equal for the money. KtAUY V Money may be1 scarce with you, but remember that our prices will be in proportion to your purse; and, ifyou have tliemoney to spend and want our goods, do notj fail to see us soon. ,' We adhcrL strjetly to ihe Ready Pay System, and "Popular Cash Prices^"'-aiid the popular ver dict on our pricps is that no goods of the same style and quality can be bought anywhere else for the same money.; AiiY^iantityi of :PEESH EGGS Wanted, for whk;h we will pay cash when required. Our terms are 'Cash or produce. 1 ." I-Ai-" OKBEB A? 0>CE. AFiUEBSCN'S CHEAP BOIIKSTSRE ^ tj)a Ea^st .Side . df Wytidham Street j j are the most" particular- in their tt" forts to tnake theixp'archasjs-at the Lowest Cash Pries. MIGHHffl, ! With Cash jntiajtd -' . Ko Losses Are Mntre! iSf Hat's iM Why a'ny=pers wjhb %atilg 4 go - i san<j U, E. MOBKUW. None of our (fustoniersiare obliged to pay the ba4 debts "of somebody'eUe. : ';..;' '-.', It won't post yon anything to examine our stock. No mie is compielled to purchase. A call respect fully solicited, j CH^I^TIE, HENDERSOST & CO. Acton, April 5,,lS7f5. and yon can afford to sell lower than your neighbors, who rhivst tnake/up their losses by greater prLcesio those- who pay. and thua mal?;e those Who always' have ma'pey pay /the bills; of those .Who never have"any. SET OE 8hOul4 a?.- doe's busme'ss on the Cash Piiaciple, -paying money down. Ho possesses advantages m his lirra eiccefled by none. Close Cash Buyers,go to his Bookstore for their l?ood> he^is- satisfied with Small Profits. DAY'S BWKSTlfeE, ftUELPH. BOBT. Milit StfiEETi AC'fOji Wff6' is always' reitdy' to sappiyi' tornVrs wi'h. everything usdally kej in a nrstnclass Harness Shopt Harness made to- of shortest possible notice. _, 1 COLLASS A S2SJJS Nov IS, 1S<3. J